You’re killing me with iseelight. Can we please get the quiobi reunion we deserve? Or possibly a painful one where they both trip over their own tongues and it ends badly (not forever, just like a more drama stakeraising thing)

awkwardly twisted in his lap as he wished for tea, Obi-Wan kept his
head down even as his sightless eyes were useless in this situation.

instinctual cues were hard to forget for a body working on muscle
memory in response to Obi-Wan’s anxiety, fear and nervousness as he
continued twisting the hem of his shirt tunic, picking at loose

hadn’t expected company, thought people would give him space the
first two weeks, and Quinlan did not count as a fellow Shadow who had
the social norm understanding of a rancor in a livestock pen.

hadn’t thought Qui-Gon would come sniffing on the third day as
Obi-Wan was still getting his new quarters ready for himself,
freshening everything, getting things settled into cupboards and
shelves and making sure his couch and bed was comfortable.

make a home out of his quarters now that he was back in the temple.

so he had put on a threadbare, short sleeved tunic that stopped at
his elbows as he worked around the room in only that and his
leggings, bare feet padding silently around the room with his sonar
ears settled on his bedside table.

didn’t need the extra sensory tool in his own quarters after all
and it could be tiring to use it too much.

he had been taken off-guard by Qui-Gon.

alpha had suddenly been at his door and Obi-Wan hadn’t thought it
over before opening the door to let the man in, his heart pounding
with fearful hope in his chest.

he couldn’t help but remember all the scars covering his arms and
his feet.

how he only had three toes on each foot, remember how he was blind
and broken and Qui-Gon could see the scars covering from his fingers
and up to his elbows with more hiding under the clothes that Qui-Gon
could not see.

beside the glowing
with the Force
alpha had never felt as terrifying and awkward as in this moment and
Obi-Wan included the first day he became Qui-Gon’s padawan and the
day he entered heat for the very first time, a flushed and panting
mess stuck in a cruise ships quarter with Qui-Gon’s hand on his
forehead as his master tried to coax him through a meditation to calm
down and keep him from overheating.

was cooling on his skin and cloth and yet Obi-Wan couldn’t bring
himself to excuse himself to go fresh up, his tongue felt like it had
been welded to the bottom of his mouth, his jaw locked.

jumped a bit when a large, warm hand touched his wrist, Qui-Gon
letting out a low noise Obi-Wan couldn’t decipher at the reaction.
“Oh Obi-Wan…” He rumbled, his brogue deep.

a bit, Obi-Wan let the other pull his hands apart to pull the
arm to him, blunt fingertips slowly exploring the scarred and ruined
skin, Obi-Wan’s fingers twitching slightly at the touch of those
warm fingers on his upper arm.

the first time Obi-Wan wondered the color of his scars.

they pale white?

they pink?

were they dark brown, vividly obvious on his own pale skin to not
leave him a chance to hide the ugly scars left on him by the scum of
the galaxy.

had lost his sight before most of the scars on his body appeared and
therefore he did not know how most of them looked in terms of color,
only how they felt and the size and form.

was the alpha thinking, sitting beside this scarred, blind and almost
broken omega, the omega that maybe couldn’t carry kits because of
all the injuries.

wouldn’t know that until after he had the healer examination
scheduled in four days and didn’t know what to say if Qui-Gon
should ask in that moment. Obi-Wan’s heart was beating so hard it
was amazing it wasn’t beating out of his chest and blood was
roaring through his ears making it hard to hear anything.

still Qui-Gon’s fingertips were slowly exploring the skin up to the
elbow and back down before turning the arm to examine the inner side
of it.

see the viroblade scars, burn scars, manacle scars, puckering
infected wounds that hadn’t been attended to until much later.

telling the horror of missions gone wrong.

Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon finally breathed out, his voice heavy and Obi-Wan
could almost imagine the slump of the others shoulders. “What
happened to you?” He whined softly.

was no disgust in the others voice but the pity…

was unbearable and Obi-Wan felt himself crumble under the words as
tears filled his blind, glazed eyes as his fingers twitched. ‘How
could any alpha want something as broken as me?’ The knight thought
with despair as his heart broke.

