Highasakite: How is Obi-Wan doing, once he’s no longer high?

Regardless how everyone around him is acting, its unfortunately not the first time someone has drugged him and then undressed him for nefarious purposes. Obi-Wan is unfortunately used to such treatment he must sadly profess to.

Though, thankfully, Anakin has never asked about anyone actually getting too far nor did Cody ask this time.

At least this time they didn’t succeed in actually doing anything to Obi-Wan beyond some bruising and the drugs.

Admittedly, that doesn’t mean he’s fine with what happened but it could always have been worse and once the bruises heals and he’s meditated enough, the memories will fade too. Especially in the wake of the protective feelings rising around him.

Having the men look out for his well being and Anakin Force aura curled into his is doing wonderful for the shivers that occasionally travels down Obi-Wan’s spine.

Still, being stuck in the medbay is the last thing Obi-Wan wants and he would have escaped ages ago if it wasn’t for one thing and only one thing…

Or rather one person.

Anakin is currently holding tightly onto him, Obi-Wan stuck on the others chest with their legs tangled quite heavily and there is no way Obi-Wan can untangle himself from the legs and arms without waking the younger Jedi.

Sulking a tad into the others warm neck, Obi-Wan let out a small sigh and decided to just endure it for now. Eventually Anakin would wake up and Obi-Wan could hopefully make his escape from the medbay before Helix, Potion, Bandaid or any of the other medics managed to shanghai him and keephim in medbay.

Its not that he hates the people in it of course, its just… medbays always linger with the feeling of pain and discomfort and Obi-Wan himself has never been quite good at filtering that out. Even the Halls are bit difficult for him and he never rests well when he’s in any medical facility, not even a Jedi run one.

He can only blame the drugs and Anakin as the reason for why he has actually slept well this time.

Its one of the reasons Anakin impresses him, Anakin, with all his power, is able to filter out the sensation of lingering pain, unease, sickness and the general miasma a medical facility has and Obi-Wan can’t help but wonder if its due to Anakin having gotten used to staying at Obi-Wan’s side when injured.

Its a plausible explanation, Anakin building his shields and resistance as he sat at an injured master’s bedside, doing his homework with Obi-Wan’s help or quietly playing with his latest project as he waited for Obi-Wan to wake from yet another drug induced coma.

Feeling eyes on him, Obi-Wan raised his head enough to find Cody in the bed across from them, the commander watching with intent eyes.

When Obi-Wan meet the amber eyes, Cody quickly scanned him before smiling and relaxing into his bed, clearly relieved to see the other in a sober state.

Quietly, Obi-Wan finger spelled a greeting, smiling in return as he got a finger spelled greeting back. It was clear that no one else was awake in the medbay however and therefore they restrained themselves from talking.

Obi-Wan could however feel the others eyes on him still, Cody’s emotions having gone almost soft and warm in the Force, directed at him and Obi-Wan couldn’t help but hide in Anakin’s shoulder at the feelings, unable to distinguish them with Cody’s shields and yet still feeling warm at them.

The care his men and Anakin had for him ever since discovering the truth of his heritage and what it could mean for him… well, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel awed and honored at the protection and concern extended to him.

He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve it all… but he would forever be grateful.

In high as a kite, can the boys get out of the pirate cave. Maybe a bit of cuddle fluff to help poor Obi and settle poor Anakin’s nerves when he finds out what almost happened.

Only barely waiting until Kix and Potion announced themselves done with Obi-Wan, seeing as Helix was settled into a bed himself, Anakin finally crawled into the medbed with his dazed and drugged master.

Thankfully, neither medics said anything, even if Helix grumbled over in his bed, as Obi-Wan let out a happy noise and snuggled himself into Anakin’s body. “Cold.” He slurred out into Anakin’s shoulder and Anakin noted Cody struggling to sit up a bit where Kix had him settled with a cast on his left leg.

