There’s no prompt in for Kneeling Imp? That’s CRIMINAL!!! Aren’t Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon about to do some negotiation? How can people not have immediately sent a prompt in asking to see that? I mean, idk about you but I want to read about Obi-Wan’s face going beet red when Master Jinn says aloud that he wants to fuck him, and I also want to see some healthy, safe sane consensual discussion happening!

Onto AO3!! we all know that’s where the adulty lemony content goes for the most part.

Can we get a continuation of Kneeling Imp? I need to see an awkward conversation with Quinlan or Qui-Gon. Or Quinlan hitting on him. Or literally anything.

hand landing on the back of his neck cut Obi-Wan off from his
bickering with Quinlan as they stepped out of the council
tower elevator,
feeling like his body went loose and too tight at the same time when
that hand closed down, blunt fingers pressing lightly into his the
side of his neck.

by the way Quinlan’s eyes widened then narrowed, he certainly
noticed Obi-Wan’s reaction to the broad hand holding him.

pleasant as having a mission on Coruscant is,
it’s late Knight Vos and I would prefer to
retire to our quarters and have a conversation with my padawan since
we’ve now reported to the council.”
Qui-Gon stated calmly, his expression nothing but serene Obi-Wan
noticed as he glanced at the other from the corner of his eyes, not
moving an inch under the hand on his neck.

was a warm and broad hand and was stealing all of Obi-Wan’s
attention and defiance as he only nodded a meek goodbye to Quinlan,
letting his master guide him

walked in silence for a few seconds, traversing
through the mostly night empty halls with just a few Jedi that were
either nocturnal or scheduled for missions about as
Obi-Wan was
to gather his scattered mind to talk, not
too worried about anyone really listening in with the halls so empty.
“Are you sure about this master?” Obi-Wan finally questioned.

out a low rumble that felt like it was vibrating through Obi-Wan’s
body via the hand on his neck, Qui-Gon’s grip tightened a bit.
“Considering what
both Quinlan and I learned at the Glaze Dragon…” He trailed off.

on his urge to argue, Obi-Wan let out a meek little mewl of
understanding, flushing when he felt those blunt fingers press into
his neck.

he had underestimated his master because that grip was all too
familiar to Obi-Wan and not because of Qui-Gon himself but because
that was how many dominants chose to restrain a submissive without
being too obvious.

was a guiding and slightly controlling grip meant to interfere before
someone misbehaved or just remind them of their place.

his master had it.

that made Obi-Wan feel weak in the knees and he had clearly
miscalculated because of all the things Obi-Wan had maybe thought his
master might be into, bdsm was not
on the list.

slightly as they paused outside their door for Qui-Gon to unlock the
door, Obi-Wan swallowed thickly as he tried to expel the haze that
was trying to settle over his mind.

Force, it was like trying to get oil out of water, impossible as it
only seemed to spread further even as Qui-Gon gently pushed Obi-Wan
inside the door first.

the hand was removed and it left Obi-Wan feeling cold, shivering
slightly as he looked at the other man with wide eyes.

raised his brow as he followed in. “Take off your boots Obi-Wan and
hang your robe.” He chided quietly, smiling thinly when the padawan
hurriedly shifted to do as told, Qui-Gon removing his own.

before he got to his robe, Obi-Wan was in front of him, reaching up
to help Qui-Gon out of his robe as Obi-Wan had hurried through his
own boots and robe.

paused, the intimacy in sharp contrast as they stood facing each

up, Qui-Gon cupped Obi-Wan’s chin, thoughtfully thumbing the cleft
of his chin before the thumb moved up to stroke Obi-Wan’s bottom
lip, the two staring at each other in anticipation.

his hands into Qui-Gon’s robe lapels, Obi-Wan swallowed harshly,
Qui-Gon’s eyes dropping to watch his throat work.

deep blue eyes darkened a bit before Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh.
“We’re going to talk Obi-Wan, whatever else is going to that big
brain of yours, we are first going to speak.” He murmured sternly.

his disappointment, Obi-Wan mutely nodded and forced his hands to
work, to remove the robe and hang it up only for the tension in his
body to go out when Qui-Gon’s hand returned to his nape once more,
guiding Obi-Wan towards the caff table with it’s assortment of

Obi-Wan’s surprise, Qui-Gon lead him over to his comfy armchair,
pausing in front of it before he started to press carefully on
Obi-Wan’s neck.

the hint, Obi-Wan carefully dropped into a familiar kneeling
position, watching as Qui-Gon settled down in the chair as Obi-Wan
let his rear rest on his heels, looking up at the man sat in his
comfortable leather chair.

in position to the other man.

harshly once more, Obi-Wan stared at the man with wide eyes, his
stomach alive with butterflies made of anticipation and anxiety for
what to come… and hope.

the hope he had never dared to think about before as this scenario
was one he had thought would never be a part of his master’s

yet here Obi-Wan was, on his knees in front of his master, goosebumps
breaking out on his skin and a shiver along his spine as anticipation
and hope surged through him.

