Oh, the kyber little shots one, maybe learn about when Obi-Wan’s freckles started to glow? Because we know they didn’t glow as a child, so I’m really curious.

His padawan is a special child.

Qui-Gon is one of the few people in the temple that is aware just how special Obi-Wan truly is and he will do anything in his power to ensure that no one outside those already aware learn just how unique he is.

Of course, teaching a teenager emotional control wasn’t exactly the easiest, their brains swimming in hormones and impulses but Obi-Wan did his best. Qui-Gon was actually rather proud of how put together his padawan was, he was after all just turning sixteen this year.

For those instances where he couldn’t keep his tears at bay, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan both carried special pouches to store the kyber tears, to hide them from view both visually and in the Force. Accidents happened and Qui-Gon wasn’t about to scold his boy when tears were natural.

Of course, just because he thinks he’s prepared for everything he thinks a Star Child’s biology will throw at him…

Well, a wrench is thrown into all of Qui-Gon’s planning one morning.

It starts out as normal, that’s what’s so mystifying, no warning at all for what is to come.

Its an utterly normal, slightly gray morning, rain falling on Coruscant as Qui-Gon quietly enjoys a cup of tea while waiting for his padawan to wake, letting the boy sleep in a bit.

Its the weekend, so no lessons have been scheduled and Qui-Gon has already decided that Obi-Wan can get the day of, so he has no need to get his padawan out of bed in a hurry and send him of with breakfast and some morning meditation today.

He needs some decompression time, to explore his own interests and maybe see his friends if he wishes.

With his grades, Obi-Wan more than deserved the time off and Qui-Gon has no complaints about the boy’s meditation and saber practice. He’s well within the acceptable range of a normal padawan at his age.

Which is why he gets his own shock when Obi-Wan’s emotions suddenly spills across their bond in a mix of fear and shock, Qui-Gon rising quickly with his cup still in his hand, hot liquid spilling over his hand as a loud squeak suddenly comes from the others bedroom.

Hissing, he quickly set it down on the table, wondering what had woken his padawan so sharply, Qui-Gon’s own heart in his throat as he makes his way towards Obi-Wan’s bedroom quickly.

Before he could reach it though, Obi-Wan’s door slips open, his wide eyed padawan standing with his hanging over his shoulder and his clothes rumpled from sleep.

Not that Qui-Gon notices that.

No, he’s too busy staring at Obi-Wan, his mouth hanging open unattractively as he stares at a collection of stars across Obi-Wan’s face along with the others eyes glowing ever so faintly.

The latter he might not have noticed if he wasn’t so used to Obi-Wan, but he is very familiar with the his padawan’s eyes and he sees the new glow they now carry.

But his face is what has Qui-Gon’s attention most firmly and it takes him a full minute before he recognizes that the ‘stars’ are freckles.

Obi-Wan’s freckles have turned into a pathway of glowing lights, dotting his face. “Oh Force, Obi-Wan, what…” He rasped, stepping closer to cup the others face.

“I don’t know master, I woke up and… they’re on my hands too.” Obi-Wan held his hands up, distressed and shaking, eyes watering slightly with his emotions as his lips quivering with emotions.

Rubbing at one of the freckles on the boy’s cheek with his thumb, Qui-Gon bit his bottom lip. If he was to take a guess, he’d imagine all of Obi-Wan’s freckles had now turned into an array of stars.

He had no doubt that this was related to the others biology, to being a star child. “…We’re going to the healers, go fetch your robe with the large hood. If we go quickly, most of the temple will be asleep still,” He stated slowly. “Quickly now, I’ll comm Vokara Che and have her ready.” Qui-Gon murmured soothingly, trying to ease the others fear.

There were only a few healers allowed to treat Obi-Wan, due to his unique nature and Qui-Gon would admit, he preferred Vokara Che, the younger woman was a stern but good healer.

Stroking the others cheeks with his thumbs to comfort, Qui-Gon gently squeezed to get the others attention. “We’ll deal with this Obi-Wan, trust me.” He murmured a tad sternly.

Thankfully, those words had the intended effect, he could feel Obi-Wan slump slightly into his grasp, nodding. “I do master. I do.” He sniffled slightly, reaching out and hugging his master around the middle.

Breathing out, Qui-Gon ran his hand over the soft bristle of Obi-Wan’s hair.

He wasn’t sure he could help but hopefully, the healers would have an idea. ‘Thank the Force he still trusts me…’ Qui-Gon hugged the boy tightly to him for a few seconds before pushing him back and into his room, summoning his own comms to call, worry and resignation weighing heavily on him.

Khybertears- please tell me Anakin gets to give his brother a hug

Panting heavily as he held onto the handles, arms trembling, Obi-Wan looked up at Anakin, the other standing in front of him with a nervous smile, arms at the ready to catch him. “This… karking… sucks.” Obi-Wan hissed, shuddering at a spasm of pain up his thighs.

