jedi are cats. how do jedi feel about water?

With a twitch of his tentacles, Master Fisto looked up in utter bemusement. “Pardon but would you please repeat that Commander Monnk?” The Jedi questioned, his head tentacles writhing slightly in what those familiar with nautolan biology knew meant a mix of amusement and surprise.

A long suffering sigh escaped the clone commander, Monnk as Fisto said, the man still standing in front of his General’s desk in parade rest. As if he wanted to be doing anything but be standing in front of one of his Generals, posing said question but dutifully, he repeated himself. “What do Jedi think about water sir?” He stated drolly.

Large eyes blinked up at Monnk, Fisto clearly amused now as he leaned back in his chair, his pad, likely paperwork for the war, abandoned.

The trooper shrugged with another loud, exasperated sigh. “I’m sorry sir, its the blog. The Jedi are cats blog,” He sighed even louder somehow, sounding as if he was done with everything and grumble when the Jedi threw his head back and laughed.

The trooper holding the camera gave a stifled giggle, the camera view shaking slightly before they managed to still and keep the focus on the Jedi.

“I see, this is in relation to how some felines react to water, hmm?” Fisto finally got out when he stopped laughing so hard his eyes teared up, the man rubbing at his green skin with a wide, sharp toothed grin.

He got a nod from the human standing at his desk.

Leaning his elbow on the desk and his head on his hand, Fisto continued smiling up at the commander. “Of course, individual Jedi have their preferences but Jedi in general delight in water. I guess in some way, we end up being like tigers, tigers enjoy water,” He pointed out before going quiet for a few seconds, his face thoughtful. “Of course, there are some Jedi that do not like water beyond drinking it. We are all individual. After all, I know that Corporal Lacy quite hates getting wet, I’ve heard her little rants.” He stated teasingly, winking lightly.

A snort escaped Commander Monnk, the man saluting. “True enough sir. Apologies for disturbing you. I’ll let you get back to work and go find General Vebb.”

Chuckling, waving of the excuse with what could only be stated as a fond smile, Fisto turned back to the pad, grimacing slightly before focusing.

At that point, one might assume the camera would stop filming, after all, there was only one question, prompted by the holoblog run by the troopers. However, the camera does not cut out.

Instead it keeps filming in the dim tent where Fisto is working.

It becomes clear why after a few moments as Fisto twitches slightly in his seat.


A jerk is the single warning anyone gets before Fisto suddenly disappeared from view, the camera blurring as it followed the shape of the Jedi bouncing out of the tent.

The public gets treated to the Jedi jumping several meters into the air, Fisto climbing the mountain they are camping near with Force assisted jumps and acrobatic leaps.

Anyone familiar with cats already know whats going on.

But to those not, a text box suddenly appeared at the bottom of the video, paired with cute emojis of both Jedi and trooper helmets, explained what was going on with the Jedi sudden rush of activity.

‘Zoomies, also known as FRAP (Frenetic Random Activity Period) attacks, are precisely that, random bursts of high activity and energy. They usually don’t last long and you will know a zoomie episode when you see one. Like felines and some canine breeds, Jedi too can have these attacks after long periods of inactivity or boredom.’

Fisto, bounced from rock to rock as a few trooper watched him, resigned amusement visible everywhere.

Moddy, in AWOLJedi do Cody and Obi-Wan ever talk about their feelings? Or does Rex say something to Anakin about his?

Following behind the taller blond, Rex glanced around the hall, taking in the decorations on the walls of the dormitory hall. These particular halls had decorations along the walls, tiles making a mosaic of patterns that were broken up by doors with plaques containing names of the owners.

There were several containing troopers and they always made Rex smile a bit, glancing at his Jedi’s back before going back to looking around.

“Here we are, Obi-Wan and Cody’s place.” Anakin stopped, smiling happily, setting his hand to the keypad.

“Are you sure we should just barge in?” Rex murmured, hands in his pockets. “What if they’re busy?”

Anakin just laughed at that. “I bet they’re just napping, Obi-Wan stayed up all night with the kids, much like I did.” He grinned warmly over his shoulder, waving Rex concerns away.

‘Honestly, you should be sleeping too.’ Rex thought, rolling his eyes fondly as he stepped in after the other.

Only to crash into his back with a surprised yelp.

Furthermore, his wasn’t the only yelp and Rex quickly poked his head around Anakin to blink into the room, finding… oh karking hell.

“Why Kote! I thought you were playing chicken!” He wolf whistled, laughing at his vod as the other glared at the two, flushed from where he had dragged a blanket around his and Obi-Wan’s lower halves on the couch as he was clearly resting between the Jedi’s legs.

Their clothes had been scattered around the room, a trail towards the couch and Obi-Wan had covered his face, letting out tiny noises that Rex could only call whimpers with his own blush going down his face, his collarbone and down his chest amazingly enough.

“Get out you two!” Cody hissed, his ears bright red as he tugged the blanket more up.

Anakin let out a spluttering noise. “Obi-Wan!” He gasped in outrage and Rex decided to be a good brother for once as he gave Cody a salute and then grabbed his fellow blond to drag him out of the rooms, still laughing.

