Aaahhh! Obi has adopted a pup in LupineCopper, it’s clear as day. Protective!Obi, here we come! His doting on Anakin is ADORABLE, and I love it! They connected so cleanly! I can’t wait to see the differences it continues to make, as they stomp all over canon! They are just too cute, and Qui-Gon indulges them, too, so that’s even better!

Maybe in another world, Qui-Gon would have alienated himself from Obi-Wan at that moment, maybe in another world, his words would have caused a chasm between them.

In another world with a cliche plot intended to cause harm.

In this one however, Obi-Wan’s eyes flashed before he moved forward, instincts pushing natural respect and reverence behind as he settled his hands on Anakin’s shoulders, the boy looking up at him when he did. “Then its a good thing I can train him,” Obi-Wan stated clearly, hunching slightly over Anakin. He saw Ka-Adi open his mouth to the side and beat him to the punch. “After all, I have three years on me before Anakin officially turns thirteen, I will be a knight before then.” He stated calmly, feeling both Qui-Gon’s worry and pride in their bond.

After all, Obi-Wan never put himself at odds with the council before.

Yoda and Mace exchanged looks, the old master frowning slightly and Obi-Wan had to fight his urge to tighten his grip.

He didn’t want to bruise his pup.

Instead he narrowed his eyes at the two masters, knowing that they would be speaking for the gathered council.

The council, regardless what, was never really unified in a decision.

Put ten sentient in a room and there would be at least five sides to any decision.

But they would present as if unified.

Obi-Wan knew better, he had been there during arguments Qui-Gon had started, he knew that some on the council sometimes agreed with Qui-Gon, there was always one who agreed with what Qui-Gon said.

As he had heard once, when nine agreed, it was the tenth man’s duty to disagree and speak their case.

“A padawan you are young Kenobi,” Obi-Wan twitched at being spoken too, almost bared his teeth angrily at Yoda. It was obvious the other went with those words to make Obi-Wan smaller, bringing his title and his age into play. “And too old young Skywalker is.” Yoda tacked on, watching him closely.

A great grandmaster watching a great grandpadawan, a silent rebuke.

The scrutiny and wisdom of eight hundred years.

But not perfect wisdom.

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at Yoda in turn, giving into his urge to bare his teeth even as he forced them into a smile.

Not a nice one if the way he could see Kit Fisto reacting from the corner of his eyes even if Yoda and Master Mace didn’t react. “Then I guess the Jedi order loses a padawan,” He stated as easily as if he was not attempting to leave the only life he knew, giving into his urge to pull Anakin closer to him. “I am not losing my pup.” He tacked on, his pupils slitting for a second before returning to their natural, human state.

Master Mace opened his mouth only to shut it a moment later, a shift going through the entire council, quiet muttering.

Anakin shifted nervously, looking up at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan glanced back down at him, squeezing his shoulders carefully before looking back at the council, his eyes finding Yoda’s and locking in a stare as the old beings ears twitched in thought.

Ancient sentient against ancient creature, the lines of werewolves as old as the galaxy and both equally as stubborn as each other.

How is the council in distant pain? Has qui gon tried to get them to explain things yet?

Rubbing his face after glancing at the closed door, Qui-Gon slowly turned to look at Yoda, giving his old grandmaster a long stare. “…Your sticky fingers are too long grandmaster.” He finally ventured, forgoing all formality even as the council shifted uncomfortably.

“Know not what you speak of I do.” Yoda sniffed at him, giving him a gimlet eye.

Staring back evenly, Qui-Gon shook his head slowly. “I might have put the ice around Obi-Wan’s heart, but I was not the reason it continued to grow,” He stated gravely, holding the ancient master’s eyes. “And forcing him together with me will only keep the ice there, Obi-Wan has no obligation to forgive me, regardless of what a Jedi’s philosophy is. He still walks in the light, by some miracle, considering the missions he has hinted to being given by both the council and the Chancellor himself.” He continued steadily.

There was a long, painful silence before finally Yoda was the one to look away.

Shaking his head while tucking his hands into his sleeves and grasping his own wrists, Qui-Gon let his thoughts rummage a bit before shaking his head again. “I will accept this mission with Obi-Wan, but hear me grandmaster, what you want from it won’t happen. Obi-Wan has moved far beyond me and maybe, one day, in the far future, he may forgive me, may,” He stressed when Yoda looked back at him. “But if he doesn’t or does is up to him. And even if he does forgive me… he is not required to have a relationship to me beyond the letters that state that I was registered as his master. Obi-Wan has moved far beyond me.” He continued gravely.

The silence of the council chamber had never been so uncomfortable as in that moment, at least not for Qui-Gon.

Not even when it was clear Yan had fallen had it been like this, when all the eyes of the council had been on Qui-Gon, prodding and questioning as now both a padawan and a master had fallen.

He was dismissed minutes later, nothing left for anyone to say but he didn’t take the elevator down just yet, opting to move to the large window of the entrance hall to the council chamber.

After a moment, he stepped out onto the balcony, breathing deeply as the fresh wind far above the buildings and traffic of Coruscant hit him.

This far up, the pollution became none existent, especially as public speeders, cars and ships were prohibited from entering the airspace.

Settling his arms on the balcony rail, Qui-Gon let out a deep sigh as he stared out over the city.