“You are allowed to stop Master Kenobi,” The healer observing suddenly spoke up, watching from the side, her lekku’s curling nervously for all the serenity in her voice.

Clearly she expected Obi-Wan to push further than he should and frankly, that wasn’t a faulty estimation of his character if you asked Anakin.

Grunting, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple and down into his lose tunic, Obi-Wan paused when Anakin touched his shoulder. “Obi-Wan, you only just got your legs attached less than a week ago. This is progress, extreme progress, don’t give yourself a setback because you’re pushing yourself too hard.”

Obi-Wan stared at him and for a minute, Anakin wondered if he had offended his old master.

Then Obi-Wan head dropped a bit, the man letting out a tired sigh as he straightened as best he could. “Help me into my chair Anakin, please?” He whispered.

Relieved, Anakin stepped closer and aided the older man into holding onto him instead, Obi-Wan’s arm up over his shoulder and Anakin’s down around his waist.

Over his head, he and the healer exchanged relieved glances even as Obi-Wan was slowly helped into the chair by Anakin, the redhead letting out a tired and pained grunt as he sat down heavily. “Fucking…” He cursed quietly, the words trailing off as he just let his head tilt back, closing his glowing eyes, his mech feet thumping into the.

Peering down at the other, Anakin smiled sadly before shaking his head when the healer reached for the hypo full of painkiller.

She paused, her lips pursing but she waited.

The healer stopped in her tracks, Anakin knelt down, touching the top of Obi-Wan’s thighs in a gentle motion, smiling up at the other.

He got a smile in return, Obi-Wan’s freckles brightening in with genuine happiness. “I know they make you feel fussy but how about you have some painkillers?” Anakin questioned quietly, inwardly mourning at the dimming of the others freckles but knowing it was coming all the same.

Glancing towards the healer, Obi-Wan frowned as he wiped away the sweat on his face, the dark rings around his armpits clearly visible in his beige tunic. “…I…” He hesitated.

Rubbing slowly at the others thighs with his flesh hand, Anakin raised his mech arm. “There’s no shame in admitting you need them.” He stated seriously, watching Obi-Wan’s glowing eyes flicker to the visible mecho arm.

Anakin had done it on purpose.

Since Obi-Wan had decided to accept new legs, since he had started therapy to learn walking with them, Anakin had started wearing his glove less. Because he knew his old master, how stubborn he could be, how far he’d push himself, how little he wanted to be a ‘burden.’

Yes, Anakin Skywalker knew this part of Obi-Wan Kenobi quite well and he despised it, having often come home from lessons to find a sick Obi-Wan collapsed on the couch.

So he wore his glove less as a point, to force Obi-Wan to confront that Anakin at least knew some of the pain and some of the struggles.

Just so he could make sure Obi-Wan took care of himself, took his painkillers, reminded him that not going forward speedily wasn’t a failure. All the things Obi-Wan had reminded Anakin when he got his arm.

“There’s no shame in it Obi-Wan,” Anakin reiterated. “No shame for me and no shame for you.” He whispered softly as he squeezed the top of the others thigh.

“No fair, using my own words against me.” Obi-Wan whispered back, but he was smiling faintly.

Snorting softly, Anakin shifted up on one knee, leaning up to hug the other, ignoring the wetness and the sour smell of sweat on the others skin. “I think you’re rather proud of me doing it.” He teased softly, smiling when he felt a soft chuckle against his shoulder, felt the crystal of his lightsaber vibrate with its creator’s amusement.

“Maybe. But then again,” Obi-Wan’s hand came up to cup the back of Anakin’s head and Anakin felt a lump in his throat at the next words, his heart fluttering in quiet joy. “I’m always proud of you my dear.”

Oh man, some more Kyber tears please? I’d love some Ahsoka

Stilling when she felt the other person drop, Ahsoka shot her eyes to Rex without moving, silently asking for confirmation.

He’s asleep.” Rex signed to her, watching closely.

This was new to everyone, Obi-Wan’s new state of being meant that he expended a lot more energy, his body trying to cope with his new existence and that meant that he ate more and he slept more.

The latter everyone was pleased with, Obi-Wan had gained some sorely lacking weight in the last few weeks that had everything to do with the snacks he kept nibbling on distractedly as he was handed things and nothing to do with muscle.

It made him look healthier, a warm glow to his face that wasn’t caused by his glowing freckles.

But it also meant that Obi-Wan slept a lot more, took naps in the middle of the day, after dinner, during meditation…

Whenever his body decided, Obi-Wan slept and the healers had forbidden him from trying to keep himself awake with the Force, warning him that he needed to adjust to a new normal.

The quicker his body adjusted to his circulation and nerve system, the quicker Obi-Wan could be fitted with the prosthetic he had finally decided to get.

His stumps had already been fitted with the neuro-wave, Ahsoka knew that from Skyguy, since he had been there when the healers had attached it to the stump, but due to needing two prosthetic at once, his body would need to adjust first before they were attached.

