I am intrigued by the concept of lifeinmusic. I was reading the theory about how it’s easier to channel the Force with a violin than on a harmonica since it’s harder with the lungs, and I was wondering if Obi eventually learns how to channel it with his voice? It would be easier then bringing around a violin everywhere he goes. BTW your grandpa Dooku is delightful. Skeevy Sheevy and Plagueis better keep their filthy hands on Obi. Will baby Ani make an appearance earlier then in canon? I hope so!

Letting out a tiny noise of despair, Obi-Wan pressed his face into Qui-Gon’s tunic, the older Jedi soothingly rubbing the boy’s back even as he sent a guilty looking Yan a glare over the boy’s head. “Come now Obi-Wan, the dentist isn’t that bad.” Qui-Gon murmured reassuringly.

Obi-Wan let out a muffled wail against his chest before wincing and digging his hands into Qui-Gon’s chest, the boy smasming a bit with suppressed pain.

Due to his grandmaster’s rather spoiling nature with Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had unfortunately developed a tooth ache, as Qui-Gon quite rigorously regulated just how much sweets Obi-Wan ate and ensured the boy brushed at least twice if not three times a day while in the temple.

While out on a mission there were times when they couldn’t of course but Qui-Gon always ensured it while in temple and they had not been on a mission in over three months, since they returned from Utapau.

Which meant that Yan was once more sneaking Obi-Wan sweets when Qui-Gon wasn’t looking.

And frankly, Qui-Gon still might not know if it wasn’t for the fact that Obi-Wan could no longer play his instrument.

Since Obi-Wan rested his cheek on his violin or used his mouth to blow the harmonica, that meant that his mouth was in use with vibrations.

Vibrations that went straight to his jaw bone and his teeth.

And that was how Qui-Gon figured it out when Obi-Wan attempted to play a violin solo for him and Yan, the latest piece Obi-Wan had been learning in his of time to play and would be preforming for a padawan talent show.

They had tried singing to begin with but Obi-Wan’s powers did not extend to his voice, something Qui-Gon was kind of grateful for, because it meant Obi-Wan would have to be extremely careful with his singing and he knew that Obi-Wan enjoyed shower singing actually.

He could be rather loud sometimes.

Honestly, Qui-Gon was looking forward to see everyone react to Obi-Wan’s skills, he had been bragging to both Micah and Tahl for weeks now. But if Obi-Wan wouldn’t let Qui-Gon bring him to the dental droid, then Obi-Wan couldn’t play.

Rubbing slowly, Qui-Gon shifted the teen until he had drawn Obi-Wan into his lap, legs resting on one side of Qui-Gon’s large lap. “Obi-Wan come now, I know its not the most fun thing,” Yan snorted only to hold up his hands in surrender when Qui-Gon shot him a sharp glare. “But you can not play unless you get your tooth fixed.” Qui-Gon tried coaxingly.

Obi-Wan whined, refusing to lift his face from Qui-Gon’s chest, acting more like a frightened five year old than a-aha.

Realization hit Qui-Gon and he ran his hand gently over the boy’s short spikes once more. “Oh Obi-Wan,” He murmured tenderly, feeling the boy pause in surprise as he clung to Qui-Gon. “You have odontophobia, don’t you?” Qui-Gon rumbled quietly. “A fear of dentist.” He clarified when the boy let out a confused noise.

That got a flinch out of Obi-Wan and if he wasn’t as big, Qui-Gon would be shaking with Obi-Wan when the boy started quivering in his lap.

That confirmed it.

Obi-Wan had a phobia of dentist.

Yan rubbed his face and looked to Qui-Gon, as bewildered as Qui-Gon in how to deal with this.

Neither had ever enjoyed going to the dental droids of course but neither of them had ever dealt with a fear of them either, nor had any of their friends had it.

But there were of course a few individuals that would have said fear, even among Jedi. It wasn’t as unnatural as Obi-Wan might think and Qui-Gon continued rubbing the others head and back.

“It is alright Obi-Wan, it is alright padawan,” Qui-Gon murmured, even as his mind swirled over ideas on how to get his little musician to the dentist. “We’ll figure this out.” He promised softly.

#LifeInMusic- Dooku and Obi notice they have caught some unwanted attention when it bumps into them.

Stepping off the stairs and out of the theater, Yan glanced down to his right and let out a soft chuckle at the sight of his grandpadawan. “I would ask if you enjoyed it, but I think the answer is clear from the look on your face.” Yan stated fondly as Obi-Wan beamed up at him, practically skipping with his joy.

Yan’s statement made the boy flush a bit but did nothing to dampen his obvious joy. “I really enjoyed it master Yan! The theater was lovely and the music was just…” Obi-Wan fumbled for words, his green eyes wide and sparkling.

It was just adorable and Yan couldn’t resist reaching out to fluff the red spikes of the others hair, laughing quietly when the other squeaked in surprise. “Good, good, I’m glad you enjoyed it Obi-Wan, that was the intention after all.” And it would make it easier to invite Obi-Wan for other musicals.