Apparently the man broke it when he came rushing out of the cell to roundhouse kick the captain of the pirates. Which now left him unable to go rush to Obi-Wan’s side as he clearly wanted to, the 212th as always protective of their General.

The confession had Helix settle more too, realizing that Anakin wasn’t just being clingy and was actually there for a reason. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here, a bonafide heater.” Anakin teased shakily, tucking his robe around the two of them along with the blanket.

Cody reporting in just how lucky they were with their timing had left Anakin a tad shaken and he knew that Obi-Wan’s reaction to a Force inhibitor often left him unable to keep warm.

Something about the loss of Force making his body sluggish.

Not that Anakin could say much about it, when he was full of an inhibitor drug compared to a tool, Anakin couldn’t stop shaking. He wasn’t cold but his body seemed to want to shake apart at the loss of something so fundamental and a few masters had speculated that if Anakin’s origin was purely in his mother and the Force itself, maybe the loss of it impacted Anakin’s body more severely than others.

It was a theory at least.

But then again, every Jedi did have some kind of side effect when cut of from the Force by drugs. It was different when it was in your blood stream compared to like a Force suppressant collar or room, it just…

Your body knew something was wrong.

It reacted, maybe even tried to fight it and therefore Force sensitive reacted to it differently. Or that was Anakin’s working theory at least and he knew that Obi-Wan shared it along with several other beings in the temple.

It was a sobering thought, that the body basically thought of the inhibitor as something to fight to the point their bodies were impacted and Anakin at least couldn’t help but worry about the severity of certain Force suppressors.

Who knew what effects could remain permanently if the dosage was high enough?

“Mmmn, warm water bottle.” Obi-Wan chuckled, his voice still slurred but the tone bright and merry, indicating a good mood.

Anakin couldn’t help but chuckle a tad to, amused despite it all as Obi-Wan’s little quip brought him out of his darker thoughts. “Yeah yeah, I’m your hottie right now.” He snarked.

There was a long pause at that.

“High thoughts of yourself there General.” Jesse snarked from where Bonesplit was dealing with his dislocated shoulder.

“Oh shut it Jesse,” Anakin snarked back, his insides squirming in joy that his men felt this comfortable to be able to joke with him when not on the clock. “I happen to be extremely attract-Obi!” He squeaked like a mouse being stepped on, as a cold hand suddenly found his bare stomach.

He looked down at faux innocent expression of his master and brother in arms as the other continued pressing his icy hand to Anakin’s stomach. “Hmm?” Obi-Wan tilted his head.

“Your hands are freezing!” Anakin hissed before reaching down and jerking Obi-Wan’s hands out of his tunic, uncaring that it was now undone for the most part. Instead he focused on sticking Obi-Wan’s hands into his own armpits, ignoring the disgusted little grunt the other gave out. “Force sake Obi-Wan, go to sleep and just get warm.” He sighed deeply.

Trying to tug his hands out of Anakin’s armpits for a moment, Obi-Wan grumbled before huffing and nodding, settling his head back into the blond’s shoulder. “Fine… but I want a shower when I wake. Long one… warm one… wet…” Obi-Wan breathed deeply, nuzzling more into Anakin’s warmth.

‘That’s it, just rest Master… when you wake, you should feel better.’ Anakin smiled wryly, petting Obi-Wan’s hair slowly.

Highasakite- oh my god! When Anakin finds out his brother has been captured by slavers he’s going to go absolutely apeshit. I’d hate to be the one to tell him

Tucking the robe tenderly around his docile Jedi, Cody smiled shakily at the man as yells and blaster sounds continued to echo through the cave.

But even more reassuring than the familiar voices of his own vode was the steady hum and thrum of a lightsaber, the sound echoing along with the angry growls of a man on a mission.

Anakin Skywalker would always come for his master, at the slightest suspicion that something had gone wrong.

And by Jango’s hairy balls, was Cody more than relieved at this moment even as he drew the now covered up Jedi into his lap, brushing Obi-Wan’s hair out of the way as it had flopped down in his face.

