Quinlan, Hondo, Cad Bane for the trope ask?

Okay wow, so hmm.

Quinlan: Fake date, cause underover stuff I would bet

Hondo: Slow burn, cause it takes a long time to trust him that he wouldn’t sell yer ass to someone or betray you >.>

Cad Bane: Enemies to lovers, cause well bounty hunters, it would be some weird twisty plot intrigue the whole way lol.

HoarderSeerer: … Obi-Wan is going to be on antibiotics to prevent infection after his injuries, isn’t he? Anyways… Senate upheaval? Babies are a great way for people to realize that other living beings are also people.

a bit as he went through his messages, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath
through his nose. “Well,
its something.” He grumbled to himself as he lifted his cup to take
a small sip of tea.

Qui-Gon poked his head out of the kitchenette.

his pad, Obi-Wan sighed. “The Senate has made some concessions for
the troopers finally, anyone that show up pregnant are to return to
Coruscant or Kamino thank the Forces. They will be provided with
anything the baby and carrier in question would need.” He focused
back on the pad, reading the report.

the pebbles that starts the avalanche Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon said
soothingly, coming over with a tray of finger sandwiches.

know, I know but I keep wanting to push them. There are still those
who don’t consider the troopers ‘real’ and that pisses me off.”
Obi-Wan replied in a tight tone as Qui-Gon sat down on the couch
beside the redhead.

Qui-Gon gave his former padawan a surprised look. He could see what
Anakin meant that Obi-Wan was behaving… erratically lately.

better word would be ‘emotional’
I would have said.’ Qui-Gon studied
the other man while picking up a plate and filling a few of the
sandwiches onto it, watching Obi-Wan focus more on the pad. “But
well be that, there is some nice food here instead of those dry
reports.” Qui-Gon tried teasingly.

out a huff,
Obi-Wan did indeed set down the plate and lean in to fill the other
plate with food for himself, abandoning the teacup onto the table.

at least Boil and the other troopers who become pregnant will be sa-”
Qui-Gon murmured before dropping his plate when Obi-Wan suddenly
jerked to his feet and ran for the fresher, his own plate crashing to
the floor.

Qui-Gon followed quickly as Obi-Wan started chucking up the content
of his stomach, rubbing the others back carefully with a deep frown
on his face. “Oh dear, this was unexpected. I thought my cooking
had improved a tiny bit.” He tried to joke even as Obi-Wan jerked a
bit as he vomited a bit more, only bile left.

up, Qui-Gon pulled one of his facial cloth out of the shelf and
moistened it with water, offering it to Obi-Wan when he looked up
with a pale and sweaty face.

you.” He croaked out, washing out of his beard where spittle and
bile rested.

the other, Qui-Gon reached for his toothpaste rinsing glass and
filled it with water. He figured Obi-Wan didn’t mind considering
all the times they had to share not only glasses but canteens,
bottles and the occasional ceremonial drink.

Obi-Wan accepted the glass to rinse out his mouth, spitting it out
and then getting to his feet. “Ugh, apologies, I seem to be
experiencing a stomach bug lately.” He
huffed, pushing his hair back from his face and wiping his forehead.

you did just return rather injured Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon rested his
hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, frowning deeply. “You may be feeling
some kind of after-affect from it, maybe you should go to the
healers.” He frowned.


wasn’t a question Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon said blandly before picking
the other up and settling him on his shoulder, making sure not to
settle his old padawan on his stomach but lower to avoid agonizing
his stomach more.

Qui-Gon! Put me down!” Obi-Wan demanded as they made their way to
the door and into the hall. “Qui-Gon!” He outright whined,
flustering badly as he noticed Jedi looking at them and giggling.

master’s prerogative to look out for their old padawans Obi-Wan,”
Qui-Gon said cheerfully. “Beside, what would your Commander say if
he knew you didn’t go to the healers?” He noted with a smirk.

telling silence came at that, Obi-Wan outright sulking for a few
minutes before he finally talked. “I can walk you know.” He

you can, but you’re likely to make an escape if I put you down.”
Qui-Gon hummed, smirking once more when he heard a quiet ‘kriff’
from above.

he Halls they went, Anakin and Ahsoka joining them as they both
laughed at Obi-Wan being carted around by the old master. One more
obviously than the other.

HoarderSeerer: … Obi-Wan is going to be on antibiotics to prevent infection after his injuries, isn’t he? Anyways… Senate upheaval? Babies are a great way for people to realize that other living beings are also people.

a bit as he went through his messages, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath
through his nose. “Well,
its something.” He grumbled to himself as he lifted his cup to take
a small sip of tea.

