
“What… happened?”

Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was sent to investigate a strange surge in the Force by the urging of the Jedi Council. But it might have been a mistake to send him alone… 

This took literal days and I procrastinated on a lot of other things while doing it, but it’s finally finished!! I tried out a lot of different things while making this, and it was quite fun, if not experimental, esp. since I don’t think my round-like style works all too well with horror things ^^’ I’ll probably do the next batches in sketch form since I’m getting really busy again, but I do want to explore this AU some more 😀

(and apologies for repost! tags still hate me apparently)

So recently I’ve made my way through Blind! Obi-Wan once again and Distant pain and I was struck by a almost cruel idea. How would blind Obi react during the Umbara arc? He’d be even more feral than in Distant pain yeah. Can you imagine how pained he’d be for his men or how he’d most likely not give them up to Krell.

How the General had knew, they still didn’t know.

Everyone knew that outside of General Krell, all the other Jedi were suppose to leave Umbara along with most of command outside of Captain Rex and the other lower officers but General Kenobi had gotten an odd look on his face when he heard who was going to take over for them.

He’d then requested a meeting with the council, a private one.

Three hours later and Kenobi along with Los was staying, the tusk-cat snarling lowly as the besalisk introduced himself with Kenobi’s hand resting on the predator’s head, blind eyes unnervingly focused on his fellow Jedi.

Maybe it had been a Force prodding, maybe the General had heard rumors, maybe it was instincts…

But the troopers were grateful that the blind and usually so cheerful Jedi had stayed.

At least…

They had in the beginning.

Because Rex wasn’t sure how he was going to explain to Cody or his own General what they had let Obi-Wan do.

If they could have stopped him that was.

Obi-Wan had once told both Cody and Rex that Jedi didn’t need any differing features on the clones to tell them apart, that in the Force, they were all as different as a snowflake and never had two of them been alike.

Obi-Wan had known from the second Krell had tried to bullshit them.

He had known what the other had been up to and Rex wasn’t sure how he thought he was going to trick the blind Jedi.

Or maybe he did, considering the insults Krell had shouted at Obi-Wan, calling him a ‘blind bastard of a half Jedi that needed others to do his work and would never be a great master himself’, taunting the Jedi not only about his blindness but his scars and the loss of his other tusk-cat.

Obi-Wan hadn’t given Krell the satisfaction of a reaction to those words.

No, Obi-Wan, from the moment he had managed to stop the fighting, had gone blank faced, his last emotion having been when he gently touched a fallen trooper with a hand.

Rex had been able to see his face, had seen the others ruined eyes go icy and his face as blank as a polished mirror.

It should have been the only hint he needed, even as Obi-Wan grasped his lightsaber even before they reached HQ.

It had been his second hint, the grasping of a weapon even before they encountered the traitor to the GAR.

His third, and last possible hint and chance to stop it, had been Obi-Wan not reacting until Krell started spewing shit about the clones, how Obi-Wan had jerked violently and lit up his lightsaber, his face transforming into a wrathful snarl though if he made a noise, it was covered by Los echoing snarl in the room.

And for a second, just a second, Rex would swear that Obi-Wan’s eyes glimmered yellow.

One of the more horrifying things when Rex would later think about it, would be the way Obi-Wan hadn’t hesitated.

Clearly Krell hadn’t expected it either, had simply lit his own lightstaffs and gotten into position, because Obi-Wan hadn’t simply attacked.

He had reached out with the Force and ripped one of Krell’s arm clean off.

Not cut it, not cauterizing the wound as a lightsaber would have but simply… ripped it clean off, the arm hitting the floor in a wet thunk as Krell roared in pain and blood sprayed the ground. Only then did Obi-Wan pounce forward, taking a second arm with Los following hot on his trail, lashing out at Krell’s leg.

Both feline and Jedi crippled Krell and yet Krell still had his sabers and even then Rex had realized that Obi-Wan had done it on purpose.

He let Krell keep his sabers, to later justify what came next.

Because Obi-Wan hadn’t stopped.

Krell, due to pain or the rapid blood loss, barely parried Obi-Wan’s next few hits before Obi-Wan once more struck, slicing along his chest and if it wasn’t for the wound being cauterized, the wound would have killed him there and then.

Instead… he just roared and then cried out pitifully as Obi-Wan dropped all pretenses, slamming his hand through the others chest as he pinned Krell to the wall, Los wrapping her mouth around one lightsaber wielding wrist and Obi-Wan cutting off the other.

