Will there be more bonding between anakin and obiwan in lights through the cracks??? Love that fic

Crawling into the bed quietly, Anakin snuggled up to his master’s chest with a little noise, feeling the others heavy, warm arm come down around him in a clinging motion.

Obi-Wan’s re-confinement to his Hall room wasn’t as bad as the last time thankfully, Healer Che said he wouldn’t be in the room for as long likely and he was allowed visitor a day after he had his setback.

Something Anakin appreciated as he wanted his master back again, curling up in their quarter on their couch.

Nuzzling slowly into the other when Obi-Wan tucked him under his chin, Anakin let out a soft noise when Obi-Wan petted at the back of his head but opted not to say anything.

He knew from the healers that Obi-Wan needed rest, that his outburst had left him fatigued both in body and in spirit and the more he rested, the sooner he could get back out.

Really, Anakin wouldn’t have needed the healers to tell him that, he could tell Obi-Wan was very tired the moment he stepped into the room and Obi-Wan had simply blinked at him from the bed and then lifted his blanket and arm in a welcoming motion.

So if Obi-Wan simply wanted to cuddle and not do anything else, then Anakin was fine with that.

It had been a long day anyhow, dueling with the other padawans during saber lessons and nav lessons, not to mention that Master Mace had taken him aside for moving meditation right after lunch.

It left him sore but feeling accomplished when the master of the order fondly ruffled at his hair and told him he was showing improvements.

The praise had him both flushing and yet preening, beaming up at the tall man as he smiled slightly down at him.

“How was your day?” Obi-Wan’s soft, almost drowsy voice had Anakin snapping out of his own head.

Shrugging as best he could, he fiddled with the front of Obi-Wan’s tunic, playing with the lapels. “Okay, but long. Master Drallig had us go through the fountain fall katas, all fifty of them and master Mace had me doing moving meditation with him after lunch for three hours.” He explained quietly.

Obi-Wan hand paused on the back of his head, an amused huff escaping him when Anakin whined. “Was it too much for you? I can talk to Master Mace if you needed more rest. Or food.” Anakin could hear the anxiety building in the other voice.

Obi-Wan was always full of anxiety when it came to Anakin’s care, always trying to make sure that Anakin knew there were choices, to ensure he ate and drank, that he rested, that he could come to Obi-Wan or another master for help.

Just like Anakin’s mom.

‘He’s fragile, just like mom too. Just in a different way.’ The thought came unbidden and Anakin’s stomach ached at the thought, the need to make sure Obi-Wan was fine itching through him before he breathed deeply in through his nose and out of his mouth like Master Depa had showed him.

Nuzzling slowly, Anakin shook his head slightly. “No, it was fine. I enjoyed it. But I think I might go with Knight Bant tomorrow to the swimming pool you two showed me.” He stated shyly, grinning when Obi-Wan let out a mixed relieved and amused hum.

Anakin liked Knight Bant, she was helping him learn how to swim and the pool in particular she and Obi-Wan had taken him to was a warm one.

Swimming or even just standing in the water and floating on his back made Anakin muscle feel so much better after a long day of training and he loved the warm pool. Bant had said it was made to mimic a hot springs from stewjoni, giving Obi-Wan an amused look as she said it.

Obi-Wan had just muttered and flapped his hand at her before stepping into the water and carefully guiding the desert born boy into the water until he was waist deep, smiling reassuringly while promising not to let go of his hands.

Tightening his grip on Obi-Wan’s lapels, Anakin promised to himself that he wouldn’t let go of Obi-Wan’s hands either.

He’d be there through thick and thin.

Do the healers figure out what triggered Obi’s relapse? Maybe there is something on Obi’s comm?

“Can you tell how this happened?

The voice penetrated Obi-Wan’s foggy head, the words even and soft but somehow still attention catching.

There was a deep, slightly frustrated sigh. “Sometimes, relapses don’t have a reason. Obi-Wan’s recovery was never meant to be a straight line and while this is unfortunate, it was also to be expected.” A firm voice replied, a voice Obi-Wan recognized and knew very well to listen to or else.

Or else?

Else what?

“Its frankly a Force miracle that it didn’t happen sooner, I didn’t want to say anything, but I expected Obi-Wan back within the week of leaving. The fact that he remained out for a full month, even left the temple, is a very good sign for his progress. This? Its just a step back.” The voice continued, a thread of satisfaction in it.

There was a deep sigh. “So, two steps forward and one back then?” The first voice questioned.

“More like three steps forward and one back. He might be back in his room with the shielding now, but I don’t expect to keep him for long. We might also want to look into medication for Obi-Wan, we’ll talk with him about it again.”