Qui-Gon poked his head out of the kitchenette.

his pad, Obi-Wan sighed. “The Senate has made some concessions for
the troopers finally, anyone that show up pregnant are to return to
Coruscant or Kamino thank the Forces. They will be provided with
anything the baby and carrier in question would need.” He focused
back on the pad, reading the report.

the pebbles that starts the avalanche Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon said
soothingly, coming over with a tray of finger sandwiches.

know, I know but I keep wanting to push them. There are still those
who don’t consider the troopers ‘real’ and that pisses me off.”
Obi-Wan replied in a tight tone as Qui-Gon sat down on the couch
beside the redhead.

Qui-Gon gave his former padawan a surprised look. He could see what
Anakin meant that Obi-Wan was behaving… erratically lately.

better word would be ‘emotional’
I would have said.’ Qui-Gon studied
the other man while picking up a plate and filling a few of the
sandwiches onto it, watching Obi-Wan focus more on the pad. “But
well be that, there is some nice food here instead of those dry
reports.” Qui-Gon tried teasingly.

out a huff,
Obi-Wan did indeed set down the plate and lean in to fill the other
plate with food for himself, abandoning the teacup onto the table.

at least Boil and the other troopers who become pregnant will be sa-”
Qui-Gon murmured before dropping his plate when Obi-Wan suddenly
jerked to his feet and ran for the fresher, his own plate crashing to
the floor.

Qui-Gon followed quickly as Obi-Wan started chucking up the content
of his stomach, rubbing the others back carefully with a deep frown
on his face. “Oh dear, this was unexpected. I thought my cooking
had improved a tiny bit.” He tried to joke even as Obi-Wan jerked a
bit as he vomited a bit more, only bile left.

up, Qui-Gon pulled one of his facial cloth out of the shelf and
moistened it with water, offering it to Obi-Wan when he looked up
with a pale and sweaty face.

you.” He croaked out, washing out of his beard where spittle and
bile rested.

the other, Qui-Gon reached for his toothpaste rinsing glass and
filled it with water. He figured Obi-Wan didn’t mind considering
all the times they had to share not only glasses but canteens,
bottles and the occasional ceremonial drink.

Obi-Wan accepted the glass to rinse out his mouth, spitting it out
and then getting to his feet. “Ugh, apologies, I seem to be
experiencing a stomach bug lately.” He
huffed, pushing his hair back from his face and wiping his forehead.

you did just return rather injured Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon rested his
hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, frowning deeply. “You may be feeling
some kind of after-affect from it, maybe you should go to the
healers.” He frowned.


wasn’t a question Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon said blandly before picking
the other up and settling him on his shoulder, making sure not to
settle his old padawan on his stomach but lower to avoid agonizing
his stomach more.

Qui-Gon! Put me down!” Obi-Wan demanded as they made their way to
the door and into the hall. “Qui-Gon!” He outright whined,
flustering badly as he noticed Jedi looking at them and giggling.

master’s prerogative to look out for their old padawans Obi-Wan,”
Qui-Gon said cheerfully. “Beside, what would your Commander say if
he knew you didn’t go to the healers?” He noted with a smirk.

telling silence came at that, Obi-Wan outright sulking for a few
minutes before he finally talked. “I can walk you know.” He

you can, but you’re likely to make an escape if I put you down.”
Qui-Gon hummed, smirking once more when he heard a quiet ‘kriff’
from above.

he Halls they went, Anakin and Ahsoka joining them as they both
laughed at Obi-Wan being carted around by the old master. One more
obviously than the other.

TheRisk: You are an evil, evil person. Now I need to know who the father could be! Is it a clone? Is it another Jedi? A one night stand? The force? You can’t leave me hanging like this!

down beside the other, Anakin stared at his former master for a long
quiet moment as the troopers continued packing around

had been forbidden to do any heavy lifting by Helix and Kix,
something about a male pregnancy being a slightly fragile thing, with
how the body isn’t really prepared for birth and how a month of it
is always just for the body to prepare itself for the carry and

had briefly check in on the holonet about male pregnancy but had to
click away just as quickly.

was just too many images of premature babies with wires and tubes, it had made
his stomach turn with worry and fear.

