For «Benefitofsweet». I’m so excited about this ‘verse! I would love to see Yan’s reaction, I can see him being supportive (and happy to get one over on the order) and treating Obi-Wan like a concerned Grandparent would. And I wonder how long it will take for the council to realise that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon aren’t coming back.

Obi-Wan left first.

There was no other
choice really unless they wanted the Council to become suspicious and
though the council were sad to see Obi-Wan go, they did not seem too
shocked which hurt somewhere deep down in Obi-Wan.

Still, it made it
easier for him to make his escape with the ship Yan had sent for him,
Qui-Gon coming to give a personal goodbye and to hold him tight for
as long as he could. “Yan will look after you, make sure you’re
safe,” The alpha murmured, nosing his large broken nose into the
others neck to find the gland. “Stay on Serenno, I’ll come after
in a week and the Order won’t be able to say anything and any
accusation will ring false if they attempt it once they learn the
truth.” His hands tightened on Obi-Wan, reluctant to give him up.

“I’ll be
careful,” Obi-Wan promised before kissing the other sweetly. “And
when you arrive, you can claim me but until then I’ll stay safe
with Yan… as long as you keep yourself hidden and don’t give
anything away to the Jedi.” He said sternly.

Smirking a bit,
Qui-Gon tapped him on the nose. “I’ve been doing this since I was
younger than you, don’t worry about me.” He winked.

Cupping Qui-Gon’s
face with a wry hum, Obi-Wan shrugged as he thumbed the mans cheeks.
“Well, that’s a mate’s prerogative, to worry and care so I’m
sorry to say that I’ll continue to do just that.”

A goofy grin
crossed Qui-Gon’s face before he stole one last kiss and stepped
back, grumbling loudly and then nodding, stepping down the ramp and
into Coruscant’s light, turning to give Obi-Wan a wave before the
ramp closed up.

Finally Obi-Wan let
out a lonely little whimper before sighing deeply and making his way
to the cockpit to inform the pilot that they could go as soon as they
got clearance.

Then he went to his
quarters, ignoring the guard droids Yan had stationed to protect
Obi-Wan and instead settled down to meditate. ‘Its just until Qui
can join me. Just until he can follow behind to Serenno and it will
be us two.’ He told himself sternly as he tried to release his
anxieties into the Force while cupping his stomach carefully.

It didn’t make
him feel much better even if it was logical.


“Obi-Wan!” Yan
drew the younger man into his arms, hugging him tight. “When
Qui-Gon told me you needed a ship out I got worried, what is going
on?” He questioned with a deep frown as the older omega pulled him
along from the landing platform of his property, guiding him towards
a skycar.

“Qui-Gon didn’t
tell you anything?” Obi-Wan asked quietly in return as he allowed
himself to be escorted, noting from the corner of his eyes that one
of the servants had his bag and would bring it to his and Qui-Gon’s
room as usual.

Shaking his head,
Yan opened the skycar door. “No, obviously he didn’t feel secure
in telling me even over a secure line. You haven’t been discovered
or suspected have you?” Yan asked in concern, icy eyes narrowed
with worry.

Shaking his head,
Obi-Wan sat down heavily and pressed his hands to his stomach. “No,
I’m pregnant.” He confessed quietly and Yan sat down heavily
beside him, waving a hand for the driver to get a drift off.

Obviously that took
the older Sith off-guard but after a moment he relaxed, letting out a
quiet laugh. “Well, that’s better than I thought. Does this mean
you’re both finally coming to live with me instead of trying this
absurd idea of Qui-Gon to change things from within?” He raised a

Smiling, Obi-Wan
nodded. “Qui-Gon said he’d follow a week after me and I just had
to be patient.” He huffed a bit before allowing Yan to pull him
close and wrap his dark and expensive cape around Obi-Wan’s
shoulder along with his arm.

“Idiot apprentice
of mine forgets how needy an omega can be at times of turmoil,” Yan
rolled his eyes while rubbing at the others shoulder slowly. “I
imagine you’ve been quite lonely and touch starved on that ship
hmm?” He smiled soothingly when Obi-Wan blushed. “No shame
Obi-Wan. I remember well my own lonely days when separated from
everyone I trusted but you’re here now and I’m more than willing
to stand in as your rightful grandfather.” He chuckled, the wind
catching their hair and clothes.

Settling his head
on Yan’s shoulder Obi-Wan truly relaxed for the first time since he
found out he was pregnant.

Now all he needed
to do was wait for Qui-Gon.

For «Benefitofsweet». I’m so excited about this ‘verse! I would love to see Yan’s reaction, I can see him being supportive (and happy to get one over on the order) and treating Obi-Wan like a concerned Grandparent would. And I wonder how long it will take for the council to realise that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon aren’t coming back.

Obi-Wan left first.

There was no other
choice really unless they wanted the Council to become suspicious and
though the council were sad to see Obi-Wan go, they did not seem too
shocked which hurt somewhere deep down in Obi-Wan.