The drugs had kicked in so fast, a Force inhibitor and a sedative if Cody was right though he had no diagnostic tool, Obi-Wan’s stewjoni particulars carrying it through his systems with every heartbeat and by the tenth minute, Obi-Wan was as docile as a trained canine, blinking owlishly between the slavers.

His reaction of course caught the captain’s attention, the man grabbing Obi-Wan by the chin as he tilted the Jedi’s chin back and forth as Obi-Wan uselessly whined and batted at the man’s chest, overly large pupils clear for everyone to see along with the lassitude of his body.

The demagolka had figured it out, laughing loudly as he held onto Obi-Wan’s chin in a mockingly tender touch. “Well would you look at that, we got a Stewjon native boys, a Force sensitive one to booth!” He crooned, Obi-Wan making a low noise and then reaching out to cover his ears when there was a rush of loud noise.

Cody and the rest of the troopers had been spewing insults mixed in with the jeers and hollers of the slavers only to freeze when the captain suddenly shoved Obi-Wan towards a rock wall, the Jedi letting out a pained noise before yelping shakily as he scrambled at the rocks when the captain jerked one leg up and around his waist.

Cody’s ears had been filled with the roaring of his own blood, the Ghosts of the 212th trying desperately to get their chains off, Waxer of all people roaring insults in a desperate attempt to get the captains attention off their Jedi.

“We’re keeping this one,” The captain leered, Obi-Wan batting at his chest, the drugs and inhibitor making his hands uncoordinated and powerless, his captured leg kicking out before yelling out when the captain’s other hand slid behind his back. “A stewjon Force sensitive is worth a mint but they’re even more useful if you get them trained, pretty little weapons they are.” He laughed cruelly as he grabbed his fly and pulled it down, the sound of the zipper eerily loud despite every other noise.

Cody might have done something stupid if it wasn’t for a warning cry from the front of the cave accompanied by a blaster that second, the captain jerking back before barking orders, grabbing Obi-Wan cruelly by the arm, shoving him into the cell with the others.

Cody had quickly pulled their Jedi in close, pulling him back into the protective hold of the vode as slavers rushed to the cave entrance.

Killer had, moments later, thrown the Jedi robe he had managed to grab through the bars around their General before moving in front of him, the man now firmly hidden between troopers when Cody sunk down, becoming a barrier between the cold rock floor and Obi-Wan’s body.

Rubbing the others back slowly, Cody glanced through the gap of Boil and Killer, baring his teeth in a snarl when he saw the captain hiding behind some crates, his face full of panic with a blaster in hand.

Clearly he hadn’t expected this.

‘Where Kenobi goes, Skywalker follows asshole.’ Cody viciously wished he could get his hands around the man’s throat or remove his hands.

A low noise from his Jedi had Cody’s focus shifting, looking into eyes with pupils so large they almost eclipsed the green of the others eyes. “Cody?” The man mumbled, voice slurred, a far cry from his usual Coruscantian high accent.

Tenderly, Cody continued rubbing the Jedi’s back, easing up now that at least Skywalker and the 501st were there, knowing that not only were they safe but so was Obi-Wan and the slavers wouldn’t be going anywhere.

A threat to the Jedi were something clones handled with prejudice and Anakin Skywalker in particular handled it even harder when it was related to his padawan or his former master. “It’s alright General, General Skywalker is on his way.” He murmured quietly, chuckling faintly when the others face perked up in glee.

Much better, Cody liked it when Obi-Wan smiled, even if it was a drugged smile and he couldn’t resist pressing their foreheads together for just a moment.

Just for a little moment, Cody allowed himself to be selfish after the scare they all just had.

I love how high as a kite went from crack to angst back to crack and I’m here to request more angst from it maybe if you want to? Obi wan encountering slavers and being drugged and then they see his reaction and realise he’s stewjoni? Or something like that?

He was going to kill them.

