
Okay, so I’ve had a think about
it, asked around a bit and I’ve finally decided I’m going to
offer up a few commission spots along with the prices to go.

fic containing fluff, comfort, some angst or a standard pairing: 10
dollar depending on length though if it goes on for more than 1000
words by request, I would tack on another 5 dollar for every 1000
word over that.

fic or rare pair fic: 15
dollar with about 1000 words fic, with 5 dollar add on for every 1000 word after

kink or fetishes or explicit torture/gore commissions: 20
dollar right off the bat, I’m sorry but I have to go a bit up in
price for these as they’re
going to be really difficult and is going to take me time and brain
space to do. But these are guaranteed to be at least 1000+ words. And the 5 dollar ad on for 1000 words count here too.

This is all priced in american dollars btw.

after this is debatable and if there’s something in particular
someone wants that I haven’t listed, please come talk with me and
we can figure it out I bet.

opening 5 slots of stories for now to make sure I don’t overtax
myself, so if you’re interested, please take contact.

got ko-fi, paypal and a gofundme these things can go through.

from Moddy.

Things Moddy will not do, will not write! (READ THIS)

Genderbent (like honestly I don’t see how that changes the
story, just ask for one of the ladies then)

Please stop with the genderbent thing since this is the
reoccurring prompt, there is SO many strong characters one could ask
for instead and I have no desire to write genderbend.  (Ps, that
doesn’t mean I don’t like them or get why others like them. I
just don’t see why you have to change Anakin’s gender when you
just as well could put Ahsoka in his place or even into Obi-Wan’s.
Anakin as a female or male is still going to have the same
personality and choice I wager, only very selective things will be different like Anakin being the pregnant one)



Underage action (crushes are fine)

Bodily fluid kinks (you know what it is)

Cutting (Just…no.)

Incest (wait, do the clones count? I mean they are CLONES…I’d
totally bonk my own clone…)

No Self harm. (This is for my own safety sake)

No paring with Palpatine (just ugh no)

No RexSoka (I know the clones are 10 but physically they are a lot
older and Ahsoka is 14 in clone wars. If you want me to write some
paring with her, we have to go up to Star wars Rebel’s age or

Actually Ahsoka in a paring with an adult in clone wars period.
Crushes are fine, but I’m not writing her in a paring when she’s
so young.

NO bestiality prompt. Servalo Obi-Wan does not consider any humans
in a sexual manner, like…no. Just no. I can’t believe I have to
write this considering Furry is already on the list.

No S&M, I’m sorry, it’s come on the table as a prompt but
masochism and sado can function as triggers for my self harm
unfortunately and the parts outside it is really not in my interest
at all and I can’t manage to write it. I’m real sorry!



Things Moddy will
not do, will not write!

Genderbent (like
honestly I don’t see how that changes the story)



Underage action
(crushes are fine)

Period jokes
(…really? In 2017? Oh no women bleed out of their vagoos and get
angry once a month. HEAR MY SARCASME)

Bodily fluid kinks (you know what it

Cutting (Just…no.)

Incest (wait, do the clones count? I
mean they are CLONES…I’d totally bonk my own clone…)

This list may be expanded if I
encounter more things that makes me stop dead in my tracks.

Love Moddy!

For the newer readers and prompters, I now reblog this once again.

And for the genderbent thing since this is the reoccuring thing, there is SO many strong characters one could ask for *huggles Ahsoka plushie* (Ps, that doesn’t mean I don’t like them or get why others like them. I just don’t see why you have to change Anakin’s gender when you just as well could put Ahsoka in his place or even into Obi-Wan’s. Anakin as a female or male is still going to have the same personality and choice I wager)

No Self harm.

No paring with Palpatine (just ugh no)

No RexSoka (I know the clones are 10 but physically they are a lot older and Ahsoka is 14 in clone wars. If you want me to write some paring with her, we have to go up to Star wars Rebel’s age or something)

Actually Ahsoka in a paring with an adult in clone wars period. Crushes are fine, but I’m not writing her in a paring when she’s so young.

Edit:  I apparently need to say that but NO beastality prompt. Servalo Obi-Wan does not consider any humans in a sexual manner, like…no. Just no. I can’t believe I have to write this considering Furry is already on the list.

No S&M, I’m sorry, it’s come on the table as a prompt but

and sado can function as triggers for my self harm unfortunately. I’m real sorry!

New readers, please read this, I’m getting some promps that I don’t do

You know what’s not funny?

Food agression in dogs, in particular the food agression over a humans plate of food.

Like I’ve seen these videos, people laughing as each time a person reaches for their own plate of snacks of dinner or something on the table, their dog starts growling and they’re just laughing.