Still, it made it
easier for him to make his escape with the ship Yan had sent for him,
Qui-Gon coming to give a personal goodbye and to hold him tight for
as long as he could. “Yan will look after you, make sure you’re
safe,” The alpha murmured, nosing his large broken nose into the
others neck to find the gland. “Stay on Serenno, I’ll come after
in a week and the Order won’t be able to say anything and any
accusation will ring false if they attempt it once they learn the
truth.” His hands tightened on Obi-Wan, reluctant to give him up.

“I’ll be
careful,” Obi-Wan promised before kissing the other sweetly. “And
when you arrive, you can claim me but until then I’ll stay safe
with Yan… as long as you keep yourself hidden and don’t give
anything away to the Jedi.” He said sternly.

Smirking a bit,
Qui-Gon tapped him on the nose. “I’ve been doing this since I was
younger than you, don’t worry about me.” He winked.

Cupping Qui-Gon’s
face with a wry hum, Obi-Wan shrugged as he thumbed the mans cheeks.
“Well, that’s a mate’s prerogative, to worry and care so I’m
sorry to say that I’ll continue to do just that.”

A goofy grin
crossed Qui-Gon’s face before he stole one last kiss and stepped
back, grumbling loudly and then nodding, stepping down the ramp and
into Coruscant’s light, turning to give Obi-Wan a wave before the
ramp closed up.

Finally Obi-Wan let
out a lonely little whimper before sighing deeply and making his way
to the cockpit to inform the pilot that they could go as soon as they
got clearance.

Then he went to his
quarters, ignoring the guard droids Yan had stationed to protect
Obi-Wan and instead settled down to meditate. ‘Its just until Qui
can join me. Just until he can follow behind to Serenno and it will
be us two.’ He told himself sternly as he tried to release his
anxieties into the Force while cupping his stomach carefully.

It didn’t make
him feel much better even if it was logical.


“Obi-Wan!” Yan
drew the younger man into his arms, hugging him tight. “When
Qui-Gon told me you needed a ship out I got worried, what is going
on?” He questioned with a deep frown as the older omega pulled him
along from the landing platform of his property, guiding him towards
a skycar.

“Qui-Gon didn’t
tell you anything?” Obi-Wan asked quietly in return as he allowed
himself to be escorted, noting from the corner of his eyes that one
of the servants had his bag and would bring it to his and Qui-Gon’s
room as usual.

Shaking his head,
Yan opened the skycar door. “No, obviously he didn’t feel secure
in telling me even over a secure line. You haven’t been discovered
or suspected have you?” Yan asked in concern, icy eyes narrowed
with worry.

Shaking his head,
Obi-Wan sat down heavily and pressed his hands to his stomach. “No,
I’m pregnant.” He confessed quietly and Yan sat down heavily
beside him, waving a hand for the driver to get a drift off.

Obviously that took
the older Sith off-guard but after a moment he relaxed, letting out a
quiet laugh. “Well, that’s better than I thought. Does this mean
you’re both finally coming to live with me instead of trying this
absurd idea of Qui-Gon to change things from within?” He raised a

Smiling, Obi-Wan
nodded. “Qui-Gon said he’d follow a week after me and I just had
to be patient.” He huffed a bit before allowing Yan to pull him
close and wrap his dark and expensive cape around Obi-Wan’s
shoulder along with his arm.

“Idiot apprentice
of mine forgets how needy an omega can be at times of turmoil,” Yan
rolled his eyes while rubbing at the others shoulder slowly. “I
imagine you’ve been quite lonely and touch starved on that ship
hmm?” He smiled soothingly when Obi-Wan blushed. “No shame
Obi-Wan. I remember well my own lonely days when separated from
everyone I trusted but you’re here now and I’m more than willing
to stand in as your rightful grandfather.” He chuckled, the wind
catching their hair and clothes.

Settling his head
on Yan’s shoulder Obi-Wan truly relaxed for the first time since he
found out he was pregnant.

Now all he needed
to do was wait for Qui-Gon.

Hello moddy! In “culture of slaves” you mentioned (well… qui-gon mentioned) that obi wan had to learn how to walk again. Could we see quite gon helping? I’m sure qui would see it like helping his son learn to walk…even though the circumstances are terrible.

There are times
when Qui-Gon looks back and can’t help but be amazed at how lucky
he is, how lucky he is to still have Obi-Wan as he watches the
redhead show Anakin a kata that the blond is having some issue with
and Obi-Wan understands a bit better than Qui-Gon and can therefor
explain a bit better to him.

Because he can
still remember Obi-Wan, his poor Obi-Wan as he rescued him.

The pale face, the
hobbled walk and even the falls as he could barely lift his feet and
had stumbled.

Often Qui-Gon
hadn’t caught him in time when the other started walking without
aids and he had hit the ground hard with a cry of pain lacing his

Because he knew the
others scars hurt even now and honestly Obi-Wan should be on a low
regulated sedation at all times.