His chest buried deep into the besalisk chest, Obi-Wan moved it slowly, wrapped it around Krell’s heart before leaning in, whispering something to the other Jedi, Krell’s pained eyes growing wide, choking on blood before Obi-Wan spoke louder. “You don’t deserve to live, you bastard.”

He pulled the besalisk’s heart out, the organ beating in Obi-Wan’s hand as everyone simply…stared for long moments.

And then Krell collapsed, a flayed open chest and only one hand left, his eyes wide and his mouth oozing blood.

Someone had vomited, a trooper behind Rex.

No one could quite believe what had happened, even as Obi-Wan’s hand fell and the heart dropped onto the floor in a wet thud and Los had started whimpering, licking at Obi-Wan’s bloody hand as Obi-Wan slowly fell to his knees.

His saber was deactivated and when Rex finally summoned enough mind and honestly bravery to approach him, his eyes were no longer empty.

Just milky green pools of despair and pain.

And that was the last time Obi-Wan responded, having grown comatose after his actions against Krell, leaving Rex in charge to deal with the mess, call the High Generals and his own.

Obi-Wan responded to simple commands but other than that…

For the first time, Rex finally understood why Jedi could not give into rage or wrath, he had seen a personal display of a man made of cheerful delight and warmth and what became of them if they did follow the emotions the Jedi were taught to control.

Rex never wanted to see it again.

So in Snailsarefree do you have any ideas of Ani on a mission or something? Where of course it goes as planned


That is the only thing Anakin can say about the animals that are prowling around them, the supposed pets of the nobles.

In the normal world, they just look like hip sized dogs, slightly fluffy, all groomed to the nines with slightly unnerving, unblinking eyes and Anakin might have found them somewhat cute with their curled tails despite the unnerving black eyes.

But in the other world…

Anakin can’t even begin to understand why the difference is there.

But suddenly they are larger, they loom at shoulder height despite their normal life counterparts being so much smaller.

None of them have eyes in this world, only empty sockets and instead of front paws, their legs taper off into human hands, they are rail thin and their fur is mangy with exposed part showing bones where the mangy fur of brown or a horrible dirty white does not cover.

They look diseased honestly, their tails hanging limp between their tails and their mangled, large ears twitching to every noise with their disturbingly long tongues hanging out of their mouth, drool dripping on the floor.

He’s never seen anything quite as disturbing, the temple has been full of benign creatures or at the very least, neutral ones that didn’t care to bother Anakin.

These things…

They give of the feeling of wrongness and the Force coils in warning, whispering frantically in Anakin’s ears to not let the creatures know that he can see them.

And the nobles can not see these beasts, if Anakin does anything… it will be humiliating for Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan would have to take responsibility as his master, as his ‘guardian’ despite Anakin now being of age.

That was the last thing Anakin wanted, for Obi-Wan to be humiliated and bear the burdens of Anakin’s actions.

The thing however is that Obi-Wan is literally in his head and can feel how Anakin is shutting down, the master still smiling benevolently at the nobles, still talking, being his usual charming and flirty self as he gets progress in their mission even as he reaches out into the Force and concernedly brushes against his padawan.

But how could Anakin explai-

Obi-Wan tensed, his hand suddenly shooting out to grab Anakin’s wrist as he stuttered.

It was just a word, easily waved away but Anakin knew his master and the grip the other had on his wrist almost hurt with how tight it was.

Obi-Wan was seeing the dogs.

He had opened his eye because he could feel how Anakin’s emotions were rattling around uneasily all over in the Force.

And his master was of the curious sorts and not for the first time did Anakin curse that curiosity as both Jedi were now struggling to keep the dogs from discovering that they could see them. Because clearly Obi-Wan was also receiving the warning from the Force not to let the dogs know.

There were too many.

So many dogs all over, the nobles unknowing of what monstrosities they had in their homes, in their laps, drooling on them.

‘Padawan…’ Obi-Wan’s shaking voice whispered through their bond when a lull in the conversation came by. ‘W-What are those… they’re not dogs.’ The other was clearly in denial.

‘I don’t know master… I have never…’ Anakin swallowed, glancing to his master, finding Pinky curled into the redhead’s neck, clearly trembling. ‘…Pinky is scared. I don’t… think they’re good.’ Anakin stated the obvious but it needed to be said.

Forcing a smile on his face, bowing slightly while pulling Anakin with him, Obi-Wan finally got them dismissed. ‘We will talk about it later, once we’re off planet. I don’t think we should talk about them while on planet.’ He finally settled on, tone firm.

Anakin couldn’t agree more.

And he couldn’t wait to be gone from this planet, clenching his eyes shut as one of the mangled creatures sloped past him, close enough that Anakin could feel its breath whisper against the blond’s hand.

