so i am 100% just making my way through your aphorisint masterlist right now and valiantly resisting asking for more of like, a million different things?? but if you had any more of Theheelytrick , then that would be… absolutely lovely 👁 it gave me some real good giggles, ngl

Trying not to crack up laughing as people were giving themselves whiplashes as he walked by peacefully, Obi-Wan had to give it to Anakin. He was right that taking a day of from his wheels and walking around instead was making everyone even more confused than before even if the reason the other had suggested it was for Obi-Wan’s ankle to get a rest.

Instead of laughing as he desired, he simply gave people a peaceful smile and nod as he walked by them to the refractory to meet his former padawan and their shared padawan.

Ahsoka gave him a long look as he came towards them, looking like someone had forcibly feed her a lemon with how her lips puckered.

Anakin’s eyes however glittered in obvious joy as he beamed at him. “Obi-Wan! Right on time, we need to eat and then get going.” He stated cheerfully, pulling both of them to the queue behind a staring twi’lek.

The lady jumped a bit when Obi-Wan smiled at her and quickly gave an awkward smile back before turning back around to the front but even as she did, Obi-Wan could read her expression going, ‘what the hell, what the hell, what the HELL!?’.

After weeks and weeks of Obi-Wan gliding everyone, seeing him walk around normally for prolonged minutes was apparently disturbing them now and he wanted to so badly to crack up and fess up to what he was doing.

He was going to soon of course but… honestly, just a bit more.

Just a few more weeks of delightfully fucking around with people until he told them it was just wheels in his damn boots.

Well, not these particular ones.

Since he had karked his ankle up the day before, Anakin had carefully wrapped his ankle for him and dug out an older but low cut pair of boots that belonged to Obi-Wan, the small ankle boots not as tight with the bandage due to their wear and tear.

Thankfully, despite aching a bit as he put his weight on his ankle, it didn’t outright hurt enough for him to be limping around.

Grabbing a tray and lifting a spiced dish onto his tray quickly, Obi-Wan gave a happy noise. “Stewjoni spiced vegetable stew, the new supplies must have come in.” He beamed happily, quickly grabbing another small roll of traditional bread roll, the scored x in the top along with the telling blue tinge informing it was made with the proper grains.

Beside him, Ahsoka made a low noise of realization. “That’s right, your home planet don’t trade much with outsiders, do they?” She peered up at him.

Absently noting that she would soon be able to look him straight in the eyes with how she was growing like a weed, Obi-Wan nodded. “Stewjon is controlled space, they are isolationist by nature. Its a miracle they’re willing to trade with the Jedi temple really but that may be because we have a few members originally from Stewjon,” He stated warmly, grabbing another offering of traditional food. “A few members leave on their own but… yeah, outside of the Senator and her aide and a few scattered restaurants on Coruscant, Stewjoni don’t leave their space.” He hummed, thinking about to the one time he had visited his home planet.

He missed Ahsoka giving him a long, considering look as she swiped a meat forward plate of food. “Do Stewjon have Force organizations of their own?” She ventured, seemingly holding her breath as Anakin gave her a bemused look.

“Hmm? Oh, yes. Quite a few actually. They’re minor but powerful in their own right but some parents tend to give their children to the Jedi.” Obi-Wan answered absently, missing once more as Ahsoka gave Obi-Wan’s feet a considering look, as if she was trying to connect pieces of out information that weren’t there.

She wasn’t the only one, several Jedi whispering to each other.

Was Stewjon where Obi-Wan’s newfound powers came from?

I just finished the most recent update to dangerous galaxy (I’m late, I know) and wow. The Jedi are finally safe, no one is going to hurt them again. But there’s probably still so much that they’re dealing with. The commanders and Rex still have to make sure their commanders are safe, and they may have taken out the worst of the senators, but there’s still the rest of the senate to handle and the new dynamic that exists between the Jedi and the clones. How are the Jedi and their now, I guess former, commanders handling all that aftermath and cody’s injuries/new status

Grumbling tiredly as he surveyed the administration work, Cody rubbed at his temples gingerly even as Helix gave him a warning look. The medic, Helix in particular, had been on him like a burr on a bantha since the conquering of Coruscant, due to him becoming as injured as he did.

Nothing too straining or physical, which meant that Cody was left with a lot of paperwork.

So much.

He could delegate it of course, there were lots of troopers around, Fox was always willing to lend a hand and the mix of vode on Coruscant kept everything running and everyone at ease.

Seeing as outside of the Senators, no one got targeted and after Cody had literally gone on holo tv to show the proof of the Senate’s corruption and especially their Chancellor… well, people were quiet.

There were a few riots of course, a few less than flattering news reports and grumblings but Cody would take that.

The Coruscant Guards knew how to handle the people here and right now they also had the help of 212th and 501st, keeping everything at ease and orderly.

No major burning fires.

There were of course a few natborn officers that didn’t… listen, but those had also been taken care of.

The Venator had a brig for a reason after all, for those that didn’t get shoved out airlocks after a blast in the head.

Not all the natborns were terrible, they were just against clones and didn’t see them as people. ‘…Maybe I should just tell them to release them into the airlocks anyhow.’ Cody mentally grumbled to himself.

Thankfully, the vode outnumbered any natborn officers on any ship and the Jedi always sided with the troopers. Or that was the reports Cody had gotten from various factions keeping their foothold to keep the CIS from taking over.

So far, things were… well, not easy but going according to plan.

An unexpected thing had been a message directly from Dooku, a request to talk.

Cody was leery about that but he was also interested.