Cody had been by four times now with vitamins, tea and once a meal
bar and a stern look which had prompted Obi-Wan to carefully nibble

entire 212th
would be going with Obi-Wan as sending General Kenobi, the Negotiator
home alone was just asking for trouble and Anakin had been assured
that Master Fisto would actually be the one to replace Obi-Wan in
about three days since he was the closest to their position.

was fine by him, he actually got decently along with Kit since the
man fought with his men. Now if they got into the tenants of the code
however that would be a different thing as Kit was apparently a

have been nice to have Eeth Koth here, he could give me some tips on
my Interceptor maybe.’ Anakin mused to himself before shaking his
head and looking at Obi-Wan when the master let out a deep sigh.

ask your question Anakin, you aren’t one for really sitting still
quiet this long unless you have something you want to ask, holding a
conversation or have something in your hands you’re working on.”
Obi-Wan noted quietly, peering at him through his fringe with a tired
expression on his face. He really did not like that he would have to
retreat to Coruscant and it was showing in his tired, slumped

his elbows on his knees, Anakin smiled gently at him. “I didn’t
want to bother you. You’re leaving in not that long after all and I
just… figured you could use the rest.” He shrugged.

his brows, Obi-Wan snorted. “Honestly, it would bug me on the way
to Coruscant if you didn’t and I can rest in transit. Cody is
certain to take lead after all Helix read up to him from the
holonet.” Obi-Wan sighed quietly before smiling at him, clearly

his shoulders while letting out a soft amused chuckle, Anakin nodded.
“Fair enough. Alright, I’ll ask. Whose the father?” He asked.

even felt he was keeping his voice fairly soft and quiet but the camp
went noticeably quieter the moment the question slipped out of his
mouth and Anakin felt like everyone was watching them as discreetly
as he could.

am of course.” Obi-Wan peered at him in bemusement.

both his brows, Anakin reminded himself to keep calm and not stress
Obi-Wan as stress would never be good for this baby. “You are
technically a bearer, I may not know a lot about male pregnancy but I
know that much. And for there to be a baby, there has to be another
donor.” He said with a touch of dryness he had picked up from

seem to remember that you do not have a father.” Obi-Wan said in
rebuttal and Anakin’s jaw dropped.

you saying that you’re having a Force baby?” He yipped out in
surprise only to breath out when Obi-Wan’s eyes widened in equal

I’m not directly claiming that, no. I mean I’m not asexual or
aromatic Anakin.” Obi-Wan awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck,
looking away from the other.

Anakin stared at the older man for a few long seconds before shifting
closer to him. “Obi-Wan…. Nothing bad happened
to make the baby, right?” He asked hesitantly.

head instantly snapped back, his ears turning red. “What? No! No
Anakin, no one has… Anakin no.” Obi-Wan assured in a much softer
tone, petting Anakin’s hand gently.

and leaning his shoulder against the others, Anakin smiled. “Good,
for a moment there I was…”

Obi-Wan broke in softly, smiling at him. “If something like that
had happened, you would know. I would have told you as I would
certainly have needed your support. Though to be fair, I need it now
too.” He grinned warmly.

a bit, Anakin nodded. “I’ll be sure to add some support wheels
when I get to the temple.” He teased lightly, the two bantering
with each other and Anakin could feel Rex roll his eyes at them.

only occurred to him hours later on that Obi-Wan had neatly
sidestepped the question of his baby’s parentage.

TheRisk: You are an evil, evil person. Now I need to know who the father could be! Is it a clone? Is it another Jedi? A one night stand? The force? You can’t leave me hanging like this!

down beside the other, Anakin stared at his former master for a long
quiet moment as the troopers continued packing around

had been forbidden to do any heavy lifting by Helix and Kix,
something about a male pregnancy being a slightly fragile thing, with
how the body isn’t really prepared for birth and how a month of it
is always just for the body to prepare itself for the carry and

had briefly check in on the holonet about male pregnancy but had to
click away just as quickly.

was just too many images of premature babies with wires and tubes, it had made
his stomach turn with worry and fear.

Cody had been by four times now with vitamins, tea and once a meal
bar and a stern look which had prompted Obi-Wan to carefully nibble

entire 212th
would be going with Obi-Wan as sending General Kenobi, the Negotiator
home alone was just asking for trouble and Anakin had been assured
that Master Fisto would actually be the one to replace Obi-Wan in
about three days since he was the closest to their position.

was fine by him, he actually got decently along with Kit since the
man fought with his men. Now if they got into the tenants of the code
however that would be a different thing as Kit was apparently a

have been nice to have Eeth Koth here, he could give me some tips on
my Interceptor maybe.’ Anakin mused to himself before shaking his
head and looking at Obi-Wan when the master let out a deep sigh.

ask your question Anakin, you aren’t one for really sitting still
quiet this long unless you have something you want to ask, holding a
conversation or have something in your hands you’re working on.”
Obi-Wan noted quietly, peering at him through his fringe with a tired
expression on his face. He really did not like that he would have to
retreat to Coruscant and it was showing in his tired, slumped

his elbows on his knees, Anakin smiled gently at him. “I didn’t
want to bother you. You’re leaving in not that long after all and I
just… figured you could use the rest.” He shrugged.