A low, deep voice echoed. “He rejected it last, right?” That voice was very familiar and for some reason Obi-Wan’s mouth tasted of purple of all things when he heard it.

“Yes, with good reason. At the time it was offered, he was in even worse state and the side effects worried him, now he might be more amendable to it. He is in a much better condition, so some of the more severe side effects wouldn’t be a worry to him.” The firm voice stated quietly.

“A different medication you are thinking of now, hmm?” An old, croaky voice questioned.

It was familiar.

They all were but Obi-Wan just wanted to rest.

“Yes actually, the first one was… well, its an emergency and the side effects would lead to some permanently having to take them for life. Its why Obi-Wan rejected them and the only reason I offered them was due to young Anakin and the severity of Obi-Wan’s case.” The firm voice explained.

There was a rustle, something soft was brushed over Obi-Wan and he let out a soft noise, stilling all the voices.

A gentle, warm hand stroked his hair. “Obi-Wan?” The voice that tasted like purple stated, softer and closer now.

Yes, that was his name and he let out another soft noise as there was some more rustling before another, slightly cooler hand touched his temple. “Hmm, he’s not very conscious. Awake but not really aware… it is alright Obi-Wan, you can rest some more.” The cool hand lingered.

Oh, it expected a response.

Obi-Wan let out a small hum, shifting slightly as he bought his limbs closer to himself.

“Hmm, the severed bond, causing this it is?” The croaky voice questioned.

“Not directly, its more how Obi-Wan choose to deal with his relapse,” The firm voice answered, voice kinder. “Directing all of it into himself instead of leaning on his padawan, it created a feedback loop from the backlash. Also, apparently your voice tastes of purple Mace.” The firm voice sounded like it wanted to laugh.

There was a pause. “…I’m not even going to question that,” The purple voice sighed deeply before it spoke again. “I’ll take Anakin for the day, he’s not going to be in the best of moods and a good sparring or moving meditation works better for him. Shaak, will you tell Plo that Obi-Wan is in a better state? I would hate for him to be distracted in his mission.”

The soft voice from the start chuckled quietly. “Of course, will you join me Master Yoda? We could have tea together while Master Che returns to her duties.”

The voices started faded away, as if they were moving further off but the purple one lingered, the warm hand back in his hair. “…Rest well Obi-Wan, the temple will be safe around you.”

LightThroughCracks — Obi-Wan has a relapse (love all your fics!!!!)

Rushing through the hall as quickly as he dared, Anakin’s eyes darted left and right, cursing Dinvaka for ruining Anakin’s comm link during sparring.

It had been an accident, the older wookie padawan had apologized again and again but that didn’t make the current situation any better.

‘I need a council master. I need Master Plo, or Depa, or Yaddle, o-or Mace!’ Anakin’s thoughts were racing, even as he tried not to catch the attention of everyone. He knew that was a mote point though, everyone clearly realized something was up.

But were keeping a distance as Anakin was clearly looking for someone.

Finally, finally, Anakin spotted a very familiar, purple cloak with gold trimmings.

Saying karking it to manners, Anakin raced forward and grasped the kel dors hand, staring up with wide eyes.

He knew that Plo was most likely leaving the temple, since he was wearing the robe, but he was the first council member Anakin had found.

At the very least, Plo would be able to get into contact with someone else if his own excursion was more important.

Plo of course turned instantly at the grip, familiar with Anakin’s behavior and always accepting of it, a greeting on his lips under his mask that died when he spotted the building panic in Anakin. He knelt down, resting his hands on the blond’s shoulders. “Anakin?” He murmured.

Tugging, Anakin nodded the way he had come. “Master Plo, thank the Force,” He gasped out, “Obi-Wan. Its Obi-Wan.” He whispered, in a faint attempt to have some privacy even as his eyes filled with moisture, trying not to start crying.

Jedi had too good of a hearing, he didn’t want everyone to know that Obi-Wan was ill again.

Unable to see Plo’s eyes with his goggles, Anakin still knew that the others eyes had lit up with understanding, the man standing quickly. “Lead the way.” He murmured seriously.

With a council master following him, no one else did and Anakin couldn’t help but breath out in relief, even as he moved as quickly as he could without running.

Thankfully, Plo’s long legs meant he easily kept up. “What happened Anakin?” Plo questioned, his claws a gentle grip on Anakin’s softer hand, his mind suspecting but hoping that he was wrong.

“Me and Obi-Wan were going to dinner but then he felt bad and… and its best if you see it yourself.” Anakin swallowed thickly, fighting his tears as he pulled the kel dor along.

It would be amusing, the tiny human pulling the tall kel dor along, if it wasn’t so serious.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes of walking quickly, Anakin ducked in to a smaller hall, less used and then into a darkened alcove Plo faintly remembered having benches in his youth.

