Oh, FertileWar is both intriguing and wonderfully amusing! I love how balanced and in control everyone is about the whole thing, at this time (and it does make sense, considering the main players are a grown Jedi Knight, and men raised from the cradle to have the ridged self-discipline of soldiers). It makes, as Obi-Wan noted, seeing the affection THROUGH the biology much easier! How well CAN Anakin read his former Padawan, though? Is he aware of the attractions, after seeing things in person?

There was something going on with his padawan and his men.

Of that Anakin was certain and he didn’t know better, it almost felt like Obi-Wan was… well, for the lack of a better word, crushing on his own men.

All of them.

Now, Anakin wasn’t stupid. His padawan was a young man, young men had urges most of the time unless they were asexual and even they occasionally felt lust. Obi-Wan, he knew was not asexual and had actually caught the other in a tryst or two.

He may also have scared at least one fellow padawan of his padawan out of their quarters by glowering.

Regardless how much Obi-Wan had been angry at the time, Anakin still kept his opinion about padawan Dilero-Dan, at twenty four, him paying that much attention to Obi-Wan at sixteen was not acceptable.

Now though, now Obi-Wan was an adult, if he wanted to shack up with someone, Anakin wasn’t about to stop his padawan, hell, depending on the person, he might even encourage the other. Release was healthy and despite how embarrassed it made both Anakin and Obi-Wan, Anakin had made sure to have a throughout sex talk with the other.

So, having a crush or two on some of his men wouldn’t have shocked Anakin, they were capable and Anakin, for all that he didn’t like the man himself, could tell that Jango Fett was objectively handsome.

But this wasn’t just one crush or even just a handful of the troopers.

It was all of them and that just…

It boggled Anakin’s mind and that wasn’t the only thing. The other thing was that the troopers themselves also seemed to have their own crush on their General.

It was the 501st that clued him in that something was up honestly, the way they seemed to both want to drift closer to Obi-Wan and yet firmly tried to keep professional. And Anakin had caught Rex quietly dressing down a shiny that had seemed to follow Obi-Wan around for a day.

Something was up and he’d have to ask Obi-Wan about why every clone around them seemed to find themselves attracted to Obi-Wan.

Shockingly, Anakin’s usual protective instincts weren’t surfacing at the thought.

Normally, uncut attention to Obi-Wan had Anakin’s instincts rearing to go and he had often cut of those that had less than stellar intentions with his former padawan, even if Obi-Wan at the time hadn’t realized it.

Maybe some would see it as him being overprotective but… well, Anakin was to teach and guide, that was his job and he wanted the other to be healthy.


The troopers didn’t initiate that feeling, Cody standing so close that his hip brushed against Obi-Wan’s didn’t make Anakin’s skin crawl as they went over the battle prep and strategy. The sight of Cody’s gloved and armored arm bumping against Obi-Wan didn’t make Anakin want to break the commander’s arm.

It was the strangest sensation, Anakin didn’t trust a lot of those that expressed interest in Obi-Wan, outside of a few of the Jedi back at the temple that Obi-Wan had cautiously explored with as a youth.

It made Anakin mull over the reason.

They were men after all, human men and Anakin had always dealt with those with extreme prejudice when it came to his padawan due to his body being slightly different and his gender having been difficult at times, even if Obi-Wan comfortably called himself male now.

That had taken a few years though, before Obi-Wan was certain.

So Anakin had protected him through those years as Obi-Wan figured himself out as his body changed and developed.

So, why wasn’t Anakin reacting to the troopers how he normally reacted?

He should be throwing a fit, throwing Cody as far away from Obi-Wan as he could, barring any of the troopers access to Obi-Wan by contacting the council to alert them to the strangeness of the troopers reaction to Obi-Wan.

True, there were some of the troopers, his own that was, that made his teeth itch if they got too close to Obi-Wan but…

“Master?” Obi-Wan’s voice broke through his thoughts and Anakin looked up in surprise, finding Obi-Wan, Cody, Rex and lieutenant Waxer looking to him along with Echo and Fives from the recon team.

He winced. “Apologies, could you repeat that? I was deep in thought.” Echo and Fives traded quick looks before the latter reiterated the information he and Echo had found on their scouting mission.

As he did, Anakin couldn’t help but glance at Cody, finding the man intently focused on Fives, eyes never wavering with his helmet beneath his other arm.

Not distracted, not leering, not making a big fuss of it all…

‘Oh,’ Anakin blinked in sudden realization. ‘I trust them. I trust them to remain professional and I trust them not to harm Obi-Wan, I trust them not to take advantage of him or him of them… that’s why.’ Anakin tilted his head, looking at Cody and Obi-Wan, standing so close and yet obviously paying attention to the report.

Anakin Skywalker trusted the 212th with Obi-Wan’s health and comfort.

Fertilewar: is Anakin going to show up at some point?