Sometimes, he wondered how everything could come to this.

‘Greed. Isn’t that what it all comes down to in the end?’ He mused, staring at the Rotunda.

He didn’t disagree that the Separatists didn’t have the right to leave, of course they did, considering how the outer rims and mid rims planets were often treated, but the way everything was going now…

It was a detriment and the Senate did not make it any better.

He was very aware that the Senate had made it illegal to meet with any Separatists in an attempt to broker peace as it ‘legitimized’ the CIS.

Bantha shit.

Narrowing his eyes, Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his large nose, hearing the council doors swish open as he continued staring at the Rotunda. ‘There is something rotten on Coruscant, like mold, slowly spreading through the entire planet, reaching even the Jedi temple… and it will not be the Senate and what is rotten that will pay the price of that rot.’ He ignored the quiet noise of his grandmaster coming to a standstill beside him.

“…Thinking you are?” Yoda peered up at him.

“…That price we are paying for the Senate is too high.” Qui-Gon murmured, both falling silent once more. After all, the Jedi were used to paying the price when the Senate and the Senators eyed them up.

With everything going on in Tramua Breaks All, the council decide to give obi-wan a soft, fluffy, emotinal support/therapy animal

Pausing with the teacup to his lips, Obi-Wan slowly lowered his cup to stare at his hopeful former padawan before looking to Adi and Plo on the other couch across the caff table. “I’m… I’m sorry, what?” He stated unsurely. He certainly hadn’t heard what he thought he heard.

“A therapy animal,” Adi murmured, smiling faintly at him with her hands settled in her lap, having rejected the offer of tea earlier. “The healers and the council has considered the impact it would have and if you are open to it, it would be beneficial for your further healing.” She explained.

Glancing between the two fellow council members, Obi-Wan eventually turned his head to look at Anakin.

Instantly, the blond shifted out of the armchair to sit beside Obi-Wan on the couch. “I was looking over it too, there’s lots of different therapy animals, they help people cope,” Anakin explained, showing the had he had brought with him. On the pad, there were different animals from akk dogs, normal dogs to felines and even a rat. “Master Plo and Gallia approached me since I was already researching it.” He explained.

“You… were?” Obi-Wan blinked.

Smiling sheepishly, Anakin lifted the pad a bit before dropping it back on his lap. “They help with anxiety, depression and so many other things. And there are some that help you keep to routines or even seizures and honestly, those that have them only have praise for their therapy animals.” He explained.

Shifting a closer to Anakin, Obi-Wan peered down at the pad to take in all the animals, holding his cup tightly.

It was a bit… overwhelming.

The idea of having an animal, something he’d have to take care of and Obi-Wan swallowed thickly. What if he couldn’t, what if they got sick or injured or… or even died!?

A flesh hand gently covered his wrist and Obi-Wan looked up quickly, swallowing as he found Anakin staring at him sympathetically. “You don’t have to pick right now. Or even decide that you want one. You can say no.” Anakin stated quietly.

“Yes, as Knight Skywalker says, you do not have to agree to this,” Plo leaned forward. “We want your best Obi-Wan and your well being and health is our primary concern. So do not rush.” the kel dor stated quietly.

Adi nodded seriously, watching him with a small furrow between her brow, clearly worried about him.

He was making his issues other people’s burden once more and Obi-Wan glanced down at his now chilled cup of tea. “…I’m just not certain I… that I have the headspace to care for an animal.” He quietly admitted, rubbing at the rim of his cup with his thumb.

Anakin squeezed his wrist gently. “And you don’t have to decide for one right now. However, if you do decide to get one, I’m right here to help you,” He stated seriously and squeezed his hand with care before lifting the pad once more. “And there’s a lot of options that could help you. Animal’s don’t care or judge Obi-Wan, they love without compromise or judgment.” He murmured.

‘Without… judgment…’ Obi-Wan slowly lowered his eyes to the pad once more, setting his cup on the table to take the pad while nibbling his lips slowly.

There were a lot of animals just as Anakin said, fuzzy, scaled, hairless and so on.

‘I don’t have to decide now, I can think it over and… and maybe read a few articles too about it… if I give it serious consideration then Anakin won’t be on my case.’ Obi-Wan scrolled slowly, missing the pleased looks the three other Jedi exchanged over his head.

I love how easy and loose Obi-Wan is around Dex in DistantPain! Especially given how he’s been shown to react in other circumstances and with all that he’s been through, I am super curious about how and/or why DEX is the specific person who can affect Obi-Wan so positively! Is there a story there?

Of course, nothing lasts forever and honestly, the boys are frankly just grateful Obi-Wan had the time to eat properly and have a few laughs when the Jedi’s comm chimes and he answers it with a look of annoyance.

“Ugh… okay, Zuru, Dogma, please just stay, grab yourselves a dessert too, I’m needed at the temple.” Obi-Wan sighed, annoyance clear on his face even as he forced a smile on his lips for his men.

“Is there something wrong sir?” Dogma half stood only to sit back down when Obi-Wan waved his hand.

“No, just meddling family. I’ll see you both later on. We’ll most likely be assigned a mission soon, most likely with the 212th.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply before waving at Dex as he swigged down the last of his tea.

With that the Jedi made his way out, the thundery cloud over him seemingly growing as he reached their parked speeders, grabbing the one he had taken out.