And in the alcove, sitting on the floor, Obi-Wan was curled up against the wall, robe puddled around him as the redhead breathed shakily into his legs. H

e might have been hyperventilating at one point, Plo suspected, with how hard the other was breathing into the legs he had pulled to his chest, his face hidden into the fabric.

Yet when he heard Anakin, he lifted his face long enough for Plo to see the reddened, teary eyes.

“Oh… Oh Obi-Wan.” Plo breathed out into his mask, the hissing sound heard clearly into the alcove.

Obi-Wan flinched at the sound, curling even more up into his legs as he pressed his face into his legs, hiding away as his shame and self-loathing practically oozed off him in waves.

Pressing his hand to Anakin’s shoulder, Plo gave him the best smile he could then pressed his comm link into the Tatooian boy’s hands. “Alright, I need you to contact Healer Che. Then you need to speak with Master Windu, can you do that for me Anakin? Tell them that Obi-Wan is having an incident and that I will be bringing him to his old room.” He stated quietly.

Anakin, clearly worried, nodded, stepping back to give the two older Jedi privacy.

He knew Obi-Wan didn’t like seeing him like this and instead, sniffling slightly, Anakin focused on his own task of contacting the people Plo asked him to.

Inside the alcove, Plo knelt down slowly, settling one hand on Obi-Wan’s head, brushing past the flimsy shields of the others head.

The moment he had laid eyes on Obi-Wan, he had been rather certain that the other was having a relapse.

Now, inside Obi-Wan’s mind, he knew.

But this time, instead of leaning on the bond between himself and his padawan, Obi-Wan had fully withdrawn into himself, in an attempt to avoid harming his padawan.

Creating a backlash, his own emotions looping in the Force.

Stroking the copper tresses slowly, Plo let out a deep, crooning noise as he pressed his shields between Obi-Wan and the world, watching him slump to the wall. “Oh Obi-Wan, its alright child. It will be alright.” He murmured worriedly.

Obi-Wan let out a soft, broken noise, seemingly out of energy as he rested against the wall.

But he was tilting his head into the touch, blinking slowly up at Plo.

Trusting and open, accepting help.

“It will be alright.” Plo repeated, soft as he heard Anakin talk with Yaddle, the healers on the way.

Obi-Wan buys his Padawan a fun animal hoodie in Light Through the Cracks. He also does some slicing to find out about Palpatine.

Humming faintly under his breath, Obi-Wan continued quietly typing away at his terminal as the small, warm shape cuddled against his side.

Anakin had fallen asleep hours ago and technically, Obi-Wan should have carried his padawan to his bed.

But he knew that if he did that, if he separated the boy from his side now, Anakin would surely wake up and that would mean that he’d be awake for hours before he managed to fall asleep once more, which meant that Anakin wouldn’t be in his best shape for tomorrows classes and chores.

Glancing at him, Obi-Wan’s lips twitched into a soft smile.

Despite his outburst about Obi-Wan’s frog hoodie, Anakin had been a bit envious about the soft comfort cloth, even stealing it once in a while to wear when Obi-Wan wasn’t.

And while he strictly didn’t mind, Obi-Wan wanted to wear his own hoodie too.

Which was why Obi-Wan had gone out, with Luminara as leaving the temple was a bit out of the healers comfort line without company.

Which was fair, Obi-Wan wasn’t fully healed, his mind still had pockmarks in it and if he had a relapse while outside the temple…

That would not be pretty, all those people without shields around their mind.

So with Luminara at his side, Obi-Wan had gone shopping, coming away with a child sized hoodie of a desert fox native to Tatooine, one Obi-Wan had seen while on the planet actually.

It had the largest of ears for its little body Obi-Wan had ever seen, white legs ending in large paws,  and a small beige body, golden in the sun as its black snout quivered as it stared at Obi-Wan with black eyes as it bushy, large tail swished in the air.

The hoodie was based on that fox for sure, the ears so large it needed structure inside it to hold themselves up and Obi-Wan suspected with a few washes, the ears would start looping down, from the elbow to the wrist, the hoodie was white and so was the pouch on the belly and most amusing of all, it had a tail.

It wasn’t furry like the real creature would be, the company that made the hoodie not wanting it to shed, but it was slightly fuzzy to touch at least and at the moment, resting in Anakin’s lap as he slept against Obi-Wan’s side.

Anakin looked adorable in it.

Shifting slightly, Obi-Wan pulled the blanket that had slid down the boy’s legs further up with the Force, smiling to himself. ‘How he can sleep comfortably I have no idea.’ He mused, marveling at the youth.