The boy’s honest enjoyment of music was something the two of them could share and Yan was looking forward to more musicals and plays with his grandpadawan.

“You must be hungry.” He stated instead of voicing his future plans.

Opening his mouth, Obi-Wan clearly intended to answer only for his stomach to growl loudly, answering for him. The boy went bright red, eyes wide in surprise. “I, oops. I’m sorry master.” Obi-Wan squeaked out.

Laughing, Yan guided them out the doors with a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and out into the semi fresh and certainly cooler air than the inside. “Oh, its alright Obi-Wan, I’ve kept you occupied for hours now and you are a growing boy. I’m honestly shocked you haven’t complained,” He teased carefully, content to see the boy smiling shyly at him. “Why, Qui-Gon would complain if I let him go hungry even for an hour.” Yan patted the boy’s shoulder.

An exaggeration of course, Qui-Gon had eaten well and he could moan at time as a teenager but on missions he behaved himself and the boy always knew where to find foods.

Yan had never starved his padawan, he didn’t believe in food punishment, especially not for children due to how damaging it could be and had always had snacks that his padawan’s preferred in their quarters.

“Really?” Obi-Wan grinned up at him. “Master di-ouf!” Obi-Wan walked into a human wearing a fancy blue with silver stitching robe, the teen falling back and would have fallen on his ass if it wasn’t for Yan quickly grasping him and pulling him close.

The man turned quickly, allowing Yan to recognize him and the muun the man had been speaking with.

Newly elected Senator Palpatine and Hego Damask, one of the highest member of the Banking clan.

A faux look of surprise crossed the young senator’s face, his acting skills were good but Yan could spot that the senator was putting on an act. “Ah, apologies there my young friend. I seem to have blocked the path.” He stated, bowing slightly with a smile.

A deep unease was settling into Yan’s bones and he didn’t have for habit to ignore his instincts. The senator had placed himself on purpose, just for this incident to happen.

Pulling Obi-Wan more into him before the boy could answer, Yan put on his best smile, inclining his head. “No harm done. Me and my young friend however has been out far past his bedtime and I promised his guardian to get him home quickly once the show was over, I hope you understand our urgency.” He stated, pulling Obi-Wan with him quickly towards their waiting speeder.

It was rude, there was no question that their abrupt departure was rude, especially since they hadn’t introduced themselves or waited for the two to introduce them to the Jedi.

But every instinct he had told him to get Obi-Wan away from the two influential members of society and quickly.

“Grandmaster?” Obi-Wan whispered, looking up at him in obvious confusion and to Yan’s sorrow, also a tiny bit of fear.

Yan had scared him clearly, either by his manhandling or by his hurried actions.

Pushing the other into the speeder, Yan gave him as good a smile as he could. “Obi-Wan, promise me, if you ever see those two again, try not to speak with them.” He whispered quietly, closing the speeder door for the boy.

He felt Obi-Wan watch him as he moved around to the driver side and thankfully, the fear was gone and replaced by pure bewilderment. “Yes grandmaster… but… can I ask why?” Obi-Wan’s inquiry was full of curiosity.

Glancing back to the doors, Yan let out a breath between clenched teeth as he found the muun and human still watching them. “I can not prove it Obi-Wan… but they give me an uneasy feeling. I’ve learned to trust those. So please, promise me.” He stated seriously as he started up the speeder.

Large, doe like eyes widened before Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes grandmaster Yan, I promise.” He answered equally serious

Hopefully, that would be enough and Yan reached out to ruffle the others hair. “Now, lets get you feed.” He murmured fondly, feeling himself ease up ever so slightly at the promise and smile the teen gave him.

#lifeinmusic- Obi and his grandmaster have their own night out. Maybe we see an enterprising young Nabooian politician/Sith and his master.

Smiling softly to himself, Yan leaned back in his velvet dressed chair as he watched his excited grand-padawan instead of the play happening beneath them on the brightly lit stage, his hands resting in his lap with the play pamphlet clasped carefully to avoid wrinkling the decorated flimsi.

Not that Obi-Wan was paying attention to the play either, beautiful as it was with extraordinary actors.

No, Obi-Wan’s focus was further down than the stage, on the orchestra, watching the musicians play as directed by the conductor.

It was endearing to Yan if he was honest, he wasn’t one that easily felt comfortable or relaxed with children or even teens and maybe if the teen in front of him had been anyone else, he would have dismissed this as disrespect to the actors.

But he knew this child and knew he was respectful, knew Obi-Wan was just excited about the orchestra and therefore that was where his focus was.

‘And by the Force is he excited.’ Yan chuckled quietly to himself, the sound lost under the music as Obi-Wan leaned even more on the balcony rail to peer down, his eyes wide with a flush barely visible in the dim light of the theater. The child had been standing for the better part of the hour, to have a better view of the musicians and Yan knew the others legs should be feeling it at this point and yet his excitement was keeping him right there, standing, leaning on the balcony of the booth Yan had gotten them.

He was honestly extremely grateful that he got booth tickets now, if they had been sitting down among the audience, he’d have to pull Obi-Wan back into his seat.