Shrieking loudly in shock as he was lifted of his feet, Obi-Wan would later deny just how loud the sound was, regardless of whatever blasted holo records existed. As it was, he didn’t think about that at all as he was twirled around in the air. “OBI!” A goofy, familiar voice called before Obi-Wan was set down and pulled into a tight hug with a coo.

“Master!” Obi-Wan protested, face burning against the others shoulder as he felt the amused attention of every trooper within distance, clearly all of them had seen Anakin treat him like a youngling.

“Why yes, that’s me,” Anakin finally pushed Obi-Wan back enough to look at him, grinning brightly as he flashed blue eyes over his face. “You’re looking decent, hair growing out quite a bit too.” He stated amusedly, reaching up to playfully tug on some of Obi-Wan’s styled back hair.

Hissing a tad like a cat, Obi-Wan reached up to slap away the others hand, huffing loudly as he stepped back. “Master stop that, I’m not a child.” He complained, trying not to pout.

By the way Anakin was smiling at him in even more amusement, it was clear he was failing.

Honestly, Obi-Wan had known the moment he and Anakin had been paired up for this campaign by the council that this was going to be the outcome.

The other was just too touchy feely and always tended to cuddle Obi-Wan as if he was an oversized teddy.

Not that… well, not that Obi-Wan hated it, not really. It was just a tad embarrassing in public, seeing as they were in the middle of the camp and Commander Cody was right beside him.

Not to mention the clearly amused Captain Rex at Anakin’s side, the blond clone’s brow raised at them.

“You’re an awful child, really,” Anakin sighed playfully, wrapping his arm around Obi-Wan while pulling him along towards the command tent. “Here I am, your master, after weeks and months of distance and all you can do is yell at me.” He playfully pouted and Obi-Wan’s ears burned as he heard a few muffled coughs around the camp.

“Master!” He groaned deeply, covering his face with his hands. He should have kept a better eye on when the Resolute was scheduled to arrive, he knew Anakin was going to be a twat about the entire thing.

“Yes, that is me!” Anakin stated breezily, pulling into the command tent to glance around. “Huh, looks like a good set up. Well done Obi-Wan.” He hummed out.

Coloring even more, grateful for the dark of the tent, Obi-Wan pressed into Anakin’s side. “I can’t take all the credit, Commander Cody and Lieutenant Waxer have been superb help.” He murmured quietly, not wanting to take away from the two despite always loving praise from Anakin.

At the holo display, Waxer puffed up a bit, sending Obi-Wan a short smile and he could feel Cody straighten up behind him at the praise.

Chuckling a tad, Anakin nodded. “Skilled troopers do make it easier but I know you’re skilled too my teeny tiny padawan.” He playfully tugged at Obi-Wan’s hair again, this time going for the hair beneath his right ear.

The place his padawan braid had once been, the braid he had gifted Anakin with.

Obi-Wan grimaced a tad but smiled up at him.

For all that Anakin could be an unbearable twat at times… Obi-Wan was happy he had been paired up with the man. He had missed just holo calling his master. “I’m knight Obi-Wan Kenobi now,” He huffed. “And I’m not tiny.” Obi-Wan grumbled quietly, not really as upset as he pretended.

But then despair hit him as Anakin’s face lit up with unholy glee, the blue light of the terminals and holo display giving him a devilish look. “Hello there not tiny, I’m master.” He crooned evilly.

Gaping at his master, Obi-Wan let out an outraged gasp then shoved the laughing Jedi master away. “MASTER!”

In Fertile War, I’m really intrigued about how Obi-wan will deal with knowing it’s likely because he’s Stewjoni and not for himself that the clones are so fascinated with him. For someone that has never really been chosen first, that must be a hard blow. Can we see more about how Obi-wan reacts to that, and if the clones respond in anyway?

Pausing as there was a click, Obi-Wan lifted his head to see a steaming, half-full cup and a plate of food beside his elbow and quickly, he looked up at Commander Cody with surprise. “Commander?” He murmured.

The other smiled slightly at him, the familiar sense of hunger that often left Obi-Wan feeling discontent due to it being a stupid genetic thing still there but… overshadowed by other feelings.

Concern, fondness and a low level irritation.

“I know we have to finish up our reports sir, but you need to eat too,” The commander stated quietly, quickly raising his hand when Obi-Wan opened his mouth. “Please sir, the troopers would feel… better if you ate at least a little. We know Jedi can keep themselves going on the Force,” There was a twitch in his face, as if the man wanted to call bullshit and Obi-Wan had to admire that restraint. “But a small break for some food won’t be amiss… and the tea is caffeinated, to keep you awake.” He tacked on.

Obi-Wan paused at that, glancing longingly to the tea and almost letting out a whine of surprise when he took in what tea.

Krayt bean tea, it was massively stimulating and only to be consumed in small measures, only a cup a day to prevent a caffeine overdose. Anakin had gotten him damn addicted to the stuff, it had been the sole reason Obi-Wan had powered through studying for three exams and taking one in one day by drinking four cups.