his brows, Obi-Wan snorted. “Honestly, it would bug me on the way
to Coruscant if you didn’t and I can rest in transit. Cody is
certain to take lead after all Helix read up to him from the
holonet.” Obi-Wan sighed quietly before smiling at him, clearly

his shoulders while letting out a soft amused chuckle, Anakin nodded.
“Fair enough. Alright, I’ll ask. Whose the father?” He asked.

even felt he was keeping his voice fairly soft and quiet but the camp
went noticeably quieter the moment the question slipped out of his
mouth and Anakin felt like everyone was watching them as discreetly
as he could.

am of course.” Obi-Wan peered at him in bemusement.

both his brows, Anakin reminded himself to keep calm and not stress
Obi-Wan as stress would never be good for this baby. “You are
technically a bearer, I may not know a lot about male pregnancy but I
know that much. And for there to be a baby, there has to be another
donor.” He said with a touch of dryness he had picked up from

seem to remember that you do not have a father.” Obi-Wan said in
rebuttal and Anakin’s jaw dropped.

you saying that you’re having a Force baby?” He yipped out in
surprise only to breath out when Obi-Wan’s eyes widened in equal

I’m not directly claiming that, no. I mean I’m not asexual or
aromatic Anakin.” Obi-Wan awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck,
looking away from the other.

Anakin stared at the older man for a few long seconds before shifting
closer to him. “Obi-Wan…. Nothing bad happened
to make the baby, right?” He asked hesitantly.

head instantly snapped back, his ears turning red. “What? No! No
Anakin, no one has… Anakin no.” Obi-Wan assured in a much softer
tone, petting Anakin’s hand gently.

and leaning his shoulder against the others, Anakin smiled. “Good,
for a moment there I was…”

Obi-Wan broke in softly, smiling at him. “If something like that
had happened, you would know. I would have told you as I would
certainly have needed your support. Though to be fair, I need it now
too.” He grinned warmly.

a bit, Anakin nodded. “I’ll be sure to add some support wheels
when I get to the temple.” He teased lightly, the two bantering
with each other and Anakin could feel Rex roll his eyes at them.

only occurred to him hours later on that Obi-Wan had neatly
sidestepped the question of his baby’s parentage.

FortheYoung: -flails- Moddy~ I need to see what Obi-Wan does. How does he deal with Palps? It needs to be painful Moddy. He tried to hurt the little ones! >.<

“…Are you sure
about this Obi-Wan?” Dolan questioned quietly, sitting on the
others bed as Obi-Wan was going through every rule in the Jedi order
that he possibly could to see if there was anything that would stop

The older man had
showed up when he’d seen Obi-Wan rummaging around his room long
into the night and had come to quietly sit on his bed to keep him
company but not distract him as Obi-Wan worked away.

“No, but if I
don’t do this, than the council may as well try to sweep it under
the carpet and officially there is no rules that states I can’t.”
Obi-Wan lips were pursed as he continued his purview.

Dolan hummed at
that, hands settled on his knees. “Have you considered what you’re
actions would do to Anakin?” He asked quietly.

“Yes,” Obi-Wan
replied without looking up, his eyes scanning the scroll in his hands
that Jocasta had allowed him to take. “We had a long conversation
about it and he’s uncertain but knows that he doesn’t have to
leave the creche unless he decides to walk the path with me that I
intend to move onto.” Obi-Wan paused then swallowed heavily,
dropping his hands and the scroll down into his lap to stare at

The other human
raised a brow in question.

“Tell me I’m
doing the wrong thing and I’ll stop. Tell me that what I’m
planning won’t work and I’ll try to find another way bu-”

“There is no
other way.” Dolan interrupted, his voice stern but not unkind.

Obi-Wan slumped.
“…So I take the trials and become a Jedi knight. If I want to
expose Palpatine I need to leave the creche.” He whispered with
some despair.

Dolan watched one
of the strongest people he knew crumble before standing and moving in
front of him, kneeling down and pressing their foreheads together.
“We are one with the Force and the Force is with us. This moment
doesn’t have to last forever Obi-Wan and when you’re done, you
can return. Your position will always be here and there will always
be kids.”

Blinking, Obi-Wan’s
lips quirked a bit. “Don’t focus on my anxiety huh?”

Dolan lips quirked
in return, the smiling wrinkles around his eyes curving with it.
“Exactly. You will always come home Obi-Wan and your place here
will always be yours,” Dolan said with quiet pride before taking
his hands away from the scroll to squeeze them. “And your heart
will always belong to the children of the order.”

His smile slowly
growing, Obi-Wan nodded. “Then I’ll do my duty by the children I
swore to protect so I can go home again.”


The council had
their collective jaws on the ground as they stared at Obi-Wan.