Because of the energy expenditure, Obi-Wan ended up sleeping on people.

Like now.

Ahsoka had originally not been on the list of ‘caretakers’, most of the adults in her life not comfortable with leaving Obi-Wan fully alone and generally, either Anakin or Cody was with him. But Anakin was needed for the investigation into the Chancellor, being interrogated if she was honest by the Senate commission.

And Cody was required in the barracks with the 212th.

Ahsoka had taken the chance to volunteer, Rex giving his vod a soft word that he’d go with her.

It wasn’t that they didn’t trust her to take care of him, she was a teenager after all, a young woman she’d claim herself but…

‘Its not the duties of our children and teens to care for us,’ Anakin had stated sternly. ‘And Obi-Wan wouldn’t be comfortable asking you for a lot of things he might need. He barely asks me as it is and only reason he asks Cody is because Cody has him under a spell. We trust you Ahsoka, but Obi-Wan is stubborn.’ He had explained seriously, arms crossed over his chest.

Cody had just flushed at the ‘spell’ part, shrugging at her bemused look.

But explained like that, she couldn’t help but understand.

Master Obi-Wan was stubborn on the worst of days, he wouldn’t ask for help if he was bleeding out some days.

But thankfully, with Rex around, he seemed more willing to at least admit to needing help, despite flushing darkly each time, ears turning red as they settled on the couch, Ahsoka doing her best to distract the human.

Now however, he was asleep and Ahsoka took a deep breath, reaching out with the Force in an attempt to keep him asleep.

Carefully she shifted off the couch as he kept Obi-Wan stable with the Force, glancing to Rex for help.

The captain quickly stood from the recliner and stepped around the caff table, carefully cupping Obi-Wan’s head and upper shoulders. Slowly he tilted the redhead, lowering him towards the couch with Ahsoka letting go of her own Force hold until Obi-Wan’s head rested on the waiting pillow.

That done, Rex pulled the blanket on the back of the couch over the other human, both of them holding their breath when Obi-Wan let out a low noise and shifted.

But thankfully he didn’t open his eyes, simply breathed out heavily and came to a still, his chest rising and falling steadily.

The two watched him sleep for a long moment before Ahsoka let out a sigh, crossing her arms over her chest. “…He sleeps so much.” She whispered.

Rex glanced at her, pausing in tucking the blanket. “You know why, he needs it. Give him time.” He murmured quietly in return.

Logically she knew it as she stared where the blanket fell in, where legs had once been.

But what she logically knew and what she felt were two very different things.

Ahsoka missed sparring with her grand master.

Recovery was not a straight line and some days, Ahsoka felt like she had lost the grandmaster she had come to know.

Other days it felt like Obi-Wan hadn’t been hurt and he was his old self.

Tucking her arms around herself, Ahsoka guiltily wondered if she was good for his recovery or not.

Oh, so I know you’re done with Kyber tears. But I agree with you, its one of my favorite works from you and I adore it and I would just love to see something from it. Maybe a little series of oneshots for the after, Cody and the others dealing with the recovery, Obi-Wan getting used to new legs maybe or just anything really. Because it was such an original concept and I just miss the story.

Obi-Wan is asleep, his head pillowed on one of his arms with the other resting along his chest and Cody knows that he should cover the Jedi up with the black blanket with white stars on it resting innocently on the back of the couch for the man but for the life of him, Cody can’t bring himself to move.

Can’t stop staring at where Obi-Wan’s thighs tapers off into stumps as he stands at the end of the couch where Obi-Wan’s head rests.

They’re covered by the sewed up leggings of course but he’s seen the damage beneath, the scar tissue, can imagine it now as easily as he can the back of his own hands.

And for the life of him, he can’t stop staring, occasionally flickering his eyes up to Obi-Wan’s face to take in that he’s still deeply asleep, the glow of his freckles dimmed with the others state of relaxation before Cody’s eyes are flickering down again.

It looks so wrong, the parts missing of Obi-Wan making Cody’s stomach clench up despite how much Obi-Wan has healed and adapted to his missing limbs.

It reminds Cody how much he failed his General, failed Obi-Wan.

Or that’s how it feels like to Cody.

That he failed Obi-Wan, that the other was taken while Cody wasn’t looking and paid a price so heavy that he’s been permanently altered.

Even should Obi-Wan decide to get prosthetic, he is still changed.

Changed because Cody hadn’t been there, hadn’t protected the other.

It was an illogical thought, Obi-Wan was more than capable at protecting himself and the idea that Cody could have done something against a trained Sith…

But thoughts didn’t have to be rational and emotions certainly weren’t.

And so Cody hurt as he watched his Jedi.

Obi-Wan let out a small mewl in his sleep, stretches slowly with his thighs pressing out, muscles quivering slowly and Cody feels something in his chest clench hard at the sight of those stumped thighs twitching slightly out into the air before flopping back down on the couch.

