In a previous chapter of dangerous galaxy, you mentioned a feminization kink. Would it be possible to see something where one of the troopers find their Jedi having to suffer that? Like Mace or Kit?

Carefully tucking the robe back around the Jedi when it slipped down, covering him up again, Ponds heart raced as Mace flinched slightly beneath the touch and yet did nothing to try and escape from it.

His General was refusing to look at him, his eyes focused slightly too high up on the wall to be really looking at anything in particular as troopers quickly moved around the office. By the desk, Fox and Thorn were talking in hushed tones with another trooper over the cooling body of a Senator, the senator Ponds had shot only half an hour earlier.

An hour earlier, a panicked comm had come from Hawkeye, the trooper telling him that he’d seen General Windu enter the Rotunda with a Senator, the man’s face the picture of stone as the other man looked smug as he lead Mace through the halls.

It had sent the commander rushing into the Rotunda, wasting precious seconds in finding the Jedi as he traveled from the barracks and then searching through the Senate by asking uppity aides.  

Finally though, after asking a protocol droid in the hallway, he had gotten a lead on his Jedi and who he was with, Senator Dmitri.

Ponds had an excuse prepared and everything for why he was interrupting the ‘meeting’, had everything in place to cover up as he opened the office door and stepped in.

That plan had fallen to dirt as a red, choking haze had enveloped him when the situation hit him.

His General, on his knees in front of the Senator on the couch, undressed from his Jedi garment and yet not nude, the Jedi dressed up in a soft, peach pink lingerie as his head bobbed up and down, the Senator’s hand clenched on top of the bald head.

Mace’s clothes had been on the table, folded neatly, as if a mocking gesture that his normal garment were just there along with a pouch of what Ponds identified as makeup yet to be used.

Ponds had reached for his blaster before either realized that he was there, the haze of realization that this karking hut’uun had his General on his knees in sheer lace because he got off on humiliating the Jedi sending Ponds into a rage he didn’t know how to cope with outside of getting rid of the threat.

Which left them in this situation, Ponds having moved Mace away from the cooling body and him comming the guards for help. He had thrown the Jedi’s robe around him and covered him up as they waited, Mace simply thanking Ponds when the other fetched him some water.

If his complexion was lighter, Ponds would bet that the others cheeks would be darkened with a flush but as it was, the only flush was the others lips, swollen and flushed from what he had been forced to do.

Ponds didn’t regret it.

He would never regret getting rid of a threat against his Jedi.

But he did regret that he came this late, he did regret that Mace was forced to undergo what was clearly humiliating to him.

Glancing to Fox as he removed his gloves and tucked them into his belt, Ponds let out a deep, fortifying breath before reaching out slowly, carefully, grasping Mace hands with his. He held the Jedi master’s hands lightly with his, making sure the other knew he could break the hold if he wanted.

When Mace made no move to break the hold and even tilted his head slightly as if he was looking at Ponds from the corner of his eyes, Ponds started gently rubbing at the others knuckles. “…It will be alright General. We’ll make it alright.” Ponds whispered quietly, pitching his voice low as if to keep the conversation private despite knowing fully the other troopers in the room was listening.

Dark eyes flickered to his face fully, glanced away as if ashamed and then back, Mace’s hands tightening on his.

For a long minute, Mace simply sat there, staring at Ponds.

Then he shifted on the couch until he was facing his commander, leaning forward until his forehead was resting on Ponds pauldron.

His shoulders started shaking as he clung to the trooper’s hands, wet splashes hitting Ponds pauldron and slipping onto the blacks under to wetten it but no noise escaped the Jedi despite the tears being shed.

Swallowing thickly, Ponds glanced up at a distressed looking Hawkeye as he continued rubbing Mace’s hands, letting the Jedi take what little comfort he seemed willing to accept as he processed what had just happened.

Do the healers figure out what triggered Obi’s relapse? Maybe there is something on Obi’s comm?

“Can you tell how this happened?

The voice penetrated Obi-Wan’s foggy head, the words even and soft but somehow still attention catching.

There was a deep, slightly frustrated sigh. “Sometimes, relapses don’t have a reason. Obi-Wan’s recovery was never meant to be a straight line and while this is unfortunate, it was also to be expected.” A firm voice replied, a voice Obi-Wan recognized and knew very well to listen to or else.

Or else?

Else what?

“Its frankly a Force miracle that it didn’t happen sooner, I didn’t want to say anything, but I expected Obi-Wan back within the week of leaving. The fact that he remained out for a full month, even left the temple, is a very good sign for his progress. This? Its just a step back.” The voice continued, a thread of satisfaction in it.

There was a deep sigh. “So, two steps forward and one back then?” The first voice questioned.

“More like three steps forward and one back. He might be back in his room with the shielding now, but I don’t expect to keep him for long. We might also want to look into medication for Obi-Wan, we’ll talk with him about it again.”