Zuru and Dogma could only watch him leave before looking at each other.

“Do you… know what that was about?” Dogma ventured carefully.

Shaking his head, Zuru opened his mouth only for a low but deep snort to interrupt. “That my good friends, would most likely be the summoning of the Grandmaster of the order and the great grandmaster of Obi-Wan himself.” Both troopers looked up to find Dex leaning on the booth,

Notably, the besalisk was leaning on Zuru’s side, giving Dogma space and ability to clearly see him, even if the troopers hadn’t noticed the great bulk of the man coming over.

How a man that big moved that quietly, neither was sure, it wasn’t like Dex Jettster was a Jedi like Krell.

Gripping his cup tightly, Dogma warily peered at Dex even as Zuru just waved lightly, having encountered the man before. Under the table, Zuru comfortingly pressed his calf to Dogma, feeling the other pressing his leg back.

Outwardly as calm as possible except for the tight hold on the cup, under the table, Dogma sought comfort and security. “You mean General Yoda, serah Jettster?” Zuru questioned, leaning a bit back when the large besalisk waved one of his four hand.

“No serah here, any friend of Obi-Wan can call me Dex. Wee tucker has been coming here since he was yee high,” Dex continued to gesture with another hand, still leaning on the booth with his other two. “Fresh faced and chubby looking and yet so terribly fierce. Wouldn’t feel right to have anyone call me anything other than Dex when they’re part of his small ragtag team.” He smiled at them.

Zuru and Dogma exchanged looks, both of them nodding slowly, if the latter a tad more cautiously than the former.

Fair be, it was the first time Dogma had meet Dex at all.

Moving his hand up that had been waving, Dex scratched at his throatsack. “As for my comment… yeah, I mean Master Yoda. Great man, respectable, venerated, old…” He trailed off, his eyes narrowing a bit. “And a grade tool that doesn’t understand that the eons have moved past him and that he is not infallible.” Dex sighed deeply.

Exchanging startled looks, Dogma and Zuru came to a sudden understanding.

Dex Jettster may be the only person outside of the Jedi order, perhaps even in the entire galaxy outside of Cotton, that properly knew the person Obi-Wan Kenobi had become after Qui-Gon Jinn’s actions.


Stepping into the council room, Obi-Wan let out a tired sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. “I thought I recognized the auras outside the room already, but I was hoping…” Obi-Wan trailed off before breathing out deeply, staring at the rest of the council and Qui-Gon Jinn. “Let me guess, another mission with the 212th and potentially the 501st? Far into the dept of space, meaning we’ll have to work together closely?” He questioned dryly.

Most of the other Jedi looked uncomfortable, especially his former master and Obi-Wan inwardly snorted as he let his eyes trail over his fellow council members until he found the culprit.

Obi-Wan eyed the old master before nodding. “Grandmaster, I’d say you look good but you sort of just look like you’ve always have you old, dried out sponge.” He stated dryly with a knowing look in his eyes.

Yoda simply raised his brows at Obi-Wan, the council covering discreet laughs with coughs as Cotton scampered into the room and crawled up Obi-Wan’s back, resting his head on the Jedi’s shoulder. “When almost nine hundred you become, comment on my looks you can.” The grandmaster grumped.

“And when master repudiates you in front of a body beings you respect, you can try to force me to forgive mine, until then, I have other things to do in this forsaken war. Now, what mission is it you have for me?” Obi-Wan drawled, crossing his arms over his chest as he ignored the collective flinch of the entire room.

Old troll 0, Obi-Wan 1.

Kybertears: Well, shit, what’s going to happen now? Obi-Wan can’t handle another flatline and they’re very close to loosing him I feel like, how are they going to deal with that black kyber? Is it still bleeding? Or is the vial somehow keeping it all in?

There was no glow to Obi-Wan’s skin or freckles anymore.

It had all dried up and Anakin couldn’t help but feel that the moment it faded fully, Obi-Wan would be lost to them.

It terrified him as he sat at the others bedside, unable to leave it as he held the hand of his brother in all the ways but blood.

If it wasn’t for the slight, flickering sheen, Obi-Wan would almost look corpse like as it was, his pallor leaving nothing and the blue of his lips terrifying Anakin as he steadily feed Obi-Wan energy along with the healer.

The nice thing with being as full of the Force as he was, was that Anakin could draw on it and feed Obi-Wan more than the healers that were now more frequently switched out as the council slowly gathered in the medical room.

Neither Adi nor Depa had felt comfortable in leaving with the crystal and therefore the rest of the council had been summoned to the room.

Some were taking longer than others unfortunately, due to the outside problem of Anakin having killed the Chancellor.

But whatever evidence Windu and Yoda had dug up from the Chancellor’s corpse and surveillance, apparently it was enough.

The fact that he was a Sith wasn’t something they could use against the Chancellor, however, the things he had done, what he had done to Obi-Wan and whatever was sliced from the computers… well, it was enough to show what was on those terminals.

Anakin didn’t find it too important, what was important to him was the man on the bed and Ahsoka, the latter having come to visit once before fleeing, the hurt in her signature so heartbreaking.

He got it, looking at Obi-Wan like this…

He wished he could run too but it scared him more to leave Obi-Wan alone.