Instead he got to enjoy Obi-Wan’s honest and refreshing elation without having to interrupt the boy.

It was endearing.

When was the last time that Yan Dooku had found a youngling to be endearing instead of merely tolerating them?

A very long time if he was brutally honest.

Yan didn’t mind children, that wasn’t it but he wasn’t really one to spend time with them and he would willingly admit that part of himself.

Not everyone was a good parent or teacher.

It was why he had so few padawans, he had to find the right ones to be able to train them.

And he would fully admit that if Obi-Wan was not Qui-Gon’s padawan, then he’d love to take the boy on.

The sharp mind and skill the other possessed was deeply intriguing to the Serenno native and he could already see the diplomat in making in the boy, under the passion and occasional emotional outbursts were the signs.

A diamond in the rough as some might say, though Yan would claim that Obi-Wan was more a star than a diamond, a bright glow in his Force aura.

So yes, Yan was endeared and frankly charmed by Obi-Wan, really, could anyone blame Yan?

Obi-Wan was genuine, hard-working, creative, a bit impish with a beautiful mind under his copper hair, his intelligence shining when he put his mind to it. And Yan well knew that several of the council members were also charmed by Obi-Wan and could possibly slightly jealous of Qui-Gon being able to snag Obi-Wan.

‘But that wouldn’t be shocking, what else are one suppose to feel, when Obi-Wan shines so brightly?’ Yan thought to himself, soft as Obi-Wan practically pulsed in the Force with his joy, as if his soul was preforming music.

So consumed with Obi-Wan’s joy, Yan was oblivious to the other eyes watching the boy, another redhead with narrowed, thoughtful pale eyes.

So in Life is Music, how does Obi’s celebration night go?

Eagerly taking a giant bite out of the giant hamburger, Obi-Wan looked around the diner with wide eyes, ignoring his master’s fond eyes on him.

When Qui-Gon had taken him to the diner, Obi-Wan had thought it was a joke. A celebratory dinner at what frankly looked like a cheap diner?

But the food was great!

Dex was a greater cook than Obi-Wan had suspected, the besalisk happily whipping in with the food a growing boy like Obi-Wan needed. Qui-Gon had waved his hand and told him to order anything of the menu, and hesitantly, Obi-Wan had.

At first he had been cautious but after that first plate of coral fries…

Well, Dex was a great cook.

The burger was clearly dripping with fat but it was the good kind, combined with the toppings inside it, the meat was just juicy instead of the kind of fat that coated ones mouth and made you feel gross.

And the giant, shared vanilla blue milkshake with two large straws and whipped cream on the top was creamy and rich, settling almost too heavily in his stomach and yet Obi-Wan wanted more and he hadn’t missed Qui-Gon quietly ordering cake for two along with a pot of tea.

And the fact that Qui-Gon too had ordered a large burger helped Obi-Wan’s own guilt at ordering what he knew was a very fatty, very calorie rich burger.

Though apparently, Jedi were suppose to eat high calories but Obi-Wan didn’t think this was what the healers had in mind?

Pausing as his master snatched one of Obi-Wan’s coral fries, Obi-Wan chewed as he watched his master wiggled the fry at him. “Mmmn?” He made a questioning noise, not wanting to open his mouth since it was full.

Qui-Gon grinned at him, wiggling the fry a little bit more before reaching out and dipping it in Obi-Wan’s milkshake.

Watching with wide eyes, Obi-Wan let out a horrified noise as Qui-Gon popped the milkshake covered coral fry into his mouth and happily chewed.

Chewing hard and fast, Obi-Wan swallowed a bit before he should, his throat aching a bit but he was more interested in being able to put down his burger and point an outraged, greasy finger at his master. “No! Bad!” He rasped out when his mouth was empty.

Qui-Gon laughed, echoed by Dex as the besalisk roared in amusement. “You’re not going to be able to stop him kiddo, believe me, I’ve already told him what a horror he is.” Dex laughed as he came over with a warm cup of tea for Qui-Gon.

“Its delicious, sweet and savory and crunchy and creamy all at the same time.” Qui-Gon teased them, his eyes twinkling as Obi-Wan huffed loudly at him. He outright laughed when Obi-Wan wrapped his arms protectively around the plate of fries.

Of course, them being Force sensitive made protecting the fries even harder as Qui-Gon simply engaged in frivolous Force use.

Obi-Wan’s jaw dropped as several of his fries started dancing on the plate before floating away. “Master!” He cried out, struggling not to allow a pout to form as Qui-Gon continued stealing fries with the Force.

“Yeees padawan?” Qui-Gon teased, promptly dipping the fries in the milkshake and sending them flying at his own mouth.

Wrinkling his nose, Obi-Wan stuck out his tongue at the other. “You’re gross.” He decided, grinning when Qui-Gon just laughed, his mouth full as his large hands flew up to cover the gross sight.

His time later would be filled with music but for right now, Obi-Wan was going to enjoy his time with his master.