He may also have tried to rub Yoda’s head while seemingly vibrating into a fourth dimension and supposedly he also repeated everything Yoda or Mace Windu said.

Oh and he also may have stripped naked and streaked into the Archives but that was tactfully not brought up too often by those who witnessed it.

Unless it was Anakin.

Anakin liked to hold it over his head and to playfully poke him in the ribs or rest his arms on top of Obi-Wan’s head while cheerfully reminding him of it.

Carefully, Obi-Wan pulled it towards him and looked up at Cody with wide eyes. “How did you…” Krayt bean tea was a very particular tea and very niche. You either enjoyed it or you hated it, no in between and due to so few enjoying it, most vendors didn’t carry it even among those that sold tea.

Cody smiled a tad sheepishly at that, rubbing at his temple scar. “I… well, apologies sir, but I may have been eavesdropping a tad on you and General Skywalker sir. You mentioned that this tea aided you when you were tired and Boil managed to get his hands on it during that scouting mission you sent him and his group out on.” Cody explained carefully, straightening in parade pose.

Clearly he expected to be reprimanded for the eavesdropping.

Technically Obi-Wan should, listening in on a superiors private conversation wasn’t polite or really legal.


It brought a warmth to Obi-Wan’s chest, to know that Cody had listened and cared.

You didn’t have to care about someone to want to fuck them after all and this didn’t seem like a nice guy act. Obi-Wan had nice ‘guy’ acts from people expecting him to get down and dirty with them if they were nice to him.

This didn’t feel like it.

A glance to the tray had the warmth in his chest growing as he took in that not only had Cody taken in the information of the tea, he had also taken in Obi-Wan’s food preferences. An apple and cinnamon muffin, obviously from a rehydrated pack but still nice, a pear that looked slightly firm, just as he liked them, a cup of nuts, a slice of cheese and some ham.

Things Obi-Wan enjoyed, either because they were filling, had textures he enjoyed or as just a treat.

‘…This really doesn’t feel like just…’ Obi-Wan licked his lips, feeling a spike in the hungry feeling before Cody quickly pushed it back and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to at least Cody and maybe the rest of the 212th desires than just genetics.

Looking up at the other, Obi-Wan smiled, watching how Cody’s shoulder seemed to relax a tad, even as he kept his position. “Thank you Commander, this is really… you’re right. I should eat, set a good example.” He murmured.

Cody seemed to breath out in relief through his nose, but he said nothing, simply saluted and sat down on the other side of the desk. He got to work on the paperwork he had abandoned earlier to fetch Obi-Wan a meal.

Glancing at the selection of food, Obi-Wan blew on the tea and took a small sip, letting the fragrant tea slip over his tongue, leaving behind the familiar almost numbing sensation that turned into heat after a few seconds.

‘…Maybe its not just genetic,’ He wondered hopefully, biting at his bottom lip before reaching for the cup of nuts and the cheese. ‘Maybe… maybe there could be true emotions mixed in?’ Obi-Wan glanced at his commander, watching Cody diligently read over the pad, lips pursed thoughtfully.

Would it be so bad if he fell for someone that was already at least attracted to him?

Relationships were built with time.

‘So what if others are also attracted to me, its… its different when they actually care. And Jango Fett was one handsome devil, his clones were lucky with that for sure. Tack on a personality like Cody combined with actual care…’ Obi-Wan squirmed a tad in his seat, feeling a new heat low in his stomach.

A heat he wasn’t unfamiliar with but it had been a long time since he felt it last time.

‘Oh dear… oh dear, we have to keep this from Anakin for sure. I don’t need him hovering.’ Shyly ducking his head, Obi-Wan concentrated on eating, missing Cody glancing at him.

Missing how the man traced him with his eyes, how he focused on the slight flush of Obi-Wan’s cheeks and how he drew a deep, silent breath and forced himself to sit still.

Hear me out, FertileWar since Obi is wary about trying to find his answers while Anakin’s around, he contacts his best friend and shadow-in-training Quinlan Vos to research for him. This is something he’s never experienced before (unless the Mandalore mission happened here too? Maybe he experienced flashes of it on Mandalore but the New Mandalorians don’t trigger it) And Quin has heard whispers that he only paid attention to BECAUSE of Obi. And it’s something like a force blessed hunt for a partner and now he’s got to make a choice on what to do

“So you basically want them to rail you against a flat surface, that’s what you’re actually saying.” Quinlan drawled, leaning away with a snigger as a bright red Obi-Wan reached out to try and cover his mouth.

“Shhhh! Not so loud you jerk.” He hissed, looking around the diner wildly.

Thankfully, no one seemed to be paying them any attention with the chatter of people and the sound of dishware being used. It also helped that both Obi-Wan and Quinlan were dressed as ordinary spacers instead of anything potentially interesting. Spacers in this diner were a dime a dozen it looked like as they floated in and out before disappearing back out with their ship into the stars.

