Docile doll, rex, cody and obi wan reunited?

Weeks of careful planning is a must, weeks of gathering intel, of resources poured into one missions, calling in favors, getting a ship that can bypass the Empire’s security, getting a basic trooper outfit, unpainted, getting falsified papers…

But they’re ready.

They’re going to do this for Obi-Wan’s sake.

To set Obi-Wan’s mind at peace, because Obi-Wan’s wide eyes is something the troopers are all too used to seeing when Vader marches in on a place that has rumored to have held Obi-Wan with Cody at his sake.

For him, they are getting Cody out.

Its not that they don’t want to, of course not, if they could, the would get all their brothers out of the hell that is the chips…

But they don’t have the resources for all of them, they can’t bring them all out, as much as they desperately wants to. To save every last one of their brothers from the Empire and the snake at the top, leading everything.

However, they can’t.

They don’t have the resources for it, they don’t have the space and they don’t have the manpower to do it.

They do bring some vod out of it, when they can, a squad they come over, knocking them out and taking them to the medbay of their ships, getting them dechipped and rescued. But not as many as they wished they could.

Cody however is bait and they all know it, he’s bait for Obi-Wan.

They had all known that from the moment they had seen the blank eyed Commander, their vod, marching beside Vader, as if he didn’t have morals anymore.

Cody had always had strong morals, had them from the moment he was decanted on Kamino and under General Kenobi, they had only been fortified as he learned and saw more of the world and of the Jedi behavior.

Cody was a man of honor, morals and justice.

The blank eyed man was not Cody.

Couldn’t be Cody.

But he would be Cody again.

That was why Rex was on Coruscant, dressed in the white of a shiny from salvaged armor, following the commander silently.

Around him, others from Homebase were following equally silent, all of them grim but determined.

The plan was simple.

Follow Cody until he was alone, hypo him, keep him in place until he was out, deprive him of armor in case of trackers and bring him to the ship they had bartered from a smuggler with the falsified papers.

Then they ran.

Cody was making it hard though, most of the day he had been with Vader, making it impossible to approach him and Rex honestly worried that if he got too close, Vader would feel that it was him.

It was one of those things, when Vader had been General Skywalker, had always been nice, that the man always knew who his troopers were and called them by name.

Now it was a nuisance.


So they had to use distance.

Only Lamb could approach without worry as Lamb was not part of the 212th or the 501st, he had been a shiny from 612th and therefore Vader had never meet him. So he had been set on trail duty for most of the day, keeping the other appraised through their private and protected comms.

They did have one scare, when one of Tarkin’s lackeys had tried to send them of to the other side of Coruscant but had managed to get out of it. By sending another team of troopers unfortunately, they didn’t like taking advantage of their own, mindwashed brothers but they didn’t have much choice.

They had to get Cody and they had to get him soon.

‘Hold on Obi-Wan… soon Cody will be home with us… just don’t do anything stupid.’ Rex bit his lips, eyes on the back of his black armored brother, wondering how many Jedi the other had murdered in his state.

Under Vader’s orders.

‘Force, I don’t ask for much, but please let it be zero.’ Rex swallowed.

Hello, I loved the snippet you posted for future QuiObi AU soulmate Mypainyourpain, could we get a continuation please? Maybe Qui Gon meeting with Obi Wan the first time?

soulmate is a Jedi.

that Obi-Wan is about eighty percent sure as he catalogs every pain
and scar he receives through the years, regardless how much it hurts
and how it sometimes tears at him and makes him cry silently into his
sheets at how bad it can be, that makes him proud.

proud to have a Jedi soulmate.

and a bit nervous as he’s not sure he will become one himself and
he wants so badly to be a Jedi for his soulmate, to be able to stay
in the temple.

knows that if he joins one of the corps he will most likely have to
leave the temple and yes, Jedi do leave the temple, but this is

are generally paired up for missions because of the pain of
separating them can
be vast once they have found each other… that’s why he has to
become a Jedi because if he doesn’t, the chance of meeting them is
reduced to ten percent.


are a few corps members in temple that are soulmated to Jedi but they
don’t go out on missions and have to make due though the occasional
explorer, healer or scholar can get lucky and be required to go with
their soulmate.

however, can feel
that he needs to become a Jedi knight.