Now that the truth of Palpatine had come out and the fact that the entire war had been engineered by the man…

Well, Cody wasn’t the Senate, mid-rims and outer-rims planet would have a better chance with the vode than with the Senate as it was before. But they’d have to see where that went, if the planets reached out at all.

So much work to do and Cody was bored out of his mind by all of it.

Damn, if he could just get one of those giant iced latte things that Skywalker occasionally had…

“Sir, there’s a guest for you here.” Cody looked up from the terminal, blinking blearily at a smiling Waxer as the trooper stood in the door of the office they had picked out for work, one perfectly suited close to the Coruscant Guards but still in the Senate.

“A guest, who the kar-” Cody felt the words die in his mouth as a brown robed man stepped past Waxer and into the temporary office of the head of the Republic.

It was Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had come to see him.

A smiling Obi-Wan, a happy Obi-Wan, an Obi-Wan without bruises and dark circles beneath his eyes. Hell, Obi-Wan was almost glowing in the apricot colored light coming in through the window, the sinking sun coloring the sky with its rays.

He was beautiful, standing there and Cody felt himself stand automatically, despite his loss for words. He hadn’t expected to see any Jedi, seeing as he was in the Senate.

He had thought, now that they were free, that they’d avoid this place like it was hell on earth as it had been to many of the Jedi.

But here Obi-Wan was, looking healthy for once in the three years they had been at all this and he was right in front of Cody. “Commander Cody,” Obi-Wan greeted fondly, smiling playfully as bowed lightly in greeting. “Or is it Vod’alor Kote now?” He teased gently as he straightened.

“For you,” Cody rasped, limping slightly towards Obi-Wan, noting those green eyes turn worried as the Jedi quickly moved towards him to meet him in the middle. “For you General Kenobi, its always Cody.” He stated, clearing his throat slightly as Obi-Wan gingerly touched his elbow.

He still smiled. “Then I’m Obi-Wan for you. Are you better? Your eye doesn’t seem to have retained damage…” Obi-Wan glanced worriedly over him.

“Healer Che is a damn miracle worker,” Helix spoke up from the couch he was sitting at, Obi-Wan turning to him instantly to pay attention. “Our Vod’alor is gonna need rest, his leg will most likely hurt on bad days and he’ll most likely have tinnitus his life out, but he can see and hear properly. Something I was sure he wouldn’t be able to.” Helix shook his head.

The answer had Obi-Wan’s shoulder sinking, relaxing as he turned back to Cody with a relieved smile on his lips. “Oh, that’s good to hear. I wasn’t certain when I asked the Halls to send a healer for you but… I’m glad it worked out.” He stated softly.

Cody swallowed thickly, staring at how the sun shone in Obi-Wan’s hair.

Kark, why did his General have to be so good.

Compassionate and kind.

If it was just simple lust, then at least Cody could shove it where the light didn’t shine but this emotion… deep and profound…

He mentally shook it of and instead smiled. “I’m glad to see you Gen-Obi-Wan,” He amended at the others quick look. “But something tells me that you’re not here just to see me.” He limped back to the desk, settling down heavily with Obi-Wan sitting down on the office desk edge.

There were no additional chairs in this office, so Cody made no mention of him sitting on the desk. “Actually, for the most part, I just wanted to see you. But you are also right,” Obi-Wan confessed quietly, hands in his lap. “The council has requested I ask you for a meeting, Vod’alor Kote. The Jedi Order is a bit… uncertain, in the face of new leadership and would like some… clarity. Coming from you, it would be the most assuring.” He stated softly.

Cody peered up at the other before reaching out and resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s wrist, squeezing it carefully. He could read between the lines.

Not all Jedi were used to the vode, not everyone had been in their care and some of them… well, not everyone was Obi-Wan, who trusted the vode with all he was.

They needed reassurance.

Cody was willing to provide that. “Of course, what time would be best?” He stated quietly, swallowing thickly when Obi-Wan turned his hand to hold Cody’s.

“Any time at your leisure, Vod’alor Kote, the council will see you at any time today.” Obi-Wan stated, voice low and gentle, his eyes full of warmth as he peered at Cody.

May the audience have some more NeedForTouch? Specifically with Paz and Din talking over what happened? Or how Boba, Din, Paz, and Fennec are becoming a pack?

Now, Din wasn’t oblivious, not really.

Honestly, he’d have to be nose blind to not smell Paz interest in him, curled up in Paz den and cuddled into him as he often is. Not even the filters of his helmet would have been able to remove all the scent when their out of their kute and armor and only in sleep clothes and helmets.

He just…

Well, he hadn’t had the energy to deal with it, the loss in his soul for his pup making him ache and feel listless in ways he couldn’t explain.

But the days passed, with Boba, Paz and Fennec hovering around him, providing each their own comfort and care. Sometimes, Cobb called from Mos Pelgo, having a friendly chat and promising to visit when he could. Cara had done the same with Greef voice echoing in the back but it was further away for them than for Cobb.

Apparently, after the deal with the tuskens were struck, the town was much safer as the tuskens and town’s people now worked together instead of working against each other. They had even initiated trade.

Cobb had quietly, with a sly smile, informed Din that they had managed to get a steady supply of black melons and the village had managed to filter the awful taste out of it.

Which was nice to hear, on a planet like this, any kind of fluid to hydrate was good, making it easier to swallow was a good idea though. Children might not swallow it if it tasted like it was in the source.

Shifting slightly, Din returned his mind back to Paz, feeling the others arms around his waist. They had been sharing the same bed since they arrived on Tatooine, unless Din stayed with Boba, his vode often comforting him.