Honestly, it was Obi-Wan’s luck that Quinlan needed a layover before he returned to the temple, the two being able to meet up and head into town.

It was some much needed privacy Obi-Wan needed to air what had been going on between him and the troopers and his desperate need for information, something Quinlan could get him since he was going back to the temple.

Obi-Wan on the other hand was not, he was likely stuck out in the mid-rims for at least another two months and he would go crazy if he didn’t have any information before that. Just anything to make sense of his situation.

Obi-Wan had attractions before, hell, he had been attracted to Satine Kryze for one, a few of his classmates and even some random people throughout his missions with his master.

But never like this, not like how he felt physically and almost spiritually drawn to his troopers and they in turn seemed drawn to him equally hungry.

There was something going on and Obi-Wan didn’t know what and that troubled him enough to effect his stress levels even more than what the war simply was doing.

Picking up a few root fries from his plate and dipping them in his shakes, Quinlan face went serious. “Though, I already got a few guesses to why things are going as they are.” He admitted, chewing on his foot.

Pulling his own milkshake closer, Obi-Wan raised his brows at that. “You do?” He questioned a tad doubtfully.

“Look, I’m not saying I know,” Quinlan waved the greasy fries at him before sighing deeply. “But you’re my friend, you have been since we were Initiates and I paid attention when there came any rumors regarding you.” He stated seriously.

Pausing, Obi-Wan set his milkshake down. “Rumors… about me?” He questioned, eyes narrowed in concern.

Glancing around the diner, Quinaln pursed his lips then leaned in, the windows glare glittering on his brown skin. “Look, be very careful about who you tell that you’re from Stewjon, okay?” He whispered. “The rumors might be true and if they are, then being from Stewjon makes you a target for full blooded mandalorians. I heard that there’s a rise of Death Watch in their sector and if they find you…” He grimaced.

Frowning heavily, Obi-Wan blinked. “…You think that’s why I react to them? Because they’re of Jango Fett’s blood?” He whispered.

Quinlan nodded slowly before sitting back, huffing slightly. “Look, I’ll look into it when I get back home, but based on the rumors I heard, apparently it was common for mandalorians to go to Stewjon and hunt themselves a ‘prize’.” He made quotation marks with his fingers at the mention of prize, giving Obi-Wan a meaningful look.

It sent a chill down Obi-Wan’s back, the phrasing not lost on him. “…Why?” He couldn’t help but whisper, feeling tense and uncomfortable.

Swirling his straw in the half drunk milkshake, Quinlan let out a deep breath then shrugged. “Look, I’m not sure this is true, I’ll do the research when I get home but… supposedly it had to do with fertility and the fact that Stewjon had equal warrior spirits to those from Mandalore. But I’m not certain,” Quinlan reminded him. “I’ll figure it out when I get home, alright, send you a message. In the meantime, you need to be careful Obi-Wan.” The shadow operative stated seriously.

Frowning, Obi-Wan nodded, looking down at his half eaten plate of fries and burger, he really didn’t feel all that hungry anymore and the idea that the only reason Cody and the others were looking at him like that was because of genetic was… discouraging.

‘No, no, I’m a Jedi, I can’t… damn it,’ Obi-Wan bit his lip brutally, bowing his head under Quinlan’s watchful eyes as he fought against tears. ‘Damn it all to Sithhells.’

So, age swap Obi and Ani, with intersex Obi finding the clones. Clones that claim him due to his stewjon status. I know its been done before, stewjon being somewhat of a status symbol to mandalorians, so I figured I’d try it with you and a youngish Obi?

The day it happened, it had taken the clones only one look, one sniff of the air to know that something was up as the scent abruptly changed, something was going on and no amount of trainers or longnecks could stop them from noticing the beacon following Taun We.

A young, seemingly male baseline human with red hair gathered back in a nerf tail and a braid swinging with beads and threads as green eyes warily observed everything, seemingly unnerved and shocked despite hiding it well from Taun We.

But not from the clones.

They could feel it in their bones, the others emotions. He was nothing like the clones and nothing like the trainers.

Something was different.

This one was different.

They hadn’t had any kind of reaction like this to the trainers, regardless what they were though they were less fond of the Death Watch bastard due to how the Prime reacted to her. Clearly the Prime hated her despite hiring her to train them and no one could claim she wasn’t skilled.

But this one, the Jedi they realized, something was very different.

And it was clear in how the Prime reacted too, the way the man had frozen in the clear hallway above them, eyes on the Jedi that stared him in the eyes, a challenge and a hunger in the Prime’s eyes at the same time.

Somehow, the Prime, Fett, has a handle on that hunger and the challenge, despite being unable to take his eyes off the Jedi that walks on the other side of Taun We, clearly aware of the hunger in the other human.