Finally the door snapped open, Mace entering with a stern look that faltered as he got a look at Obi-Wan.

People’s neutral expression outside of the healers generally didn’t last long when they caught sight of Obi-Wan, Anakin had found and while once it might have brought him pleasure and something to laugh at, right now all it did was make him aware just how bad of Obi-Wan looked.

The master of the order shook himself, glancing at the filled up room, Che staring at the council with a pinched look on her face that showcased that she didn’t approve of the overly full medical room but understood the need. “Now, we’re all here, what’s this about a crystal?” The man rumbled.

Depa glanced at Adi before raising the crystal she had in a Force stasis for the others to see. “Here, I theorize its made with Obi-Wan’s blood and… well it’s wrong. When it was being handed over, the lid was jarred enough to open the vial before I put it in stasis, what we felt…” She trailed off.

Kit shuddered, wrapping his arms around himself. “What we all felt, kark that thing is wrong if that was what went through the temple an hour ago.” He stated, all his tentacles twitching and twisting and Anakin had the feeling if he was a human, Kit would be showing off some goosebumps.

That was that dark feeling? Koth spat out, visibly disgusted before his face transformed again. “What did Palpatine do to Obi-Wan’s blood?” He questioned in horror.

There was a series of nods from those who had been in the room when it happened. “I do not know what feeling you’re all talking about,” Shaak murmured, her hologram flickering as the storms of Kamino interfered with the communication. “But even in holo formation that thing is… wrong.” She stated, peering at the vial.

“Purification we need,” Yoda croaked out, scrambling closer to squint up at the vial before looking at Depa. “Remove it from the vial you must, work with it in a shielded container we can not.” He stated.

Clenching his hand on Obi-Wan’s hand, Anakin understood the need but that didn’t make it anymore comfortable for them.

Clearly reluctant, Depa nodded before reaching out with her second hand, one keeping the vial and crystal hovering and in stasis as the other worked at the vial lid.

Thanks to the stasis, nothing was felt outside it, however, the moment the lid was gone, the container started filling with blood and Anakin felt his mouth drop open as it started pouring out of the vial, dripping onto the medical floor.

Several members were caught of guard and started cursing, Yoda barely dodging the blood and Che groaned loudly as Yoda continued backing away as blood pooled onto the ground.

The vial dropped to the bloody pool beneath the black crystal, leaving everyone a clear look at it for the first time.

The blackness almost glowed ominously at them as blood continued to gather at the end and drip down and Anakin felt the urge to retch as he quickly glanced to find Obi-Wan’s dim glow fading even more.

They were loosing Obi-Wan and they were loosing him fast.

Not waiting on the council, Anakin snapped his focus on the crystal instead.

He understood the principle of purification of a crystal that had been bleed.

Take the crystal and overload it with light, overload it like you overloaded a motor with power to make it exploded.

One could make an argument for Anakin not quite being the best to purify something, he was not the lightest of Jedi… but he was among the strongest.

With that he poured himself into the crystal, flushing it with his strength as he remembered Obi-Wan’s smile and the broken promise of Anakin protecting him.

At the very least he’d do this.

Anakin Skywalker would do this for his former master as he tightened his grip on the others hand. ‘Please Obi-Wan… please.’

Mythical Relics, does the Council believe him?

Finally, master Plo stepped back, smiling gently at Obi-Wan. “I apologize for the intrusion Padawan Kenobi, assessments are something the Council has to preform in unique situations as the one we find ourselves in.” He murmured softly.

Nodding, absently rubbing his temples, Obi-Wan watched Plo return to his chair.

He had never liked to have others, outside of Qui-Gon, in his head.

Mental scarring from the attempted mindwipe made his mind fragile to intrusions.

Thankfully, Qui-Gon took pity on him and reached up, resting his hand to Obi-Wan’s temple, a flash of cooling, healing energy crossing his mind quickly but efficiently due to both his experience and familiarity with Obi-Wan’s mind.

It wasn’t something Obi-Wan liked to advertise, the harm the mindwipe had done to him.

He could also feel Anakin cling even tighter to him but was more focused on the council exchanging quiet words, Plo most likely confirming that Obi-Wan was mentally sound.

‘Or as sound as I can be.’ He thought wryly.

Finally, Master Windu shifted forward, the master staring at Obi-Wan with a pinched look on his face. “If we were to accept this, what does that… make you?” He glanced at Anakin and back to Obi-Wan. “Both of you?” Mace added.

Glancing down at the blond clinging to him, feeling Qui-Gon drop his hand back on his shoulder, Obi-Wan shrugged. “I’m a Jedi, that’s all I ever will be. Half-breed and Jedi. My…” Obi-Wan hesitated, searching for words before sighing. “My origins don’t change what I have grown up to be. I do have powers that I could use but…” He paused again.

“Different they are?” Yoda raised his ears, staring Obi-Wan down.

Staring back, Obi-Wan frowned before reaching out his hand to the table to the side.

Slowly, he shifted, taking a deep breath as he extended only his index finger, twitching it lightly.

The Force warped, shifted and out of the mug on the table, water shot and floated in the air with minimal effort.

Obi-Wan drew it to him, swirling it in front of him.