has to.

the time limit is growing ever shorter, ever narrower and finally…
it’s done.

the last ditch, desperate pleading to Jinn will not bring him back
and Obi-Wan ends up on Bandomeer and among the Agricorps.

he mourns.

won’t meet his soulmate, Obi-Wan knows it even as he feels the
flicker of pain from some kind of injury along his side from his

then he gets kidnapped, cause Du Crion thinks he’s a padawan even
though he’s not.

that’s how life is, he gets stuffed in an explosive collar under
the eyes of slavers in the mine and the other captured don’t…

can feel their eyes, the way they listen warily to his voice.

an outsider to them and therefore not accepted into the warmth yet
and without the Force he can not get the blaster collar off and he
feels so tired and weak after just two weeks of this treatment, the
pain from the whips making him slow along with the lack of water and
food to go with the backbreaking work.

of course that is when he’s thrown at Jinn, crashing into the man’s
stomach while feeling his own ache.

I hit his lightsaber?’ Obi-Wan wondered blearily as he leaned
against the Jedi knight, exhausted and worn out, squinting a bit in
the dark cave.

ever so carefully, Jinn finally sets him down against the cave wall
and checks on him, hissing lightly as blue eyes squint in the dark.
“Force, he’s done a number on you child… we have to get out of
here and get you to a medic or healer.” The man mumbled, standing
and Obi-Wan felt a twinge in his knee that he didn’t think too much
of as the man strode towards the doors Du Crion had sealed.

would admit that between his injuries, his lack of water and food,
not to mention sleep along with what he thinks is a head injury,
Obi-Wan doesn’t quite remember the next few hours.

has a pretty decent memory of offering to blow himself up though so
Qui-Gon could escape?

the absolute look of horror and denial on the man’s face at the
suggestion as Obi-Wan presses himself against the sealed door.

that’s about it.

as he’s gingerly carried around by the older Jedi, Obi-Wan doesn’t
quite remember as his cheek rests on a warm shoulder that smells of
earth and sweat and an underlying smell of tea.

he knows that they’ve dealt with Du Crion.

knows that he’s a padawan and he knows that a medic has taken a
look at him, his injuries been taken care of with bacta and
medication and he knows that throughout it all, Qui-Gon has not left
his side.

outright carried him around against his chest with warm protective
arms around him the entire time if he had to go and it’s… it’s

enjoys the comfort.

much later, on the ship on their way back to Coruscant, tucked
up in the single bunk by Qui-Gon,
Obi-Wan swears he feels a shaking hand gently caress his hair and
knuckles down his cheek but convinces himself by morning that it’s
just a dream.

makes him sigh blissfully in contentment, a warm glow in his chest
that the dream provokes.

wonderful dream of his soulmates warm hand giving
him comfort.

that’s the kind of strained and tired dreams he gets, Obi-Wan
wouldn’t mind being bone weary a few more times.

Obi-Wan was captured in his mid to late teens by slavers and it was a few years before they got him back. That’s why he’s so late, relatively speaking, reaching knighthood.

Looking around the bath house made with fancy ass colored glass and
carved stone, Anakin turned wide eyes on his master as Obi-Wan was
undoing his belt and sash with practiced ease. “We get to use this
entire space all to our self master?” He questioned a bit

Obi-Wan chuckled faintly, nodding. “The foreman apparently wants to
make a good impression on us. Usually there would be many others in
here depending on the membership requirement but he shut down the
bath house for us for the duration of however long we use.” He
hummed, taking a deep breath. “And to be honest, I frankly want to
take a bit of advantage of the offer considering the last few weeks
we’ve had.” He settled on a bit dryly.

Grimacing but nodding in understanding, Anakin plucked at the muddy
patch on his tunic that was only one among many. “Yeah, that does
actually sound nice to be able to use all the amenities… but I
didn’t bring any clean tunics master!” He looked up in alarm.

Laughing a bit, Obi-Wan winked at him. “Then its a good thing I
did. I knew you wouldn’t think of it so I packed your spare set
with me along with towels and soaps. So you’re going to be properly
clean Anakin.”

Perking up and quickly getting out of his boots, belts and sash,
Anakin wiggled eagerly at the idea of finally getting clean from
swamp wandering. He suspected he was growing mold in some of his
crevices damn it.