He should really tuck the other down on the couch.

But shifting more than he already had would wake Anakin, something Obi-Wan had experienced twice already.

So, he just accepted the situation, waiting for Anakin’s mind to go into the deepest sleep as he continued working away at his terminal, eyes narrowing as he finally accessed the file he had been working on for the last few hours.

Sheev Palpatine’s personal voting history.

Obi-Wan was compiling everything he could.

NO one got away with hurting Obi-Wan’s padawan, not without Obi-Wan making sure it would never happen again.

Ooh, I got all kinds of bittersweet ‘aww’ feels in LightThroughTheCracks! Even if it came from Anakin’s injury (which was definitely not nice, so I’m glad he has the backing of the Order), the fact that Obi-Wan is home now just filled me with all kinds of warmth! ESPECIALLY that hug at the end. It was perfect! I loved it!

“Dank farrik! What the kark are you wearing master?” Anakin paused in the still open doorway, staring at his master in obvious shock.

Looking up from his pad, Obi-Wan blinked back at the other then glanced at himself in the window, peering at his own reflection.

His very green reflection.

Because Obi-Wan was wearing a sweater with a hood, the hood having ears and a face on it.

“…A frog hoodie?” Obi-Wan looked back to his padawan. “And language Anakin.” He stated disapprovingly, narrowing his eyes at his padawan.

Flushing as he stepped in, Anakin grinned sheepishly as he put his boots aside by Obi-Wan’s red ones at the door. “Um, sorry master.” He stated seemingly repentant even as he was still bewildered by the outfit.

It looked odd and it was clearly new and Anakin wasn’t quite sure how to react to his master in a green hoodie with a face on it.

It was… kinda cute though?

For as weird as the outfit was, it had a certain kind of… charm? Was that the right word?

Snorting, Obi-Wan set his pad aside and sat up on the couch properly, holding out his arms for the other. Instantly, Anakin’s face lit up and he hurried to put his bag and robe up so he could race around the couch and basically lounge into Obi-Wan’s arm, hugging him tightly.

This was one of his favorite things about coming back from his lessons or chores for the day, Obi-Wan’s hugs.

While Anakin missed the structure of training with the council masters as he had, this was so much better and after a moment he just outright crawled into Obi-Wan’s lap, humming happily when the man started rubbing his back in slow circles.

Coming back from the healers, Obi-Wan had become very affectionate, something he had been encouraged to by his healers and Anakin honestly appreciated that.

Apparently it helped with hormones?

Something about positive contact between sentient releasing serotonin? Or was it dopamine? Or both?

Anakin wasn’t sure but it was something positive at least and he had no problems with cuddling and hugging Obi-Wan for as much as the other wanted it.

Some days Obi-Wan shied away from touch, limiting it due to not feeling well and Anakin had to respect that.

But the after lessons hugs were a standard thing now and Anakin loved them.

Pressing his head under Obi-Wan’s chin, he settled happily, closing his eyes. Clearly this was a cuddle day since Obi-Wan had allowed him into his lap and was rubbing his back.

That meant it was a good day and Anakin resisted the urge to giggle in delight at that.

Good days meant Obi-Wan’s depression was behaving and that meant Obi-Wan was going to eat properly!

“…I bet Mace was the one who taught you that,” Anakin froze, giving Obi-Wan a taun-taun in headlights look, the master staring back down at him with a wry look. “Master Mace has a potty mouth.” He continued.

Shifting guiltily, Anakin opened his mouth, closed it then wrinkled his nose when Obi-Wan raised a brow at him, as if daring Anakin to lie to him. “…It was Master Plo.” He admitted sulkily, not wanting to snitch on the kel dor.

Watching Obi-Wan’s eyes go wide eyed in surprise however was amusing as Anakin settled back in the cuddle for just a while longer.

Dinner could wait a few more minutes.

Lightthroughcracks, What happened at the Rotunda? And can the Jedi use it against Palpatine?

Sometimes and he won’t be admitting this to any masters or even the healers unless they say it first, but sometimes Obi-Wan feels that the law doesn’t stretch enough to protect the people it is suppose to protect. Because there is nothing Obi-Wan can do to protect Anakin against the Chancellor.

After all, Anakin had an unfortunate ‘accident’ in the Rotunda when walking away from a conversation.

That was ‘all’ it was.

Especially since in the area Palpatine had chosen to speak to him in hadn’t any recordings.

But Obi-Wan, Anakin and the Jedi order knew the truth.

Palpatine didn’t like to be rejected as clearly as Anakin had when he walked away after the man had managed to isolate Anakin from the rest of his class.

