So I’m a slut for angst and I love DangerousGalaxy so here’s a promt for you, if you still take them. If not, please ignore.So… Obi-wan going to Cody for comfort after an «encounter» with a senator that the vode couldn’t prevent. Perhaps he got snagged on after leaving Organa’s office, before someone could get up there to meet and escorts him. And the Guard tries to intervene but don’t wanna risk the senator getting annoyed or angry and taking it out on Obi-wan.And Anakin and the other jedi he’s close to are aren’t at the temple so he goes to the barracks, to his commander. And Cody taking care of him, maybe having a talk and Obi getting to have a good healty cry and sleep (and perhaps a hug and a cuddle. Force knows the man needs some positive touch)

Shivering faintly, his arms wrapped tightly around himself as he stared at his own reflection in the dark window, Obi-Wan swallowed thickly before reaching up to touch the split in his lip, hissing quietly at the pain.

The entire left side of his face hurt so badly and his lower half burned with every step he took but he had managed to ignore it as he moved further and further away from the office.

Until he saw himself in the window, Coruscant at night sprawled wide and neon lit on the other side.

He looked horrible.

Pale, his face red and swollen looking with his upper lip swollen and broken even if the wound had started scabbing over with his robes wrinkled and hastily done up.

If Anakin saw him like that… if the rest of the temple saw him…

Obi-Wan shivered.

It was wasn’t a secret among the older padawans and adults but he knew, had always known, that among the preteens of the order, from ten to twelve, the knowledge was there. An open secret to what really happened in the Senate but they tried to spare their younglings.

It was night now but there were night classes, younglings who were nocturnal, young padawans coming and going because of missions or the war.

Then there was Anakin, Anakin who Padme luckily saved more often than not from suffering in the same way, Anakin, who had thankfully yet to bare the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy and giving a child to the creche.

If he saw Obi-Wan like this…

He was already on edge from the war, Obi-Wan had barely been able to stop the other Jedi before when Obi-Wan was hurt in their duties to the Senate. He wasn’t ignorant that the Senator that had broken his leg during ‘play’ had disappeared only a few weeks later, Anakin playing clueless when asked about them.

Horrible liar, his boy, at least to Obi-Wan, who knew all his tells.

But that boy also knew all of Obi-Wan’s tells most of the time, despite Obi-Wan’s best sabacc face.

He couldn’t go to the temple, not like this and Dex’s diner was shut down for a few days to deal with an infestation on the street, so he couldn’t go to Dex either to ask for bacta.

Swallowing thickly, Obi-Wan’s mind raced as he frantically flickered his eyes over the wide expanse of Coruscant.

But then his eyes landed on another, unmistakable building, one of the three buildings one could never mistake on Coruscant these days.

The Rotunda, the Senate and… the army barracks.

Cody was there, Cody and the 212th.

Cody with his secure grip, Cody, who didn’t ask questions, Cody, who promised security with everything he was.

His feet were moving before Obi-Wan consciously decided on his action, the Jedi moving as quickly as he could without breaking into a run.

He absently noted a guard up on a higher level when he came out into the foyer, the trooper coming to a stuttering still with his focus clearly on Obi-Wan but he couldn’t stop, not when he saw several senators were still around, several aides, many of them pausing when they saw him.

Obi-Wan couldn’t take another round, not now, not like this, not when he felt like he was breaking apart.

And so he moved as quickly as his feet would take him without running, his speed walking getting him to the temple speeder he had parked earlier.

With fumbling hands, he managed to buckle himself up, pain lacing up his spine from sitting but he forced himself to ignore it.

In the blink of an eye he was outside of the barracks, pulling into one of the little used parking spots that mainly Jedi used, a part of him worried about the lapse of time he just had as he wondered if his commander was even awak- “General?” Obi-Wan looked up, shaking slightly as he he saw Longshot, the trooper standing in gray slacks in the doorway, likely having just returned from somewhere.

