So, just a suggestion, but I feel like Hondo should show up in Distant pain. Just for fun lol. Because it feels like he and this Obi-Wan would have history.

If there was one thing Anakin hated dealing with, it was pirates.

In particular he hated dealing with Hondo Ohnaka.

But the man had information, Seperatist information that he was willing to give them… for a price of course and this time he had bounty hunters with him. It had taken a lot for Anakin not to go for Bane’s face when the duro had come stalking in after the jovial pirate, a pick in his mouth and his eyes barely glancing at them from under the stupid hat he had.

They were going nowhere fast, Hondo laughing as he waved his drink about, telling them about his ‘dear old mother’ and the crew and the bounty hunters leaned in the back with the troopers behind Qui-Gon and Anakin tense and keeping an eye on them in return.

Honestly, at this point, Anakin almost wanted to try jumping Hondo just to get him to shut the kark up as he set of an obnoxious laugh.

A laugh that cut of abruptly as Kenobi suddenly stepped in, Anakin’s lips twisting in discomfort at the sight of the redhead even as he felt Rex behind him shine a bit with relief. His men liked Kenobi way too much.

Then that feeling was washed away by the fear, alert and respect suddenly oozing of the other group, all of them suddenly at attention as Kenobi tucked his thumbs into his belt as he had a want for, brow raised as he peered at Ohnaka. “I wasn’t aware you were here Hondo.” He drawled.

Wait… what?

Anakin blinked, glancing quickly at Qui-Gon, to find his old master at an equal loss.

“Obi-Wan! Old friend, I was not aware you were here either!” Hondo laughed but he was no longer slouched in his seat but sitting up, his eyes on Kenobi, watching as he settled down on one of the chairs as if he was invited. “If I had known, I would have brought more guns!” He laughed but even Anakin could hear the shakiness.

Obi-Wan reached out and took Hondo’s drink right of the table, sitting back in his chair with a slouch as he sipped it. And Hondo said nothing, just grabbed a bottle instead and drank directly from it.

No, chugged it actually, eyes watching Kenobi still.

“Bane. Bossk. Sing. Embo.” Kenobi greeted in an easy but short tone, glancing at each in turn. He even received a form for greeting from each, Embo in particular as the kyuzo hunter reached his right hand up to his heart and bowed his head a tad.

A respectful greeting of all things.

What the kark.

Anakin wanted to demand answers but he knew that Kenobi was just as likely to punch him in the face if he tried that.

“You working for the separatists now?” Kenobi questioned, watching Ohnaka.

“No, no. Profits my friend! I have information on the CIS!” Hondo waved the bottle, laughing again. “A trade you see” He grinned at him with those stained teeth of his.

A small ‘uhu’ escaped Kenobi before he glanced at Qui-Gon. “We authorized for that?” He raised his brow.

“Within limits, yes.” Qui-Gon nodded, seemingly relinquishing the negotiation to Obi-Wan. Seeing as Hondo seemed to be both piss afraid of Obi-Wan and also respected him, that might be a good idea but kark did it burn Anakin.

Looking back to the pirate, Kenobi pointedly raised his brows at him. “Ah, see, old Hondo needs free passage. I have cargo to deliver but it requires me to pass through the Perlemian trade route. I want guarantees we won’t be stopped, simple as that.” Hondo beamed toothily, finally seeming at ease.

Honestly, that… wasn’t as bad as Anakin feared. He had been concerned over the amount of value Hondo potentially wanted for his information, hell, the guarantee that he could slip through a trade route without being stopped wasn’t so bad.

He wanted to sell something, clearly, but it was also illegal, therefore being stopped would be an issue. ‘Could be worse trades…’ He mused tiredly.

Obi-Wan however hummed, low and steady, eyes on the pirate as he drank slowly, clearly thinking. “…And is any of this cargo… live?” He questioned, his voice warping on the last word as his eyes narrowed a silver, ice sliding along the spine of everyone in the tent as the Force suddenly pressed down on them.

Instantly, Ohnaka set his bottle down while lifting his other hand, eyes never moving from the Jedi in front of him even as Anakin tensed up, his hand going towards his saber. “Hondo does not trade in live bodies, my friend, foolish youth taught me better, even my dear mother would agree,” He chortled before turning serious, much to the shock of the rest. “I swear, Master Kenobi, none of it is live. Not animal and not sentient.”

Tapping his finger lightly on the table, still staring at Ohnaka, Obi-Wan finally inclined his head.

It felt like the pirate finally relaxed too, a jovial smile back on his face as he picked his alcohol back up. “Come now friend, such tension between allies!” He laughed bawdily, yet he was still watching the redhead.

