Manyhusbands : now that he knows, Anakin is more observant and he sees how good , supporting the clones can be with Obi-Wan. It makes him realize he doesn’t support so much Padme s work, and he starts talking more about it with her. Suddenly he’s a lot more difficult to manipulate for Palpatine.

that they aren’t hiding it anymore or at least they aren’t trying
to be totally secretive, its easier for Anakin to see how happy the
other Jedi is with his husbands.

not that they go out of their way to do things for Obi-Wan, though
Anakin have come over whispered conversations about getting Obi-Wan
to take a break for a good sleep twice now, but it is more how they
act around him on a day to day.

brushes of contact between them, small smiles exchanged, fond eyes…

the troopers weren’t the only ones. Obi-Wan would reach out for
them in return, his fingertips lingering when accepting reports, the
corners of his lips quirking up into a soft smile, his shoulder
pressed against the one at his side as he easily accepted the touch.

he didn’t used to when I was young…’ Anakin crossed his arms
over his chest loosely, observing everything quietly while pretending
he wasn’t. Obi-Wan would always be his master and Obi-Wan was very
good at caring… but he was also very bad at physical affection.

Anakin had become his padawan he had quickly noticed how stiff
Obi-Wan was, how he seemed to struggle with touch and a few weeks of
observing other master and padawan pairs had confirmed to him that it
was Obi-Wan, not all teacher and students.

Obi-Wan who seemed to pull himself apart.

would have hurt Anakin, who was a very affectionate child, if he
hadn’t also caught onto how it wasn’t just him.

was charming in the field, he was flirtatious though as his padawan
those first two years Anakin didn’t always catch it but he also
kept himself apart, kept himself away from people and seemed to try
to keep at least a step between himself and those closest to him if
he could.

included Jedi.

couldn’t count the amount of time Obi-Wan would discreetly shuffle
a bit away in salle’s or meditation halls if he felt like someone
was getting to close in his personal bubble and war had done nothing
to improve that, no Anakin would say that Obi-Wan’s touch aversion
had become worse when he would even tense under Anakin’s light
touches if they spent too much time apart and had to readjust himself
to touch.

here… with them…

they were doing exactly what Obi-Wan needed, were doing exactly what
he needed to keep him well adjusted and wasn’t that just a sucker

to be fair, they’re with him all the time, they spend intimate time
with him… how long is it since we shared a bed now?’ Anakin mused
to himself. Force it had to be at least half a year before the war,
that disaster mission to Apripos where they had to share a bunk on
that livestock shipment where it had taken Obi-Wan over two hours to
finally relax enough to settle against his padawan and really sleep.

Anakin may not understand polymore relationships and
it was certainly not for him as he was more than happy with his
Padme… but he could see the goodness it brought Obi-Wan, could see
the love in his eyes when he watched his husbands and it reflected in
the others behavior with how easily he accepted a hug or a hand on
his shoulder.

were helping Obi-Wan, loving him as he deserved and Obi-Wan loved
them in return just as fiercely.

a wry smile on his lips as Obi-Wan gently brushed his fingertips
against Boil’s gloved hand when the other delivered a report,
Anakin decided that this was one of the best things to have happened
his former master.

happy for you Obi-Wan. I am so happy for you. Finally
you goober.’ He got to his feet and wandered over to the display to
read the report over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, his hand finding the
others relaxed shoulder.

remained relaxed under his touch.

need to buy his husbands cigars or something, celebrate them
somehow.’ Anakin smile grew as he also thought of his own wife, wishing he could speak with her. He was a tiny bit envious at this moment if he was honest.

Manyhusbands : now that he knows, Anakin is more observant and he sees how good , supporting the clones can be with Obi-Wan. It makes him realize he doesn’t support so much Padme s work, and he starts talking more about it with her. Suddenly he’s a lot more difficult to manipulate for Palpatine.

that they aren’t hiding it anymore or at least they aren’t trying
to be totally secretive, its easier for Anakin to see how happy the
other Jedi is with his husbands.

not that they go out of their way to do things for Obi-Wan, though
Anakin have come over whispered conversations about getting Obi-Wan
to take a break for a good sleep twice now, but it is more how they
act around him on a day to day.

brushes of contact between them, small smiles exchanged, fond eyes…

the troopers weren’t the only ones. Obi-Wan would reach out for
them in return, his fingertips lingering when accepting reports, the
corners of his lips quirking up into a soft smile, his shoulder
pressed against the one at his side as he easily accepted the touch.

he didn’t used to when I was young…’ Anakin crossed his arms
over his chest loosely, observing everything quietly while pretending
he wasn’t. Obi-Wan would always be his master and Obi-Wan was very
good at caring… but he was also very bad at physical affection.

Anakin had become his padawan he had quickly noticed how stiff
Obi-Wan was, how he seemed to struggle with touch and a few weeks of
observing other master and padawan pairs had confirmed to him that it
was Obi-Wan, not all teacher and students.