Longshot eyes widened as they meet his and he stepped out, making his way to Obi-Wan. “I-Is Commander Cody awake?” Obi-Wan questioned numbly, letting Longshot help him out of the speeder, wobbling slightly as the man supported him.

Troopers were safe, Longshot was safe and Obi-Wan felt his eyes well with tears he struggled to beat down.

“Yes sir, he’s doing some paperwork with Captain Rex, said that any vod that needed him was welcome. He’d more than welcome you.” Longshot eyes flickered over him, cataloging everything he saw and Obi-Wan felt wrath and worry echoing through the Force.

He also felt other troopers, curiosity and concern lacing them as they took in the Jedi but his focus remained on Longshot. “Can… would you take me to him? I…” Obi-Wan swallowed thickly. “…I need help.” He whispered, the words feeling like defeat in his mouth.

Longshot eyes however softened, his rage replaced by the urge to comfort along with that worry from the start. “Of course General. We’ll do anything for you.” He stated, carefully pulling him towards the barracks doors, his free hand pulling his comm from his belt.

Obi-Wan stepped into the warmth of the barracks foyer, brightly lit and welcoming to the Jedi and for the first time tonight, felt his worry and fear fade into the ether.

He was safe.

hi, I know you probably have a lot of prompts but i was wondering if you had one for distant pain? maybe something about how the clones, maybe the 212th, because they are my favorite and I’m weak, react to the new kenobi? I also just want to thank you for writing this fic so much, I really love it:) as well as basically anything you write with Cody in it. thank you so much!

his head from the machine, Zuru blinked at his vode while trying not
to glance to the inside of the ship. “I’m sorry?” He
questioned, wondering if he heard right.

General, he’s kind of a hardass isn’t he?” Longshot repeated, a
wide grin on his face as Fives and Echo nodded eagerly. “We all
heard him calling General Skywalker on the carpet even if they don’t
know it.” He
chuckled a bit, there was no secret when it came to Jedi among the
troopers honestly.

more Zuru resisted the urge to glance towards the open door of the
shuttle as he instead settled his tool down and picked up his oil rag
instead, wiping his hands slowly. “Well yeah, General Kenobi has
always been a hardass,” He paused a bit before glancing at the
older vode. “To those who deserve it because as I understand,
General Skywalker is a good General and tries to be a good Jedi but
he kind of karks up a lot and pulls a lot of osik.” He shrugged a
bit, hoping he wasn’t overstepping his bounds.

knew where he stood when it came to his own Jedi but speaking to
other vode about their

be risky as all heck.

Fives and Echo just laughed. “Yeah, he’s a bit unstable, we know
that,” Fives agreed with a grin before going serious. “But he’s
General.” He added.

up his hands, rag held in one, Zuru nodded. “I know, that’s why I
didn’t say anything too much…” He knew better than to do that
honestly. Vode were protective of their
Jedi, even if they were crazy as all hells. Sithspit be damned, his
own was as crazy as a fyrnock with its limb in a trap as daylight was

Jinn’s as about as crazy in his own way but
Kenobi seems to be as crazy as he is a hardass,”
Longshot scratched idly at his chin, looking musingly at the engine.
might want to trade the Irissa carburetor out for a Nisser one, its
stronger and holds up better if you and General Kenobi do the search
and retrieve missions often.”

his mouth to argue, Zuru’s mouth snapped shut as there was a little
chirrup as Obi-Wan stepped out of the shuttle finally, a small smirk
on his lips as he wiped his own hands on a rag similar to Zuru. “See,
I’ve told him that a few eighteen times already but damn if he will
listen to me.” He drawled, pretending he didn’t see the suddenly
tense troopers.

I told you General,” Zuru leveled a finger at the redhead, eyes
narrowed. “The Irissa is faster
but also louder,
the Nisser may be a few seconds slower but its more silent which is
perfect for our regular missions as we generally go in under cover
and during the dark.” He huffed and dropped his rag onto his tool

a bit as Cotton raised her head from around her humans neck where she
was pretending to be a shawl and nuzzled at his ear, Obi-Wan came
over and dropped his own rag onto the tray. “Yes our usual ones but
we may no longer be having those missions if I understand my fellow
council members right which will mean different kinds and a quicker
ship and engine may be required.” He pointed out.

glances, the three other troopers slowly

sir about our commen-” Echo started slowly, not wanting his
brothers to get into problems.