There is an even more vigilant look in the redhead’s eyes as he disappears with the Prime and Taun We.

Its not until they are on Geonosis that they see him again, this time bruised, injured and bleeding from a split nose, his hands in chains and yet he fights fluidly, falling into line with the troopers as if he knows where he belongs, as if he has fought a war before.

He’s perfect in the vode’s eyes.

His name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, padawan to one Anakin Skywalker, the so called chosen one of the Jedi order, whatever that means. Obi-Wan is turning twenty by human standards this year and he’s a stewjoni.

A fucking stewjoni, the troopers know, they might be clones but hell, the Prime hadn’t neglected this part of them. He had taught the alpha clones the important bits of Mandalorian culture and the alpha clones had taught the rest.

They knew this part as intimately as the back of their hands as learning about it had made them hungry in a way they couldn’t explain or sate.

Stewjon and Mandalore had always been tightly entwined, to claim a Stewjon was a prize no Mandalore should resist if given the opportunity.

Stewjoni with fire in their veins and battle as born and war breed as any mandalorian’s will ever be and that includes the clones, the drums of war beating in their soul as much as anyone else.

And Obi-Wan proves that he is of Stewjon’s blood.

He breezes the war fields as easily as he breathes to the discomfort of many Jedi despite his own master ruffling his hair and praising him with an easy smile and a proud glint in his eyes when Obi-Wan can take over the battlefield.

Cody is the one to become Obi-Wan’s commander when he is knithed, he’s the one that gets to see that the new General has little issue in ordering them around on the field.

But when the battle dies down, something in Obi-Wan falter, as if orders are no longer something he can give and the confusion in him is clear as he struggles, peering coyly at the troopers from under lowered lashes before practically hiding behind his master much to the blond’s confusion and concern.

Its clear Anakin Skywalker knows nothing of the connection between Stewjon and Mandalore.

Something tells Cody that had the blond known, he’d never leave them alone, would have threatened entire battalions to ensure his padawan’s comfort and chastity.

Anakin Skywalker had strange ideas of virtue Cody had to admit, considering how he tries to cover his former padawan up as best as he could.

There is also one more thing that draws inevitably draws the mandalorian’s to stewjoni’s.

Their fertility.

Stewjon is a harsh planet, difficult to survive and due to it, it is common for most members to be intersex.

And the troopers want, hunger, deep in their bones as green eyes stare back at them, challenging yet somehow meek at the same time.

Yet no one makes a move, uncertain how to approach a situation like this.

So they hunger and they watch each other, like circling wolves, nipping at each others heels.

Day2day- Obi gives birth, Sidious tries to kill him, Sidious dies.

a little flash in the Force but Anakin doesn’t lift his eyes from
Obi-Wan’s as he continues stroking his love’s hand reassuringly
as Obi-Wan continues breathing rapidly and jerking in pain now and
again from the labor pains reaching through the painkillers as they
can’t really block out it all.

then the flash goes Dark and Anakin jerks to in shock with Depa
jerking her head out from under the covers even as the rest of the
council grabs their lightsabers, turning to the door.

door blasts open, Anakin barely throwing up the Force in time to
catch splinters before they could hit Obi-Wan who flinched in fear.
“What th-” Anakin goes mute as he sees Palpatine stand there with
a saber in hand, his eyes flickering yellow.

can’t even quite comprehend it even as the rest of the council goes
on the offensive.

Darkness, yellow eyes, red saber…

had gone bad yes, had terrible phobic opinions but this?

Obi-Wan groaned, shaking Anakin’s hand to get his attention. “Ani
help them.” He panted out.

Anakin looked down then back to the council fighting the karking Sith

them! If he wins…” Obi-Wan swallowed harshly.

he wins, Obi-Wan dies, our kids die…’ Anakin pressed a quick kiss
to Obi-Wan’s hand and let go, jerking his saber off his belt and
rushing. “Look after them Billaba!” He threw over his shoulder at
Depa, flying over Ka-Mundi’s body as it was thrown his direction,
Kit barely getting his saber up in time for the lighting that
crackled from the
fingers of the Chancellor.

hell, how had they missed this?

had Anakin missed this!?

hours in the man’s company, listening to the other speak, sharing
his worries
with him!

to miss this?

Sithspawn! Seven devils in seven hells were laughing their asses off
at Anakin and he was angry
about it because now he got it. Palpatine had been using him for
years, he had given the man information about the war, had spoken to
him on confidentiality an-‘He’s been grooming
me!’ Anakin snarled in realization and jumped past Mace, slamming
his saber against Palpatine’s and pressing in close. “You son of
a myrlock!” He shouted before letting out a stream of curses that
would have made his troopers proud.