Obi-Wan who seemed to pull himself apart.

would have hurt Anakin, who was a very affectionate child, if he
hadn’t also caught onto how it wasn’t just him.

was charming in the field, he was flirtatious though as his padawan
those first two years Anakin didn’t always catch it but he also
kept himself apart, kept himself away from people and seemed to try
to keep at least a step between himself and those closest to him if
he could.

included Jedi.

couldn’t count the amount of time Obi-Wan would discreetly shuffle
a bit away in salle’s or meditation halls if he felt like someone
was getting to close in his personal bubble and war had done nothing
to improve that, no Anakin would say that Obi-Wan’s touch aversion
had become worse when he would even tense under Anakin’s light
touches if they spent too much time apart and had to readjust himself
to touch.

here… with them…

they were doing exactly what Obi-Wan needed, were doing exactly what
he needed to keep him well adjusted and wasn’t that just a sucker

to be fair, they’re with him all the time, they spend intimate time
with him… how long is it since we shared a bed now?’ Anakin mused
to himself. Force it had to be at least half a year before the war,
that disaster mission to Apripos where they had to share a bunk on
that livestock shipment where it had taken Obi-Wan over two hours to
finally relax enough to settle against his padawan and really sleep.

Anakin may not understand polymore relationships and
it was certainly not for him as he was more than happy with his
Padme… but he could see the goodness it brought Obi-Wan, could see
the love in his eyes when he watched his husbands and it reflected in
the others behavior with how easily he accepted a hug or a hand on
his shoulder.

were helping Obi-Wan, loving him as he deserved and Obi-Wan loved
them in return just as fiercely.

a wry smile on his lips as Obi-Wan gently brushed his fingertips
against Boil’s gloved hand when the other delivered a report,
Anakin decided that this was one of the best things to have happened
his former master.

happy for you Obi-Wan. I am so happy for you. Finally
you goober.’ He got to his feet and wandered over to the display to
read the report over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, his hand finding the
others relaxed shoulder.

remained relaxed under his touch.

need to buy his husbands cigars or something, celebrate them
somehow.’ Anakin smile grew as he also thought of his own wife, wishing he could speak with her. He was a tiny bit envious at this moment if he was honest.

What happens next in Manyhusbands ? Does Anakin talk about what he saw with Obi-Wan or with Palpatine?

Staring at each other with wide
eyes, Anakin held his left cheek as Obi-Wan tried to get his racing
heart at ease.

in Obi-Wan’s hand was the pillow the redhead had been using moments

hit me with your pillow.” Anakin said, utterly stunned from
sheer surprise.

were looming!” Obi-Wan squawked in return, sitting up even as his
cheeks colored a bit but excuse him, the last thing he expected in
the morning was to have a looming glaring person over him even if
that person was Anakin Skywalker!

you hit me with your pillow!” Anakin noted again, sounding

and scaring me awake! I think my heart about jumped out of my chest
you brat,” Obi-Wan huffed, sitting up and rubbing his chest
awkwardly as his heartbeat finally settled. He could feel Cody
outside the tent, his husband clearly listening to the two Jedi and
the amusement of practically the entire camp suffuse the Force. “Why
in all Force name were you looming in the morning over me Anakin?
Were you trying to give me a minor heart attack?” He huffed out.

seemingly snapped Anakin out of his minor funk and into a new one,
once more glaring as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Obi-Wan stared up at his former padawan, wondering what had crawled
into his tunic and died.

have a tattoo.” Anakin said simply, his tone sharp.

this conversation was coming.’ Obi-Wan mused inwardly even as he
nodded. “Yes, I do. It was a gift to my husbands.” He said openly
with his hands resting in his lap.

blinked, his arms dropping from his angry defensive position at the
easy admittance.

his lips, Obi-Wan smiled wryly. “What, you thought I was about to
lie about that? Anakin, I haven’t even applied for a divorce yet,
the entire council knows I haven’t. They’re aware that once the
war ends I’m not going to be remaining in the order,” He rubbed
his disheveled beard a bit. “I do have to admit, I was trying to
find a way to explain it to you but I guess you seeing the tattoo was
just as well.” Obi-Wan mused thoughtfully while inwardly hiding
away his anxiety.

always worried about how Anakin would take changes such as this.

you’re going to quit?”
Anakin rasped.

out for his tunic, Obi-Wan dragged it over. “Well yes, I’m only
really staying for the war effort right now and you,” He glanced up
at Anakin. “But I figured you’d still talk to me even if I left
the Jedi so mainly it is to try and get peace to bring my husbands
with me.” He shrugged before pulling on the inner tunic.