Thankfully, Anakin didn’t put up much of a fight, let Rex drag him out even as he let out more spluttered, questioning noises.

Getting one last look at his vod and the General before the door shut, Rex couldn’t help but snigger at how red both of them were. Then he tugged his own General after him, keeping a hold of Anakin’s hand. “Well, at least we know where they are.” He stated a tad cheerfully.

Anakin let out an outraged squawk at that. “I walked in on my master kriffing!” He gasped and Rex glanced up at the other, snorting at the sight of a blush climbing high on his cheeks, the tips of his ears red where they stuck out from under his curls.

“I’ve walked in on so many vode at this point that I no longer have any embarrassment out of it, must be refreshing.” He teased gently, smirking slightly as he noticed the rumor mill moving.

By that he meant he could see the knights freeze at the end of the hall as Anakin had been anything but quiet, the first grabbing the second and hurrying right back out.

It would be all over the temple and the vode by the end of the day he bet.

Hearing Anakin go quieter, falling more into step with Rex, he glanced back up at the other and smirked lightly. “You didn’t think your master was an old maid now, did you?” He teased gently.

That got a loud snort out of Anakin, still a bit flushed, as he peered back at Rex. “If you think this is the first time I walked in on my master, you’re dead wrong. I just didn’t expect it here. I knew Cody was chasing his tail.” He grumbled a tad about dense masters.

Letting out a thoughtful hum, Rex frowned. “You walked in on h-”
“With Quinlan Vos, on the kitchen table of our first quarters.” Rex looked up at the other flat words, blinking heavily.

“…He could do better.” Quinlan wasn’t a bad sort, but Rex had seen how the others destructive habits feed into Obi-Wan’s own destructive habits. So, yes, he could do better, someone who didn’t feed into the habits.

That gained Rex a loud laugh and a happy nod as they continued towards the hoverlift, knowing better than to head back to Obi-Wan and Cody’s quarters for a long, long while.

JediAreCats: someone tries to take advantage of the Jedi’s instincts, and the clones with them retaliate with brutal force.  Preferably Mace and Ponds, although any other clones and Jedi are fine, too! 😄

Clicking on the video and starting it, this video of the ‘Jedi are cats’ episode opened up with a kel dor standing in what was clearly the landing bay of one of the Venators, a sight most familiar at this point to the fans watching the Jedi and clones shenanigans.

Around him, ships were parked, troopers were working or just milling about and the Jedi simply stood there in front of the camera in the familiar Jedi attire the man in question seemed to prefer.

Settling his claws together in a triangle, Plo Koon watched his men curiously as one was digging through a box and another was filming him. “I’m uncertain what this little experiment is suppose to prove Boost, but as always, I’m quite willing to play along as we’re not busy at the moment, seeing as we are in hyperspace at the moment.” The Jedi stated good naturally, his mask moving in a way that indicated he was smiling.

The audience had long gotten used to several of the Jedi’s facial expression and Plo Koon was one of the easiest ones to read, always coming of as sincere and calm to the people watching.

“Its just something I read about on the holonet sir, a few of the people of the Republic had a question and wondered… well, its just a little experiment, won’t take more than a few minutes really sir.” The clone, Boost,apparently, stated cheerfully.

Several text bubbles, clearly comments on the videos before, popped up on screen, all containing a version of ‘my feline will sit in any square I put down in our home, taped, drawn or otherwise. Do Jedi follow this instinct?’

Finally, Boost found what he was looking for and stepped into view fully, showing that he was a mostly generic looking clone from the looks of things, however, his hair was red and was shaven into blocks, giving him a unique hairstyle.

In the trooper’s hand, a roll of black tape was held as he made his way over and knelt down, his Jedi tilting his head curiously to watch him work. Slowly and steadily, the man laid down tape, making first a meter long stripe and then another and another, moving around the Jedi until the man was standing in a taped of square of black tape on the durasteel floor.

Then Boost stood, grinning slightly as he swung the tape on a finger. “Well then sir, have at. That’s all I’m required to do.” The man stated with a small chuckle.

Plo, bemused, stared at the trooper, looked down… and then started laughing quietly too. “Oh I see, this is the box conundrum, isn’t it?” He stated with a deeply satisfied tone at seemingly having figured it out.

“The… box conundrum, sir?” The clone behind the camera questioned, Boost visibly pouting at his General as the experiment seemed to be a flop.

Plo however, nodded, turning his smile on the man behind the camera. “Indeed Sinker, the younglings back at the temple often do this with the temple tookas. Its to make them sit still long enough to approach them and build bonds,” He gestured down at the taped of area around him. “Felines are naturally curious, they know their territories well and any differences… well, it is a cause for curiosity, to be explored. Many of them will settle into the area to explore it. I imagine the public thought that might be the same for Jedi?” He turned his head to Boost.

The trooper nodded, sighing as he typed something down on a pad before kneeling down to remove the tape. “Yes sir, seeing so many questions about it, we figured we could test it. Its a harmless little thing after all.” He tacked on, grinning a tad.

Laughing, Plo reached out and gently patted Boost on the head. “Indeed,” He stated, ignoring how Boost seemed to still at the touch and lean into it. “It does however not work on us. Or well, that is a lie, some of the younglings in the creche, it will work on them. But as we grow older, we loose that instinct.” Plo stated warmly, stepping out of the square being dismantled, the last view was a softly smiling Boost as he continued cleaning up.