Obi-Wan broke in, shrugging while sticking his thumbs into his belt.
“Don’t sweat it, you’re right. I’m about as crazy as they
come and I willingly admit it.” He smirked at them before
snorting again as Cotton nipped at his earlobe. “Yes, yes, fine
little one. We’ll go find you some bugs.” He chuckled, heading
off towards the forest line.

four troopers watched him go until he disappeared and then Zuru
finally turned to the others with a vague
grin. “He may be as crazy as a fyrnock in the sun but he’s also
cool.”  He winked, gaining laugh from the others.

hi, I know you probably have a lot of prompts but i was wondering if you had one for distant pain? maybe something about how the clones, maybe the 212th, because they are my favorite and I’m weak, react to the new kenobi? I also just want to thank you for writing this fic so much, I really love it:) as well as basically anything you write with Cody in it. thank you so much!

his head from the machine, Zuru blinked at his vode while trying not
to glance to the inside of the ship. “I’m sorry?” He
questioned, wondering if he heard right.

General, he’s kind of a hardass isn’t he?” Longshot repeated, a
wide grin on his face as Fives and Echo nodded eagerly. “We all
heard him calling General Skywalker on the carpet even if they don’t
know it.” He
chuckled a bit, there was no secret when it came to Jedi among the
troopers honestly.

more Zuru resisted the urge to glance towards the open door of the
shuttle as he instead settled his tool down and picked up his oil rag
instead, wiping his hands slowly. “Well yeah, General Kenobi has
always been a hardass,” He paused a bit before glancing at the
older vode. “To those who deserve it because as I understand,
General Skywalker is a good General and tries to be a good Jedi but
he kind of karks up a lot and pulls a lot of osik.” He shrugged a
bit, hoping he wasn’t overstepping his bounds.

knew where he stood when it came to his own Jedi but speaking to
other vode about their

be risky as all heck.

Fives and Echo just laughed. “Yeah, he’s a bit unstable, we know
that,” Fives agreed with a grin before going serious. “But he’s
General.” He added.

up his hands, rag held in one, Zuru nodded. “I know, that’s why I
didn’t say anything too much…” He knew better than to do that
honestly. Vode were protective of their
Jedi, even if they were crazy as all hells. Sithspit be damned, his
own was as crazy as a fyrnock with its limb in a trap as daylight was

Jinn’s as about as crazy in his own way but
Kenobi seems to be as crazy as he is a hardass,”
Longshot scratched idly at his chin, looking musingly at the engine.
might want to trade the Irissa carburetor out for a Nisser one, its
stronger and holds up better if you and General Kenobi do the search
and retrieve missions often.”

his mouth to argue, Zuru’s mouth snapped shut as there was a little
chirrup as Obi-Wan stepped out of the shuttle finally, a small smirk
on his lips as he wiped his own hands on a rag similar to Zuru. “See,
I’ve told him that a few eighteen times already but damn if he will
listen to me.” He drawled, pretending he didn’t see the suddenly
tense troopers.

I told you General,” Zuru leveled a finger at the redhead, eyes
narrowed. “The Irissa is faster
but also louder,
the Nisser may be a few seconds slower but its more silent which is
perfect for our regular missions as we generally go in under cover
and during the dark.” He huffed and dropped his rag onto his tool

a bit as Cotton raised her head from around her humans neck where she
was pretending to be a shawl and nuzzled at his ear, Obi-Wan came
over and dropped his own rag onto the tray. “Yes our usual ones but
we may no longer be having those missions if I understand my fellow
council members right which will mean different kinds and a quicker
ship and engine may be required.” He pointed out.

glances, the three other troopers slowly

sir about our commen-” Echo started slowly, not wanting his
brothers to get into problems.