course I’m still going to talk with you!” Anakin barked out
before collapsing down on the bed, staring at Obi-Wan. “I just…
you’re just going to admit it like that? That you’re married? And
wait the council knows?”
He gaped at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan ran his fingers through his hair. “They know yes. And of
course I will admit it to you Anakin, I’ve been wanting to tell you
for a while but I just… wasn’t sure how. I know you don’t
really have much understanding for polyamory
relationships.” He pointed out gently.

his lips, Anakin ran his own fingers through his hair. “I might not
understand it but I know when someone is happy. If you’re happy
with all of them that’s all I need to know even if I personally
don’t get the appeal of it.” He said strongly, conviction in his

slumping with relief, Obi-Wan grinned at him brightly. “Thank the
Force… I was worried… well regardless. We’ve already talked it
over and while in the field, I am a Jedi first just as they are
soldiers first… and then we are husbands.” He smiled a tad

stared at him before slowly smiling too. “You look happy.” He
noted quietly.

am happy with them, they make me happy.” Obi-Wan nodded.

I’m married to Padme,” Anakin finally whispered, squeezing
Obi-Wan’s hand when the master Jedi sought it out. “I have been
since the war broke out.”

still smiling that soft smile as he held onto Anakin’s hand,
Obi-Wan tugged the other closer. “Alright, we’ll go through this
together then Anakin.” He murmured softly as a new dawn rose for
them all.

What happens next in Manyhusbands ? Does Anakin talk about what he saw with Obi-Wan or with Palpatine?

Staring at each other with wide
eyes, Anakin held his left cheek as Obi-Wan tried to get his racing
heart at ease.

in Obi-Wan’s hand was the pillow the redhead had been using moments

hit me with your pillow.” Anakin said, utterly stunned from
sheer surprise.

were looming!” Obi-Wan squawked in return, sitting up even as his
cheeks colored a bit but excuse him, the last thing he expected in
the morning was to have a looming glaring person over him even if
that person was Anakin Skywalker!

you hit me with your pillow!” Anakin noted again, sounding

and scaring me awake! I think my heart about jumped out of my chest
you brat,” Obi-Wan huffed, sitting up and rubbing his chest
awkwardly as his heartbeat finally settled. He could feel Cody
outside the tent, his husband clearly listening to the two Jedi and
the amusement of practically the entire camp suffuse the Force. “Why
in all Force name were you looming in the morning over me Anakin?
Were you trying to give me a minor heart attack?” He huffed out.

seemingly snapped Anakin out of his minor funk and into a new one,
once more glaring as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Obi-Wan stared up at his former padawan, wondering what had crawled
into his tunic and died.

have a tattoo.” Anakin said simply, his tone sharp.

this conversation was coming.’ Obi-Wan mused inwardly even as he
nodded. “Yes, I do. It was a gift to my husbands.” He said openly
with his hands resting in his lap.

blinked, his arms dropping from his angry defensive position at the
easy admittance.

his lips, Obi-Wan smiled wryly. “What, you thought I was about to
lie about that? Anakin, I haven’t even applied for a divorce yet,
the entire council knows I haven’t. They’re aware that once the
war ends I’m not going to be remaining in the order,” He rubbed
his disheveled beard a bit. “I do have to admit, I was trying to
find a way to explain it to you but I guess you seeing the tattoo was
just as well.” Obi-Wan mused thoughtfully while inwardly hiding
away his anxiety.

always worried about how Anakin would take changes such as this.

you’re going to quit?”
Anakin rasped.

out for his tunic, Obi-Wan dragged it over. “Well yes, I’m only
really staying for the war effort right now and you,” He glanced up
at Anakin. “But I figured you’d still talk to me even if I left
the Jedi so mainly it is to try and get peace to bring my husbands
with me.” He shrugged before pulling on the inner tunic.

course I’m still going to talk with you!” Anakin barked out
before collapsing down on the bed, staring at Obi-Wan. “I just…
you’re just going to admit it like that? That you’re married? And
wait the council knows?”
He gaped at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan ran his fingers through his hair. “They know yes. And of
course I will admit it to you Anakin, I’ve been wanting to tell you
for a while but I just… wasn’t sure how. I know you don’t
really have much understanding for polyamory
relationships.” He pointed out gently.

his lips, Anakin ran his own fingers through his hair. “I might not
understand it but I know when someone is happy. If you’re happy
with all of them that’s all I need to know even if I personally
don’t get the appeal of it.” He said strongly, conviction in his

slumping with relief, Obi-Wan grinned at him brightly. “Thank the
Force… I was worried… well regardless. We’ve already talked it
over and while in the field, I am a Jedi first just as they are
soldiers first… and then we are husbands.” He smiled a tad

stared at him before slowly smiling too. “You look happy.” He
noted quietly.

am happy with them, they make me happy.” Obi-Wan nodded.