Boba often made him feel small in those moments.

Not in a bad way though.

Small but protected, the same way his dad had done before in the village and his buir later on in the covert when they held him tight to their chest and stroked his back.

But most days, he stayed with Paz in his den.

Shifting slowly, Din turned around to look at the other’s helmet, flickering his eyes up and down, running his hand hesitantly up and down Paz dark brown upper arm. Then he ran his hand up to the others exposed neck, finding the others scent gland and bonding patch, fingertips a light touch. He was grateful the other had worn a low v necked shirt to bed last night.

Paz would be a good alpha.

Caring and warm, always there for their mate, be they beta, omega or even another alpha.

‘He wants me… do I want him?’ Din licked his lips then flushed as his mind opted that moment to remind him of all the times he thought of Paz after Nevarro. Okay, so that was a stupid question, even from an emotionally unstable and anxious man like Din was right now.

Could he be the kind of omega Paz wanted though…

Mandalorian omegas weren’t the same as core omeg-dank farrik.

Din wrinkled his nose, why was he even thinking about core omegas and standards?

His lips pulled into a snarl in silent disgust, both at the thought of core standards and at the idea that Paz would want anything to do with that. Paz admired warriors, mandalorian alphas wanted warriors, not pushovers that simply stayed barefoot and at home, always pregnant.

They wanted mates that fought at their side, wanted fierce mates that carried a child and protected both themselves and their child as ferociously as any alpha would. ‘That’s what Paz would want too… but I’m not that kind of omega, am I?’ Din slumped a tad.

He had given up his child so easily, despite being tasked with returning Grogu to his own kind, that still made him a bad omega.

Paz couldn’t possib- “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but stop it.” Paz sleep growling voice rolled through his vocoder, Din jerking his hand away guiltily as the arms tightened around his waist.

“I-” Din stammered a tad, squirming in the grip of the others arms.

“You smell miserable Din’ika,” Paz continued, gently tapping their heads together in a Keldable kiss. “I can make a guess what you’re thinking but believe me when I say that you’re a good omega. A good buir… I certainly think you’re good.” Paz voice eased with softness.

Swallowing thickly, Din struggled to open his mouth, find something to say.

Then he simply swallowed and sat up, Paz letting him go so he could, visor tilted to keep track of Din.

He went ramrod stiff when Din reached for his helmet, slowly pulling his helmet off. “Din…” He rasped, large hand settling on the bounty hunter’s thigh, voice conflicted and yet seemingly incapable of turning his head away.

Settling his helmet down in his lap, Din nervously looked to the alpha, stroking his helmet flattened hair out of his face, feeling the curl of it due to the length.

For a long minute, the two simply stared at each other, Din clinging to his helmet, visibly feeling Paz eyes flicker over his face despite the visor in the way.

Finally though, Paz sat up too, still staring. Then he slowly reached out and cupped Din’s cheek with a large, warm hand. “Mesh’la…” Paz whispered reverently, huffing out air when Din turned his head to kiss the others palm.

Watching nervously, Din held his breath as Paz reached up for his own helmet with his free hand, tucking those large, long fingers under the chin and pulling up.

Warm brown eyes looked back at him for the first time without a barrier, and Din knew that this, this was a moment he’d remember forever as Paz smiled at him, his face framed by tight curls along with the a goatee not unlike Cobb in the same black as Paz hair.

His nose was broad and slightly flat and his lips were large and dark to match his brown skin tone.

It suited him.

Paz was beautiful and Din let out a low noise, practically a quiet whine. “P-Paz.” He stammered again, unsure what he was asking for.

Paz however seemed to know, his eyes softening even more somehow before the alpha leaned in and pressed their foreheads together.  “Mesh’la.” He simply repeated, warm thumb stroking delicately under Din’s eye.

‘…I was right. He is a good alpha.’ Din let himself fall apart, slumping against Paz as the other held him, their helmets resting in their laps as for the first time since he gave up Grogu, Din finally started to feel warmth in his soul once more.

Mesh’la = beautiful

Ani goes full caring mode in Secrets we Carry. Palpatine is sniffing around too:

Rinsing the others hair out carefully with the cup, Anakin sent his drowsy master a small smile as his longish hair dripped soap and water into the bowl below him.

Due to his healing injuries and the current painkillers he was on that left him not only sleepy but dizzy, Obi-Wan couldn’t handle standing in a shower for long at the moment and sonic would not be kind to his at the moment sensitive skin due to residual hormones. But Obi-Wan, quietly and a bit shifty, had complained about his hair and beard feeling gross.

Tacky the man had said.

Anakin had pounced on the opportunity.

Offered to wash the others hair as Anakin had done long ago when Obi-Wan had both of his hands broken on a mission, his neck length hair and beard coated with mud.

And to his relief, Obi-Wan had accepted after only a bit of hesitance, his desire for cleanness and comfort outweighing his thoughts on being a ‘burden’.

Oh, Anakin knew how Obi-Wan’s brain functioned.

He would see this as being a nuisance to whoever helped him if he outright asked, which was why Anakin had themed it as Anakin not having anything better to do.

Cody had helped by finding a larger, empty ammo crate that Anakin tipped onto its side to settle the water bowl on while Helix had shoved an empty bed next to the one Obi-Wan occupied for more space, so Obi-Wan could lay in bed still and just carefully tip his head off the side where Anakin sat and washed the others hair.

Running his flesh thumb gently over the others temple, Anakin smile widened at Obi-Wan when he gave a drowsy little noise in return, blinking blearily up at him in return. For all that he didn’t want to be a ‘burden’ to anyone, Obi-Wan looked content at the moment.