Throwing his mind
back to another time, Qui-Gon remembered Obi-Wan’s little hobbled
walk as he walked like a newborn calf.


Watching his boy
with his heart in his boots, Qui-Gon put on a warm smile when the
other looked up from where he was leaning heavily against the rail
and that seemed to be the appropriate response as Obi-Wan smiled back
and continued his slow staggering walk with the supports of the rails
that the healers used for recovering Jedi that had spine and leg
related injuries that required them to have therapy with support.

Obi-Wan certainly
qualified under that with his hamstrung thighs.

The healers had
quietly approached Qui-Gon the day after Obi-Wan had first come back
and had a proper examination, explained that Obi-Wan might never
actually walk let around run again with his thighs as violently
hamstrung as Obi-Wan had been.

A minor hope was
all there was, regrow tissue and work on the muscle definition once
the tissue was there but for now Obi-Wan would required a walker.

Glancing towards
the hover walker the healers had given Obi-Wan an aid, Qui-Gon once
more studied as he had not allowed himself the first time as he
hovered over his boy. It was a white frame with blue details that was
slightly taller than Obi-Wan’s waist which he could put his weight
on as he walked that supported him.

The front legs were
floating seamlessly while the hind almost looked like two balls
resting on the ground though Qui-Gon knew they barely touched to make
it easier to get over thresholds.

It was designed to
give additional support to the one using it on slick floors while
also aiding them with their walking.

‘For old people
really. But also young ones like my Obi.’ He glanced back to the
rails, meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes as the redhead peered at him. Then he
smiled sadly.

Qui-Gon stood and
walked over from the bench, holding out his hands to him instead of
the rails. “I’m sorry, I’m still absorbing everything that is
changed with your life now.” He said softly as Obi-Wan leaned his
weight on Qui-Gon instead of the rails.

“We can absorb it
together.” Obi-Wan said with a tiny bit of cheer, hobbling forward
a step and grunting as he ended up somehow stumbling and crashing
into the other Jedi’s chest instead. “…Ow.”

Holding onto the
other, Qui-Gon let out a worried noise. “Its alright, we can come
back to this. Its alright.” Qui-Gon promised, rumbling deeply.

Obi-Wan said
nothing, pressing into his chest.


‘And now look at
him…’ Qui-Gon mused, peering at Obi-Wan as he bounced up and down
on his feet, the walker nowhere in sight as he beamed down at Anakin.
‘Healthy and as hale as he could possibly ever become. My strong
boy.’ He smiled to himself.

It was amazing how
well you could heal if only given the time to heal and the space to

And someone who
would care for you in return.

Hello moddy! In “culture of slaves” you mentioned (well… qui-gon mentioned) that obi wan had to learn how to walk again. Could we see quite gon helping? I’m sure qui would see it like helping his son learn to walk…even though the circumstances are terrible.

There are times
when Qui-Gon looks back and can’t help but be amazed at how lucky
he is, how lucky he is to still have Obi-Wan as he watches the
redhead show Anakin a kata that the blond is having some issue with
and Obi-Wan understands a bit better than Qui-Gon and can therefor
explain a bit better to him.

Because he can
still remember Obi-Wan, his poor Obi-Wan as he rescued him.

The pale face, the
hobbled walk and even the falls as he could barely lift his feet and
had stumbled.

Often Qui-Gon
hadn’t caught him in time when the other started walking without
aids and he had hit the ground hard with a cry of pain lacing his

Because he knew the
others scars hurt even now and honestly Obi-Wan should be on a low
regulated sedation at all times.

Throwing his mind
back to another time, Qui-Gon remembered Obi-Wan’s little hobbled
walk as he walked like a newborn calf.


Watching his boy
with his heart in his boots, Qui-Gon put on a warm smile when the
other looked up from where he was leaning heavily against the rail
and that seemed to be the appropriate response as Obi-Wan smiled back
and continued his slow staggering walk with the supports of the rails
that the healers used for recovering Jedi that had spine and leg
related injuries that required them to have therapy with support.

Obi-Wan certainly
qualified under that with his hamstrung thighs.

The healers had
quietly approached Qui-Gon the day after Obi-Wan had first come back
and had a proper examination, explained that Obi-Wan might never
actually walk let around run again with his thighs as violently
hamstrung as Obi-Wan had been.

A minor hope was
all there was, regrow tissue and work on the muscle definition once
the tissue was there but for now Obi-Wan would required a walker.

Glancing towards
the hover walker the healers had given Obi-Wan an aid, Qui-Gon once
more studied as he had not allowed himself the first time as he
hovered over his boy. It was a white frame with blue details that was
slightly taller than Obi-Wan’s waist which he could put his weight
on as he walked that supported him.

The front legs were
floating seamlessly while the hind almost looked like two balls
resting on the ground though Qui-Gon knew they barely touched to make
it easier to get over thresholds.

It was designed to
give additional support to the one using it on slick floors while
also aiding them with their walking.