I’m married to Padme,” Anakin finally whispered, squeezing
Obi-Wan’s hand when the master Jedi sought it out. “I have been
since the war broke out.”

still smiling that soft smile as he held onto Anakin’s hand,
Obi-Wan tugged the other closer. “Alright, we’ll go through this
together then Anakin.” He murmured softly as a new dawn rose for
them all.

Manyhusbands. How does Anakin react? Like, the full gauntlet from shock to confusion to feeling betrayed to jealousy to acceptance. Then he wanders off to collaborate with Padme as to how they «accidentally» got married. Bonus of Anakin was one of Obi-Wan’s short-term husbands a year pre AotC.

had been so late last night that Anakin had just thrown himself onto
the thin creaky field bed in his shared tent with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka
having a smaller one as a female in her teenage years.

for modesty, Jedi didn’t really have much modesty going for them as
they teamed up on tight transports and quarters and who knew what
sort of environment
they’d have to endure so padawans and master’s quickly got over
any sort of nudity
embarrassment around each other.

it had more to do with the fact that Ahsoka deserved privacy as a
young teenage girl so Anakin did not begrudge her a tent to herself
and neither did Obi-Wan, the two comfortable in sharing with each

since he had thrown himself to bed he
had not been all that awake when Obi-Wan had joined him, the man
sighing loudly before pulling Anakin’s boots off, unbuckling his
belt and taking it aside and then tucking the blanket around him
before he moved to dim the lights and then get himself ready for bed.

had made Anakin smile sleepily at the time, telling himself he would
make a cup of tea for Obi-Wan tomorrow since Anakin usually woke
first of the two.

he was right.

did wake first and the first thing he saw was vivid orange and bright

he rubbed at his eyes, getting the eye boogers gathered through the
night out before blinking at the other bed in confusion.

and orange, bright and alive with the head of a bird a bit below the
nape and its wings stretching out over the shoulder blades before the
blanket covered up the rest though Anakin could could imagine the
feathers underneath and the body of the bird.

had Obi-Wan gotten a tattoo of all things?

Anakin pushed himself up from the bed and walked over, carefully
pulling the blanket corner up to see the rest of the tattoo.

another surprise, because in each feather the name of the ghost
company, of Obi-Wan’s men is clearly written in black.

Longshot, Gus, Boil, Waxer, Helix and so on and so forth among the
beautiful colors of orange and red of a bird in flight, a songbird

had decorated his body with their name in a clearly symbolic tattoo.

down slowly, Anakin frowned a bit in befuddlement before he blinked
sharply as he was reminded of hearing that Obi-Wan had yet again been
married due to a native practice. It had happened a few times, Anakin
and Obi-Wan had actually been married four times since Anakin became
an adult in the eyes of the law.

time Obi-Wan had laughed with amusement as he pulled Anakin off to
the office of divorce for Jedi since there were special procedure to
ease it since it happened so often.

had kept all four annulment contracts, both for the amusement and the
affection of them as he remembered kissing Obi-Wan gently all four
times, the others beard tickling his face at
the very chaste but gentle kisses.

had all been fun occasions.

parties with the knowledge
that they weren’t serious as Obi-Wan and Anakin would get it
annulled when they came home to Coruscant.

had a ton of annulments.


seems that this time Obi-Wan is not going to annul the marriage, he
has married his troopers and he is keeping them.

turns to a stinging sensation of hurt and anger.

hasn’t Obi-Wan told Anakin?

has clearly been going on for quite a while for Obi-Wan to not only
keep the marriage but also allow the tattoo which now Anakin
understands that the troopers must have done.

has married his troopers… the consummate Jedi that Obi-Wan is, the
‘perfect’ Jedi that he has always been called is… married.

why can’t I be married?’

Manyhusbands. How does Anakin react? Like, the full gauntlet from shock to confusion to feeling betrayed to jealousy to acceptance. Then he wanders off to collaborate with Padme as to how they «accidentally» got married. Bonus of Anakin was one of Obi-Wan’s short-term husbands a year pre AotC.

had been so late last night that Anakin had just thrown himself onto
the thin creaky field bed in his shared tent with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka
having a smaller one as a female in her teenage years.

for modesty, Jedi didn’t really have much modesty going for them as
they teamed up on tight transports and quarters and who knew what
sort of environment
they’d have to endure so padawans and master’s quickly got over
any sort of nudity
embarrassment around each other.

it had more to do with the fact that Ahsoka deserved privacy as a
young teenage girl so Anakin did not begrudge her a tent to herself
and neither did Obi-Wan, the two comfortable in sharing with each

since he had thrown himself to bed he
had not been all that awake when Obi-Wan had joined him, the man
sighing loudly before pulling Anakin’s boots off, unbuckling his
belt and taking it aside and then tucking the blanket around him
before he moved to dim the lights and then get himself ready for bed.

had made Anakin smile sleepily at the time, telling himself he would
make a cup of tea for Obi-Wan tomorrow since Anakin usually woke
first of the two.

he was right.

did wake first and the first thing he saw was vivid orange and bright

he rubbed at his eyes, getting the eye boogers gathered through the
night out before blinking at the other bed in confusion.

and orange, bright and alive with the head of a bird a bit below the
nape and its wings stretching out over the shoulder blades before the
blanket covered up the rest though Anakin could could imagine the
feathers underneath and the body of the bird.

had Obi-Wan gotten a tattoo of all things?

