Major stars- How does Obi-Wan handle hearing that Anakin knows? Is anyone else going to figure it out? Anakin isn’t really the best at keeping secrets…

His son knew him.

That was a… novel thought.

Even more novel was the sensation of having his son in his lap, his good arm wrapped around Anakin as the kid quietly read his homework. Occasionally, he’d stop and ask for Obi-Wan’s help for either words he didn’t understand or concepts that went a bit above his head.

The task of ones master really.

Yet, by the fond, soft look Qui-Gon was sporting as he watched the two interact as the man himself was tending to his plants, Qui-Gon didn’t mind that Anakin had gone to Obi-Wan for the help.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan smile shyly back at the man, watching Qui-Gon carefully clip his Kashyyyk climbing flowering vine into a manageable lengths, to prevent it from spreading out of its pot.

On the floor, Qui-Gon’s bright pink watering can, the flower nutrients pellets and a bin for the plant waste was stationed, in easy reach for the tall man to use on his hobby.

It was domestic and Obi-Wan couldn’t say he didn’t like it.

When Qui-Gon had told him, Obi-Wan hadn’t been sure what to feel.

A tad panicked, the sensation of fear and hope building so fast it made Obi-Wan dizzy.

The fact that Anakin had known for so long and yet not said anything did put some of Obi-Wan’s fear to the side though, the worry that someone would learn that Anakin knew and would inform the council, that Anakin would be reassigned by the council of reassignment.

Their son himself had put the other worries to rest.

Obi-Wan had worried Anakin would think they had abandoned him, had thought the boy might resent them a tad.

He hadn’t.

He still curled into Obi-Wan with eagerness, pressing his nose to Obi-Wan’s tunic, hugging him as tightly as he dared with Obi-Wan injured from his mission. No, Anakin loved them with all his heart.

Still, some fears remained.

He wanted Anakin to become a good knight, well, as long as that was what Anakin wanted. If their son wanted to join one of the corps or even leave, then Obi-Wan would support him. But those options were easier, Anakin had the skills to become quite the pilot, mechanic or any number of things.

But to become a Jedi knight, a certain… demeanor was required.

Obi-Wan worried the wouldn’t be able to teach Anakin that, that the love they had for their boy would lead to attachment.

Would lead to Anakin developing his own attachment.

Jedi were to love, to be compassionate… but love and attachment were different things.

To love with all their heart and yet to be able to let go, grieve but don’t let death or loss destroy you or your rage control you due to said love.

There were the healthy kind of love and the unhealthy kind and overwhelming emotions were not good for a Jedi. It could lead to a darker path, to the dark side whispering in your ear.

It could lead you to taking the wrong choice.

‘But we have to do our best, don’t we? We love our boy… and… and I don’t know if I’m strong enough now to walk away. I don’t think I’m strong enough to let him go either…’ Obi-Wan mulled over that.

He was worried, Obi-Wan didn’t want his love to turn selfish and problematic.

The only thing he wanted was for Anakin to become the best person he could be, to be happy with who he was, regardless what path he chose.

Pressing a soft kiss to the crown of Anakin’s head, he smiled a tad shakily as their boy made a happy noise and burrowed into Obi-Wan, ignoring Qui-Gon’s now slightly worried glance at him.

All Obi-Wan could do, was to be as good as possible, to make the decisions that seemed right and believe in the Force.

That was all he could do.

Okay, really, how did Anakin and Qui-Gon know Obi-Wan had returned in major star?

Crawling into the bed with the exhausted Obi-Wan, Anakin only spared Qui-Gon a glance before burying himself into the other Jedi, taking in the scent and feel of mom finally being back after so long. He had missed Obi-Wan so much.

Which was why he had stationed R2 down in the hanger, the astromech giving in after a bit of pleading from the blond.

And after the first week of antsy probing at his comm, Qui-Gon had been clued in, both of them keeping an eye on the hangers and R2’s information.

Honestly, the two hadn’t expected the late night call, the two arriving from a late excursion out to the slums as Anakin and Qui-Gon had been investigating a drug ring mission the two had been handed.

An on Coruscant mission, easy for a fresh padawan with their home in sight, learning to work with their masters on a planet where Jedi were known and at least somewhat respected.

It was only luck that the two had arrived and about to prepare for bed when R2 commed Anakin, informing him that Obi-Wan was back.

His mom was back and with a little whimper, Anakin nuzzled into the warm, softness of the others body.