‘For old people
really. But also young ones like my Obi.’ He glanced back to the
rails, meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes as the redhead peered at him. Then he
smiled sadly.

Qui-Gon stood and
walked over from the bench, holding out his hands to him instead of
the rails. “I’m sorry, I’m still absorbing everything that is
changed with your life now.” He said softly as Obi-Wan leaned his
weight on Qui-Gon instead of the rails.

“We can absorb it
together.” Obi-Wan said with a tiny bit of cheer, hobbling forward
a step and grunting as he ended up somehow stumbling and crashing
into the other Jedi’s chest instead. “…Ow.”

Holding onto the
other, Qui-Gon let out a worried noise. “Its alright, we can come
back to this. Its alright.” Qui-Gon promised, rumbling deeply.

Obi-Wan said
nothing, pressing into his chest.


‘And now look at
him…’ Qui-Gon mused, peering at Obi-Wan as he bounced up and down
on his feet, the walker nowhere in sight as he beamed down at Anakin.
‘Healthy and as hale as he could possibly ever become. My strong
boy.’ He smiled to himself.

It was amazing how
well you could heal if only given the time to heal and the space to

And someone who
would care for you in return.

“Father Sheev” – I can’t imagine sheev just letting the people who kidnaped obi wan off, does he rest his revenge on his son’s behalf? Anakin would WANT revenge, but he’d also want to stay by obi wans side.

Brushing his hand gingerly over the
short, jagged strands of hair, Anakin let out a deeply horrified and
mournful noise. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

“Don’t be, she did it the first day
she had me, you wouldn’t have been in time at all.” Obi-Wan
murmured quietly in return, leaning back into Anakin’s chest.

The moment Kix had declared him well,
Anakin had taken him off to the bedroom where he had bundled his
husband into the narrow bunk with him so they could cuddle, Anakin
sitting against the wall with Obi-Wan between his legs and his back
to the others chest and all the blankets wrapped around them.

Obi-Wan had made no protest to any of

The troopers all knew that they were
together anyhow and would keep their secret so Obi-Wan did not fear
Fisto finding out since he was on his own ship. The troopers would
warn them if the other Jedi boarded the Resolute after all.

“She’s gonna pay.” Anakin
growled, his breath washing over Obi-Wan’s neck which had his skin
prickling with pleasured goosebumps.

But he was too tired and worn down to
really do anything so he settled for squeezing Anakin’s hands
resting on his stomach while letting out a deep breath and an
answering hum. ‘Oh she will… Father will not take this insult
laying down.’ He thought with narrowed eyes before pressing back
into his husband with a soft, keening noise in search for both
comfort and assurance.

“…It feels so strange.” He
whispered after a moment.

“Hmm?” Anakin lifted his head.

“My hair. Some speak of feeling
lighter once they cut their hair when they get to a certain age in
Naboo’s social circles but I don’t feel that. I feel off-balanced
and violated in a strange way and at the same time not me.” Obi-Wan
explained. “I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin just because
she cut my hair.”

Obi-Wan smiled a bit when his husband
pressed a soft kiss to the hair behind his ear. “You could grow it
out, I know there are procedures for it.” Anakin said quietly into
his ear.

“Yes but its still so strange now.
And I won’t be able to grow it down as far as I had it.” Obi-Wan
sighed. “I may be a bit vain my love but I adored my hair.” He
chuckled quietly.

“I adored your hair too dear one.”
Anakin murmured before hugging him tightly. “I love you as you are
though, so whatever you decide to do, I will be there for you.”

Chuckling faintly and shakily, Obi-Wan
laced their fingers together. “At the least I will have to have it
trimmed with it short in the back and long in the front… we’ll
see my love, we’ll see what comes.” He settled on quietly, just
content to exist in the moment with his Anakin.


From the moment he disembarks down the
ramp he can hear the clicks of cameras from holo reporters but he
keeps his serene expression on his face as he walks towards his
father and the waiting guards, the Chancellor’s expression
displaying shock for a moment as he takes in the clean but ripped
clothes of his son and the hair.
‘At least I healed the
injuries to my face.’ Obi-Wan thought a bit wryly to himself, his
father’s reaction would have been terrible had he also seen those
if this made him loose his mask for a few seconds.

hair shorn so short, uneven and jagged with long lengths fluttering
around his face and almost to the scalp in the back with how Beckett
had used the blade.

hadn’t been much Obi-Wan could do about his state of dress
honestly, it was this or the spare clothes of Anakin’s which would
not fit him and his hair…

forgive him, he wanted to regrow the length of hair.

would not be to his ankles anymore but he hoped to have it to his
lower back at least since that would be a comfortable length for him.

