Kybertears: Well… if there’s no rescue yet, can we at least see what Obi Wan is going through in the meantime?

Raising his chin from his chest, Obi-Wan blinked the blurriness as best out of his eyes as he could.

Not that it was working all that good for him, between the blood loss and the pain currently stealing all his senses in the dark, seeing clear was not something he could hope to do.

And the occasional red flashes along with the beeps, as much as they broke out the monotony, did not count proper light or distraction from his situation.

His mind was buzzing as he squinted into the cell, trying to see anything.

Not that it would help him right now if he could.

Not after what Palpatine had done to him.

Swallowing thickly, Obi-Wan tried to ignore the throbbing in his body.

Not that he really could, the harness wrapped around him to keep him upright was doing a bang-up job of both reminding him and being uncomfortable after all.

‘How long have I been here?’ He couldn’t help but wonder, mouth dry as he smacked his lips together.

He couldn’t tell if it had been an hour, five or a full day?

Maybe longer.

It had to be longer with what had been done to him, Obi-Wan knew that he had passed out at some point and he had woken up in the harness with Palpatin.

The door snapped open and Obi-Wan couldn’t help the instinctual flinch at the light and the shape standing there.

It was Palpatine of course, the man looking… frazzled?

Squinting more at him, Obi-Wan let out a small noise as he stepped in, his robe as fancy as always. “It seems I underestimated just how much young Skywalker cares for you. I may have to move you before I was ready to.” Palpatine stated, almost cheerfully but…

This wasn’t the first time Obi-Wan had been captured, he had seen Ventress stressed and he had seen Dooku stressed.

And while a good actor, Obi-Wan could see the tightness at the corner of the man’s eyes and the way the corner of his lips were twitching.

Laughing breathlessly, even as the man tapped at the IV bag connected to Obi-Wan’s left hand, Obi-Wan gave what he hoped amounted to a smile at the Sith. “Anakin does like to put wrenches into plans.” He rasped agreeably, ignoring the black straps and the manacles keeping him upright, barely seeing them from the corner of his blurry eyes.

Palpatine let out a hum, stopping fully in front of him as he moved down to the display machine and the readouts of his heart, reaching out easily and backhanded Obi-Wan across the face.

Wincing, the taste of blood blooming in his mouth, Obi-Wan sluggishly turned his face back to the Sith while wondering if he should be grateful for the blood moistening his mouth finally, watching dazedly as he tapped at the machine before he checked on the machine pumping Obi-Wan’s blood.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan focus and look down to where his legs were suppose to be.

Where they had been before Palpatine had taken a red lightsaber to both his legs and cut them off at the thighs, leaving Obi-Wan a double amputate.

Looking down past the black straps of the harness holding him afloat at the covered stumps of his legs with the wires full of blood leading from them, Obi-Wan shook before clenching his eyes shut.

He didn’t want to see the black medical harness strapped over the beige tunic, he didn’t want to see the medical blue caps covering his stumps, he didn’t want to see the machines holding him alive and draining him for blood as his heart beat.

And he certainly did not want to see Palpatine.

‘Least the scars under my feet or the missing toes will never be an issue again.’ He couldn’t help but hysterically think before wincing as as his chin was grabbed, leveled up to face Palpatine once more.

He forced his eyes open, trying not to show Palpatine too much weakness as the man started speaking. “Your boy is a menace, he’s ransaking the Rotunda for you, but by the time he realizes you are gone, it will be too late for you,” Palpatine’s yellow eyes lit up, a smug sneer gracing the man’s face as he reached out and tugged lightly on one of the tubes of blood from Obi-Wan’s stumps. “With every beat of your heart, blood fills the chamber and you will be far gone before the first chamber is full, I will hide you away in the galaxy and no one will rescue you, not even your ‘sainted’ Jedi Order.” He laughed.

A sickening feeling turned Obi-Wan’s stomach.

And yet at the same time he simply smiled in return at Palpatine, his lack of self preservation kicking in as always. “Then you’re just as much a fool as Ventress and Dooku are on the field, because Anakin will never stop, if there is one thing that boy is, its tenacious.” He murmured, keening with pain when his head was slammed back against the wall by an invisible force.

Everything was blooming in pain and tears slipped down Obi-Wan’s face once more, kyber dripping onto the floor below where his legs had once been.

‘I wonder what more I’ll loose before Anakin and Cody finds me…’ He couldn’t help but breathlessly muse, feeling Palpatine mess with the straps and manacles.