A low, deep voice echoed. “He rejected it last, right?” That voice was very familiar and for some reason Obi-Wan’s mouth tasted of purple of all things when he heard it.

“Yes, with good reason. At the time it was offered, he was in even worse state and the side effects worried him, now he might be more amendable to it. He is in a much better condition, so some of the more severe side effects wouldn’t be a worry to him.” The firm voice stated quietly.

“A different medication you are thinking of now, hmm?” An old, croaky voice questioned.

It was familiar.

They all were but Obi-Wan just wanted to rest.

“Yes actually, the first one was… well, its an emergency and the side effects would lead to some permanently having to take them for life. Its why Obi-Wan rejected them and the only reason I offered them was due to young Anakin and the severity of Obi-Wan’s case.” The firm voice explained.

There was a rustle, something soft was brushed over Obi-Wan and he let out a soft noise, stilling all the voices.

A gentle, warm hand stroked his hair. “Obi-Wan?” The voice that tasted like purple stated, softer and closer now.

Yes, that was his name and he let out another soft noise as there was some more rustling before another, slightly cooler hand touched his temple. “Hmm, he’s not very conscious. Awake but not really aware… it is alright Obi-Wan, you can rest some more.” The cool hand lingered.

Oh, it expected a response.

Obi-Wan let out a small hum, shifting slightly as he bought his limbs closer to himself.

“Hmm, the severed bond, causing this it is?” The croaky voice questioned.

“Not directly, its more how Obi-Wan choose to deal with his relapse,” The firm voice answered, voice kinder. “Directing all of it into himself instead of leaning on his padawan, it created a feedback loop from the backlash. Also, apparently your voice tastes of purple Mace.” The firm voice sounded like it wanted to laugh.

There was a pause. “…I’m not even going to question that,” The purple voice sighed deeply before it spoke again. “I’ll take Anakin for the day, he’s not going to be in the best of moods and a good sparring or moving meditation works better for him. Shaak, will you tell Plo that Obi-Wan is in a better state? I would hate for him to be distracted in his mission.”

The soft voice from the start chuckled quietly. “Of course, will you join me Master Yoda? We could have tea together while Master Che returns to her duties.”

The voices started faded away, as if they were moving further off but the purple one lingered, the warm hand back in his hair. “…Rest well Obi-Wan, the temple will be safe around you.”

I love so MANY of your stories and right now I want to see where AWOL is going. If the Senate group is the distraction, how did the Kamino raid go? I can’t wait until the little cadets show up and the twins have a creche group of hundreds. Will someone attack the diplomatic group and those Masters remind the Senate how Bamf those Masters are despite pretty feathers?I can feel for Padme, but she neglected her children and husband who was giving all up to be with her… More pls

Huffing faintly with relief as the communication hub powered down, Obi-Wan peered at the others.

To be frank, they hadn’t thought this far because they weren’t sure what was going to happen once they were on Coruscant but so far they hadn’t ended up jailed just yet or attacked despite glares and an uneasy Senate.

No plans ever really survived contact with the enemy, so beyond ‘get on Coruscant and keep the galaxy eye on us and not any potential distress signals from Kamino.’ there hadn’t really been any plans on their end.

Cody and the council masters going with the troopers to Kamino however had several plans that Obi-Wan had been faintly aware of.

But Cody and the other vode were now done, all the young clones, at least by the vode standard with the speedy aging, liberated from Tipoca City, the samples of DNA the kaminoans had were destroyed to avoid them creating more and the planet were in full information blackout as the younglings and older vode were being transported to Vercopa, post haste.

Which meant that the Jedi on Coruscant could also leave.

But not obviously.

Ever since they landed, their rented apartment in the Senatorial district had been under watch at all times by several factions, from bounty hunters, senate owned guards, spies and the Coruscant guard, though the latter were there to pretend they were still serving the Senate.

But Fox was doing his to keep the Jedi safe for his brothers more than anything.

‘And I imagine lately because he’s getting along with Plo and Depa.’ Obi-Wan thought in amusement to himself, having found the Commander in deep conversation with both at separate occasions.

Maybe he should warn Commander Wolffe that his vod looked like he was about to either steal his buir or that he’d have more brothers adopted by his Jedi and would have to share the man even more?

Honestly, if it could breath and talk and stayed still for longer than ten minutes, Plo was bound to adopt it at some point Obi-Wan had come to learn, much to his own amusement as he got to learn just how many creche younglings Plo had come back with.

And no one would be forgetting ‘Plo’s bros’ nose art anytime soon, considering how many depictions of the Wolfpack and Plo with those words were on different ships in various sizes.

Someone cleared their throats and Obi-Wan focused back, looking to Oppo as the thisspiasian flickered his tail. “It seems we can now make preparations to leave, not that it would take long should we request Commander Fox help I would imagine.” The man mused, looking to Plo and Depa.