Because Qui-Gon was silly as all Force and Obi-Wan… rather enjoyed that, after everything with Bruck and his gang these last few weeks, Obi-Wan was enjoying the comfort his master and grandmaster provided.

And if he curiously tested a coral fry in his milkshake and found it to his liking?

Well, only he and a grinning Qui-Gon had to know that.

Moody! Can we have a moment in Life is Music, where both Qui-gon and Dooku find Bruck and co bullying Obi-wan and go into super-protective mode.

“Just cause you got picked as a padawan doesn’t mean your hot poodoo now Oafy-Wan.” The contemptuous and angry voice drew both Jedi masters to short, Yan and Qui-Gon exchanging bewildered looks with each other.

Honestly, meeting up had been a coincident, both had been planning on surprising Obi-Wan, the latter with musical tickets for later in the night and the latter with a celebratory meal outside of the temple.

Obi-Wan had just been doing so well, Qui-Gon had wanted to celebrate the achievements of his boy and Yan had been promising musical ever since meeting Obi-Wan that first time.

It had just seemed natural to go together since they both had the same destination in mind, Obi-Wan’s last class of the day, Force arts.

If Qui-Gon wasn’t wrong, he thought they were currently in the painting time period of said lessons and would be moving on to statues in the next semester.

But that sneering, rude voice drew them both short, both muffling their presence as they slowly drew closer to the hallway and peered around the corner.

It incensed both to see Obi-Wan clearly surrounded by rather upset looking fellow classmates. One in particular looked rather angry and Qui-Gon’s eyes narrowed in remembrance.

This was the white haired one that Obi-Wan had sparred. Something Chun, if his memory wasn’t faulty.

To Qui-Gon’s pride, Obi-Wan himself looked quite calm and was simply holding onto his pad bag with his other hanging relaxed by his side, clearly keeping an eye on all three of the group that had surrounded him, yet also remaining serene about the situation. “My apprenticeship has nothing to do with you Bruck, who my master chooses is his prerogative, not mine and not yours.” He stated quietly.

Apparently reasoning with the other wasn’t the right choice, both Jedi masters feeling the pulse of anger in the Force as the white haired one took a step forward and raised his fist. “You’re not gonna last as a padawan anyhow you musical weirdo, Master Jinn is gonna drop you like a hot tuber when the shine wears off, we all know it.” He growled at Obi-Wan.

Realization hit Qui-Gon heavily.

Obi-Wan was being bullied.

Obi-Wan had made no mention of this at all and clearly from the Obi-Wan’s expression, exasperation tinged with slight anger, this was not the first time.

It brought a wholly new dynamic to the duel Qui-Gon had witnessed in the tournament.

Beside him, Qui-Gon could feel his old master seethe.

Oh, they were still fully muffled in the Force, concealing themselves, but Qui-Gon knew his old master, could read his body language as Yan went taunt and his eyes narrowed, the muscle of his jaw jumping. Yan was getting upset at what he was hearing and seeing.

Not that Qui-Gon was faring much better.

He was also saddened that Obi-Wan hadn’t told him, that he hadn’t trusted Qui-Gon to help him or take care of it. ‘But you didn’t tell Yan about your bullies, did you now… it was nothing to do with trust with you back then. Doubt it has anything to do with trust with Obi-Wan either.’ His mind piped up in a voice suspiciously like Micah’s.

That was true now that Qui-Gon thought back, being teased for his large nose, hands and feet as a child.

Back then it seemed so much like… tattling and burdening his master.

Yan had of course discovered it and dealt with it, talking with Qui-Gon during tea in a soft voice.

Seeing Obi-Wan now, the way his padawan’s face twitched, the way his shoulders slumped slightly… he thought he could understand what Yan must have felt all those years ago.

Which was why he stepped around the corner. “Is that so Initiate Chun.” He stated calmly, watching all four boys jump in shock.

Obi-Wan’s eyes grew wide when he saw Qui-Gon and Yan, the green eyes growing shiny with suppressed tears and shame as he now turned tense.

‘Oh Obi-Wan, its alright…’ Qui-Gon mused sadly, but he would have to deal with that later as he instead crossed his arms over his chest. “And how would you know my mind about my padawan?” He stated calmly.

The white haired boy stared at him, his friends quite clearly inching back since Qui-Gon’s attention was focused on Chun but froze up when Qui-Gon flickered unimpressed eyes at them.

Finally Chun started to stutter, though nothing understandable escaped him.

‘In the end, he’s just a child too…’ Qui-Gon sighed deeply in disappointment, all four teens flinching at the obvious disappointment echoing from the Jedi master. Raising one hand, Qui-Gon waved at Obi-Wan. “Padawan, come along. I came to collect you for a celebratory dinner,” He smiled tenderly at Obi-Wan, watched as his padawan made his way past his main bully with uncertainty flaring in his eyes.

That eased when Qui-Gon settled his hand on Obi-Wan’s hair, gently fluffing the short spikes. “Celebratory?” He whispered, leaning into the hand as his quiet voice sounding all over the silent, brightly hall they were in.

