jedi are cats. how do jedi feel about water?

With a twitch of his tentacles, Master Fisto looked up in utter bemusement. “Pardon but would you please repeat that Commander Monnk?” The Jedi questioned, his head tentacles writhing slightly in what those familiar with nautolan biology knew meant a mix of amusement and surprise.

A long suffering sigh escaped the clone commander, Monnk as Fisto said, the man still standing in front of his General’s desk in parade rest. As if he wanted to be doing anything but be standing in front of one of his Generals, posing said question but dutifully, he repeated himself. “What do Jedi think about water sir?” He stated drolly.

Large eyes blinked up at Monnk, Fisto clearly amused now as he leaned back in his chair, his pad, likely paperwork for the war, abandoned.

The trooper shrugged with another loud, exasperated sigh. “I’m sorry sir, its the blog. The Jedi are cats blog,” He sighed even louder somehow, sounding as if he was done with everything and grumble when the Jedi threw his head back and laughed.

The trooper holding the camera gave a stifled giggle, the camera view shaking slightly before they managed to still and keep the focus on the Jedi.

“I see, this is in relation to how some felines react to water, hmm?” Fisto finally got out when he stopped laughing so hard his eyes teared up, the man rubbing at his green skin with a wide, sharp toothed grin.

He got a nod from the human standing at his desk.

Leaning his elbow on the desk and his head on his hand, Fisto continued smiling up at the commander. “Of course, individual Jedi have their preferences but Jedi in general delight in water. I guess in some way, we end up being like tigers, tigers enjoy water,” He pointed out before going quiet for a few seconds, his face thoughtful. “Of course, there are some Jedi that do not like water beyond drinking it. We are all individual. After all, I know that Corporal Lacy quite hates getting wet, I’ve heard her little rants.” He stated teasingly, winking lightly.

A snort escaped Commander Monnk, the man saluting. “True enough sir. Apologies for disturbing you. I’ll let you get back to work and go find General Vebb.”

Chuckling, waving of the excuse with what could only be stated as a fond smile, Fisto turned back to the pad, grimacing slightly before focusing.

At that point, one might assume the camera would stop filming, after all, there was only one question, prompted by the holoblog run by the troopers. However, the camera does not cut out.

Instead it keeps filming in the dim tent where Fisto is working.

It becomes clear why after a few moments as Fisto twitches slightly in his seat.


A jerk is the single warning anyone gets before Fisto suddenly disappeared from view, the camera blurring as it followed the shape of the Jedi bouncing out of the tent.

The public gets treated to the Jedi jumping several meters into the air, Fisto climbing the mountain they are camping near with Force assisted jumps and acrobatic leaps.

Anyone familiar with cats already know whats going on.

But to those not, a text box suddenly appeared at the bottom of the video, paired with cute emojis of both Jedi and trooper helmets, explained what was going on with the Jedi sudden rush of activity.

‘Zoomies, also known as FRAP (Frenetic Random Activity Period) attacks, are precisely that, random bursts of high activity and energy. They usually don’t last long and you will know a zoomie episode when you see one. Like felines and some canine breeds, Jedi too can have these attacks after long periods of inactivity or boredom.’

Fisto, bounced from rock to rock as a few trooper watched him, resigned amusement visible everywhere.

Jediarecats: Padme sees the video. Please keep the anidala? The video explains things Padme had been wondering about her husband, and if anything endears him even more. She also starts wondering if this make Ahsoka their child.

out an embarrassed meep as he rushed over to the trooper in the vid,
Kit covered his face with his hands and let out a small groan. “This
is… how did this get leaked onto UsTube!?” He asked loudly
through his hands.

her lekku, Shaak stared at the still running vid thoughtfully as her
holo was presented in her chair as usual, her position on Kamino too
important to leave. “I would imagine someone hacked the GAR run
section and loaded it over. I remember Yatter and Scream giggling
about this video two or three months ago so it’s most likely been
there the entire ti-” She suddenly cut herself off, freezing.

over at her, his hand resting on his forehead, Obi-Wan swallowed. “Oh
no, you thought of something?” He mumbled.

are more than one video,” Shaak rasped out, eyes wide, her lekkus
curling and twitching as she stared at nothing. “I remember them
playing all of them for the little ones, to make them more
comfortable with the Jedi they would come to serve. There were…
eight or nine videos all in total. Whoever posted it to UsTube

all of them.” Mace finished in a tired tone before frowning,
pausing with his hand over his scalp. “Would
that be so bad, really?” He glanced at the others thoughtfully.

stared at the grandmaster for a long moment before turning equally
thoughtful, considering it all.

his cane on his chair, Yoda let out a deep and thoughtful humming
noise. “Good publicity this has given the Jedi, overturned many an
old prejudiced it has for a simple movie.” He murmured quietly as
the rain thundered against the windows of the council chamber.