Maybe it was because Anakin was touching him, gently scrubbing away dirt, rubbing at his scalp or maybe it was the warm contentment of the medbay.

Or maybe it was the current mood of the medbay.

He could feel several troopers watching them and from the corner of his eyes he could see a smiling Waxer, the troopers still in the medbay contently relaxing after the battle for the Negotiator.

Seeing their General settled and content for the moment, enjoying what could amount to a bit of pampering with how much care Anakin was putting into washing the others hair was doing good for them too after all the weeks of seeing Obi-Wan stagger and drop around them.

It was a good change from the gaunt and tired man that had collapsed in a hallway and given himself a nosebleed due to his fucked up genetics.

Anakin had no idea why stewjoni people had developed such a thing, he was sure that once it was made for survival, perhaps in lean times when the mood dropped where adults tried to keep their children feed to avoid malnourished impact on children.

But it wasn’t useful anymore.

Especially not to a Force sensitive, they were suppose to eat more calories due to the way channeling Force through themselves burned calories and liquids. There was a reason Helix had kept Obi-Wan on so many Iv’s throughout the days after all and now, thanks to the fucking droidbait scum, Obi-Wan was back on it, his arm bandaged in a blue, sticky bandage since it made Obi-Wan nauseous to look at it.

Running another cup of water through the others hair, more to be certain than for anything else, Anakin watched how Obi-Wan’s eyes closed again, the soft touch of Anakin washing his hair making him even more lethargic.

It was a good look on the other, despite once more wearing medbay scrubs, eyes closed and comfortable over the two beds.

Picking up the waiting towel, Anakin wrapped in the others hair and started slowly rubbing, not wanting to be too vigorous and make Obi-Wan feel energized.

No, Obi-Wan needed rest and it soothed Anakin’s frenetic emotions to see the other rest, the image of Obi-Wan on his knees, bleeding on the durasteel floor after fighting with with bone weary tiredness already in him being replaced by this.

A soft, comfortable and sleepy Obi-Wan.

Much better.

Heelytrick is a hilarious and heartwarming fic. I would love to see how Palpatine and Anakin interactions change now that Anakin feels trusted by Obi because he told him about the prank on the galaxy. Three cheers to foiling Skeevy Sheevy’s plans! You are a wonderful writer, I don’t think I could ever write so many stories so well.

Groaning faintly as he laid down, Obi-Wan covered his eyes with his arm as his ankle throbbed painfully under the ice pack he had settled on it.

Honestly, he was grateful no one had seen him fall over in the hallway when the wheels on his heel had snagged and he had gone sprawling onto the ground. Had anyone seen him, they would have realized that Obi-Wan wasn’t karking gliding around.

And he was also grateful Anakin had been to see Palpatine again, just this once, as he couldn’t tease Obi-Wan about spraining his ankle on falling as he was initiating his little prank on the galaxy.

Really, he had only intended to mess with the council a bit but pulling one on the entire galaxy was hella funny and he wasn’t about to stop any time soo-

A loud thump echoed through the quarters, Obi-Wan sitting up sharply in shock as his heart raced only to blink over the back of the couch as Anakin threw his other boot down beside the other with a snarl on his face, the blond clearly missing out that Obi-Wan was there.

When he turned to step into the living room, he jumped as much as Obi-Wan had at the noise, the two staring at each other in surprise before Anakin clearly shook himself and smiled at his old master. “Obi-Wan, I didn’t hear you.” He mumbled awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck.

“I… um, I was laying on the couch.” Obi-Wan ventured, snorting when the blond face instantly turned into a worried frown as he hurried in and around the couch to take a look at him.

Clearly, he zoomed in on the iced ankle, his frown growing deeper as Obi-Wan shifted to sit more properly and give space for Anakin to sit.

Something the other took quickly, hand carefully shifting under his foot to shift the ankle and ice pack into his lap. “What happened?” Anakin questioned steadily.

Grunting slightly, Obi-Wan sighed even as he slowly laid down again, trying not to think about how comforting it was to have Anakin’s hand resting on his calf. “The wheel on my left boot snagged, I haven’t checked it yet but it caused me to tilt ass over teakettle in the hallway.” He grumbled faintly.

Anakin’s eyes shot to the modified boots beside his own by the door, desire to check them out clear even as he made no move to actually get up, his hand tightening on Obi-Wan’s calf.

Prodding the other with the heel of his right heel, Obi-Wan got the blond’s attention again. “However, I’m more interested in what caused your rather foul mood Anakin, you don’t have a tendency of throwing your footwear…” He trailed of as Anakin frown turned thunderous.

That was worrisome.

Lately the two of them had been getting along well, ever since Anakin was told about Obi-Wan’s little ‘hover’ trick.

“Just… grouchy.” Anakin finally settled on, rubbing slowly at Obi-Wan’s calf with a moody glare that he shot at the window.

Or more precisely at the Rotunda.

Oh dear, had Palpatine upset Anakin again?

Lately the Chancellor seemed to upset Anakin more than he tended to sooth him, Anakin often returning in a foul mood and becoming less and less willing to visit the old man. If this continued, Obi-Wan feared that Anakin would loose an old friend and mentor.

Regardless how he himself felt about the old goat, he didn’t wish for Anakin to loose someone he cared for but… well he really had no idea what to do.

Which was why he reached out with the Force and gave the hair beneath Anakin’s ear a little tug, a mimicry of when this man had been a boy and had a braid in that exact place. That of course got his attention, blue eyes finding his. “How about you and I go to Dex later, once my ankle stops throbbing?” Obi-Wan offered with a smile.