“Indeed,” Qui-Gon chuckled softly. “You’ve been doing so well, I wanted to do something special. So, I’m taking you out to eat at a diner I know.” He grinned at the child, watching surprise then delight spread over his face.

Yan inserted himself, coughing faintly. “I came for much the same reason,” He stated as Obi-Wan looked to him with wide eyes, delight written all over his face. “I finally secured us tickets to the Coruscant Opera house, Qui-Gon has already stated that you have permission to attend later this night with me.” And then, to Qui-Gon’s own surprise, Yan offered his glove covered hand to Obi-Wan.

The teen dithered before reaching out, accepting the hand, smiling shyly. “That… that sounds nice grandmaster.” He whispered, stepping closer to the man.

His hand falling from his padawan’s head, Qui-Gon turned his eyes over to the frozen bullies once more. “…I will be speaking with the crechemaster Initiate Chun. You may now leave.” He stated calmly, turning and instead resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, lightly pushing him to get him to walk as the boy once more froze up at the reminder of his bullies were still there.

Yan started walking too, leaving Obi-Wan little choice but to walk with, holding his grandmaster hand as he was.

Leaving behind the three bullies in the hallway as the lineage focused on moving forward.

Oh please tell me we’re getting garandpa dooku in life in music?

Now, Obi-Wan had meet a lot of Jedi lately.

A lot of masters and knights that wanted to be his masters and had tried to impress him as much as possible.

Some were the spacer kinds, some were rough around the edges so to speak, some were refined, graceful, polite, Shadows, undercover agents, hunters and so on and so forth.

Every brand and race the Jedi had to boast of in their numbers.

And yet, Obi-Wan could safely say that he had never seen one like Yan Dooku.

He wasn’t unique because he was a master.

He was certainly not unique because he was a human, there were a thousand humans in the order, some baseline and some not.

He was not unique in his slightly darkened Force aura, there were members like Mace Windu and others who had that.

And there were others again that carried the same refinement and grace that Yan Dooku had.

No, what made Yan Dooku unique…

Was the way he looked at Obi-Wan and meant it.

The way he actually welcomed Obi-Wan to his lineage, wasn’t upset that he hadn’t been picked and was quite willing to kick his own former padawan’s arse if he didn’t treat Obi-Wan well.

Obi-Wan could safely say that he might actually be able to trust Yan Dooku, even should he displease him.

And that was a new thing.

Outside of a very few selective crechemasters, Obi-Wan would not say he trusted adults all that much.

And even Qui-Gon was someone he was a bit leery of at times.

He was quite aware of his master’s past and reputation thank you very much and he was worried the other would suddenly decide that having a padawan was not for him.

Another point in the master’s favor was that he had not once during the meal he had invited both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to, asked about Obi-Wan’s peculiar ability.

He had asked about Obi-Wan’s skills in general, had asked for Obi-Wan’s grades, his studies and so on and forth.

But never once about his ability within music.

Or well, he had asked what instruments Obi-Wan could play and if he had ever played the Horizons of Kabal, a demanding violin based song that featured in a musical from Mon Cala.

But that hadn’t been about the ability Obi-Wan had discovered and more about his prowess as a musician.

He couldn’t, just so that was known, which was why Yan had offered to take him see the musical and hear it for himself.

Well, Qui-Gon needed to know Obi-Wan’s ability, as his master, he needed to know so how to help him train for the future, he got a pass on asking about Obi-Wan’s skills and understanding of his own ability.

It was different with the older man.

Yan Dooku didn’t want to know because he was going to train him or wanted to, he wanted to know Obi-Wan’s skill with violin for normal music reasons.

It made Obi-Wan feel oddly touched and he was looking forward to the musical master Yan wanted to take him to.

Clearly, Qui-Gon knew that, considering he spent most of the conversation lightly smiling over the table at Obi-Wan while rolling his eyes as Yan bemoaned his padawan lack of refinement, Qui-Gon preferring to run of with the locals, get shitting drunk and have a hoedown apparently.

The image of the two made Obi-Wan grin as Qui-Gon lightly ribbed his old master and Yan ribbed him right back in their own way.

He wanted what Qui-Gon and Yan had, he hoped he could have this kind of master and padawan experience.

Does Dooku meet Obi in Music is Life? If so, how does he react to Obi’s interesting use of the Force?

Watching his former padawan and his grandpadawan enter, Yan leaned his elbows on the balcony rail while steepling his hands together.

Normally, Yan Dooku wasn’t in the temple, he honestly preferred to be far from it and the corruption of the Senate if he was honest. But Yoda had informed him that his padawan had taken a padawan.

He couldn’t help but feel a bit… hurt.

That Qui-Gon hadn’t informed him.

Yet at the same time he wasn’t surprised. Qui-Gon had not been in the best of mental spaces since the fall of Xanatos.

And that was why Yan was back in the temple, ensuring via Yoda that he’d be there at the same time as his young padawan. Because he wanted to see this boy, to learn about the grandpadawan of his lineage.