Anakin pushed himself up from the bed and walked over, carefully
pulling the blanket corner up to see the rest of the tattoo.

another surprise, because in each feather the name of the ghost
company, of Obi-Wan’s men is clearly written in black.

Longshot, Gus, Boil, Waxer, Helix and so on and so forth among the
beautiful colors of orange and red of a bird in flight, a songbird

had decorated his body with their name in a clearly symbolic tattoo.

down slowly, Anakin frowned a bit in befuddlement before he blinked
sharply as he was reminded of hearing that Obi-Wan had yet again been
married due to a native practice. It had happened a few times, Anakin
and Obi-Wan had actually been married four times since Anakin became
an adult in the eyes of the law.

time Obi-Wan had laughed with amusement as he pulled Anakin off to
the office of divorce for Jedi since there were special procedure to
ease it since it happened so often.

had kept all four annulment contracts, both for the amusement and the
affection of them as he remembered kissing Obi-Wan gently all four
times, the others beard tickling his face at
the very chaste but gentle kisses.

had all been fun occasions.

parties with the knowledge
that they weren’t serious as Obi-Wan and Anakin would get it
annulled when they came home to Coruscant.

had a ton of annulments.


seems that this time Obi-Wan is not going to annul the marriage, he
has married his troopers and he is keeping them.

turns to a stinging sensation of hurt and anger.

hasn’t Obi-Wan told Anakin?

has clearly been going on for quite a while for Obi-Wan to not only
keep the marriage but also allow the tattoo which now Anakin
understands that the troopers must have done.

has married his troopers… the consummate Jedi that Obi-Wan is, the
‘perfect’ Jedi that he has always been called is… married.

why can’t I be married?’

Manyhusbands tatoo idea is pretty cool. Could we see more, like which design the troopers make for Obi-Wan please ? Does he ask one of them to tatoo him ? And also can the troopers resist him after he’s tatooed in their colours or do they jump him at the first occasion ?

Meditating through
the slight pain, Obi-Wan laid as still as a statue as he felt warm
hands rub lightly at his calf’s in a soothing motion while the
needle continue to prick at his skin.

He didn’t really
need the comforting touch but it felt wonderful and there was no way
he’d turn down the comfort from any of his husbands as the tattoo
took form on his back though he still did not know what they had
chosen for him.

Obi-Wan hadn’t
even seen it, just smiled at Waxer and Longshot who had been the ones
to design it with some inputs from the rest of the vode from the
212th and said that he’d love whatever they gave him
though he had curiously asked about the size.

Apparently quite
large since it covered his back with it starting a little bit below
his nape so the tunic would hide it, stretched out along his
shoulders and stopped a bit over the small of his back. This of
course meant that it was taking days to complete with Longshot, Crys
and Waxer trading between who tattooed him each day they had time and
with a gentle bacta cream applied they healed quickly.

The shape reminded
Obi-Wan of a bird but the question was which bird.


It would be a
warrior thing to do to pick a predatory, fighting bird but maybe not?

After all, not all
of the vode life were about fighting even though they were
disciplined in all they did except when they were drunk.

That thought had a
fond smile spread on Obi-Wan’s lips, remembering days of assured
safety where they had celebrated together with moonshine the troopers
had made and shared with him.

And the many kisses
they had while drunk, none of them shy with their affection as long
as their privacy was assured and the touches accepted by all.

There was a little
tap to his hip, a signal to resurface and Obi-Wan let out a low noise
as he did, hearing the tattoo gun be set aside before a cold moist
cloth was applied to his back to wipe away any blood and excess ink
and a careful hand spread the bacta cream over his back. “Is it
done?” He questioned drowsily, licking his dry lips.

There was a large
amount of pleasure and smug satisfaction in the Force and a hand
patted his hip again. “Yup, utterly, fully done cyare. Cody got you
a glass of water here if you can sit up.” Waxer said with delight.

That gained them a
warm little laugh before Obi-Wan placed his elbow to the bunk to roll
onto his side before he slid his legs over the end of the bed and sit
up slowly to let his stiff muscles loosen up as Waxer and Cody
watched him closely.

Though Obi-Wan
suspected that Helix was watching equally closely from his office
since they had done the tattoo work in the medbay for the sterile
environment and the quiet privacy it gave since there was no rush of
vode walking in and out of the medbay unless they actually required
aid and this meant that peaceful work could be conducted.