Each and every last one of them, they were going to die a slow and brutal death at Cody’s hands, that the commander swore as he watched the slavers strip the General, leering at the Jedi as Obi-Wan didn’t even put up a token resistance.

Not after the captain had put a gun to Killer’s head and told him he’d shoot someone for every moment of resistance the Jedi put up.

And much to the troopers rage and shame, Obi-Wan instantly became docile, his face blank as every piece of armor and clothes were taken from him until his pale and freckled body was laid bare for inspection.

Rage at what was being done to their general.

And shame at them being the tools used for it.

“Well, well, well, carpet matches the drapes I see, bona fide redhead,” The captain sneered, eyes lingering on the soft cock resting against Obi-Wan’s thigh. “Not too shabby a state, expected you to be well trained considering the Force poodoo you Jedi get up to but damn, see you got blessed with length if not girth.” He leered as his crew laughed at the words.

One even daringly reached out and pinched Obi-Wan’s ass, hooting something about it being a nice handful.

Obi-Wan didn’t move a muscle beyond closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, even as Cody rattled the chains tying the Ghost company up in the cells they had been stuffed into, the commander snarling at the chaavla that had their General.

The slaver barely spared him a glance though, already having dismissed Cody and the rest as simple means to an end, only kept alive because of how it kept Obi-Wan in place.

When they had gone out to scout, this was the last thing they had expected, being ambushed by a group of karking slavers.

But the assholes had gotten the jump on them and now they were gloating about having a Jedi caught in their mist, kept in control by using his men against him.

Because of course Obi-Wan didn’t want them in harms way, of course when the captain and his second had managed to get Boil and Cody into strangle holds and put their blaster to the troopers heads, Obi-Wan had surrendered himself.

Obi-Wan would do anything to spare the troopers and lower the casualty count.

Even if it meant being demeaned in such a way.

The tailhead suddenly barked something in an unfamiliar language, certainly not basic or mando’a, but Obi-Wan clearly recognized it and for a second, Cody could see panic and some fear echoing in the Jedi’s eyes before they once more went blank.

He realized why a second later as another togruta, who looked disturbingly similar to Commander Tano, came jogging over with a hypospray.

Wooley jerked to beside him, realizing the same thing Cody did.

They were going to drug the General.

“Leave him the kark alone!” Cody roared out, almost pulling the others off their feet when he jerked forward, his voice echoing in the cave the slavers were using.

“Ugh, if you don’t shut up, I might have to soil the merchandise, I’m sure he’ll still sell well with a few lashes on his back.” The captain sent him an annoyed look even as the other togruta placed the hypospray into Obi-Wan’s neck, a resigned look in the redhead’s eyes.

“Th-” Cody cut the word off, swallowing heavily at the implication and around him the rest of Ghost shifted worriedly.

“Cody, its alright.” Obi-Wan murmured quietly, ignoring the laughing and jeering slavers as he smiled calmly at Cody, even as a hand smoothed down along his back to cup his ass again.

“…No… no its not General,” Cody whispered, all of Ghost waiting for what they knew would come, waiting for the inevitable realization the slavers would come to when Obi-Wan’s reaction to the drugs came out. “This isn’t alright at all…”

He was going to kill them for this and his vode were going to help.

Chaavla = Rough underclass criminal

Okay, now I gotta see it: High as a Kite Obi-Wan gets high because someone accidentally (or not) sets fire to his favorite tea blend.

Staring at his General through his fingers, eyes wide, Cody couldn’t help but question why.

He was a good soldier, a good commander and while he wouldn’t claim he was a good man precisely he was a good vod!

He might be a bit harsh at time and maybe sometimes grouchy but come on, Wolffe was worse and Fox had a stick stuck up his arse and Cody had to deal with so much thanks to being Marshal commander, the highest ranking clone in the GAR!

So why did he also have to deal with this?

What was this you may ask?

His General, currently sunbathing naked on the roof of one of the shuttles, snoring loudly after falling asleep up there after Boil had somehow managed to set fire to Obi-Wan’s favorite tea blend.