Suddenly there was
life in them though, each shouting something and being as undignified
as they could be. almost like tantrum throwing creche children, while Obi-Wan stood calmly in front of them with his
hands in his sleeves in a resting position as he waited for them to
calm the kark down.

Finally some
silence appeared and Obi-Wan opted to speak. “There is no
precedence for a unchoosen Force sensitive of the temple becoming a
knight as none of them has applied for the trials. Therefor there is
technically no rules against me applying to become a knight as I am
skilled… or will you deny that I have the skills to be just as
capable a Jedi knight as anyone here?” He narrowed his eyes.

Hesitantly Plo
spoke up. “What Obi-Wan says is true, there are no rules that would
prevent him but its… unheard of as he also said.” Plo said while
nervously rubbing his claws together.

“But if he
completes the trials, than by our own standards, he would be a
capable knight.” Shaak said quietly.

“But if we open
this avenue we must allow others to also apply for the trials.”
Oppo injected strongly.

“And?” Mace
interrupted, silencing them all as they turned to him in surprise. “I
do not see the problem with this I must admit. We are undermanned as
it is, if they complete all trials as required than they would be
knights, would fill in our ranks. We have been too few for too long
and the trials would determined if they should be knights or not,
would measure their worth in all the ways just like they do our
padawans.” He frowned, rubbing his chin.

Yoda made a tetchy
noise but under Obi-Wan’s gaze he didn’t reject the notion that
they were understaffed and the ones who completed the trials being worthy.

what felt like an eternity there was silence as they all stared at
each other.

Mace turned towards him. “Give us a few days Obi-Wan, to debate and
consider this before we take a decision.” He said, talking for the
entire council.

his lips, Obi-Wan finally inclined his head as he recognized the

Now he
just had to wait…

hear what Anakin wanted to do if Obi-Wan did become a knight.

FortheYoung: -flails- Moddy~ I need to see what Obi-Wan does. How does he deal with Palps? It needs to be painful Moddy. He tried to hurt the little ones! >.<

“…Are you sure
about this Obi-Wan?” Dolan questioned quietly, sitting on the
others bed as Obi-Wan was going through every rule in the Jedi order
that he possibly could to see if there was anything that would stop

The older man had
showed up when he’d seen Obi-Wan rummaging around his room long
into the night and had come to quietly sit on his bed to keep him
company but not distract him as Obi-Wan worked away.

“No, but if I
don’t do this, than the council may as well try to sweep it under
the carpet and officially there is no rules that states I can’t.”
Obi-Wan lips were pursed as he continued his purview.

Dolan hummed at
that, hands settled on his knees. “Have you considered what you’re
actions would do to Anakin?” He asked quietly.

“Yes,” Obi-Wan
replied without looking up, his eyes scanning the scroll in his hands
that Jocasta had allowed him to take. “We had a long conversation
about it and he’s uncertain but knows that he doesn’t have to
leave the creche unless he decides to walk the path with me that I
intend to move onto.” Obi-Wan paused then swallowed heavily,
dropping his hands and the scroll down into his lap to stare at

The other human
raised a brow in question.

“Tell me I’m
doing the wrong thing and I’ll stop. Tell me that what I’m
planning won’t work and I’ll try to find another way bu-”

“There is no
other way.” Dolan interrupted, his voice stern but not unkind.

Obi-Wan slumped.
“…So I take the trials and become a Jedi knight. If I want to
expose Palpatine I need to leave the creche.” He whispered with
some despair.

Dolan watched one
of the strongest people he knew crumble before standing and moving in
front of him, kneeling down and pressing their foreheads together.
“We are one with the Force and the Force is with us. This moment
doesn’t have to last forever Obi-Wan and when you’re done, you
can return. Your position will always be here and there will always
be kids.”

Blinking, Obi-Wan’s
lips quirked a bit. “Don’t focus on my anxiety huh?”

Dolan lips quirked
in return, the smiling wrinkles around his eyes curving with it.
“Exactly. You will always come home Obi-Wan and your place here
will always be yours,” Dolan said with quiet pride before taking
his hands away from the scroll to squeeze them. “And your heart
will always belong to the children of the order.”

His smile slowly
growing, Obi-Wan nodded. “Then I’ll do my duty by the children I
swore to protect so I can go home again.”


The council had
their collective jaws on the ground as they stared at Obi-Wan.

Suddenly there was
life in them though, each shouting something and being as undignified
as they could be. almost like tantrum throwing creche children, while Obi-Wan stood calmly in front of them with his
hands in his sleeves in a resting position as he waited for them to
calm the kark down.

Finally some
silence appeared and Obi-Wan opted to speak. “There is no
precedence for a unchoosen Force sensitive of the temple becoming a
knight as none of them has applied for the trials. Therefor there is
technically no rules against me applying to become a knight as I am
skilled… or will you deny that I have the skills to be just as
capable a Jedi knight as anyone here?” He narrowed his eyes.

