So Waxer and Boil had their baby in the Hoarder verse? Is it okay?

Rubbing at a little hand, Cody barely hears his love speak.

He’ll blame it on his healing ears and the fact that Obi-Wan’s voice is so low it rasps, turning to look at the Jedi with besotted confusion. “I’m sorry, what?” He whispered, not wanting to disturb the little ones.

Giving a drowsy, glassy eyed smile, (all the drugs doing their duty in his system), Obi-Wan repeats himself. “Boil and Waxer’s baby. You didn’t tell me… I mean I saw Waxer but I didn’t think to ask…” He trailed off sleepily, voice slightly slurred.

Cody just knew the other would fall asleep again in moments.

And he deserved it, a solid twenty hours in labor before the first one came, Obi-Wan clenching Cody’s hand in his, crying out with the contractions until the wails of their first baby filled the air as a light bulb in the room had popped, only for the second to be a breech baby.

The medics had been required to do an emergency c-section due to the circumstances.

The medics had of course drugged Obi-Wan up properly for the procedure and the removal of the babies but that didn’t make it any less exhausting on the body, Force sensitive or not.

It had of course helped that General Qui-Gon was there, carefully mopping at Obi-Wan’s brow while sending as much comfort the others way as he could.

After all that, Obi-Wan deserved all the rest he could get.

Smiling softly, Cody continued rubbing at a little hand grasping at his finger. “Their baby?” He finished the half sentence Obi-Wan had tried to sound out.

He got a sleepy little nod.

“Their daughter is fine, needed to be in an incubator for a while, apparently she got jaundice and its easily solved with some light.” He answered in soft tones to keep the other tired.

With the dimness of their room, the sedation in his veins and the warmth, Obi-Wan let out a sleepy little hum of understanding.

Back to sleep he went, with soft, even little breaths.

Chuckling quietly, Cody turned back to their little pink swaddled bundles, topped with blue caps to cover their downy little heads.

For the most part the kids seemed to take mostly after Cody, their skin on the darker side, though not as dark as Cody and while two of them had dusting of dark hair, the other two looked to be lighter.

It would be amazing to see what they eventually turned out to be.

And eyes…

Apparently newborns were generally born with blue eyes, or so a booklet Cody had read said. But eventually their eyes would turn into the color they were suppose to be.

Obi-Wan had theorized, rather early in the pregnancy, that the kids had a chance of going Cody’s amber or a mix of his own and Cody’s.

Something about recessive and dominant genes.

Cody hadn’t been paying too much attention to it at the time, his head resting on Obi-Wan’s belly, listening to the children move as the Jedi petted his hair and teased the springy curls that would disappear the next time Cody cut his hair.

There was a reason he kept it so cropped after all.

“We still haven’t thought of names for you all…” Cody murmured, smiling fondly when the one in the middle of the bassinet twitched at his voice and then settled back.

He and Obi-Wan had of course talked about it.

It had been a bit of a novel experience for him, if Cody was honest.

Clones named themselves, it was one of the few things that were theirs.

But they were also very much conscious beings.

The children wouldn’t be able to name themselves for years and years to come and they had to call them something.

Cody refused to be like the longnecks, dehumanizing his children and not giving them any names and instead a designation that would last until a name was chosen. Though he was more open to the suggestion when Obi-Wan assured him that if the children wanted, they could change or edit their names in the future.

So, they would have to think of names.

Proper ones.

Strong names.

Names that the children would be proud of and maybe want to keep.

He wondered if it be wrong to name one of them ‘Kote’. It had been Cody’s name, what felt like a long time ago, given to him by Fett of all people.

Then Cody found his own name…

But Kote was still a good name, a strong one, one to be proud of.

He’d ask Obi-Wan what he thought, once the Jedi was awake but until then, he was going to settle in and watch his little squad sleep, the sounds of all five’s steady breathing reassuring Cody that his strange little family was fine.

Hi hope you are a having a good weekend. Thanks again for writing such wonderful stories that make us fall in love with the characters that you write. If you have some time coming can you continue Hoarder Seer…I want to see those babies and hope that Cody is going to be perfectly fine.

To add insult to injury after the poisoning of his love, the stress finally tipped over for Obi-Wan’s body as a trickle of water ran down Obi-Wan’s thighs, followed soon after by a slow contraction of pain even as Cody’s color was improving with the antidote spreading through his system, fighting the poison.

The babies were going to be born, regardless if Obi-Wan was ready or not though how long the labor would take was uncertain.

It could take everything from a full day to maybe half a day since Obi-Wan was still in the early stages of labor with his water breaking, the occasional contraction hitting along with his backache.

And Force did Obi-Wan have to go to the bathroom occasionally, a female togruta medic quickly explaining that one of the children were most likely laying against his bladder as she helped him out of his normal clothes and into a long medcenter gown that thankfully reached his knees, leaving him easily exposed for the time to come when he would be dilating.

She had also assured him that should an accident occur, that would also be completely natural even as Obi-Wan turned bright red at the suggestion of wetting himself and the bed.

‘Thank Force its been eight months, the kids are fully developed.’ Obi-Wan thought shakily even as he was being settled into bed, his hips hurting severely enough that the doctor wanted him in bed, the medic theorizing that as a male birth, his hips were preparing for the birth and they might need to set them after.