Apparently when set on fire, the tea functioned as a psychoactive substance and with Obi-Wan’s heightened sensitivity to such things, it had gone right to his systems.

It didn’t help that Obi-Wan had been in a closed room when the tea had been set on fire and the Jedi rarely wore a helmet that would have filtered said smoke out!

After several shenanigans, some which included Longshot, Killjoy and Gregor floating around in the air as a cackling General juggled the troopers with the Force and the man attempting put his ankles behind his head, which he managed, Obi-Wan had finally jumped up on the shuttle and gotten comfy, giggling about how warm the metal was as he flopped down.

“Can we please get him down now?” Helix pleaded, looking between his commander and his general, eyes wide and his curly hair a mess from the man threading his fingers into it in anxiety due to the Jedi’s behavior. “This world has three suns, the fact that he didn’t get burned from the metal of the shuttle I can only assume is some Force fuckery but he’s gonna get sun burned soon!” He hissed out.

Groaning, Cody dropped his hands from his face and nodded. “Right, Wooley and Barlex, since Gregor is still nauseous from his… ‘ride’, you two find some way of getting up there. Do we have a hoverlift or a ladder?” He questioned.

The two traded glances before Barlex started signing quickly. “I’m not sure sir, but we can check, give us five minutes.” He stated quickly, ignoring Helix little whimper at the five minutes.

Nodding sharply, Cody returned to staring up at his General. “Do so, if you can’t find either of that, find an alternative solution. We need to get him down and fast.” He stated firmly, rubbing his face with a deep sigh.

“Yes sir!” The two rushed off, Wooley calling out for Gus and Switch to help them.

It ended up taking a good fifteen minutes before they finally got a hover platform and with the General’s robe in hand, Cody went up alone with Barlex controlling the platform from below, watching closely with the rest of the 212th not currently doing their duty as an audience.

Even Gregor, who by now seemed to be feeling a lot better.

And there he was, sprawled like a starfish on the shuttle roof, mouth open as he snored.

Despite the situation, Cody couldn’t help but let out a snort as he threw the robe over the other man as he knelt down, carefully pulling the Jedi into his arms to lift him up. “Lets hope we got to you in time to avoid the sunburns, huh sir?” He murmured wryly, carefully moving onto the hover platform with the General.

One thing was for sure, it was never boring with their Jedi.

Ooh! The stakes have been further raised in HighAsAKite! I think all bets are off, now – EVERYONE is going to be more protective of Obi-Wan, no question! And I think the question has to be asked: Does Obi-Wan know about Stewjoni being sought after because Qui-Gon knew and warned him what to be careful of? Or does Obi-Wan know because he’s come across some unsavory people in his various travels across the galaxy?

Pressing index finger to his lips with his thumb to his chin, Obi-Wan observed the almost fuming yet concerned Anakin and the confused and anxious looking Cody.

Well, not that it was obvious with the latter but being Force sensitive did come with perks when the person either didn’t have shields or were dropping them as Cody was in the moment.

“I have no idea why you don’t know Anakin,” Obi-Wan finally stated, sitting back against the headboard of the medbed. “I never tried to hide it and I’m sure its been discussed around you a few times… maybe it went over your head… or did we try gentle the explanation?” He stated curiously to himself.

Maybe they had used terms that a young Anakin at the time hadn’t understood and after hadn’t thought too much of?

“Why are Stewjoni’s valuable to the slavery market Obi-Wan?” Anakin bit out, half glaring at him. There was also a creak of leather, Anakin tightly clenching his hands with the glove giving him away.

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan reached out until he could grab Anakin’s flesh hand, gingerly tugging.

For a moment, Anakin resisted, scowling at him as the two stared at each other.

And then he slumped, sighing deeply as he flopped down on the bedside, staring at him imploringly. “Obi-Wan, please…” He whispered meekly.