his chin slowly, Plo let out a low rumbling noise. “I have to
admit, people have been… less wary of having me around I’ve
noticed when I went down to the slums.” He noted quietly.

too huh?” Depa hummed, tapping her fingers together quietly as she
sat back in her chair.

entire council fell into a contemplating silence before exchanging
long looks and then nodding as they came to agreement.

would do nothing
about the video.

have it taken down, not make a statement about it for now, no
comments, no acknowledgment, no nothing.

far as the rest of the galaxy knew, the Jedi were totally oblivious
to the fact that they were trending on UsTube.

it was in the Force hand how that decision would go.


her mouth as she giggled, Padme stared at the little clip of her
husband and his padawan basically eating what looked like an entire
bantha worth of food in one sitting, both he and Ahsoka absently
poking or shoving each other as they ate, both obviously trying to
annoy each other.

Obi-Wan sat behind them on another table, sporting what was obviously
a faux dignified look for a few seconds when he thought someone was
looking, only for him to grab peas and flicker it at hair and
monterals respectively with a look of utter mischievousness on his

explain a lot about the peas she kept finding in Anakin’s hood when
he came home.

the trooper who had filmed the entire debacle continued commenting on
the utter mischievousness and eating habits of felines and how they
compared to Jedi, using two of the most prominent members as example
in this one.

the videos did explain quite a bit about Padme’s husband honestly.

his tendency to climb all over things he didn’t need to or jump
from the oddest of heights.

being a Force sensitive was a bit like being a cat clearly because
she didn’t think it was isolated to Jedi alone.

Force seemed to give them a few behavioral ticks and the rest was

do have to admit,’ Padme mused as she blindly picked up one of her
cookies while staring at the screen. ‘This exposure is doing the
Jedi a world of good, I’ve noticed less grumblings about them in
the Senate as of the last week or so.’ She thought happily to

some positive or at least thought provoking things were being said
about them and not just negative or angry things.

Anakin looked absolutely adorable being fussed over by Obi-Wan, so
Padme took that moment to take a few screenshots of her husband and
his master, cooing around the cookie.

were just being adorable!

could she not get a few screenshots for her own amusement sake!

Jedi are cats,” Is the opening sentence of the video clicked in a
random holo cafe on Coruscant but it instantly catches the attention
of the entire cafe and suddenly the toydarian, who had been on a five
hour UsTube binge and gotten into a smaller section of the holo net, is overwhelmed with people peeking at their screen
as the video plays.

image showed, with title cards over each of the knights, master and
padawans, a group of Jedi sleeping in a pile, some snoring and others
just quietly sleeping. “They often end up sleeping in piles should
there be many enough for it, just as cats often do.” The voice
narrated happily.

if they weren’t taking a galaxy of impressions and beliefs about
Jedi and shattering them and
as the hour long video continued, all Jedi and troopers who showed
up, got a title card with rank a name appearing over them, to inform
the watcher who was who.

was utterly fascinating and several people were looking up the video
on their own terminals to get a better look, others sending the link
to their friends or family.

as they did, the video continued further on to explain how Jedi were
just like cats.

to popular belief, the Jedi are highly paternal just as cats are,”
That was cued with a shot of what looked like Master Billaba as she
scolded her young padawan, kneeling in front of him while scrubbing
what looked like clay off his cheek, the young man whining as a
trooper stood there, holding a bowl of water for the Jedi with an
amused look on his face. “This parental emotion will include their
adult sprog, as Jedi consider their padawan’s for dumbasses most of
the time unless they prove other wise and must therefore care for
them.” The shot changed to Master Kenobi of all people, shoving
Knight Skywalker into a seat, ranting about hair care and
as he grabbed a brush and attacked the curls which apparently had a
lot of branches stuck in it somehow.

himself was loudly complaining that it wasn’t his fault that there
were so many trees on the way to the camp.

cats, Jedi are also assholes towards each other at random, because
this is instinct to them and apparently they find it hilarious, or so
is the assumption.” Another voice, most likely a trooper too, took
over and the image changed to Master Windu standing at a cliff,
observing something in the distance with squinted eyes as Master Nu
walked by, seemingly observed in her report pad.

when she got up behind him, she suddenly reached out and pushed hard
at his back.

let out a huge yelp and then fell off the cliff at a rather alarming
pace from a sizable height and meanwhile, Master Nu just continued

small, smug smile was lurking on her lips as Windu started to curse
loudly from wherever he landed, the man suddenly appearing on the
cliff again after what must have been quite a jump, the master
glaring after his fellow Jedi before suddenly shaking himself and
turning back to watching, both ignoring what had just happened.

if it hadn’t happened.

if there wasn’t footage of it, most wouldn’t believe it.

this behavior however, gets a distress response from the Jedi that
witness it.” The new narrator continued, much to the belief of those who heard it though that was also turned on its head as two troopers in white
with maroon paint symbols on them were working on a rather huge
shuttle wing, both looking consumed in their work before one of them
suddenly jerked to and then pushed the other off the wing, one
clearly cackling and the other yelling the entire way down.