No, he couldn’t wait to be far away from this place.

Especially when they encountered the palace guard ‘dogs’, even larger versions of the nobles pets.

‘…We really need to investigate these things Anakin.’ Obi-Wan stated through their bond, his tone hysterical as both practically jogged towards the waiting shuttle that would take them out of palace grounds.

Anakin simply nodded, eyes straight forward to avoid looking at the beasts while thinking happy thoughts of little cute snails.

Yes, only cute little gossamer snails that waved at you.

BlackenedSouls. I would greatly like to see Obi-Wan survive. And what’s going on with Palpatine/Sidious?

above the lump of a human, Vader, prince of hell, sneered down at the
interloper as rage made his demonic features visible to anyone
peeking in and smoke pour from his mouth with his nails cutting
crescent marks into his palms as they turned to claws.

it was Palpatine and it was Sidious, the snake, who had done this to

his bright and lovely Obi-Wan, ambushed and held down in a ritual
circle and turned human, sent into the human world without memory or
survival skills of the world he was not part of in a bitter attempt
to wound Anakin’s ruling line.

using his little half-breed son to get around it all, enough demon
blood to use the books of demons but human enough to get around
protections and wards.


the human continued to beg for his life and soul, the stench of urine
reached them through the heavy smell of herbs that Jocasta had sorted
out for the fireplace and they had kept throwing on to aid Obi-Wan
survive, to shed his human self, to shed Ben and become his old self.

there would be no mercy.

when Vader might lose his beloved Obi-Wan, not when he had spent so
long in loneliness because his weapon brother and mate to be had been
taken from him. And Obi-Wan was his mate, if he survived Vader would
give him the throne, would make him his queen, his bride and rule
over the hellscape with him.

knew that Dooku would approve of that and maybe that had always been
in the plans of Qui-Gon but right now Obi-Wan was fighting for his
life and Vader…

was going to extract his revenge and get Sidious location from the
man’s son.

then he’d take the man’s soul, send him as an empty vagrant out
into the world with his consciousness knowing what his body did but
being unable to help.

his claw out of his flesh, Vader reached out with a sadistic snarl, Ahsoka and
everyone around stepping back as the prince of hell reached out to
give the half demon the worst punishment anyone could endure. “Death
would be too good, too brief,” Vader growled, watching watery, pale
eyes go wide in fear with an awful stench joining the smell of urine.
“So your soul shall be bound, you will suffer as long as your body
survives. So be the word of the Prince of Hell.”


his eyes slowly, the redhead stared at the ceiling with
lidded eyes as a soft, unnoticed breath escaped him.

occupants of the room was preoccupied with horror show as the redhead
took in the sweltering heat as he laid on a couch in only his boxers
and with a slow stretch, Obi-Wan felt his tail and horns pop into
existence as he smiled at the world.

memories of ‘Ben’ was in him of course, he remembered what had
happened but it was faded as ‘Ben’ had never been real.

he shifted onto his feet, his tail flickering slowly as he watched
his little family and the wretched, sobbing thing being taken his
soul from by Vader on the floor.

was Ahsoka who noticed first, glancing at him shortly before turning
around with a gasp, bringing everyone’s attention on the pale

warmly at them with a fanged mouth, Obi-Wan flickered his tail
playfully at them. “Hello there.” He purred, opening his arms as
instantly Vader threw himself over the couch with a cry of the other
demons name, the blond wrapping himself around him.

“OBI-WAN!” The scream of relief, of joy echoed in the house.

lived bitches.’ Obi-Wan thought with a purr as he nuzzled at his prince’s warm skin.

it’s been a while but. Undeadwalking. do they get off the planet in time? is everyone okay? or what about the reactions from the jedi when they learned about the situation on the planet? or maybe padme’s pov during/after the senate votes to bombard the planet with only a few hours for the ones on it to leave? is the entire situation secret or does the general public know what’s happening – and that The Team are the ones on planet? (sorry, i just really like this au)

heart is in her throat as she rushes through the halls of the Rotunda
her office.

she looks, flocks of Senators and their aides
are gathered, whispering and hissing at each others in worry and
shock, all of them showing various signs of distress or agitation.

outright anger.

all Padme can focus on is the fact that her husband and his men are
on that damnable planet.