Just an unfortunate accident, leaving Anakin with a bruised cheek and Obi-Wan could only be grateful that Palpatine didn’t have a habit of wearing rings since the damage would surely have been worse then.

Oh, of course everyone knew that it had been anything but an accident.

But that’s the ‘brilliance’ of having such support in the Senate, Palpatine could practically get away with murder as long as the evidence wasn’t caught in action.

But Obi-Wan could protect him.

Which was why Obi-Wan pleaded his case with the council and his healers, being finally released from the semi-permanent wing of the Halls, feeling almost odd as he walked through the halls with his little bag of clothes and personal items he had in his room.

Quinlan bounced beside him, happily congratulating him as they were heading for the dorms.

For Anakin.

Obi-Wan had managed to keep it a surprise, so Anakin had no idea that Obi-Wan was being released and he knew that Yaddle would distract Anakin.

Those two got on like a house on fire, the older master being able to speak with Anakin in a way many others couldn’t.

And it helped that she snuck sweets into Anakin’s robes like every other youngling.

Finally he stood outside the dorm, able to feel the pulse of two people on the other side of the door but instead of reaching for the lockpad, he froze, staring as if he could see through the durasteel door.

What if Anakin was disappointed?

He had gotten so used to having the council members and just visiting Obi-Wan instead, what if he was happier with the council master rotating to teach hi-

“Oof!” A hand slapped down on his shoulder, Obi-Wan’s knees buckling a bit as he sent his friend a dark glare, Quinlan staring at him return with a small smile at the grouchy stewjoni glaring at him.

“He’s been missing you a lot.” Quinlan stated quietly.

The ‘he’ didn’t need to be elaborated.

Taking a deep, shaking breath, Obi-Wan pushed the doubts back and away like the healers had shown him, making a mental note to talk to the mind healer about the next time he was in.

That was his depression and anxiety talking.

Quinlan was right.

Anakin had missed him and with a press of the right buttons, the door opened up to him, Anakin standing on the other side of it with wide eyes, having equally felt Obi-Wan on the other side.

The two stared at each other for a long second of surprise before Obi-Wan dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around the blond. “Hey.”

Anakin tightened his arms around Obi-Wan’s neck. “…Hi.” He whispered in return, sniffling faintly, realizing without words that Obi-Wan was finally back.

#lightthroughthe cracks- Obi gets cuddles from his padawan. Sidious tries to get in contact with Ani.

Settled against one of the many trees of the halls garden, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath of relief, enjoying the air and the sight of the lazy river.

The clear signs of his health improving was a joy, the fact that he could visit the gardens, even just the healer attached one, without someone escorting him meaning that soon, soon he would be able to leave the halls.

It wouldn’t take long now, as long as Obi-Wan didn’t experience yet another set-back.

And being in the gardens meant another place for him and Anakin to meet up, the redhead perking up as he heard the telltale sounds of feet on grass rushing towards him, shifting to look to the entrance as Anakin came barreling towards him. “Padawan!” He beamed, not bothering to get up and instead simply opening his arms to the boy.

Anakin threw himself at Obi-Wan, squeaking happily when Obi-Wan caught him without toppling over. “Obi!” He beamed, hugging tightly before sitting back on the man’s lap only to grimace when Obi-Wan’s smile instantly dropped at the sight of his face.

“What happened?” Obi-Wan hissed, cupping Anakin’s chin to tilt his face to the left, staring at the bacta patch covering his jaw and some of his neck on the right side. “Anakin?” Obi-Wan’s alarmed voice was low but insistent, worried.

Grimacing again, Anakin reached up and took his master’s hands, Obi-Wan letting out a startled noise when he took in that Anakin’s fingers were bandaged too, blue eyes wide as he stared at the small hands holding his. “So um, please don’t be upset?” He pleaded softly.

Cupping Anakin’s hands with both of his, Obi-Wan resisted the urge to squeeze them in reassurance, unsure if it would hurt the bandaged hands or not. “I would never be upset with you for being hurt.” He stated seriously, the bubbling of the lazy river and the sounds of the insects no longer calming him as it had moments before.

Anakin grimaced once more, clearly not happy with that answer but realizing he wouldn’t get anymore out of his master. “So um, Chancellor Palpatine invited me to the Rotunda, to meet with him-” He stated, only to be interrupted.

“Again?” Obi-Wan questioned, aghast. “Why? I thought you didn’t want to visit him anymore? That he didn’t ask you to visit?” Obi-Wan questioned in bewilderment.

After Obi-Wan had been confined to the halls, the Jedi council had realized the amount of meetings the Chancellor had been requesting and had managed to interfere. Meeting the boy once or twice without a chaperon when the man had levered his power to do so was something the council hadn’t managed to stop.