Obi-Wan broke in, shrugging while sticking his thumbs into his belt.
“Don’t sweat it, you’re right. I’m about as crazy as they
come and I willingly admit it.” He smirked at them before
snorting again as Cotton nipped at his earlobe. “Yes, yes, fine
little one. We’ll go find you some bugs.” He chuckled, heading
off towards the forest line.

four troopers watched him go until he disappeared and then Zuru
finally turned to the others with a vague
grin. “He may be as crazy as a fyrnock in the sun but he’s also
cool.”  He winked, gaining laugh from the others.

Can we see a come back of many husbands please ? Quinlan finally learns the truth and his wedding gift is pretty much inappropriate. That doesn’t mean Obi-Wan won’t offer the possibilities to his husbands to use it on him, once he’s finished to growl as his old friend!

“Is that a tattoo

Obi-Wan almost
jumped out of his own skin in surprise, letting out a loud squeak as
he looked up which had Cody slapping Longshot shoulder lightly as the
commander came to look. “You scared him,” He chuckled quietly as
he too looked at the kit in Obi-Wan’s lap. “But that is a tattoo
kit isn’t it?” The commander asked with curiosity as Longshot and
him continued peeking.

Coloring a bit,
Obi-Wan nodded. “Its from Quinlan Vos, he heard about our marriage
and figured he’d send me this. I don’t think he knows how serious
our relationship is but he knows how important tattoos are to
troopers.” He rolled his eyes even as he tried to discreetly hide
what was beneath the tattoo tool.

“Is that why he
also sent you a cockring?” Longshot asked in interest.

Coloring sharply as
Cody sniggered and sat down by Obi-Wan, the Jedi gave a little
humiliated nod. “Yes, his little idea of ‘endurance’ I
imagine.” He mumbled as he pulled the cockring out from under the
tattoo tool.

There was no need
to hide it when the two already knew of it.

Honestly Obi-Wan
should have known better then to open a gift from Quinlan in the rec
room of the Negotiator with his husbands just wandering around
everywhere as they pleased and stealing kisses when they wanted.

Cody took the ring
from him and looked it over before he snorted and shook his head.
“Cheap plastic and the red color is not exactly flattering. We got
better stuff,” He said dryly before peering at the tool kit. “That
however looks nice…”

Picking up the
tool, Obi-Wan rolled it over in his hands before holding up to
Longshot who instantly took it.

Longshot, Waxer and
Crys at least he knew could tattoo and most of the troopers knew how
to do basic sketches.

“Yeah, this is a
pretty standup model actually,” Longshot said, blinking at them.
“Pretty pricy too so its a really nice gift from General Vos…”
He trailed off, peering at Obi-Wan.

Because Obi-Wan was
flustering deeply, something that was obvious to his husband and
battalion and had both of them now looking at him.

“Obi-Wan?” Cody
questioned encouragingly.

“If… I were to
pick a tattoo in the 212th colors, would that mean I
belonged to you?” He asked a bit shyly, watching how Longshots eyes
seemed to darken at the implication before the trooper gave him a
saucy grin.

“Well, some vode
like the marks we leave on you.” Cody murmured, his arms sliding
around the others waist to stroke at Obi-Wan’s stomach.

“Kark, we’ll
need to…” Longshot hands clenched on the tattoo tool before he
leaned down and stole a kiss from Obi-Wan and then running out the
door, shouting for Waxer and Crys.

Cody and Obi-Wan
watched him go before the redhead turned to his commander husband.

Smirking a bit,
Cody shrugged. “Most likely gone to sketch up a few alternatives
for you… they might come up with something elaborate if you don’t
stop them.” He informed in a matter of fact tone as he continued
rubbing Obi-Wan’s stomach over the tunic layers.

Looking back to the
door, Obi-Wan shrugged and leaned back into the trooper. “I don’t
mind elaborate, this will be as much for all of you as for me.” He
admitted quietly as the two got as comfortable as they could on the
scavenged sofa they had stuffed into the rec room.