The nurses scuttled about quickly after helping him into bed, sending wary looks towards the troopers now stationed in his room as they moved around them as they kept a close eye with them in return.

After the poison attempt, Wooley had enough and had set up guards directly in the room as he and Qui-Gon dealt with the poisoning attempt, crowding it a bit with the nurses trying to get Obi-Wan comfortable with Cody settled on a second bed in the room, watching closely with worried eyes.

Helix was at Cody’s side, taking care of him since the poisoning had left the commander exhausted and numb. “Its just a temporary side effect for now,” Helix explained to both, eyeing one of the nurses before looking back to Cody. “You just need rest and fluids, though you have to take it carefully for a few days since the poison strained your organs, but I’m pretty sure you aren’t going far right now.” He looked to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan gave a breathless laugh at that before grunting slightly as one of the babies kicked him. “If he leaves this room for anything but food or the fresher, I’m gonna get up and kick him.” He huffed slightly.

That got a laugh from Cody, the trooper relaxing into the bed. “If you got enough energy to be sassy, you got a while to go still.” He stated softly.

Warmth spread through Obi-Wan at that, smiling slightly at his lover as one of the nurses covered him up with a blanket to keep him warm.

Cody had taken the pregnancy seriously, reading almost every article of relevance to a multiple pregnancy and childcare.

Hell, Obi-Wan suspected that Cody had also tried some hands-on experience down in the creche a few days when he and Cody weren’t together but he hadn’t asked.

But it made him feel loved, that Cody invested that much time into their future, into his care and their children care.

Huffing faintly as a contraction took him by surprise, Obi-Wan rubbed his belly slightly. “Has anyone called Anakin?” He questioned, snorting when he got a round of surprised looks first and then sheepish ones. “I suspect by the looks on everyone’s faces that he has not been informed of any of this?” He stated a tad dryly.

“I’ll inform him.” Helix offered, giving his vod a pat on the shoulder and then heading for the door, stepping out so he could take the call without the constant buzz of noises in the room being an issue.

Turning his head to look at Cody again, Obi-Wan smiled slightly. “So… our kids will be coming soon, you ready?” He teased gently, even as a thrum of nervousness went through him.

Because what if Cody wasn’t?

What if Obi-Wan wasn’t?

Cody however gave him a tranquil smile. “Cyare, after everything this war had to throw at us and the weird Force osik I had to put up with, I’m ready for anything. Just as long as I’m doing it with you.” He informed almost cheerfully, melting Obi-Wan’s nerves away.

As long as they were doing it together.

Smiling, Obi-Wan gave a nod at that as he rubbed his stomach in slow, uneven circles.

In hoarder deer did obi wan feel uneasy about the food because he is possibly going in to labour soon? Or something else? Also love everything you do and can’t wait for updates on any of your amazing fics

Fiddling with his fork, Obi-Wan eyed the tray across his lap with a reluctance that even surprised himself, half wondering if it was the sterile environment of the med clinic that was causing his lack of appetite.

His pregnancy had all but cured him of his occasional forgetfulness or pickiness when it came to food while in civilized places, his body demanding what it wanted and honestly not rejecting much. Not even Anakin’s peculiar bug stew that normally only Yoda, Yaddle and a few of the avian Jedi at the temple were a fan of.

Qui-Gon had looked rightly horrified when Obi-Wan finished of the pot on his own, while Anakin looked faintly worried the stew might not be the best for the fetuses and had insisted Obi-Wan go to the healers to get checked.

But right now…

He didn’t want to eat.

And yet he knew he couldn’t get away from it either despite setting his fork down on the tray.

Cody was watching him after all, slowly munching on his own food and yet even Cody’s plate sent a spike of unease through Obi-Wan as he sent his lover a faint smile while tugging his the warm cardigan Qui-Gon had gotten him closed in the front, feeling slightly chilled.

Was it a repeat of the morning sickness?

He had a brief but violent affair with that and had concerned those closest to him even as the healers assured them that violent morning sickness could be common in some baseline humans.

It didn’t feel like it was that though, his body didn’t feel like it was rejecting the sight or smell of food.

Instead it was just an uneasy feeling instead.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Cody questioned suddenly, setting his plate aside on the foot of Obi-Wan’s bed as he shifted closer to to his Jedi, a concerned frown on his face. “Do you want me to go find something else for you?” He questioned, resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s knee.

The obvious worry for him had Obi-Wan smiling despite his unease, reaching down to cover Cody’s hand in turn. “No, no that’s fine. I can just comm Qui-Gon and he can bring some of that prenatal vitamin powder healers prescribed me. I’ll just have a shake of that.” He settled on.

Maybe he was just uneasy at the prospect of chewing, he’d been on a mostly liquid diet since he woke up.

Cody didn’t look happy with that answer but didn’t object, only squeezed Obi-Wan’s knee. “Alright riduur, as long as you get some nourishment.” He agreed quietly, reaching up to rub at his own chest.


Cody looked pale, the darkened skin having gained an ashy color that had Obi-Wan narrowing his eyes. “…Cody, are you alright?” He inquired slowly, shuffling the tray off his lap to the narrow table beside the bed.

“Mmn, indigestion or heartburn I’d wager,” Cody sighed, giving Obi-Wan a small smile before grunting, sitting down heavily. “Or… maybe not. Kark, what is…” He hissed quietly, his eyes watering as he gripped at his chest.