My boy! You’re cl-”

was playing for something but Anakin was done
listening to this man.

time I came to you, every time you had me talk about my fears!”
Anakin snarled, dodging and slashing out with his saber. “Every
time you told me how ‘special’ I was! You wanted
me to think I was better and I’m going to drag your ass in front of
Coruscant court! You evil motherfucking son of a bitch!” He swore.


through the broken door Obi-Wan whined when Anakin barely dodged in
time for a swipe of Palpatine’s saber that would have decapitated
him, Yoda suddenly there to distract the Sith. “A-Anakin…” He
gasped when a new roll of pain shot through his body.

you have to focus on the babies,” Depa murmured, ignoring the cries
and yells from outside of the hall, ignoring the fallen members of
the council though even in his own pain Obi-Wan could see her strain.
“Your babies are on the way and you need to focus on that. Let the
others deal with Palpatine and trust Anakin.” She promised, rubbing
his knee before ducking under the covers again.

a little cry, Obi-Wan nodded as he clenched his hands into the gurney
while pressing his heels into the stirrups, sweat soaking his face.

couldn’t focus on who survived, his twins were being born.

had to focus on his twins.

Day2day- Obi gives birth, Sidious tries to kill him, Sidious dies.

a little flash in the Force but Anakin doesn’t lift his eyes from
Obi-Wan’s as he continues stroking his love’s hand reassuringly
as Obi-Wan continues breathing rapidly and jerking in pain now and
again from the labor pains reaching through the painkillers as they
can’t really block out it all.

then the flash goes Dark and Anakin jerks to in shock with Depa
jerking her head out from under the covers even as the rest of the
council grabs their lightsabers, turning to the door.

door blasts open, Anakin barely throwing up the Force in time to
catch splinters before they could hit Obi-Wan who flinched in fear.
“What th-” Anakin goes mute as he sees Palpatine stand there with
a saber in hand, his eyes flickering yellow.

can’t even quite comprehend it even as the rest of the council goes
on the offensive.

Darkness, yellow eyes, red saber…

had gone bad yes, had terrible phobic opinions but this?

Obi-Wan groaned, shaking Anakin’s hand to get his attention. “Ani
help them.” He panted out.

Anakin looked down then back to the council fighting the karking Sith

them! If he wins…” Obi-Wan swallowed harshly.

he wins, Obi-Wan dies, our kids die…’ Anakin pressed a quick kiss
to Obi-Wan’s hand and let go, jerking his saber off his belt and
rushing. “Look after them Billaba!” He threw over his shoulder at
Depa, flying over Ka-Mundi’s body as it was thrown his direction,
Kit barely getting his saber up in time for the lighting that
crackled from the
fingers of the Chancellor.

hell, how had they missed this?

had Anakin missed this!?

hours in the man’s company, listening to the other speak, sharing
his worries
with him!

to miss this?

Sithspawn! Seven devils in seven hells were laughing their asses off
at Anakin and he was angry
about it because now he got it. Palpatine had been using him for
years, he had given the man information about the war, had spoken to
him on confidentiality an-‘He’s been grooming
me!’ Anakin snarled in realization and jumped past Mace, slamming
his saber against Palpatine’s and pressing in close. “You son of
a myrlock!” He shouted before letting out a stream of curses that
would have made his troopers proud.

My boy! You’re cl-”

was playing for something but Anakin was done
listening to this man.

time I came to you, every time you had me talk about my fears!”
Anakin snarled, dodging and slashing out with his saber. “Every
time you told me how ‘special’ I was! You wanted
me to think I was better and I’m going to drag your ass in front of
Coruscant court! You evil motherfucking son of a bitch!” He swore.


through the broken door Obi-Wan whined when Anakin barely dodged in
time for a swipe of Palpatine’s saber that would have decapitated
him, Yoda suddenly there to distract the Sith. “A-Anakin…” He
gasped when a new roll of pain shot through his body.

you have to focus on the babies,” Depa murmured, ignoring the cries
and yells from outside of the hall, ignoring the fallen members of
the council though even in his own pain Obi-Wan could see her strain.
“Your babies are on the way and you need to focus on that. Let the
others deal with Palpatine and trust Anakin.” She promised, rubbing
his knee before ducking under the covers again.

a little cry, Obi-Wan nodded as he clenched his hands into the gurney
while pressing his heels into the stirrups, sweat soaking his face.

couldn’t focus on who survived, his twins were being born.

had to focus on his twins.

Day to day: Let there be babies!!!

“…I am so high.”
Obi-Wan announced to the room at large, blinking up at the ceiling
and his announcement was meet with a few sniggers and Depa lifting
her head up from under the cover stretching to his knees, legs
resting in the stirrups of the medical bed with Anakin gently patting
his lovers hand.

that’s because the droid was a bit too overeager in dosing you
Obi-Wan dear but at least you’re not feeling too bad,” She
drawled, Anakin relaxing at her words. “…Yet, cause the baby is
not yet pushing and
you’re not dilated
enough yet.” She smirked.

tensed up, squeezing Obi-Wan’s hand down.

was a loud groan. “Did you have to upset him Depa? Skywalker only
just calmed down.” Mace growled by the door where he was leaning
against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. Kit and Oppo were
stationed outside the medical wing of the west side of the Senate to
guard and the rest were inside, in various position of meditation or
mild concern.

of them there to guard Obi-Wan and the coming life.