Obi-Wan murmured, stopping in front of him to bow lightly before
yipping in surprise as Sheev dragged him into a hug, Obi-Wan’s wide
eyed face hidden against Sheev’s shoulder as the man hisses into
his ear as Obi-Wan is too shocked to do anything but stand there
because Sheev Palpatine has never been a demonstrative person when it
comes to physical affection.

will pay, I promise
you Obi-Wan.” He hissed into his sons ear, his arms tight around
Obi-Wan’s body.

into the other man, Obi-Wan realizes he’s actually scared his
father and that prompts him into wrapping his arms around the older
Palpatine to hug him gently in return.

know father… but I am home.” He assures quietly, feeling a gentle
hand pass over the short strands of his hair in a tender motion. “I
am home.” Obi-Wan whispered into the musky folds of his father’s
ostentatious robe.

“Father Sheev” – I can’t imagine sheev just letting the people who kidnaped obi wan off, does he rest his revenge on his son’s behalf? Anakin would WANT revenge, but he’d also want to stay by obi wans side.

Brushing his hand gingerly over the
short, jagged strands of hair, Anakin let out a deeply horrified and
mournful noise. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

“Don’t be, she did it the first day
she had me, you wouldn’t have been in time at all.” Obi-Wan
murmured quietly in return, leaning back into Anakin’s chest.

The moment Kix had declared him well,
Anakin had taken him off to the bedroom where he had bundled his
husband into the narrow bunk with him so they could cuddle, Anakin
sitting against the wall with Obi-Wan between his legs and his back
to the others chest and all the blankets wrapped around them.

Obi-Wan had made no protest to any of

The troopers all knew that they were
together anyhow and would keep their secret so Obi-Wan did not fear
Fisto finding out since he was on his own ship. The troopers would
warn them if the other Jedi boarded the Resolute after all.

“She’s gonna pay.” Anakin
growled, his breath washing over Obi-Wan’s neck which had his skin
prickling with pleasured goosebumps.

But he was too tired and worn down to
really do anything so he settled for squeezing Anakin’s hands
resting on his stomach while letting out a deep breath and an
answering hum. ‘Oh she will… Father will not take this insult
laying down.’ He thought with narrowed eyes before pressing back
into his husband with a soft, keening noise in search for both
comfort and assurance.

“…It feels so strange.” He
whispered after a moment.

“Hmm?” Anakin lifted his head.

“My hair. Some speak of feeling
lighter once they cut their hair when they get to a certain age in
Naboo’s social circles but I don’t feel that. I feel off-balanced
and violated in a strange way and at the same time not me.” Obi-Wan
explained. “I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin just because
she cut my hair.”

Obi-Wan smiled a bit when his husband
pressed a soft kiss to the hair behind his ear. “You could grow it
out, I know there are procedures for it.” Anakin said quietly into
his ear.

“Yes but its still so strange now.
And I won’t be able to grow it down as far as I had it.” Obi-Wan
sighed. “I may be a bit vain my love but I adored my hair.” He
chuckled quietly.

“I adored your hair too dear one.”
Anakin murmured before hugging him tightly. “I love you as you are
though, so whatever you decide to do, I will be there for you.”

Chuckling faintly and shakily, Obi-Wan
laced their fingers together. “At the least I will have to have it
trimmed with it short in the back and long in the front… we’ll
see my love, we’ll see what comes.” He settled on quietly, just
content to exist in the moment with his Anakin.


From the moment he disembarks down the
ramp he can hear the clicks of cameras from holo reporters but he
keeps his serene expression on his face as he walks towards his
father and the waiting guards, the Chancellor’s expression
displaying shock for a moment as he takes in the clean but ripped
clothes of his son and the hair.
‘At least I healed the
injuries to my face.’ Obi-Wan thought a bit wryly to himself, his
father’s reaction would have been terrible had he also seen those
if this made him loose his mask for a few seconds.

hair shorn so short, uneven and jagged with long lengths fluttering
around his face and almost to the scalp in the back with how Beckett
had used the blade.

hadn’t been much Obi-Wan could do about his state of dress
honestly, it was this or the spare clothes of Anakin’s which would
not fit him and his hair…

forgive him, he wanted to regrow the length of hair.

would not be to his ankles anymore but he hoped to have it to his
lower back at least since that would be a comfortable length for him.

Obi-Wan murmured, stopping in front of him to bow lightly before
yipping in surprise as Sheev dragged him into a hug, Obi-Wan’s wide
eyed face hidden against Sheev’s shoulder as the man hisses into
his ear as Obi-Wan is too shocked to do anything but stand there
because Sheev Palpatine has never been a demonstrative person when it
comes to physical affection.

will pay, I promise
you Obi-Wan.” He hissed into his sons ear, his arms tight around
Obi-Wan’s body.

into the other man, Obi-Wan realizes he’s actually scared his
father and that prompts him into wrapping his arms around the older
Palpatine to hug him gently in return.

know father… but I am home.” He assures quietly, feeling a gentle
hand pass over the short strands of his hair in a tender motion. “I
am home.” Obi-Wan whispered into the musky folds of his father’s
ostentatious robe.