‘…He’s alive. He’s chipped and wobbly and rattles on the table like a cup but just like the cup I fixed with glue when Boil chipped it, he’s still here. He just needs a little help, a little glue. Undeniably still alive.’ Cody reminded himself sternly even as his own guilt tried to eat him up.

Slowly, carefully, to avoid waking Obi-Wan, Cody made his way between the couch and the caff table, carefully kneeling down facing the man. Then he equally carefully grasped the hand Obi-Wan wasn’t laying on, just holding it.

The hand was warm in his, Obi-Wan’s sleeping body doing better to heat him than when he was awake, the amputation of his legs disrupting his system according to Helix and Cody felt something slowly ease in his chest at the feeling.

It made it easier to look away from the stumps, to reach for the blanket over the back and tenderly tuck it around Obi-Wan one handed, still holding onto his General hand with his other.

Still alive.

Ok it’s nice to See the Fluff and love poor Obi-Wan Deserves in KyberTears AU but what’s happening outside the Temple? How Are the Senate Dealing with The Right Very Angry Jedi About Palpatine’s kidnapping and Torture of One Of their youngest Council Member Obi-wan? Because I can see Some of the smarter Senators realizing that Shits Going to Go Down If They aren’t Careful, Because if their Leader was that Crazy and corrupted what does that say about the Republic?

Obi-Wan wouldn’t say he was exactly ignoring the world outside the temple.

Not really.

It was just so much some days to focus beyond getting out of bed and getting himself dressed and fed on his own. Anakin was doing his best not to do things for him unless Obi-Wan asked, understanding quite wisely Obi-Wan would say that Obi-Wan needed to feel able once more despite the lack of legs.

And to his credit, Anakin didn’t take over without saying anything.

Every time Obi-Wan faltered or started showing signs of exhaustion, Anakin wouldn’t just be his brash, reckless self but instead he’d slip beside Obi-Wan and take his hand, staring at him before asking quietly if Obi-Wan needed help.

It was… harder to reject that kind of offer, when Anakin looked at him with knowing, sad eyes full of compassion but also understanding.

Anakin knew what it was like to loose a limb, to feel exhausted because it wasn’t there and your body wasn’t in sync anymore.

It made it easier for Obi-Wan to accept his help.

He was however very aware that there was a trial and the only reason he was not forced to attend it was his… well, his injuries.

Anakin often had to leave for that, to show up at the Senate.

And there was still the war, though apparently it had stagnated quite a bit.

If Obi-Wan was to take a guess, and he’d be pretty good on the credit he’d wager, a lack of insider information was hitting the CIS quite hard and Dooku was safe guarding what he had. And droids would never quite be the same as the clone troopers, with heart, soul and a creative mind that could trick the mass produced droids.

The magna guards may be more advanced but there were less of those on the battlefield and generally Jedi or more armored and weaponized troopers took those on.

Cody, who often came in the evening when Anakin was gone, quietly informed him of a massive decrease in casualties all across the battlefield.

That was appeasing.

Obi-Wan couldn’t help the creeping guilt some days but to hear there were a decrease of death, especially among the troopers…

Well, it did his fragile heart good.

And being able to focus on himself was important, at least so the healers and Anakin said it every day, that he was allowed to focus on himself, that there were other Jedi to handle things right now and that Obi-Wan needed to recover.

‘But what if I never recover?’ Obi-Wan carefully lifted his tea cup, taking a small sip to ensure it wasn’t too hot before he dared take a bigger one, ignoring Cody smiling at him from the couch.

The other was always smug about being able to make perfect tea and Obi-Wan wasn’t about to inflate Cody’s head anymore than he already had.

Even if Cody deserved all the praise in the entire galaxy.

The sound from the tv filled the quarters, a random holodrama Cody apparently watched when he had time and Obi-Wan didn’t mind was on for the noise at least. ‘I wonder what you’d say, if you could see me right now Qui-Gon.’ Obi-Wan mused, lowering the cup to peer tiredly at the sunny window, staring out at the Rotunda where Anakin was currently held up by the Senate’s committee.

He almost snorted when he felt Anakin’s attention on him, the other clearly feeling Obi-Wan’s mood shift and checking on him worriedly through their bond.

Soothingly, Obi-Wan sent warm assurance back, flashing over the image of the quarters, feeling Anakin relax instantly and the warmth of a Force hug wrapping around him for a second before Anakin’s agitated attention eased.

Ever since his abduction, Anakin had been more worried than ever about leaving him alone but at least he trusted in Cody’s ability and in their home to keep Obi-Wan safe, the temple being guarded by temple guards and troopers.

Moments like this, with Anakin’s Force hug lingering around him and the echo of his concern and care, he couldn’t help but feel that Qui-Gon would have bundled him up in his robe and held him tightly, just like the first time he had found Obi-Wan, dirty and injured in a cage.