“I’m not going to hide it Anakin or try to talk my way around it,” Obi-Wan chuckled quietly. “I honestly thought you already knew.” He squeezed the others hand, giving Anakin more attention than Cody or Helix, fully aware the medic was also listening.

Anakin however was always sensitive to the things he felt as rejection, scorn or discontent. Lies, even white ones, always got him upset. Which was why Obi-Wan concentrated his attention on his former padawan.

Squeezing again, Obi-Wan sighed quietly. “Anakin, you’ve seen me on different highs, yes?” He gently prodded, snorting when the blond smirked slightly at him. “Yes, now, imagine if you kept me constantly high on one of the drugs that keeps me docile?” He carefully ventured.

Anakin’s face lost all color, staring at Obi-Wan before going red.

Nodding slightly, Obi-Wan tried not to wince as Anakin was suddenly gripping his hand hard enough to hurt. “I see you get it. Drugged up Stewjoni’s are easy to control, docile, pliable and if fed the correct cocktail, easily trained to booth. And if they wind up addicted, they might not want to leave their masters for fear of those drugs disappearing.” Obi-Wan kept his voice soft, as if he was discussing the weather and not a potential future.

Or the status of his people in the hands of slavers.

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan sighed. “This and some of the side effects to certain drugs, makes us valuable as products for slavers and combined with red hair and the fact that most Stewjoni’s are Force sensitive, we go for a high price as we can also hide among other humans and the space around Stewjon is tightly controlled by the planet’s army and fleet to prevent abductions for that reason, so unlike a twi’lek or a togruta, both considered exotic and beautiful, we have an easier time hiding among other near humans or baseline humans.” He explained quietly.

Honestly, unidentified ships were blasted out of the sky, Stewjon had been on the verge of war several times due to their paranoia but the Queens of Stewjon had always maintained the military for that reason.

They were vulnerable and they knew it, so the Queens of past made the planet strong while the Queens of the future kept them strong.

Squeezing Anakin’s hand, breathing out in relief when the others grip eased, Obi-Wan sighed a bit. “That’s why we’re valuable Anakin. For whatever reason, be it as bed slaves or as Force sensitive weapons, slavers value us for the docility of our reaction to drugs.” He explained, a heavy atmosphere settling around them.

Anakin clung to his hand, staring at Obi-Wan before just shifting forward and hugging him tightly, Obi-Wan patting his former padawan on the back as he observed Cody and the pursed expression the commander was wearing.

‘…I am totally not going anywhere without a guard from now on, am I?’ He thought wryly to himself.

High as a kite- Well, now that one of the reasons for Obi-Wan avoiding the med bay is in the open, do Helix and Kix scold the General about withholding information that can make a difference in his treatment? Start looking into Stewjoni-specific medicines?

There was nothing else for it than to sit and smile sheepishly up at the scowling medic as Helix took set in the needle for the blood sample in his inner elbow. “If I hadn’t promised General Skywalker not to be too upset, I’d be tying you to the bed right about now sir.” The medic huffed, not bothering to lower his voice as he undid the band around Obi-Wan’s arm for the blood flow to return.

They both, Obi-Wan flushing darkly, ignored the sounds of sniggering from the doorway.

They both knew that Anakin and Cody were listening at the door and Helix didn’t seem to be in a mood to show them away as he ran tests on the slightly hungover Obi-Wan.

“I am really sorry you know,” Obi-Wan murmured, resting his hands in his lap. “Being Stewjoni I learned early not to advertise it due to how… sought out my kind of human is and its a habit I haven’t managed to shake.” Helix paused a bit, eyeing him before sighing deeply.

“I’m well aware of that sir, I would have preferred to be in the know. I could have accidentally given you an overdose or given you the wrong kind of medication, putting you in cardiac arrest.” He stated quietly as he inserted yet another blood vial tube.

Anakin popped his head in the doorway, frowning at them. “Wait, what do you mean well sought?” He cried out only to flinch when Helix levered a finger at him.