Underneath the video, a ton of comment came up, from the soft awws of seeing Boost reaction, those wanting to defend Boost little smile and then the massive amount going, ‘TEMPLE TOOKAS!? ADSAFDSFDSF!?’

Sufficient to say, there were more questions after that.

so i am 100% just making my way through your aphorisint masterlist right now and valiantly resisting asking for more of like, a million different things?? but if you had any more of Theheelytrick , then that would be… absolutely lovely 👁 it gave me some real good giggles, ngl

Trying not to crack up laughing as people were giving themselves whiplashes as he walked by peacefully, Obi-Wan had to give it to Anakin. He was right that taking a day of from his wheels and walking around instead was making everyone even more confused than before even if the reason the other had suggested it was for Obi-Wan’s ankle to get a rest.

Instead of laughing as he desired, he simply gave people a peaceful smile and nod as he walked by them to the refractory to meet his former padawan and their shared padawan.

Ahsoka gave him a long look as he came towards them, looking like someone had forcibly feed her a lemon with how her lips puckered.

Anakin’s eyes however glittered in obvious joy as he beamed at him. “Obi-Wan! Right on time, we need to eat and then get going.” He stated cheerfully, pulling both of them to the queue behind a staring twi’lek.

The lady jumped a bit when Obi-Wan smiled at her and quickly gave an awkward smile back before turning back around to the front but even as she did, Obi-Wan could read her expression going, ‘what the hell, what the hell, what the HELL!?’.

After weeks and weeks of Obi-Wan gliding everyone, seeing him walk around normally for prolonged minutes was apparently disturbing them now and he wanted to so badly to crack up and fess up to what he was doing.

He was going to soon of course but… honestly, just a bit more.

Just a few more weeks of delightfully fucking around with people until he told them it was just wheels in his damn boots.

Well, not these particular ones.

Since he had karked his ankle up the day before, Anakin had carefully wrapped his ankle for him and dug out an older but low cut pair of boots that belonged to Obi-Wan, the small ankle boots not as tight with the bandage due to their wear and tear.

Thankfully, despite aching a bit as he put his weight on his ankle, it didn’t outright hurt enough for him to be limping around.

Grabbing a tray and lifting a spiced dish onto his tray quickly, Obi-Wan gave a happy noise. “Stewjoni spiced vegetable stew, the new supplies must have come in.” He beamed happily, quickly grabbing another small roll of traditional bread roll, the scored x in the top along with the telling blue tinge informing it was made with the proper grains.

Beside him, Ahsoka made a low noise of realization. “That’s right, your home planet don’t trade much with outsiders, do they?” She peered up at him.

Absently noting that she would soon be able to look him straight in the eyes with how she was growing like a weed, Obi-Wan nodded. “Stewjon is controlled space, they are isolationist by nature. Its a miracle they’re willing to trade with the Jedi temple really but that may be because we have a few members originally from Stewjon,” He stated warmly, grabbing another offering of traditional food. “A few members leave on their own but… yeah, outside of the Senator and her aide and a few scattered restaurants on Coruscant, Stewjoni don’t leave their space.” He hummed, thinking about to the one time he had visited his home planet.

He missed Ahsoka giving him a long, considering look as she swiped a meat forward plate of food. “Do Stewjon have Force organizations of their own?” She ventured, seemingly holding her breath as Anakin gave her a bemused look.

“Hmm? Oh, yes. Quite a few actually. They’re minor but powerful in their own right but some parents tend to give their children to the Jedi.” Obi-Wan answered absently, missing once more as Ahsoka gave Obi-Wan’s feet a considering look, as if she was trying to connect pieces of out information that weren’t there.

She wasn’t the only one, several Jedi whispering to each other.

Was Stewjon where Obi-Wan’s newfound powers came from?

how’s the hunt for luke going in need for touch? i wonder if grogu is having as hard a time without his dad as din is without his kiddo…

Tucking Din’s leg, which had fallen out at some point back under their blanket, Paz reached out and stroked the others hair out of his face, observing the worn lines on his face.

But, well, at least Din was sleeping peacefully.

That bought a smile to Paz lips and he couldn’t resist leaning in to gently press a soft kiss to the apple of Din’s tanned cheek, feeling the scratch of stubble beneath his lips.

He wanted to linger in that moment, the softness, the sight of Din peacefully resting but Boba had called and therefore Paz straightened and put his helmet on, leaving his bond promised behind in their den to meet up with the other alpha.

Hopefully it meant good news, though it had been weeks since the two decided to try to find the Jedi.

Quietly, Paz closed the door behind himself, nodding to a passing guard in the slightly cool hall and made his way down the hall towards the throne room. Since Boba had added him to the scanner, Paz knew it would let him in as Boba also expected him and seeing as it was night time and only trusted people were left in the palace, Paz only worn his helmet, worn out thin sleep pants and a t-shirt that was frankly a tad too small.