Hell, the bounty hunters were still too.

Paranoid bunch they were, had been keeping an eye on all of them, the Jedi in particular of course but they registered everyone as a threat.

Now they weren’t looking away from Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The biggest threat in their eyes.

“… My friend, you taught my old captain a good long lesson, I will never forget it.” Hondo stated suddenly and Kenobi smirked a tad before nodding, standing and picking up one of the unopened bottles the pirate had brought.

He saluted the pirate slightly then made his way out. “Master Jinn and Knight Skywalker will handle the rest, its a reasonable request after all for your information.” He drawled, disappearing out.

Hondo instantly chugged from his bottle then breathed out heavily, looking at the surprised faces of the two Jedi, his lips quirking a tad. “Anyone stupid enough to cross Kenobi, deserves their fate,” The pirate laughed, a tad shakily. “If they know his reputation that is. I know it, Ohnaka won’t cross him.”  

“…His reputation?” Qui-Gon tilted his head uncertainly.

“Jedi are feared because of their powers,” Bane croaked from the back, eyes on the tent flaps still. “Kenobi is feared in the underworld… because he doesn’t just have power… he’s feared because he can’t be stopped and if you’re his target… it be better to just give up.”

‘…What the hell is Kenobi.’ Anakin couldn’t help but wonder.

Good Morning Moddy!! I had an amusing thought for the WolfyRubs au… what happens when Hondo finds out his favourite Jedi are now soooo much more interesting? «Monsters? I have GOT to have them on my crew!!» Maybe interesting ‘gifts’ start showing up? And then his mother starts helping? BWA!

Rolling his eyes in amusement, Obi-Wan raised his brows at the pirate
who was waggling his brows at him and Anakin.

Finding Hondo on a space station they had opted to stop at to restock
supplies before they continued on wards was unexpected but
considering how far out from the cores they were, maybe not exactly

Still, they had been hoping to have their food in peace in the
somewhat dim cantina with less people than the others around and a
low music running.

“Just think about it Master Kenobi! You could be a vampire Jedi
pirate!” The weequy said in excitement, spreading his arms wide
before looking to Anakin, whose eyebrows were threatening to leave
his forehead. “And you Skywalker! Werewolf pirate Jedi! Imagine it!
We could be the sweep of the galaxy and gather in prizes all over!”
He beamed charmingly, visibly excited.

Opening his mouth then closing it, Anakin shook his head and looked
to Obi-Wan who slid closer to his mate and rested his hand on
Anakin’s shoulder with a warm smile. “The offer is as usual
flattering Captain, very flattering but I will once again have to
decline as my place is with the Order.” He chuckled.

Shaking himself, Anakin gave a firm nod. “Yes, with the Order.”
He growled faintly before grunting in happiness when Obi-Wan gave his
ear a little rub, some of the canine behavior leeching over into his
human part.

“Ah but keep the offer in mind at least if you look for greener
pastures!” Hondo beamed at them before glancing around and then
winking. “Now excuse me, I see a familiar face and I think I might
be able to get a bit lucky tonight.” He chuckled as he got up,
sauntering off to the counter of the cantina.

“…Next time, we stay on board to eat.” Anakin said dryly even
as he wrapped his arm tightly around his mate’s waist, nuzzling
lightly at Obi-Wan’s hair. “I really don’t need him hassling us
or providing us with unsolicited details of his sex life.” He
muttered dryly.

Laughing faintly, Obi-Wan picked up Anakin’s fork and feed the
werewolf some from his plate, smiling faintly as the other quickly
wrapped his lips around the fork to get the meat and fried grains.
“Oh come now Anakin, it wasn’t that bad considering he neither
tried to torture us or sell us, a few unwanted details aren’t bad
compared to that.” He teased a bit, smiling more as Anakin gave a
loud grumble while chewing.

Personally he had ordered tea and a much smaller plate of seaweed
noodles since he required less normal food after the mutation that
turned him into his vampire self. But Obi-Wan still enjoyed eating as
it was a small enjoyment to have texture and flavors and blood was…

Well Obi-Wan wouldn’t call it unpleasant, not with the mutations of
his body but it certainly wasn’t a flavor experience he recommended

Handing the fork back to Anakin, he picked up his own to twirl some
of the noodles around it and eat, enjoying the delicious sauce that
also came with it.

It was amazing what some small cantina’s could do with their
resources and Obi-Wan gave a satisfied hum even as Anakin shifted a
bit closer somehow on the bench though how considering they were
sitting side by side with their thighs and knees touching, Obi-Wan
wasn’t sure.

Trust Anakin to somehow find a way to get closer heh.