Ooh Obi gets to be sneaky in ISeeLight, so is he close with Vos and the other Shadows? They’d probably have a lot of great stories to share with each other (if highly redacted). It would be cool if the Shadows and other undercover Jedi tended to be omegas (or betas, if there are any) since they’re supposed to be caring and docile arm candy. Also, I bet Anakin would adopt Obi into his mech hoard if he let him improve the cat ears ;3

you still want me when you come back… if you still want me then
Obi-Wan, come find this old broken alpha and I’ll be yours if
you’re still the omega who wants someone as broken as me for
a mate.’
The words had been whispered so sweetly against his lips, the chest
rumbling beneath his hands as Obi-Wan leaned up against the other
man, standing on his toes.

that had been when Obi-Wan himself was not broken.

he could see and did not wear the robotic cat ears that allowed him
to sense the world along with the Force, giving him a very echo
location like sight, when
his body wasn’t covered in scar like a canvas of the galaxies

was broken from his thought as an arm grabbed around him, Quinlan
letting out a loud, happy laugh as he dropped down on the couch
beside him. “I can’t believe you’re finally back you lucky
dog!” The other omega greeted happily as he tucked a cup into the
blind Jedi’s hand. “I’d ask for stories but I know it’s all
classified just like all Shadow work.” Quinlan chortled.

the man distract him as he had offered when inviting the returned
redhead to his quarters, Obi-Wan chuckled faintly. “As you well
know from being one yourself. How goes life by the way? Heard
anything from any of the others?” Asking curiously, Obi-Wan sniffed
at the cup before taking a sip.

kiffar ale, not the worst of what Quinlan offered people to drink.

you know, pretending to be arm candies, being teases and hitting when
people least expect it.” Quinlan shifted, the air shifting and
Obi-Wan could almost see the hand moving in front of him in a
swishing motion.

softly, Obi-Wan continued sipping slowly as he let the other fill his
head with chatter.

not to think too deeply on his own ruined body and eyes.

not to think of deep blue eyes and a broken nose.

you smell of distress, what’s wrong Obi-Wan?” Quinlan’s happy
voice had sobered up and Obi-Wan shook himself but remained under his
fellow omega’s arm.

with the cup, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it again,
hesitating. “…Am I broken Quin?” He finally asked, trying to
sound questioning but ending up sounding small and sad.

was a long pause before Quinlan suddenly dragged him into his lap and
hugged him tight. “I’m breaking the nose of whoever said that to
you,” The other omega snarled. “No, you are not
broken Obi-Wan. You are still just as capable and just as beautiful
as you’ve always been and to kark with anyone who says that.” The
kiffar growled protectively.

harshly, his mech ears shifting to take in noises both inside and
outside of the quarters, Obi-Wan clenched his hands on the cup. “But
I can’t see and you… you saw the scars on my hands, those aren’t
the only ones.” Obi-Wan offered up shakily. Quinlan had come
barging into his quarters and Obi-Wan may have been able to throw on
clothes quickly but bandaging his own hands in seconds was a lot

Quinlan had touched his hands, had seen
with his psychometry.

his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder, Quinlan let out a huffing breath.
“You listen to me and you listen well Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are not
broken, you are not chipped and you are not ruined. You are still the
bad mother fucking Jedi we were when we started out and a knight
worth your weight in solid gold and anyone who says anything else
deserves to have their noses and thigh bones broken,” Quinlan
whispered harshly. “And any alpha or omega or null would be lucky
to have your attention.” He settled on, going quiet.

you think Qui-Gon still loves me?” Obi-Wan questioned desperately
and Quinlan let out a noise so wounded and reassuring at the same
time that Obi-Wan couldn’t help but let out a sob and drop the cup
to the floor, burying himself into Quinlan’s shoulder, he’d
apologize and offer to clean it later but right now he needed

does Obi-Wan, of course he does Obi-Wan.”