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are there.

die if they don’t escape it soon.

if one of them is infected…

heart thunders and she feels the urge to vomit, the horrifying image
of the undead stumbling around in a padded cell still playing for her
inner eye as she replaces the human woman with Anakin, super imposes
the rotten flesh and almost bluish skin onto her beloved husband.

had tried to vote against the bombardment but the fear had caused
many other senators to vote for the tactical bombardment, all of them
judging the planet a lost cause and most of them too scared of the
virus escaping to really give the Jedi and their troopers more time.

now Anakin is at risk once more.

for some reason this feels worse, this feels so much worse and it
takes Padme a long time to realize why.

a blaster to the head is a quick death and then it is over for her
beloved husband, her dear Anakin who beams as bright as the sun and
loves her so dearly.

virus however will cook his mind and leave him an undead shambling
corpse that will hurt others.

will break her heart to see him like that and finally locked up in
her own office, Padme has a panic attack as she breaths harshly while
sinking onto her knees
with no one to turn to because how can she explain to anyone that she
hopes that Anakin is either fully healthy or fully dead?

can’t, even her own handmaidens would look at her as if she’s
insane, of that Padme is sure as she presses shaking hands to her

husband is in trouble and there is nothing Padme can do to save him,
nothing she can send that would reach him in time, no weapons she can
give him, no crew, no ship, no information or kind words.

aid at all, Padme Amidala is no stranger to being helpless but in
this moment she can’t remember ever being as helpless as she is
right now.

Anakin, please don’t take stupid risks.’ She thinks shakily as
she looks at her large windows, the Jedi temple far in the distance
as wet trails leak down her cheeks and coat the back of her hands and
as if in response to her tumultuous emotions the dark sky breaks open
and rain pours down.

is oddly fitting.


is something happening but Obi-Wan feels too horrid to get up and
check on the situation, his legs feeling shaky even laying down as he
was with Jesse and Waxer playing a card game and rather obviously
trying to distract him by talking rather loudly.

will only get in the way or distract someone he feels and that is the
last thing they need at this moment so Obi-Wan remains laying in his
area where all sick or injured had been settled aside, his braced
by rods
arm resting on his chest as he listens to Jesse and Waxer discuss the
finer points of blaster rifle care and about the time Waxer had to
remove a leech from his own ass though how that leech managed to get
to the man’s ass he refuses to elaborate on.

Obi-Wan were to take a guess, he’d say it would have something to
do with the leech Boil managed to get near the groin area and certain
activities they were trying to get up to while in a semblance of
privacy only for the leeches to interrupt them.

hey, who was he to judge, both of them were consenting adults after
all and it made for an amusing story later on as Jesse certainly
agreed while laughing.

yet Obi-Wan couldn’t quite shake the mounting horror filling the
Force that was somehow overcoming the wrongness
of the entire planet thanks to the walking dead all around them.
Clearly something was wrong and normally he’d ask Anakin…

Anakin hadn’t returned since his last visit nor had he called
Obi-Wan to basically interrogate him how he was feeling and that in
itself was telling.

was the biggest of worry warts and the only thing that could trump
his concern was the mounting pressure and panic of something

Obi-Wan had enough of
the mounting horror in the Force
and sat up slowly, squinting
in the bad light of the warehouse towards
the two troopers sitting
on the floor with a crate for a table between them to hold their
cards with
a tired expression as he took in Jesse’s black eye and Waxer’s
braced leg.

with their pale complexion and panicked expressions it really
confirmed his thoughts.

bad was happening. “…Please don’t make me ask outright.”
Obi-Wan stated softly and the two exchanged looks, both Jesse and
Waxer’s face turning even more concerned and sending Obi-Wan’s
stomach plummeting.

Senate has given the go on tactical bombing the planet, with or
without us, Skywalker is trying to get us off but we don’t have
long General.” Waxer finally confessed, his voice nary a whisper.

at the other, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it, nodding
faintly. “…Oh.” He said, voice weak as the words tactical
bombardment echoed in his head.

at least we’re not gonna become zombies? Can you imagine our jaw
just hanging and swaying in the breeze?’ His mind chirped and with
that Obi-Wan lost it as he started laughing on the edge of hysteria,
covering his face with his good, functioning hand and hearing Waxer
yelp in panic and Jesse call for Kix.

there were tears mixed into that, no one called him on it.

it’s been a while but. Undeadwalking. do they get off the planet in time? is everyone okay? or what about the reactions from the jedi when they learned about the situation on the planet? or maybe padme’s pov during/after the senate votes to bombard the planet with only a few hours for the ones on it to leave? is the entire situation secret or does the general public know what’s happening – and that The Team are the ones on planet? (sorry, i just really like this au)

heart is in her throat as she rushes through the halls of the Rotunda
her office.

she looks, flocks of Senators and their aides
are gathered, whispering and hissing at each others in worry and
shock, all of them showing various signs of distress or agitation.

outright anger.

all Padme can focus on is the fact that her husband and his men are
on that damnable planet.