Just a tiny, hurting soul in a wide galaxy, one of Qui-Gon’s pathetic little lifeforms that found safety and care in the large man’s imposing bulk.

Lost to thoughts, Obi-Wan jumped as a careful hand cupped his, blinking down at his and Cody’s hand on the hoverchair arm. The other had removed his gloves again and they were warm, holding Obi-Wan’s free hand lightly, the appendage so cold compared to Cody’s warm one despite the freckles shining brightly against the darker skin.

It be easy to pull away but… wasn’t it Cody who had said it was alright to lean on others?

Glancing up slowly, Obi-Wan meet Cody’s warm eyes and smiled meekly in return at his commander.

He didn’t know what the future had in store for him, having had no visions to tell him even a hint of what was to come.

He didn’t know if he was going to end up with cybernetic legs like Anakin’s arm.

And he certainly had no idea where the war was going or where he was going to end up in the maelstrom that was the galaxy.

But… he was pretty sure that regardless what was going to happen that he’d have his dearest companions and brother along the way.

Slowly, Obi-Wan turned his hand and laced it with Cody’s holding on as a single tear slowly rolled down his cheek and dripped off his chin, the light hovering in the air with an echoing noise as Cody squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand tenderly.

On the Obi-Wan’s lap, a single clear amber kyber hummed warmly, echoing with all the hope filling Obi-Wan for the future.

Ooh, KyberTears is all about the catharsis lately! The LITERAL burning those unwanted items of clothing was wonderful, and I snorted when they got caught. I’m so glad that Obi-Wan was excited, and that even though they WERE caught, his fun wasn’t ruined! Poor Anakin, caught in the middle like that – though he DID see the positive side, when it made Obi-Wan happy, so that was good!

“Mighty kind of General Koon to come by, even if he didn’t put a stop to it all,” Cody stated easily, watching Ahsoka, Anakin and the ghost company that had finally come wander, the commander tilting his head with an amused air. “Even nicer that he brought all those bags of marshmallows for everyone.” He noted as Boil stuck his speared marshmallow into the fire to get it crispy and black.

Obi-Wan just snorted, resting his elbow on the arm of his hoverchair. “The moment Mace and Yoda saw us, I knew something like this was going to happen. It would be one of them at the very least.” He stated with a small, knowing if slightly bitter smile.

Raising his brow, looking down at the other, Cody let out a questioning noise, gently settling his hand on the Jedi’s shoulder when Obi-Wan didn’t respond, the sheen of his freckles flickering a bit. “…Sir?” He questioned a tad more softly.

“…Did you know I’m the youngest on the council?” Obi-Wan stated calmly, watching the others still, the fire from the burn can causing a flicker of light through his hair, his freckles almost looking red for a moment due to Ahsoka throwing some of the grass debris into the can to keep the fire going.

Shifting a bit closer to his General, Cody hesitated before reaching out and resting his hand on the others shoulder, feeling Obi-Wan tense up at the touch but relaxing seconds after. “I did actually. All troopers know their Jedi’s reputation and history pretty well, or as well as we can with the access we have.” He stated softly, glancing to find the others focused on their marshmallow burning, Anakin mockingly threatening Ahsoka with one on fire.

That had Obi-Wan chuckling, quieter than before his captivity but still a laugh. “Should have known,” He glanced up at Cody, smiling wryly. “You troopers are nothing if not fastidious.” Obi-Wan hummed.

The words were calm but Cody could feel almost feel the tremble in his voice and noticed both Anakin and Ahsoka glancing their way. “Sir?” He whispered.

Obi-Wan shifted his stumps on the hoverchair seat, staring at them. “…As the youngest, they sometimes feel… responsible for me. And guilty for pushing so much onto my shoulders. It can be… stifling,” He sighed deeply, shifting his stumps on the chair. “Particularly when I’m injured.”

Blinking, Cody stared at him before moving until he was standing in front of his General. He knelt down, grasping both of Obi-Wan’s hands while peering up at him, smiling slightly at the obvious surprise on the Jedi’s face. “Being the youngest can be a pain the shebs.” Cody rubbed his thumbs over Obi-Wan’s knuckles.

Obi-Wan let out a low noise, blinking tiredly back at him even as a small smile twisted his lips.

“Family is just like that sometimes,” Cody continued, rubbing slowly, tracing over freckles and scars, inwardly noting the feel of calluses against his own skin. Sometimes, knowing that his Jedi wielded a weapon wasn’t the same as feeling the evidence. “Being the youngest can be hard but it doesn’t mean they consider you less capable, it just means that they were there when you needed a shoulder,” He continued peering up into Obi-Wan’s eyes. “And that they’re there when you fall down.” Cody raised Obi-Wan’s hand to his scar, resting it against his temple.

Obi-Wan stared at him for a long moment before huffing faintly, rubbing his fingers carefully over the once damaged but healed skin. “Sounds like you’re talking from experience Cody.” Obi-Wan smiled.