On the other side of the bench, Obi-Wan was dropping his dirty things

It was the first time Anakin had seen the other fully shirtless and
the ten year old felt the saliva of his mouth suddenly dry out at the
amount of scars covering the others chest and arms.

And the most telltale of them around his wrist, the evidence of
manacles with long gauging white lines going up the under arm.

Obi-Wan had once been cuffed hard enough to leave scars and like an
animal trying to gnaw off the trap keeping him, Obi-Wan had clawed
around the area the manacle had been in a desperate attempt to remove

Then nausea made its way into him as Obi-Wan turned around to check
in the bag for their towels and soaps he had brought with, long thick
lines of pink scar tissue lined the entire back, no patch left

Some of them were puckered in a way Anakin knew meant the wounds had
been left to fester and rot with no medical aid provided.

Obi-Wan turned back, towels in hands only to freeze a bit at the
others pale expression. “Anakin?” He whispered.

Anakin slowly looked up at him, shaking. “…You’ve been
whipped.” He whispered.

The two stared at each other for a long moment before Obi-Wan sighed
heavily and sat down on the bench, settling the clean towels aside so
they wouldn’t be soiled, patting the bench for Anakin to sit down.

Sitting down without looking, Anakin stared at the other Jedi with
wide eyes, trying to cling to the contents of his stomach as his mind
conjured all kinds of scenarios.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath and settled his elbows on his knees as he
leaned forward, lacing his hands together. “You’ve noticed that
all my friends are knights Anakin, right?” He started carefully,
smiling when Anakin gave a shaky nod. “Most of them have been
knights for years and yet I was a padawan despite being the same age
as them. Do you have any suspicions on why?” He asked carefully.

“…I don’t know.” Anakin whispered, biting his lips. “But I
got suspicions.” He added.

Nodding at that, Obi-Wan took a deep breath. “When I was seventeen
Anakin, Qui-Gon and I was on the outer rims, investigating an animal
smuggling ring. Its a common practice, smuggling exotic or endangered
animals to either be kept as pets or hunt on. What we didn’t know
however at the time was that… they also smuggled people.” Obi-Wan
trailed off a bit, hands tightening on each other as Anakin felt his
heart thundering in his chest.

“…You got caught.” He whispered.

There was a slow nod. “I got caught.” Obi-Wan confirmed quietly.
“And by the time master figured out what had happened, I was being
shipped away with several animals out of the planet and then out of
the system. Since I was kept drugged, I don’t really know how many
days went by on the trip but… it took Qui-Gon and the Order two
years to find me and rescue me.” Obi-Wan said, his voice low.

Two years as a slave.

Two years were plenty enough for horrible things to happen to cause
the scars of Obi-Wan’s body and Anakin reached out, clinging to the
others upper arm while staring at him.

Obi-Wan looked at him, seemingly world weary before he suddenly
smiled. “I need you to know this Anakin. Whatever happens, the
Order doesn’t leave their members behind if they can help it. If
you ever get separated from me, if you ever get caught and brought
from me… I’m going to look for you. The Order always looks for
their members until they can confirm death for the burial rites and
to whisper their names to the memory moths.” He slowly loosened his
hands from each other, cupping Anakin’s cheek with his hand. “I’ll
always look for you regardless what happens Anakin.” He added.

Wrapping his both his hands around the thick scar tissue of Obi-Wan’s
wrist, Anakin gave a nod of understanding while letting out a shaky

Underneath his hands, Obi-Wan’s pulse felt strong and steady.

Obi-Wan was captured in his mid to late teens by slavers and it was a few years before they got him back. That’s why he’s so late, relatively speaking, reaching knighthood.

Looking around the bath house made with fancy ass colored glass and
carved stone, Anakin turned wide eyes on his master as Obi-Wan was
undoing his belt and sash with practiced ease. “We get to use this
entire space all to our self master?” He questioned a bit

Obi-Wan chuckled faintly, nodding. “The foreman apparently wants to
make a good impression on us. Usually there would be many others in
here depending on the membership requirement but he shut down the
bath house for us for the duration of however long we use.” He
hummed, taking a deep breath. “And to be honest, I frankly want to
take a bit of advantage of the offer considering the last few weeks
we’ve had.” He settled on a bit dryly.