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are there.

die if they don’t escape it soon.

if one of them is infected…

heart thunders and she feels the urge to vomit, the horrifying image
of the undead stumbling around in a padded cell still playing for her
inner eye as she replaces the human woman with Anakin, super imposes
the rotten flesh and almost bluish skin onto her beloved husband.

had tried to vote against the bombardment but the fear had caused
many other senators to vote for the tactical bombardment, all of them
judging the planet a lost cause and most of them too scared of the
virus escaping to really give the Jedi and their troopers more time.

now Anakin is at risk once more.

for some reason this feels worse, this feels so much worse and it
takes Padme a long time to realize why.

a blaster to the head is a quick death and then it is over for her
beloved husband, her dear Anakin who beams as bright as the sun and
loves her so dearly.

virus however will cook his mind and leave him an undead shambling
corpse that will hurt others.

will break her heart to see him like that and finally locked up in
her own office, Padme has a panic attack as she breaths harshly while
sinking onto her knees
with no one to turn to because how can she explain to anyone that she
hopes that Anakin is either fully healthy or fully dead?

can’t, even her own handmaidens would look at her as if she’s
insane, of that Padme is sure as she presses shaking hands to her

husband is in trouble and there is nothing Padme can do to save him,
nothing she can send that would reach him in time, no weapons she can
give him, no crew, no ship, no information or kind words.

aid at all, Padme Amidala is no stranger to being helpless but in
this moment she can’t remember ever being as helpless as she is
right now.

Anakin, please don’t take stupid risks.’ She thinks shakily as
she looks at her large windows, the Jedi temple far in the distance
as wet trails leak down her cheeks and coat the back of her hands and
as if in response to her tumultuous emotions the dark sky breaks open
and rain pours down.

is oddly fitting.


is something happening but Obi-Wan feels too horrid to get up and
check on the situation, his legs feeling shaky even laying down as he
was with Jesse and Waxer playing a card game and rather obviously
trying to distract him by talking rather loudly.

will only get in the way or distract someone he feels and that is the
last thing they need at this moment so Obi-Wan remains laying in his
area where all sick or injured had been settled aside, his braced
by rods
arm resting on his chest as he listens to Jesse and Waxer discuss the
finer points of blaster rifle care and about the time Waxer had to
remove a leech from his own ass though how that leech managed to get
to the man’s ass he refuses to elaborate on.

Obi-Wan were to take a guess, he’d say it would have something to
do with the leech Boil managed to get near the groin area and certain
activities they were trying to get up to while in a semblance of
privacy only for the leeches to interrupt them.

hey, who was he to judge, both of them were consenting adults after
all and it made for an amusing story later on as Jesse certainly
agreed while laughing.

yet Obi-Wan couldn’t quite shake the mounting horror filling the
Force that was somehow overcoming the wrongness
of the entire planet thanks to the walking dead all around them.
Clearly something was wrong and normally he’d ask Anakin…

Anakin hadn’t returned since his last visit nor had he called
Obi-Wan to basically interrogate him how he was feeling and that in
itself was telling.

was the biggest of worry warts and the only thing that could trump
his concern was the mounting pressure and panic of something

Obi-Wan had enough of
the mounting horror in the Force
and sat up slowly, squinting
in the bad light of the warehouse towards
the two troopers sitting
on the floor with a crate for a table between them to hold their
cards with
a tired expression as he took in Jesse’s black eye and Waxer’s
braced leg.

with their pale complexion and panicked expressions it really
confirmed his thoughts.

bad was happening. “…Please don’t make me ask outright.”
Obi-Wan stated softly and the two exchanged looks, both Jesse and
Waxer’s face turning even more concerned and sending Obi-Wan’s
stomach plummeting.

Senate has given the go on tactical bombing the planet, with or
without us, Skywalker is trying to get us off but we don’t have
long General.” Waxer finally confessed, his voice nary a whisper.

at the other, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it, nodding
faintly. “…Oh.” He said, voice weak as the words tactical
bombardment echoed in his head.

at least we’re not gonna become zombies? Can you imagine our jaw
just hanging and swaying in the breeze?’ His mind chirped and with
that Obi-Wan lost it as he started laughing on the edge of hysteria,
covering his face with his good, functioning hand and hearing Waxer
yelp in panic and Jesse call for Kix.

there were tears mixed into that, no one called him on it.