But after the sixth meeting since Obi-Wan was confined, totaling a number of twenty visits in total, well… it was becoming troublesome and Mace had approached a few of the Senators that were sympathetic to Jedi or at least wanted to protect children.

Meeting with a child without a chaperon looked bad for a man of Palpatine’s powers and Bail Organa had spearheaded the bill that would forbid people holding offices to meet with Jedi minors without a chaperon or an extremely good cause.

Since then, Palpatine had become… sneakier in his attempt to meet Anakin.

“Well, that’s just it, he didn’t just invite me,” Anakin shrugged, nibbling on his bottom lip, only stopping when Obi-Wan reached up and tugged his lip away with his thumb, giving him a scolding look since Anakin had a tendency to make his lip bleed with his nervous tick. “He invited my entire class, for a tour of the Rotunda and so on.”

Blinking slowly, Obi-Wan’s jaw dropped as he stared at Anakin, clearly hoping for the other to go ‘joking!’

But no such luck.

Letting out a strangled noise, Obi-Wan took a deep breath, closing his eyes to calm himself down. “…So your entire class was in the Rotunda… with an adult?” He opened one eye to peek at Anakin, relaxing slightly when the other nodded.

“Master Nu, apparently she is familiar with the Rotunda and keeps up to date with all the Senators and their aids?” Anakin clarified, bemused by someone wanting to keep up with all that boring information, not realizing that Jocasta didn’t do it for fun but for record keeping and ensuring they knew who they’d have to deal with in the Senate.

Nodding simply, Obi-Wan stared at his padawan, flickering his eyes to the bacta patches and bandages before looking the other in the eyes again, silently demanding answers.

Slumping a bit, realizing he wouldn’t be able to distract Obi-Wan, Anakin quietly told him what happened, every sentence causing Obi-Wan’s eyes to burn brighter and brighter before he dragged Anakin into his chest. “You are never seeing him alone again.” Obi-Wan hissed, protectiveness and actual rage washing over Anakin from his master.

And yet he never shed away from him, snuggling into the others chest as he knew Obi-Wan would protect him.

In Lightthroughcracks since Anakin saw how skinny Obi-wan is does he try to convince him to eat more? And please tell me there’ll be more brotherly snuggles

Skipping in once he heard Obi-Wan’s voice, Anakin beamed at his master as the man put aside his pad on his bed, full attention on Anakin and Anakin alone as always with a small smile on his own lips.

It seemed that Obi-Wan preferred sitting on the bed instead of using the desk chair, though considering Obi-Wan preferred sitting in lotus style for the most part, that wasn’t really all that shocking to Anakin.

Ever since he came to surprise Obi-Wan, Anakin had gotten a bit more cautious, he saw a bit too much that day and wouldn’t like to repeat that experience, so he had started knocking on the door to make sure Obi-Wan was presentable.

“Hello there Anakin,” Obi-Wan greeted, eyes falling to the cloth in Anakin’s hands, the man blinking slowly with curiosity.

“Master!” Anakin chirped back, skipping over to the bed to flop down beside the man and lean in when the other wrapped his arm around his padawan’s shoulder in a welcoming embrace. This was one of few things Anakin had come to love ever since Obi-Wan needed healing.

How tactile Obi-Wan was with him.

Oh, Obi-Wan hadn’t been adverse to touching before but it had seemed… stiffer.

Now Obi-Wan easily would wrap his arm around Anakin and hold him or ruffle his hair or even just pet it.

It was nice and Anakin loved it, it reminded him of his mom’s touches sometimes in a way.

That said, it didn’t mean Anakin forgot what he had seen.

Obi-Wan was too skinny and an old fear had swept through Anakin each time the flash of Obi-Wan’s body came through his mind.

Of his mother, whispering about how the most waif like of servants and slaves were swept away by the winds, by the demons just waiting on them to become alone in the sand dunes.

Of demons burying them in the sand and killing them, easy targets, swept away.

Children and old and sick.

Sick like Obi-Wan.

Which was why he had begged Master Depa if one of the master’s could bake.

Shockingly, Master Mace apparently could and Depa begged herself away because she burned water, somehow?

He didn’t really understand that, how did you burn water?

Anyhow, Mace had listened to his request quietly before smiling and ruffling Anakin’s hair, agreeing that instead of sparring or katas, they’d bake during his period for a few days.

“Master, I bought you cookies!” He beamed, dropping the amber colored cloth to his lap and opening it to show Obi-Wan the slightly crumbly yellow cookies with glaze on them, beaming when Obi-Wan gave a surprised but pleased noise.

“Sugar cookies?” Obi-Wan questioned, carefully picking one up to sniff at.