Both looked to each other before both also nodded. “Fox is quite capable, as most of the officers of the vode,” Depa agreed softly, Obi-Wan absently reaching up to pet Stass head as she tiredly rested it on her shoulder. “I’ll contact him, hear if he could find us a ship and where we should go to get off Coruscant.” She stood, moving to away so Stass could rest.

Honestly, the sooner they left, the better in Obi-Wan’s eyes.

He wanted to go home and looking at the old temple was causing a melancholic ache in his chest most days, being in the Senate caused frustration and some anger and talking to Padme…

He’d rather not honestly.

“I rather imagine we’ll be sneaking about a bit,” Plo mused, tapping his claws on his knee. When the others shot him a look, except for Depa and Stass, he shrugged. “We wouldn’t want to alert our little audience to our escape now, would we.” He stated with some amusement.

Snorting, Obi-Wan agreed, reaching out and carefully shifting Stass to lay her head in his lap as she fell properly asleep. “True. I guess we’ll be jumping out some windows or something in the middle of the night… bugger that.” He sighed.

Flickering his tail on the floor, Oppo sighed too. “At least we aren’t going through the sewers, nasty business that… especially for me.” He sent them all a look, Plo, Mace and Obi-Wan grimacing in agreement.

At least they had boots on their feet compared to Oppo slithering through the sewers.

“Window’s it is.” Mace agreed before giving Stass a glance and shrugging, laying down on the other side of Obi-Wan on the couch and using the rest of his lap, much to the bemusement of the stewjoni as Plo snapped a picture for prosperity.

You know, I just can’t resist the thought any longer and I don’t know if you’ve written about it already, but… The Force sometimes helps with keeping Jedi awake when needed, at least as long as they’re on missions. But once they’re home and safe, they crash and crash *hard.* This has become a common problem especially with Yoda, who at times have accidentally frightened younglings and Padawans. Much to the annoyance of the other Masters.

It is not uncommon for Jedi to keep themselves going with the Force.

The stronger the Jedi, the longer they can keep themselves awake and going on pure willpower of the Force.

But that doesn’t mean that the bodies natural needs doesn’t eventually catch up with one in the end.

The Force can let you push past natures boundaries…but not forgo them entirely and eventually it will demand sleep and food with a vengeance. It can therefore be wholly natural for a Jedi to sleep for full day if they have indeed challenged nature by remaining awake beyond their natural limits.

The food is an easy thing to beat.

There are special food pellets for such occasion, the necessary calories in those that beats the impulse and keeps one from eating all day.

But sleep is not so easy to control or fight.

Which is why you can find Jedi asleep in the halls, garden or library.

Its honestly quite normal, finding a Jedi knight or master leaning against a wall in the hall, laying in the gardens or with their heads on the table in the halls.

Never padawans though.

Their masters will always collect them and take them to bed and thankfully, initiates are not taught such skills, only padawan’s and up.

Of course, sometimes, you could mistake certain, older members for being… not asleep but something wholly different.

And therefore the tradition of grandmaster of the order scare has been in effect for the last two hundred years.

It practically an initiation by this point.

Master Yoda will fall asleep in his hover platform, silent as the grave and not visibly breathing from what most can tell.

It never fails to freak the padawans that find him, much to the annoyance of other masters.

But hey, how are you suppose to complain when everyone else is also sleeping around the temple!

“MASTER WINDU!!!” Jerking to a bit at the loud cry, Mace turned in surprise as young padawan Kenobi came barreling down the hall, Depa pausing beside him as they watched the young boy race their way, eyes wide in horror.

“Padawan Kenobi, what in the world are yo-” Mace started, frowning as the boy practically tripped over his own feet, face flushed from running.

Kenobi’s cry however cut him off. “MASTER YODA IS DEAD!” He gasped out, coming to a skidding stop in front of him, the boy latching onto Mace sleeve to tug, pointing back the way he had come, eyes wide and glistening.

Depa paused, her eyes wide too only for both padawan’s to gasp when when Mace let out a mumbling curse and pinch the bridge of his nose. “That old bastard, again?” He hissed before sighing, looking at his senior padawan and then down at young padawan Kenobi. “Alright younglings, lets go tend to him and I’ll explain. Lead the way Padawan.” He sighed, settling his hand reassuringly on the trembling boy’s shoulder.

Clearly confused, still horrified looking, Obi-Wan glanced at the uncertain Depa then squared his shoulders and started walking, leading Mace and Depa to the hallway.

As expected, they found the grandmaster of the Order in a darkened hallway, hovering in the middle of it with his head resting on his chest and from this angle, Mace could understand why young Kenobi had assumed Yoda to be dead.

Mace had done the same once.

Depa let out a squeak when she saw the old man, covering her mouth with wide eyes only to squeak again when Mace let out another curse. Obi-Wan just trembled, as traumatized as every other youngling when they found him.

Stepping forward, Mace grumbled loudly as he grabbed the hoverpad and pulled it, huffing in relief when it came easily.