Good morning Moddy! And how are our intrepid zombie slayers today? Feeling more and more helpless as rescue is taking longer and longer? Maybe the Senate is sticking their bureaucratic hands into the mix? Declaring it MUCH too dangerous to allow ANYBODY to leave the planet, and maybe it should be cauterized NOW? Does UndeadWalking have another chapter to it or is it about to get uglier?

dropping from his hand, Anakin stared at Rex in disbelief. “Repeat
that?” He rasped out in
stunned fear.

a deep breath, Rex repeated indeed. “The Senate is giving us five
hours. If we aren’t off planet in five hours, they are bombing us
along with the infected life as they can’t risk the biohazard
getting off planet. I’m sorry sir but the Jedi High command tried
to stall them but the Senate won’t listen, the senators are all up
in arms apparently General Windu says an-”

didn’t hear another word, staring at his own feet on the gray roof floor as the situation
sunk in while
wishing he hadn’t gone up on the roof for some peace and quiet
because if he was downstairs, he could speak to Obi-Wan about
this, sort through what they needed to do but Obi-Wan was also sick
and injured and needed to rest so maybe it was just as well that
Anakin had gone up on the roof for fresh air and peace and quiet but
oh Force.

planet was about to be tactically bombed in five hours by
the Senate own natural born command on their orders, on the Chancellor’s order, and Obi-Wan’s blood sample had yet to be cleared, several troopers
were injured from salvaging, Ahsoka was still limping around on her
sprained ankle and all three Jedi were at their weakest thanks to the
twisted Force around them because of those undead creatures walking

Anakin had barely even eaten anything the last two days because it
kept coming back up and now they had five hours to get off the

didn’t think Ahsoka or Obi-Wan were doing any better than him
frankly, both equally effected by the warped Force surrounding them
and now they needed to leave as quickly as possible but there were

still needed Obi-Wan’s blood sample and Helix with Echo, Fives,
Longshot and Killer still hadn’t returned with the clearance, which
meant they, or more like Obi-Wan, were still in quarantine and they
still needed to tank up the shuttles to go up.

they didn’t get off the planet however…

was not
leaving behind Obi-Wan to be tactical carpet bombed!

was no chance in hell that… that…

looked up when hands grasped his shoulders and the wind tugged on his
clothes, meeting Rex’s wide eyes and it took Anakin a minute to
realize he was hyperventilating and Rex was trying to coax him into
breathing. Grasping the captain’s wrists, Anakin fought for the
right to breath,
to just draw air down into his lungs as he shook in the trooper’s
tight grasp.

going to make it Sir, just trust us, just breath, come on sir you can
do it.” Rex continued speaking, trying to get through and Anakin
whimpered a bit and pressed his forehead to Rex chestplate, taking
the breaths of air that the Captain wanted him to take.

the troopers.

that what Obi-Wan said too?

trust the men around them because of how capable they were?

could do that because he did trust these men who served under him,
who brought so much life and joy with them and hurt so much when they
were gone.

he was breathing, Rex still gripping his shoulders even as Anakin
felt an uneasy squirming deep within him.

he was breathing properly once more.

out a shuddering breath through his mouth, Anakin pulled back slowly
enough to give Rex a nod, the captain reluctantly pulling back while
watching the Jedi closely before he relaxed and rocked on the heels of his boots. “…Contact the blood
sample team, pull all men back to base,” Anakin whispered out,
barely heard over the wind but Rex had good hearing. He nodded to
each order. “We leave in three hours, regardless what the result, we return to
the Resolute and the Negotiator with everyone.” Anakin settled on.

was no way anyone would be left behind him and if Obi-Wan was
infected… if Obi-Wan had become infected because he found a zombie
in a supply closet then Anakin would damn well take him away and help

find somewhere peaceful and wait and then…

swallowed, fear and nausea coiling low in his stomach even as he
picked up the mealbar he had dropped, pocketing it.

never knew when your next meal could be as a slave and that was
something Anakin hadn’t come out of, keeping all food he didn’t finish.

gave him one last look before saluting and turning to find Hotlips to
get the messages out and inform the rest of the troopers still at the
factory turned base along with the warehouse. Anakin meanwhile slowly
got to his feet, intent on going down to find Obi-Wan, to sit with
his former master.

not leaving you behind here Obi-Wan,’ Anakin promised himself. ‘I’m
not leaving anyone
behind here.’