Cody nosed into his
neck at that, pulling until Obi-Wan was in his lap so he could bury
his face into the Jedi’s neck. “You’re going to come out with a
giant bird or something with the 212th numbered into.”
He mumbled.

He didn’t sound
too upset about that though, more smug and Obi-Wan chuckled quietly
as he relaxed into his man, smiling as he closed his eyes and settled
into a light meditation while the two cuddled together for as long as
they could.

Force knew that
when the rest of them caught wind of the idea there were going to be
questions so taking the time for quiet while there still was a chance
was a grand idea.

Also Cody was
kriffing warm and that was absolutely lovely to Obi-Wan.

Can we see a come back of many husbands please ? Quinlan finally learns the truth and his wedding gift is pretty much inappropriate. That doesn’t mean Obi-Wan won’t offer the possibilities to his husbands to use it on him, once he’s finished to growl as his old friend!

“Is that a tattoo

Obi-Wan almost
jumped out of his own skin in surprise, letting out a loud squeak as
he looked up which had Cody slapping Longshot shoulder lightly as the
commander came to look. “You scared him,” He chuckled quietly as
he too looked at the kit in Obi-Wan’s lap. “But that is a tattoo
kit isn’t it?” The commander asked with curiosity as Longshot and
him continued peeking.

Coloring a bit,
Obi-Wan nodded. “Its from Quinlan Vos, he heard about our marriage
and figured he’d send me this. I don’t think he knows how serious
our relationship is but he knows how important tattoos are to
troopers.” He rolled his eyes even as he tried to discreetly hide
what was beneath the tattoo tool.

“Is that why he
also sent you a cockring?” Longshot asked in interest.

Coloring sharply as
Cody sniggered and sat down by Obi-Wan, the Jedi gave a little
humiliated nod. “Yes, his little idea of ‘endurance’ I
imagine.” He mumbled as he pulled the cockring out from under the
tattoo tool.

There was no need
to hide it when the two already knew of it.

Honestly Obi-Wan
should have known better then to open a gift from Quinlan in the rec
room of the Negotiator with his husbands just wandering around
everywhere as they pleased and stealing kisses when they wanted.

Cody took the ring
from him and looked it over before he snorted and shook his head.
“Cheap plastic and the red color is not exactly flattering. We got
better stuff,” He said dryly before peering at the tool kit. “That
however looks nice…”

Picking up the
tool, Obi-Wan rolled it over in his hands before holding up to
Longshot who instantly took it.

Longshot, Waxer and
Crys at least he knew could tattoo and most of the troopers knew how
to do basic sketches.

“Yeah, this is a
pretty standup model actually,” Longshot said, blinking at them.
“Pretty pricy too so its a really nice gift from General Vos…”
He trailed off, peering at Obi-Wan.

Because Obi-Wan was
flustering deeply, something that was obvious to his husband and
battalion and had both of them now looking at him.

“Obi-Wan?” Cody
questioned encouragingly.

“If… I were to
pick a tattoo in the 212th colors, would that mean I
belonged to you?” He asked a bit shyly, watching how Longshots eyes
seemed to darken at the implication before the trooper gave him a
saucy grin.

“Well, some vode
like the marks we leave on you.” Cody murmured, his arms sliding
around the others waist to stroke at Obi-Wan’s stomach.

“Kark, we’ll
need to…” Longshot hands clenched on the tattoo tool before he
leaned down and stole a kiss from Obi-Wan and then running out the
door, shouting for Waxer and Crys.

Cody and Obi-Wan
watched him go before the redhead turned to his commander husband.

Smirking a bit,
Cody shrugged. “Most likely gone to sketch up a few alternatives
for you… they might come up with something elaborate if you don’t
stop them.” He informed in a matter of fact tone as he continued
rubbing Obi-Wan’s stomach over the tunic layers.

Looking back to the
door, Obi-Wan shrugged and leaned back into the trooper. “I don’t
mind elaborate, this will be as much for all of you as for me.” He
admitted quietly as the two got as comfortable as they could on the
scavenged sofa they had stuffed into the rec room.