Sometimes the karking old man locked the platform so he would stay in place.

Turning his head, he sighed deeply. “He’s asleep. He’s been keeping awake with the Force and now its demanded its pound.” Mace explained tiredly to both padawan’s.

Both teens paused, Depa’s hands lowering to reveal her O shaped mouth and Obi-Wan stopping his trembling from the sheer surprise as he looked between Mace and Yoda. “…A-Are you sure?” He whispered.

Mace sighed then reached up and tugged on Yoda’s ear under the horrified looking padawans, both near human’s eyes going wide when when Yoda grumbled and waved a hand only to go still moments later.

“…Pretty sure, yes.” Mace grumbled, pulling the platform with him to drag him to Mace room, mentally cursing Yoda out while making a note to himself to inform Qui-Gon that his padawan came over Yoda.

‘Every fucking time. Every motherfucking time.’ Mace grumbled to himself, dragging the platform with two padawans following him like ducklings.

I really love AWOL Jedi!! I could totally see Padme being more interested in her job/work than Anakin and the twins. Could we see the next part please? The Jedi in the Senate and maybe Padme trying to talk to them about Anakin and the twins?

Letting out a heavy breath, Obi-Wan rubbed his temples as they stepped out of the platform and into the hallway.

“That could have gone worse,” Depa stated tiredly behind him, everyone pausing to stare at her. She snorted at them. “It could have gone better too, but considering they’ve yet to try and jail us…” She trailed off, brows raised at them.

Sighing, rubbing his forehead with an obvious vein ticking at his forehead, Mace nodded slowly. “True, I frankly expected them to try that the moment we disembarked.” He stated wryly as they started moving once more.

Oppo gave an agreeing snort as they moved out into the hall, silently agreeing not to speak too loudly as the senators around them came from their pods.

A mix of glares and furtive stares were leveled upon them, not that they had expected anything else and never before had Obi-Wan been as happy to know that the troopers were on their side.

Should something happen, the Coruscant guard would aid them get away.

As it was, the plan was if the Senate called for their arrest and it became unavoidable, Commander Fox would take them in only for the Jedi to ‘escape’ from custody, to avoid bringing down the displeasure of the Senate on the CG.

After all, the Jedi were known for being wily.

Normally, at this point, Jedi would mingle with the high and mighty but this time they weren’t negotiating for others but themselves, so they stuck together, quietly trying to gather some energy from each other before once more into the breach they went.

Honestly, after so long, Obi-Wan had forgotten how unreasonable politicians could be when they were upset and thankfully the Jedi weren’t really out after anything, though if they could establish some trade routes with some planets, that wouldn’t be the worst.

But for now, they could finally breath even as they kept aware of the senators and their aids around them, the vigilant sensation never quite fading as they were in ‘enemy’ territory so to speak.

Mace and Depa quietly spoke with each other, both making plans for food to be bought to them with the clear intention of asking the others what they wanted.

However that plan was a bust as Plo suddenly got very interested in his claw decoration, fixing it with care. “On your left Obi-Wan.” The older master murmured quietly, as if Obi-Wan couldn’t sense the determined person marching towards him in the Force, a slight warning echoing around them.

Shifting slightly, enough so he could glance, Obi-Wan almost groaned as he took in the sight of Padme Amidala, wearing a beautiful gradient dress from light sky blue at the top of the heart neckline to the blackest midnight at the ankles of the flaring skirt. She wore no jewelry and only a light layer of makeup, but her hair was set up in several braids with decorations inserted into it that Obi-Wan suspected held shield tech just as the Queen of Naboo’s headdresses had.

All in all, she made a beautiful and dignified vision.

And a determined one as she made her way to the Jedi delegation with her entourage scrambling after her. “Master Kenobi!” She snapped out, watching him closely as Obi-Wan turned and gave her a light bow.

“Senator Amidala.” He greeted steadily, watching her closely as whispers hissed through the crowds at her approach.

After all, everyone knew that she had married a former Jedi.

It made Obi-Wan wonder if anyone knew Anakin was angling for a divorce or that she no longer was in the possession of her children.

They hadn’t been long enough on Coruscant or talked with anyone familiar enough to learn what rumors were circling.

Force, did Obi-Wan wish he had the chance to speak with Dex, Dex knew every rumor that echoed through Coruscant, be it the high society or the underground, the diner owner was well connected.

“Would you be amendable to a discussion?” Padme ventured, chin tilted stubbornly and oh, Obi-Wan recognized that position. It was one of someone that wouldn’t give up until they got what they wanted. “A private one?” She tacked on as her handmaiden and Jar Jar finally caught up to her.

It was the last thing Obi-Wan wanted to do, he knew what she wanted to speak about but still he inclined his head. “Of course, but later. We are after all still in session.” He stated, watching her conflicted expression before she nodded too.

‘Hopefully, Cody and the others will be done before that time comes…’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hope, watching her march away once more.