Master Fisto appeared in the line of vision for the recording,
clearly making what amounted to low distressed noises as he slowed
the descent of the trooper for the last few meters even though the
trooper hit the ground rather hard.

they were even sitting up, Fisto was there, fussing over the trooper
before helping them up despite not being needed to and fussing them
away towards a medical check.

Jedi are also highly interested in grooming and respond to it
favorably or give those they care for grooming sessions, perhaps a bonding experiance for them,” The shot
changed to Master Yoda, sitting on Kenobi’s shoulder, running his
long claws through the others copper hair as the man tried to focus
on the display and was clearly loosing. “Also, General Kenobi is a
sucker for hair pettings and groomings and General Skywalker knows
and abuses this privilege.” The scene cut to another where Kenobi
on a supply crate and was
clearly trying to do work only for Skywalker to tug him closer and
run his flesh fingers through the man’s hair, talking slowly and
soothingly until the redhead’s cheek was settled on Skywalker’s

likely for the best, even in the holo they could see the black rings
around the Jedi’s eyes.

summary, the Jedi are catty, chaos
assholes to each other who
eat like they’ve never been feed
but are wholly protective of their family at the same time as their
asshole behavior does not harm anyone and any indication of injury
will lead to distress responses as witnessed by General Fisto.”

video finally concluded.

a lot of very stunned people who were sharing the video.

Ahhhhhh. I saw your tags on that pic of Ani and Obi-wan. I was wondering if we could see a Padawan Obi getting *pursued* by Anakin and Qui losing his mind

as he hit the ground hard and actually rolled, Obi-Wan inwardly
sighed. He hadn’t thought he was going to beat knight Fisto but he
had hoped to at least last longer than a ten minute duel though by
the applause he heard he must have done better than he thought.

himself onto his back and sitting up, Obi-Wan smiled meekly up at the
naoutlan as he offered his hand with a big smile on his face. “Well
fought padawan Kenobi, you do your master’s training credit.” Kit
said with his normal cheer as he helped Obi-Wan up.

slightly and hiding a wince as that pulled on his injured thigh
muscle, Obi-Wan felt his smile grow a bit larger at the subtle
praise. “Thank you knight Fisto, as always you give a padawan a
good fight.” He stated softly.

he yelped and jumped as he felt a hand drop on his shoulder, raising
his head to find a grinning blond beside him. “Well done Obi-dear!
You put up quite the admirable fight!” Anakin said cheerfully as he
held onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

as Kit crossed his arms over his chest with an amused look on his
face, Obi-Wan smiled shyly up at the knight beside him. “Oh, thank
you knight Skywalker but you didn’t have to come over to
congratulate me…” Obi-Wan tilted his head.

sliding to rest on the others upper back, Anakin shrugged while
pushing his curls behind his ear. “Oh I figured I’d congratulate
you before that gundark of a master of yours shooes me awa-”

A deep, slightly on edge voice called out as a Jedi jumped over the
barrier for the tournament.

of the devil and he shall appear.” Anakin muttered more to himself
than anyone else but Obi-Wan still shot the other a scandalized
expression as Kit visibly struggled not to laugh.

then Obi-Wan was firmly whisked away from the knight and tucked in
under Qui-Gon’s arm as the master beamed down at him. “You did
quite well Obi-Wan! I see you’ve come quite a fair distance to
measure so well up against knight Fisto,” He said with cheer as he
guided his padawan away.

at the pouting knight, Kit smirked a bit. “I see master Jinn still
doesn’t let you linger around his padawan.” He stated in an airy

a protective old gundark.” Anakin pouted before sulkily making his
way over to his match two floor mats over.

if he showed off well enough, Obi-Wan would come congratulate him!

was always kind and enjoyed a good display!

that sounded good.

I was speaking with knight Fisto and Skywalker.” Obi-Wan complained
lightly as he was herded into the crowd of Jedi, all who were doing
their best not to laugh or were gossiping with the person beside

had seen that little display of course and Obi-Wan’s current

then again, the Jinn, Kenobi and Skywalker drama was quite well known
through the temple. Skywalker pursuing the clueless Kenobi who in
turn was being guarded over by a brooding master Jinn who didn’t
think anyone
was good enough for his young padawan, not even the chosen one. It
was the source of many a laugh at the actions of all three and quite
a few bets honestly.

well, we shouldn’t linger on the floor mats when there are other’s
who need the space for the rest of the tournament.” Qui-Gon said in
an airy tone, still keeping his arm around his padawan and quite
pointedly pulling him into his side while giving a suspicious look in
Skywalker’s direction.

the man settled in to his own match-up, Qui-Gon relaxed but didn’t
let go of Obi-Wan.

on that, Obi-Wan finally nodded. “Well true, we were kind of taking
up the space… I’ll have to go thank Knight Fisto later on though
for a good match.” He nodded before focusing on the current duels.