Snorting faintly, leaning into the hand on his scar, Cody smiled faintly. “Jango trained my batch hard, I still don’t know why he picked my batch or why he singled me out… but it was enough for the others to close rank, Wolffe, Bly and the others pulled me back up every time I fell down.” He shrugged slightly.

Rubbing slowly, Obi-Wan pursed his lips before sighing and smiling slightly. “You… have a point. I just can’t help but feel…” He trailed off.

“Insufficient,” Cody continued, pressing his free hand over Obi-Wan’s to the side of his head, rubbing the knuckles of the other still. “Lacking… I know that feeling too sir. I’ve been feeling it a lot lately…” He swallowed thickly before letting out a heavy breath.

“Cody.” Obi-Wan let out a protesting noise before going quiet when Cody shook his head without letting go of Obi-Wan’s hands.

“No. If you’re allowed to feel that way about your perceived losses, then so am I,” Cody said seriously. “Because General, your losses are my losses too. As much as you and General Skywalker are a team, so are we and… permission to speak freely sir?” Cody hesitated.

Swallowing thickly, staring at Cody, Obi-Wan gave a small nod. “Of course, always Cody.” He whispered.

Pulling their combined hands close, Cody held eye contact with Obi-Wan. “There is nowhere I wouldn’t go where you lead Obi-Wan, I would walk into hell with you. I would storm the gates of whatever fortress you wanted torn down at a word before this happened.”

Keeping eye contact with the Jedi, he could see them go wide in shock but Cody wasn’t done speaking. “You are still the strongest person in my life, that strength hasn’t left you even if you’ve fallen and I will be there when you realize it Obi-Wan,” He whispered fiercely, all too aware that his next words would be treasonous should the wrong words hear them. “I would kill anyone you asked me to, lords and kings and the Chancellor himself at your order. Because you are my General and I will have no other lead me or my vode.” Cody stated, pressing his lips to Obi-Wan’s knuckles.

Obi-Wan’s eyes remained wide before they narrowed, a small, hiccuping noise escaping him as his eyes watered, his hand falling from Cody’s scar.

The noise had Cody shooting to his feet regardless, fumbling before reaching out and hugging the Jedi tightly to him just as he had back in the Jedi healing Hall. “Its alright General. Its alright, we’re all waiting on you,” Cody murmured, a promise in his voice as he swept his hand over the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, feeling Obi-Wan press his face into Cody’ s stomach. “We’ll be your shield and your sword when you’re ready.” He whispered, feeling Obi-Wan quivering into him.

So Kyber Tears, you mentioned burning the leggings and underwear. We need to see the ceremonial burning. Seems like a great way to lift Obi’s spirits… especially if they get caught doing it.🤣

If Anakin really thought that Obi-Wan had been joking about the leggings and underwear, he had been for a rather amusing surprise a few hours later when Obi-Wan had outright gone digging through the cloth hamper for the items in question.

The entire room had gone quiet when Obi-Wan had come back from the fresher, the items on his lap and a determined look on his face, explaining that, yes, he was totally going to burn these items and no one would be able to stop him.

Cody had just looked amused as he stood up from the couch and trailed over to his General, Ahsoka gleefully clapping her hands and the rest of the Ghost company were of no help, chanting ‘fire, fire, fire’ as Anakin tried to talk Obi-Wan out of burning the leggings.

“Oh come on Obi-Wan, we still have more food and I can make a fresh pot of tea for you!” Anakin pleaded with the other as Obi-Wan hovered towards the door. Honestly, he had hoped to just relax after coming home from the Rotunda, the committee’s constant questioning making him tired.

Hell, Yoda had looked asleep when they finally let Anakin go and Kit had actually looked envious for a few seconds when Anakin had glanced back.

He had honestly been smug about getting to leave when the council was being kept by the committee investigating Palpatine’s death and had just wanted to spend time with his family!

Obi-Wan however had other plans, seeming to still have some energy after the bath and the hours being together with Ghost company.

“I am burning these sterile monstrosities and you are not stopping me Anakin Skywalker!” Obi-Wan called back, the door flashing open for him.

Cursing, Anakin hurried to the door, pulling his slippers off and his boots on, slower than Cody as and Ahsoka as the former just had to remove the caps Anakin had insisted the other wear over his boots to enter and Ahsoka just ran out on bare feet.

Rushing after them, Anakin called out. “Hold the elevator!” And still he barely managed to catch up to the three, Ahsoka bouncing gleefully. “You’re washing your feet before you’re allowed back in the quarters again.” Anakin wheezed at his padawan.

“Oh come on Skyguy, loosen up!” Ahsoka laughed, hipchecking her master with a bright smile. “Its not like its any harm in master Obi-Wan burning them, its just medical scrub.” She teased.