The tray hit the floor, scattering plate and food all over the as Obi-Wan struggled to his feet, the Force giving a keening warning in his ears. “Cody!” Obi-Wan reached to his lover as Cody hissed in pain, bunching the chest of his officer coat in his fist.

Acting on instincts, Obi-Wan pulled the little bottle of antidote he had been bid to store in his pockets by the Force, tipping Cody’s head back with one hand on his chin and the other holding the bottle to force him to swallow it, staring at Cody’s watering eyes as the tears finally slid down the others eyes.

There was blood mixed in them and Obi-Wan out a deeply distressed whine as the door of his room slammed open, Qui-Gon standing there with his unlit saber in hand and Wooley right behind him with his blaster in his hands. “Obi-Wan!”

Distressed, Obi-Wan looked up just long enough to catch the others eyes. “Poison.” He nodded to the food on the floor before focusing back on Cody, ensuring he got every little drop of the antidote down as he rubbed at the others throat, ensuring Cody swallowed.

He distantly recognized Qui-Gon moving past him, Wooley talking into his comms and medics gathering at the door but Obi-Wan’s focus was on Cody, focusing on the other with his Force, feeling how the antidote was spreading.

And even more distantly than that was a thought floating in his mind. ‘Someone tried to poison me and succeeded poisoning Cody…’

Someone tried to kill them again.

Hey! I am absolutely in love with your writing and I discovered «Hoarder Seer» and it is sooooo good! *-* I am so happy Obi-Wan and his children are alive! Any chance we get to see what happens next? Like maybe him recovering from the attack and Cody by his side helping him get back on his feet?

Leaning against the wall, Cody let out a soft hum. “Are you sure you’re alright cyare?” He questioned quietly as he peered around the doorway and into the open fresher.

Letting out a low chuckle of amusement, Obi-Wan sent the other a small smile as he sat on the toilet, the position easier for him due to the pelvic pain he was having than to stand and pee. “Yes Cody, if I need help, I’ll ask you but I am as good as done.” He stated fondly, chuckling more when Cody’s ears turned red and he went back to staring at the door to his room.

Since Obi-Wan was still so weak after the explosion, Cody hadn’t felt comfortable with him going to the fresher with the door closed, just in case he fell over or overbalanced in his weakened condition.

But a the same time, he also didn’t want anyone seeing Obi-Wan in his current position, which lead to this compromise of Cody guarding the doors.

Honestly, Obi-Wan half wanted Qui-Gon to come through the door and see how Cody reacted to the older master or maybe even a nurse, cause frankly?

Cody’s reaction would be hilarious.

‘Not that people could see much except for my legs, seeing as I just pulled up my medical gown and my underwear is on my knees.’ Obi-Wan mused to himself, shaking himself before awkwardly getting to his feet by gripping the sink beside the toilet, the heavy swell of his belly making things hard as usual.

Not that he was about to complain but honestly, at this point he’d welcome the kids for the sole reason that moving around would be easier.

Hearing him move around, Cody instantly turned to him, awkwardly twisting his hands together as he stared at Obi-Wan.

Blinking back, Obi-Wan struggled to pull his underwear up before letting out a huff and giving the other an imploring stare. “Cody… could you help me?” Obi-Wan sighed, blinking again when relief echoed in Cody’s eyes.

‘Oh… he wanted to help.’ Obi-Wan flushed a bit as Cody stepped in and pulled up Obi-Wan’s underwear, carefully pulling it up around the swell as he ignored the blaster strapped to Obi-Wan’s inner thigh, offering his arm after with a small smile, eager to get Obi-Wan back to bed.

That just made Obi-Wan smile as he shuffled around the sink instead. “Wash my hands first and then you can help me back to bed love.” He stated calmly, trying not to giggle when Cody made a slightly embarrassed noise of realization.

“Right, hand wash… sorry.” Cody laughed slightly, watching Obi-Wan with a soft, endearing look on his face, his image reflected in the mirror.

It made Obi-Wan’s heart thump with softness as he washed his hands on auto while watching Cody’s face, the softness of the others eyes and the love obvious in his smile. Sometimes he wondered if he deserved it, other times he could just feel happy that he had somehow gained it.

Finally, done in the fresher, he let Cody direct him back into bed, wobbling faintly as he leaned heavily on the other. “Thank you Cody.” He whispered.

“Of course Obi-Wan, you don’t have to thank me for helping you.” Cody scolded quietly, helping him into bed and tucking the covers around him, fussing over him.

‘I don’t mean for that but I think its better if I don’t explain myself,’ He smiled at the other. ‘Thank you for loving me Cody, thank you for not belittling my hoarder skill, I know its something those outside of the Force has a hard time understanding, thank you for being you. Just… thank you Cody, my dearest Cody. Thank you for our children.’ Obi-Wan settled back into the bed, breathing out.

Then he laughed softly as Cody sat on his bedside to hold his hand, rubbing it between his own.

Cody was just endearing, he couldn’t help but adore the other man and he settled down into the pillows the other had fluffed up for him when Obi-Wan got up to go to the loo. “I swear you spoil me.” He noted lovingly, smiling at him.

“Anything for you cyare, you’re my heart and soul.” Cody whispered, lifting the others hands to his lips.