And to his relief, Anakin’s face lit up with a smile too, mech hand absently coming up to rub the hair beneath his right ear. “That… sounds good. Yeah, I’d like that,” Anakin noted fondly before turning stern. “But only if your ankle isn’t to swollen. I’m marching you to the Halls if its properly sprained.” He playfully threatened.

Snorting, Obi-Wan held up his hands in mock surrender, his smile growing. “As you say dear one, as you say.” The older man murmured fondly in an agreeable tone, chuckling as Anakin’s face pinked in pleasure at the old nickname.

In Lightthroughcracks since Anakin saw how skinny Obi-wan is does he try to convince him to eat more? And please tell me there’ll be more brotherly snuggles

Skipping in once he heard Obi-Wan’s voice, Anakin beamed at his master as the man put aside his pad on his bed, full attention on Anakin and Anakin alone as always with a small smile on his own lips.

It seemed that Obi-Wan preferred sitting on the bed instead of using the desk chair, though considering Obi-Wan preferred sitting in lotus style for the most part, that wasn’t really all that shocking to Anakin.

Ever since he came to surprise Obi-Wan, Anakin had gotten a bit more cautious, he saw a bit too much that day and wouldn’t like to repeat that experience, so he had started knocking on the door to make sure Obi-Wan was presentable.

“Hello there Anakin,” Obi-Wan greeted, eyes falling to the cloth in Anakin’s hands, the man blinking slowly with curiosity.

“Master!” Anakin chirped back, skipping over to the bed to flop down beside the man and lean in when the other wrapped his arm around his padawan’s shoulder in a welcoming embrace. This was one of few things Anakin had come to love ever since Obi-Wan needed healing.

How tactile Obi-Wan was with him.

Oh, Obi-Wan hadn’t been adverse to touching before but it had seemed… stiffer.

Now Obi-Wan easily would wrap his arm around Anakin and hold him or ruffle his hair or even just pet it.

It was nice and Anakin loved it, it reminded him of his mom’s touches sometimes in a way.

That said, it didn’t mean Anakin forgot what he had seen.

Obi-Wan was too skinny and an old fear had swept through Anakin each time the flash of Obi-Wan’s body came through his mind.

Of his mother, whispering about how the most waif like of servants and slaves were swept away by the winds, by the demons just waiting on them to become alone in the sand dunes.

Of demons burying them in the sand and killing them, easy targets, swept away.

Children and old and sick.

Sick like Obi-Wan.

Which was why he had begged Master Depa if one of the master’s could bake.

Shockingly, Master Mace apparently could and Depa begged herself away because she burned water, somehow?

He didn’t really understand that, how did you burn water?

Anyhow, Mace had listened to his request quietly before smiling and ruffling Anakin’s hair, agreeing that instead of sparring or katas, they’d bake during his period for a few days.

“Master, I bought you cookies!” He beamed, dropping the amber colored cloth to his lap and opening it to show Obi-Wan the slightly crumbly yellow cookies with glaze on them, beaming when Obi-Wan gave a surprised but pleased noise.

“Sugar cookies?” Obi-Wan questioned, carefully picking one up to sniff at.

“Honey and oat crisps, or that’s what Master Mace said.” Anakin corrected, wiggling slightly in excitement as Obi-Wan took a small nibble of the one he had picked up.

They were easy to make and since they were oats and honey, somewhat healthy even while being high in sugar and fat. “Oh, these are good. Well done padawan.” Obi-Wan grinned, taking a slightly bigger bite.

Beaming in return. “Good, cause all of these are for you. I already asked the healers and they said they were fine,” He chirped contently, flushing slightly at the indulgent, proud smile that appeared on Obi-Wan’s face. “Um, your hair is getting long master, do you want me to brush it?” He squeaked, feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan gave a small nod, watching as Anakin set the cloth covered cookies on Obi-Wan’s lap and then move to collect the hairbrush. “I don’t have a hair tie though, Anakin, how are you going to ti-oh.” He let out a small snort when Anakin triumphantly pulled out a piece of string from his belt pocket.

Grinning brightly, Anakin shuffled out of his boots and fully climbed onto the bed, wiggling slightly as he happily crawled behind Obi-Wan, standing up to get to work on the others hair. “I used to do this all the time for mom, though her brush was made of wood and had animal hairs bristle.” He chirped happily.

“Well, as long as you want to do it, I don’t mind Anakin.” Obi-Wan hummed.

“I don’t! I like playing with hair. Master Depa let me braid her hair in two braids that she looped on each side.” Anakin cheerfully stated, wiggling happily as he worked the tangles out of his hair, humming softly.

He could feel Obi-Wan relax, slowly nibbling on the cookies and likely getting crumbs in the bed, yet he didn’t say anything, just happy to have his master feeling relaxed and content, his head tilted back into Anakin’s hands.

That was all he had wanted from the day.

A happy Obi-Wan.

#lifeinmusic- Obi and his grandmaster have their own night out. Maybe we see an enterprising young Nabooian politician/Sith and his master.

Smiling softly to himself, Yan leaned back in his velvet dressed chair as he watched his excited grand-padawan instead of the play happening beneath them on the brightly lit stage, his hands resting in his lap with the play pamphlet clasped carefully to avoid wrinkling the decorated flimsi.

Not that Obi-Wan was paying attention to the play either, beautiful as it was with extraordinary actors.

No, Obi-Wan’s focus was further down than the stage, on the orchestra, watching the musicians play as directed by the conductor.