“Hey Obi-Wan?” The blond mused, causing Obi-Wan to turn his head
as he was picking up his cup.

“Hmm?” The Jedi master raised a brow then went cross eyed when
Anakin poked him on the nose with a wide grin.

“Boop.” He said cheerfully.

Blinking a bit in surprise, Obi-Wan stared at the other before
laughing quietly and pressing a soft kiss to the others cheek, amused
despite himself. “Anakin.”

Unrepentant and amused, Anakin just winked before returning to his
food with his wide grin still on his face as the crowd and the music
of the cantina washed over them.

Good Morning Moddy!! I had an amusing thought for the WolfyRubs au… what happens when Hondo finds out his favourite Jedi are now soooo much more interesting? «Monsters? I have GOT to have them on my crew!!» Maybe interesting ‘gifts’ start showing up? And then his mother starts helping? BWA!

Rolling his eyes in amusement, Obi-Wan raised his brows at the pirate
who was waggling his brows at him and Anakin.

Finding Hondo on a space station they had opted to stop at to restock
supplies before they continued on wards was unexpected but
considering how far out from the cores they were, maybe not exactly

Still, they had been hoping to have their food in peace in the
somewhat dim cantina with less people than the others around and a
low music running.

“Just think about it Master Kenobi! You could be a vampire Jedi
pirate!” The weequy said in excitement, spreading his arms wide
before looking to Anakin, whose eyebrows were threatening to leave
his forehead. “And you Skywalker! Werewolf pirate Jedi! Imagine it!
We could be the sweep of the galaxy and gather in prizes all over!”
He beamed charmingly, visibly excited.

Opening his mouth then closing it, Anakin shook his head and looked
to Obi-Wan who slid closer to his mate and rested his hand on
Anakin’s shoulder with a warm smile. “The offer is as usual
flattering Captain, very flattering but I will once again have to
decline as my place is with the Order.” He chuckled.

Shaking himself, Anakin gave a firm nod. “Yes, with the Order.”
He growled faintly before grunting in happiness when Obi-Wan gave his
ear a little rub, some of the canine behavior leeching over into his
human part.

“Ah but keep the offer in mind at least if you look for greener
pastures!” Hondo beamed at them before glancing around and then
winking. “Now excuse me, I see a familiar face and I think I might
be able to get a bit lucky tonight.” He chuckled as he got up,
sauntering off to the counter of the cantina.

“…Next time, we stay on board to eat.” Anakin said dryly even
as he wrapped his arm tightly around his mate’s waist, nuzzling
lightly at Obi-Wan’s hair. “I really don’t need him hassling us
or providing us with unsolicited details of his sex life.” He
muttered dryly.

Laughing faintly, Obi-Wan picked up Anakin’s fork and feed the
werewolf some from his plate, smiling faintly as the other quickly
wrapped his lips around the fork to get the meat and fried grains.
“Oh come now Anakin, it wasn’t that bad considering he neither
tried to torture us or sell us, a few unwanted details aren’t bad
compared to that.” He teased a bit, smiling more as Anakin gave a
loud grumble while chewing.

Personally he had ordered tea and a much smaller plate of seaweed
noodles since he required less normal food after the mutation that
turned him into his vampire self. But Obi-Wan still enjoyed eating as
it was a small enjoyment to have texture and flavors and blood was…

Well Obi-Wan wouldn’t call it unpleasant, not with the mutations of
his body but it certainly wasn’t a flavor experience he recommended

Handing the fork back to Anakin, he picked up his own to twirl some
of the noodles around it and eat, enjoying the delicious sauce that
also came with it.

It was amazing what some small cantina’s could do with their
resources and Obi-Wan gave a satisfied hum even as Anakin shifted a
bit closer somehow on the bench though how considering they were
sitting side by side with their thighs and knees touching, Obi-Wan
wasn’t sure.

Trust Anakin to somehow find a way to get closer heh.

“Hey Obi-Wan?” The blond mused, causing Obi-Wan to turn his head
as he was picking up his cup.

“Hmm?” The Jedi master raised a brow then went cross eyed when
Anakin poked him on the nose with a wide grin.

“Boop.” He said cheerfully.

Blinking a bit in surprise, Obi-Wan stared at the other before
laughing quietly and pressing a soft kiss to the others cheek, amused
despite himself. “Anakin.”

Unrepentant and amused, Anakin just winked before returning to his
food with his wide grin still on his face as the crowd and the music
of the cantina washed over them.

!!! Just discovered PirateQuiGon! Since Hondo definitely exists can we see a bit of interaction between the Qui-Gon, Hondo, and Obi-Wan?

“Ohnaka is
hailing us.”