Flushing, Obi-Wan wondered if anyone would blame him for being utterly captivated by his commander… and then he decided he didn’t care at all as he pulled the other down into a soft kiss with a tug on Cody’s hands. So what if Cody had him utterly charmed?

Jedi were fully allowed to love as long as they didn’t let themselves be consumed by it and while Obi-Wan would give his own life for Cody… well, he knew that Cody wouldn’t want it.

Cody respected that Obi-Wan was a Jedi, that he had a duty.

And that was part of Cody’s charm.

Obi-Wan was the luckiest man in the entire galaxy for gaining Cody’s love.

He only pulled away from the soft kiss when the door hissed open, both turning their heads to find a nurse coming in, the twi’lek smiling warmly at them with a tray in his hands. “Master Jedi, commander, lunch time.” He cheerfully announced, lifting the covered tray.

Despite how bright and happy the nurse was, Obi-Wan felt a sudden unease trickle down his spine as he stared at the tray.

Hoarderseer happy flailing at the fabulous angst! Cody just believe! Do the babies make it? Please? Also is Palpatine mad that Obi-Wan isn’t dead yet?

wishing he hadn’t answered his comm as he kept hurrying through the
halls of the Jedi Order, Anakin cursed his initial instinct as
Palpatine the swarmy ass kept talking and talking and talking.

news of Obi-Wan being attacked was apparently reaching everywhere and
that included the Senate and the Chancellor wanted to hear with
Anakin, despite the strain on their relationship lately, how he was

Anakin just wanted to throw his comm at the wall.

Palpatine was sensing that Anakin wasn’t up for a conversation and
finally seemed to be wrapping up, thank all the Force, because Anakin
was getting well and truly annoyed as he burst out of the elevator to
get to elevator 2-J to get to the hanger.

dear, well I do hope Master Kenobi recovers from the bombing attempt,
it would be a terrible thing for him to loose his children after the
fight he has put up for them.” The Chancellor stated, his face the
picture of concern.

words strike a cord, even in Anakin’s panic laden mind.

to a stop, staring at the holo form of the Chancellor, Anakin’s
brows drew together. “…Right, thank you for checking in on me
sir. I’ll be sure to forward your concern,” He stated, making
it seem like he was reaching forward to push a button instead of
standing in a hallway with other Jedi sending him a weird look,
Palpatine sending him a benign smile before the comm was turned off.
“…How did you know it was a bomb?” Anakin whispered into the hallway, other Jedi pausing as they caught his words.

information had not been released.

had simply been stated that Queen Breha had been attacked in what
seemed like a terror attempt on Alderaan, Jedi master Kenobi and Jinn
on site.

felt something move beneath his skin, slithering, hissing, the chasm
of anger that always threatened to consume him on days when the
people he loved were hurt growing and filling with serpents that
raged hotly inside of him.

might have done something about that rage if a hand hadn’t suddenly
closed around his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts as he looked
to who the hand belonged.


other Jedi stared at him seriously before jerking his chin. “Council.
Now. They’re still up there speaking about Obi-Wan. They need
to know.” He murmured stiffly.

the urge to curse the man out, Anakin instead nodded harshly, turning
around even as his heart cried out.

wanted to be at Obi-Wan’s side.


even more than needing to reassure himself, he needed to ensure
Obi-Wan’s safety.

ensure the safety of the unborn babies Obi-Wan might loose thanks to the bomb.

woe be Palpatine if Obi-Wan lost them, because there would be no
place in the galaxy he would be able to hide from Anakin Skywalker
and his wrath if what Anakin suspected was true.


yet Obi-Wan can’t quite get his eyes open and
he slips back into unconsciousness.

next time he’s aware, he can feel a soft blanket wrapped around
himself as he lays prone on a slightly too hard for his comfort bed
and there’s a gentle hand holding his, thumb stroking over his
knuckles and the soft humming of what Obi-Wan recognizes as a mando’a
war tune.

shouldn’t be soothing.

war songs of mando’a are made to get your blood beating and send
fear into the enemy.

the voice humming it is familiar and warm and all it does is lull
Obi-Wan’s body and mind into peace and safety as he forces his tired and heavy eyes
open to squint at Cody, the two staring at each other for a long
moment as Obi-Wan takes in the dimmed room beyond Cody of what can only be a
medical facility room.

Cody smiles shakily and takes all of the Jedi’s attention, lifting Obi-Wan’s hand to his lips to kiss.
“Cyare…” He breathed out against the skin before hunching over and wrapping both
hands around Obi-Wan’s a low sob escaping his lips.

the hand in his slowly, Obi-Wan smiled shakily, his other slowly
coming up over the swell of his still living children.

were still alive.

Hoarderseer Oh no! Obi-Wan you can make it! Poor babies T_T Do the babies make it? Is Boil and Waxer and their baby okay?

has a baby and Waxer is cooing over it in the tank.

incubator thing.

thinks it’s an incubator but he honestly doesn’t remember the
nurse explaining as he numbly continues staring up at Obi-Wan,
in front of the tank on a small bench provided for just these kinds
of things.

Jedi, his lover, bobs slowly in the bacta tank, supported by a large
harness and sometimes his stomach brushes against the side just a
tiny bit to show the swell of life.