Hesitantly Plo
spoke up. “What Obi-Wan says is true, there are no rules that would
prevent him but its… unheard of as he also said.” Plo said while
nervously rubbing his claws together.

“But if he
completes the trials, than by our own standards, he would be a
capable knight.” Shaak said quietly.

“But if we open
this avenue we must allow others to also apply for the trials.”
Oppo injected strongly.

“And?” Mace
interrupted, silencing them all as they turned to him in surprise. “I
do not see the problem with this I must admit. We are undermanned as
it is, if they complete all trials as required than they would be
knights, would fill in our ranks. We have been too few for too long
and the trials would determined if they should be knights or not,
would measure their worth in all the ways just like they do our
padawans.” He frowned, rubbing his chin.

Yoda made a tetchy
noise but under Obi-Wan’s gaze he didn’t reject the notion that
they were understaffed and the ones who completed the trials being worthy.

what felt like an eternity there was silence as they all stared at
each other.

Mace turned towards him. “Give us a few days Obi-Wan, to debate and
consider this before we take a decision.” He said, talking for the
entire council.

his lips, Obi-Wan finally inclined his head as he recognized the

Now he
just had to wait…

hear what Anakin wanted to do if Obi-Wan did become a knight.

SaveaJedi – I’m sure someone has already asked, but… what next? A kick from Krell probably broke some ribs, but coughing blood means they probably pierced a lung. Knight Moddy better be okay, Moddy… Oh gosh, that is odd to write.

Having the Generals
back is a relief Rex can’t even describe as Kenobi, Skywalker and
Cody returns, Krell in chains and General Moddy laid up on a
makeshift gurney for now with her ribs braced by Kix.

She had a hairline
fracture in four of them apparently and when Krell had kicked her,
her lungs taking a beating and several blood vessels being broken
which had caused the blood she had coughed up.

The bruising was
quite impressive, the little Rex had seen of it while Kix had tried
to treat her with as much privacy as he could.

Skywalker and Tano
had been set to guard Krell while Kenobi was talking quietly with
Moddy, getting the information required to present to the High
General’s as Rex slowly approached them with a confused looking
Fives on his tail.

“There’s a call
here for General Moddy, seems to be from the 28th?”
Fives said as he came close, causing both Jedi to look up, bringing
up the comm and Rex peered curiously as General Kenobi was suddenly,
very badly one might say, was hiding a smile behind his gloved hand
and Moddy’s eyes went wide.

“Don’t an-”
She started.

Too late, Fives had
accepted the call and a Commander appeared in the holo display,
holding his helmet under his arm with hair gathered in a tight
looking braid. Looked a bit off to Rex but that may be that the
coloration had varied just like Rex own hair compared to the black of
most of his vode.

He didn’t get to
contemplate that long though as the Commander started talking.

Wait, did he say

Rex meant yelling.

The commander roared, his face incensed. “YOU SAID YOU’D BE

Wincing, Moddy put
on the best smile she could. “Oh! Commander Snow! There you are!  I
wasn’t expecting you to call… now…” She warily shifting.

“Don’t you dare
try and get up,” Snow growled, the vode smacking his helmet down
out of sight of the holo projector sending him. “How bad? What did
you break? Is anything broken?”

Getting a resigned
look on her face, Moddy sighed. “No, no I did not break anything.
My lungs got damaged when I got kicked in the chest by a besalisk in
rage.” She explained and the Commander groaned loudly, rubbing his

“You… that…
this is the last time I let you go alone anywhere General.” He
snapped out as he peered at her over his hand, eyes narrowed.

Laughing faintly,
General Moddy just smiled at him, as if familiar and fond of the
clear disrespect the clone was throwing at her pretty much in Rex
eyes though he was sure other commanders thought the same of
Commander Cody and his behavior with General Kenobi and his own with
General Skywalker and Commander Tano.

“…You’re not
wandering around in only your underwear again are you?” Snow
suddenly asked warily and Rex had difficulties not letting his jaw

“For your
information I’m also in a tunic. My bag burned up though so that’s
the reason for it and I am not wearing one of the troopers blacks, I
am not comfortable in them and you can’t get me to, its a skintight
catsuit and that’s that.” General Moddy sniffed.

Okay… that did
explain why she was in Kenobi’s loaned tunic and had looked like
someone had taken her boots when offered Waxer’s spare blacks.
Though Rex had never heard it refereed to as a ‘catsuit’ before.

“…We’re on
route, I’m bringing your spares,” Commander Snow pinched the
bridge of his nose. “…You’re sure you’re not hurt anymore?”
He asked again, in a more wary, gentle tone as he peered at her.

