Oh no, Anakin’s not about to do something stupid and gross in Armored Delight, is he? I hope not

longer she was laughing, literal tears streaming down her flushed but
still beautiful face from laughing so hard, the more red Anakin was
turning as he sat with his head in his hands, peeking through his
fingers at his wife.

He finally whined after five minutes.

giggling and covering her mouth, her shoulder shaking, Padme waved
her other hand at him in the holo. “S-Sorry, just…five minutes
more, give me five minutes.” She wheezed before leaving the holo
range, Anakin still able to hear her laughing faintly as she moved

returned after five minutes though, still snorting as she wiped her
face with a tissue.

grin is so big it must be making her face ache.’ Anakin mused,
pouting at his wife.

glanced at him and let out a snort giggle before shaking herself and
taking a deep breath. “Okay, alright then. So, he’s literally
projecting his sexcapades into the Force and turning you on?” Padme
finally asked, snorting a bit.

a tiny bit misereble, still nervous and a bit overwhelmed by her
response, Anakin pouted even more as
he dropped his hands to his lap.
“He’s really enjoying himself, any Force sensitive can literally
feel it if they’re around here when he’s busy with them and
honestly, it’s a bit shocking. Cause Obi-Wan usually has such
control and he’s a private person, but with them…” Anakin
trailed off.

her chin, sitting back, Padme gave a thoughtful hum. “I imagine
they make him feel so good he kind of loses his mind a bit. Anything
else doesn’t make sense because as you say, he is a private person
Obi-Wan.” She chuckled softly, brushing her fluffy dress out a bit
and if Anakin had to take a stab in the dark, she was in her office
at the Rotunda with how she was dressed.

beautiful, low neck dark blue with purple trimmings dress with bell
sleeves, her waist trimmed in with the upper corset part of it,
several skirts layering it out along with her hair set up in a
beautiful braided ensemble.

quite a Naboo Queen but still obviously quite the setup, especially
with the golden jewelry.

he loved her.

you want to fuck him.” Padme’s words made him cringe back into
reality as he squirmed in his seat.

wasn’t like he was going to ask Obi-Wan for a fuck unless Padme

was his wife, he wasn’t a cheating miserable skunk after all but if
Padme said yes…

was frowning a bit now, stroking her skirt while staring at her

heart sunk and he shifted forward. “Hey…” He whispered, waiting
until Padme looked up before he smiled softly. “I love you.
Regardless of anything else angel, I love you with all my heart. It’s
just that…” He hesitated.

face softened at that. “You love Obi-Wan too. Just not like you
love me huh?” She sat back in her chair and hummed softly.

nervously at the back of his neck, Anakin shrugged slightly. “I’ve
always loved Obi-Wan. Just in different ways. And he’s always been
sexy but I’ve just… you know, ignored it for my own sanity sake.”
He grimaced a bit before biting his lips. “But right now it’s
very hard to ignore it.”

frowned a bit before realization set in. “The projection. With you
feeling his pleasure in the Force…” She trailed off.

I can practically taste
him, see him…Force the way his pleasure basically swamps everything
in the Force, it wouldn’t take much for me to be
him and feel everything happening to him secondhand,”
Anakin explained to his wife, snorting at her shocked look. “Yeah,
it’s that visceral. Even someone impotent could get a secondhand
orgasm from it if they were Force sensitive I think.” He breathed
out while
scrubbing his hands through his curls.

both turned silent, Padme clearly thoughtful and Anakin leaving her
to her thoughts with hope in his heart.


she said yes, if Obi-Wan said yes…

swallowed heavily, trying not to get ahead of himself but fuck, the
things he could imagine doing to Obi-Wan, things he had found on the
holonet when he was a teen, wanking himself raw, the things he had
been feeling lately that indicated that Obi-Wan would be more than
open for it…

couldn’t help a shudder as his rather sore dick rose in interest.

downside of wanking with a mech hand covered in leather was that it
could be a bit raw. ‘Condom might help that next time’ Anakin
mused before snapping back to attention when Padme cleared her

was watching him closely. “I love you Anakin,” His heart sunk a
bit only to rise when she smiled softly. “And I know you love me.
As long as you keep on remaining open and honest with me, and you
take an STD checkup, I don’t mind if you want to sleep with
Obi-Wan. As long
as he’s okay with it and you’re honest with him too.” She gave
him a severe look.

there was the catch.