Cody’s children.

children that might not make it.

he can’t focus on Waxer and Boil’s baby, because if he does, he
might go a bit insane and he’s only just gotten his hearing back
after prolonged ear channel healing. After all, being close to a
blast isn’t good for your hearing and the medic had warned him that
Cody might experience hearing loss in the future.

he got old.

he got old.

now that was such an abstract thought that Cody couldn’t make sense
of it.

had made so much more sense before the explosion, before he had dug
Obi-Wan out of the rubble, desperate and bleeding from his ears as he
tried to get through it and
his love. Finding him bruised and broken and bleeding, his mouth open
as he gasped for air that Cody couldn’t hear.

that he had imagine a future, he had imagined sitting with at least
two of his kids on his lap and the others in Obi-Wan, listening to
whatever far fetched but likely true story the Jedi spun for the

heavy hand falls on his shoulder and it makes Cody flinch, mostly
from the sheer surprise of the touch as he
hadn’t noticed anyone come close and
he turns his head ever so slightly and looks up, not
quite looking away from Obi-Wan at the same time, keeping the other
in the corner of his eye.

Jinn, he’s there, standing at Cody’s side, a worn down, tired
look on his face and enough gauze soaked bacta wrapped around the
left side of his face to make it look like he’s wearing a half
mask, just like in that opera Obi-Wan likes, the phantom of
something, his
long hair pulled back in a bun at his neck.

stared at each other for a long moment before they returned to
looking up the bacta tube, to watch Obi-Wan.

he’s not so numb now, Cody doesn’t know what it is, the fact that
he’s not alone, the strength of the callused hand on his shoulder
or the heavy and steady comfort of it, but he’s not so numb

make it through.” General’s Jinn’s voice is kind of far away,
but that’s the healing ear drums doing Cody figures as he slumps a
bit under the touch.

don’t doubt that, Obi-Wan is strong but… what about the ade?”
He whispered, pained and worried, glancing up at the other man again
before looking back at Obi-Wan, frowning heavily. What about the
children he wanted to raise with Obi-Wan?

unplanned children.

children Cody loved, had been imagining dressing up in cute but
outfits and showing how to use a blaster with Obi-Wan shaking his
head and muttering about it being uncivilized with
a smile lurking on his lips as the kids giggled.

hand on his shoulder tightened to the point of pain, especially with
the nearby bruise under Cody’s blacks but it did draw his attention
back up to Qui-Gon as the man stared seriously down at him. “…Then
that they
will make it through, send your strength Obi-Wan’s way and he’ll
hear you. He won’t stop fighting, for you and for those kids.
Cody.” He murmured quietly, his voice low and serious.

tell Cody that unfortunate things happened, didn’t tell him to

told him to believe in Obi-Wan and turning his head to back to
Obi-Wan, Cody slowly shifted forward off the bench he had claimed and
up, the hand falling off his shoulder as he slowly shuffled on
unsteady feet until he was right in front of the bacta tank to press
his hand to the warm glass.

if there was one thing Cody could do, it was to believe in the man he


believed in Cody, how could Cody do any less?

Hi Moddy, any chance for Hoarder Seer update? The reason for Obi picking up a gun? Or maybe some TLC for soon to be daddies? Or better yet cross out the soon to be and make them Daddies for real ^^

through the doors without as much as a ‘how’d you do?’, Anakin
looked around the council chamber wildly even as the surprised holo
of Queen Breha turned around
in his direction,
having obviously heard him open
the doors as fast as he did.

attacked?” Anakin got out, his words jumbled up in his own head and not coming out right.

Depa stood quickly and moved over to him, placing her hands on his
shoulders as a sudden rush of calm
entered Anakin’s veins and head, a forceful breath of air escaping
him as he stared at her with wide eyes.

Happily, Depa had understood what Anakin had tried to ask.  “Yes,
he was attacked though we can’t claim this time that it was
directed at him, though with the previous
She trailed off and Anakin let out a low whine in his throat.

the Forced calm induced by Master Depa however, he took in the entire
council chamber and it’s occupants.

last one of the order were sporting troubled frowns and Queen Breha
had her arm visibly in a fold, her hair a mess despite obviously
having cleaned up from the attack.

happened?” He finally got out.

the virtue of being Obi-Wan’s former padawan got Anakin answers
when he was being lead closer so Breha could see him, the queen
focusing on him as she inclined her head carefully.

more injured than her image presented with how gingerly she was

Kenobi and Master Jinn had only just arrived,” She started,
reiterating the story once more for Anakin sake alone as he kept his
eyes on her. “He was a bit annoyed, clearly his former master and
his lover weren’t letting him do much but he was in otherwise good
mood as he took in the air around the landing platform. One moment
things were fine and then suddenly Master Kenobi stumbled, as if
startled and Master Jinn removed his saber, looking equally
startled…” She trailed off, touching her arm as her face turned

hesitated before cleaning his throat. “Queen Breha?”

jumped a bit, shaking her head before giving a shaken smile.
“Apologies, it was… traumatic,” Queen Breha sighed heavily
before shaking her head again. “One moment we were standing in the
crisp air
of Aldera’s outskirts and the next everything was upside down…a
bomb had gone off and everyone was shaken around, the platform was
overturned, people were buried below rubble.” She shook her head,

wrapped his arms around himself, eyes wide. “And Obi-Wan?” He
whispered, terror thrumming through him despite Master Depa still
running threads of calm through him.