Looking up at that
information, Qui-Gon raised his brows high at Vekter who shrugged in
return. “Ohnaka huh, bring him up on the view screen.” The long
haired pirate settled on as he sat back in his chair, wondering what
in all stars name the other pirate wanted.

Couldn’t be a
business venture after all, after the whole debacle with Obi-Wan and
Dooku, Qui-Gon had made quite clear that he would sell all of the
weequay’s teeth for what he did to the Jedi. His poor love was so
twitchy afterward around him, the electricity apparently having gone
to both him and Skywalkers head in a way.

“Captain Jinn!”
Ohnaka spread his arms in a grandiose gesture when he appeared on the
view screen, beaming at him as the monkey-lizard he was so fond of
climbed around his shoulders and coat.

Dirty thing
honestly, Qui-Gon was fond of animals but he would never allow that
thing near him. He knew what Hondo had trained Pilf to do, drugging
people’s drinks.

“Hondo, what do
you want?” Qui-Gon raised his brows.

“What, no
friendly greeting for old friends!?” The other beamed and continued
beaming even as Qui-Gon raised his brows even further. “Ah I see, I
see, you’re still upset about the little incident with your
paramour. Fair enough, fair enough!” The weequay chirped.

“Get to the point
Ohnaka, I’m not in the mood for your exentrics right now.”
Qui-Gon grunted out while resting his head on his hand, elbow of the
arm of his chair.

The other hummed.
“Once again, fair enough. Your reputation makes me wary of
upsetting you and as my mother said, if you can make enemies into

“We are not
allies.” Qui-Gon grunted.

Vekter sniggered a

“Ah fair enough,
enemies into associates then.” Hondo chuckled before gesturing to
someone. “I caught sight of an emergency landing though I did not
respond to it, Separatist did instead and you know I can’t get
involved with them right now.” He chirped.

Wondering why in
kark’s name Hondo was informing him, Qui-Gon was getting ready to
have the connection when the other pirate said the magic word.

“Kenobi. Kenobi
was the one to rush out the emergency message that came out.” The
weequay practically chirped, which caused Pilf to chirp too and

“…I see.”
Qui-Gon sat up. “Where?”

“Ah! I knew this
was information you’d want. So, no longer going to sell my tee-”

“I asked WHERE
Ohnaka.” Qui-Gon growled, standing up and he half noted Vekter
tensing as stray items around the cockpit started to tremble with the
captain’s rage. If Obi-Wan had preformed an emergency landing and
Separatists were the ones to respond…

A wary look crossed
Hondo’s face for a few seconds before he beamed again.”Why Taper
of course! The little moon with sparkly towers. Tata Jinn!” The
other pirate disappeared from the view screen as Qui-Gon looked at

The besalisk gave
him a long look in return before turning to the controls, all four
hands to play. “Taper it is.” He murmured.

As they entered
hyperspace Qui-Gon sat down heavily in his chair. ‘…I’m coming

!!! Just discovered PirateQuiGon! Since Hondo definitely exists can we see a bit of interaction between the Qui-Gon, Hondo, and Obi-Wan?

“Ohnaka is
hailing us.”

Looking up at that
information, Qui-Gon raised his brows high at Vekter who shrugged in
return. “Ohnaka huh, bring him up on the view screen.” The long
haired pirate settled on as he sat back in his chair, wondering what
in all stars name the other pirate wanted.

Couldn’t be a
business venture after all, after the whole debacle with Obi-Wan and
Dooku, Qui-Gon had made quite clear that he would sell all of the
weequay’s teeth for what he did to the Jedi. His poor love was so
twitchy afterward around him, the electricity apparently having gone
to both him and Skywalkers head in a way.

“Captain Jinn!”
Ohnaka spread his arms in a grandiose gesture when he appeared on the
view screen, beaming at him as the monkey-lizard he was so fond of
climbed around his shoulders and coat.

Dirty thing
honestly, Qui-Gon was fond of animals but he would never allow that
thing near him. He knew what Hondo had trained Pilf to do, drugging
people’s drinks.

“Hondo, what do
you want?” Qui-Gon raised his brows.

“What, no
friendly greeting for old friends!?” The other beamed and continued
beaming even as Qui-Gon raised his brows even further. “Ah I see, I
see, you’re still upset about the little incident with your
paramour. Fair enough, fair enough!” The weequay chirped.

“Get to the point
Ohnaka, I’m not in the mood for your exentrics right now.”
Qui-Gon grunted out while resting his head on his hand, elbow of the
arm of his chair.

The other hummed.
“Once again, fair enough. Your reputation makes me wary of
upsetting you and as my mother said, if you can make enemies into

“We are not
allies.” Qui-Gon grunted.