Rubbing at the back of his neck, Anakin glanced at his master before deciding to just shut up. He hadn’t seen Anakin this excited since long before his abduction and captivity, there was almost a childish sort of glee in his eyes.

Far be for Anakin to be the one to piss on that parade, even if burning the underwear and leggings was a bit odd.

‘He has been cooped up for a while in the Halls, to the point the leggings and underwear smells of it I guess… and he wasn’t wrong that no one could use the leggings… maybe its a cathartic thing?’ Anakin mused to himself. “Okay, I have only one question, where in the world are we burning these things?” He asked with resignation in his voice.

Only the twinkle in his eyes and the amusement in the Force from him told any different story.

Obi-Wan and Ahsoka shot him a knowing, amused look while Cody just rolled his eyes, ignoring the two knights and a padawan that stepped into the elevator one floor down. “Gardens.” Obi-Wan answered simply, the pile on his lap quite clearly seen.

He wasn’t even trying to hide them.

Blinking slowly, Anakin nodded to the two knights, vaguely remembering seeing them before even as he decided not to question why the gardens of all places.

It became a lot clearer when he saw the bin Obi-Wan was dragging out with the Force from one of the many gardeners sheds in the closest part of the gardens they had access to.

Apparently the gardeners had to burn certain plants due to how they breed if you didn’t carefully remove all of it and just used the ashes for fertilization later on as ashes could be very useful for fertile growing.

So apparently Obi-Wan had a plan with his clothes burning and a safe place to do it.

‘I mean, when doesn’t Obi-Wan have a plan?’ Anakin mused a tad tiredly as he watched his former master gleefully dump the two cloth items into the durasteel can for burning. ‘Its just that the plans usually don’t survive first contact.’ He rubbed the back of his neck before snorting when Obi-Wan started looking around for something to set the can on fire with.

Thankfully, Cody had that covered with a lighter.

Apparently some of the 212th and fellow command had a smoking habit and Cody, enjoying not having grouchy, smoke addicted brothers without their fix.

Which was how they got the clothing items on fire and apparently, they burned pretty well for being fabric.

Disturbingly well honestly if Anakin was being honest as they practically lit up with only a touch of fire.

“Huh… that was… fast.” Ahsoka noted, blinking heavily, her lekkus twitching with her surprise.

“Yeah… are they suppose to… I mean, that can’t be right?” Anakin noted.

Snorting deeply, leaning back in his hoverchair, Obi-Wan gave them a lazy look. “Its thin fibrous material, practically gauze, it lights up pretty we-” He shut his mouth, looking behind Anakin and Ahsoka and beside Obi-Wan, Cody had gone tense and slightly wide eyed.

A bad feeling in his stomach, Anakin slowly turned around, his eyes bugging out slightly as master Windu and Yoda stood behind him with his arms crossed over his chest, the master of the order brows raised high while the old goat looked like he was asleep.

“Masters!” He squeaked. “I-I thought you were all still at the Rotunda!” Anakin swallowed thickly, aware that it was way too late to hide what they were doing.

Windu somehow managed to raise his brows even further up on his head and if he did that any further, they’d be up on his scalp Anakin was sure.

He opened his mouth then closed it before slowly shaking his head. “Second hand, I don’t want to know… Obi-Wan, come by for tea when you have the time… but don’t tell me what the kark you’re all up to.” The man stated tiredly, grabbing the hover platform and dragging it along as Yoda let out a deep snore.

The four man strong group stared after the two masters before slowly exchanging looks, all four of them going from bemused to snorting to laughing outright and if Anakin’s laugh was slightly hysterical… well, no one made a notice.

‘Caught in the act of burning clothes, at least it wasn’t Che!’ Anakin thought to himself, wheezing as he rested his hands on his thighs.

But… well, it was nice to hear Obi-Wan laugh.

So maybe getting caught was worth it.

KyberTears- Moddy dear? Can we get a happy calm chapter with Obiwan reunited with his other main troopers? Just, the whole family together? Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex and some 501 men, Cody and the few 212 men? Maybe having a meal together? Laughing and chatting and just a calm warm loving atmosphere in the room and force?

Grunting quietly, Obi-Wan let out a shaky breath as he slid his arms away from Anakin’s neck, the blond pulling back slowly with an alert look on his face that relaxed when he was sure Obi-Wan was stable.

Instead he grinned, straightening up. “There we go, you can undress while I get the tub filling.” The blond happily stated.

If it was a tiny bit forced… well, Obi-Wan wasn’t about to call him out on it. Instead he just snorted quietly and started to unbutton the stupid medical gown. “I can’t wait to get back into my own clothes, I swear I smell like the Halls at this point.” He grumbled good naturedly, trying to ignore how exhausted he felt.

On the way to their quarters, Anakin had come over Cody and him, the two talking quietly for a few moments before the commander had smiled and promised he’d be back, a playful if slightly concerned glint in his eyes.