Daytoday is so cute! How do the clones/ahsoka/the council react? And I KNOW that the senate, padme, palpatine, etc… won’t be as supportive or kind, but it would be nice to see fluff and friends/family being supportive before the proverbial shit hits the fan :) Also, Anakin being anakn. Thanks moddy

Tilting her head
while watching Skyguy be absolutely disgustingly sweet, Ahsoka gave a
little giggle. “You know the baby is maybe about the size of your
thumb or something like that right?” She teased lightly as Anakin
continued to rub his cheek against Obi-Wan’s stomach and whisper
little words.

At her words
however he froze and then gave a sheepish grin to everyone,
shrugging. “But its there. Can you blame me for… I mean…” He
shrugged again and went back to nuzzling lightly at the cloth covered
stomach, cooing softly with a pale blush on his cheeks, not that his
embarrassment was stopping him at all at being disgustingly sweet.

It was nice to see
him not care about everyone watching them honestly, the troopers
invading the temple the moment they heard the news from Ahsoka. Or
well, some of them, not everyone could fit into the quarters so the
assumption was that they had taken lots on it on who was going with
Rex and Cody being the only ones being reassured a spot to check up
on their Jedi and get the news.

Everyone was spread
out around in the quarters while Anakin and Obi-Wan was allowed to
keep the entire loveseat for themselves even if Anakin was kneeling
on the floor between the redhead’s knees where he was happily
resting his head on Obi-Wan’s stomach to talk to the baby.

Or at least that’s
what Anakin said he was doing.

Did they even know how far along the
baby was?

“How old is the fetus?” Kix asked,
leaning forward curiously where he was sitting in the windowsill with

“Che said the baby is around a month
to two months old, she assumes about seven weeks honestly but we’ll
have to wait for the ultra sound to be certain as they can tell by
the size then.” Obi-Wan chuckled a bit, sipping the tea Cody had
made the moment he had entered the quarters, the trooper quite at
ease and familiar with the kitchen that had the others looking at him
at the time.

But well, it was Cody and Obi-Wan, the
commander was known for being trusted with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber so
the fact that he had been in these quarters before had not come as a

“Seven weeks… so a bit after
ceasefire.” Ahsoka blinked.

“If she’s right.” Obi-Wan pointed
out, humming. “Regardless, the ultra sound will tell for sure when
I’ve had it but for now we can all just relax.” He sent a smile
around the room which had the troopers chuckling.

None of them mentioned the Senate or
the Chancellor or anything.

“So hey, how did the High General’s
react?” Rex suddenly questioned, cocking his head. “I mean, Jedi
aren’t suppose to… well are they?” He raised his brows.

Obi-Wan let out a low hum while Anakin
focused on the others stomach to avoid answering. “To be honest,
that is a faulty opinion. We can love, we are encouraged to love but
to love and to be attached are two very different beasts.” He ran a
warm hand through Anakin’s dirty blond curls. “To be attached is
to be possessive, to be unable to let go should what you love wish to
leave or die. Its not healthy and its not encouraged for anyone to be
like it but for Force sensitive it can lead to the dark side.” He
peered at them. “But to love truly? To love is to be compassionate,
to be warm to the galaxy and its issue and walk in the warmth and
sun. To be someones else soft epilogue.” Obi-Wan stroked down
Anakin’s cheek, the blonds eyes fluttering shut at the touch. “To
be there for them but remember that you are also part of the galaxy
at large and to exist for them too… though there are moments of
selfishness where you allow your own desires, even as a Jedi.” He
grinned a bit.

Ahsoka shifted, feeling like she was

Clearly the troopers felt it too though
Waxer was grinning widely. Obviously love was something he liked
hearing a bout.

“As for how the council reacted? Well
they facepalmed.” Obi-Wan chuckled.

Daytoday is so cute! How do the clones/ahsoka/the council react? And I KNOW that the senate, padme, palpatine, etc… won’t be as supportive or kind, but it would be nice to see fluff and friends/family being supportive before the proverbial shit hits the fan :) Also, Anakin being anakn. Thanks moddy

Tilting her head
while watching Skyguy be absolutely disgustingly sweet, Ahsoka gave a
little giggle. “You know the baby is maybe about the size of your
thumb or something like that right?” She teased lightly as Anakin
continued to rub his cheek against Obi-Wan’s stomach and whisper
little words.

At her words
however he froze and then gave a sheepish grin to everyone,
shrugging. “But its there. Can you blame me for… I mean…” He
shrugged again and went back to nuzzling lightly at the cloth covered
stomach, cooing softly with a pale blush on his cheeks, not that his
embarrassment was stopping him at all at being disgustingly sweet.

It was nice to see
him not care about everyone watching them honestly, the troopers
invading the temple the moment they heard the news from Ahsoka. Or
well, some of them, not everyone could fit into the quarters so the
assumption was that they had taken lots on it on who was going with
Rex and Cody being the only ones being reassured a spot to check up
on their Jedi and get the news.

Everyone was spread
out around in the quarters while Anakin and Obi-Wan was allowed to
keep the entire loveseat for themselves even if Anakin was kneeling
on the floor between the redhead’s knees where he was happily
resting his head on Obi-Wan’s stomach to talk to the baby.