Cuddling? Just… some folks like Obi-Wan (with the 212th) or Cody (with other commanders) cuddling and relaxing and getting to take a break for a bit? Or maybe Mace and his lineage, they’re all so overworked and I think they deserve a good cuddle session. Thanks for all of your awesome stories!

Opening his eyes lazily to peer up at an amused Depa, Mace simply tightened his hold on Caleb as he sunk deeper into the beanbag, just silently staring back at his old padawan.

Caleb, bless his heart, continued sleeping, nuzzling into his grandmaster’s chest as the master of the order tugged the blankets provided by Ponds more around the sleeping boy. The war had been tearing on all of them and Mace had…

Well, he worried.

Caleb was so young and he knew, from dealing with Obi-Wan, how youth and war did not mix properly.

He had seen Obi-Wan Kenobi returning from Melida/Daan.

He had been a knight at the time but he had seen how the boy had come back skittish, gaunt with a light missing in his eyes and even as he physically bounced back, something in the padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn had clearly changed and not for the best.

So yes, sue him, he worried and therefore he was going to have a grand ol’ snuggle time with his padawan’s padawan.

Especially since his worried men, in combination with the 212th, had provided not only blankets but also beanbags for them to rest, settling them under a tree to provide some shade from the suns shining down on them, the air smelling comfortingly of fresh forest with the day being decently warm and the blanket providing the rest they needed.

Actually, speaking of the 212th…

Glancing to his side, Mace found Obi-Wan, just like Caleb, was deeply asleep, curled up in the beanbag as he rested on his commander’s chest, the clone commander rubbing his fingers slowly through the others red hair as he peered at the sky.

“…So, are there more beanbags and blankets?” Depa finally whispered to avoid waking either Obi-Wan or Caleb, glancing around and visibly pouting when she didn’t see any in sight.

Grumbling faintly, Mace glanced around too before catching the lieutenant with the shaved head from 212th eyes.

The man blinked before looking at Depa, beaming brightly in realization before he scuttled off quickly.

Mace raised his hand from Caleb briefly, giving the other the thumb up. “No but in a few moments there will be. Not sure where the troopers got these from but I’m grateful.” He rumbled quietly, dropping his hand back to pet Caleb’s fluffy hair instead of simply resting on him.

It was moments like this he delighted that Depa hadn’t made Caleb get the traditional padawan haircut or that the boy himself hadn’t insisted.

Fluffy hair that was nice to pet, fluffy little padawan.

He was really fond of his grandpadawan he would admit, Caleb was curious and driven and it hurt Mace heart to see the boy in war.

But there was nothing he could do about that instead of trudging on wards, trying to end the war with the Senate breathing down their necks and Jedi dying in the name of the Senate.

Mace had to send that bitter feeling into the air as the lieutenant from the 212th came over with the beanbags and blankets for Depa.

He felt more and more that they were fighting less for justice and the Republic and more for the karking politicians.

It was why he treasured moments like this, cuddling Caleb with his fellow Jedi resting around him, Obi-Wan’s fuzzy sleep aura warm and Depa settling down with them with her own calm easing his heart.

Priceless moments.

#MysticalRelics- Obi shows off some of his special powers near the element that symbolizes his father/mother. Ani enjoys learning more about his crushes background

Pausing with the glass half raised to his lips, Obi-Wan blinked at the teen sitting beside him. “Come again, could you repeat that?” He questioned, glancing to Mace to see if he had heard right.

Mace however looked as interested in the answer as Anakin did, his chin propped up on his fist as he eyed the two from the leather armchair Obi-Wan recently bought to replace the old one.

“Can you freeze water?” Anakin repeated, swaying lightly on the couch with his palms down on the furniture, his blue eyes focused on Obi-Wan.

Once, that attention would have been unnerving but… well, Obi-Wan had honestly gotten used to the attention if he was frank about it. And Anakin had for the most part learned to temper his powers and not expose too much of it on someone.

Glancing down into his cup, Obi-Wan swirled the water a bit. “I haven’t really tried it,” He mused, frowning slightly. “But ice is water, so it should be part of my powers now that I think about it,” Obi-Wan took a quick sip to wet his throat and then set the glass down on the caff table on the old coaster. “Why do you ask?”

Anakin squirmed a bit. “I was just wondering honestly, cause I was thinking about how you made me fill up those batteries by summoning a lightening charge and focusing it and that made me think about the things you could do,” Mace narrowed his eyes at Obi-Wan and the redhead covered a cough. Yeaaah, he hadn’t cleared that particular activity with Mace before doing it but oh well. “And water is your domain, so shouldn’t ice be part of it?” Anakin continued, oblivious to his master giving Obi-Wan the stink eye.

Sitting back on the couch, Obi-Wan stroked his chin, thoughtfully eyeing the glass as he smoothed his thumb over his facial hair. “There is potential in it. I must admit, I have never tried but…” He paused, lips pursed as he stared at the water in the glass.