Vekter sniggered a

“Ah fair enough,
enemies into associates then.” Hondo chuckled before gesturing to
someone. “I caught sight of an emergency landing though I did not
respond to it, Separatist did instead and you know I can’t get
involved with them right now.” He chirped.

Wondering why in
kark’s name Hondo was informing him, Qui-Gon was getting ready to
have the connection when the other pirate said the magic word.

“Kenobi. Kenobi
was the one to rush out the emergency message that came out.” The
weequay practically chirped, which caused Pilf to chirp too and

“…I see.”
Qui-Gon sat up. “Where?”

“Ah! I knew this
was information you’d want. So, no longer going to sell my tee-”

“I asked WHERE
Ohnaka.” Qui-Gon growled, standing up and he half noted Vekter
tensing as stray items around the cockpit started to tremble with the
captain’s rage. If Obi-Wan had preformed an emergency landing and
Separatists were the ones to respond…

A wary look crossed
Hondo’s face for a few seconds before he beamed again.”Why Taper
of course! The little moon with sparkly towers. Tata Jinn!” The
other pirate disappeared from the view screen as Qui-Gon looked at

The besalisk gave
him a long look in return before turning to the controls, all four
hands to play. “Taper it is.” He murmured.

As they entered
hyperspace Qui-Gon sat down heavily in his chair. ‘…I’m coming

In #andthentherewasnone you talk about the reactions of the politicians but I was wondering how the bounty hunters and pirates that had tangled with them on a regular basis (like bane or hondo) reacted to the «clone’s kill to protect our jedi» mentality

Now, Cad Bane was
not stupid.

He knew the clones
were physically identical to Jango Fett in terms of their bodies
being equipped to be warriors and fighters. And he knew they received
training, especially the early batches were well trained even if they
could be tricked and fought.

But this was

Now things were
different and Bane was not going to be caught out.

So when the bounty
on Jedi started to travel the bounty hunters grapevine on the low

Cad got the hell
out of dodge and warned anyone he considered worth it not to take the
missions either or bounties either.

He warned Boba too
and Aurra Sing because Cad had known Jango and he could recognize the
look in anyone with Jango’s eyes when face to face with them.

The clones would
never allow anyone to touch their Jedi again, the clones were cleaning
house and Cad knew it and there would be no mercy from then even for
someone wearing Jango Fett’s face.

So he wasn’t
surprised when bounty hunters involved in Jedi capture started
turning out dead, most in gruesome fashions. He wasn’t surprised
when people involved in anti-Jedi outcries started to silence and he
sure as hell wasn’t surprised when Tarkin himself was sniped on
Coruscant with no one able to tell who had done it.

Clones knew how not
to leave evidence and they were more then willing to kill for their
Jedi as the Order themselves slowly withdrew into their temple with
the quiet public news that they were trying to shore up all that had
been brought into damage or question by the war they had agreed to

No one else had
seemed to realize it though, at least not in the beginning because
the clones were crafty and covered their tracks.

No one except Hondo
Ohnaka of all people.

Which explained why
Cad was sharing a drink with the eccentric pirate of all people as
the two quietly watched another report of yet another slaver turning
up dead on Coruscant.

“Hmm, seems like
they found the one responsible for Skywalker’s injuries.” Hondo
noted almost lightly, a grin on his face.

Cad grunted in
return, nodding in agreement. He’d trust Hondo on who had managed
to nab which Jedi during the slavery escapade a few months back. The
duro already knew that the one who had grabbed Kenobi had died that
day because the 212th had not allowed her to get far at
all, a relentless team of kriffing scary hunters if he could say so.

“How long until
others start realizing it you think?” Hondo sipped his drink.

“Not long. Might
not realize who at first but they’ll figure out not to touch Jedi
at least.” Cad grunted out as he sat back in his chair and lifted
his boots onto the table. “Or else.” He shrugged.

Hondo hummed,
rubbing his chin. “Think the clones will take past grievances as
insult too? I have had my dealings with both Kenobi and Skywalker and
a few Jedi…” He seemed a bit worried.

Sipping slowly, Cad
allowed the alcohol to burn his taste buds a bit and down his
stomach. “No. That was war, they won’t think too much of that but
now… now its personal. They made it all personal and if I were you,
I’d be very nice to Jedi in the future. No selling them out.” He
grunted finally.

As the pirate
mourned loss of revenue and amusement, Cad meanwhile wondered if it
would be worth it to sell himself out to the vode, be on their good
side and inform them should any plots against Jedi reach his ears.

Rubbing his chin
slowly, the duro narrowed his eyes.