Paz made a concentrated effort not to stretch in the thing, flushing a bit when a beta guard in the throne room suddenly perked up with interest, her eyes obviously tracing over the taut material and the bulk of his arms. She kept watching him closely as he crossed to the back of the throne to enter the King’s quarters and he could feel her eyes on him until the door closed behind him.

If Din had seen it, he would have gotten grumpy for sure, no one in the palace was ignorant that Paz and Din were bond promised after all.

Admittedly, it was a tad flattering to get the attention Paz had to admit, in the privacy of his own head. But there was only one person for him and that was Din, no one else measured up to the mighty beroya of the covert.

That he had managed to catch Din’s attention and keep it was not something he was willing to risk.

“Paz, there you are, I was wo-what the hell are you wearing?” Boba paused mid sentence, blinking bemusedly up at Paz from his position on the wing of the L shaped couch, his armor on its stand with Boba dressed in one of his black robes.

“My sleep wear?” Paz returned, equally bemused as he padded over and sat down near the other alpha. “I mean, I was in bed when you called. I’m honestly shocked it didn’t wake Din.” He shrugged a tad.

Boba eyed the hot pink if slightly faded t-shirt Paz was wearing that was clearly a size too small before letting out an amused snort with a head shake. “Well, I… anyhow, I found a lead on Skywalker, though I’m not sure its a valid one. I also sent a message to Organa that I want to speak with her brother.” He explained, looking down at the pad on his lap.

Leaning a bit forward to peer at it, Paz squinted a bit at the tiny letters on the tablet before shaking his head and looking back at Boba’s face. “A lead?” He questioned hopefully, settling a bit against the back of the couch.

Boba glanced at him, snorting at the sight of the t-shirt riding up on his stomach before he scrolled through his pad and brought up a map that he showed Paz.

Squinting at it, Paz let out a noise as he saw a tracked route leading from Coruscant to somewhere out along Outer Rims and he looked to Boba in confusion.

The man tapped his nail on the pad. “This? This is a shipping line from Organa to somewhere else. Medical supplies, freeze dried food along with long storage food, different fabrics, some motor parts for ships and speeders and sometimes other things are on the shipment list. I suspect she’s shipping supplies to her brother and his temple.” He explained to the mandalorian.

A noise of understanding escaped Paz. “That makes sense, I mean, they can’t make everything on one planet, wouldn’t have the resources to do that… could I take a look at the shipment lists?” He questioned.

Scrolling through the pad and bringing up the lists, Boba handed the pad to Paz to look through. “Organa might be willing to give us information or at least send Skywalker a message, if she decides to talk to me. If nothing less, her getting one to her golden brother would at least alert Skywalker to Din’s difficulties.” Boba murmured quietly as Paz read.

“Mmmn, hopefully. I don’t know much about this Skywalker but to take a adiik from an already injured omega…” Paz shook his head, grimacing.

He only looked away from the pad when the other let out a deep sigh. “Look, I’m not gonna defend Skywalker but… he’s not a bad person. Not really. I don’t really get what was going through his or Din’s head back on that cruiser but… there’s more to the story than what we get at least and if he knew the effect it would have on Din, I don’t think he would have done it.” Boba rubbed at his scarred face slowly and tiredly.

After weeks of a despondent Din, Paz wasn’t feeling quite so charitable however and only let out a vague noise of understanding, turning his attention back to the lists. As he did, he started to see a common denominator. “…There’s no fruit on this list.” He said slowly.

He felt Boba shift closer, but continued scrolling, flickering his eyes quickly over the letters.

“No vegetables either.” Paz mumbled, eyes widening with slight realization just as Boba let out a deep hum.

“They’re somewhere green. Green and fertile.” Boba stated with conviction, conviction Paz shared as excitement started to bubble in his chest.

Somewhere green and fertile in the outer rims that they could grow fresh produce.

‘Hold on adi’ika, soon your buir will see you again.’

Adiik = Child

Adi’ika = little one

Buir = parent

in ‘jedi are cats’, could we get some 212th and 501st specific videos or scenes, please? :pleading: i love it when jedi just. do the things and get loved by clones

“Where the hell is Waxer!?” The video started of with what was clearly Commander Cody on a warpath, the man looking incensed as he spun around the camp while looking around for said trooper.

The local fauna looked like one of the more tropical planets, lush green around the camp in all directions they could see and blue sky above with just a few scattered clouds about.

The focus however remained on the incensed Commander as he glared at those around him. “Damn di’kut isn’t answering his comms!” He snarled out, clearly threading a very fine line with his patience at that moment.

It was rather surprising honestly, Marshal Commander Cody was always one of the most level headed commanders the public got to see but today was clearly an off day and not finding this Waxer had pushed him over the edge.

“He said can’t move sir and to tell you he won’t be available for a while.” A shiny, as the public had managed to learn that unmarked troopers were called due to how new they were to the battalions they served, not having earned their paint yet as the others, dared to answer.

Instantly the commander whirled on the man, fire in his eyes. “What?” He snarled out, the shiny backing up in fear.

Thankfully though, for the shiny’s sake, someone intervened on their behalf.