They all watched, some holding their breath and others just gaping as Obi-Wan in moments made the liquid go from mist to ice to fluid to ice again, twisting the ice into sculptures and forms. “My domain is the water, I feel every ocean and every late on every planet in the galaxy,” He murmured quietly, his voice echoing as the green of his eyes shone unnaturally. “I am every ocean. And the water obeys me.” Obi-Wan twitched his finger and the ice shattered, became mist and floated away.

His action left behind eerie silence.

Finally, Plo shifted forward.” And you, young Skywalker?” He questioned into the silence of the room.

Glancing down at Anakin at his hip, Obi-Wan let out a little choked noise when he tilted his head and smiled, the scent of ozone tickling his nose as his knees once more folded.

Faintly he could hear Qui-Gon call his name, feel the man drop beside him.

But more than that he felt Anakin’s hand on his shoulder. “I’m a storm in the making, king of my brethren and they all belong to me,” He leaned in and nuzzled lightly at Obi-Wan. “But that’s okay. You shouldn’t be on your knees for me. That’s bad for you.” Anakin pushed at his shoulder.

Breathing out sharply, Obi-Wan blinked, feeling like the air had been sucked out of him for a few seconds. “…You’re dangerous.” He whispered, trembling faintly.

Anakin was very dangerous, in particular to Obi-Wan.

The boy had too much power over him due to the nature of their being and for some reason, Anakin was king.

Who the hell was his parent, the idea of such a creature terrified Obi-Wan.

Anakin blinked before shrugging. “Uhu. But that’s alright too,” He smiled happily then blinked at the Jedi council. “What happens now?” Anakin asked, a bit of uncertainty entering his blue eyes.

Swallowing heavily, leaning back into Qui-Gon’s grasp as the man was rubbing at his back, Obi-Wan shakily turned his eyes to the council too.

He knew that the questions were far from over, knew there be more for the future. But what kind of future would it be?

Mythical Relics, does the Council know?

The sun was so warm and nice as it shone in through the large windows of Naboo’s palace, the queen having been generous enough to give the gathered Jedi council a nice room to hear the debrief of the mission.

Oh, did Obi-Wan say debrief?

He meant interrogation.

Or that’s what it felt like he was to be at least, standing in front of the council masters with Qui-Gon at one side and Anakin on the other, the boy holding onto his hand while pressing his head to Obi-Wan’s hip, smiling up at him.

For all the unnerving qualities Anakin had, he was still a child.

If Obi-Wan was honest, he would have preferred to speak to his master before he ended up in front of the council. But the medic had informed the council once Obi-Wan woke up and was safe enough to take off the supports.

And they had wanted an explanations for the obviously almost impossible things both Anakin and Obi-Wan had been doing.

The connection the two shared that had become obvious with Obi-Wan being able to conduct Anakin’s powers to save Qui-Gon.

The thought must have floated across the bond he could feel between himself and Anakin, because the boy let out a soft, inquiring noise. Raising his hand, Obi-Wan gently petted the blond fluff of Anakin’s newly washed hair, soothing the other half-breed before glancing nervously at the council.

Expectant eyes watched him in return, both from the council and from his master, though Qui-Gon was more filled with concern.

He had more than once asked Obi-Wan if he felt strong enough to be on his feet and had also suggested a hoverchair.

Obi-Wan had rejected the proposal, now that he was awake, he was soaking in the power everywhere and healing himself.

“An explanation you have for us, padawan Kenobi, hmm?” Yoda questioned, leaning forward in his hover platform while raising both brows and ears.

It was so odd to be faced to face with the council all in a line in front of him and not the circle.

Obi-Wan had to mentally shake that thought, it was clear that while he was recovering, his thoughts were still spiraling a bit.

He glanced at Anakin and then let out a deep sigh. “Please understand masters, I meant no harm by holding back information, however,” He got that out quickly, before any of the now stiff councilors could inject. “The Jedi believe in the Force, in the dark, the light and the balance. In our code and in justice and law.” Obi-Wan stated.

Anakin was holding onto him, a low thrum of power echoing from the boy and into Obi-Wan, encouraging his healing.

Master Windu raised a brow at the stewjoni native. “Yes, this much stands true.” He made a vague finger motion, a ‘continue’ move.

Pausing, gathering his words, feeling his master gentle support with a the man settling his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, Obi-Wan let out a shaking breath. “Had I admitted what I knew, I would have been branded a heretic, even as a child and sent away from the Jedi order, the one home I knew. Or I would have been locked up to be studied under the guise of my Force visions becoming too much for me.” He continued.

Depa and Adi exchanged disconcerted expression and Plo tapped his long claws on the chair arm.

But none of them argued against the potential of such a thing.

It made Obi-Wan even more sure than ever that his decision had been right.

And it made him worry for the admittance he was about to commit to even more, despite the evidence of such what he and Anakin was.

Squaring himself, drawing comfort from Anakin being pressed to his hip and Qui-Gon’s supporting hand, Obi-Wan plongued in. “We, Anakin and I, are half-breeds. That is not to say we are not human,” He stated quietly, licking his chapped lips as the sun shone so warmly against his skin. “We are half Force gods, our parents were avatars of the Force in some manner and we are the product of their… unison with humans.”

His words rang into the silence of the room, Obi-Wan could hear birds crowing and chirping in the distance.