Anakin,” Depa shot her a smile. “Its just a fact of life
honestly, pushing out a baby hurts and Obi-Wan decided he did not
want a c-section unless it became necessary
to either his or the child’s life.” She turned ducked back under
the cover and Obi-Wan squirmed a bit.

she was touching something under there.

petted Obi-Wan’s hand some more, rubbing gently. “How long do you
think is left? Its been four hours already.” He said quietly.

was Obi-Wan who answered, tilting his head along the pillow to give
Anakin a dozy smile. “And it might take hours still, you know that,
we went over this love.” He cooed gently at him, a
bit breathless.

weakly, Anakin nodded before glancing at Ka-Adi in surprise when a
chair slid over to him.

man shrugged. “You looked like you needed it,” Ka-Adi face
softened into a smile. “Sit down before you fall down Anakin, its
going to be a long few hours still. Believe
me, I know.” He chuckled quietly from his spot playing sabbac with

right, he’s married… what was it? Seven wives and five kids? Or
five wives and seven kids?’ Anakin sat down shakily, pressing a
kiss to Obi-Wan’s hand while glancing at the others breast. They
really had grown quite a bit during the pregnancy compared to their
rather small state in the start of their relationship.

know,” Mace suddenly spoke up again in a thoughtful tone, rubbing
his chin with one hand. “I heard somewhere that nipple stimulation
delays birth.”

looked at him, Yoda even opened up his eyes to give the man a stare
while Depa popped her head out from under the green cover to give him
a raised brow.

not really useful in this situation. But it relates to the subject.”
Mace held up his hands up in defense.

outright rolled his eyes before giving a sharp groan.

onto that thought because I think we’re finally about to start
working for real here.” Depa ducked back under.

Obi-Wan pressed his head back in the pillow and groaned louder as he
squeezed down on Anakin’s hand tightly, causing the blond to yelp
and wish he had given his mech hand instead.


thing was giving birth.

the Senate.

speaking to the Senators.

rumblings were abundant, quiet
whispers after the freak had spoken.

under its thrall with a brat on the way that could potentially be as
freakish of nature as Kenobi itself was.

slowly, Sidious pulled his sabers out of his desk drawer and made his
way to the door. ‘Its time to end this, one way or the other.’

Day to day: Let there be babies!!!

“…I am so high.”
Obi-Wan announced to the room at large, blinking up at the ceiling
and his announcement was meet with a few sniggers and Depa lifting
her head up from under the cover stretching to his knees, legs
resting in the stirrups of the medical bed with Anakin gently patting
his lovers hand.

that’s because the droid was a bit too overeager in dosing you
Obi-Wan dear but at least you’re not feeling too bad,” She
drawled, Anakin relaxing at her words. “…Yet, cause the baby is
not yet pushing and
you’re not dilated
enough yet.” She smirked.

tensed up, squeezing Obi-Wan’s hand down.

was a loud groan. “Did you have to upset him Depa? Skywalker only
just calmed down.” Mace growled by the door where he was leaning
against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. Kit and Oppo were
stationed outside the medical wing of the west side of the Senate to
guard and the rest were inside, in various position of meditation or
mild concern.

of them there to guard Obi-Wan and the coming life.

Anakin,” Depa shot her a smile. “Its just a fact of life
honestly, pushing out a baby hurts and Obi-Wan decided he did not
want a c-section unless it became necessary
to either his or the child’s life.” She turned ducked back under
the cover and Obi-Wan squirmed a bit.

she was touching something under there.

petted Obi-Wan’s hand some more, rubbing gently. “How long do you
think is left? Its been four hours already.” He said quietly.

was Obi-Wan who answered, tilting his head along the pillow to give
Anakin a dozy smile. “And it might take hours still, you know that,
we went over this love.” He cooed gently at him, a
bit breathless.

weakly, Anakin nodded before glancing at Ka-Adi in surprise when a
chair slid over to him.

man shrugged. “You looked like you needed it,” Ka-Adi face
softened into a smile. “Sit down before you fall down Anakin, its
going to be a long few hours still. Believe
me, I know.” He chuckled quietly from his spot playing sabbac with

right, he’s married… what was it? Seven wives and five kids? Or
five wives and seven kids?’ Anakin sat down shakily, pressing a
kiss to Obi-Wan’s hand while glancing at the others breast. They
really had grown quite a bit during the pregnancy compared to their
rather small state in the start of their relationship.

know,” Mace suddenly spoke up again in a thoughtful tone, rubbing
his chin with one hand. “I heard somewhere that nipple stimulation
delays birth.”

looked at him, Yoda even opened up his eyes to give the man a stare
while Depa popped her head out from under the green cover to give him
a raised brow.

not really useful in this situation. But it relates to the subject.”
Mace held up his hands up in defense.

outright rolled his eyes before giving a sharp groan.

onto that thought because I think we’re finally about to start
working for real here.” Depa ducked back under.