After a moment, he felt the bed dip as Qui-Gon settled down too, pressing both Obi-Wan and Anakin towards the wall as they squished in, the bed really too small for all three of them, especially as both Anakin and Qui-Gon were being careful of Obi-Wan’s braced arm.

But they made due, mostly by tangling legs and tucking and folding themselves.

Qui-Gon turned the lights of the room off with a bit of Force use and drew the blankets up around them, his long, warm arm tucked over Anakin and settled around Obi-Wan.

Finally, things went quiet, his dad a warm furnace on one side and his mother a quiet, steadily breathing comfort in front of him, Anakin able to hear the steady drum of Obi-Wan’s heart like this.

“…You know, don’t you.” Qui-Gon’s deep brogue disturbed the silence.

Anakin just nodded quietly into Obi-Wan’s chest, fisting the other Jedi’s shirt in his hands.

“Thought as much, started to suspect when you got so upset at him being sent of…” Qui-Gon murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Anakin’s head. “How long have you known?” He questioned.

Thankfully, Qui-Gon didn’t sound upset or disappointed, Anakin relaxing slowly as he realized his dad wouldn’t tell the council. “Before you took me on. Long before… I think two or three years.” He admitted shyly into the dark.

A quiet chuckle echoed into the bedroom, full of warmth and affection. “Clever little boy. But with a mom like this, how could you be anything but clever.” Qui-Gon teased quietly.

Snuggling up between them, Anakin smiled shyly into Obi-Wan’s chest, grateful for the darkness as he didn’t want Qui-Gon to see how much he was flushing at the praise. “Heard some creche masters talk about it… and then I narrowed down the possibilities. Had to be humans. Had to be males after what I heard and um… well you two showed up at my lessons.” Anakin squirmed a bit.

Qui-Gon tightened his grip around them, easing when Obi-Wan gave a little mumble. “I see… hmm, if it wouldn’t expose us, I would have had a small conversation with the creche masters… they shouldn’t be gossiping where initiates can hear them.” He grumbled, disapproval dripping of him.

Shrugging, uncaring since it allowed him to figure it all out, Anakin just settled, wondering if Qui-Gon would tell Obi-Wan in the morning, content to just feel safe and loved between his parents on the bed.

And maybe a bit squished. “…You need a bigger bed.” Anakin pouted, his pout growing as Qui-Gon just chuckled quietly into the dark night.

Does Obi get stuck on long term missions so he “forgets” his attachment to his child? How does Ani, Obi, and Qui handle it if he does? What negative effects does it have?

Tiredly trudging down the ramp with his bag limply held in his left hand, Obi-Wan almost cried in relief as the familiar sounds of the temple hanger wrapped around him along with a thousand of familiar, Force sensitive beings.

He had been gone from the temple for a full year, unable to contact anyone due to the sensitivity and black ops nature of his mission but finally, he was home.

A bit worse for wear as his left arm in a brace against his chest proved, but alive and recovering from almost being blown up by a karking Sith temple.

Due to his familiarity with at least one Sith and how they felt, Obi-Wan had been sent off to investigate and report back once he was done.

Or that was the official version at least.

While Obi-Wan was familiar with a once living Sith, he knew there were several Jedi with better knowledge than he that could have done the investigation.

This was a reminder to Obi-Wan by the council, that he couldn’t let himself get attached to his son.

And he wasn’t.

Obi-Wan loved Anakin, yes, that was very much true.

And he loved Qui-Gon.

But he would let them go, he would choose his duty and the light everyday.

Yes, he feared some days and those fears could lead to danger but he let those emotions go into the Force.

But he also understood the council position.

Didn’t mean he had to like it even though he understood it fully.

‘Least I’m home now.’ He noted tiredly, nodding absently to a few night mechanics that waved at him but clearly understood he was too tired for any conversation as they let Obi-Wan just pass into the elevator with no more interruption.

He couldn’t wait to be back in his own bed and thankfully the ship had a sonic, so he could go right to bed, silently promising himself a bath once he had slept and eaten a full meal in that order.

Or he would have if not for the moment the doors to the elevator opened, a dark clothed missile slammed into him so hard Obi-Wan staggered back with a ‘oof!’ as he dropped his bag in sheer surprise while flailing for balance and would have fallen over if it wasn’t for a large, warm hand wrapping around his right arm.

Out of breath and tired, the redhead swayed on his feet a bit before focusing, blinking tiredly between Qui-Gon standing in the elevator opening and Anakin currently wrapped around Obi-Wan with his face pressed to his stomach.