It was endearing to Yan if he was honest, he wasn’t one that easily felt comfortable or relaxed with children or even teens and maybe if the teen in front of him had been anyone else, he would have dismissed this as disrespect to the actors.

But he knew this child and knew he was respectful, knew Obi-Wan was just excited about the orchestra and therefore that was where his focus was.

‘And by the Force is he excited.’ Yan chuckled quietly to himself, the sound lost under the music as Obi-Wan leaned even more on the balcony rail to peer down, his eyes wide with a flush barely visible in the dim light of the theater. The child had been standing for the better part of the hour, to have a better view of the musicians and Yan knew the others legs should be feeling it at this point and yet his excitement was keeping him right there, standing, leaning on the balcony of the booth Yan had gotten them.

He was honestly extremely grateful that he got booth tickets now, if they had been sitting down among the audience, he’d have to pull Obi-Wan back into his seat.

Instead he got to enjoy Obi-Wan’s honest and refreshing elation without having to interrupt the boy.

It was endearing.

When was the last time that Yan Dooku had found a youngling to be endearing instead of merely tolerating them?

A very long time if he was brutally honest.

Yan didn’t mind children, that wasn’t it but he wasn’t really one to spend time with them and he would willingly admit that part of himself.

Not everyone was a good parent or teacher.

It was why he had so few padawans, he had to find the right ones to be able to train them.

And he would fully admit that if Obi-Wan was not Qui-Gon’s padawan, then he’d love to take the boy on.

The sharp mind and skill the other possessed was deeply intriguing to the Serenno native and he could already see the diplomat in making in the boy, under the passion and occasional emotional outbursts were the signs.

A diamond in the rough as some might say, though Yan would claim that Obi-Wan was more a star than a diamond, a bright glow in his Force aura.

So yes, Yan was endeared and frankly charmed by Obi-Wan, really, could anyone blame Yan?

Obi-Wan was genuine, hard-working, creative, a bit impish with a beautiful mind under his copper hair, his intelligence shining when he put his mind to it. And Yan well knew that several of the council members were also charmed by Obi-Wan and could possibly slightly jealous of Qui-Gon being able to snag Obi-Wan.

‘But that wouldn’t be shocking, what else are one suppose to feel, when Obi-Wan shines so brightly?’ Yan thought to himself, soft as Obi-Wan practically pulsed in the Force with his joy, as if his soul was preforming music.

So consumed with Obi-Wan’s joy, Yan was oblivious to the other eyes watching the boy, another redhead with narrowed, thoughtful pale eyes.

So, Wolfyrubs, it feels like its closing in towards the end, could we have some fluff?

Lips pressed against his mate shoulder, Anakin slowly shifted until he was spooning his mate, carefully pressing his hand up and under the shirt until he could rest his hand on Obi-Wan’s stomach.

If it wasn’t obvious that the other was deep in thought, Obi-Wan would have thought the were was up to something naughty.

But Anakin was simply resting his hand to Obi-Wan’s stomach, his lips simply pressed to the exposed skin.

He was so comfortable like this too, his mind floating as he was cuddled in with his mate in the warm bed, his mind for once resting on the mundane instead of the war. ‘Really, I should throw this shirt out, the collar is so wide…’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly, staring into the dark of their room with lidded eyes. It wasn’t the first time he had thought it and it wouldn’t be the last.

The shirt collar had always been a bit large, a shirt Obi-Wan had to emergency buy once on a mission that ended up being far too large for him.

But it was comfortable, the fabric soft and the color now a faded blue Obi-Wan found quite fetching.

So he kept it, despite the hole it had at the hem in the front and how wide the collar was becoming after so much use.

And Anakin was quite fond of the shirt too, said it made Obi-Wan look unassuming and soft, made it easy for Anakin to do exactly what he was doing, cuddling him and touching Obi-Wan’s skin.

An intimacy thing Obi-Wan would assume if he was more awake.

Though he woke up a bit more when Anakin spoke, the soft brushes of the others lips sending shivers down Obi-Wan’s spine as Anakin pulled back only enough to be heard. “Do you ever feel like we’re heading towards a resolution?” The werewolf murmured.

“Mmn?” Obi-Wan pressed back into the other, his hand absently coming up to pet Anakin’s over his shirt.

Anakin huffed, the air puffing up Obi-Wan’s neck hairs. “Just… ever since we started going through the surveillance rooms, going through everything and reporting what we’ve been finding, I feel like something is coming, like we’re speeding towards something and yet at the same time I can’t tell if…” He paused, pressing his lips once more to Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

Shuffling a bit, Obi-Wan moved until Anakin reluctantly let go, allowing Obi-Wan to roll onto his side so he could face his mate, the two looking at each other in the dark.

With their mutations, Obi-Wan and Anakin could clearly see each other in the dark, despite the curtains being drawn and the light of Coruscant not being allowed in.

Reaching up, Obi-Wan teased Anakin’s curled hair before moving his hand into the others hair, rubbing at the blonds scalp, knowing how much Anakin enjoyed hair play and petting.

It was enough to allow Anakin to relax, making it easier for Obi-Wan to shuffle their legs around until they one of his was trapped between Anakin’s and the other was lazily thrown over Anakin’s hip.

Comfortable and intimate position for two mates.

Letting out a slow breath, Obi-Wan thought over Anakin’s words before sighing as he continued petting. “I know what you mean. I feel it too Anakin,” He stated softly, watching as his mate focused lidded eyes on him. The pettings were getting to him clearly. “However, I have no more answer than you as to what will happen when things come to a head. I don’t know where we will be or what will happen.” He stated softly.