Or at least that’s
what Anakin said he was doing.

Did they even know how far along the
baby was?

“How old is the fetus?” Kix asked,
leaning forward curiously where he was sitting in the windowsill with

“Che said the baby is around a month
to two months old, she assumes about seven weeks honestly but we’ll
have to wait for the ultra sound to be certain as they can tell by
the size then.” Obi-Wan chuckled a bit, sipping the tea Cody had
made the moment he had entered the quarters, the trooper quite at
ease and familiar with the kitchen that had the others looking at him
at the time.

But well, it was Cody and Obi-Wan, the
commander was known for being trusted with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber so
the fact that he had been in these quarters before had not come as a

“Seven weeks… so a bit after
ceasefire.” Ahsoka blinked.

“If she’s right.” Obi-Wan pointed
out, humming. “Regardless, the ultra sound will tell for sure when
I’ve had it but for now we can all just relax.” He sent a smile
around the room which had the troopers chuckling.

None of them mentioned the Senate or
the Chancellor or anything.

“So hey, how did the High General’s
react?” Rex suddenly questioned, cocking his head. “I mean, Jedi
aren’t suppose to… well are they?” He raised his brows.

Obi-Wan let out a low hum while Anakin
focused on the others stomach to avoid answering. “To be honest,
that is a faulty opinion. We can love, we are encouraged to love but
to love and to be attached are two very different beasts.” He ran a
warm hand through Anakin’s dirty blond curls. “To be attached is
to be possessive, to be unable to let go should what you love wish to
leave or die. Its not healthy and its not encouraged for anyone to be
like it but for Force sensitive it can lead to the dark side.” He
peered at them. “But to love truly? To love is to be compassionate,
to be warm to the galaxy and its issue and walk in the warmth and
sun. To be someones else soft epilogue.” Obi-Wan stroked down
Anakin’s cheek, the blonds eyes fluttering shut at the touch. “To
be there for them but remember that you are also part of the galaxy
at large and to exist for them too… though there are moments of
selfishness where you allow your own desires, even as a Jedi.” He
grinned a bit.

Ahsoka shifted, feeling like she was

Clearly the troopers felt it too though
Waxer was grinning widely. Obviously love was something he liked
hearing a bout.

“As for how the council reacted? Well
they facepalmed.” Obi-Wan chuckled.

LOVED the twist with Dooku in Burning Bird!! Why does Dooku have the tattoo, and what does it mean for him and his continuing to be a Sith Apprentice?

“You mean to tell
me that you both planned on this despite it being a longshot? You
risked your unborn babies on the off chance that you were right?”
Jango’s voice ended on a strangled note as even as Anakin tucked
himself more around Obi-Wan’s form, his hands firmly wrapped around
the swell of the other starbirds stomach as if to assure himself via
touch that everything was alright.

Or maybe he was
using the Force to assure himself to the babies health or some sort
of shit like that, damned if Jango honestly knew.

Kenobi, damn him to
all seven pits, simply shrugged and continued drinking his tea as if
he hadn’t just put his babies and himself in danger by having tea
with someone they suspected to be a Sith and to be engineering a
galaxy wide war. “Yes. It was my decision how to handle it. The
Order of the Serenno Star Knights were supposedly extinct just like
Starbirds, however I have long suspected that the Counts and
Countesses of Serenno weren’t as oblivious to the Order as most of
the planet seemed to be.” He hummed and finished off his cup.

The count in
question took a small sip out of his tea, a small, almost
unnoticeable tremble in his hand as he set the cup down on the

Yeah, Jango
recognized that at least.

The man never
expected to actually encounter actual starbirds. The very essence of
the almighty Force or some shit as that as far as Jango understood
since these fuckers rose from the ashes of a supernova and didn’t
actually die as much by age as they just rose again and only
darksiders actually could kill them since lightsiders would never
consider killing these mighty space birds.

Or some osik like

Jango wasn’t a
Force user, he had no karking idea what they had been talking about
as it sort of went above his head.

What he did
know was that Kenobi had not only put himself but his unborn children
in danger because he could have been utterly wrong and if Dooku had
reacted any other way, those little children might have died before
they had ever drawn even a breath of air.

The sparks could
have snuffed out before they became fire.

Drawing his hand
over his face, Jango stared at the Jedi over his fingers and wondered
when in karking hell he had started feeling protective over a damn

‘Its the babies.
Its the babies fault, yes, all this talk of little birds and whatnot.