The General smiled,
soft and content. “Snow my friend, I am drugged to the gills and
the medics have looked me over well, if you’re really worried you
can have Browbeat talk with Kix the medic who took care of me.” She

Snow frowned at her
before nodding, saluting and turning the comm off.

There was a beat,
the wind in their ears before the General chirped. “Whelp, that was
fun. Snow’s not gonna let me out of his sight for a month now
though as long as he doesn’t plan to actually be in the fresher
with me, that’s fine.” She grinned.

“You promised him
you’d be careful didn’t you?” General Kenobi chuckled softly.

She smiled
sheepishly in return, hand resting on her braced ribs. “I may also
have white lied to him that you’d be around.” General Moddy
admitted while scratching at her nose.

Raising his brow,
Kenobi patted her on the shoulder and than stood to walk over to the
still shell shocked looking General Skywalker.

‘Well apparently
that’s a normal interaction.’ Rex scratched at his head, confused
and a bit in awe.

SaveaJedi – I’m sure someone has already asked, but… what next? A kick from Krell probably broke some ribs, but coughing blood means they probably pierced a lung. Knight Moddy better be okay, Moddy… Oh gosh, that is odd to write.

Having the Generals
back is a relief Rex can’t even describe as Kenobi, Skywalker and
Cody returns, Krell in chains and General Moddy laid up on a
makeshift gurney for now with her ribs braced by Kix.

She had a hairline
fracture in four of them apparently and when Krell had kicked her,
her lungs taking a beating and several blood vessels being broken
which had caused the blood she had coughed up.

The bruising was
quite impressive, the little Rex had seen of it while Kix had tried
to treat her with as much privacy as he could.

Skywalker and Tano
had been set to guard Krell while Kenobi was talking quietly with
Moddy, getting the information required to present to the High
General’s as Rex slowly approached them with a confused looking
Fives on his tail.

“There’s a call
here for General Moddy, seems to be from the 28th?”
Fives said as he came close, causing both Jedi to look up, bringing
up the comm and Rex peered curiously as General Kenobi was suddenly,
very badly one might say, was hiding a smile behind his gloved hand
and Moddy’s eyes went wide.

“Don’t an-”
She started.

Too late, Fives had
accepted the call and a Commander appeared in the holo display,
holding his helmet under his arm with hair gathered in a tight
looking braid. Looked a bit off to Rex but that may be that the
coloration had varied just like Rex own hair compared to the black of
most of his vode.

He didn’t get to
contemplate that long though as the Commander started talking.

Wait, did he say

Rex meant yelling.

The commander roared, his face incensed. “YOU SAID YOU’D BE

Wincing, Moddy put
on the best smile she could. “Oh! Commander Snow! There you are!  I
wasn’t expecting you to call… now…” She warily shifting.

“Don’t you dare
try and get up,” Snow growled, the vode smacking his helmet down
out of sight of the holo projector sending him. “How bad? What did
you break? Is anything broken?”

Getting a resigned
look on her face, Moddy sighed. “No, no I did not break anything.
My lungs got damaged when I got kicked in the chest by a besalisk in
rage.” She explained and the Commander groaned loudly, rubbing his

“You… that…
this is the last time I let you go alone anywhere General.” He
snapped out as he peered at her over his hand, eyes narrowed.

Laughing faintly,
General Moddy just smiled at him, as if familiar and fond of the
clear disrespect the clone was throwing at her pretty much in Rex
eyes though he was sure other commanders thought the same of
Commander Cody and his behavior with General Kenobi and his own with
General Skywalker and Commander Tano.

“…You’re not
wandering around in only your underwear again are you?” Snow
suddenly asked warily and Rex had difficulties not letting his jaw

“For your
information I’m also in a tunic. My bag burned up though so that’s
the reason for it and I am not wearing one of the troopers blacks, I
am not comfortable in them and you can’t get me to, its a skintight
catsuit and that’s that.” General Moddy sniffed.

Okay… that did
explain why she was in Kenobi’s loaned tunic and had looked like
someone had taken her boots when offered Waxer’s spare blacks.
Though Rex had never heard it refereed to as a ‘catsuit’ before.

“…We’re on
route, I’m bringing your spares,” Commander Snow pinched the
bridge of his nose. “…You’re sure you’re not hurt anymore?”
He asked again, in a more wary, gentle tone as he peered at her.

The General smiled,
soft and content. “Snow my friend, I am drugged to the gills and
the medics have looked me over well, if you’re really worried you
can have Browbeat talk with Kix the medic who took care of me.” She

Snow frowned at her
before nodding, saluting and turning the comm off.