Wheezing faintly, Obi-Wan blinked several times more as he tried to understand what the kark had just happened as Qui-Gon smiled gently at him, the man reaching down to pull a clingy Anakin away with his free hand. “Come along Obi-Wan, you must be tired.” His old master murmured, his eyes falling to the arm in the sling with worry even as he pulled Obi-Wan out of the elevator.

“My bag…” Obi-Wan protested tiredly even as he pitched forward at the gentle prompting from Qui-Gon

“I got it!” Anakin chimed in, popping in beside Obi-Wan on the other side, big blue eyes looking up at him with Obi-Wan’s bag slung over his shoulder, Anakin quickly latching onto Obi-Wan’s belt as if to prevent the other from disappearing into thin air.

Considering how late it was, Obi-Wan really should be asking how the other two knew he was home, after all, Obi-Wan had been gone for quite a long while and he doubted Qui-Gon would let Anakin run around in the middle of the night without reason.

But frankly, his brain was so muddled and tired it hurt and he was just ready to collapse into bed as he shuffled along, sore eyes switching between the two other Jedi with exhaustion.

Asked later, he barely remembered putting up a token protest to Qui-Gon bundling him into his and Anakin’s quarters instead of Obi-Wan’s own, the older man quietly hushing him as he helped the redhead out of his robe and boots.

After that Obi-Wan’s mind went dark for memory as he was finally put to rest in a warm and comfortable bed, wrapped up in the scent of Qui-Gon’s preferred scents which lulled him into a deep and undisturbed sleep.

#MajorStars- Does Obi get warned off from spending time with Anakin? Does he get sent off on long term missions so he can “let go” of his attachment to his son?

Frowning up at the door, Anakin tried knocking again, the sound echoing faintly down hall B11, one of several knight dorms on this level and this door in particular holding the name plate ‘Kenobi’.

No answer once more much to Anakin’s disquiet.

His bearer had been out of touch for days now, neither Qui-Gon or Anakin being able to get into touch with the Knight and honestly, Anakin was getting rather worried since Obi-Wan had made a point of contacting Anakin somehow once a day, by showing up where he was eating, sending him an encouraging message when Anakin was working on his homework, being in the salle when Anakin was sparring or training with fellow padawans or his master, showing up for a visit and dinner in their quarters or inviting them to his, or hell, even showing up as a TA for some of the classes, a secretive wink in Anakin’s direction.

It made for fun lessons in Anakin’s eyes, the warmth of Obi-Wan’s attention during class making him strive to do better.

Even in poetry and Anakin hated poetry, bleh.

But four days ago, Obi-Wan had gone dark and while initially not worried, Anakin was after the second day, especially when Qui-Gon told him he wasn’t able to get into contact with Obi-Wan either.

‘He’s not home now either…’ Anakin bit his lower lip, wondering where in the temple he could potentially look for the other.

He couldn’t just stretch his senses all over the temple, that was rude, everyone would be able to tell he was doing it and honestly, it would be invasive. Anakin had no need to know where everyone was.

But he did want to know where Obi-Wan was.

As he stood in front of Obi-Wan’s door, arms crossed with a thoughtful frown on his face, a few knights came down the hall from the opposite end, all deeply involved in a conversation.

Honestly, Anakin barely paid them any attention until one of them, a female zabrak, called out to him. “Are you looking for Kenobi, padawan Skywalker?” She called curiously, pausing with her friends a few steps ahead of her.

Turning to her, giving a shallow but polite bow, Anakin nodded. “Master wanted to invite him for dinner but we can’t get a hold of him.” A white lie, giving a reason for why he was there and why he was looking for Obi-Wan.

The lady smiled apologetic and Anakin felt an uneasy feeling rumble through his stomach. “Well, that’s too bad. He was sent of on a mission in the middle of the night a few days ago. Was really hasty, he apparently didn’t have time to leave a message behind if even your master didn’t know,” She explained calmly before turning back to her friends. “But at least you know now, so you should tell your master too.”

Struggling not to drop his jaw, Anakin nodded mutely before hurrying away, his heart pounding slightly.

Obi-Wan was on a mission?

But last they saw each other, Obi-Wan said he had down time for a full two months!

What kind of haste mission had Anakin’s bearer been sent on so suddenly?

For all that he was extraordinary in Anakin’s eyes, he was only one of many knights, no more special than the next one even though his skills in negotiation was apparently beyond many others as Obi-Wan excelled in it.

So why had Obi-Wan been sent of in such a haste, to the point he hadn’t even left a message.