Cody nosed into his
neck at that, pulling until Obi-Wan was in his lap so he could bury
his face into the Jedi’s neck. “You’re going to come out with a
giant bird or something with the 212th numbered into.”
He mumbled.

He didn’t sound
too upset about that though, more smug and Obi-Wan chuckled quietly
as he relaxed into his man, smiling as he closed his eyes and settled
into a light meditation while the two cuddled together for as long as
they could.

Force knew that
when the rest of them caught wind of the idea there were going to be
questions so taking the time for quiet while there still was a chance
was a grand idea.

Also Cody was
kriffing warm and that was absolutely lovely to Obi-Wan.

In “only one” you hinted that obi-wan was nearing a heat, how do the clones and other Jedi in the ship react to their general being helpless? Do they set up patrols to make sure he’s safe, bring him food, sit guard… and how does Cody react to smelling it? Considering he’s head over heals in love. No sexy times cause obi wans still recovering though, as I’m sure Anakin would remind Cody

Sweet like a baked
pastry yet with a tang of musk that makes Cody’s stomach tighten
because he feels like he can taste it where he rests the back of his
head against the wall with his eyes closed and tries to breath
through his mouth.

Because if he
continues to breath with his nose, that scent has the potential to
drive him insane.

For a moment he’s
grateful that Obi-Wan only lets himself experience heat every three
months when its safe for his body but the next the alpha in him
snarls that he has to claim his mate before someone else does.

It causes a wide
array of spasms as he fights himself before he manages to open his
eyes and peer at the code locked door of Obi-Wan’s quarters on the
Negotiator, sealed shut as they are in transit towards Coruscant as
Obi-Wan will need a good week to recover from his heat and let the
scent fade off him before its safe to let him return to any

Maul and his
brother may no longer be of consequence thanks to the high Generals…
but there are always others.

And there is
nothing Obi-Wan will be denied to keep him safe.

Not with how rare
he is and how often he has already been hurt on a deep, traumatic and
highly personal level.

Cody is broken from
his thoughts when he hears steps in the hallway, cocking his head to
listen to the boots on the floor before opening his eyes to watch
Longshot come into view with a tray in his hands and a look of deep
concentration on his face.

While Cody may be
the one most severely affected, they are all reacting to the scent
and Cody can’t find it in him to scold his vode or act aggressive
when several of them look practically pained by the smell with how
fiercely they are resisting.

He nods to Longshot
when he’s finally arrived at the door and glances at the tray.

Two water bottles,
a bowl of stew, a roll that looks like sweetbread and two capsules he
recognizes as vitamins.

“You alright
commander?” Longshot asked, glancing over him and taking in the
sweat beading on Cody’s forehead. “Need to exchange shift?” He

Cody took a deep
breath through his mouth and then shook his head. “Not yet, though
if his scent doesn’t ease up soon I might have to regardless how
antsy that will make me.” He grunted.

Longshot gave a
sympathetic nod before kneeling down and pressing on the door for the
little slide in door to unseal itself from the rest of the door and
the tray to be able to slide in.

On the other side
of the door Cody knew that a force shield was suppose to appear that
locked the scents both inside and outside so they wouldn’t get an
even stronger blast of Obi-Wan’s scent yet he would not get theirs
suddenly either.

It was safest.

If Obi-Wan suddenly
got a gust of alpha scent… and not just one but several with one
that he was highly compatible with, who knew how long his heat may
last outside of its usual five day run. No, they were taking every
precaution they could and the Negotiator had been especially modified
to fit for Obi-Wan’s need as a general of the GAR.

But oh how Cody
longs to breech that door and wrap his arms around the needy omega he
knows is inside.

He mentally wacks
himself hard at that thought.

That is the last
thing Obi-Wan actually needs and General Skywalker’s words of
warning shot across his mind quickly, mentions of relapses,
flashbacks and whatnot’s that Obi-Wan could possibly experience
after coming out of heat if any alpha entered that room during his

It was the last
thing Cody wanted, to set back the recovery in any way.