There was a beat,
the wind in their ears before the General chirped. “Whelp, that was
fun. Snow’s not gonna let me out of his sight for a month now
though as long as he doesn’t plan to actually be in the fresher
with me, that’s fine.” She grinned.

“You promised him
you’d be careful didn’t you?” General Kenobi chuckled softly.

She smiled
sheepishly in return, hand resting on her braced ribs. “I may also
have white lied to him that you’d be around.” General Moddy
admitted while scratching at her nose.

Raising his brow,
Kenobi patted her on the shoulder and than stood to walk over to the
still shell shocked looking General Skywalker.

‘Well apparently
that’s a normal interaction.’ Rex scratched at his head, confused
and a bit in awe.

WhereFromHere: Oh my goodness! I never forget how much I love this one, but I do forget what it’s called. Every. Single. Time. So, here’s a request for either seeing what happens with Bruck or some of Obi’s friends supporting him. Or maybe a little of both? And of course Qui maybe hovering just a little bit because someone almost hurt his mostly defenseless padawan who he already let get hurt once and this time in the temple where he should be safe. ^^;;

Grabbing the man by
the scruff, Tahl firmly shook her head. “No Qui-Gon, don’t,”
She said sternly as Bant continued carefully helping the other
padawan with his leg day, moving down the rail slowly and steadily.
“I know you’re worried but there is just Bant in here, no
Initiate Chun or Aalto. Just us, Bant and the healers.” She
whispered quickly.

Taking a deep
breath, Qui-Gon stayed tense before slowly relaxing and nodding,
settling back down on the chair beside the other master. “Apologies
Tahl, I’ve just been on edge ever since the incident. Chun almos-”

“I know,” Tahl
broke in gently but not unkindly. “Everyone knows Qui-Gon, the Chun
incident is all over the temple because of how he was going to strike
a basically defenseless person in anger. But we’re here, you need
to trust Obi-Wan to look after himself. Because you and I both know
he could have struck back if he wished, chair or no chair.” She
said seriously.

Letting out a sharp
breath through his nose, Qui-Gon nodded slowly.

Oh he was very much
aware that Obi-Wan could protect himself even in the chair.

He had even asked
Obi-Wan why the other hadn’t tried to defend himself only to
receive a hesitant answer about no one believing him before when he
defended himself against Chun.

And oh that had
broken Qui-Gon’s heart even more.

To hear that
Obi-Wan did not think he could defend himself against his own agemate
should they act against him lest the masters or knights thought it
was Obi-Wan’s fault…

Well, Qui-Gon had
needed a stiff drink after that and had to go speak to several of
Obi-Wan’s teachers.

Breathing heavily
the man settled again and nodded to Tahl. “You’re right, I need
to let him be independent.” He agreed with her.

Over at the rails,
Bant and Obi-Wan was slowly making his way with Bant in front of him.

“I can’t
believe how much progress you’ve been doing Obi-Wan!” She beamed
at him, walking backwards for each step the redhead took. “You can
pretty much walk even though its with support and that’s so much
better!” She beamed.

Laughing in a
fatigued breath, Obi-Wan beamed at her. “I know. The healers are-”
He paused to take a deep gulp of breath and lick his lips. “Very
impressed with me with what I’m doing.” Obi-Wan finished off,
legs and arms trembling as he followed after her.

“Do you need your
hoverchair? Your legs are shaking very hard.” Bant noticed with
some worry.

“I… yes.”
Obi-Wan nodded, stopping so she could get the hoverchair in position
so he could settle into it. “Oh gosh, that was… well I have been
at it for an hour.” He grinned up at her, sweat rolling down his

Humming, Bant
nodded and picked up one of the bottles of water, shoving it into his
hands. “Drink!” She beamed.

Chuckling a bit,
Obi-Wan broke the seal and started sucking water down carefully.
“Mmmn, cold hydration.” He singsonged with delight before using
the back of his arm to wipe his forehead for sweat, droplets visible
on his arm as he was wearing only a sleeveless exercise shirt and

Giggling a bit,
Bant pushed Obi-Wan carefully out from the rails. “You reek, you
need a wash.” She teased her friend warmly before hugging him from
behind as he continued to chug down the water.

“Might be right.
Been a few days I guess,” Obi-Wan hummed while glancing at his
master from the corner of his eyes, relaxing when he saw Qui-Gon
speaking to Tahl. “And thank the Force, Master Tahl got Master to
calm down.” He smiled.

“Its kind of cute
though,” Bant smiled at him, resting her chin on his shoulder. “How
protective he got over you. He cares about you a lot.”

Blushing slightly,
Obi-Wan glanced away with a small smile. “Well… there is that.”
He agreed shyly.

Grinning, Bant
hugged him tighter, knowing how pleased Obi-Wan really was about it.

After all, all
padawans want their masters to approve and like them.