Accepting the glass
from Cody and a kiss to his cheek, Obi-Wan felt like he was glowing
in happiness as he drank slowly as Waxer practically buzzed with
excitement which provoked a snigger before Obi-Wan set the glass
down. “Alright Waxer, show me.” He encouraged, watching fondly as
Cody rolled his eyes at the cheer Waxer let out.

Using a holocamera
to show Obi-Wan an image of his back on a pad, Waxer bit his lips as
he waited for Obi-Wan’s reaction.

It was a bird just
as Obi-Wan had suspected from the shape he had felt be tattooed to
his skin, a plump, bright bird in orange and red with its wings
spread out over Obi-Wan’s shoulders, its feathers defined and
delicate looking with its tail feathers coming to rest over the small
of Obi-Wan’s back and inside the birds defined feathers each of his
husbands names were written in the 212th orange hue.

One feather for
each man, one spot just for them just as they all had a spot in
Obi-Wan’s heart.

Staring at the pad
for long moments utterly speechless, Obi-Wan finally lifted his head
to meet Waxer’s nervous eyes.

Rarely speechless
Obi-Wan let out a teary laugh of joy and reached out, pulling Waxer
into a tight hug while pressing his face into the mans neck as the
pad clattered to the ground. Waxer flailed a bit before wrapping his
arms tightly around Obi-Wan.

“A rdava bird,”
Cody said quietly while stroking the Jedi’s hair slowly. “A
songbird just for you riduur, bright and beautiful.” And Obi-Wan
could imagine the smile on the mans lips as Helix joined the hug from
behind, his arms as tight as Waxer around Obi-Wan.

These men who
picked Obi-Wan, kept him and wanted him enough to leave their marks
on him.

How could Obi-Wan do anything but adore them in return with his soft and fragile heart in its cage of bones.

Manyhusbands tatoo idea is pretty cool. Could we see more, like which design the troopers make for Obi-Wan please ? Does he ask one of them to tatoo him ? And also can the troopers resist him after he’s tatooed in their colours or do they jump him at the first occasion ?

Meditating through
the slight pain, Obi-Wan laid as still as a statue as he felt warm
hands rub lightly at his calf’s in a soothing motion while the
needle continue to prick at his skin.

He didn’t really
need the comforting touch but it felt wonderful and there was no way
he’d turn down the comfort from any of his husbands as the tattoo
took form on his back though he still did not know what they had
chosen for him.

Obi-Wan hadn’t
even seen it, just smiled at Waxer and Longshot who had been the ones
to design it with some inputs from the rest of the vode from the
212th and said that he’d love whatever they gave him
though he had curiously asked about the size.

Apparently quite
large since it covered his back with it starting a little bit below
his nape so the tunic would hide it, stretched out along his
shoulders and stopped a bit over the small of his back. This of
course meant that it was taking days to complete with Longshot, Crys
and Waxer trading between who tattooed him each day they had time and
with a gentle bacta cream applied they healed quickly.

The shape reminded
Obi-Wan of a bird but the question was which bird.


It would be a
warrior thing to do to pick a predatory, fighting bird but maybe not?

After all, not all
of the vode life were about fighting even though they were
disciplined in all they did except when they were drunk.

That thought had a
fond smile spread on Obi-Wan’s lips, remembering days of assured
safety where they had celebrated together with moonshine the troopers
had made and shared with him.

And the many kisses
they had while drunk, none of them shy with their affection as long
as their privacy was assured and the touches accepted by all.

There was a little
tap to his hip, a signal to resurface and Obi-Wan let out a low noise
as he did, hearing the tattoo gun be set aside before a cold moist
cloth was applied to his back to wipe away any blood and excess ink
and a careful hand spread the bacta cream over his back. “Is it
done?” He questioned drowsily, licking his dry lips.

There was a large
amount of pleasure and smug satisfaction in the Force and a hand
patted his hip again. “Yup, utterly, fully done cyare. Cody got you
a glass of water here if you can sit up.” Waxer said with delight.

That gained them a
warm little laugh before Obi-Wan placed his elbow to the bunk to roll
onto his side before he slid his legs over the end of the bed and sit
up slowly to let his stiff muscles loosen up as Waxer and Cody
watched him closely.

Though Obi-Wan
suspected that Helix was watching equally closely from his office
since they had done the tattoo work in the medbay for the sterile
environment and the quiet privacy it gave since there was no rush of
vode walking in and out of the medbay unless they actually required
aid and this meant that peaceful work could be conducted.

Accepting the glass
from Cody and a kiss to his cheek, Obi-Wan felt like he was glowing
in happiness as he drank slowly as Waxer practically buzzed with
excitement which provoked a snigger before Obi-Wan set the glass
down. “Alright Waxer, show me.” He encouraged, watching fondly as
Cody rolled his eyes at the cheer Waxer let out.