‘Oh, I’ll be telling dad alright.’ Anakin thought, determined as he rushed back to their quarters.

could you maybe write some QuiObi? maybe that abo au where Obi-wan is blind?? or maybe majorstars? you dont have to

Humming faintly as he tipped his head back, enjoying the warm sunlight streaming in through the window, Obi-Wan wondered how he could get this lucky before deciding that he didn’t care, he was just happy to be in his current situation.

What was his situation?

Well, he was currently sitting lotus style on the meditation mat of Qui-Gon’s quarters with the morning sun streaming in, his son right behind him as he worked with Obi-Wan’s hair.

When the knight had arrived for breakfast as he had been invited to yesterday by Qui-Gon, Anakin had rather shyly requested to braid Obi-Wan’s hair as they waited for the master to finish up making the pancakes they would be having.

Seeing no harm in it, Obi-Wan had readily agreed, not expecting much as he settled down, the smell of pancakes already starting to fill the rooms.

It seemed however that his son must have helped others with long hair in the creche, because he had rather skillfully started brushing out Obi-Wan’s hair first, working the brush carefully to untangle his hair and then part it to make a not too tight braid that hung slightly to the left so it would go over Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

It would come to rest on his collarbone once Anakin tied it off.

The whole treatment was actually making Obi-Wan drowsy once more, not having slept as well as he normally did.

His body going through another hormone cycle unfortunately and he would have to speak with the healers about that once more as the current pills he was on was not helping well to control the flush.

A small click made him open his eyes, letting out a questioning noise as something hit his collarbone, glancing down only to laugh softly at the butterfly clip now resting at the end of the neat braid. “Well then, what’s this Anakin?” He teased, turning his head to look at his son.

Anakin grinned impishly back. “A hairclip,” He chirped before turning a bit shy. “I made it arts and crafts, do you like it?” He questioned with wide eyes, painfully hopeful.

Glancing back down, Obi-Wan reached up to touch the clip, examining it.

It was a metal back, obviously Anakin had made that with Force twisting but the butterfly itself was made out of a soft fabric in a pastel yellow color with black dots painted on. Obi-Wan assumed it had to be a metal skeleton inside so to speak, so it would keep its form.

It was rather well made actually, especially for Anakin’s youth, considering he was only just starting to work with metals in arts.

The butterfly was lovely and Obi-Wan smiled warmly at Anakin, happy that he wouldn’t have to offer his son meaningless platitudes to reassurance but actual, genuine praise. “Its lovely Anakin, you put a lot of thought and work into this, I can tell.” He murmured softly, his smile growing when Anakin’s cheeks grew rosy at the praise.

“Uhu, I noticed you just tied your hair normally, so I wanted to make something for you that looked nice.” He shyly admitted and not for the first time did Obi-Wan wonder if Anakin actually knew, that he had figured him and Qui-Gon out.

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask only for Qui-Gon to call out for them, the pancakes done. “Seems its breakfast time.” He chuckled, trying not to feel disappointed as he got up and helped Anakin up after.

“Pancakes!” Anakin chirped, holding onto Obi-Wan’s hand to lead him to the kitchen, eyes sparkling with delight at the stack waiting for them along with bacon and fruit salad, Qui-Gon having gone all out in the little breakfast foods he knew how to make, the little family that pretended they weren’t one sitting down to eat.

Ok, so the latest MajorStars have me melting from the gooey warm happy love everywhere from Ani, can we maybe see Obi and/or Qui’s perspective on what’s happening/Ani’ s behavior? As always, your writing is fantastic, no pressure, and I hope you’re doing well!!!

Stroking through Anakin’s hair slowly as he peered down at the sleeping child, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile. Clearly the day had been too much for the eleven year old but he had tried so much to keep awake and speak with Obi-Wan and it had been…

‘Adorable,’ Obi-Wan watched Anakin burrow more into his lap, sighing softly as his chest rose and fell steadily. ‘My son is adorable and sweet.’ Anakin had asked so many questions, from Obi-Wan’s missions to what Obi-Wan liked and even if Obi-Wan had a favorite color.

But he was just eleven.

And every eleven year old’s eventually got tired, slowly slumping against Obi-Wan until the knight had slowly and carefully slid the boy until he was laying on the couch with his head in Obi-Wan’s lap, stroking his hair slowly as Anakin blinked large, blue eyes at him until sleep claimed him.

“Better get him into bed,” Qui-Gon murmured quietly, settling his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder when the other made to stand. “No, I’ll do it.” He smiled, Obi-Wan’s stomach fluttering at the sight as Qui-Gon stood and carefully lifted their son.