A pair of medics went by, one of them stopping and by the red hair and smily on the chestplate, everyone could tell it was CMO Helix that answered Commander Cody, with medic Potion by his side. “What Trupper here means sir, is that Waxer is currently covered by Jedi and therefore can’t move.” He stated a tad wryly, gesturing towards something in the distance with one hand.

The one filming focused on Cody’s surprised face for a moment before following the line of Helix hand point to a point outside the camp, a bald clone with his helmet beside him and his legs stretched out sitting under a tree some distance from the camp. Beside him, another trooper with a mustache was sitting with his head on the bald ones shoulder.

But the most important part was that General Kenobi was also there, his head and upper body laying out across the bald clones, Waxer’s, lap.

Waxer’s hand was slowly petting the Jedi’s hair, his head tilted to peer up at the clear sky with every line of his body indicating relaxation.

So did Kenobi’s body too.

The man was asleep, settled over one of his trooper’s lap like a giant tooka, the shiny glitter of the bell of his collar barely seen at the distance along with a peek of purple.

A loud sigh echoed and the camera returned to the commander, Cody rubbing at the scar on his temple. “Why didn’t you just say Waxer was covered in Jedi, Trupper?” He questioned in a resigned tone before shaking his head when the trooper in question stammered. “If a Jedi is sleeping on you, unless its an emergency, you don’t move. No one’s gonna blame you for it.” Cody stated wryly.

Moving with Potion, Helix let out a loud snort. “Considering how hard it is to get the General to sleep properly some days, I will shank the first one to wake him.” The CMO growled before disappearing from view.

“Tooka rules apply to Jedi,” The commander continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “If they choose you, you stay still, you let them sleep and you better hope you went to the latrines right before.” Cody grumbled before turning and muttering to himself about who the hell he was going to get to replace Waxer, wandering out of frame.

The trooper filming returned to zoom in on the General and his troopers, giving the public one last view of three content souls relaxing in the shade of a large tree.

Di’kut = Idiot

Fertilewar: is Anakin going to show up at some point?

Shrieking loudly in shock as he was lifted of his feet, Obi-Wan would later deny just how loud the sound was, regardless of whatever blasted holo records existed. As it was, he didn’t think about that at all as he was twirled around in the air. “OBI!” A goofy, familiar voice called before Obi-Wan was set down and pulled into a tight hug with a coo.

“Master!” Obi-Wan protested, face burning against the others shoulder as he felt the amused attention of every trooper within distance, clearly all of them had seen Anakin treat him like a youngling.

“Why yes, that’s me,” Anakin finally pushed Obi-Wan back enough to look at him, grinning brightly as he flashed blue eyes over his face. “You’re looking decent, hair growing out quite a bit too.” He stated amusedly, reaching up to playfully tug on some of Obi-Wan’s styled back hair.

Hissing a tad like a cat, Obi-Wan reached up to slap away the others hand, huffing loudly as he stepped back. “Master stop that, I’m not a child.” He complained, trying not to pout.

By the way Anakin was smiling at him in even more amusement, it was clear he was failing.

Honestly, Obi-Wan had known the moment he and Anakin had been paired up for this campaign by the council that this was going to be the outcome.

The other was just too touchy feely and always tended to cuddle Obi-Wan as if he was an oversized teddy.

Not that… well, not that Obi-Wan hated it, not really. It was just a tad embarrassing in public, seeing as they were in the middle of the camp and Commander Cody was right beside him.

Not to mention the clearly amused Captain Rex at Anakin’s side, the blond clone’s brow raised at them.

“You’re an awful child, really,” Anakin sighed playfully, wrapping his arm around Obi-Wan while pulling him along towards the command tent. “Here I am, your master, after weeks and months of distance and all you can do is yell at me.” He playfully pouted and Obi-Wan’s ears burned as he heard a few muffled coughs around the camp.

“Master!” He groaned deeply, covering his face with his hands. He should have kept a better eye on when the Resolute was scheduled to arrive, he knew Anakin was going to be a twat about the entire thing.

“Yes, that is me!” Anakin stated breezily, pulling into the command tent to glance around. “Huh, looks like a good set up. Well done Obi-Wan.” He hummed out.

Coloring even more, grateful for the dark of the tent, Obi-Wan pressed into Anakin’s side. “I can’t take all the credit, Commander Cody and Lieutenant Waxer have been superb help.” He murmured quietly, not wanting to take away from the two despite always loving praise from Anakin.

At the holo display, Waxer puffed up a bit, sending Obi-Wan a short smile and he could feel Cody straighten up behind him at the praise.

Chuckling a tad, Anakin nodded. “Skilled troopers do make it easier but I know you’re skilled too my teeny tiny padawan.” He playfully tugged at Obi-Wan’s hair again, this time going for the hair beneath his right ear.

The place his padawan braid had once been, the braid he had gifted Anakin with.

Obi-Wan grimaced a tad but smiled up at him.

For all that Anakin could be an unbearable twat at times… Obi-Wan was happy he had been paired up with the man. He had missed just holo calling his master. “I’m knight Obi-Wan Kenobi now,” He huffed. “And I’m not tiny.” Obi-Wan grumbled quietly, not really as upset as he pretended.

But then despair hit him as Anakin’s face lit up with unholy glee, the blue light of the terminals and holo display giving him a devilish look. “Hello there not tiny, I’m master.” He crooned evilly.