“Honey and oat crisps, or that’s what Master Mace said.” Anakin corrected, wiggling slightly in excitement as Obi-Wan took a small nibble of the one he had picked up.

They were easy to make and since they were oats and honey, somewhat healthy even while being high in sugar and fat. “Oh, these are good. Well done padawan.” Obi-Wan grinned, taking a slightly bigger bite.

Beaming in return. “Good, cause all of these are for you. I already asked the healers and they said they were fine,” He chirped contently, flushing slightly at the indulgent, proud smile that appeared on Obi-Wan’s face. “Um, your hair is getting long master, do you want me to brush it?” He squeaked, feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan gave a small nod, watching as Anakin set the cloth covered cookies on Obi-Wan’s lap and then move to collect the hairbrush. “I don’t have a hair tie though, Anakin, how are you going to ti-oh.” He let out a small snort when Anakin triumphantly pulled out a piece of string from his belt pocket.

Grinning brightly, Anakin shuffled out of his boots and fully climbed onto the bed, wiggling slightly as he happily crawled behind Obi-Wan, standing up to get to work on the others hair. “I used to do this all the time for mom, though her brush was made of wood and had animal hairs bristle.” He chirped happily.

“Well, as long as you want to do it, I don’t mind Anakin.” Obi-Wan hummed.

“I don’t! I like playing with hair. Master Depa let me braid her hair in two braids that she looped on each side.” Anakin cheerfully stated, wiggling happily as he worked the tangles out of his hair, humming softly.

He could feel Obi-Wan relax, slowly nibbling on the cookies and likely getting crumbs in the bed, yet he didn’t say anything, just happy to have his master feeling relaxed and content, his head tilted back into Anakin’s hands.

That was all he had wanted from the day.

A happy Obi-Wan.

Do Ani and Obi ever get unsupervised visitation in the Light Through the Cracks?

Stepping out of the steamed up fresher as the door opened for him, Obi-Wan continued rubbing his hair dry with the towel. He honestly preferred this to a hair blower as it generally tended to leave his hair feeling a weird texture.

And the noise had always made him feel antsy for some reason.

And air drying took too long now that his hair had grown out this muc- “Ack!”

The eep broke through Obi-Wan’s thoughts and he ripped the towel away to blink into the room, finding Anakin shielding his eyes as he sat cross legged on Obi-Wan’s bed. “Anakin?!” Obi-Wan squeaked before hurriedly closing the bathrobe, flushing darkly. ‘Please tell me he didn’t see anything.’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but anxiously think, cursing the Force shielding of the room for the first time as he hadn’t sensed Anakin enter at all.

He still wasn’t quite healthy, still needed to put on some more weight and honestly, he’d rather not expose himself to his padawan just yet.

It would come eventually on their future missions, it was unavoidable honestly but for Force sake, could Obi-Wan please not just have exposed himself to his ten year old padawan?

“H-Hi Obi-Wan,” Anakin squeaked, hands still over his eyes. “Um, can I look?” He questioned nervously.

Tying the robe instead of just nervously closing it, Obi-Wan cleared his throat. “Yes, yes you can. I um, tied the robe,” He quickly picked up the towel he dropped, peering at Anakin. “I-how are you here? And um, how much did you see?” He inquired, flushing darkly as the tanned child peeked between his fingers before lowering his hands.

Flushing equally as hard as Obi-Wan, Anakin shook his head. “Not much, I was looking up, so I mostly just saw your chest and head,” He stated shyly, twisting his hands together in his lap. “And Master Mace said I could visit you, that the council is going to allow unmonitored visitations now.” Despite clearly still being embarrassed, he beamed as he added the second part.

Oh, Obi-Wan could have melted at that.

At both answers honestly.

He was grateful he hadn’t just scarred his young padawan but unmonitored visits!

It was evidence that Obi-Wan was recovering, that the council and healers were allowing him to see Anakin without someone to keep an eye.

He couldn’t help but drop the towel as he moved forward to the bed and dropped to his knees on it, wrapping his arms around Anakin to hug him.

And tactile as he’d always been and thoughtlessly affectionate, Anakin reached back, giggling happily as he wrapped his small arms around Obi-Wan, patting at his back with his small hands when Obi-Wan sniffled. “Its okay master. I’m here. I’m here.” He cheerfully stated.

‘Oh Anakin, what did I do to deserve you?’ Obi-Wan tightened his grip on his young apprentice. ‘I’m so broken and yet here you are, trying to take care of me when I’m the adult… the council should take you away from me but I’m glad they haven’t. I’m glad you’re still my padawan.’ He couldn’t wait until he was better, until he was cleared by the healers.