Grimacing but nodding in understanding, Anakin plucked at the muddy
patch on his tunic that was only one among many. “Yeah, that does
actually sound nice to be able to use all the amenities… but I
didn’t bring any clean tunics master!” He looked up in alarm.

Laughing a bit, Obi-Wan winked at him. “Then its a good thing I
did. I knew you wouldn’t think of it so I packed your spare set
with me along with towels and soaps. So you’re going to be properly
clean Anakin.”

Perking up and quickly getting out of his boots, belts and sash,
Anakin wiggled eagerly at the idea of finally getting clean from
swamp wandering. He suspected he was growing mold in some of his
crevices damn it.

On the other side of the bench, Obi-Wan was dropping his dirty things

It was the first time Anakin had seen the other fully shirtless and
the ten year old felt the saliva of his mouth suddenly dry out at the
amount of scars covering the others chest and arms.

And the most telltale of them around his wrist, the evidence of
manacles with long gauging white lines going up the under arm.

Obi-Wan had once been cuffed hard enough to leave scars and like an
animal trying to gnaw off the trap keeping him, Obi-Wan had clawed
around the area the manacle had been in a desperate attempt to remove

Then nausea made its way into him as Obi-Wan turned around to check
in the bag for their towels and soaps he had brought with, long thick
lines of pink scar tissue lined the entire back, no patch left

Some of them were puckered in a way Anakin knew meant the wounds had
been left to fester and rot with no medical aid provided.

Obi-Wan turned back, towels in hands only to freeze a bit at the
others pale expression. “Anakin?” He whispered.

Anakin slowly looked up at him, shaking. “…You’ve been
whipped.” He whispered.

The two stared at each other for a long moment before Obi-Wan sighed
heavily and sat down on the bench, settling the clean towels aside so
they wouldn’t be soiled, patting the bench for Anakin to sit down.

Sitting down without looking, Anakin stared at the other Jedi with
wide eyes, trying to cling to the contents of his stomach as his mind
conjured all kinds of scenarios.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath and settled his elbows on his knees as he
leaned forward, lacing his hands together. “You’ve noticed that
all my friends are knights Anakin, right?” He started carefully,
smiling when Anakin gave a shaky nod. “Most of them have been
knights for years and yet I was a padawan despite being the same age
as them. Do you have any suspicions on why?” He asked carefully.

“…I don’t know.” Anakin whispered, biting his lips. “But I
got suspicions.” He added.

Nodding at that, Obi-Wan took a deep breath. “When I was seventeen
Anakin, Qui-Gon and I was on the outer rims, investigating an animal
smuggling ring. Its a common practice, smuggling exotic or endangered
animals to either be kept as pets or hunt on. What we didn’t know
however at the time was that… they also smuggled people.” Obi-Wan
trailed off a bit, hands tightening on each other as Anakin felt his
heart thundering in his chest.

“…You got caught.” He whispered.

There was a slow nod. “I got caught.” Obi-Wan confirmed quietly.
“And by the time master figured out what had happened, I was being
shipped away with several animals out of the planet and then out of
the system. Since I was kept drugged, I don’t really know how many
days went by on the trip but… it took Qui-Gon and the Order two
years to find me and rescue me.” Obi-Wan said, his voice low.

Two years as a slave.

Two years were plenty enough for horrible things to happen to cause
the scars of Obi-Wan’s body and Anakin reached out, clinging to the
others upper arm while staring at him.

Obi-Wan looked at him, seemingly world weary before he suddenly
smiled. “I need you to know this Anakin. Whatever happens, the
Order doesn’t leave their members behind if they can help it. If
you ever get separated from me, if you ever get caught and brought
from me… I’m going to look for you. The Order always looks for
their members until they can confirm death for the burial rites and
to whisper their names to the memory moths.” He slowly loosened his
hands from each other, cupping Anakin’s cheek with his hand. “I’ll
always look for you regardless what happens Anakin.” He added.

Wrapping his both his hands around the thick scar tissue of Obi-Wan’s
wrist, Anakin gave a nod of understanding while letting out a shaky

Underneath his hands, Obi-Wan’s pulse felt strong and steady.