Even if the General
claimed he was fine and recovered, Cody would never forgive himself
if he hurt or betrayed the mans trust.

Never ever.

Nor would any of
his vode and they shouldn’t.

Pulling out the
tray from breakfast and sliding in the fresh one, Longshot re-sealing
the opened door hastily after himself and let out a deep breath as he
got to his feet. “I keep expecting the force field to flicker.
Thank stars it doesn’t.” He grunted.

“Aye… go off
and eat Longshot, Blackout will be here in half an hour to switch
with me.” Cody murmured, watching the other give a salute before
sliding away with the empty tray.

And then Cody was
alone again in the hallway with Obi-Wan’s faint scent. ‘Its going
to be a long week…’

In “only one” you hinted that obi-wan was nearing a heat, how do the clones and other Jedi in the ship react to their general being helpless? Do they set up patrols to make sure he’s safe, bring him food, sit guard… and how does Cody react to smelling it? Considering he’s head over heals in love. No sexy times cause obi wans still recovering though, as I’m sure Anakin would remind Cody

Sweet like a baked
pastry yet with a tang of musk that makes Cody’s stomach tighten
because he feels like he can taste it where he rests the back of his
head against the wall with his eyes closed and tries to breath
through his mouth.

Because if he
continues to breath with his nose, that scent has the potential to
drive him insane.

For a moment he’s
grateful that Obi-Wan only lets himself experience heat every three
months when its safe for his body but the next the alpha in him
snarls that he has to claim his mate before someone else does.

It causes a wide
array of spasms as he fights himself before he manages to open his
eyes and peer at the code locked door of Obi-Wan’s quarters on the
Negotiator, sealed shut as they are in transit towards Coruscant as
Obi-Wan will need a good week to recover from his heat and let the
scent fade off him before its safe to let him return to any

Maul and his
brother may no longer be of consequence thanks to the high Generals…
but there are always others.

And there is
nothing Obi-Wan will be denied to keep him safe.

Not with how rare
he is and how often he has already been hurt on a deep, traumatic and
highly personal level.

Cody is broken from
his thoughts when he hears steps in the hallway, cocking his head to
listen to the boots on the floor before opening his eyes to watch
Longshot come into view with a tray in his hands and a look of deep
concentration on his face.

While Cody may be
the one most severely affected, they are all reacting to the scent
and Cody can’t find it in him to scold his vode or act aggressive
when several of them look practically pained by the smell with how
fiercely they are resisting.

He nods to Longshot
when he’s finally arrived at the door and glances at the tray.

Two water bottles,
a bowl of stew, a roll that looks like sweetbread and two capsules he
recognizes as vitamins.

“You alright
commander?” Longshot asked, glancing over him and taking in the
sweat beading on Cody’s forehead. “Need to exchange shift?” He

Cody took a deep
breath through his mouth and then shook his head. “Not yet, though
if his scent doesn’t ease up soon I might have to regardless how
antsy that will make me.” He grunted.

Longshot gave a
sympathetic nod before kneeling down and pressing on the door for the
little slide in door to unseal itself from the rest of the door and
the tray to be able to slide in.

On the other side
of the door Cody knew that a force shield was suppose to appear that
locked the scents both inside and outside so they wouldn’t get an
even stronger blast of Obi-Wan’s scent yet he would not get theirs
suddenly either.

It was safest.

If Obi-Wan suddenly
got a gust of alpha scent… and not just one but several with one
that he was highly compatible with, who knew how long his heat may
last outside of its usual five day run. No, they were taking every
precaution they could and the Negotiator had been especially modified
to fit for Obi-Wan’s need as a general of the GAR.

But oh how Cody
longs to breech that door and wrap his arms around the needy omega he
knows is inside.

He mentally wacks
himself hard at that thought.

That is the last
thing Obi-Wan actually needs and General Skywalker’s words of
warning shot across his mind quickly, mentions of relapses,
flashbacks and whatnot’s that Obi-Wan could possibly experience
after coming out of heat if any alpha entered that room during his

It was the last
thing Cody wanted, to set back the recovery in any way.