Obi-Wan pressed his head back in the pillow and groaned louder as he
squeezed down on Anakin’s hand tightly, causing the blond to yelp
and wish he had given his mech hand instead.


thing was giving birth.

the Senate.

speaking to the Senators.

rumblings were abundant, quiet
whispers after the freak had spoken.

under its thrall with a brat on the way that could potentially be as
freakish of nature as Kenobi itself was.

slowly, Sidious pulled his sabers out of his desk drawer and made his
way to the door. ‘Its time to end this, one way or the other.’

More fertile grounds please? Maybe some Anakin/Obi-Wan platonic bonding, because Anakin doesn’t treat him any differently. Qui-Gon tries not to, but can’t help but think of Obi-Wan as the padawan he needs to protect, and thinks that he failed to do so somehow.

Holding up the box,
Anakin smiled hopefully at the other until Obi-Wan chuckled faintly
and stepped back, letting his brother padawan into the quarters of
the knight with his box of oat flarn cookies with a layer of
chocolate coating the top.

They were simple
things really, made of sugar, oats, egg and butter, crispy with a
layer of melted chocolate on the top that had dried.

But Anakin knew
that Obi-Wan loved them because they were so sweet they went well
with some of his more bitter teas. Also his lineage brother had a
very large sweet tooth that he wouldn’t really confess to even
though everyone knew he had it.

So hearing that the
other was back from his mission with master Windu, Anakin had picked
up a box of the cookies and gone to see the man.

“I’ll set on
the kettle, would you like tea this time Anakin or caff?” Obi-Wan
was still chuckling faintly, his eyes curved with amusement as he
padded to the kitchen on bare feet.

Setting the box
down so he could remove his boots, Anakin quickly thought that over
before wrinkling his nose. “If you got bantha cream I’ll take tea
with it but if not, I’ll take the instant caff you got instead.”
He finally settled on.

“Caff it is then
since I’m sorry to tell you I haven’t had time to pick up a
container of bantha cream.” Obi-Wan shot him a quick apologetic
smile over his shoulder even as he was filling his kettle in the

Shrugging, picking
up the cookie box and following the same path to the kitchenette,
Anakin just grinned. “I figured as much honestly Obi-Wan, I don’t
mind instant powder caff though, especially not with these.” He
hefted up the box before settling it on the kitchen table.

“You know where
the plates are.” Obi-Wan answered that, his voice full of amusement
but also gratefulness.

Must have been a
long mission.

Pausing a bit,
Anakin eyed the other critically for a bit before huffing. “You had
your period while on mission didn’t you?” He asked with some
discomfort even as he moved to the cupboard to pull out plates for
the two.

Low humming reached
his ear before Obi-Wan sighed and nodded in confirmation. “Mace was
very kind about it though. Its the nature of human biology so there
wasn’t really much I could do about it,” Obi-Wan wrinkled his
nose. “Stopping the flow fully can be unhealthy, especially for

Plates on the
table, Anakin grunted before smiling at Obi-Wan. “Well, least
you’re home now. Makes it easier and hey, I got you cookies here so
that’s something.”

Pulling cups out of
a cupboard above the sink, Obi-Wan went mute for a few long seconds
before he sighed and turned to Anakin, smiling gratefully. “Thank
you for still being yourself, I worried… well Qui-Gon has been
different since the revelation and I just…” He rubbed his face.

Grimacing, Anakin
nodded and moved over to Obi-Wan. “He’s being guilty and
protective… we spoke to Vos but I don’t think the information
really went in Qui-Gon’s ear.”

Grimacing with
Anakin this time, Obi-Wan nodded. “I see, yes Qui-Gon has a
tendency to hear what he wants to hear.” He grumbled a bit before
reaching for the kettle when it gave a little whistle, pouring water
into the two cups.

Anakin noted with
some amusement that the tea infuser in Obi-Wan’s cup was shaped
like a ship and shot the man a wide grin.

Coloring, Obi-Wan
shrugged. “A gift from Garen on my birthday a few years ago… its
quite good though so I keep using it.” He smiled sheepishly.

“Its cute.”
Anakin grinned, taking his own cup and stirring it to mix the caff
powder properly. He then gently elbowed Obi-Wan. “You know I’m
not going to make a great fuss about things right? I mean I’m still
gonna be me and be on your case about injuries but… not that.”
He smiled at Obi-Wan.

He got a small,
grateful smile in return, Obi-Wan picking up his own cup. “Lets
have cookies Anakin… I want to hear what I missed in the temple
while I was gone.” He murmured, his entire aura glowing with warm
contentedness and fondness for Anakin.