It was a sweet image and Obi-Wan’s hands itched to take a picture.

He resisted though, maybe he’d have the opportunity in the future.

For now he let Qui-Gon bring Anakin to bed, sitting back on the couch with a little sigh.

‘I didn’t know Anakin was so affectionate. I thought he might bow to me but…’ His mind flashed back to earlier, Anakin standing in the doorway, staring up at Obi-Wan with his wide eyes. ‘He came right over and hugged me.’

Honestly, it had taken all Obi-Wan had not to blush at the act.

Having had Anakin, regardless how much he trained, his stomach kept a slightly plush girdle and while he was as strong or maybe even stronger than the next Jedi, he knew that that little girdle of fat made it look like Obi-Wan was less in shape than for say Qui-Gon.

It was one of the reasons he tried to avoid communal showers of the salles.

That and the stretchmarks that was.

Anakin however didn’t seem to mind it.

No honestly, the child seemed to like that even more, burying himself into Obi-Wan’s stomach, pressing his face to it.

“I’d offer a credit for your thoughts but I imagine I could guess where they were.” Obi-Wan looked up quickly, finding Qui-Gon settling back down beside him.

Smiling wryly, Obi-Wan shrugged slightly. “If you’re thinking its about Anakin, you’d be right.” He murmured, leaning forward to press the back of his hand to the teapot.


Oh well, it was better than cold and it be a shame to waste good tea so Obi-Wan poured himself a full cup of the lukewarm tea and took a large sip.

“He’s a very affectionate child.” Qui-Gon suddenly stated and Obi-Wan paused, glancing at the other man as Qui-Gon rubbed his beard slowly, looking thoughtful.

“…I noticed too. Is… isn’t that how he’s always been?” Obi-Wan slowly settled back against the couch again, turning mostly to the other Jedi.

A low hum escaped Qui-Gon. “…Not until recently,” Qui-Gon stated quietly, glancing at Obi-Wan and then away to the caff table. “Until now, he’s been a regular creche child, as affectionate as another but after I took him on as a padawan…”

The room went silent except for the chrono quietly ticking away and Obi-Wan slowly sipping at his tea.

“You… think he knows?” Obi-Wan whispered, unsure what to think about that.

Or what to feel.

They had been planning to tell Anakin of course but not for years and years, when he wouldn’t let emotions rule him. He was just a young boy after all and Obi-Wan didn’t want to burden him more than he had to.

“There is a possibility, yes,” Qui-Gon stated, sighing quietly before smiling at Obi-Wan and shrugging. “Nothing we can do about it if he does, we can only continue forward and teach him well.” He settled on.

Nodding slowly, Obi-Wan finished off the cup only to jump when large fingers caught the tresses of his hair. “Ah?” He flustered a bit as Qui-Gon gave his hair a gentle tug.

“Your hair has gone quite long Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon was smiling more softly at him. “When you left, it was still so short but now…” He leaned in and carefully tucked the hair behind Obi-Wan’s ear. “It suits you.” Qui-Gon voice was a deep rumble, his fingers lingering for a moment.

Obi-Wan had to fight the urge to squirm and flush, staring at his former master. “…Thank you Qui-Gon.” He whispered, his insides fluttering as he swore he could still feel the warmth of the others touch.

He had known for a long time how he felt about Qui-Gon but his time away had given Obi-Wan some time to cool emotions down… yet now… his return and visitation only reaffirmed those emotions once more, his heart racing in his chest at the lingering warmth of his master’s hand. ‘…Could he return those feelings?’

#MajorStars: Ani meets his bearer officially as padawan brothers. Ani loves his bearer’s presence.

Stumbling out of the fresher only to freeze when he heard another voice in the quarters, Anakin held his breath for a moment before shaking himself and sneaking towards the kitchenette, peeking in around the wall.


It was Obi-Wan!

His suspicions were right, his bearer had come to visit and was standing with Qui-Gon at the counter, teasing him lightly, gently hip bumping the other man with a joking smile on his lips. Qui-Gon himself gave a low, chuckling laugh, clearly used to the action as he picked up the boiled kettle to pour into the teapot on the counter, sending the younger man a warm look.

And simultaneously catching sight of Anakin, his smile spreading even as Anakin gave a little squeak. “Ah, there you are padawan. We have a guest today.” Qui-Gon stated even as Obi-Wan was turning quickly.