And the things he had overheard…

Some of the things he had overheard just sounded to fantastical, too wondrous even for the Force.

Not that the Force couldn’t but the idea of a single young padawan finding this technique so young without anyone learning about what they were doing until a tournament…

That was what was boggling Yan’s mind.

So that was why he had not informed Qui-Gon that he was back, he wanted to observe first.

Wanted to see this boy that had amazed Qui-Gon enough to overcome the walls of his heart and let him in.

And he wanted to know that Qui-Gon was treating this boy well, that Obi-Wan safe and happy with his master.

Yan loved his former padawan, of that he had no doubt even if he wasn’t the best at telling him that, but he also knew the flaws of Qui-Gon’s character. His reaction after Du Crion was the proof of how deeply hurt he had been and the flaws of Qui-Gon’s soft heart.

‘Wounded so deeply I fear he’ll inflict it on someone he is suppose to tend to…’ Yan had thought as he looked up almost obsessively if Qui-Gon had booked any time in any of the public sparring halls and not the private ones.

Finally, after about a week once they returned from their mission, Qui-Gon had indeed booked a mat, ensuring they would have space to train.

Almost, as if to confirm the absurd rumors going about from the get go, young Kenobi had a violin over his back along, a small smile on his face and a bandage on his left cheek.

Curious but not shocking.

Padawans could have training accidents and Qui-Gon was a tactile teacher.

And whatever was under the bandage was clearly taken care of, seeing the bright blue color of it and the yellow stars all over the bandage, it was Qui-Gon who had done it. The man had a fondness for rather immature bandages with patterns and colors.

Reluctantly, Yan’s lips twitched a bit with amusement, a little confirmation of Qui-Gon’s caring clearly in view as the two took to the mat, the yavines man gesturing for Obi-Wan to take position with a wry little smile on his lips that made Yan’s own smile grow in fondness.

The smile was utterly wiped as he straightened in shock with his hands coming to clench on the rail instead, Obi-Wan music filling the hall in a haunting lilting tunes.

The hairs on the back of Yan’s neck rose and he could feel goosebumps breaking out on his skin.

Sith hells, he could even feel his own chest hair rise to the occasion due to how the music was soaking into his very bones.

He had to remind himself to breath as the boy continued working through the music with his eyes closed and even without the Force in it, the tunes would have been breath taking as Yan had always adored the violins tunes.

It was a refined instrument.

But what was even more breathtaking was the sight of a blue, sheer bubble wrapping around the boy, Qui-Gon striking at the blue barrier with his lightsaber.

It didn’t penetrate.

Young Kenobi had created a shield out of the Force and an instrument and Yan couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh, both delighted and envious.

‘What an addition to our lineage, oh Qui-Gon, your boy is brilliant…’ He couldn’t help but marvel as he fumbled for his comm link without taking his eyes of the pair, Qui-Gon still testing the barrier as Yan tried to send of a message to invite the two for dinner.

It was time to meet his grandpadawan.

For life in music, can we hear about master/apprentice shenanigans? Especially early days?

This boy was his.

That is something Qui-Gon can’t quite get over as he slowly strokes the back of Obi-Wan’s head, Obi-Wan sleeping deeply as he rests it in Qui-Gon’s lap.

It hadn’t taken him long to get charge of the boy, not after carrying him to the council chamber and quite clearly telling them off and then taking the boy with him.

Qui-Gon suspected Yoda’s hand in it, considering how contested Obi-Wan had become once his skill had been revealed but he wasn’t about to say anything to his grandmaster, not when Obi-Wan wanted to be with him.

Not when Qui-Gon wanted the boy to stay.

For all that Qui-Gon was still healing from Xanatos Fall, this boy was not the same.

‘Not that I could ever imagine Xanatos drooling on my knee.’ Qui-Gon mused fondly, staring down at Obi-Wan’s face, gently brushing his thumb over the bactapatch on his cheek.

Normally, the first mission for a new padawan were easy things.

Milk run missions some called them.

Qui-Gon however had bad luck with his missions quite a lot and his poor luck had unfortunately struck out for his padawan too.

Which had lead to the factory they had been suppose to investigate blowing up, molting metal flying into the air and coming down and if it hadn’t been for Qui-Gon’s padawan, a lot of people would have gotten harmed.

But Obi-Wan’s ability was not only able to attack Qui-Gon had learned.

When things had gone flying after the rigged explosion to cover the escaping cultist that wanted to overthrow the queen, Obi-Wan had taken one look at the flying debris and molten metal from the plant and then whipped out his violin from where it had been resting against his back the entire mission.

Of course, the council would not be too happy about it, their job had been to catch the instigators that were attempting to get the monarch either killed or out of the way but Obi-Wan had just given him a tired smile and said, ‘I was following the will of the Force master.’ in a bright tone.

It had been breath taking, Qui-Gon’s hair had stood on end just like the time Obi-Wan had used his violin to duel of all things.

Springing from the power of Obi-Wan’s music, a shield had become apparent, holding everything floating before lowering it down with every swipe of the bow against string.