Until he could properly teach Anakin and see just how much he had grown in the time Obi-Wan had been confined to the healers and in need of care.

Brushing his fingers through the short hair, Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath and caught Anakin’s now grown braid. ‘Just a little longer Anakin, just wait for me a little longer my nova.’

Light through the cracks feels like it’s coming to a close but where have obi-wans friends been in all of this? Or I would love to see more of worried alpha father pretty pleased. Absolutely adore your writing.

Not bothering to look up when the door hissed open as it was most likely either an apprentice healer or a droid coming with his lunch and medication, Obi-Wan continued reading.

It wasn’t visiting hours for Anakin yet, the other was still in lessons and the healers and council members had extended his alone time for Obi-Wan to manage himself for whatever he wanted to do, even leave his rooms to the rest of the temple should he wish, though if he wanted to go to the salle, he would have to be accompanied.

His healers had also approved a wider range of crime novels for his datapad and he had quite eagerly gotten into the Black Tooka, so he’d finish the chapter and then eat and take his medication once he could mark down the end of the chapter.

It was quite the intriguing piece of literary work, he really had to give the author kudos because it was actually set in the Jedi temple, a senatorial aid having been murdered on the steps of Coruscant Jedi temple.

The author must either know a Jedi or have been intimately involved with the temple at some point because they were honestly writing the daily lives of the Jedi quite well.

There were a few details that didn’t quite fit, some oddities of how the Jedi spoke and when the perspective shifted to the Jedi, it seemed like the Jedi masters were omnipotent.

But that could happen with outsiders writing Jedi characters.

The author most likely had quite the experience with a Jedi master to give them that impression.

“I knew that your readings tends to absorb you but I thought you’d at least look up!” A familiar, laughing voice broke into his concentration.

Head snapping up, Obi-Wan blinked at Quinlan grinning at him, the kiffar’s thumbs tucked into his belt and his dreads swept back in a ponytail to keep them back.

With a cry, Obi-Wan dropped his pad to the carpeted floor as he sprung from the armchair, throwing himself at Quinlan to hug the other as tightly as possible. “Quin!” The stewjoni cried out, clinging to the other human as tightly as he could.

Laughing, Quinlan hugged him in return. “Guess you missed me,” He teased lightly before shuddering and hugging Obi-Wan even more tightly somehow. “But then again, I missed you too.” He murmured.

Nuzzling slightly into the other, Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath before pulling back, glancing at the door and then at his friend. “I… I thought I wasn’t allowed visitors?” He mumbled.

Snorting, Quinlan pushed him towards the armchair until Obi-Wan sat down, Quinlan sitting on the arm of the chair. “Yeah, Garen, Reeft and Bant aren’t allowed, their shields aren’t thick enough yet. But due to my peculiarities, my shields were already ready, so I could visit the moment I got here.” He grinned, wiggling his gloved fingers at Obi-Wan.

That took Obi-Wan a moment, blinking at the other before his mouth formed a small O.

Quinlan had psychometry, his shields had always needed to be thick and protective in case he touched items related to violence and darkness to deal with the potential backlash.

The only reason Anakin was allowed to visit was the bond he and Obi-Wan had and even then it had to be in company of a council member that could put barriers in if needed. It was why no one else had visited outside of the council and healers.

“But hey, they’re currently learning how to thicken their shields, so they’re on the way too,” Quinlan stated lightly, reaching out to play with Obi-Wan’s shoulder length hair. “Also, dig the hair. Gonna be long enough for me to braid it soon.” The knight chirped happily.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan leaned into the touch of his childhood friend. “You just want to play with my hair.” He stated dryly, a warm glow in the bottom of his stomach.

“Guilty,” Quinlan laughed, still teasing the hair with his hands. “But hey, as for excuses, that’s one of the better ones, right?” Quinlan beamed down at him delightedly.

Laughing, Obi-Wan leaned to the side until he could rest his arms in Quinlan’s lap and his head on his arms, letting the other work his magic.

It felt so nice, the touch of someone that was familiar with him, that knew how to be soothing and supportive. Of course the council and healers were and Anakin was always close to him but it was different with Quinlan.

Quinlan had known him for so long, they’ve been through hardships together and Quinlan was an adult.

It made it easier to lean on him and Obi-Wan let out a soft, relieved noise of comfort. “Yeah… its one of the better ones.” He agreed softly, humming faintly when Quinlan let his fingers stray lightly down the nape of his neck.

And knowing that Bant and the others were working on their shields…

Everyone was waiting on him, everyone was still there for him.

‘Don’t stop fighting. I won’t stop fighting.’ Obi-Wan breathed out heavily, soaking in Quinlan’s warmth and comfort as the other started talking about his latest mission and about Aayla.