Green eyes were sparkling with subdued excitement and nervousness, Anakin catching sight of it before Obi-Wan covered it up by smiling widely at him. “Well, hello there, you must be Anakin. I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon’s former padawan before you.” He stated warmly, his eyes clearly taking in the sight of Anakin.

This was his parent, this was Obi-Wan and he was smiling at Anakin, standing right in front of him and-and… and Anakin didn’t have to hold back this time.

Moving around the wall, Anakin let out a soft noise and moved forward before his brain could tell him to stop, rushing at Obi-Wan and wrapping his arms around the others waist, pressing his face to Obi-Wan’s stomach.

He could feel what was almost a soft pudge or maybe that was the layers of tunic the other was wearing but regardless, it was warm.

Obi-Wan was warm.

It felt good and Obi-Wan’s hands came up to hug him in return, one hand running through his short shorn hair slowly.

‘…Mom… This is how my mom feels and he’s warm and soft and… and I don’t want to let go ever.’ He shook a bit, fighting to reign in his emotions so he could look up at the other, smiling up at the redhead peering down at him with concern. “Hi. Thank you for the ship.” Anakin whispered, unsure what else to say.

Instantly Obi-Wan’s smile turned wide again, his hand petting through Anakin’s spikes. “You liked it then? I heard from the temple grapevine that you liked ships…” He stated, almost sounding shy to Anakin’s surprise.

But then again, he only knew Obi-Wan from reputation.

The Sith slayer, a diplomat with a silver tongue, someone that was the ideal Jedi.

Or that was what everyone said.

But… Obi-Wan cared for Anakin clearly, Anakin knew that as he pressed into the warmth of the others body, feeling the warm hands petting him.

Another, larger hand, equally warm, rested on Anakin’s back and he peered up to find Qui-Gon looking over Obi-Wan’s shoulder as he reached around his former padawan. “The tea is done steeping.” He announced softly.

Grasping Obi-Wan’s hand, Anakin gave the man an excited smile. “Tell me about your missions?” He questioned hopefully as Qui-Gon set the teapot on the carry tray along with teacups.

And thankfully a large pot of honey.

Obi-Wan laughed softly, following Anakin out to caff table as Qui-Gon carried the tray with tea, Anakin’s chest glowing with warmth and happiness. ‘My parents. These are my parents!’

I»m really glad that anon brought up MajorStars – I was able to read up on both it and LittleStars! So good! I can’t help but wonder how Anakin will react to being approached by Qui-Gon, especially because if he accepts (and considering he’s smart enough to have deduced who his parents are, I imagine he might indeed accept), it will put him in the middle of the Council’s scrutiny and Anakin may be unnerved by it!

Looking around the room with wide eyes, Anakin hands twitched with the urge to rub against every surface to see if he could pick up anything from the one that had owned it before. If any of the furniture had soaked in the presence of the person that had used them.

Of Obi-Wan.

His bearer.

Of course, Anakin wasn’t suppose to know that and he knew that while the council had been reluctant, they had allowed Qui-Gon to take him on. After all, if they had rejected it, everyone would wonder why.

Anakin would wonder why, would be curious as they had to give a reason.

They clearly couldn’t find a good enough reason to deny the apprenticeship outside of the fact that Qui-Gon was his father and once more, they didn’t want to advertise that.

Which meant that Anakin was now officially Qui-Gon Jinn’s padawan, brother padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

‘So wizard!’ Anakin gave into his urges and rubbed his hands on the dresser, squeaking happily when what he could only describe as warmth echoed back at him, Obi-Wan’s signature resonating in the old furniture.

It could only be Obi-Wan’s, this was his old room after all, everything in this room had been touched and lived in with this person and now this room was Anakin’s space.

Anakin got to live where his bearer had once been, could soak in his signature.

If there was ever a moment Anakin envied Jedi like knight Vos for having psychometry, it was right now.

The walls could literally talk to them and would tell him stories if only Anakin had the ability. ‘But at least I can feel him…’ Anakin turned his attention on the desk, approaching it slowly as something on it caught his attention.

There was a ship about the size of Anakin’s hand on the desk, resting on a little black platform.

Hand carved from some kind of substance.

Duraplast maybe?

Anakin recognized it as a eta-2 actis-class interceptor, his favorite ship.

Picking it up from its platform with ease, Anakin almost whined as he felt Obi-Wan once more, his signature soaked into every piece of the ship. His bearer had spent time on this, carefully wielding it, carving it and painting it with meticulous care to details and Anakin couldn’t spot a single error or a miss painted paint line.

Just a beautifully carved toy in yellow, gray and black, covered in a glossy finish to protect its paints and detail.