Breha hesitated then sighed. “Still alive, Master Jinn managed to
avoid most of the blast and wasn’t injured, he went right to work
with digging people out while my security force aided and summoned
medics and other aid.” Breha murmured, a note of discomfort on her


alive didn’t mean would stay alive.

what about the babies?

Anakin opened his mouth and closed it again, staring desperately at
her even as he felt a small measure of relief that Qui-Gon was
alright at least.

her head, Queen Breha gave him a long look. “We don’t know, the
healers aren’t optimistic. He’s currently in a bacta tube but if
they survive the night…” She helplessly raised her good hand.

felt like someone had pulled the carpet out from under him as he
stared at Queen Breha. “…Commander Cody?” He questioned
quietly, his heart thundering.

in the medic’s hands too. He’s as well as one can be with him
being as close to the blast,” She stated calmly.

turned his head and looked to the council, a request on the tip of
his tongue when Yoda raised a gnarled finger at him. “Travel to
Alderaan you will, quickly you must go. Injured Master Jinn is and
while capable Alderaan is, security Obi-Wan must have.” The old
troll croaked and Anakin could have cried in relief.

it was, he simply bowed and turned on his heel, practically running
the same way he had arrived an hour earlier.

was going to get his ass to Alderaan and he was damn well going to
make sure there wasn’t another assassination attempt. ‘And woe be
anyone who tries!’ Anakin bared his teeth in the elevator, glaring
at nothing.

the chancellor and the Senate with their abortion bullshit and now

had tried to kill his master!

Hoarderseer – Alderaan – What could possibly happen there? Also a blaster AND poison Antidote? Oh dear, what happens next?

warmly, Breha crossed the platform to grasp Obi-Wan’s hands as the
Jedi struggled to bow, his lover and commander fussing at his side.
“Oh please don’t do that Obi-Wan,” She chuckled softly. “As I
understand, you’re carrying quite the heavy burden even
if you arrived on one of the loveliest of days for Alderaan.”
She teased softly, the
breeze tugging at their clothes as they meet, causing the trees to
sway in the clearing of the
private landing pad.

a bit, Obi-Wan rested a hand on his swollen stomach, rubbing lightly
with his thumb. “Yes, that is what happens when the Force bless you
with four at once.” He chuckled quietly and then grinned and
removed his hand, gesturing for Breha to touch if she wanted.

eagerly rested a hand against the taunt skin and cooed softly as the
babies inside moved. “Full of life and eager to join the world I
bet. I hope this last month until you give birth will be wonderful
for you,” The Queen of Alderaan motioned for one of her handmaidens
to come over, a tall woman dressed in shades of purple, blue and
black, a scarf covering her head and a veil covering all but her dark
eyes. “This is Dalla, she will be at your hand for any request you
would need as
your aide for your stay on Alderaan in our lovely capital.”
Breha stated warmly.

that’s not nes-” Obi-Wan tried to protest.

you do not know Alderaan that well and Dalla will be able to inform
you of any activities around the planet and arrange transportation as
needed. And will be able to fetch anything or anyone
you would need.” Breha raised he brows, her posture that of royalty
as the implication hit home.

would be able to contact the medcenters and medics around to get
Obi-Wan what he needed when the babies were ready to be born.

sheepishly, especially when Cody gave him an exasperated look while
squeezing his arm,
Obi-Wan relented with a nod of humility. “I see your point, thank
you for this and thank you Dalla for your aid to come.” He gave her
as good a bow as he could.

soft laugh answered him as the lady gave a bow in return. “Please,
you are honored guests and friends of my Queen and her prince, I am
honored to serve.” Dalla murmured, her voice deep and soothing.

a bit, Obi-Wan nodded before glancing back to see how the unloading
process was going, smiling when he saw Qui-Gon was busy regaling the
vode with stories even as they continued to bring out all their
items, Obi-Wan’s bag noticeably slung over his shoulder.

right that we’ve arrived on a lovely day Queen Breha, I can’t
thank you enough for extending your welcome to us.” Cody suddenly
spoke up, bringing Obi-Wan’s attention back as he did.

right, it is a lovely day.’ Obi-Wan noted as he glanced around.

was a light breeze going, bringing the cool wind from the mountains
down and thereby keeping it from getting too hot as the sun shone
down from a cloudless sky, Alderaan’s skyline bright blue and
beautiful as it sunk into the lines of the mountain ranges.

was enough to made him smile.

was a very different scene from Coruscant for sure and he patted
Cody’s arm a bit before he let go and made his way over to the edge
of the platform, peeking around at the flora around, enjoying both
the wild and the planned sight around him.

so nice here.’ Obi-Wan closed his eyes with a pleased sigh, only to
stumble when the Force suddenly gave a sharp cry.

heard Cody call his name and Qui-Gon drop the backpack with a sound
of his lightsaber lighting up and then he knew nothing more.


a bit, Cody struggled to open his gritty eyes as his
head throbbed with a ludicrous amount of pain and something wet
trailed from his ears to his neck as
he breathed in musty air
and… fuel?

there fuel in the air, why was he drawing musty and fuel coated

Cody managed to open his eyes and he let out a small noise as
all he saw was darkness.

about, Cody cursed as he felt dirt and metal pieces fall off him, his
brain catching up to events because the landing platform had
It had suddenly gone up, the ship had exploded, Jinn had been holding
his saber and Obi-Wan…

That thought finally had Cody drawing himself out of the literal hole
he was in, growling as he made to dig himself out, despite the pain
in his chest and shoulders.

had been at the edge of the landing pad, had been looking at
everything with a smile on his face before everything went to osik.

need to find him, I need to find General Jinn and the Queen and my
vode… hold on!’ He growled, hands hurting as he continued to dig
while wishing he had been wearing his helmet. “Hold on Obi-Wan, I’m
coming.” He promised, ignoring the fact that he couldn’t hear his
own voice.