Kit is an honorable man, you do that but that will have to wait, you
pay attention to the duels now and see if there’s anything here you
want to learn. You expressed some interest in learning soresu and I
believe master Julna has an intermediate understanding of it.” He
pointed out the woman.

the opposite end of where Skywalker was.

Qui-Gon, Yaddle let out a tired sigh and shook her head before giving
Yoda a glare. “On you I blame this, your linage this is. My poor
padawan a love struck idiot is.” She looked mournfully over to
where Anakin was glancing hopefully in Obi-Wan’s direction.

knight started pouting when he saw the redhead wasn’t watching.

cackled lightly and then prodded Qui-Gon in the shin only to wack it
when the man ignored him.

and cursing as he held his leg, Qui-Gon finally let go of Obi-Wan
with the padawan taking that moment to focus on the Windu and Billaba
duel, ignoring the now squabbling grandmaster and grandpadawan behind

just looked on with a long suffering expression.

It’s perhaps a little stupid of me but do you think you could do a Obi-Wan Kit Fisto kiss under water?

quirking into a small smirk, Kit slowly continued walking backwards
as Obi-Wan uncertainly followed after the nautolan out into the water
of the pool the man had picked for them. It was one of the tropical
pools of the Thousand Garden’s, warm for the humans sake because
Kit knew how easily it was for them to freeze even as Jedi and he
wanted Obi-Wan to be comfortable regardless if he was uncertain about
joining Kit for a swim.

had picked the perfect spot, one far enough into the garden to
provide them privacy yet one of the ponds that contained a small blue
sanded beach that provided them with a minor stepping system before
they’d be plunged into the deep of the water.

he walked backwards, holding Obi-Wan’s hands as the redhead
followed after him, Obi-Wan’s eyes focused on Kit’s large,
pupilless eyes as he trusted him. Obi-Wan was just a bit body shy,
seeing as how he was dressed in only a tight short that reached
halfway down his thighs Kit could understand that.

how much they grew up around each other, being used to nudity or
accepting that some preferred to be covered up, one could still be a
bit body shy when one was with someone you liked and Obi-Wan was
clearly of that kind.

the other Jedi liked Kit.

him enough to join the nautolan on a swim when he was asked, was
following him trustingly out into the water without knowing what was
in it, without asking Kit if the pool was warm enough for humans.

Obi-Wan had only followed him out into the tropical pool, dropping
the towel on the grass and followed the other male out into the water
when Kit had offered his hands without a word.

eyes swam not with uncertainty but timidity
that he didn’t live up to Kit’s expectation.

was brave.

wordlessly squeezed the others hands in assurance as the water
reached up over his shoulders and he reached the end of the sand, his
smile growing as Obi-Wan understood the silent message, the Jedi
taking a deep breath to prepare before the human followed the other
out into the water.

Obi-Wan, kind Obi-Wan…’ Kit thought as the water rushed up over
their heads, his smile wide in the water as Obi-Wan slowly opened his
eyes to look around through the clear water, his eyes instantly
getting caught by one of the water tubes that allowed travel for
aquatic Jedi through all the water based gardens. ‘Clever Obi-Wan.’
Kit tugged lightly, getting the others attention once more. “Come.”
He chuckled quietly as he observed the strands of hair float.

instantly swam with him as Kit moved, slow as all humans were in
water with his hair trailing behind him and for once Kit did not mind
to swim with a slow partner.

all, he had chosen Obi-Wan for a reason and it had nothing to do with
his ability to swim. It had to do with the way his eyes widened when
he saw the glimmering plants at the bottom of the pond, the intrigue
in his eyes, the excitement to learn
and grow.

that was also the reason he was willing to forsake the code ever so
slightly to pull the floating human to his own body and kiss him
beneath the waves of water where no one would see them, Obi-Wan’s
arms coming up around his neck.

other could not see could be kept between two and the human’s lips
were warm even in the water, softer than a nautolan who swam the
oceans of their worlds and the hair tickled Kit’s face.

temptations were worth risking the storm for Kit knew as he held onto
Obi-Wan’s waist with the underwater plants glowing around them and
the lights above the waves reached down in the distorted water where
no one but them were.

