I am already obsessed with feral child! Can we see some of the council gossiping about the previous events? I imagine Obi-wan’s ambition hasn’t gone unnoticed, particularly his feral tendencies


deeply at the statement, ears twitching as he observed the holo
display, Yoda couldn’t help a sharp toothed smirk while tapping his
claws on his chair. “Dangerous we all are, knew this we did. Stop
him we did not for that reason, a credit he is,” Yoda pointed out
calmly before chuckling as the display flickered to the image of Du
Crion’s corpse.
“Fierce he is.”

hummed, eyes closed but a small smile on her lips. “Feral you mean,
feral he is, tame him I hope Qui-Gon can but right you are, a credit
he would be.” She stated calmly.

his legs out, Piell snorted deeply. “That child could tear this
temple apart if he grew up to become the Sith we see, I hope we plan
to ensure his loyalty to our kind is clear?” The man raised his

was a collection of snorts and Shaak wiggled her lekku at him. “Well
duh, else we’d be screwed.”

a valid question.” He sulked in return, almost pouting.

ignored it, still smirking to himself now.

had long had his doubts about Du Crion, sure, he came from a family
with wealth, his father had given Xanatos his money when the codger
had passed away due to illness but he had always been so…
lackluster in his ambitions and his powers were so… mundane.

was not an impressive addition frankly.


who Yoda had mentored himself in the powers of precognition
and visions, having seen the sparks in the boy and how the Force had
singled him out. Yoda had recognized the ambitions burning in the
boy, the powers and the determination to not be pushed aside even as
he knew he would take no apprentice himself.

he could encourage that flaming spark…

we now are, here he is… ambitious spark he is. Strong my lineage
is.’ Yoda chuckled to himself as he remembered the two now white
haired knights walking around, both of them clearly in fear of Jinn
and the whispered warning passing through the halls to not
touch the man’s apprentice.


as he was thrown halfway across the salle, Obi-Wan barely rolled out
of the way when his powerful master hit down where he had been
moments before, the training saber scorching the wooden floor.

knew that his apprenticeship with the man wouldn’t be easy but he
had no idea the man meant teaching him to duel this seriously.

was barely
holding back, forcing Obi-Wan to use every inch of his knowledge to
try and block and dodge and parry but it wasn’t enough, especially
not with Jinn’s control of the Force literally throwing him around.

was bruised and aching and he had a training cut along his upper back
where the man had snagged him but all that pain did was to make him
even more determined to fight back.

had no chance of winning but he wasn’t going to make it simple for
his new master and the only way he could really keep the fight going
was to get his hands on the training saber as he scrambled around
Master Tholme and Quinlan sparring, using them as a barrier between
himself and Qui-Gon.

avail, the tall master only bounced over them and once more threw
Obi-Wan towards the other side of the salle where he crashed into the

onto his stomach, Obi-Wan spat out saliva and blood with a faint
ringing in his head that made him dizzy, Obi-Wan only raised his head
as black boots stopped in his peripheral vision, blinking up at his

got a raised brow in return, Qui-Gon standing there with his still
engaged training saber. “Well apprentice, yield?” He drawled,
looking smug and satisfied.

boiled in Obi-Wan’s veins and he snarled in reply to the satisfied
looking man only for him to yelp in surprise when his cape suddenly
jerked up and over his head at Obi-Wan’s twitched hand.

redhead instantly seized
the chance to race for this saber, sliding the last few inches and
grasping it just in time to be thrown.

he had his weapon back as he jumped to his suddenly numb legs,
and rage chasing away his aching pain as he meet Qui-Gon’s eyes
while raising his saber, grinning at the man with blood stained

yet Qui-Gon did not look upset.

he looked proud
and the fierce fire in Obi-Wan’s chest burned in joy as Qui-Gon
saluted him before engaging once more.

(I got an overactive mind and you all get this)

and red ringed eyes flickered
over the crowded
dining hall,
the young Initiate scanned the crowds for potential masters as
both young and old mingled during meal time even if they had their
own assigned tables and didn’t mix all that much.

was by no means a weak prospect for a master to guide but neither was
he exceptional in
the eyes of most Sith.
Just one of hundreds of younglings around his age or a bit older who
lacked a master to take them on and teach them.

was not to say that Obi-Wan was without prospects of course, he
had won too many a training duel and was too strong in the Force to
be utterly without prospects.

knew at least two interested Inquisitors who would take him on…

inquisitors. His
lip unconsciously curled into a sneer at the thought.

he took that offer,
he would become one and never rise to the rank of Darth, always be
looked at from the corner of the upper Sith’s echelons eyes and
dismissed for power and opportunity and
looked down on by everyone else.

if Obi-Wan was honest with at least himself, he wouldn’t settle for
just anyone.


master was not going to be just another face in a crowd of Sith, just
another red blade among the crowd.

master was going to be someone worth Obi-Wan’s devotion and not
just a teacher to guide him through a lackluster apprenticeship.

issue to that was that any Sith worth their salt at the moment was
already engaged with a padawan or did not want anymore as they
already had a legacy. ‘But if I were to get rid of the legacy…’
Obi-Wan had weighed his options carefully for
several weeks.

audacity to get rid of an older Sith and expose the weakness of
someone would gain him better than getting rid of an ongoing
apprentice and may actually endear him to his future master. Only
time would tell but it would give him an in if he choose carefully.

had already put aside both Windu and Nu, neither would take well to
Obi-Wan getting rid of their previous apprentices even if they fit
the criteria of what Obi-Wan wanted.

time was running short, he would turn fourteen
soon and it would be too late, he’d be sent away to some mercenary
company soon to be trained as a foot soldier and that was the last
thing he w-

ripple in the Force caught his attention, Obi-Wan’s head snapping
to the left with a crack that had another Initiate wincing at the
sound before glaring balefully at Obi-Wan.

didn’t notice, busy following the ripple.


overly tall human speaking with Yoda and Obi-Wan felt excitement
slither into his veins, a
giddy sort of insanity as Qui-Gon Jinn filled every criteria Obi-Wan
had for a future master. Power, poise, Force beauty, handsome enough
in Obi-Wan’s eyes, physical strength and reputation…

the legacy….

slowly turned his head to the left, finding the black head of a cocky
looking raven with an arrogant smirk upon his face, a circular scar
resting beneath an eye.

The Force hissed, the snake below his skin writhe and coiling in
preparation of attack. ‘Steady,’ He whispered back, eyes turning
a deeper red than amber and scaring a few of his age mates away from
him as he kept his eye on Du Crion. ‘Soon enough. Soon.’ He
promised himself and the snake, who reluctantly stilled.

his teeth in a predatory smile, Obi-Wan speared the meat on his plate
and bit into it, various ideas slipping through his mind.

yes, Obi-Wan knew what he wanted and he intended to have it, all he
had to do was kill Du Crion in a manner that would impress the Sith
lord he intended to have for his master and with the Force at his

was sure he would get exactly what he wanted.