Hi Moddy, In Hoarder will we find out how Obi handles a blaster? … and that wasn’t meant to sound like it did, but if your mind is as dirty as mine seems to be … I’m sure Codu wouldn’t mind :D

slightly as he lowered his blaster, Obi-Wan smiled to himself before
laughing when he got stunned applause from the rest of the peanut
gallery. “Why thank you all.” He teased saucily as he turned a
bit, grinning at men.

General, I had no idea you could handle a blaster that well,” Boil
leaned on the table of the blaster lane. “When you came down to the
blaster range I was curious if you were just here to watch, but stang
General.” He grinned happily, rubbing at his own swollen stomach.

faintly, Obi-Wan put his blaster away in the inside tunic pocket he
had sewn specially for it in case someone took away his robe. “I
may find blasters uncivilized because it makes it too easy for people
to kill and threaten and hurt, but I do still know my way around them
for an emergency situation… and to be fair,” He gestured to his
swollen belly, which he grumpily noticed was bigger than Boil despite
the other being a month further along than him at six months. “I’m
not in a condition to wield a lightsaber properly at the moment and
duel.” Obi-Wan said wryly.

I would prefer it if you didn’t cyare.” Cody said as he entered
with Qui-Gon following on his heel, the old Jedi’s eyes sparkling
with worry before relaxing when he noted that Obi-Wan was fine.

would have to thank Helix honestly, the medic had taken both Qui-Gon
and Anakin aside and explained to them that their overly fussy ways
of protecting the pregnant Jedi was causing more stress than lowering

that was the last thing either he or Boil needed, though the troopers
were doing better in regards to that.

a bit, Obi-Wan waddled over to Cody. “Oh come on, you know that I
wouldn’t. The healers have already warned me how much stress that
would put on my body. Only slow shii-cho katas for me.” He wrapped
his arms around the others neck, leaning into Cody’s armored body.

returned the affection, stroking Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face
before rubbing their noses together with a small smile. “And thank
little gods blood for that, because you cause me stress enough as
is.” He murmured quietly and then stole a chaste kiss.

softly, Obi-Wan looked to Qui-Gon, raising his brow at the man’s
amused and pleased look.

faintly, Qui-Gon settled his thumbs into his belt. “Just pleased to
see you so happy, it’s been a long time and you’ve always been so
serious my padawan.” He rumbled out, chuckling when Obi-Wan flushed
and hid in Cody’s neck despite his stomach getting in the way of
getting as close as he wanted to the man. “Aaaanyhow,” He decided
not to tease and changed the subject instead. “We’ll be reaching
Alderaan in about six or seven hours, Queen Breha has been in contact
already and she is is looking forward to our arrival and has lodgings
already prepared for us all.” Qui-Gon informed Obi-Wan.

was something they had all come to know was very important with
Obi-Wan, to make him not feel left out of the war effort and as a
burden, Obi-Wan was kept informed of everything going on to help
prepare battle plans if possible.

just to keep him informed honestly.

made him relax and that was something both healers and medics agreed
was very

six hours…” Obi-Wan lifted his face from Cody’s neck to rub his
chin. “Maybe I can go take a nap then before we reach our
destination…” He mused quietly to himself, ignoring how Cody and
Qui-Gon exchanged thrilled looks.

was very aware he didn’t nap a lot or rest quite enough for his
body, but he just wasn’t capable of resting like everyone else.
Napping just because was a terribly hard thing for him to manage and
that was frankly why he meditated as much as he did because that
he could do.


with his pregnancy and hormone riddled body there was a chance he
could. “If you’ll come with me that is Cody.” Obi-Wan slid his
hand into the commander’s with a soft smile, leaning into his
lover’s body.

soft smile was reflected back to him, Cody nodding. “Of course
sweetheart, we
got a good few hours left and General Jinn is more than enough to
keep order.” He chuckled softly, sliding his arm around Obi-Wan’s
now rather broad waist.

more amused now, Qui-Gon gave a little finger salute. “Sure kiddos,
you two enjoy your nap.” Qui-Gon hummed in clear amusement, making
his way over to Boil to inquire about his state as Obi-Wan waddled
alongside Cody’s side to
the elevator.

are going to sleep, right?” Cody murmured quietly, rubbing at
Obi-Wan’s hip with his thumb. “I mean you’re not going to just
lay there and grumble to yourself?” He frowned down at his Jedi.

it was a fair question, that was what Obi-Wan had done that. “I’m
going to try
at least, might help if you rub my back a bit or massage my scalp but
just having you there would be good honestly.” Obi-Wan confessed
with a small smile.

a kiss to the Jedi’s temple, Cody let out a soft hum. “Of course
my little baby hoarder.” He teased, chuckling quietly when Obi-Wan
flushed and leaned more into him.

travel had been wonderfully peaceful and nice, they could only hope
that Alderaan would be the same.

all, it was Alderaan!

could possibly happen there of all planets.