So… how about an overly scarred omega Obi-Wan returning from some kind of mission?

of the fingertips and head, there is no part of the Jedi’s skin
that can be seen as he’s wearing a turtleneck shirt and his
fingertips are bandaged to the second knuckle of each hand.
an unusual style of fashion for an
omega for
sure but Qui-Gon guesses he has no place to judge that and the omega
in front of them looks fairly comfortable.

its just so good to see Obi-Wan once more, despite
the mechanical feline shaped ears suited on the top of his head.

undercover missions out in the galaxy had felt like it had taken
forever though Qui-Gon knew well there were those who spent half
their lives undercover compared to Obi-Wan’s eight years. But…

alpha was selfish.

had missed Obi-Wan, especially with how they had ended their
relationship and now the padawan turned knight stood in front of the
straight backed and beautiful, a wonderful copper beard framing his
and his hair gathered back in a nerf tail with just a few strands
falling out and framing the other mans face.

ears stationed
on top of the others head were
the only thing disturbing Qui-Gon.

those ears were the confirmation to the rumors he had heard about two
years ago.

was blind.

was using assisting white
ears with blue light details
that picked up on noises to aid him and had opted for the feline make
of them because of the sensory impressions they also gave him despite
being utterly blind. As far as Qui-Gon understood, using them all the
time could be dangerous, give a sensory overload so clearly Obi-Wan
was only using them at the moment for sounds
not the additional echolocation sensory ability it gave.

Force is a strong ally… but out undercover alone, a Jedi sometimes
needs more.’ Qui-Gon mused to himself as Obi-Wan continued
reporting the end of his mission, speculating
that the ears were sort of like a headband only maybe more connected
in a manner, maybe even implanted?

Mace sat up in his chair, nodding most likely automatically out of
habit. “Good, well done Knight Kenobi. Its a pleasure to finally
greet you back in the temple and its been decided you will go through
a teaching rotation before you start on the normal mission grind.”
The master rumbled out before smiling softly. “And of personal
note… welcome back Obi-Wan, the temple has missed you.” He said
in a softer tone.

his head, the ears flickering with a little low whir, Obi-Wan smiled
in return. “Thank you Mace, I admit its been a while.” He agreed.

chuckled at that. “Sad I was to hear of your injury but adjusted
you seem to have.” He noted which had Obi-Wan nodding though not
saying anything about it as his ears instead tilted in Yoda’s

forward, Qui-Gon set his elbows on his knees as he swallowed the
little ball of nerves in his throat, it had just been so long since
they had spoken! “Yes, we were all very upset to hear that.” He
rumbled out as he watched Obi-Wan closely.

young omega only sent him a brief smile. “Well, I’ve recovered
quite well and I have the tools of the trade so to speak.” He
chuckled quietly as he pulled a short stick from his belt which
expanded to a full length cane in black.

if Obi-Wan was aware of such a thing…

in relief, Qui-Gon nodded.

had been so worried that Obi-Wan would want nothing to do with him
and he wouldn’t blame the young omega if that was the case. Qui-Gon
knew he had acted in haste with Anakin, pushing Obi-Wan pretty much into
the path of a shuttle but he had been so desperate back then.

been so tired…

wouldn’t say that though, he would take responsibility for his
actions because he knew that they needed to speak about it.

good to have you home Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon said in a heartfelt tone.


his way from the
council chamber, Obi-Wan let out a soft little sigh as he stopped in
front of the elevator that would bring him down. He knew that the
council debrief would drag on for a while but not that it would take
a full hour and a half for him to finish.

to be fair, his last mission undercover had been a year long.

he was home, he was going to do a teaching rotation and then take
common missions.

was so good to finally be home, the safety of the temple wrapping
around him as he let himself relax into the Force, the feline ears on
top of his head picking up the low murmur of conversation that the
council was having despite the door being closed.

Obi-Wan wanted, he could focus them enough to actually hear what they
were saying but he had no need of that.

Obi-Wan was home and he was safe.

need to spy, no need to be cautious… home.