Good morning Moddy! And how are our intrepid zombie slayers today? Feeling more and more helpless as rescue is taking longer and longer? Maybe the Senate is sticking their bureaucratic hands into the mix? Declaring it MUCH too dangerous to allow ANYBODY to leave the planet, and maybe it should be cauterized NOW? Does UndeadWalking have another chapter to it or is it about to get uglier?

dropping from his hand, Anakin stared at Rex in disbelief. “Repeat
that?” He rasped out in
stunned fear.

a deep breath, Rex repeated indeed. “The Senate is giving us five
hours. If we aren’t off planet in five hours, they are bombing us
along with the infected life as they can’t risk the biohazard
getting off planet. I’m sorry sir but the Jedi High command tried
to stall them but the Senate won’t listen, the senators are all up
in arms apparently General Windu says an-”

didn’t hear another word, staring at his own feet on the gray roof floor as the situation
sunk in while
wishing he hadn’t gone up on the roof for some peace and quiet
because if he was downstairs, he could speak to Obi-Wan about
this, sort through what they needed to do but Obi-Wan was also sick
and injured and needed to rest so maybe it was just as well that
Anakin had gone up on the roof for fresh air and peace and quiet but
oh Force.

planet was about to be tactically bombed in five hours by
the Senate own natural born command on their orders, on the Chancellor’s order, and Obi-Wan’s blood sample had yet to be cleared, several troopers
were injured from salvaging, Ahsoka was still limping around on her
sprained ankle and all three Jedi were at their weakest thanks to the
twisted Force around them because of those undead creatures walking

Anakin had barely even eaten anything the last two days because it
kept coming back up and now they had five hours to get off the

didn’t think Ahsoka or Obi-Wan were doing any better than him
frankly, both equally effected by the warped Force surrounding them
and now they needed to leave as quickly as possible but there were

still needed Obi-Wan’s blood sample and Helix with Echo, Fives,
Longshot and Killer still hadn’t returned with the clearance, which
meant they, or more like Obi-Wan, were still in quarantine and they
still needed to tank up the shuttles to go up.

they didn’t get off the planet however…

was not
leaving behind Obi-Wan to be tactical carpet bombed!

was no chance in hell that… that…

looked up when hands grasped his shoulders and the wind tugged on his
clothes, meeting Rex’s wide eyes and it took Anakin a minute to
realize he was hyperventilating and Rex was trying to coax him into
breathing. Grasping the captain’s wrists, Anakin fought for the
right to breath,
to just draw air down into his lungs as he shook in the trooper’s
tight grasp.

going to make it Sir, just trust us, just breath, come on sir you can
do it.” Rex continued speaking, trying to get through and Anakin
whimpered a bit and pressed his forehead to Rex chestplate, taking
the breaths of air that the Captain wanted him to take.

the troopers.

that what Obi-Wan said too?

trust the men around them because of how capable they were?

could do that because he did trust these men who served under him,
who brought so much life and joy with them and hurt so much when they
were gone.

he was breathing, Rex still gripping his shoulders even as Anakin
felt an uneasy squirming deep within him.

he was breathing properly once more.

out a shuddering breath through his mouth, Anakin pulled back slowly
enough to give Rex a nod, the captain reluctantly pulling back while
watching the Jedi closely before he relaxed and rocked on the heels of his boots. “…Contact the blood
sample team, pull all men back to base,” Anakin whispered out,
barely heard over the wind but Rex had good hearing. He nodded to
each order. “We leave in three hours, regardless what the result, we return to
the Resolute and the Negotiator with everyone.” Anakin settled on.

was no way anyone would be left behind him and if Obi-Wan was
infected… if Obi-Wan had become infected because he found a zombie
in a supply closet then Anakin would damn well take him away and help

find somewhere peaceful and wait and then…

swallowed, fear and nausea coiling low in his stomach even as he
picked up the mealbar he had dropped, pocketing it.

never knew when your next meal could be as a slave and that was
something Anakin hadn’t come out of, keeping all food he didn’t finish.

gave him one last look before saluting and turning to find Hotlips to
get the messages out and inform the rest of the troopers still at the
factory turned base along with the warehouse. Anakin meanwhile slowly
got to his feet, intent on going down to find Obi-Wan, to sit with
his former master.

not leaving you behind here Obi-Wan,’ Anakin promised himself. ‘I’m
not leaving anyone
behind here.’

Hi Moddy! Might we find out WHO these UndeadWalking survivors are? Maybe innocents caught in the plague or maybe the people who, oh I don’t know, STARTED IT?? (shrieking incoherently) eep?

Its utter silence.

The factory the survivors are suppose
to be at is utterly silent and unnatural for a durasteel factory that
produces high quantities daily.

Blood, old and dried in many colors
smear the floor and walls and they can see hand prints here and there
as they look around with flashlights as the powers has gone out.
Somewhere far away there’s a flickering light from an office and
one corner near the door has a small collection of what looks like
makeshift beds on the walkway of the factory away from the factory

When they aim the light down they see a
multitude of bodies, all of them with either their heads gone or
holes in them signaling that whoever had been surviving here had
figured out how to get rid of the zombies.