He could feel the disbelief and shock echoing in the room, he could feel Qui-Gon’s hand tightening on his shoulder before relaxing, the man gently thumbing his shoulder in comfort as Qui-Gon sent a mix of confusion yet acceptance his way and he could feel sweat roll down the back of his neck.

Glancing down, meeting Anakin’s blue eyes, Obi-Wan swallowed. “Though Anakin is… different to me. I don’t know why but he is… more and I don’t understand it. I am beholden to him.” He whispered.

There was a shift, the swish of cloth and Obi-Wan looked back up only to jerk a bit as he found Plo Koon right in front of him.

The kel dor lifted his hand, pausing as it hovered at Obi-Wan’s temple before raising his brows. “May I?” He stated quietly. “I need to gauge your… levels of awareness.” Plo explained when Obi-Wan blinked in confusion.

A grimace crossed Obi-Wan’s face before he could stop it.

This was the exact reason Obi-Wan had kept his secret for so long.

That the council would have to evaluate that he wasn’t insane or going off the deep end or becoming unhinged.

Still, with resignation singing in his veins, Obi-Wan nodded, giving Plo permission as he lowered his shields for the other to skim his mind, to assert his mental condition.

All the while, he tried ignored the quiet, frantic whispers behind the man of the rest of the council that would judge his future.

Oh my god I was so pleased to see an update to Lightthroughcracks, because I also have been looking through your archive and it was one of my favorites! Can we please see more of that?

The smell of dorin gas and tea was rather soothing Obi-Wan had to admit, as was the darkness with his face in Plo’s neck.

Now, dorin gas was kinda poisonus to humans but Obi-Wan couldn’t directly find it in himself to care at this moment as Plo’s steady gait swayed him, the council master taking him… somewhere. Obi-Wan wasn’t quite sure where, not willing to lift his head.

He was just so exhausted and the rocking gait was lulling him even more.

It wasn’t directly sending him to sleep but it was making him drowsy for sure.

He could hear people, quiet voices, the scant sound of whispers.


Obi-Wan still couldn’t find it in himself to care.

And then he heard Master Che, alerting him to the fact that he was in the Halls of Healing.

Okay, now he cared.

He let out a low noise, shifting but Plo only quietly shushed him, adjusting his hold on Obi-Wan as he continued walking. “It is alright Obi-Wan, trust me.” The council master murmured quietly, his warm voice steady and soothing.

“I don’t like the Halls.” Obi-Wan choked out into the others robe.

“I know,” Plo chuckled faintly. “Unfortunately, you need it. Trust me.” He repeated.

Reluctantly stilling, the block between himself and Anakin reminding him that they wouldn’t give his padawan back until this was resolved, Obi-Wan dredged up a silver of resentment.

But mostly he just felt ashamed.

Ashamed for being weak, ashamed for leaning on Anakin and more than likely harming the boy.

Force, what if he had done proper damage to him for life?

Obi-Wan stifled a hiccup into Plo’s chest, too tired to really cry again as his eyes burned.

Plo pauses for a moment, there is a murmur of voices but Obi-Wan can’t get himself to focus on them beyond the fact that one is feminine and the other male.

The voices stop and then Plo moves again, his gait still steady and calm, the sound of a door opening and the smell of sterility giving way to… incense?

The scent was slightly sweet, alerting Obi-Wan to the fact as it managed to press its way through Plo’s scent.

Before he could puzzle it out however, he was set down and Obi-Wan let out a tired, questioning sound before huffing in surprise as he was carefully encouraging him to let go.

The room was surprisingly dark was the thing Obi-Wan noted, the room mimicking wood like walls and floor, as Plo slowly, steadily pressed him back and down until Obi-Wan rested on his back on a soft surface, a pillow behind his head.

A bed Obi-Wan’s mind supplied as he took in the almost candle like light of the rooms.

Plo gently stroked his temple, smiling at him before raising his head. “Now then, Healer Turma, if you please?” The kel dor murmured, a human with dark hair and slanted eyes stepping into Obi-Wan’s side, the man smiling emphatically at Obi-Wan.

It was enough to make Obi-Wan tense, having someone seen him like this, regardless of the entire council already had, made him feel ill.

The man didn’t seem to notice though, only bowed his head. “Greetings Knight Kenobi, I am going to give you an examination on the councils request. Please try to remain relaxed.” The unfamiliar man stated.

It left Obi-Wan tensing up, though the healer didn’t call him out on it as he instead just reached out and rested his hand on Obi-Wan’s temple, slipping past Obi-Wan’s shoddy shields now that he could no longer lean on Anakin.

His hand was warm, his hand smelled of hand lotion, a flower Obi-Wan was faintly familiar with as Qui-Gon used to grow them in their quarters.

The thought of his master send a spike of pain through Obi-Wan.

The man went from smiling to frowning fast, Obi-Wan wincing as he felt the probing touch and he almost pulled away when Healer Turma finally reached the fading master and apprentice bond.

He would have if Plo hadn’t taken that moment to grasp his hand, his clawed thumb stroking over Obi-Wan’s knuckles in a soothing motion.

If Obi-Wan had bothered to look around or stretch his Force senses, he would have noticed that Master Mace, Adi and Yoda were in the room too, due to the severity of Obi-Wan’s decline and his expertly managing to hide it.