It’s perhaps a little stupid of me but do you think you could do a Obi-Wan Kit Fisto kiss under water?

quirking into a small smirk, Kit slowly continued walking backwards
as Obi-Wan uncertainly followed after the nautolan out into the water
of the pool the man had picked for them. It was one of the tropical
pools of the Thousand Garden’s, warm for the humans sake because
Kit knew how easily it was for them to freeze even as Jedi and he
wanted Obi-Wan to be comfortable regardless if he was uncertain about
joining Kit for a swim.

had picked the perfect spot, one far enough into the garden to
provide them privacy yet one of the ponds that contained a small blue
sanded beach that provided them with a minor stepping system before
they’d be plunged into the deep of the water.

he walked backwards, holding Obi-Wan’s hands as the redhead
followed after him, Obi-Wan’s eyes focused on Kit’s large,
pupilless eyes as he trusted him. Obi-Wan was just a bit body shy,
seeing as how he was dressed in only a tight short that reached
halfway down his thighs Kit could understand that.

how much they grew up around each other, being used to nudity or
accepting that some preferred to be covered up, one could still be a
bit body shy when one was with someone you liked and Obi-Wan was
clearly of that kind.

the other Jedi liked Kit.

him enough to join the nautolan on a swim when he was asked, was
following him trustingly out into the water without knowing what was
in it, without asking Kit if the pool was warm enough for humans.

Obi-Wan had only followed him out into the tropical pool, dropping
the towel on the grass and followed the other male out into the water
when Kit had offered his hands without a word.

eyes swam not with uncertainty but timidity
that he didn’t live up to Kit’s expectation.

was brave.

wordlessly squeezed the others hands in assurance as the water
reached up over his shoulders and he reached the end of the sand, his
smile growing as Obi-Wan understood the silent message, the Jedi
taking a deep breath to prepare before the human followed the other
out into the water.

Obi-Wan, kind Obi-Wan…’ Kit thought as the water rushed up over
their heads, his smile wide in the water as Obi-Wan slowly opened his
eyes to look around through the clear water, his eyes instantly
getting caught by one of the water tubes that allowed travel for
aquatic Jedi through all the water based gardens. ‘Clever Obi-Wan.’
Kit tugged lightly, getting the others attention once more. “Come.”
He chuckled quietly as he observed the strands of hair float.

instantly swam with him as Kit moved, slow as all humans were in
water with his hair trailing behind him and for once Kit did not mind
to swim with a slow partner.

all, he had chosen Obi-Wan for a reason and it had nothing to do with
his ability to swim. It had to do with the way his eyes widened when
he saw the glimmering plants at the bottom of the pond, the intrigue
in his eyes, the excitement to learn
and grow.

that was also the reason he was willing to forsake the code ever so
slightly to pull the floating human to his own body and kiss him
beneath the waves of water where no one would see them, Obi-Wan’s
arms coming up around his neck.

other could not see could be kept between two and the human’s lips
were warm even in the water, softer than a nautolan who swam the
oceans of their worlds and the hair tickled Kit’s face.

temptations were worth risking the storm for Kit knew as he held onto
Obi-Wan’s waist with the underwater plants glowing around them and
the lights above the waves reached down in the distorted water where
no one but them were.

FatherSheev, so who finds ObiWan?

Twitching a bit, Obi-Wan slowly lifted
his head from his chest to peer at the door as he heard something. It
sounded like… blasters?


Squinting through swollen eyes, Obi-Wan
tried to sit up but he was honestly feeling rather weak and pained
since Beckett had yet to feed him at all and only given him a few
sips of water. Her slap had also quite liberally split Obi-Wan’s
lip and bruised his eye so he was feeling rather sore too but he was
rather sure that it was yelling and blaster sounds.

And then he heard it, the beautiful
bellow of Anakin Skywalker as he bull rushes some poor soul and it
almost makes Obi-Wan laugh as utter relief bubbles in his stomach not
unlike sparkling wine. And Force he had no idea he would be this
relieved to know rescue, to know he would be saved because as the
urge to laugh dissipates, the urge to cry announces itself instead
and Obi-Wan has to fight against the thickening in his throat and the
wetness gathering in his eyes.

He doesn’t quite manage it as the
door snaps open, Anakin standing there framed in the doorway like a
knight in shining armor, his blue saber lighting up the drab walls.

A dying snarl disappears fully when
Anakin spots him and he gasps out Obi-Wan’s name as he stumbles
forward, his flesh hand meeting Obi-Wan’s face gingerly.

Nuzzling the hand a bit, Obi-Wan let
out a soft noise. “Cut me loose, please.” He choked out.

“Course, right.” Anakin answered,
fingertips running one last time over the bearded cheek before moving
around the chair only to stop. “Obi-Wan… your hair.” He
whispered in a pained tone.

“I know, deal with it later.” He
whispered out before feeling and hearing the lightsaber touch the
cuffs in the back, looking up in time to see Master Fisto step in,
the Jedi giving him a look over before bowing to him.

“Governor Palpatine, I’m gratified
to see you in one piece.” He murmured before his eyes flickered
again and he stared at where Obi-Wan’s hair was shorn in the back.
“…Even if we were more delayed than you would wish.”

Hands falling forward, Obi-Wan stumbled
to his feet as he played his part for the council member. “I am
alive, that is most important.” He kept his gaze forward, his hazy
mind remembering what his father had told him.