The prospect of controlling ice was something Obi-Wan did not think he could do, that seemed more elemental control than what his godly parent had as domain and ice in itself was rigid.

However… maybe he could direct the water and then freeze it?

He could imagine several instances such a thing could be very useful for.

Pulling the water from his glass, Obi-Wan settled it between his hands, controlling it while ignoring Anakin’s excited little gasp.

Anakin had a tendency to like it too much when Obi-Wan did use the inheritance powers that they shared in their bloodline.

It was easy to hold the water trapped like that, as if it was still in a container.

And as if it was clay and not water, Obi-Wan molded it after a thoughtful little hum, shaping the nubian ship they had landed on Tatooine with so long ago. “I don’t think I can control ice, ice is part of the waters domain but its unyielding, ice does not bend but crumble. I make water bend to my control, I am its master so to speak,” He glanced at Anakin first, to see if the other got it then he glanced to Mace. “However, if I give up the control of it…”

Mace looked fascinated, staring at the water as Obi-Wan made it shift through shapes, all from lighsabers, crystals, Jedi he knew and ships that Obi-Wan was aware of before he settled and focused properly as the water settled on Qui-Gon’s shape.

And there Obi-Wan gave up his control, turning the water into ice as he gave up the water.

A light mist rose from it, Qui-Gon’s defined features for all of them to see as the frost smoke rose due to the difference in temperature.

“Wizard!” Anakin gasped, beaming at Obi-Wan as he glanced from the figure to Obi-Wan, blue eyes wide with delight.

Sending the teen a small smirk, Obi-Wan stood and made his way to the kitchen to place the figure in the freezer.

He’d get a case to keep it in, a chilled one. Qui-Gon would get a kick out of it if Obi-Wan could bring it to the halls to show him.

Sometime, to gain anything, you’d have to give up control of something.

For Candle in the Dark, what did Obi-Wan intend to do while his lineage was checking the chips? What would he wanted to do first? See Archives to understand where timelines diverted? Go to see the memorial for the Other-self? He must be starting to realize how much he is like his sithy twin… that all these sith LIKE him. I could see him finding Mace either place, Did Mace get black-veiny? He should start recovering once he knows why, right? TY TY TY for this!

Staring up at the face so like his own, Obi-Wan blinked slowly as he tried to understand.

This universe was so different and yet the same in so many ways that he wasn’t sure what he was suppose to do.

From what Obi-Wan had managed to figure out for himself by meditating, him being in this universe was as much an accident as on purpose, a temple summoning him when the Force in his own universe screeched in pain.

Him being pulled out of his own universe had been on purpose but ending up in this one had been the accident.

So Obi-Wan was doubtful what exactly he was suppose to do.

From the reports and news he had managed to read and the few things Anakin and Qui-Gon accidentally left around the quarters, he could tell that the war was actually going quite well for the Sith.

They were gaining ground a lot faster thanks to the trooper and their own powers, seeing as they didn’t hold back where the Jedi would have.

Jedi had always been peace keepers after all…but at the same time they didn’t decimate people or rule as hard as the Sith of Obi-Wan’s universe.

It was perplexing and he had needed space, which was why he had asked if he could go explore the temple on his own.

Much to his surprise, both of his Sithly caretakers had agreed, if reluctantly and he hadn’t felt anyone following him around so it seemed they took his request seriously. Not that he wasn’t under observation that was, the other Sith made no qualms about watching him but…

Their gaze weren’t hostile.

Uncertain, curious and maybe a hopeful but not… not with murderous intentions.

So Obi-Wan had skulked about, trying to understand, trying to see.

And what he saw…

Well, he was more confused than ever because outside of the kind of Force these Sith used, they weren’t the same.

They were dark, negative emotions flourished but, they didn’t consume, so far, only very few looked like the Dark side of the Force was eating them in a round about way. The children in the creche were happy, they played and meditated and were… just children.

The students in the halls studied art, saber forms, history and even negotiation.

He had caught two knights arguing Fellisian philosophy, which was a mixture of dark and light Force intertwined and the Archives…

It was all the same, just… slightly different.

Like the shades of a new drape if had to replace only one pair in a great hall, the older, weathered ones looking darker from time with the newer one showing only the slight difference.

It was just perplexing, to the point Obi-Wan had to put the thoughts aside and had gone to one of the lesser used salles to do some katas.

And even that was the same, the katas were the same.

As much as he was being observed, Obi-Wan observed the Sith back and it was just confusing to him if he was honest.

So here he was, looking up at himself, the Sith version of himself but so painfully younger.

It had been an accident honestly, stumbling upon the hall of memorial, coming to the memory moth cylinder, hearing them whisper names and he was sure he heard his own several times. But a Force prodding had lead him down the hall of Sith master’s bronze statues, curiously eyeing several that he recognized from his own world but just… slightly different.

And then he found his own, matching the other masters with a slightly larger statue than the person it was made to.