Gaping at his master, Obi-Wan let out an outraged gasp then shoved the laughing Jedi master away. “MASTER!”

PLEASE, how does obi-wan’s visit to kamino go in fresh and young? how does he react to din and grogu? and does their presence change his relationship with jango, now that he’s kinda-sorta adopted a jedi youngling, do they actually talk to each other or is it just more of the same?? also, how do the troopers react to din and grogu? i know we saw a little bit already, but i’d love to see more of their interactions

Okay, so, Din wasn’t actually quite sure what was going on. Boba had of course tried to explain, as he always did when Din encountered things he didn’t really understand in the grander universe even back on Tatooine and now on Kamino but… Well, Din’s head was already sort of aching with the idea of time travel and the changes in their bodies, not to mention the lack of helmet.

So far, Grogu was the one that had changed the least, if he had even deaged at all.

The idea that they were some thirty years into the past or something like that kind of broke Din’s mind as he relied on Boba.

In their child body.

With Grogu.

Apparently, this was the planet where Boba had been born. Or decanted as he had said, as Boba was a clone and while Din had been aware of that for a while now, it was still strange to see so many with a face almost identical to Boba.

Not to mention meeting Boba’s buir.

Then there was the lack of his Din’s helmet, which had Boba had tried to help him with by giving him clothes with hoods on for now, promising him that he’d get him one of the cadet helmets.

Apparently there were helmets here that should fit Din and he’d be so grateful to have one but he knew better than to push, even though his skin crawled any time someone that wasn’t Grogu or Boba looked too closely at his face.

Then Boba was trying to explain to Jango about how they arrived only to end up crying, considering he hadn’t seen his buir in almost thirty years, that was also understandable, so Din hadn’t scolded or thought any ill of his Boba at that.

Boba more than anyone deserved to cry in the arms of his buir, having actually seen the man be decapitated after the stories he had told Din.

But when he finally started in on the story, Jango closing his eyes with a small groan as the story of ‘time travel’ passed his lips, they had been interrupted.

By a Jedi.

A redhead, sopping wet from the rain of Kamino and Jango had suddenly turned from a caring and soft buir to a cold and calculated bounty hunter, something Din recognized from his own days and Boba had turned as pale as he could, watching everything with reddened, panicked eyes as Din moved out of the way, nervously standing between the Jedi and the doors as Boba and Jango stood in front of the Jedi.

When Boba tried to speak up, the Jedi seemed bemused by it all, looking closely at Boba as if he was a puzzle, giving Din the same penetrating glance and when he looked at Grogu on the couch, watching it all quietly…

Well, the Jedi seemed to stiffen and then he turned glacially polite, excusing himself, Jango making no move to stop him.

Something that sent Boba into a panic, Din could tell by the way his eyes widened and his lips twisted, even without the scars to give them its usual shape.

So, when Boba yelled, Din acted. “Din! Stop him!” Boba yelled as the Jedi made a move towards the door, passing Din.

Now, you could not accuse Din of being stupid but… well, he was only human and he might have panicked a tad too when Boba yelled. Which explains why he’s currently wrapped around the Jedi’s leg, eyes wide, staring up at the redhead before looking at Boba and his buir.

Everyone paused at that, staring at Din sitting on the Jedi’s foot, even the Jedi looked a tad lost as he stared down at Din.

“… I did mean shoot him with the blaster on the table.” Boba stated a tad weakly, rubbing slightly at his red, swollen eyes.

“…I panicked.” Din squeaked, still clinging to the Jedi’s leg and then blinking when there was a coo. All four looked to the noise, finding Grogu wrapped around the Jedi’s other leg, the kid blinking up at them all with wide eyes as his ears wiggled happily.

Alright, that was something Din was used to at least, Grogu moving silently and quickly without notice and he smiled shakily at his adiik, still clinging to the Jedi’s leg in case he tried to move.

Though, really, if the Jedi wanted him of off, he could easily manage it Din figured… least it buy Boba a few seconds?  

Scratching at his hair, Boba blinked several times. “…I really, really did mean to stun him but I guess this works too since he stopped.” He stated in bemusement before walking over and carefully helping Din up.

Well, at least the Jedi had stopped, staring at them in utter bemusement now, blinking between the three time travelers.

“…I have the feeling that at least you,” Here the Jedi pointed at Boba. “Know what’s going on, as your buir,” All three mandalorians jumped a bit in surprise at the mando’a coming from the Jedi. “Looks about as lost as I feel.” He raised one, perfectly manicured brow at them.

“Don’t worry, we’re all confused.” Din whispered, shrinking a bit under the intent look of the Jedi and ducking behind Boba’s back when the other moved in front of him.

Stroking his beard, the man raised both brows as Din peeked up over Boba’s shoulder. Likely, Boba was glaring at the Jedi and Din pressed his cheek to Boba’s shoulder, feeling warm at the protectiveness of the other. Boba was always kind and good to him, even when Din himself didn’t know what to do.

“Yes, I can see that… well then, how about I hear you out… if you can explain to me why a Jedi youngling is on the planet, in your care.” The Jedi finished a tad more sternly. Din reached down and picked up Grogu, nervously cuddling his adiik to his child.