Anakin thought it over.

STD checkup wasn’t so bad, easy to do and something they did anyhow
cause you never knew what you could catch out in the galaxy from
tainted blood
so Jedi had checkups for that after every mission if they were
injured at any point.
Anakin remembered vividly when Obi-Wan caught syphilis
from a pirate that had punched Obi-Wan in the mouth, Obi-Wan’s
teeth cutting up the knuckles of the man.

there he had gotten the man’s blood in his mouth and voila,
syphilis without sex.

had taken Obi-Wan a month of antibiotics
and bacta and a few other medications to deal
with the side effects of syphilis like the sores, headaches, nausea
and fever.

had honestly been a bit hellish for Anakin to watch his usually so
active and
dignified master
barely manage to get up from the couch because of his joint aches and
headache in
only his ruffled sleep wear,
being sweaty and disheveled the entire time as Anakin had run so many
errands for Obi-Wan and tried to make sure the man had tea and food
at all times to keep him from having to do any unnecessary amount of

telling him…’ That was the part that got Anakin nervous, telling
Obi-Wan that he was married…

it wouldn’t be fair to engage in even casual sex unless he was

wasn’t a random one night stand or stranger.

Anakin nodded with a small, tired sigh. “You’re right. I’ll
tell him.” He murmured, his mouth feeling dry and his body too
tight and tense.

if he says no, that’s it. No grudges Anakin, no pouting, be a
proper gentleman about it.” Padme stated sternly, her brows raised
and her eyes expectant.

a lot quicker to that, Anakin smiled lovingly. “Of course, if he
says no, that’s it. I’m not a monster, Padme.” He huffed, a tiny
bit offended.

just rolled her eyes and blew a kiss at him that had Anakin mellow
out again with a grin.

are you going to ask him?” Padme shifted in her seat, raising one
leg above the other under her skirt as she watched him curiously.

his chin, Anakin let out a thoughtful hum. “Well, not right now for
sure. He’s way too sore for anything. But maybe in two or three
days? I can smell bacta off him so he might be ready by then.” He
frowned to himself, missing Padme’s amused eyes as she shook her

At least he’s thoughtful enough.’ Padme thought in exasperated
fondness, watching her silly husband with a loving smile.

Prompt: A mission takes Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and anyone else you do or don’t feel like including to question someone at a bdsm dungeon. It’s assumed that the reason Obi is so agitated is because he’s a perfect golden innocent child tm… until someone (or multiple someones) recognize him.

about the club pumping with music and the vibration of the living and
the hazy smell of musky
in the air and atmospheric dimmed light that
all screamed of intimacy,
Obi-Wan tried to hide his nervousness from both his master and

really didn’t want to be at the Glazed Dragon, why their suspect
had run into the bdsm dungeon club he had no idea but they had and
Obi-Wan really wished they had not.

rather he wished that he did not have the companions he currently had
as they looked around the Glazed Dragon at people in various state of
dress, kneeling or sitting and even someone who was engaging in a

were in one of the privacy booths of course but everyone could tell
even if they couldn’t see properly.

wouldn’t matter if they could, if the privacy wasn’t engaged.
Once you entered the Glazed Dragon, you had consented to seeing this
kind of thing because that was in the contract everyone signed before
they entered the second door and just how his master and Quinlan
hadn’t noticed he was not required to sign, Obi-Wan did not know.

how he wished that the perp hadn’t run of into the club, clearly
having a membership that allowed them in and because they were Jedi
and were claiming investigation, all three Jedi were allowed in.