“He makes me
sleep on the couch if I don’t do as he tells me.” Skywalker
suddenly grumbled, face pressed to the redhead’s neck. “And
sometimes its better to let him do as he wants or he does this thing
where he’s displeased but not upset and its really better to just
do as he says or he pouts and does that thing where you can’t help
but feel guilty even though you know you’re right.” He pressed
apologetic kiss to Kenobi’s neck in an attempt to curry favor

It made Jango very
happy about his decision to have a kid cloned for him instead of
getting a lover because if this was the kind of shit they’d pull
than Jango was better off without honestly. No, leave it to him and

“The order of the
Star Knights have always belonged to the starbirds since darksiders started to hunt them.” Dooku murmured
quietly, settling his teacup on the saucer as he let out a deep
breath. “Always been sworn to the starbirds until they disappeared
thanks to the Sith who hunted them to extinction. When I returned to
Serenno… I was sworn to it.” He exposed his right wrist where the
bird rising from fire was tattooed onto his skin in black ink. “My
life to the starbirds.” He glanced at Obi-Wan.

‘Bet you never
figured you’d ever meet one.’ Jango thought dryly.

Looking at Kenobi,
Jango understood what the other was thinking.

No one could
account for Kenobi sticking his nose into their business.

“Now…” The
redhead in question set his cup down, letting out a hum as he focused
on Dooku. “I think its about time you told me what was going on.
The truth please since you have sworn yourself to the starbirds
enemy.” Obi-Wan smiled at the man but it wasn’t what Jango would
considered a nice smile, too many teeth.

Clearly Dooku felt
the same way as he paled slightly and tightened his grasp on his own

LOVED the twist with Dooku in Burning Bird!! Why does Dooku have the tattoo, and what does it mean for him and his continuing to be a Sith Apprentice?

“You mean to tell
me that you both planned on this despite it being a longshot? You
risked your unborn babies on the off chance that you were right?”
Jango’s voice ended on a strangled note as even as Anakin tucked
himself more around Obi-Wan’s form, his hands firmly wrapped around
the swell of the other starbirds stomach as if to assure himself via
touch that everything was alright.

Or maybe he was
using the Force to assure himself to the babies health or some sort
of shit like that, damned if Jango honestly knew.

Kenobi, damn him to
all seven pits, simply shrugged and continued drinking his tea as if
he hadn’t just put his babies and himself in danger by having tea
with someone they suspected to be a Sith and to be engineering a
galaxy wide war. “Yes. It was my decision how to handle it. The
Order of the Serenno Star Knights were supposedly extinct just like
Starbirds, however I have long suspected that the Counts and
Countesses of Serenno weren’t as oblivious to the Order as most of
the planet seemed to be.” He hummed and finished off his cup.

The count in
question took a small sip out of his tea, a small, almost
unnoticeable tremble in his hand as he set the cup down on the

Yeah, Jango
recognized that at least.

The man never
expected to actually encounter actual starbirds. The very essence of
the almighty Force or some shit as that as far as Jango understood
since these fuckers rose from the ashes of a supernova and didn’t
actually die as much by age as they just rose again and only
darksiders actually could kill them since lightsiders would never
consider killing these mighty space birds.

Or some osik like

Jango wasn’t a
Force user, he had no karking idea what they had been talking about
as it sort of went above his head.

What he did
know was that Kenobi had not only put himself but his unborn children
in danger because he could have been utterly wrong and if Dooku had
reacted any other way, those little children might have died before
they had ever drawn even a breath of air.

The sparks could
have snuffed out before they became fire.

Drawing his hand
over his face, Jango stared at the Jedi over his fingers and wondered
when in karking hell he had started feeling protective over a damn

‘Its the babies.
Its the babies fault, yes, all this talk of little birds and whatnot.

“He makes me
sleep on the couch if I don’t do as he tells me.” Skywalker
suddenly grumbled, face pressed to the redhead’s neck. “And
sometimes its better to let him do as he wants or he does this thing
where he’s displeased but not upset and its really better to just
do as he says or he pouts and does that thing where you can’t help
but feel guilty even though you know you’re right.” He pressed
apologetic kiss to Kenobi’s neck in an attempt to curry favor

It made Jango very
happy about his decision to have a kid cloned for him instead of
getting a lover because if this was the kind of shit they’d pull
than Jango was better off without honestly. No, leave it to him and

“The order of the
Star Knights have always belonged to the starbirds since darksiders started to hunt them.” Dooku murmured
quietly, settling his teacup on the saucer as he let out a deep
breath. “Always been sworn to the starbirds until they disappeared
thanks to the Sith who hunted them to extinction. When I returned to
Serenno… I was sworn to it.” He exposed his right wrist where the
bird rising from fire was tattooed onto his skin in black ink. “My
life to the starbirds.” He glanced at Obi-Wan.

‘Bet you never
figured you’d ever meet one.’ Jango thought dryly.

Looking at Kenobi,
Jango understood what the other was thinking.

No one could
account for Kenobi sticking his nose into their business.

“Now…” The
redhead in question set his cup down, letting out a hum as he focused
on Dooku. “I think its about time you told me what was going on.
The truth please since you have sworn yourself to the starbirds
enemy.” Obi-Wan smiled at the man but it wasn’t what Jango would
considered a nice smile, too many teeth.

Clearly Dooku felt
the same way as he paled slightly and tightened his grasp on his own