Using a holocamera
to show Obi-Wan an image of his back on a pad, Waxer bit his lips as
he waited for Obi-Wan’s reaction.

It was a bird just
as Obi-Wan had suspected from the shape he had felt be tattooed to
his skin, a plump, bright bird in orange and red with its wings
spread out over Obi-Wan’s shoulders, its feathers defined and
delicate looking with its tail feathers coming to rest over the small
of Obi-Wan’s back and inside the birds defined feathers each of his
husbands names were written in the 212th orange hue.

One feather for
each man, one spot just for them just as they all had a spot in
Obi-Wan’s heart.

Staring at the pad
for long moments utterly speechless, Obi-Wan finally lifted his head
to meet Waxer’s nervous eyes.

Rarely speechless
Obi-Wan let out a teary laugh of joy and reached out, pulling Waxer
into a tight hug while pressing his face into the mans neck as the
pad clattered to the ground. Waxer flailed a bit before wrapping his
arms tightly around Obi-Wan.

“A rdava bird,”
Cody said quietly while stroking the Jedi’s hair slowly. “A
songbird just for you riduur, bright and beautiful.” And Obi-Wan
could imagine the smile on the mans lips as Helix joined the hug from
behind, his arms as tight as Waxer around Obi-Wan.

These men who
picked Obi-Wan, kept him and wanted him enough to leave their marks
on him.

How could Obi-Wan do anything but adore them in return with his soft and fragile heart in its cage of bones.

Can we see a come back of many husbands please ? Quinlan finally learns the truth and his wedding gift is pretty much inappropriate. That doesn’t mean Obi-Wan won’t offer the possibilities to his husbands to use it on him, once he’s finished to growl as his old friend!

“Is that a tattoo

Obi-Wan almost
jumped out of his own skin in surprise, letting out a loud squeak as
he looked up which had Cody slapping Longshot shoulder lightly as the
commander came to look. “You scared him,” He chuckled quietly as
he too looked at the kit in Obi-Wan’s lap. “But that is a tattoo
kit isn’t it?” The commander asked with curiosity as Longshot and
him continued peeking.

Coloring a bit,
Obi-Wan nodded. “Its from Quinlan Vos, he heard about our marriage
and figured he’d send me this. I don’t think he knows how serious
our relationship is but he knows how important tattoos are to
troopers.” He rolled his eyes even as he tried to discreetly hide
what was beneath the tattoo tool.

“Is that why he
also sent you a cockring?” Longshot asked in interest.

Coloring sharply as
Cody sniggered and sat down by Obi-Wan, the Jedi gave a little
humiliated nod. “Yes, his little idea of ‘endurance’ I
imagine.” He mumbled as he pulled the cockring out from under the
tattoo tool.

There was no need
to hide it when the two already knew of it.

Honestly Obi-Wan
should have known better then to open a gift from Quinlan in the rec
room of the Negotiator with his husbands just wandering around
everywhere as they pleased and stealing kisses when they wanted.

Cody took the ring
from him and looked it over before he snorted and shook his head.
“Cheap plastic and the red color is not exactly flattering. We got
better stuff,” He said dryly before peering at the tool kit. “That
however looks nice…”

Picking up the
tool, Obi-Wan rolled it over in his hands before holding up to
Longshot who instantly took it.

Longshot, Waxer and
Crys at least he knew could tattoo and most of the troopers knew how
to do basic sketches.

“Yeah, this is a
pretty standup model actually,” Longshot said, blinking at them.
“Pretty pricy too so its a really nice gift from General Vos…”
He trailed off, peering at Obi-Wan.

Because Obi-Wan was
flustering deeply, something that was obvious to his husband and
battalion and had both of them now looking at him.

“Obi-Wan?” Cody
questioned encouragingly.

“If… I were to
pick a tattoo in the 212th colors, would that mean I
belonged to you?” He asked a bit shyly, watching how Longshots eyes
seemed to darken at the implication before the trooper gave him a
saucy grin.

“Well, some vode
like the marks we leave on you.” Cody murmured, his arms sliding
around the others waist to stroke at Obi-Wan’s stomach.

“Kark, we’ll
need to…” Longshot hands clenched on the tattoo tool before he
leaned down and stole a kiss from Obi-Wan and then running out the
door, shouting for Waxer and Crys.

Cody and Obi-Wan
watched him go before the redhead turned to his commander husband.

Smirking a bit,
Cody shrugged. “Most likely gone to sketch up a few alternatives
for you… they might come up with something elaborate if you don’t
stop them.” He informed in a matter of fact tone as he continued
rubbing Obi-Wan’s stomach over the tunic layers.