So painfully young to look at with that cocky smile and eyes that seemed to glimmer but the features… they were Obi-Wan spot on, this statue had been made by someone that was familiar with him, whoever had been the artist had done more than a decent jo-

“Qui-Gon made it,” A deep, rumbling voice echoed behind him, a voice Obi-Wan recognized even without turning around to look who it was. Mace stepped towards him, silent as death but stopping before he was too close. “He wouldn’t let anyone else do it, threatened and bribed until we gave in… warped several crates of bronze before he was happy with the result.” The master of the order stated before looking up at the statue face.

Staring at the man, Obi-Wan glanced back at the statue. “…I’m not him.” He whispered quietly, slowly turning his head to Mace again.

The Sith took another two step towards him, once more stopping, the lights from the memory moth shining over his face. “And we know that. We can tell the difference. Our Obi-Wan made bonds as easily as he breathed, had no fear and liked to tease the entire temple,” He stated softly, molten lava eyes turning brown as he kept Obi-Wan’s gaze. “But… you aren’t that different either. And we are willing to give you a home here.” He settled on, raising a hand, holding it up with his palm open.

Letting out startled little meep, Obi-Wan stared at the offered hand.

Slowly, hesitantly, he took a step to the Sith, glancing up at Mace brown eyes before reaching out nervously, settling his hand in the much larger one.

Just like Qui-Gon’s, it was warm and it gently wrapped around his as Mace smiled at him, the corners of his lips rising slightly, carefully pulling him away towards the door of the hall. “You do not have to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Sith knight… you can be Obi-Wan the Jedi master, we will not changes that about you. We want you as you are, not as who you could imitate.” He stated softly.

With a lump in his throat, Obi-Wan slowly followed the man out of hall of memorial. ‘As who I am…’

Moddy, I just finished MythicalRelics and omg the chills went down my spine. This was not where I thought that story was going. Woah. So good, but creepy. Really creepy. What does the High Council decide? Are they too dangerous to let out in the public? Or are they to be given the benefit of the doubt? Honestly, I kind of feel like the Jedi High Council doesn’t do well with giving the benefit of the doubt, lol.

Its not unusual to see Padawan Kenobi hurrying through the halls.

Not outright running but still more than the brisk walk many Jedi employ if they have a purpose to their walk that will lead them to a meeting of some sort.

And for all that he is a senior padawan, padawan Kenobi has a tendency to hurry hither and tither when he has a goal in mind.

And he clearly has it right now, his face focused and a bag over his shoulder that more than likely contains pads for some lessons.

He might be going to some study session, maybe he has some additional or advanced classes he decided to take on or maybe he’s the teacher for some younglings today as senior padawans that are close to their knighthood often get.

And considering the debacle on Naboo, becoming the first Sith slayer in a century, Obi-Wan Kenobi is expected to become a knight any day now, even without completing all his trials.

What has also become less unusual, is Anakin Skywalker.

And the effect that boy has on Kenobi.

“Obi-Wan!” The blond calls out, excited and joyful, his eyes too knowing with too many teeth in his smile, his voice echoing in the halls even without the boy shouting.

The effect is instant, Kenobi skids to a stop, as if frozen, seemingly unable to reject the call as he instead takes a deep breath and then slowly turns, staying in place with a haggered look as the young padawan bounces towards him.

Only to be stopped by a dark hand coming to rest, taming the excited energy that is padawan Skywalker.

Walking at a more sedate pace with Master Windu’s hand on his shoulder, Skywalker still smiles too widely up at Kenobi, the redhead smiling a tad back before bowing slightly.

But to whom, now that is a good question.

“Padawan Kenobi, apologies,” Master Windu murmured, his hand still settled on Skywalker’s shoulder, a chagrined look crossing the boy’s face. “Do you have time for a small chat?” The master of the order questioned, a brow raised with his question.

Seemingly relaxing, his smile spreading a bit more, Kenobi nods. “Of course master Windu, does this require privacy or…” He trailed off, brows raised expectantly.

Shaking his head, his free hand raising in a dismissive motion, Windu spared a thin lipped smile at Kenobi. “No, here is fine. I was wondering if you had time for some private tutoring for Anakin?” He glanced down, his smile growing slightly as the boy grinned up at him while leaning back into the touch on his shoulder. “His powers seem to be growing and I am… woefully uncertain how to handle them I have to admit. You have a handle on your own, could you lend your guidance and council?” Windu went back to peering at Kenobi.

Ah, and here was the other thing that had become common.

The fact that Kenobi and Skywalker were more.

Half-breeds as they called themselves, parents that were… gods.

Though how much people believed in it, that varied.

Some thought that perhaps the parents were avatars of the Force in some way, but gods and goddesses?


Yet it seemed the council, in their infinite wisdom, had accepted some form of that as truth.

What everyone could be certain of, was that Kenobi and Skywalker were peculiar, different.