bouncer had only given Qui-Gon and Quinlan some narrow looks before
shrugging and letting them in, neither taking notice of how the
bouncer only gave Obi-Wan friendly nod before the female besalisk
went back to leaning against the wall and watching.

were sending him looks now though, Qui-Gon of exasperation and
Quinlan of amusement as the man threw an arm around him in
companionable affection. “Alright then Obes, I know that you’re
kind of restrained and sorta prudish but you do know that you’re
going to have to open up that mind and accept some practices out
there.” He teased as
a semi nude twi’lek sashayed past them with a leash in her hand,
hooking the ring onto the collar of a burly looking zabrak who she
cooed at.

yelped however as he was shoved off Obi-Wan with the Force by an
irate master, who gave the Jedi knight a slight glare. “Obi-Wan
does not have to do anything he is not comfortable with,” He stated
sternly before hesitating and sighing. “Though Obi-Wan, you do have
to understand and respect the culture and live styles of others.”
He continued a bit more gently.

a bit, Obi-Wan waved his hands. “That’s not it master, I fully
understand and respect a bdsm practice.” He
tried to explain without giving himself away.

was promptly busted when there was a loud squeal and Obi-Wan was
suddenly lifted of his feet by a two meter tall man with long, very
long black hair to his rear tied back, piercing brown eyes and a
beatific smile on his face. “Obi-Wan! Little Imp you didn’t say
you’d be back so soon!” He
cried out happily as he held Obi-Wan up with his arms under the
redhead’s armpits.

deeply, feeling both his master and Quinlan’s eyes on him while
also remembering the last time he saw Karas,
Obi-Wan smiled shyly at the man holding him up, his
large hands under Obi-Wan’s armpits. “Hello Karas sir and I
wasn’t suppose to sir, I’m here on duty.” He explained quickly.

now named Karas face went through several emotions at once, surprise,
disappointment and then last acceptance as he set Obi-Wan down,
nodding. “Oh I see, that explains your companions.” He rumbled,
rubbing his clean chin with a sigh. “That is too bad, I was hoping…
ah well.” He shrugged and smiled.

slightly to the man, Obi-Wan kept the nervous flutters behind a
smile. “Maybe another time, sir.” He offered up, almost purring
when Karas gently patted his head.

that does sound good. But for now I’ll look for another companion.
None as great as you but oh well.” He laughed that booming laugh
before nodding to both Quinlan and Qui-Gon, offering them respect
before wandering further into the club.

Obi-Wan turned around and
smiled meekly at the two wide eyes staring at him, Quinlan even
gaping rather unattractively at Obi-Wan as the kiffar’s muscled
arms hung at his sides. Qui-Gon at least had managed to restrain
himself to simply raising his brows high with wide eyes and crossed
arms over his chest. “I um, I can explain?” He offered up.

that Qui-Gon, with an odd look in his eyes, settled one bushy brow
down and one up. “I imagine I can guess Obi-Wan considering that
interaction.” He stated calmly before tilting his head. “And
since that guess involves being intimately familiar with this place,
I would like to request that you lead the charge to find our suspect,
that good with you padawan?”

horribly and grateful for how the dim light would hide that fact,
Obi-Wan nodded and moved past the two.

he was under no illusion that they would forget about it and that
there would be questions later on, especially Quinlan could be a nosy
bastard and Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon’s burning eyes in his back.

right here and now they were Jedi and they had a smuggler of Force
artifacts to find.

frankly, Obi-Wan was suddenly very relieved that they could both be
professional because the idea of explaining his inclinations in the
Glazed Dragon was not something he was interested in, especially as
they had both gotten a good look at Karas, the tall, barrel chested
man with long hair tied back and the leash on the man’s belt.

he was very happy they were being dutiful because if he had to
explain it now, he would combust with embarrassment.

much for trying to keep a low profile and not letting other Jedi
know.’ He thought mournfully even as he thought he felt a phantom
sensation of a hand in the low of his back, a slight shiver going
through his spine that made him blink and