“Oh dear,” Turma murmured, his frown growing even darker before he caught Obi-Wan’s eyes. “I don’t know how you’ve managed to keep yourself this stable Knight Kenobi, but your head is day six of a nine days hurricane. Any longer and permanent damage would have been in your future.” He stated worriedly.

Beyond exhausted, Obi-Wan just blinked slowly at the man.

A smile lit up on Turma’s face. “However, there is help here for those who seek it. We can help you Knight Kenobi.” He stated quietly.

Obi-Wan just closed his eyes, wishing the day was over.

Could it please be over?

I don’t know if you’re still going with light through the cracks as you’ve only done a single post but I’ve rediscovered it when going back through all your awesome stories and I would love to know what happens next as my subpar imagination isn’t doing it justice. It’s the one when young anakin goes to Depa about obi-was having cracks in his mind and using their bond to keep doing, it ended with Depa dragging anakin off to explain this to others. Please how does everyone react? Does obi get help

Resisting the urge to shuffle his feet nervously in the artificially
lit room, Obi-Wan blearily peered at the council, hoping his eyes
weren’t bloodshot.

suspected that they were but if asked, he’d claim a few bad nights
with visions… hopefully that would be enough for the council.

And it
wouldn’t strictly be a lie, he did have trouble sleeping, despite
gaining some succor from his training bond with Anakin.

of Anakin…

boy was nowhere to be found and Obi-Wan could feel his worry and
anxiety spiking even as he tried not to react to much to the
evaluating stares of the council at all sides. He could still feel
his padawan of course, but it was slightly muted, as if Anakin was in
range of a blocker.

wanted to go find his padawan but first he had to deal with whatever
the council wanted.

Force, he hoped that didn’t mean a mission already.

Master Depa cleared her throat and sat forward. “Knight Kenobi, are
you aware of why you’ve been summoned?” She questioned, her voice
steady… and gentle.

As if
Obi-Wan was a spooked animal, the kind of voice Qui-Gon had used with
injured animals he wanted to care for.

voice sent an unexpected stab through Obi-Wan, his mind aching and
his insides twisting with pain.

But he
didn’t voice that, instead inclining his head. “I’m not certain
masters, as far as I’m aware, I’m not to be sent on any missions
just yet.” Obi-Wan stated, the unvoiced, ‘I have a padawan, I
can’t leave yet.’ lingering obviously in his voice.

members of the council exchanged looks and Obi-Wan had to swallow
another spike of nerves.

this about Anakin maybe?

the council decided to change their mind?

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he could handle if they took Anakin away from

knew it was bad to lean on the bond so much for the support he needed
but the abrupt death of Qui-Gon had not given him any chance to sever
their bond properly.

what had happened was that their bond had been ripped apart,
not just breaking Obi-Wan’s shields but tearing at his soul and it
was a miracle in itself that Obi-Wan was sane, especially after
touching the dark side only moments after the bond between master and
padawan had started to shred.

mind was literally inflamed, infected in a manner, and the only balm
so far was Anakin, the boy like cool ice to his mind and Anakin
seemed to understand.

gave Obi-Wan bit of relief to try and work on the shredded bond and
to try and cauterize the edges of it so to speak.

Kenobi, please lower your shields.” Master Windu suddenly stated.

to stop himself, Obi-Wan jerked back half a step before gathering
himself, staring at the master of the order in shock before quickly
shaking his head. “Masters, I’m not sure what this is about but
that is an inva-”

Yoda’s old voice broke in, green eyes focusing on the old troll as
he stared sadly at him, ears twitching slowly as the cane rested over
his lap. “Know we do, healthy you are not. Your bond, ruined it is.
Strength from your padawan you should not get.” The old troll

panic climbing up his throat, Obi-Wan opened and closed his mouth
before shaking his head more weakly. “Masters, I’m dealing, I
promise it’s not so bad tha-” Master Plo stood smoothly from his
seat and approached Obi-Wan.

for every step the kel dor took, the human backed away until his back
hit the door of the council chamber, his shoulders shaking heavily.

realized his actions were unreasonable, that the council didn’t
want to hurt him.

his mind was buzzing with how disappointed they would be that he
couldn’t manage to deal with his broken bond. He was a Knight for
Force sake, the Sith Slayer! He should be able to handle such a thin-
a gentle hand cupped his cheek, claw tipped fingers gently stroking
at his temple.

Obi-Wan stared wide eyed at Plo, the other man smiling sadly. “It
is alright young Obi-Wan. You can lower your shields, we won’t let
your pain drown you, nor will we judge you for carrying pain.” He

his hands grasping at the smooth, cool door behind him, Obi-Wan
licked at his dry lips. “I- I can’t…” He wheezed.

can,” Plo assured, still stroking at his temple with his thumb. “I
know you can Obi-Wan. A Jedi is not to be attached, but we are not
emotionless and Qui-Gon was your master. You are allowed to grieve
Obi-Wan.” The council master murmured in that soft, even tone, ever
so slightly coaxing.