That hadn’t been the end of course, once that had been done, they had to pursue the culprits before they could stage anything else and Obi-Wan was young. ‘But tenacious…’ Qui-Gon couldn’t help but think fondly.

The boy had quite literally been tumbling and falling around and yet kept following Qui-Gon as quickly as he could.

There were some advantages of Qui-Gon’s size and experience though, so he had ended up flattening the culprits with a Force wave and catching them, a panting Obi-Wan catching up with a bleeding scratch on his cheek.

Not the worst kind of mission Qui-Gon had but not the best either, and it certainly wasn’t suppose to be a first for a padawan.

Because Qui-Gon knew that Obi-Wan had seen someone die, he had been close enough to see the human that didn’t dodge from the molten lava and he had certainly heard the scream of pain and the death rattle.

His smile disappeared at that thought.

Obi-Wan was powerful, but not all powerful and some of that debris…

‘Sometimes I can’t help but think that the Force is also a curse to all of us…’ He mused, gently rubbing at Obi-Wan’s stubby little braid. ‘Makes us think we are strong but then life shows us just how helpless we really can be… this was suppose to be an easy mission. The attempted overthrowing of a monarch with little to no bloodshed involved.

Only for Obi-Wan to see at least one death, up close and personal and Qui-Gon knew that there had been more.

Obi-Wan’s shield had not covered the entire city after all and there had been workers inside that factory.

Obi-Wan would have to deal with that, but he wouldn’t be alone.

But for now, as they waited for their transport, Qui-Gon would let the tired child rest.

Hell, if it wasn’t for how uncomfortable the duraplast chair were, Qui-Gon would have been tempted to join him, the waiting hall for the transport was dim enough for a rest and a pleasant temperature.

Well, Yan had always said it was the master’s prerogative to lead…and a padawan’s prerogative to rest.

‘Rest for now Obi-Wan, soon we’ll be on our way home…’

Ogh, I just need more of good master/dad QuiGon in lifeinmusic, pretty please?

Twelve, almost thirteen years old and yet the boy in his arms felt so
much smaller as Qui-Gon carried his new padawan in his arms, his gait
steady and his arms wrapped protectively around Obi-Wan, one under
his rear and the other around his back.

He had
let the boy cry his heart out, as quiet as Obi-Wan was, he had a lot
of tears stuffed into him and it made Qui-Gon wonder who the hell had
taught the child to repress his emotions.

what he knew of the creche masters, they understood children and
healthy development.

his mind was quick to point out that not every creche master were the
same and children could be cruel, even Jedi children.

remembered his own time in the creche quite well enough still, the
bullying for his big nose and feet still lingering at times.

It was
likely that Obi-Wan may have experienced a mix of it and he was a
sensitive child, hiding much of it with a face of as much serenity as
he could manage while the bullying and words of unaware adults made
scars on his mind.

now this sensitive child was his child.

softly into Qui-Gon’s neck with his head resting on the Jedi
master’s shoulder, his body lax and relaxed as Qui-Gon walked past
either outright surprised Jedi gaping at him or those that managed to
show some decorum by just staring with wide eyes.

It had
been a long while since Qui-Gon had taken a padawan, yes, he would
admit that and maybe he had been rather vocal about not getting one…

Obi-Wan was different.

He was
a child that needed someone else, with the temple being less than
kind to him at the moment.

needed someone in his corner, someone that hadn’t looked at him and
rejected him until he showed a special ability.

that put Obi-Wan first and showed him it was alright.

he was alright.

while Qui-Gon had been reluctant…

deserved to have someone.

Qui-Gon would be that someone, he’d do his best and teach this
little padawan that could make music into a weapon and laughed
sweetly at Qui-Gon’s ‘dad’ jokes as it was.

Qui-Gon tracked the man in question down that he was looking for,
inwardly snorting a bit when he noticed that Jocasta and Plo was with
the old troll.

And he
did actually snort when he saw the surprised looks of all three,
pausing in front of them with his boy tucked to his chest. “I’m
taking him as a padawan, send the registration papers my way
masters.” He stated bluntly before any of them could get a word in

tapped his cane on the marble floor, peering up at him with his ears
twitching. “Surprised I am, rejecting all Initiates you have that
showed you we have.” He stated.

Obi-Wan a bit, rubbing at his back when the boy mumbled a bit,
Qui-Gon stared back at Yoda while ignoring the little pack of gossips
that had followed him. “Yes. But you didn’t show me this one. I
meet up with him on my own, in the garden, without your meddling
in our relationship. Fodder for thought I’d say.” He stated in a
slightly clipped tone before humming quietly when Obi-Wan shifted at
the tone.

three masters watched him, Qui-Gon uncaring of them witnessing his
affection for the boy.