In #andthentherewasnone you talk about the reactions of the politicians but I was wondering how the bounty hunters and pirates that had tangled with them on a regular basis (like bane or hondo) reacted to the «clone’s kill to protect our jedi» mentality

Now, Cad Bane was
not stupid.

He knew the clones
were physically identical to Jango Fett in terms of their bodies
being equipped to be warriors and fighters. And he knew they received
training, especially the early batches were well trained even if they
could be tricked and fought.

But this was

Now things were
different and Bane was not going to be caught out.

So when the bounty
on Jedi started to travel the bounty hunters grapevine on the low

Cad got the hell
out of dodge and warned anyone he considered worth it not to take the
missions either or bounties either.

He warned Boba too
and Aurra Sing because Cad had known Jango and he could recognize the
look in anyone with Jango’s eyes when face to face with them.

The clones would
never allow anyone to touch their Jedi again, the clones were cleaning
house and Cad knew it and there would be no mercy from then even for
someone wearing Jango Fett’s face.

So he wasn’t
surprised when bounty hunters involved in Jedi capture started
turning out dead, most in gruesome fashions. He wasn’t surprised
when people involved in anti-Jedi outcries started to silence and he
sure as hell wasn’t surprised when Tarkin himself was sniped on
Coruscant with no one able to tell who had done it.

Clones knew how not
to leave evidence and they were more then willing to kill for their
Jedi as the Order themselves slowly withdrew into their temple with
the quiet public news that they were trying to shore up all that had
been brought into damage or question by the war they had agreed to

No one else had
seemed to realize it though, at least not in the beginning because
the clones were crafty and covered their tracks.

No one except Hondo
Ohnaka of all people.

Which explained why
Cad was sharing a drink with the eccentric pirate of all people as
the two quietly watched another report of yet another slaver turning
up dead on Coruscant.

“Hmm, seems like
they found the one responsible for Skywalker’s injuries.” Hondo
noted almost lightly, a grin on his face.

Cad grunted in
return, nodding in agreement. He’d trust Hondo on who had managed
to nab which Jedi during the slavery escapade a few months back. The
duro already knew that the one who had grabbed Kenobi had died that
day because the 212th had not allowed her to get far at
all, a relentless team of kriffing scary hunters if he could say so.

“How long until
others start realizing it you think?” Hondo sipped his drink.

“Not long. Might
not realize who at first but they’ll figure out not to touch Jedi
at least.” Cad grunted out as he sat back in his chair and lifted
his boots onto the table. “Or else.” He shrugged.

Hondo hummed,
rubbing his chin. “Think the clones will take past grievances as
insult too? I have had my dealings with both Kenobi and Skywalker and
a few Jedi…” He seemed a bit worried.

Sipping slowly, Cad
allowed the alcohol to burn his taste buds a bit and down his
stomach. “No. That was war, they won’t think too much of that but
now… now its personal. They made it all personal and if I were you,
I’d be very nice to Jedi in the future. No selling them out.” He
grunted finally.

As the pirate
mourned loss of revenue and amusement, Cad meanwhile wondered if it
would be worth it to sell himself out to the vode, be on their good
side and inform them should any plots against Jedi reach his ears.

Rubbing his chin
slowly, the duro narrowed his eyes.


Oh, please, by the Force, please let Obi-Wan be disappointed in the dancing at Hondo’s because he can do better. And demonstrates it :)


He was drunk.

He was so drunk that he was
pretty sure that their drinks had been laced with something stronger
then alcohol because one and a half ale
did not cause Obi-Wan to get drunk.

have known a bunch of pirates would get you drugged…I should warn
Anakin.’ Obi-Wan sulked as he watched the dancers that were moving
around the table and…ugh they were terrible, honestly just

Obi-Wan could dance better, he
could do a much better job.

A hella good job too!

“Ah! You look pouty my friend!
The entertainment not to
your liking?” Hondo wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder,
grinning at him like the self satisfied
and most likely to betray them pirate he was.

Swinging slightly glassy eyes at
him, Obi-Wan gave a loud snort that seemed to echo a bit between the
laughing and hooting of the rowdy pirates drinking around them. “You
have karked dancers, I can do better.” He lifted his mug and took a
big swallow, ignoring Anakin suddenly swinging around in his chair to
stare at him.

Hondo laughed loudly and patted
him on the shoulder. “If you say so my master Jedi, how about you
prove it?” He chortled, obviously
not believing Obi-Wan would do such a thing.

Obi-Wan looked down at his mug,
raised his brows slowly…and then he shrugged. “Why

Placing his hands on the table,
Obi-Wan smoothly pulled himself up with the Force and landed on the
table on his feet in an easy jump before Anakin could stop him, the
knights hands hovering in the air with his mouth open, locked on the
word he had been about to say.

