The image, in FreshAndYoung, of little Boba and Din deciding, simultaneously, to ditch their weapons and go all-out is HILARIOUS! And a bit adorable, no lie. Poor Jango, having to witness it with no real measure of forewarning – being TOLD someone is from the future, and SEEING them act on things they shouldn’t know, are two very different things. And writing it from a generally-Clone perspective was delightful, also, since it gave us a bit of insight into THOSE wonderful characters, too! Yay!

Quietly accepting the glass from the other man, Obi-Wan eyed Fett for a few long minutes as the bounty hunter sipped his whiskey, the rain pounding down against the outside filling in the silence that otherwise filled the space between them.

Ever since the sparring, the man had been rather quiet and he knew young Boba had noticed it, hugging his father tightly around the waist before going to bed with the other two time travelers, young Din keeping the cadet helmet, though thankfully taking it of in the bedroom from what Obi-Wan could tell.

Never comfortable to sleep in a helmet after all, even if you could do it.

Not that Obi-Wan could blame the bounty hunter for his quiet.

Knowing his son was from the future and really, truly realizing that his son wasn’t the same person as he had been the day before or the years before that, that the child you had been raising somehow had become a stranger almost in just one night… must be harrowing.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure how he himself would react if Anakin suddenly changed his behavior in such a way, hoped he would manage it but unless it was you in the situation, you couldn’t be sure of your reaction.

Simply sipping the burning liquid slowly, Obi-Wan kept his awareness on Jango, watching him from the corner of his eyes as the man leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, staring into his glass.

Honestly, when Obi-Wan settled down on the couch as Jango helped the kids get ready for bed, this wasn’t quite what he thought the Force was prodding him there for.

But it made sense.

Jango Fett was important in the grand scheme of everything here, he had knowledge, he was dear to Boba Fett and had some measure of control of not only the trainers of the clones but also the kaminoans.

So his connection to everything was important, his bond to his son was important.

It was clear that at this point, Jango was struggling not to drown so to speak and since Obi-Wan was the only other person in the know, he was the one Jango was going to go to. The one to help him swim up.

“…Is this normal?” Obi-Wan let out a questioning hum at the grunted question. “This… this Force osik, time travel, do jetii do this osik all the time or something?” He sneered before taking a big gulp of alcohol, head slumping down a bit again.

Considering that, swirling the amber liquid before taking a sip, Obi-Wan shook his head. “Outside of a few esoteric texts, this is the first time I’ve actually heard of it as a genuine thing. The very first time I’ve experienced it for sure.” He stated wryly, though, now that he knew time travel was real, he couldn’t help but wonder about the multiple dimension theory, for ever decision a new universe.

Was there worlds where this had not happened and yet happened, creating different timelines?

Was everything somehow true at the same time and yet a lie?

Oh, the philosophical conundrum was making his head hurt.

It was a curious thought, if everything was true in some way, was anything really a lie?

Fett let out a deep sigh, though if it was relief or simply expressing his frustration, Obi-Wan was uncertain as he turned his head to watch him, Jango staring into his glass, as if he could find the answers at the bottom of it. “…A month ago, Boba would have crawled into my bed if he had a nightmare,” He murmured. “Now… now I’m not sure what he would do if he had one. If he’s had one at all. The way he fought… the way he talks and moves now…” Jango slowly shook his head.

Peering at him, wondering how it must feel if the person you loved with all your heart suddenly changed, Obi-Wan smiled slightly. “Has he really changed though?” He prodded carefully.

Lifting his head, Fett gave him a gimlet stare.

Obi-Wan simply raised his brow in turn. “Really, has he?” At the prolonged silence, Obi-Wan shrugged. “You know your son best. Yes, you did not teach him how to fight as he did earlier today, clearly. However, you’ve been around that boy since he was an infant, you’ve watched his first steps, his first words, you know him best. So tell me, has young Boba really changed or is it just that he has additional traits you don’t recognize?” He prodded gently.

Jango paused at that, staring at Obi-Wan before tilting his head back, though this time he stared at the window being pounded by rain. Slowly the man started to frown, lips twitching faintly as he mouthed words to himself.

Obi-Wan let him think, savored the whiskey instead as he sat back on the couch and peered at a faint smudge on the roof, wondering what in the world had caused the stain in the sterile being of Kamino.

The Kaminoans certainly had a preference for… sterility.


Of course, Obi-Wan knew that they didn’t see the world as most humanoids did, but… still, this was a living area but there was a distinct lack of color, of shades… of differences.

Just sharp edges, clean cuts and an alarming amount of white or off white colors.

Almost made him think he was in a medical facility at times, even when he was in places aimed to live in or train in and not just the labs.

“Brownies.” Obi-Wan blinked, turning his head to Jango.

The man was staring at the spot too, his lips faintly twitched into a wistful but fond smile. “Pardon?” Obi-Wan tilted his head curiously.

“Brownies, Boba wanted to make brownies,” He nodded with his chin towards the smudge on the ceiling. “I don’t know how, but somehow we… um, we messed up. The brownies batter sorta… exploded?” He colored slightly, taking a quick sip.

Brows raising sharply, Obi-Wan quickly looked up at the ceiling and then towards the kitchen.

Then he turned his head back at Jango, eyes wide. “…How in Force na-”

Jango just shrugged, still smiling despite the pink dusting his ears and cheeks. “…You’re right. Its still Boba in there.” He whispered, staring at the ancient smudge that had once been brownies batter once upon a time.


JangObi/Kenfetti fan art based-off the breakfast scene in Hannibal.

Trying out colouring and shading in Krita, and gotta say that painting in Krita is both harder and easier compared to in photoshop lmao. Still don’t understand how clipping masks work in Krita T.T