A soft pitched whine echoed in the room, Anakin eyes narrowing and Obi-Wan could see the urge to howl building.

Considering he didn’t want the neighbors to their quarters to complain again, Obi-Wan spoke before Anakin could start up the howl. “However, I do know one thing,” He stated softly, smiling when Anakin let out a curious noise that belonged more to his canine forms than it did to his human form. “I know that we’ll be together when it does my mate.” He settled on, leaning in to peck Anakin on the nose.

Anakin stared at him, his eyes glistening in the dark and then he huffed. “Sweet talker. That’s what you are, distracting me with unsaid promises.” He grumbled even as he ducked down and tucked his head under Obi-Wan’s chin.

“Mmn, maybe,” Obi-Wan agreed, letting his hand slip under their blankets, tracing Anakin’s spine. “But you know its true, dear mate of mine, sweet one of my heart.” He murmured, chuckling softly when Anakin let out a low, happy whine.

He knew he rarely uttered any nicknames or had an easy time at speaking endearments, it just wasn’t the way he was.

But Obi-Wan knew that the times he did, Anakin adored it.

‘I don’t know what comes… but we’ll be together when it whatever it is does.’ Obi-Wan noted, nuzzling at Anakin’s blond curls. “Love you, dear one.” He whispered into the dark, feeling Anakin grip tightly around his waist, the pulse of the werewolf speeding up even as he remained silent.

Both equally apprehensive of what was on the horizon.

Sorry if you got an unfinished ask earlier. Could we see Obi-wan, Zuru, and Dogma on their first mission together? Maybe with the 501st or 212nd? Or maybe the three ofbtjem going on an excursion to have some real food? Not just the normal rations. Thank you for all your writing!

Throwing the door open with the Force in what both troopers knew was a display of frivolous use of Force, Obi-Wan pushed the two in with his hands, grinning widely. “And here we are, the greatest place for a meal on Coruscant! Welcome to Dex’s diner!” He declared, ignoring the stink eye of several patrons.

Dogma opened his mouth only to shut it when a roar of a laugh cut him off, the portly besalisk behind the counter jumping over in a display of agility and strength Dogma wouldn’t have suspected of the man. “Obi-Wan! You rascal! Don’t think you get a discount just because you’re praising my establishment!” The man was still laughing, his mustache quivering.

His Jedi shot past the two troopers, throwing his arms around the besalisk with a shockingly boyish laugh. “Dex, you old goat!” He greeted in return, laughing even more as he was lifted off his feet in a wookie strong, four armed hug.

Turning slightly, Dogma gave Zuru a slightly wide eyed look.

Zuru just smiled wryly in return. “Meet Dex Jettster, one of a very selective few people that can make our General act like a boy.” He stated quietly, his smile growing a bit more as he watched Dex mess up Obi-Wan’s hair with one of his hands, the others still wrapped around the Jedi.

Turning back, Dogma continued watching.

What he saw…

It was interesting.

After the Cuddle Puddle, Obi-Wan had looked so content, everyone discreetly high fiving each other with getting the stiff and aggressive General to finally relax properly without any harm.

He’d looked so doped up, mild and half smiling.

But this?

Obi-Wan had a light in his eyes, as if years had fallen off him and he was smiling so widely it had to hurt.

He looked genuinely happy.

Finally, the besalisk sat Obi-Wan down, one hand still on his shoulder as Dex looked to them, Dogma nervously tensing. But Dex didn’t approach them, only gave them a wide smile and gestured to a booth. “Please! Sit, order, anyone that comes with Obi-Wan is a friend of mine! Hermoine! Take their drink orders!” Dex ordered, pulling Obi-Wan along a bit.

The Jedi happily went, not looking back and Zuru grasped Dogma’s elbow, pulling him along until they were at the end booth, sitting down while watching Obi-Wan.

The two troopers ordered caff and tea respectively, still watching their Jedi even as the drinks came.

Pulling his caff over, Dogma tilted his head then glanced at the pilot. “I… I’ve never seen the General like this, he’s so… happy.” He blinked.

Snorting, Zuru tapped his vambrace. “Hell, I’ve never seen him in as good a mood as this either,” Zuru marveled, watching Obi-Wan laugh as the besalisk entertained him with a story while both pretended Obi-Wan wasn’t hiding an info chip into his belt that Dex had slid him on the table. “Hell, even that time he punched Krell in the face during sparring didn’t have him that jolly.” Zuru lifted his tea to his lips, taking a sip to check.

He wasn’t as good as Obi-Wan at steeping but it tasted about right to him.

Dogma paused, staring at the pilot with wide eyes. “He punched Krell?” He whispered, shocked.

Snorting, Zuru glanced to check that Obi-Wan was still occupied before responding. “He hated Krell’s guts, had a vendetta against him way before… before…” He winced, taking a hurried sip.

Dogma did too, subconsciously tensing before forcing himself to relax again.

Umbara would be a stain in everyone that had been there’s memory.

Glancing at their General again, Dogma stared at him, watched him laugh. “…Jedi… aren’t suppose to hate.” He stated, feeling odd and stilted.

“No… not really,” Zuru fiddled with his tea, pulling the teabag out of it before it steeped to long and became bitter. “Obi-Wan explained it to me once. Jedi can feel all emotions, there’s nothing stopping them from feeling it all but the thing is… they aren’t suppose to let their emotions control them.”

Dogma mused on that, tapping his cup before nodding. “I think I get it? I mean, its kinda the same thing shiny’s get taught. That you can’t let fear control your actions? Running away from a battle or freezing?” He ventured hesitantly.