Hondo’s brows hit his forehead
in surprise and then he rocked back on his heels, arms crossing over
his chest in surprise and amusement. “So if he falls off the table,
its not my fau-” The captain choked on his word as Obi-Wan sashayed
down the table, the redhead smirking.

Now, Anakin knew his master could
be sex on legs, Anakin knew that Obi-Wan could dance like someone
raised from the cradle to do so and he knew that Obi-Wan.

But it had been some time since
he had seen his master dance with
this kriffing war.

The way he could twirl on light
steps, gracefully avoiding the cups and plates on the table, hips
undulating, hands moving along his sides with a half lidded eyes and
teeth catching his bottom lip in a highly suggestive look.

Kark, everything about Obi-Wan
was currently highly suggestive.

“My friend.” Hondo leaned his
hands on Anakin’s shoulders, eyes never leaving Obi-Wan as he
twirled with ease around one of the other dancers. “Are you sure I
could not tempt Master Kenobi into working for me?” He leered.

He wasn’t the only one.

“Try it and I’ll cut your
head off with my fancy laser sword.” Anakin growled quietly under
his breath.

The captain laughed loudly even
as Obi-Wan suddenly knelt, leaned forward and stole someones glass
with his lips and teeth, easily tipping his head back and swallowing
the content before dropping it into his hand with a happy smirk on
his face.

‘Kark, I either need to save
Obi-Wan from these pirates or just…save him.’ Anakin snorted and
then firmly snagged his master’s wrist and pulling him down into
his lap, catching him tightly. “No master.”

“Awww Anakin.”

“Boooo master Jedi!”

Anakin just flipped the laughing
and booing pirates the middle finger.

Oh, please, by the Force, please let Obi-Wan be disappointed in the dancing at Hondo’s because he can do better. And demonstrates it :)


He was drunk.

He was so drunk that he was
pretty sure that their drinks had been laced with something stronger
then alcohol because one and a half ale
did not cause Obi-Wan to get drunk.

have known a bunch of pirates would get you drugged…I should warn
Anakin.’ Obi-Wan sulked as he watched the dancers that were moving
around the table and…ugh they were terrible, honestly just

Obi-Wan could dance better, he
could do a much better job.

A hella good job too!

“Ah! You look pouty my friend!
The entertainment not to
your liking?” Hondo wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder,
grinning at him like the self satisfied
and most likely to betray them pirate he was.

Swinging slightly glassy eyes at
him, Obi-Wan gave a loud snort that seemed to echo a bit between the
laughing and hooting of the rowdy pirates drinking around them. “You
have karked dancers, I can do better.” He lifted his mug and took a
big swallow, ignoring Anakin suddenly swinging around in his chair to
stare at him.

Hondo laughed loudly and patted
him on the shoulder. “If you say so my master Jedi, how about you
prove it?” He chortled, obviously
not believing Obi-Wan would do such a thing.

Obi-Wan looked down at his mug,
raised his brows slowly…and then he shrugged. “Why

Placing his hands on the table,
Obi-Wan smoothly pulled himself up with the Force and landed on the
table on his feet in an easy jump before Anakin could stop him, the
knights hands hovering in the air with his mouth open, locked on the
word he had been about to say.

Hondo’s brows hit his forehead
in surprise and then he rocked back on his heels, arms crossing over
his chest in surprise and amusement. “So if he falls off the table,
its not my fau-” The captain choked on his word as Obi-Wan sashayed
down the table, the redhead smirking.

Now, Anakin knew his master could
be sex on legs, Anakin knew that Obi-Wan could dance like someone
raised from the cradle to do so and he knew that Obi-Wan.

But it had been some time since
he had seen his master dance with
this kriffing war.

The way he could twirl on light
steps, gracefully avoiding the cups and plates on the table, hips
undulating, hands moving along his sides with a half lidded eyes and
teeth catching his bottom lip in a highly suggestive look.

Kark, everything about Obi-Wan
was currently highly suggestive.

“My friend.” Hondo leaned his
hands on Anakin’s shoulders, eyes never leaving Obi-Wan as he
twirled with ease around one of the other dancers. “Are you sure I
could not tempt Master Kenobi into working for me?” He leered.

He wasn’t the only one.

“Try it and I’ll cut your
head off with my fancy laser sword.” Anakin growled quietly under
his breath.

The captain laughed loudly even
as Obi-Wan suddenly knelt, leaned forward and stole someones glass
with his lips and teeth, easily tipping his head back and swallowing
the content before dropping it into his hand with a happy smirk on
his face.