Many a master remembered a redheaded boy with too many teeth in his smile after all, not too different from Skywalker even if Skywalker was even more unsettling somehow.

Pausing a bit, clearly thoughtful, Kenobi nodded. “I have a period on mondays in the early evening that I don’t use for anything, if that is acceptable, we can set up something then?” He stated, his hands fiddling with the strap of his bag.

Pausing, clearly thinking, Windu slowly nodded. “That would be acceptable. Unless I’m in a meeting I should be available then and Anakin at least should be. I don’t need to be present at every lesson.” He stated thoughtfully, keeping his hand on Anakin’s shoulder as the boy bounced a bit with excess energy.

Nodding, Kenobi looked a lot more relaxed now, either because he knew why or because Skywalker was keeping his powers to himself.

“Is that acceptable to you Anakin?” Windu glanced down at his padawan, stubby braid swinging slightly as it stuck straight out as he looked up at his master. “You would loose out on one of your free periods.” He warned quietly.

“But I get to see Obi-Wan?” The blond questioned, grinning widely when Windu nodded. “Wizard!” He bounced forward, out of his master’s grip, not that Windu was holding on all that tightly, hugging Kenobi around the waist.

Snorting faintly, Kenobi patted the boy on the head, both amused and resigned looking as he shot Windu a look.

The master of the order just smirked.

There were a lot of things the Jedi order had gotten used to lately and would continue to have to get used to.

MythicalRelics – Y’know, I almost pity the Council. Obi-wan and Anakin have just taken their nice, comfortable worldview and shaken it like a toddler shakes a snowglobe. At least a couple of them are probably having a BSOD moment right about now. XD If it’s not too much trouble (and the muses cooperate), could we get a bit of Mace’s perspective on this mess?

Its not that he doesn’t believe.

Actually, in all honesty, Mace quite easily believes young Kenobi and his words, doesn’t really need Plo to confirm the man’s mental states all that much.

There has always been something different and strange about him, even for a Jedi.

Something that had been tucked away as he grew older, as if he learned to control it but Mace remembers a young redhead that smiled a bit too widely, remembered glowing eyes in the dark and something a bit too knowing in a too young face.

But its still a hard pill to swallow, especially seeing how much power the boy has over Kenobi.

There is much danger in the boy, untrained he’s still powerful, trained he will know how to conduct that power.

So many shatterpoints.

There is power with becoming a Jedi.

Power that goes to some people’s head, its why one of the reasons they take only young people due to teaching them the dangers of abusing such powers.

He knows they are not the only one to take their members on young, several other Force organizations do so too, though many view the Jedi as baby snatchers.

There is after all a reason they do not go to Bardotta.

That is neither here nor there in the current situation.

What matters right now is a young boy with eyes that are far too powerful and a smile too full of teeth, the smell of ozone in the air around him as power practically crackles and the sight of Kenobi on his knees, his own teeth hidden and his eyes glowing faintly.

He’s not sure what the rest of the council is thinking, but he knows what he is as he stands and moves in front of the boy, staring down into blue eyes.

The whispers of how dangerous a path this is, is clear to Mace, how much this boy could damage not only Kenobi but the order.

And yet…

Slowly, Mace knelt down, ignoring Kenobi for now as he trusted Qui-Gon to at least take care of his padawan for now. Instead he offered his own hand to the boy. “Anakin Skywalker, I offer you a place as my padawan,” He stated, ignoring the murmurs behind him and the sound of Depa standing. He was fully focused on the power of those two blue, glowing eyes. “It will not be an easy path if you accept, there will be sacrifices for the future that you do not understand now. But if you accept, I will train you and if you choose to leave, I will guide you to a new path if so desired. But this is your only chance to accept me as your teacher or leave the temple for another path.” He stated sternly.

He left the decision in the boys hands.

Whatever happened here, whatever else, the boy would know that he choose the Jedi order.

Mace had offered him chances.

The chance to say no and go another way, the chance to say yes and decide later on that he wanted to leave with the blessing of the Jedi council or stay, become one of them.

But regardless, Mace offered this former slave child with too much power and too much strength the power to choose.

And maybe, for all that he had the power that practically lived beneath his skin, maybe no one had ever given Anakin Skywalker a choice before.

Because the boy was staring at him with suddenly wide and vulnerable eyes.

Slowly, ever so achingly slow, Anakin Skywalker put his hand into Mace Windu’s, staring at him searchingly.

Whatever he saw, whatever he was looking for, the Tatooine native found it in the Korun’s eyes because he tightened his grip Mace large hand and stepped closer, moving away from Kenobi, who let out a shuddering breath of relief at the distance. “Please, train me.” Anakin stated, almost a tad shyly.

Tightening his grip on the boy’s hand, Mace smiled slightly. “Then welcome to my lineage, padawan Skywalker.” He stated quietly, feeling several shatterpoints suddenly close and die while others opened up, far into the future.