Not gonna lie, BabyFace doesn’t seem too bad yet. Seems par for the course (when looking at the darker end of your fics). That being said… Does this Messiah guy do anything particularly bad with ‘Ben’ since he’s older?

the urge to yell as the trooper apologized again, Anakin just nodded
swifly and ran a hand over his face, inwardly growling and yelling.

didn’t want excuses, he wanted Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan who had been his master, his friend, his soul for the past
ten years, the man who had smiled at him and given him a home and a
family, the man he couldn’t feel.

he could tell that Obi-Wan was alive and occasionally the smallest of
snippets of feeling whispered across their bond, but whoever had him,
they were good
damn them.

knew how to block the bond, they knew how to keep Obi-Wan from being
found clearly and there was nothing Anakin could do to find the

had already tried.

had tried desperately pulling on their bond, bashing against the
barriers that kept them separated, hell, he had even tried to
meditate just to try and open up but whatever was keeping Obi-Wan
from him, inhibitor drug or tech, it was doing it’s job.

the troopers could find nothing.

alley they had found Obi-Wan had no cameras and the only lead from
the club was someone walking out of the backdoor, the holocam being
scrambled so badly that you couldn’t even tell it was Obi-Wan
leaving with someone.

the damn council was no help!

were denying him funds to further the search, to get another Jedi on
the planet, to expand the search or close down the ports!

days of arguing with them, four days of not knowing where Obi-Wan
was, four days of the smattering of fear coming through the bond at
times and then a shocking moment of pain
and yet the council still said no. “Master
Windu, if you would just send The Wolfpack
at least, they’re a rescue battalion after all.” Anakin got out
through gritted teeth.

this was a question of attachment
again, then Anakin was going to wring some necks. He could feel his
pulse beating hard and the heat of his cheeks as Ahsoka gently
touched his arm as she joined him closer to the holo display, trying
to offer her comfort.

helped, a tiny bit, as did the presence of Cody and Rex behind him,
Anakin could feel the nervous energy of the former.

wanted to find Obi-Wan as much if not more than Anakin.

council exchanged looks, and Anakin felt something in him shatter,
something Ahsoka noticed as she jumped nervously beside him, taking
half a step away from the blond human while chewing on her bottom lip
nervously, a habit Anakin had tried to teach her from as it could
potentially pierce her lips with her sharper fangs..

sake!” He snapped out. “It’s Obi-Wan, he’s a poster boy for
the war, we can’t ju-

just as Anakin had enough with the council, it seemed that Mace Windu
had enough of Anakin Skywalker as the man growled and leaned forward,
dark eyes piercing even through the holo. “If you’re so worried
about getting aid, then maybe you should speak with your friend the
Chancellor, Knight Skywalker, as he is personally blocking every
attempt to send aid to you and Siliraka.” The man snapped out,
hands pressed together as if he was praying for patience from some
higher being.

he was, who knew except the man in question.

certainly did not know as he froze, staring at the council master.

him, he could feel both Cody and Rex still, both of their attention
now aimed at the holo with Ahsoka blinking at the man too. “…I’m
sorry, what?” Anakin rasped out, feeling like someone had turned
him around and kicked him in the ass.

deeply, Windu collapsed back in his seat, massaging his temples.
“Tell him, he deserves to know what’s going on.” Master Billaba
suddenly murmured, sounding just as exhausted as Windu looked.

the way the Chancellor has been,” Yoda suddenly croaked up, resting
his cane over his lap as Anakin focused his eyes on the ancient
troll. “Justify more resources to find these teenagers nor a
missing Jedi he says impossible is. Poodoo I think that is, but
convince him we can not, and the backing of Senators he has,
impossible to assign more to you it has, the manpower you now have is
all you get the Chancellor has decided.” Yoda finished up.

heavily, opening his mouth to protest and then closing it, Anakin
shook his head. “He wouldn’t… why would he…”

don’t know Knight Skywalker,” Windu rubbed his temple some more,
shrugging. “You can take a personal call to any Senator you know if
you wish to know the state of the Senate or you can review the
Senate’s notation, Obi-Wan’s name is not there but a ‘missing’
Jedi is on the agenda and we made sure the Chancellor knew which
one,” He paused before shrugging. “If you doubt my word though or
the Chancellor tells you a lie, you could always ask Senator Amidala
or Organa, as I understand from Obi-Wan, you two have cultured a
friendship with those two Senators.” He stated dryly.

swallowed before nodding slowly, an excuse to call Padme was always
good but he found himself suddenly not wanting to, feeling cold and

didn’t see Cody behind him, his hand clenched into a fist or the
way Rex was slowly rubbing his commander vod’s back in an assuring
way, black emotions whirling in Anakin’s own chest as he numbly
made his way through the rest of the report with the council.

chancellor was blocking Anakin’s attempt to get more resources to
get Obi-Wan back, was blocking Anakin’s attempt to get a proper
search and rescue going…and Anakin didn’t know why, the man had
always complained about how he couldn’t do more.

remembered a smokey gambling den, he remembered Senator Colandrus,
Palpatine lamenting about how he dipped into the Senate’s funds and
used it as his own bank and the way the man ‘mourned’ not being
able to do more.

yet now he could block the Jedi from resources to find Obi-Wan?

was something wrong with this picture and Anakin didn’t like it at
all as another shocking lance of pain came through the foggy and
bared bond between himself and Obi-Wan.

was lying and Anakin was going to find out who… and find Obi-Wan at
the same time.