Anakin meanwhile had taken over the hoverchair, not that he really needed to but Obi-Wan got the feeling that Anakin needed it more than he did.

Which was also why he was allowing the other to help him take a bath, Anakin removing his slippers, pulling off his socks and rolling his leggings up just in case. He’d also gone and fetched one of his worn out tank tops, both knowing that the other was likely to get wet anyhow and he might as well put on something that wouldn’t get too restricting when wet.

And because Obi-Wan had been paying attention when the two spoke, the quietly whispered ‘212th, food and in the temple’ being quite easy for him to pickup even if Cody and Anakin thought they were being subtle.

‘I do hope its not all of them. I’m not sure I have the energy for everyone.’ Obi-Wan mused as he dropped the shirt to the floor, sniffing lightly as the bathroom was filing with steam and the scent of one of their bathing many, many oils.

Anakin enjoyed bathing sometimes, the desert boy luxuriating in a bath once a month at the very least and considering all the water the temple reused for the gardens once it had gone through quarters, Obi-Wan never minded it.

Beside, seeing Anakin so awed and happy the first time he had taken a bath… well, it was still among Obi-Wan’s fondest memories along with the swimming lessons and the first time Anakin saw snow.

It was a soft scent and it took Obi-Wan a moment to realize it was the vanilla one.

Anakin just sent him a small smile, sitting on the edge of the tub, elbows on his knees. “Figured I’d go with something not to overpowering.” He shrugged, staying on the tub.

That confused Obi-Wan, making him pause with his hands on his leggings as he blinked at Anakin. ‘…He’s letting me do what I can.’ The realization hit Obi-Wan heavily and for a moment, he could feel his eyes water before he pulled it back under control, a meek smile crossing his face in return. “It does smell nice.” Obi-Wan agreed quietly.

Chuckling, Anakin simply watched as Obi-Wan pressed his back to the tank of the toilet, lifting his hips up enough that he could push his leggings and underwear down.

It wasn’t the first time they had seen each other nude and it wouldn’t be the last time most likely.

And hell, Obi-Wan would have been too tired to feel any decorum of modesty anyhow as he dropped his underwear and leggings to the side, staring at them before looking to Anakin. “…Burn them.” He stated seriously, giving Anakin a solemn stare.

Laughing, Anakin stood. “What?” He questioned in surprised amusement, sweeping the dirty laundry into his arms.

“Seriously, burn it… well except the shirt, that one can be sent back to the Halls but those leggings can never be used for anyone else.” Obi-Wan huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as goosebumps broke out over his pale skin.

Snorting, Anakin simply shoved them into the hamper for the laundry droids. “Right, right. We’ll burn them Obi-Wan.” He chuckled, clearly just playing along as he moved to his friend and picked Obi-Wan up, carefully approaching the still filling tub with the redhead clinging to his neck once more.

Carefully, Obi-Wan was lowered into the warm, foamy water, the scent and sensation wrapping around him and he hissed quietly at the feel of his sensitive stumps touching the heat, arms tight around Anakin’s neck, reluctant to let go.

Anakin said nothing, slowly knelt down until he was on both knees by the tub to ease the strain on his own back, his arms moving from the thighs to wrap around Obi-Wan in a comforting move.

He swept his flesh hand up and down Obi-Wan’s back.

How long they stayed like that, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure but slowly he eased his grip and sat back in the tub, breathing out heavily as the two stared at each other.

Anakin just smiled, not calling out Obi-Wan on his clingy behavior or uncharacteristic actions.

Considering he didn’t have legs anymore, Obi-Wan felt he was quite justified in his behavior and it was comforting to have the other in the same room, Anakin lightly playing with some bubbles as Obi-Wan sank down until his shoulders, resting his head back against the rim.

“Better?” Anakin questioned softly after a few moments. “The stumps, I know how sensitive it can be in the start.” Anakin noted quietly at Obi-Wan’s questioning look.

“Bit tender still but… yeah, not as bad as when I slipped into the water. Are… will they always be like this?” Obi-Wan asked quietly, unable to resist, wanting answers.

Slowly, Anakin shook his head, resting his mech arm on the rim of the bath and his head on his arm. “No, slowly, the sensitivity starts to ebb away with time. It never fully disappears? But it eases. You might get phantom sensations but the cybernetic should help with that.” He explained quietly.

Musing on that, Obi-Wan nodded slowly. “…How many troopers are in the temple right now?” He decided to change the subject, snorting in amusement at Anakin’s surprised face before the blond turned sheepish.

“Just the Ghost company, Rex and Ahsoka, Commander Cody figured it was best not to overwhelm you.” Anakin confessed, and Obi-Wan felt relief and gratefulness echoing through him.

And happiness.

He could always count on Cody to think about his best, even when Anakin might be too impulsive. “That… sounds nice. I think… I think I can do that.” He stated softly, smiling at Anakin when the blond reached for Obi-Wan’s normal shampoo.

Obi-Wan could do this.