Be careful.

Anakin’s future and his father’s
plan was on the line.

Instead he held up his hands for the
remains of the cuffs to be apparent. “Please, cut these off. I may
not be a Jedi but I am Force sensitive and I feel isolated in my own
head.” He pleaded quietly.

Startled into action, Fisto took
Obi-Wan’s hands and removed the cuffs quickly, all three staring at
them as they hit the floor before Obi-Wan slumped a bit and would
have hit the floor if it wasn’t for Anakin quickly grasping him and
holding him up.

“We need to get him out of here.”
Anakin said firmly to Fisto.

The naoutolan nodded. “Bring him to
your ship, your head medic is well trained and mine was injured
shortly before we were shipped out.” He murmured.


Watching Skywalker lead Palpatine towards
the door, Kit wondered if he had the wrong read on the situation.

Maybe he had been right on the
attraction part but…

Palpatine had not once given Skywalker the
attention Kit thought he would for the kind of relationship he
suspected. Maybe Skywalker was attracted to the younger Palpatine and
that was what he had been seeing?

“A moment Knight Skywalker.” Palpatine suddenly asked, turning his head to look at Kit. “Master Fisto…
Beckett?” He requested then sighed at the expression crossing Kit’s
face. “I see… she escaped…” Palpatine mulled over that, the
short strands of his hair barely stirring in the breeze from the door
and Skywalker looked pained at how short it was.

Not that Kit could blame him really, Palpatine’s hair had been a beautiful thing to see with how long it
was and how maintained it was by the man.

“We should get
you to the medic Governor Palpatine.” Skywalker urged and then half
pulled the man out the door to the waiting trooper escort in case of
leftover men in the base.

‘Hmm… maybe I
won’t bring it up to the council after all, if its just a crush
with Kenobi maintaining a friendship, nothing will come from it…
might talk to Qui-Gon though to advice his former padawan.’ Kit
rubbed his chin before looking over the room where Beckett had kept
the man.

FatherSheev, so who finds ObiWan?

Twitching a bit, Obi-Wan slowly lifted
his head from his chest to peer at the door as he heard something. It
sounded like… blasters?


Squinting through swollen eyes, Obi-Wan
tried to sit up but he was honestly feeling rather weak and pained
since Beckett had yet to feed him at all and only given him a few
sips of water. Her slap had also quite liberally split Obi-Wan’s
lip and bruised his eye so he was feeling rather sore too but he was
rather sure that it was yelling and blaster sounds.

And then he heard it, the beautiful
bellow of Anakin Skywalker as he bull rushes some poor soul and it
almost makes Obi-Wan laugh as utter relief bubbles in his stomach not
unlike sparkling wine. And Force he had no idea he would be this
relieved to know rescue, to know he would be saved because as the
urge to laugh dissipates, the urge to cry announces itself instead
and Obi-Wan has to fight against the thickening in his throat and the
wetness gathering in his eyes.

He doesn’t quite manage it as the
door snaps open, Anakin standing there framed in the doorway like a
knight in shining armor, his blue saber lighting up the drab walls.

A dying snarl disappears fully when
Anakin spots him and he gasps out Obi-Wan’s name as he stumbles
forward, his flesh hand meeting Obi-Wan’s face gingerly.

Nuzzling the hand a bit, Obi-Wan let
out a soft noise. “Cut me loose, please.” He choked out.

“Course, right.” Anakin answered,
fingertips running one last time over the bearded cheek before moving
around the chair only to stop. “Obi-Wan… your hair.” He
whispered in a pained tone.

“I know, deal with it later.” He
whispered out before feeling and hearing the lightsaber touch the
cuffs in the back, looking up in time to see Master Fisto step in,
the Jedi giving him a look over before bowing to him.

“Governor Palpatine, I’m gratified
to see you in one piece.” He murmured before his eyes flickered
again and he stared at where Obi-Wan’s hair was shorn in the back.
“…Even if we were more delayed than you would wish.”

Hands falling forward, Obi-Wan stumbled
to his feet as he played his part for the council member. “I am
alive, that is most important.” He kept his gaze forward, his hazy
mind remembering what his father had told him.

Be careful.

Anakin’s future and his father’s
plan was on the line.

Instead he held up his hands for the
remains of the cuffs to be apparent. “Please, cut these off. I may
not be a Jedi but I am Force sensitive and I feel isolated in my own
head.” He pleaded quietly.

Startled into action, Fisto took
Obi-Wan’s hands and removed the cuffs quickly, all three staring at
them as they hit the floor before Obi-Wan slumped a bit and would
have hit the floor if it wasn’t for Anakin quickly grasping him and
holding him up.

“We need to get him out of here.”
Anakin said firmly to Fisto.

The naoutolan nodded. “Bring him to
your ship, your head medic is well trained and mine was injured
shortly before we were shipped out.” He murmured.