Looking back to the
door, Obi-Wan shrugged and leaned back into the trooper. “I don’t
mind elaborate, this will be as much for all of you as for me.” He
admitted quietly as the two got as comfortable as they could on the
scavenged sofa they had stuffed into the rec room.

Cody nosed into his
neck at that, pulling until Obi-Wan was in his lap so he could bury
his face into the Jedi’s neck. “You’re going to come out with a
giant bird or something with the 212th numbered into.”
He mumbled.

He didn’t sound
too upset about that though, more smug and Obi-Wan chuckled quietly
as he relaxed into his man, smiling as he closed his eyes and settled
into a light meditation while the two cuddled together for as long as
they could.

Force knew that
when the rest of them caught wind of the idea there were going to be
questions so taking the time for quiet while there still was a chance
was a grand idea.

Also Cody was
kriffing warm and that was absolutely lovely to Obi-Wan.

Can we see a come back of many husbands please ? Quinlan finally learns the truth and his wedding gift is pretty much inappropriate. That doesn’t mean Obi-Wan won’t offer the possibilities to his husbands to use it on him, once he’s finished to growl as his old friend!

“Is that a tattoo

Obi-Wan almost
jumped out of his own skin in surprise, letting out a loud squeak as
he looked up which had Cody slapping Longshot shoulder lightly as the
commander came to look. “You scared him,” He chuckled quietly as
he too looked at the kit in Obi-Wan’s lap. “But that is a tattoo
kit isn’t it?” The commander asked with curiosity as Longshot and
him continued peeking.

Coloring a bit,
Obi-Wan nodded. “Its from Quinlan Vos, he heard about our marriage
and figured he’d send me this. I don’t think he knows how serious
our relationship is but he knows how important tattoos are to
troopers.” He rolled his eyes even as he tried to discreetly hide
what was beneath the tattoo tool.

“Is that why he
also sent you a cockring?” Longshot asked in interest.

Coloring sharply as
Cody sniggered and sat down by Obi-Wan, the Jedi gave a little
humiliated nod. “Yes, his little idea of ‘endurance’ I
imagine.” He mumbled as he pulled the cockring out from under the
tattoo tool.

There was no need
to hide it when the two already knew of it.

Honestly Obi-Wan
should have known better then to open a gift from Quinlan in the rec
room of the Negotiator with his husbands just wandering around
everywhere as they pleased and stealing kisses when they wanted.

Cody took the ring
from him and looked it over before he snorted and shook his head.
“Cheap plastic and the red color is not exactly flattering. We got
better stuff,” He said dryly before peering at the tool kit. “That
however looks nice…”

Picking up the
tool, Obi-Wan rolled it over in his hands before holding up to
Longshot who instantly took it.

Longshot, Waxer and
Crys at least he knew could tattoo and most of the troopers knew how
to do basic sketches.

“Yeah, this is a
pretty standup model actually,” Longshot said, blinking at them.
“Pretty pricy too so its a really nice gift from General Vos…”
He trailed off, peering at Obi-Wan.

Because Obi-Wan was
flustering deeply, something that was obvious to his husband and
battalion and had both of them now looking at him.

“Obi-Wan?” Cody
questioned encouragingly.

“If… I were to
pick a tattoo in the 212th colors, would that mean I
belonged to you?” He asked a bit shyly, watching how Longshots eyes
seemed to darken at the implication before the trooper gave him a
saucy grin.

“Well, some vode
like the marks we leave on you.” Cody murmured, his arms sliding
around the others waist to stroke at Obi-Wan’s stomach.

“Kark, we’ll
need to…” Longshot hands clenched on the tattoo tool before he
leaned down and stole a kiss from Obi-Wan and then running out the
door, shouting for Waxer and Crys.

Cody and Obi-Wan
watched him go before the redhead turned to his commander husband.

Smirking a bit,
Cody shrugged. “Most likely gone to sketch up a few alternatives
for you… they might come up with something elaborate if you don’t
stop them.” He informed in a matter of fact tone as he continued
rubbing Obi-Wan’s stomach over the tunic layers.

Looking back to the
door, Obi-Wan shrugged and leaned back into the trooper. “I don’t
mind elaborate, this will be as much for all of you as for me.” He
admitted quietly as the two got as comfortable as they could on the
scavenged sofa they had stuffed into the rec room.

Cody nosed into his
neck at that, pulling until Obi-Wan was in his lap so he could bury
his face into the Jedi’s neck. “You’re going to come out with a
giant bird or something with the 212th numbered into.”
He mumbled.

He didn’t sound
too upset about that though, more smug and Obi-Wan chuckled quietly
as he relaxed into his man, smiling as he closed his eyes and settled
into a light meditation while the two cuddled together for as long as
they could.

Force knew that
when the rest of them caught wind of the idea there were going to be
questions so taking the time for quiet while there still was a chance
was a grand idea.

Also Cody was
kriffing warm and that was absolutely lovely to Obi-Wan.