
some of my art for Found: A Clone Wars Zine. our theme was found families.

these dudes get sent to a lot of remote locations for missions. even though the show sadly never shows the domestic side of that, I imagined it means they’re often setting up camp and trying to stay cozy in the wilderness. so that’s the idea I ran with for my art!

although this zine is now a rare collector’s item sold out, our next zine is currently available for preorder!! get your copy here–> @untoldstoriescwzine


OHHHH boy I got a bit carried away with this one but I’m happy with it

Thanks for the suggestion @alamogirl80 ! I really loved drawing them

Boil is using his minor medic skills to wrap up Obi-Wan’s hand, Waxer is providing supervision

The ARF helmet was really fun to draw, the ARF paint on the other hand…


Art tags!

@fractiouskat @royalhandmaidens @iloveyou3000morgan @codyobi @latenightsthoughtsnstuff @jonamore @alamogirl80 @leias-left-hair-bun @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic @notreallybeccab @a-mediocre-succulent @jadetheaverage @missinashkin @voxmyriad


This is inspired by all the lovely fics that had Cody using Obi-Wan’s cloak as a blanket (hc that poor Cody was too jittery after a campaign and Obi-Wan as the designated Cody-whisperer bundled the poor man in his cloak and by the power of tea and Jedi-calm vibes managed to have a lapful of sleeping commander). I’m on a marshmallow kick T v T


I don’t mean to be so Mando-centric HAhahaha, but I haven’t seen a MandoAU Oberyn yet? And after THAT finale? I’m sure there’s one floating around somewhere but 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not me crying over Oberyn again trying to get these armor refs. Absolute bicon. Ngl didn’t realize this would come out lookin like Din’s old armor but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Amigo esto es lo más Cute que he hecho en toda mi vida, sin duda mi fav del año 🥺🌟😂.

Me encanta de Obi wan, está en Plan: En qué momento me metí en esto 😂😂💖🦈


In which Anakin gives Rex a traditional Mandalorian Keldabe kiss after a won battle as a like “I’m glad you’re ok”

I commissioned @/aureliegomez on Insta to draw the boys,,,, they are doing donation commissions to Beirut and I wanted to send some support!


The trio but cats?? um YES PLEASE,,

Cat!AU i love it. I had some trouble finding out what to do with Ahsoka’s montrals but I figured it out 🙂

Also I think all of them are very in character🤝