To his
mortification, Obi-Wan could feel tears building in his already
bloodshot eyes and before he knew it, a harsh hiccup escaped his
throat, his shields crashing down around him as he reached out for

found himself welcomed, the arms moving to hold Obi-Wan up against
Plo’s chest again. “That’s my boy, there you go Obi-Wan, you’re
doing good my boy. Just let it go.” Plo murmured, Obi-Wan
helplessly crying into the others chest, the scent of dorin gas and
tea mixing on the other man’s robe.

up in his release, Obi-Wan didn’t even put up a fight as Plo
gently, but firmly inserted a block between him and Anakin, making a
door where there before was a light switch.

you will heal Obi-Wan Kenobi and the first step of your healing is to
grieve.” Plo stated quietly, holding Obi-Wan up as his knees
buckled under him.

I honestly thought you put Wolfy Rubs on the side in favor of the others. I’d love for it to continue cus Palpatine needs to get wrecked with how quickly O66 is falling out of his grasp.

Leaning forward, Mace caught the attention of the entire council. “So
we are in agreement then, with both master Kenobi and Knight
Skywalker being Coruscant locked, we station the 212th and
501st in strategic areas to shore up the defense of our
temple where the Sentinels and guards can not be?” He cupped his
hands together, glancing to the mutated Jedi in question.

were nodding in agreement, their face the picture of mixed concern
and yet serenity.

serenity was stretching it when it came to Anakin but he was as calm
as he normally could be.

is our best option now that we are uncertain to Chancellor
Palpatine’s motives towards us. Has there been any breaches in the
codes?” Obi-Wan murmured, feeling his mate brush their shoulders

It was
Yoda who answered. “None yet, keeping an eye we have on the old
codes usage, but none used yet there is. Question if know the
Chancellor does I do.” The old troll frowned worriedly.

glances, Obi-Wan and Anakin silently communicated in little facial
spasms and twitches before Anakin sighed and gave his attention to
the full council. “Masters, if it would help, I could go visit the
Chancellor, see if I can suss anything out of his words or actions?”
He offered, his face taunt with displeasure at the idea.

had the entire council pausing, each falling into a contemplating
silence as they mulled over the pros and cons of the idea.

Plo shook his head, his holo flickering slightly. “I am against the
idea, leaving you in the vicinity of the Chancellor may tip him off
that we are aware of discrepancies.” He murmured, frowning

has yet to contact Dibs again,” Shaak spoke up, her holo more
steady from Kamino, despite the distance. Clearly the weather must be
alright at this current moment for it to be that steady. “We may be
able to gain some more details to act upon if Knight Skywalker does
go.” She stated but there was a tone of reluctance in that.

the devils advocate was not easy.

am against it,” Depa added her credits to the pot, a deep frown on
her face. “The Chancellor wanting the codes to our temple is
worrying alone and for all that he has been friendly with Knight
Skywalker, it makes me ill at ease to send the wolf to the lions
den.” She settled on, sending Anakin a worrying look.

Anakin tried not to be offended by.

wasn’t that she doubted his skills but worried about the
consequences should something happen.

the council had to think about when it came to the actions of the
Jedi they sent out.

had been enough anti Jedi sentiments out there the longer the war
dragged on after all and Anakin could understand the worry.

I do with Master Koon and Master Billaba,” Yoda finally croaked,
ears twitching slightly. “Devastation I sense down the path if send
Knight Skywalker out, consciously give yourself away you would not,”
He jabbed a finger at Anakin, the werewolf shifting to a stiff
position. “But a cunning man the Chancellor is. Cunning to remain
in his position as he has he must be. Dangerous it makes him, fear to
loose power the ones at the top do.” Yoda settled back heavily,
sighing tiredly.

As if
he had seen too many situations like this before.

too many greedy beings act out when their powers or positions have
been treated.

maybe he had, he was an old man after all, much older than any other
being in the room.

Plo Koon with his three hundred and sixty years didn’t reach quite
the level of Yoda with his eight hundred and eighty ones.

maybe…” Obi-Wan trailed off, his enlonged ears twitching slightly
and Anakin let out a small whine as he smelled the change in his
mate’s emotions, blue eyes finding the redhead with worry.

what is it Master Kenobi?” Mace prompted, raising his brows at the
copper haired man curiously and a tiny bit impatiently.

Obi-Wan leveled his eyes at Mace, pressing his shoulder to Anakin’s
side for strength. “Maybe we should speak to Asajj Ventress?”
Obi-Wan finished his sentence, clearly forcing it out.

council went quiet, all of them exchanging looks of surprise and

had wanted nothing to do with Ventress since he had attacked and
almost killed her and had only asked enough to know that he hadn’t
turned her into one of his kind.

learning that Ventress showed no signs of being a vampire as he was,
Obi-Wan had ignored all and any conversation containing her name when
it was brought up and that was understandable as he was still shamed
of what he had done even if it was an act of survival.

your friend Obi-Wan, I hesitate to allow you to speak with her,”
Mace suddenly stated, leaning forward with his elbows coming to rest
on his knees, hands clasped together. “But as the master of the
order, I am aware of the antagonistic relationship you have developed
with her and that you may have some sway over her. My question would
be this, why speak with her?” He murmured.

glancing at his mate and then back to Mace, Obi-Wan shrugged. “The
Chancellor is behaving very suspicious and at this point, I am
wondering if he may be involved with the CIS if I may state it
bluntly. She may have some answers to at least close down that
suspicion.” He stated bluntly to the alarm of the rest of the

was a venue they had not considered and now they were worried.