“If you’re willing to listen, sure Kenobi.” Boba shot back with a little growl, clearly upset with him for staring at Din.

“You’re making deals I’m not sure you can hold there Bob’ika.” Jango, his buir sighed loudly and Din glanced nervously at the man, finding him shaking his head.

Then Jango chuckled a tad as Boba guiltily looked back at him. “I know buir but… this is important… please?” Boba whispered, biting at his lips. He looked nervous and Din eased Grogu into one arm so he could reach out and hold Boba’s hand, squeezing the tiny hand in his.

All of this was strange and new and Din wasn’t quite sure where he fit in but… as long as he had Boba and Grogu… he could figure it out.

Even if the way the Jedi were looking at all three like they were a puzzle was a bit disconcerting

If you’re up for it, I would love to read more of deaged and time traveling Boba, Din and Grogu! What exactly do they tell Jango?

Peering curiously at the little child as he feed it, Jango tilted his head as he cooed happily. “You know, I’m not sure this is what you’re suppose to be eating little one.” He stated in a tad of bemusement, still feeding him little bits of leftover tiingilar carefully.

The little one had come stumbling out of Boba’s bedroom about an hour after the two older had left, rubbing his eyes while looking around with a wide eyed look that Jango easily identified as hungry, even on an alien child.

Years of having Boba had accustomed Jango to looks like that.

Leaving a child hungry wasn’t in Jango’s nature, even as his mind hissed at him about the clones, and therefore he had carefully picked Grogu up and settled him on the couch, promising him food.

That had gotten the little one to keep sitting, cooing hopefully, large eyes following him as adorable ears twitched in hope.

Unfortunately, Jango had yet to stock up properly, he only had a few things and most of it required prep or defrostnig.

Not ideal when a child was already hungry.

Which left Jango feeding a child the spicy leftovers.

He had thought that the child might pitch a fit but…

‘Does he have an iron mouth or something?’ He wondered in bemusement, carefully dabbing Grogu’s chin as a bit of stew leaked. “Guess you like spice huh, does the other one too? Would make feeding you both easier.” Jango stated, smiling wryly.

For all the kid was like the Jedi grandmaster in looks, it was… difficult not to find him adorable. “I’m guessing I’m gonna have to find some nappies for you.” He paused, frowning slightly, chuckling when Grogu left out a grumpy noise.

He quickly fed him another spoonful, only for both to pause as the door opened, Boba leading Din inside. Boba had been quick to introduce the other boy to Jango, before going to bed last night, Jango deciding to wait for Boba to tell him what the kark was going on.

He trusted his son, despite the personality changes, because no one clung as desperately to someone as Boba had done without loving them.

There was something going on and Jango was going to find out and he just knew, just knew deep in his gut, that he would not like it.

The younger but taller boy was still tugging at his hood, looking nervously at Jango with those big, brown eyes of his, as if he wasn’t used to looking others in the face or having his own face exposed.

Boba instead looked grouchy, his lips pursed in what the boy likely thought was a scowl but came of as a pout. It made Jango have to fight against his own laughter.

“Is that tiingilar buir?” Boba suddenly asked, staring at the two as he and Din paused.

Jango shrugged, glancing down at Grogu, who still held his mouth open like a baby bird, waiting for more. “Was the only thing I had that didn’t need prep. Thought he might pitch a fit at the spice but…” He shrugged, smiling helplessly.

“Are you really surprised?” Din spoke up, voice soft and lisping faintly. Jango had already identified the accent, Aq Vetina, a planet on the outer area of the Mandalorian sector. It was colonized by farmers as far as he knew and that again made Din even more impossible. “He eats frogs.” The boy pointed out.

Boba let out a thoughtful noise at that before sighing and nodding, pulling Din towards the couch. “…Wait, what?” Jango blinked then looked down at Grogu, the ik’aad blinking back at him and demanding opening his mouth. Obediently, Jango fed him another spoon from the bowl.

“I didn’t let him!” Din stated defensively, more animated than Jango had seen him, his lips twisting unhappily. “He jumped on it and swallowed it before I could stop it.”

Jango looked back up, even more surprised. “…He ate it whole?” He rasped, watching as Boba pushed Din to sit down on the couch beside Grogu, the boy quickly stroking the big ears of the baby.

Din grimaced but nodded but before he could say more, Boba spoke up. “Is there more tiingilar?” He questioned brusquely, quelling slightly under Jango’s raised brow, jutting his chin out even as his cheeks pinkened. “Please?”

Scraping the bowl and feeding Grogu the last bit, Jango nodded. “Yes, in the container in the fridge. Its from yesterdays dinner.” And Jango always made more than enough tiingilar, to be able to eat the leftovers.

Boba nodded in satisfaction, grinning happily before turning to Din and raising one little finger at him. “You’re tiny and you’re way too skinny. You’re gonna eat a whole bowl, or so help me, I will…” He paused, looking at his own hand, Din echoing the move.

Then Din grinned, giggling slightly. “I don’t think that’s gonna work out so well.” He stated a tad cheekily, not tugging at his hood as he grinned almost mischievously at Boba.