‘Kark, I either need to save
Obi-Wan from these pirates or just…save him.’ Anakin snorted and
then firmly snagged his master’s wrist and pulling him down into
his lap, catching him tightly. “No master.”

“Awww Anakin.”

“Boooo master Jedi!”

Anakin just flipped the laughing
and booing pirates the middle finger.

The Galaxy’s reaction to the Jedi purge? Like on Naboo and Coruscant, for Hondo, Dex and so on…


Staring at the smoke that still rose days later, Dex ignored his
customers for once and for once they let him be as the old Besalisk
thought about the destruction inside the temple that had once
contained friends of his.

Those small padawans that sometimes came to his cafe..

Knight Skywalker…


First light, where was Obi-Wan in all of this, had he been at the

The wanted posters didn’t indicate he was dead yet but Dex couldn’t
help but hope that the man hadn’t returned to see his home
decimated like this, troopers he had trusted without question
shooting down those he had grown up with.

He hoped…

What did an old diner’s hopes mean in all of this?

He had heard people celebrating in the streets for the ‘end’ of
the war, heard them whisper about Jedi ‘traitors’ though some
with less conviction then others with their focus being on the ‘end’.

End, what poodo.

There was going to be more fighting only it would have another name
and while Dex wasn’t the smartest besalisk out and running, he knew
enough to say this.

A tyrant was sitting in the Senate now with a puppet government in
place to appease the masses and the protectors who had once tried
their best even if they failed often, were dead.

Oh Dex knew that it wasn’t all roses, knew that even the Jedi could
smell like grease from the underside of his stove and had often
enough heard Knight Skywalker complain about the arrogance of the
Jedi Council but…

But the little ones?

Knights like Skywalker and Master’s like Kenobi?

Those were the real deal, out there trying to make a difference,
trying to rescue, save, negotiate…

First light, he hoped Obi-Wan would stay away from Coruscant, he
hoped that man was safe somewhere out there in the wide galaxy…and
he hoped he wasn’t alone.


A pirate and scoundrel like Hondo must always be on the move when it
comes to the game of staying out of prison.

After all, there is no credits in being caught as his old mother used
to say before she’d try to sell Hondo’s teeth hah!

Hair tied back and wearing what resembles respectable clothes, Hondo
moves through Alderaans docks as quickly as he can to deliver his
smuggle goods before the bribed dockworkers has to report his ship
and in his haste to get it done, he must have heard wrong because…

“I’m sorry my good ladies and gents but I couldn’t help but
overhear you, what was that about the Jedi temple?” He stops by the
dockworkers, smile plastered on and wide.

One of them gave him a long look, brows raised. “What? Where have
you been to not heard the news?”

“Outer Rims my good lady, but back to the question?” Hondo feels
an odd sense of agitation tangle down into his stomach that seems to
spread as the wookie of the bunch growls mournfully.

“Jedi Temple all in a blaze, each and every one of them declared a
traitor against the system and to be haunted down executed on sight.”
The woman answered.

Then her voice lowered. “Bantha poodo if you ask me, Jedi traitors?
But talking that kind of talk brings the clones down on us.” She
glanced around warily, the scar through her eyebrow twitching.

“The…clones? The ones the Jedi fought with?” Hondo blinked, he
remembered loyal men who would fight to the death for their Jedi,
what in the name of moonshi-

“Yah well they are the ones blasting em down now.” A male
coworker took over, mimicked holding a blaster from where he was
sitting on a crate. “Blasted em down in close range, saw it with my
own eyes. Poor thing couldn’t have been more then sixteen, turned
‘er back on the clones and suddenly pishpishpish. Never stood a
chance.” He shook his head and then gestured to the side of his
head by the ear. “Had one of those braids you know.”

A padawan?

What in karking frip was going on?

The agitation in Hondo’s stomach was spreading along with another
emotion, a strange sensation…


He glanced about, he didn’t have much time to dally but…

“What of the Negotiator, man like that wouldn’t turn traitor…”
The weequay needed to know if Kenobi was still out there and kicking.

The dockworkers shrugged and then the wookie gargled out something
which caused the female to look sharply at them. “You didn’t tell
us that! Where?”

The wookie answered and she looked back at Hondo. “Apparently
Kenobi is considered enemy number one, there’s wanted posters all
over Coruscant.”

Hondo’s mind spun. “I…see, well thank you friends for the
information, its good to know should I go by the core.” He forced a
smile and then scurried along even as his mind spun even harder.

Enemy one.

Wanted posters.

Jedi traitors and shot down by their own men.

It…it didn’t make sense…it just didn’t make sense. Men like
that didn’t just turn in one instant, Hondo had seen the loyalty
they had for their Jedi…

It didn’t make sense.