So… how about an overly scarred omega Obi-Wan returning from some kind of mission?

of the fingertips and head, there is no part of the Jedi’s skin
that can be seen as he’s wearing a turtleneck shirt and his
fingertips are bandaged to the second knuckle of each hand.
an unusual style of fashion for an
omega for
sure but Qui-Gon guesses he has no place to judge that and the omega
in front of them looks fairly comfortable.

its just so good to see Obi-Wan once more, despite
the mechanical feline shaped ears suited on the top of his head.

undercover missions out in the galaxy had felt like it had taken
forever though Qui-Gon knew well there were those who spent half
their lives undercover compared to Obi-Wan’s eight years. But…

alpha was selfish.

had missed Obi-Wan, especially with how they had ended their
relationship and now the padawan turned knight stood in front of the
straight backed and beautiful, a wonderful copper beard framing his
and his hair gathered back in a nerf tail with just a few strands
falling out and framing the other mans face.

ears stationed
on top of the others head were
the only thing disturbing Qui-Gon.

those ears were the confirmation to the rumors he had heard about two
years ago.

was blind.

was using assisting white
ears with blue light details
that picked up on noises to aid him and had opted for the feline make
of them because of the sensory impressions they also gave him despite
being utterly blind. As far as Qui-Gon understood, using them all the
time could be dangerous, give a sensory overload so clearly Obi-Wan
was only using them at the moment for sounds
not the additional echolocation sensory ability it gave.

Force is a strong ally… but out undercover alone, a Jedi sometimes
needs more.’ Qui-Gon mused to himself as Obi-Wan continued
reporting the end of his mission, speculating
that the ears were sort of like a headband only maybe more connected
in a manner, maybe even implanted?

Mace sat up in his chair, nodding most likely automatically out of
habit. “Good, well done Knight Kenobi. Its a pleasure to finally
greet you back in the temple and its been decided you will go through
a teaching rotation before you start on the normal mission grind.”
The master rumbled out before smiling softly. “And of personal
note… welcome back Obi-Wan, the temple has missed you.” He said
in a softer tone.

his head, the ears flickering with a little low whir, Obi-Wan smiled
in return. “Thank you Mace, I admit its been a while.” He agreed.

chuckled at that. “Sad I was to hear of your injury but adjusted
you seem to have.” He noted which had Obi-Wan nodding though not
saying anything about it as his ears instead tilted in Yoda’s

forward, Qui-Gon set his elbows on his knees as he swallowed the
little ball of nerves in his throat, it had just been so long since
they had spoken! “Yes, we were all very upset to hear that.” He
rumbled out as he watched Obi-Wan closely.

young omega only sent him a brief smile. “Well, I’ve recovered
quite well and I have the tools of the trade so to speak.” He
chuckled quietly as he pulled a short stick from his belt which
expanded to a full length cane in black.

if Obi-Wan was aware of such a thing…

in relief, Qui-Gon nodded.

had been so worried that Obi-Wan would want nothing to do with him
and he wouldn’t blame the young omega if that was the case. Qui-Gon
knew he had acted in haste with Anakin, pushing Obi-Wan pretty much into
the path of a shuttle but he had been so desperate back then.

been so tired…

wouldn’t say that though, he would take responsibility for his
actions because he knew that they needed to speak about it.

good to have you home Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon said in a heartfelt tone.


his way from the
council chamber, Obi-Wan let out a soft little sigh as he stopped in
front of the elevator that would bring him down. He knew that the
council debrief would drag on for a while but not that it would take
a full hour and a half for him to finish.

to be fair, his last mission undercover had been a year long.

he was home, he was going to do a teaching rotation and then take
common missions.

was so good to finally be home, the safety of the temple wrapping
around him as he let himself relax into the Force, the feline ears on
top of his head picking up the low murmur of conversation that the
council was having despite the door being closed.

Obi-Wan wanted, he could focus them enough to actually hear what they
were saying but he had no need of that.

Obi-Wan was home and he was safe.

need to spy, no need to be cautious… home.