
Din learns hands-on the ins-n-outs of lightsaber duels from Master Luke

(and a Round 2:)

I have so many things I want to draw for Din going to Jedi school so @dinlukenation​‘s Dinluke Week was the push to get started. More student!Din to come 🤞

Moddy, in AWOLJedi do Cody and Obi-Wan ever talk about their feelings? Or does Rex say something to Anakin about his?

Following behind the taller blond, Rex glanced around the hall, taking in the decorations on the walls of the dormitory hall. These particular halls had decorations along the walls, tiles making a mosaic of patterns that were broken up by doors with plaques containing names of the owners.

There were several containing troopers and they always made Rex smile a bit, glancing at his Jedi’s back before going back to looking around.

“Here we are, Obi-Wan and Cody’s place.” Anakin stopped, smiling happily, setting his hand to the keypad.

“Are you sure we should just barge in?” Rex murmured, hands in his pockets. “What if they’re busy?”

Anakin just laughed at that. “I bet they’re just napping, Obi-Wan stayed up all night with the kids, much like I did.” He grinned warmly over his shoulder, waving Rex concerns away.

‘Honestly, you should be sleeping too.’ Rex thought, rolling his eyes fondly as he stepped in after the other.

Only to crash into his back with a surprised yelp.

Furthermore, his wasn’t the only yelp and Rex quickly poked his head around Anakin to blink into the room, finding… oh karking hell.

“Why Kote! I thought you were playing chicken!” He wolf whistled, laughing at his vod as the other glared at the two, flushed from where he had dragged a blanket around his and Obi-Wan’s lower halves on the couch as he was clearly resting between the Jedi’s legs.

Their clothes had been scattered around the room, a trail towards the couch and Obi-Wan had covered his face, letting out tiny noises that Rex could only call whimpers with his own blush going down his face, his collarbone and down his chest amazingly enough.

“Get out you two!” Cody hissed, his ears bright red as he tugged the blanket more up.

Anakin let out a spluttering noise. “Obi-Wan!” He gasped in outrage and Rex decided to be a good brother for once as he gave Cody a salute and then grabbed his fellow blond to drag him out of the rooms, still laughing.

Thankfully, Anakin didn’t put up much of a fight, let Rex drag him out even as he let out more spluttered, questioning noises.

Getting one last look at his vod and the General before the door shut, Rex couldn’t help but snigger at how red both of them were. Then he tugged his own General after him, keeping a hold of Anakin’s hand. “Well, at least we know where they are.” He stated a tad cheerfully.

Anakin let out an outraged squawk at that. “I walked in on my master kriffing!” He gasped and Rex glanced up at the other, snorting at the sight of a blush climbing high on his cheeks, the tips of his ears red where they stuck out from under his curls.

“I’ve walked in on so many vode at this point that I no longer have any embarrassment out of it, must be refreshing.” He teased gently, smirking slightly as he noticed the rumor mill moving.

By that he meant he could see the knights freeze at the end of the hall as Anakin had been anything but quiet, the first grabbing the second and hurrying right back out.

It would be all over the temple and the vode by the end of the day he bet.

Hearing Anakin go quieter, falling more into step with Rex, he glanced back up at the other and smirked lightly. “You didn’t think your master was an old maid now, did you?” He teased gently.

That got a loud snort out of Anakin, still a bit flushed, as he peered back at Rex. “If you think this is the first time I walked in on my master, you’re dead wrong. I just didn’t expect it here. I knew Cody was chasing his tail.” He grumbled a tad about dense masters.

Letting out a thoughtful hum, Rex frowned. “You walked in on h-”
“With Quinlan Vos, on the kitchen table of our first quarters.” Rex looked up at the other flat words, blinking heavily.

“…He could do better.” Quinlan wasn’t a bad sort, but Rex had seen how the others destructive habits feed into Obi-Wan’s own destructive habits. So, yes, he could do better, someone who didn’t feed into the habits.

That gained Rex a loud laugh and a happy nod as they continued towards the hoverlift, knowing better than to head back to Obi-Wan and Cody’s quarters for a long, long while.


“You should really watch your back around Prime, General.”

“Jango? I sense no ill will from him, at least right now?”

“Well I sense ’ill will’ from him. Sir.”

or, Jango is alive and is a huge pain in Cody’s ass and wants to be an even bigger pain in Obi’s

(why did I spend so long on this)


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❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!

Just because your reaction would amuse me as I am fairly certain what your reaction would be, Moddy, would you like to read this Obitine story I just wrote?

Nonny, dearest nonny, you already know and therefore I do not feel the need to hold back…

I would rather gnaw my own foot off at the ankle. I would rather live a week on only beans and cabbage. I would rather cut the tip of my finger off once more with the mandolin tool. I would rather get into a heated troll discussion on youtube with bad faith takes. I would rather take a sip of my coffee only to discover my creamer has gone bad. I would rather stand in place as the ocean rushes towards me, knowing its gonna knock me flat.

So, succiently