Obi-Wan just feels nauseous, the Force
a constant press of wrong and as he exchanges looks with Ahsoka and
Anakin, its clear they feel it too.

This time Anakin looks close to losing
his ration bar lunch from the wrongness of the Force instead of the
smell of a corpse like earlier.

“…Spread out but stay in groups, no
one goes alone.” Obi-Wan said quietly and everyone parted into
groups of three, Rex instantly taking Ahsoka to his side with a
foreboding look on his face that reassured both Anakin and Obi-Wan despite the trooper having his helmet on his belt.

Out of everyone, Rex would defend
Ahsoka to the last and not let her take any risks even if she was
being cocky and overeager.

Anakin quite reluctantly parted with
Obi-Wan though he looked reassured as Cody instantly took Obi-Wan’s
left, Obi-Wan’s none dominant side almost like a padawan would
along with Longshot as Fives and Echo joined Anakin.

With the parting into groups done,
everyone separated in directions to check the factory out, Anakin and
Obi-Wan going down to the floor with Ahsoka remaining above for
safety and for once she didn’t argue, stuck by Rex side and another trooper.

‘She must be more scared than we
realized.’ Obi-Wan speculated as he headed for what looked like an
office, stepping over a corpse as he did that had no head, pressing
the door open cautiously.

Nothing and no one.

Frowning a bit he stepped further in,
Cody and Longshot at his back with both holding their blasters high
just in case and damn it all if it didn’t make Obi-Wan feel a bit
safer than he ever had before with blasters.

With them at his back he searched the
room, finding an abandoned radio by a desk as he crouched down to
pick it up.

Turning it over in his hand, he pursed
his lips and looked around. “Hmm…”

“General?” Longshot voice was a
question of its own as Obi-Wan

“There’s a radio in this room, most
likely the one used to record the initial message and transmit…” He murmured,
eyeing a supply closet while setting the radio on the desk and slowly
approaching the closet.

The closer he got, the more uneasy
Obi-Wan became, a line of tension starting in his lower back but he
was a Jedi, he came here looking for survivors and Force, if there
was even one than Obi-Wan and the rest were going to find them and
bring them to safety.

He heard both troopers cock the
blasters behind him, an uneasy rustle as he placed his hand on the
door and drew it open. He barely had time to get his arm up, much
less yell as instantly a heavy set human male fell on him, snarling
and wheezing loudly with dead white eyes and a rotting skin, its
mouth a gaping maw of darkness and stained teeth.

Its mouth snapped around Obi-Wan’s
arm as it seemingly desperately clawed at Obi-Wan, hungry as it
pushed the Jedi into the ground.

There was a blast, echoing in the room
and the head of the person exploded, its corpse falling on Obi-Wan
with a heavy thud that Obi-Wan barely registered as he laid on the
dirty duracrete floor with wide eyes.

Panting heavily, Obi-Wan laid there
with the corpse on top of him, flakes of skin and blood on his face
as he shook and tried to get over the shock of a Force damned zombie
coming out of a supply locker with Obi-Wan barely managing to hold
the heavy human off him that was now laying on his chest and legs.

His arm felt broken, the power behind
the bite on his gauntlet proving superior to what a regular human was
able to for sure and he was certain the white gauntlet had turned

And then the weight was gone as Cody’s
hands desperately checked Obi-Wan over, an antiseptic napkin from his
belt going over Obi-Wan’s face hurriedly with panicked movement to
get all the traces of the zombie off the Jedi.

And for it all Obi-Wan laid still, just
breathing harshly, still thinking of the white of the once humans

“…General?” Cody whispered, his
free hand resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulder but before he could
respond, Anakin burst into the room with his saber held high, a wild
look in his blue eyes as he took stock of the situation, the zombie,
Obi-Wan on the floor, the shakiness of the room…

“Obi-Wan?” He asked in a high
pitched note.

Absolutely reality shook into Obi-Wan
and he rolled onto his side, onto his left arm and threw up the
ration bar he had earlier, his right, mostly likely broken arm tucked
to his chest protectively as Cody pressed his hand to his Jedi’s
back, rubbing lightly.

And then Anakin was there too, his
hands fluttering everywhere to check that Obi-Wan was okay, that he
wasn’t bitten and maybe just to assure himself that Obi-Wan was
still there and was still Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was just too relieved to shake
away the comfort of those touches, trembling beneath solace of those