Watching Skywalker lead Palpatine towards
the door, Kit wondered if he had the wrong read on the situation.

Maybe he had been right on the
attraction part but…

Palpatine had not once given Skywalker the
attention Kit thought he would for the kind of relationship he
suspected. Maybe Skywalker was attracted to the younger Palpatine and
that was what he had been seeing?

“A moment Knight Skywalker.” Palpatine suddenly asked, turning his head to look at Kit. “Master Fisto…
Beckett?” He requested then sighed at the expression crossing Kit’s
face. “I see… she escaped…” Palpatine mulled over that, the
short strands of his hair barely stirring in the breeze from the door
and Skywalker looked pained at how short it was.

Not that Kit could blame him really, Palpatine’s hair had been a beautiful thing to see with how long it
was and how maintained it was by the man.

“We should get
you to the medic Governor Palpatine.” Skywalker urged and then half
pulled the man out the door to the waiting trooper escort in case of
leftover men in the base.

‘Hmm… maybe I
won’t bring it up to the council after all, if its just a crush
with Kenobi maintaining a friendship, nothing will come from it…
might talk to Qui-Gon though to advice his former padawan.’ Kit
rubbed his chin before looking over the room where Beckett had kept
the man.

So how’s notwoarealike going? With the whole temple vac and all? (When does Palps find out and how does he react?) Is Obi going to be hauling overtime now that he knows the war’s designed to be lost by both sides from the start? Thanks for all the fantastic writing!

Starting quietly and on the low, the
temple started to ship out their youngest in the cover of night,
guarded by several knights and masters in the know with less knowing
troopers accompanying the ship, the migration of the Order to Devaron

Only a few were in the know and those
that were, kept their kept their karking mouth shuts to prevent

Those that did know only spoke to each
other about it, each wondering why now, in the middle of a war were
they being moved off Coruscant where Jedi had spent decades?

But none protested the Jedi council

Even Jocasta was quietly with her
archivists packing the library and the artifacts of the Order to be
shipped out once the first ships returned from Devaron after
delivering the most treasured of the Order, their young and their
caretakers and protectors.

Several master’s had expressed worry
about the actual size of the Temple of Eedit being big enough for all
of them only to be reassured that if space became a problem, they
would be built.

Orders were given to those who tended
to the gardens to start preparing saplings and seeds to transport of
all the gardens had to offer along with animals and insects to be
quietly corralled in as best possible.

That was not to say that the Coruscant
temple would be left utterly bare but it would no longer contain the
majority of the Jedi Order.

And not their most vulnerable members.

Kenobi had been right about that at
least and Mace had managed to convince the rest, reluctant, he had
dragged them kicking and screaming into agreeing with him if they
didn’t want to. Which explained why Mace and Kit were landing on
Kamino to speak with Kenobi since he was the instigator of this
entire affair.

A clone who walked with a limp
greeted them with a small smile, red hair curled into a small bun in
his neck. “Welcome to casa del Al’Verde General’s, Al’Verde
will be with you soon but I’ve been asked to escort you to a
meeting room and offer you refreshments.” The Kenobi clone said

Kit smiled in return, nodding. “Thank
you, water or tea or even some juice would be good. May we ask your name?”

“Spinner.” The man offered lightly,
leading them through the halls. “My name is Spinner, I’m one of
the vode staff trainers here.” He laughed.

“Forgive me for asking but where are
the Kaminoans?” Mace asked, having taken note that usually it was
them who meet Jedi who arrived. This time however…

Spinner pursed his lips, not unlike his
originator before shrugging. “Al’Verde doesn’t like the
longnecks in this part of the facility. This is his home, he had it
built after buying the spot from them. And he gives the clones free
access but not the kaminoans since they consider us… tools. Tools
that can be discarded when ‘damaged’ or considered useless.” He
settled on.

The Jedi exchanged looks.

“I see.” Mace murmured and after
that, nothing more was said on the subject until Spinner got them
both tea from a stash, boiling it with care.

“I did think this looked different
from the standard kamino facility, its nice to know I wasn’t
wrong.” Kit noted.

Spinner chuckled at that, rubbing his
beard before bringing the tea over to them. “Al’Verde has made Kamino his home even if he didn’t
start out like that. He’s made this his home for our sake.” He
shrugged with a smile before looking up and straightening when the door
opened, giving an easy salute. “Al’Verde.”

Kenobi, sans armor, stepped and nodded
to Spinner, giving him an easy smile. “Spinner, you should get back
to your duty, I’ll handle everything from here.”

There was a nod and Spinner limped
away, chuckling when Kenobi gave him a pat on the shoulder before the
original made his way to the table to sit down.

For a moment none of them said anything
as they stared at each other before Kenobi leaned forward, hands
resting on the table. “I imagine this has something to do with the
information I gave you Master Windu.”