Obi-Wan settled and he could focus back on them. “Children don’t
learn to cry silently for no reason. And knights and masters who have
earlier rejected him suddenly became interested. Obi-Wan went to the
gardens to hide. I found him there. So yes, send the registration my
way. I’ll alert the creche masters myself.” He stated evenly.

let out a small hum before nodding. “As you wish Qui-Gon, I will
arrange for it… as young Kenobi is asleep, he shou-”

coming with me,” Qui-Gon cut in bluntly, he had been a thorn in the
council’s side for years, he wasn’t about to stop just cause he
had a padawan. “He’s going to sleep on my couch while I contact
the quartermaster and see about getting a pair room. Now excuse me, I
have a lot to do masters.” Qui-Gon bowed slightly, Obi-Wan held
tightly before he turned, heading down the left hall.

also ignored the group of padawans and initiates that scattered when
he rounded the corner, inwardly snorting at the sight of a fuming
white haired child among the group.

the child Obi-Wan fought at the tournament.

he wouldn’t be an issue for the future. “We’re going to be
alright Obi-Wan…” Qui-Gon whispered quietly, smiling slightly
when Obi-Wan nuzzled his face into the Jedi master’s neck with a
soft, tired sigh.

little padawan.

Ogh, I just need more of good master/dad QuiGon in lifeinmusic, pretty please?

Twelve, almost thirteen years old and yet the boy in his arms felt so
much smaller as Qui-Gon carried his new padawan in his arms, his gait
steady and his arms wrapped protectively around Obi-Wan, one under
his rear and the other around his back.

He had
let the boy cry his heart out, as quiet as Obi-Wan was, he had a lot
of tears stuffed into him and it made Qui-Gon wonder who the hell had
taught the child to repress his emotions.

what he knew of the creche masters, they understood children and
healthy development.

his mind was quick to point out that not every creche master were the
same and children could be cruel, even Jedi children.

remembered his own time in the creche quite well enough still, the
bullying for his big nose and feet still lingering at times.

It was
likely that Obi-Wan may have experienced a mix of it and he was a
sensitive child, hiding much of it with a face of as much serenity as
he could manage while the bullying and words of unaware adults made
scars on his mind.

now this sensitive child was his child.

softly into Qui-Gon’s neck with his head resting on the Jedi
master’s shoulder, his body lax and relaxed as Qui-Gon walked past
either outright surprised Jedi gaping at him or those that managed to
show some decorum by just staring with wide eyes.

It had
been a long while since Qui-Gon had taken a padawan, yes, he would
admit that and maybe he had been rather vocal about not getting one…

Obi-Wan was different.

He was
a child that needed someone else, with the temple being less than
kind to him at the moment.

needed someone in his corner, someone that hadn’t looked at him and
rejected him until he showed a special ability.

that put Obi-Wan first and showed him it was alright.

he was alright.

while Qui-Gon had been reluctant…

deserved to have someone.

Qui-Gon would be that someone, he’d do his best and teach this
little padawan that could make music into a weapon and laughed
sweetly at Qui-Gon’s ‘dad’ jokes as it was.

Qui-Gon tracked the man in question down that he was looking for,
inwardly snorting a bit when he noticed that Jocasta and Plo was with
the old troll.

And he
did actually snort when he saw the surprised looks of all three,
pausing in front of them with his boy tucked to his chest. “I’m
taking him as a padawan, send the registration papers my way
masters.” He stated bluntly before any of them could get a word in

tapped his cane on the marble floor, peering up at him with his ears
twitching. “Surprised I am, rejecting all Initiates you have that
showed you we have.” He stated.

Obi-Wan a bit, rubbing at his back when the boy mumbled a bit,
Qui-Gon stared back at Yoda while ignoring the little pack of gossips
that had followed him. “Yes. But you didn’t show me this one. I
meet up with him on my own, in the garden, without your meddling
in our relationship. Fodder for thought I’d say.” He stated in a
slightly clipped tone before humming quietly when Obi-Wan shifted at
the tone.

three masters watched him, Qui-Gon uncaring of them witnessing his
affection for the boy.

Obi-Wan settled and he could focus back on them. “Children don’t
learn to cry silently for no reason. And knights and masters who have
earlier rejected him suddenly became interested. Obi-Wan went to the
gardens to hide. I found him there. So yes, send the registration my
way. I’ll alert the creche masters myself.” He stated evenly.

let out a small hum before nodding. “As you wish Qui-Gon, I will
arrange for it… as young Kenobi is asleep, he shou-”

coming with me,” Qui-Gon cut in bluntly, he had been a thorn in the
council’s side for years, he wasn’t about to stop just cause he
had a padawan. “He’s going to sleep on my couch while I contact
the quartermaster and see about getting a pair room. Now excuse me, I
have a lot to do masters.” Qui-Gon bowed slightly, Obi-Wan held
tightly before he turned, heading down the left hall.

also ignored the group of padawans and initiates that scattered when
he rounded the corner, inwardly snorting at the sight of a fuming
white haired child among the group.

the child Obi-Wan fought at the tournament.

he wouldn’t be an issue for the future. “We’re going to be
alright Obi-Wan…” Qui-Gon whispered quietly, smiling slightly
when Obi-Wan nuzzled his face into the Jedi master’s neck with a
soft, tired sigh.

little padawan.