Zuru nodded. “That’s how I understood it too.”

“But if he punched Krell… doesn’t that mean he did let anger control him?” Dogma bit his lip, wondering if he should even ask.

Zuru snorted. “I asked him the same thing. General just… grinned at me, shrugged and said, ‘Zuru, if you think I’m that perfect, you haven’t seen behind the curtain yet.’ and patted me on the head.” He smiled a tad wryly.

Returning to watching the smiling, laughing Jedi, Dogma mused on that before shrugging and picking up the menu, wondering what in the world kinda food would make the Jedi think this place was the greatest on Coruscant, Zuru repeating the action on the other side.

Can we see more of Obi-Wan and Anakin in Babyface? Like Ani trying to help him learn to walk again

Scowling at the air, Anakin slowly and carefully unclenched his hands.

There was a time when speaking with the Chancellor had been one of his favorite things, how the man just seemed to understand and never scolded Anakin, only sought to understand and make Anakin feel better. How the man never made Anakin feel powerless or helpless or stupid, no, the Chancellor only made him happy or tried to at least.

How those memories had soured.

Anakin hated the man.

Palpatine had been trying to lie to him from the moment they had rescued Obi-Wan, telling Anakin there was nothing he could do to get them help.

That the Council had rejected the aid, that the Senate didn’t want to spare the troopers for it.

Bantha Shit.

There was a time Anakin might have believed him but Padme had been kind enough to send him the transcripts.

Anakin knew the truth.

Palpatine, his old friend, hadn’t been willing to help Obi-Wan.

Shaking himself, as if he was a wet dog, Anakin took a deep breath through his nose and forced his calm.

He couldn’t let his darker emotions swallow him, not at the current moment.

Obi-Wan and the teens in particular due to their lack of training and mental shields were in a fragile condition as it was, Anakin being a giant arse was not going to help them even though he wanted to rage.

Turning on his heel, Anakin left the comm room, his robe flaring dramatically without anyone seeing it as he fled the room.

This was the last place he needed to be.

Mostly due to him having seen Palpatine in holo form and the memory made him want to rage.

No, what he needed to do, needed to be… was in the medbay.

And that was where he was going to go.

The bridge didn’t need him at all, they were switching hyperlanes to get to Coruscant after all and Gregor and Rex were hyper competent.

Anakin trusted them to get the Negotiator and the Resolute home, Ahsoka simply surveying things.

So to Obi-Wan he went.

Most of the teens had their privacy screens up though when Anakin walked by he could see that they were either resting, cuddling with each other or fiddling with a pad as he crossed past the opening to their beds privacy screens, but all of them looked up when he passed, initially tense before relaxing when they saw who it was.

A learned response after weeks and months of captivity.

It would take time for them to unlearn that behavior if they ever did and Anakin’s heart bleed for them, he knew slaves who never managed to get out of certain behaviors when they were free, ticks you could tell that once they had been slaves. He shook that thought once more as he instead rounded the privacy screen of Obi-Wan’s bed to find the man sitting on the edge of his medbed, Cody asleep in the bed.

Considering the commander’s nose was scrunched up and flopped out in a searching motion, it was clear Obi-Wan only just sat up.

The two Jedi gave each other startled looks.

“Before you say anything,” Obi-Wan raised his hands, his bare, bandaged feet swinging lightly above the slippers. “I need to use the fresher.” He murmured softly, keeping his voice low as he didn’t want his words to carry in the mostly quiet medbay.

The teens would surely hear him if he was any louder, the two quite able to hear the pads of the ones watching shows or playing games and the low murmur of some of the talking.

Moving closer to the medbed, Anakin raised his hand to the others hair then paused, waiting until Obi-Wan nodded.

Gently stroking the others hair out of his face, Anakin shook his head slowly. “You know you’re not suppose to walk around without help, your balance is fucked.” He stated quietly. He extremely aware of Obi-Wan’s independence streak that bordered on harmful thank you very much, it was why he often kept tabs on his former master when the man was injured and Obi-Wan, due to the condition of his feet and body, fell without support.

Kix did not have crutches at the current moment for him to use, something about the inventory not being stocked right, something Anakin would fix once they were on Coruscant if he so had to go and buy the crutches and anything else Kix needed himself.

Giving a shaky sigh, Obi-Wan leaned into the friendly touch with a defeated expression, for someone as wholly independent to Obi-Wan, the situation was abhorrent, he knew he needed help, knew he was in the medbay for a reason and yet he still wanted to do his own things.

Then it brightened a bit much to Anakin’s surprise.

Glancing up through his lashes, Obi-Wan grasped Anakin’s mech arm. “Then its a good thing you’re here, yes?” He murmured, Cody muttering behind him on the bed and pulling the blankets more around himself.

There was a pause, mostly due to surprise before Anakin’s face transformed into a small smile, the blond nodding. “Yeah… long as you can handle me seeing you hobble around.” He teased quietly.

To his delight, Obi-Wan sniggered quietly. “Oh, considering I once saw you hobble like an old man on Felucia, I don’t mind.” He teased back.

Delight at the banter, Anakin playfully flickered Obi-Wan’s nose as he pulled the redhead up with his mech arm. “Oi, I fell of the swoop and landed on my back.” He playfully pouted, Obi-Wan swaying slightly as he clung to Anakin’s arm.

With babysteps, they started making their way to the fresher, the two bantering quietly with each other, relief echoing in Anakin every time Obi-Wan took a little dig at him.

It was amazing to hear his master sass him again. ‘Who’d have thought I’d end up missing it…’ Anakin mused as he escorted Obi-Wan by being his cane.