Mace nodded slowly as Kit clung to his
cup. “It does, Temple of Eedit will be safer for us… but its not
as big. We need help to expand… are there anyone you trust that
will not reveal what they know to the rest of the galaxy?” He
questioned. The truth would come out but hopefully the secret of the building would not be widely known.

Sitting back in his chair, Kenobi’s
face lit up with a small smirk. “Well, if that’s all the problem
you’re thinking of… you’re looking at your solution.”

Exchanging confused looks, Kit and Mace
sent the redhead imploring looks that made him chuckle.

“What? You thought the clones could
only go to war? Who do you think built my base?” He teased them.

So how’s notwoarealike going? With the whole temple vac and all? (When does Palps find out and how does he react?) Is Obi going to be hauling overtime now that he knows the war’s designed to be lost by both sides from the start? Thanks for all the fantastic writing!

Starting quietly and on the low, the
temple started to ship out their youngest in the cover of night,
guarded by several knights and masters in the know with less knowing
troopers accompanying the ship, the migration of the Order to Devaron

Only a few were in the know and those
that were, kept their kept their karking mouth shuts to prevent

Those that did know only spoke to each
other about it, each wondering why now, in the middle of a war were
they being moved off Coruscant where Jedi had spent decades?

But none protested the Jedi council

Even Jocasta was quietly with her
archivists packing the library and the artifacts of the Order to be
shipped out once the first ships returned from Devaron after
delivering the most treasured of the Order, their young and their
caretakers and protectors.

Several master’s had expressed worry
about the actual size of the Temple of Eedit being big enough for all
of them only to be reassured that if space became a problem, they
would be built.

Orders were given to those who tended
to the gardens to start preparing saplings and seeds to transport of
all the gardens had to offer along with animals and insects to be
quietly corralled in as best possible.

That was not to say that the Coruscant
temple would be left utterly bare but it would no longer contain the
majority of the Jedi Order.

And not their most vulnerable members.

Kenobi had been right about that at
least and Mace had managed to convince the rest, reluctant, he had
dragged them kicking and screaming into agreeing with him if they
didn’t want to. Which explained why Mace and Kit were landing on
Kamino to speak with Kenobi since he was the instigator of this
entire affair.

A clone who walked with a limp
greeted them with a small smile, red hair curled into a small bun in
his neck. “Welcome to casa del Al’Verde General’s, Al’Verde
will be with you soon but I’ve been asked to escort you to a
meeting room and offer you refreshments.” The Kenobi clone said

Kit smiled in return, nodding. “Thank
you, water or tea or even some juice would be good. May we ask your name?”

“Spinner.” The man offered lightly,
leading them through the halls. “My name is Spinner, I’m one of
the vode staff trainers here.” He laughed.

“Forgive me for asking but where are
the Kaminoans?” Mace asked, having taken note that usually it was
them who meet Jedi who arrived. This time however…

Spinner pursed his lips, not unlike his
originator before shrugging. “Al’Verde doesn’t like the
longnecks in this part of the facility. This is his home, he had it
built after buying the spot from them. And he gives the clones free
access but not the kaminoans since they consider us… tools. Tools
that can be discarded when ‘damaged’ or considered useless.” He
settled on.

The Jedi exchanged looks.

“I see.” Mace murmured and after
that, nothing more was said on the subject until Spinner got them
both tea from a stash, boiling it with care.

“I did think this looked different
from the standard kamino facility, its nice to know I wasn’t
wrong.” Kit noted.

Spinner chuckled at that, rubbing his
beard before bringing the tea over to them. “Al’Verde has made Kamino his home even if he didn’t
start out like that. He’s made this his home for our sake.” He
shrugged with a smile before looking up and straightening when the door
opened, giving an easy salute. “Al’Verde.”

Kenobi, sans armor, stepped and nodded
to Spinner, giving him an easy smile. “Spinner, you should get back
to your duty, I’ll handle everything from here.”

There was a nod and Spinner limped
away, chuckling when Kenobi gave him a pat on the shoulder before the
original made his way to the table to sit down.

For a moment none of them said anything
as they stared at each other before Kenobi leaned forward, hands
resting on the table. “I imagine this has something to do with the
information I gave you Master Windu.”

Mace nodded slowly as Kit clung to his
cup. “It does, Temple of Eedit will be safer for us… but its not
as big. We need help to expand… are there anyone you trust that
will not reveal what they know to the rest of the galaxy?” He
questioned. The truth would come out but hopefully the secret of the building would not be widely known.

Sitting back in his chair, Kenobi’s
face lit up with a small smirk. “Well, if that’s all the problem
you’re thinking of… you’re looking at your solution.”

Exchanging confused looks, Kit and Mace
sent the redhead imploring looks that made him chuckle.

“What? You thought the clones could
only go to war? Who do you think built my base?” He teased them.