Prompt: A mission takes Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and anyone else you do or don’t feel like including to question someone at a bdsm dungeon. It’s assumed that the reason Obi is so agitated is because he’s a perfect golden innocent child tm… until someone (or multiple someones) recognize him.

about the club pumping with music and the vibration of the living and
the hazy smell of musky
in the air and atmospheric dimmed light that
all screamed of intimacy,
Obi-Wan tried to hide his nervousness from both his master and

really didn’t want to be at the Glazed Dragon, why their suspect
had run into the bdsm dungeon club he had no idea but they had and
Obi-Wan really wished they had not.

rather he wished that he did not have the companions he currently had
as they looked around the Glazed Dragon at people in various state of
dress, kneeling or sitting and even someone who was engaging in a

were in one of the privacy booths of course but everyone could tell
even if they couldn’t see properly.

wouldn’t matter if they could, if the privacy wasn’t engaged.
Once you entered the Glazed Dragon, you had consented to seeing this
kind of thing because that was in the contract everyone signed before
they entered the second door and just how his master and Quinlan
hadn’t noticed he was not required to sign, Obi-Wan did not know.

how he wished that the perp hadn’t run of into the club, clearly
having a membership that allowed them in and because they were Jedi
and were claiming investigation, all three Jedi were allowed in.

bouncer had only given Qui-Gon and Quinlan some narrow looks before
shrugging and letting them in, neither taking notice of how the
bouncer only gave Obi-Wan friendly nod before the female besalisk
went back to leaning against the wall and watching.

were sending him looks now though, Qui-Gon of exasperation and
Quinlan of amusement as the man threw an arm around him in
companionable affection. “Alright then Obes, I know that you’re
kind of restrained and sorta prudish but you do know that you’re
going to have to open up that mind and accept some practices out
there.” He teased as
a semi nude twi’lek sashayed past them with a leash in her hand,
hooking the ring onto the collar of a burly looking zabrak who she
cooed at.

yelped however as he was shoved off Obi-Wan with the Force by an
irate master, who gave the Jedi knight a slight glare. “Obi-Wan
does not have to do anything he is not comfortable with,” He stated
sternly before hesitating and sighing. “Though Obi-Wan, you do have
to understand and respect the culture and live styles of others.”
He continued a bit more gently.

a bit, Obi-Wan waved his hands. “That’s not it master, I fully
understand and respect a bdsm practice.” He
tried to explain without giving himself away.

was promptly busted when there was a loud squeal and Obi-Wan was
suddenly lifted of his feet by a two meter tall man with long, very
long black hair to his rear tied back, piercing brown eyes and a
beatific smile on his face. “Obi-Wan! Little Imp you didn’t say
you’d be back so soon!” He
cried out happily as he held Obi-Wan up with his arms under the
redhead’s armpits.

deeply, feeling both his master and Quinlan’s eyes on him while
also remembering the last time he saw Karas,
Obi-Wan smiled shyly at the man holding him up, his
large hands under Obi-Wan’s armpits. “Hello Karas sir and I
wasn’t suppose to sir, I’m here on duty.” He explained quickly.

now named Karas face went through several emotions at once, surprise,
disappointment and then last acceptance as he set Obi-Wan down,
nodding. “Oh I see, that explains your companions.” He rumbled,
rubbing his clean chin with a sigh. “That is too bad, I was hoping…
ah well.” He shrugged and smiled.

slightly to the man, Obi-Wan kept the nervous flutters behind a
smile. “Maybe another time, sir.” He offered up, almost purring
when Karas gently patted his head.

that does sound good. But for now I’ll look for another companion.
None as great as you but oh well.” He laughed that booming laugh
before nodding to both Quinlan and Qui-Gon, offering them respect
before wandering further into the club.

Obi-Wan turned around and
smiled meekly at the two wide eyes staring at him, Quinlan even
gaping rather unattractively at Obi-Wan as the kiffar’s muscled
arms hung at his sides. Qui-Gon at least had managed to restrain
himself to simply raising his brows high with wide eyes and crossed
arms over his chest. “I um, I can explain?” He offered up.

that Qui-Gon, with an odd look in his eyes, settled one bushy brow
down and one up. “I imagine I can guess Obi-Wan considering that
interaction.” He stated calmly before tilting his head. “And
since that guess involves being intimately familiar with this place,
I would like to request that you lead the charge to find our suspect,
that good with you padawan?”

horribly and grateful for how the dim light would hide that fact,
Obi-Wan nodded and moved past the two.

he was under no illusion that they would forget about it and that
there would be questions later on, especially Quinlan could be a nosy
bastard and Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon’s burning eyes in his back.

right here and now they were Jedi and they had a smuggler of Force
artifacts to find.

frankly, Obi-Wan was suddenly very relieved that they could both be
professional because the idea of explaining his inclinations in the
Glazed Dragon was not something he was interested in, especially as
they had both gotten a good look at Karas, the tall, barrel chested
man with long hair tied back and the leash on the man’s belt.

he was very happy they were being dutiful because if he had to
explain it now, he would combust with embarrassment.

much for trying to keep a low profile and not letting other Jedi
know.’ He thought mournfully even as he thought he felt a phantom
sensation of a hand in the low of his back, a slight shiver going
through his spine that made him blink and