Moddy, in HoarderSeer we left off with Obi agreeing to go off of Coruscant, Is Bant the healer going with him or is it someone else? He wanted to go somewhere green, where did they send him? Naboo is a terrible decision since the Chancellor would definitely still have spies on his home planet, so a satellite temple? Maybe sending him to Ahch-To would be best, it’s in the Unknown space so only jedi know how to travel there and Obi would be occupied by studying the first Jedi temple…

Waddling along with his hands cupping his stomach, Obi-Wan let out a soft huff of tiredness but did not stopping.

He had insisted to healers, Cody, Qui-Gon and Anakin that he would be able to walk from the quarters to the hanger on his own without a stupid hoverchair though he had accepted taking a few breaks on the way and leaning on Cody’s offered arm for support..

After much debate it had finally been decided where Obi-Wan would go into semi hiding and to be fair, he was quite happy with the choice.


A core world close enough to Coruscant should Obi-Wan need to return, it was a clean environment with wonderful medic’s and it was friendly towards both Jedi and clones with Breha being more than happy to keep it off the books that Obi-Wan was there.

All for the safety of not only Obi-Wan and Cody along with the rest of the 212th that would slowly arrive as to not draw attention but more importantly, the safety of the babies.

Technically the rest of the 212th didn’t need to come but Boil was going for his little ones and the rest wanted to look after their pregnant vode, ensure their safety and comfort.

“You should have taken the hoverchair love.” Cody’s emphatic voice cut in through his musing as Obi-Wan turned his head enough to glance up at him, letting out a soft whimper.

Tucking his arm around the others waist in response to the whimper, Cody’s face twisted in worry. “Let’s get you to the bunk alright? You can settle down and take a small nap.” He murmured with concern.

Huffing a bit, feeling out of breath, Obi-Wan nodded as they stepped into the ship, moving towards the bunk while hearing the low murmur of troopers in the front with Qui-Gon. Normally Obi-Wan would go greet them but he was honestly tired. “I’m starting to think there is merit in healer Tan-Tanos suggestion of removing them at one point to let them finish developing in incubators.” He panted.

At six months, Obi-Wan was very heavy with his quadruplets, his back and ankles hurt all the time and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to carry to full term.

Nodding, Cody swiped his hand over the door lock for what would be their bunk until Alderaan and winced when he saw the thin, ship standard bunk. ‘Obi-Wan’s back is going to murder him.’ He thought in horror even as he lead his cyare over to the bunk to settle him down.  “That does sound like a good plan.” He agreed out loud, not voicing his concern over the bunk.

The bunk would be much too thin, too hard and too stiff for Obi-Wan’s tenderized body to handle well at all and he wasn’t sure if there was anything he could do for his sweet love, resigning himself to just giving the man back rubs when he was awake. ‘He’s going to give himself headaches from the lack of sleeping well.’ He grimaced to himself even as he brushed his hand along Obi-Wan’s jaw, feeling coarse beard brush his skin.

“Would you grab my body pillow?” Obi-Wan questioned with a small voice, pouting a bit as he peered up through his fringe.

Perking up and looking around, Cody grabbed the large, red body pillow that had been a gift from Senator Amidala.

Setting it on the bunk, Cody knelt down and undid the others low boots since Obi-Wan had issues bending, setting them aside while mentally reminding himself he’d need to pull out the bantha slippers Obi-Wan walked in most of the days so he could wander the ship without having to fight with a pair of boots.

Meanwhile Obi-Wan was sliding himself out of his robe and folding it with a soft noise, settling it aside as the man stood.

Helping Obi-Wan settle down on his side with the body pillow tucked against his body once he was comfortable, Cody leaned in and stole a soft kiss from the others lips with a small smile as Obi-Wan got comfortable with the body pillow.

It would provide some aid and support and it had a built in heat that worked to ease the soreness of muscles but the moment they were on Alderaan, Cody was getting his love into a tub. ‘All this because of you all,’ The commander thought fondly as he passed his hand along the swollen belly that contained their four children. ‘I have to say it is worth it and I hope Obi-Wan thinks the same.’ He smiled soppily to himself before leaning in and nuzzling his and Obi-Wan’s noses together. “I’ll go to the cockpit and speak with Longshot and Gearshift, I think they got first watch on the pilot duty and I believe General Jinn is there too.” Cody stated quietly.

Catching Cody’s hand, covering it with his, Obi-Wan nodded slightly. “My things are here, so he must be. He refused to let me carry a full bag of items if I wasn’t going to take a hoverchair.” Obi-Wan whispered tiredly and at this point it was honestly for the best.

It was just too much for Obi-Wan’s body right now and he couldn’t keep pushing himself.

About to get up and leave, Cody paused when Obi-Wan tugged on his arm. “Hmm?”

“Eat.” Obi-Wan smiled, pushing Cody’s favorite chocolate bar with peanuts and nougat filling. “You haven’t had lunch but this will have to do for now.” He settled on.

Softening, the clone leaned in and kissed his Jedi sweetly, stroking his cheek while accepting the candy. “I’ll eat.” He promised quietly, hoping that despite the small blaster strapped to Obi-Wan due to Force osik that made his love a hoarder was just a precaution and not set in durasteel.