Obi-Wan had left it behind.

Everything but the furniture had been cleared out.

The furniture…and this.

That meant that Obi-Wan had left it on purpose for Anakin.

Swallowing thickly at that, Anakin pressed the ship to his chest, holding it tightly. This had been made for him, by his bearer, Obi-Wan knew Anakin enough to guess his favorite ship or at least knew that Anakin was a mech-head.

He had spent time making what could be a toy or a decoration for Anakin with his own hands, to the point his own Force signature had sunk into the very foundation of the toy.

Carefully, Anakin placed it back down, rubbing furiously at his face with his hands, wiping away the tears, being overwhelmed from the shock of what he found.

Evidence beyond his parents showing up at lessons and sparring tournament, evidence that they cared and knew him as best they could even while not trying to be obvious.

“Are you alright padawan?” Qui-Gon called out, his tone low and Anakin had to take a deep breath before he could answer.

Turning around, he gave a bright smile to the concerned master standing in the doorway of his room. “Better than ever master. I just found this wizard interceptor!” He chirped, gesturing to it.

If Qui-Gon noticed that his eyes were slightly red and his voice was slightly squeaky, the man didn’t say anything, his face shifting into a softer smile. “Obi-Wan made it, a welcome to the lineage present. You like it then?” He inquired warmly.

“I love it.” Anakin beamed as he took a step forward and threw his arms around Qui-Gon’s waist in a tight hug, hoping he’d see Obi-Wan soon to hug him too. Qui-Gon’s large, warm hands came up, gently patting Anakin’s head as the man gave a soft, rumbling laugh.

I may be the sole person that remembers majorstars but could I get a continuation? I can’t imagine the council would just let obi or qui be Anakins master When it comes time for him to become a Padawan

Not sure what wakes him, Obi-Wan takes a moment to just blink blearily out into the dark folds of a beige tunic.

He can’t have been asleep for long, the feel of the fire is still warm against his back and Qui-Gon is still petting his hair gently as Obi-Wan is using the older man’s lap as a pillow. Maybe at most half an hour?

It doesn’t matter and Obi-Wan instead closes his eyes, determined to go back asleep as Qui-Gon teases his overly long braid gently..

If Tahl hadn’t taken that moment to speak, her voice soft and steady but a bit tense. “I’m uncertain why you think you will be able to take on young Anakin as your padawan. You must be aware of how the council will view it, seeing as he’s your and Obi-Wan’s son.” She stated quietly.

Qui-Gon let out a small snort, still rubbing Obi-Wan’s scalp in a soothing moment.

But he seemed unaware that Obi-Wan was awake from what the padawan could tell.

“I will do as the Force commands me,” Qui-Gon drawled before sighing. “And honestly, I don’t care what they think or feel about me Tahl. Beside, he is not unaware that he is a desired padawan, many have made it clear that they’d like to take him on, if Anakin says yes is up to him. What is one more master’s hand matter to him?” He stated a tad dryly.

Obi-Wan had to fight his urge to tense up.

It hadn’t occurred to him that Anakin might say no.

That thought… well, it didn’t directly terrifying but it made him sad in ways he couldn’t explain.

“I have never striven to be in good standing with the council.” Qui-Gon stated calmly.

Tahl let out a deep, resigned sigh that Obi-Wan might have echoed.

But in this situation…

He was so grateful that Qui-Gon wasn’t one for listening to the council, as much as Obi-Wan wanted to sit on the council. And to be fair, he wanted to start changes, sometimes changes had to be done from within.

There were things the Jedi council… not ignored.

But they were very set in their way and after countless conversations and debates with his master, Obi-Wan had recognized why.


As fond as Obi-Wan was of the old master, the gremlin was a manipulative and old man that often felt that he was right and therefore if something didn’t fit with his understanding or world view, it was wrong.

Looking back, Obi-Wan also recognized the way he himself had been manipulated by the green master, recognizing that he should never have been on the Monument to Bandomeer on his own.

Technically Qui-Gon had been there, but the master had not been charged with Obi-Wan’s care at the time.

And Obi-Wan should not have been sent to Bandomeer until he was actually thirteen.

Being sent earlier…

It was a slap in the face and it painted him in a bad image.

An initiate that was sent away early?

A master or knight would look at someone like that closely and Obi-Wan was aware that many had once he had returned with Qui-Gon.

It was cold comfort that Yoda had a reason for doing it.

That didn’t erase the hurts Obi-Wan had suffered or the rumors that had swirled around him.