Boba gave him a peevish look in return, glared at his own hand for a minute while flexing his fingers, then huffed slightly as Grogu gave a giggle too and clapped little claws together in response to Din’s joy, Jango watching them in confusion.

“You’re still eating a whole bowl.” Boba grumbled, making his way to the kitchen, staring up at the cupboards as if they had betrayed him before pulling his stepping ladder over to reach the dishes. Jango would offer him help, but frankly, watching Boba look as if the cupboards had personally insulted him and his entire family line and his armor was something he’d cherish if he was honest.

“He’s upset he’s short.” The soft, lisping voice attracted his attention, Jango turning his attention to Din to see him grinning widely, his arms wrapped around little Grogu now as the adiik had crawled into his lap and snuggled up.

Clearly the baby was full and therefore content.

Jango had to repress the urge to say ‘but he’s always been like this’ and instead raised a brow at the kid in front of him, smiling slightly. Din was clearly an anxious sort and he’d rather not frighten the boy when he was slowly getting used to Jango.

It was clear that Boba was not going to leave Din anywhere.

All of these little clues however was drawing Jango towards a suspicion.

An impossible, improbable and incredulous suspicion.


These new children and the changes in Boba…

‘Wait and see, do not act without proper information Jango, or you can walk yourself into a trap.’ Jaster’s low voice spoke up in the recesses of his mind and therefore Jango settled, smiling wryly at Din.

ik’aad = Baby, under 3. Jango doesn’t know how old he is though lol

tiingilar = Spicy traditional mandalorian stew

adiik = children

buir = parent

Its been a hot minute, but for Jedi are Cats (something like that) do the clones have their own version of YouTube to put their videos of their generals being funny?

To the delight of the entire galaxy, the GAR clones had started their own holopage for their Jedi General’s shenanigans.

With weekly donations, it was running smoothly, updated by several battalions daily to make it worth the credits. Most of the donations were used to the upkeep of the page of course but some of it went into the GAR.

There had been quite a few thank you on the page from each battalion, investing in better caff or tea or treats.

It was rather adorable and had racked up a tad more donations, just to see them enjoy themselves and share with their Jedi.

Then there were the delightful videos themselves, all of them arranged Jedi by Jedi, so one could find their favorite Jedi. There was also the option to cross search for certain feline behavior, just so the viewer could find their favorite hilarity.


The angle of the camera was shaky and low, alerting the viewer to the fact that it was a helmet camera once more and that it was suited on the trooper’s hip. Finally though, the shaky angle became clear and allowed the viewer to see…

Plo Koon, curled up in an ammo crate, looking for all the world like there was nowhere else the kel dor would want to be with a blanket beneath himself. The man looked to be half asleep from what they could tell with the googles and breathing mask and he was actually purring faintly.

“…General, what in the world are you doing?” A gruff voice questioned.

The Jedi shifted inside the crate, lifting his head slightly from his own head to look up before huffing a tad in amusement. “Ah, Wolffe, I’m merely taking a nap.” The Jedi stated cheerfully.

“…In an ammo crate?” The same voice repeated, sounding merely resigned instead of incredulous.

Considering that the entire galaxy was now aware of the Jedi’s feline traits, no one was shocked by it at all and most were giggling at how adorable the kel dor was behaving.

“Indeed, its comfortable and safe. Would you like to join me?” Brows creased and cheeks shifted in a clear smile.

“…Thank you for the offer sir, but no thank you. Please enjoy your nap.” Came a low, drawn out sigh.


“Doooooon’t.” A blond trooper, Captain Rex, stated seriously, eyes narrowed in the video as he stood in front of his General at the mess table. This video was taken from a distance in a command room, clearly by another trooper watching the exchange of their General and their Captain.

Seated at said table, Anakin Skywalker sat, staring up at his captain with wide, mock innocent eyes, the back of his mech hand placed against a cup.

What was in the cup was hard to tell, but what was clear, was that this was a cup shoving behavior of a feline.

Or a Force sensitive being.

The stare-off continued, the General slowly moving the cup another inch and the captain growling deeply. “General… I swear…” He raised a finger at the other man. “Don’t you dare… I brought you that so you could hydrate…” The captain wagged it.

The human in front of him watched the finger wag, tilted his head, as if debating his option and then gave a grin so wide it looked loopy before he sent the cup flying into the air.



Another shot, this time in what looked like a camp on some planet or moon, General Kenobi practically strutting across the camp towards his Commander with a wide smile on his lips. “Cody!” He called out.

The man in question, Commander Cody as his scar made him very unique among his peer, lifted his head from the pad he was looking over, the man sitting outside at a rickety table. “General?” The man greeted with a small smile, blinking when the man placed something on the table. “General, what is this?” He questioned curiously, setting his pad aside to pickup a leaf, the tips of it colored a light blue like a sky, while the bottom turned almost black.

Chuckling, General Kenobi rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck, his ears turning a tad red. “Its a Yuran tree leaf, they’re unique for their blue, gradient color and this in particular was beautiful. I wanted you to have it.” He informed him with a wry twist of his lips.

It was rather funny, to see all the feline behavior the Jedi had and more, it was adorable.

How odd, they went from being mysterious to adorable beings.