Like no, that’s not funny, that’s dangerous. That’s something needs to be dealt with because humans are stupid and dogs with food agression bite, there is nothing funny about a dog that’s snarling or snapping its jaws at ya cause believe me, dog bites can wreck a person up.

you seem like a pretty nice and cool person, but you also give off vibes of someone who takes no shit from anybody

Okay so oh my gosh you have no idea.

I don’t take shit from people, not anymore but that’s taken time cause I have been a literal doormat for years since I was bullied as a teen and then later on with all my health problems and the chronic pain and the depression and all that shittiness basically.

And then I turned… I think twenty seven or something and I woke up one day and went ‘…fuck it, why the hell am I doing this’ and went and cut my hair down to a few inches and dyed it pink and blue and later on purple. I wore outragous makeup and I just basically threw everyones opinion out the window.

As long as I was comfortable and didn’t hurt anyone first, what the hell did it matter what anyone else thought and that included not witholding my own punches if something upset me. I’ve been told I have a pretty sharp, sarcastic tongue when I’m angry, something that amuses my niece a whole lot, and I am willing to throw the salt when I’m angry basically.

I’m generally nice though, cause I’m not quick to anger but there are things I’m willing to fight over and one of them is being unfairly treated or someone around me being treated badly.

Basically what I’m trying to say… don’t let anyone tell you what to do or how to live, as long as you’re not hurting anyone, you’re good.

Wear that lipstick, buy that dress, take those lessons, just make yourself happy!

There’s nothing wrong with being happy my buds.

Moddy can wiggle her ear by muscle strength ehehe. I can also move my scalp the same way and my family calls it ‘wiggle the wig’ 83


Instead of Anakin going dark and
killing all the Jedi he just goes and starts his OWN sith temple and
drags Obiwan along. (I can’t remember if you did this or not but I
love the idea

WHAT IF A artifact flipped
people’s ages so like Anakin, Obiwan and Ahsoka we’re
investigating and they triggered this. So Anakin became Obiwan’s
age, Obiwan becomes Ahsoka’s age and Ahsoka becomes Anakin’s age!

What if when Obi was abandoned by
Qui-Gon after he refused to leave on some mission. he stole a little
ship and managed to crash it on tattooine. You can choose wether he
gets enslaved and stays with Shmi an Ani or if he decides to free all
slaves cause the Jedi can’t tell him he can’t now.

(Part 1 of 2) Odd request based
on some maths I did. At 36-ish, Obi-Wan is the youngest council
member ever. Depa Bilaba is a council member in TPM. Say she’s 40.
Obi-Wan was knighted at the age of 25, which is indicated as being
normal. It’s implied it’s normal to have several years as a solo
knight before taking on a padawan. So, most knight would be in their
late 20s, taking on a padawan in their early teens. Say 15 years in
age between master and first padawan. So Mace is at least 65 in TPM.

(Part 2 of 2) So Mace is probably
an agemate of Qui-Gon, and Depa of Xanatos. Depa almost certainly had
a Padawan before Caleb, who was knighted before TPM, and might have
had another one before CW. Mace could have had a total of four
Padawans. Could you do something about this lineage having more than
just the three we see on screen? Even if it’s just Depa telling Caleb
about her first Padawan and linege-brothers who died on Geonosis or

(Part 3 of 2) Just realised I got
my maths wrong. Mace was at least 65 in AotC, at least 55 in TPM.
Probably a bit more. Therefore, approaching if not above 70 when he

Ohh I just saw this really cool
pic of dark teenage Ani and Qui as his master! Would you mind writing
Qui and Ani turning dark after Obi dies fighting Maul and they use a
sith ritual to bring Obi back to life?

Obi-Wan/ happy au or time travel? An adult Obi-Wan fidgets by
swirling handfuls of individual sand grains like he learned to do on
Tatooine. Eventually through *Force handwave* he figures out how to
make sand into glass and glass back into sand, and he carries around
a bunch of glass charms on a bracelet or inset into a bracer. He can
break them down into sand to fidget with and then put them back
together. There are grooves scoured into his bracer from the sand
swirling above it. Happy AU?

dies before he reaches Bandomeer. In comes Anakin and he can see
Obi’s ghost who helps him settle into the Temple and watches his

people, these prompts are up for grabs!

Remember I can’t possibly take on all and prompts for series that
are not taken do not show up on the prompt run as this is for new
ideas I do not write. Unused prompts for series either gets written
into the prompt updated, stored or deleted if they do not fit.

This again

I can’t believe I have to do this again but people, anon is a privilege, NOT a right.

If you can’t behave, I’m turning that off if for my own sanity sake to avoid this bullshit.