Even if the General
claimed he was fine and recovered, Cody would never forgive himself
if he hurt or betrayed the mans trust.

Never ever.

Nor would any of
his vode and they shouldn’t.

Pulling out the
tray from breakfast and sliding in the fresh one, Longshot re-sealing
the opened door hastily after himself and let out a deep breath as he
got to his feet. “I keep expecting the force field to flicker.
Thank stars it doesn’t.” He grunted.

“Aye… go off
and eat Longshot, Blackout will be here in half an hour to switch
with me.” Cody murmured, watching the other give a salute before
sliding away with the empty tray.

And then Cody was
alone again in the hallway with Obi-Wan’s faint scent. ‘Its going
to be a long week…’

Ohhh I miss smol Obi!!!!! Can we please have overprotective clones and possessive Cody in the next one please ?!!!

Shakily pressing the back of his hand in front of the Jedi’s mouth,
Longshot let out a relieved breath when the back of his gauntlet
fogged up that indicated breathing even if it was faint. Thank the
stars, that was one less worry out of the way even if it didn’t
bring them any closer to getting out at least their Jedi wasn’t
dead. “He’s alive.” He got out to the other two.

“Well…that’s one for the books.” Boil offered dryly.

Waxer gave a shaky laugh, leaned up against the cave wall as the glow
sticks they’d broken provided light. They’d all taken the helmet
off as the HUD were cracked and therefor would be of no help but man
were they all missing it because the air was stale and heavy. “You
mean the fact that we all just crawled into a narrow cave opening to
escape droids, dragging our General with us and blew said opening
shut without being sure said General was alive or if there was a way
out? Yeah, real one for the books.” He wheezed.

Boil turned to him, pressing his hand to Waxer’s chest, the dim
glow barely showcasing his frown.

Waxer touched his wrist. “I’m fine, I just got a dent cyare.”

Respectfully Longshot kept his eyes on his general to give the
illusion of privacy, carefully checking their Jedi over while Waxer
and Boil had a small moment.

He looked up when he hear some shuffling, Waxer crawling over. “How
is he? Outside of alive.”

“Bad.” Longshot sighed. “I think its mostly a head injury but
I’m no medic. We need some bandages though to wrap up his head or
else Commander’s going to have our heads.” He grinned wryly.

“I got some, you never know with our General.” Boil mumbled,
searching his belt for a few moments before pulling out a roll of
bandages that he offered to Longshot.

Carefully, Waxer lifted the Jedi upper body up and settled his hand
on the base of the mans skull while Longshot got to work with the
bandage to prevent the bleeding.

There wasn’t much else they could do until either Obi-Wan woke up
or they got to an actual medic.

Once done the three exchanged look in the dim light. “…Now what?”

“We wait.” Waxer shrugged and lifted their General’s wrist to a
rhythmically flickering light on his comm. “Commander Cody has him
tagged, he’s going to track us down and bring reinforcements. We
just need to hold tight and make sure the General is in as good a
shape as possible.”

Dour looks were exchanged before Longshot sighed and nodded,
carefully pulling their small General into his lap and settling his
back against Longshot’s chest, hand below the mans jaw to tilt his
head up.

“Bodyheat.” He explained quietly to the other two before shifting
his hand a bit on the Jedi’s jaw. “And unrestricted breathing.”

Nodding, Waxer settled himself beside his vod and Boil on the other
side. “Good thinking, not much else we can do right now.” He

“…Heh, Commander’s not going to let him out of his sight for
weeks now.” Boil smirked wryly in the green light.

“Weeks? Try months.” Longshot grinned.

It faded slowly though as all of them listened to Obi-Wan’s
strained breath, the bandage becoming ever more bloody by the second
as he sat against Longshot’s chest.

“…I vote for keeping him in his quarters on the Negotiator for a
week.” Boil suddenly muttered, his vods agreeing quietly while
Longshot gently adjusted his grip on the Jedi.