A large, warm hand settled on his side, rubbing lightly as Qui-Gon had caught on to him being awake, the man rumbling faintly as Obi-Wan burrowed into his master’s stomach.

Guilty as he was for the thought, he was also grateful Tahl could not see them.

It allowed him to seek the comfort he so desperately wanted in that moment, settling himself once more with the comfort of Qui-Gon’s touch and the knowledge that he would ask Anakin to become his padawan.

‘I need to hurry with the rest of my trials…’ Obi-Wan sternly instructed himself, even as he settled drowsily as Qui-Gon continued petting with slow, affectionate hands.

In Master Stars, What is holding Obi back from being knighted?

“And… relax.”

steady voice penetrated the fog of Obi-Wan’s mind and made him snap
back, the padawan dropping his shaking arms as he breathed out
heavily, the strain in his body announcing itself immediately.

He was
covered in sweat, patches of it coating his back and his armpits, his
legs and arms were sore and his head was faintly pounding along with
all the other physical indications of exertion.

Qui-Gon was smiling rather proudly at him from the side of the mat,
the master looking glowing and resplendent as always as he came over
and offered a bottle of water and a towel.

both, Obi-Wan eagerly chugged the first few gulps of water before
wiping his face with the towel, settling it around his neck as he
went back to drinking, though calmer now.

the time, Qui-Gon was watching him with a fond and proud smile on his
face. “You went through the entire Desert Walker kata without a
hitch Obi-Wan, color me impressed and in awe.” He murmured fondly.

Obi-Wan lowered his bottle and glanced about before looking back up
at his master when he didn’t find anyone watching them obviously.

mean no one was but at least they were being overt about spying.

thanks to you master, you’ve been pushing me hard.” He laughed
faintly. After carrying Anakin and giving birth to him, Obi-Wan had
been set back quite a bit in terms of physical and spiritual
education as a Jedi padawan.

essence, he was behind his fellow padawans.

couldn’t bring himself to regret it though, regardless the
consequences not only for his body but mind and spirit too.

body dysmorphia had been a hard hit he had to cope with, coming along
with depression and painful physical consequences.

had been there every step of the way as Obi-Wan struggled to stay
afloat but it had still taken time before Obi-Wan was out of that
pothole of pain and miasma that threatened to swallow him whole after
giving Anakin over.

when Obi-Wan had finally been ready…

he had been so far behind the others.

and him had worked tirelessly to get Obi-Wan up to the standards of
the other padawans and at Obi-Wan’s request, Qui-Gon had been
drilling him hard to the point Obi-Wan had noticed several masters
taking Qui-Gon aside to quietly scold and question him.

had quickly shut up when Qui-Gon had sighed and told them ‘either I
train with him, or he trains alone. He may do more damage to himself.
I at least can stop him when he hits his limit.’ His master had
said in a weary tone.

It had
made Obi-Wan feel guilty at the time… but he had so much to do!

Qui-Gon had been a hard taskmaster at Obi-Wan’s own request.

And he
was right, if Qui-Gon hadn’t trained him, Obi-Wan would have gone
off on his own to do it in his spare time.

had been there though and when Obi-Wan’s limits were hit, when he
injured himself or was driven to the point of exhaustion, his master
stepped in and forced him to break.

take a rest day, be healed, be medicated or to eat.

had been there from the day Anakin was born, stuck to Obi-Wan like a
looming hound from hell, scaring away many a would be suitor.

that was fine in Obi-Wan’s books.

didn’t have eyes for anyone but his own master anyhow.

chuckling brought him back into the present, Qui-Gon reaching out and
resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “You
put in the work, this is as much on you as my guidance… and believe
me when I say, I am proud of you padawan.” Qui-Gon murmured,
pushing his emotions into their bond.

faintly not only from his exertion, Obi-Wan looked down at his boots
with a small smile on his lips.

was something he still hadn’t learned how to take but he was
getting better, Qui-Gon regularly praised him for his progress and
attention to detail.

Not to
mention his dueling skills.

But it
was hard to change a personality trait that had been ingrained from
his youth.

you master…” He whispered, glancing up before flickering his eyes
when something caught his attention, a warm glow settling in his
stomach as Anakin entered along with his class.

boy looked around with wide, curious eyes and oh, he had Qui-Gon’s

blue and Obi-Wan couldn’t wait to be able to call him brother
padawan. ‘Just wait on us Anakin, give us a little more time.’
Obi-Wan plead in the dept of his mind.

No one
could judge him for thoughts they couldn’t hear after all.