“Stay quiet while I do my examination, you may interrogate the General after I finish General Skywalker,” The medic stated sternly, glaring when Cody popped his head around the door frame, silently telling his commanding brother off.

The fact that Anakin didn’t seem to know did seem to appease the medic however, though how Anakin had missed out on it, Obi-Wan had no idea as he eyed his former padawan confusedly.

“Well, that should do, I should be able to get something from this from just the basic medical terminal, the rest will have to wait until we’re back on the Negotiator.” Helix stated, getting the bacta patch ready as he pulled out the needle and quickly set it on, Obi-Wan chuckling quietly when Helix gave him a purple colored lollipop to suck on. “Sit and enjoy that, I took a bit of blood and I want to keep an eye on you.” Helix warned.

Well, for now he had to deal with Helix honestly, as the medic moved to analyze Obi-Wan’s blood.

“Least you all got a laugh out of watching me?” Obi-Wan mused.

Helix levered an unimpressed look at him and turned back to his terminal, Kix coming over to peer over his fellow medics shoulder.

Okay, not the right thing to say but at least now Cody and Anakin were allowed in, the two coming over as Obi-Wan smiled easily at them, sticking the sucker in his mouth.

“You’re going to explain the whole, sought after thing master.” Anakin stated sternly.

Frowning slightly, Obi-Wan sucked slowly before pulling it out. “Anakin, I never hid it. I thought you already knew?” He questioned confusedly.

Anakin got a blank look.

Thankfully, Cody stepped in though Obi-Wan wasn’t so sure he was happy for the question. “Well, I as sure do not know sir.”

Sticking the lolly back in, Obi-Wan mumbled lightly as he considered the question. Then he just let out a deep sigh. “Stewjoni are on the level of twi’lek when it comes to slavery. But since its easier for us to hide than it is for twi’lek’s, stewjoni are harder to get their hands on, therefore more worth if you can prove someone is it when you sell them.” He stated quietly.

Anakin got a funny look on his face, twitching a bit while Cody stared at him. “…Like how you react to medication?” The Commander questioned slowly.

Obi-Wan just shrugged and turned his head, watching Helix and Kix.

High as a kite- If Stewjoni have different reactions to drugs, does that include medicines? Is that a reason for Obi-Wan to avoid medics that want to give him painkillers? (This verse is supposed to be kind and fluffy, I’m sorry for dragging angst into it)

Rubbing his thumb over Obi-Wan’s temple, Anakin let out a low hum as he took in how much time had passed, the shadows having grown much longer with the suns slowly setting in the west. The other should be waking up in not that long, most likely a bit embarrassed about his reaction to weed being exposed to everyone.

However, before that happened, Helix felt the need to speak with him clearly as the medic suddenly sat down in front of him on the stamped down ground, Kix only half a second behind him in sitting down in front of Anakin. “General Skywalker, could we ask you some questions sir?” He stated quickly.

Lips quirking, Anakin tilted his head. “Well you just did, but I guess you can ask a few more.” He teased, laughing when the two medics exchanged an exasperated look, happy that the troopers could feel comfortable around him for that.

It made him feel warm, because he knew not every battalion was like that with their officers and his heart spiked a bit as he remembered Obi-Wan telling him about the humongous losses Tarkin had despite his successes. ‘He doesn’t see them as people, so he has no qualms about sacrificing them to succeed.’ Obi-Wan’s voice spoke up deep in him, Anakin remembering how bleak Obi-Wan had been when he told Anakin of the fact.

Thankfully, the dark memory was interrupted as Helix spoke again. “You talked about General Kenobi having a bad trip, could you talk about what we should expect? How would we recognize a bad high?” Helix stated seriously, a pad in his hands to take notes on.

“And,” Kix piped up too, frowning slightly. “What should we do if the General experiences a bad trip?” He questioned seriously.

Peering bemusedly at the pad as he mulled on the questions, Anakin was rather sure Helix wasn’t holding it when he sat down.

And now that Anakin was paying closer attention, it was also clear that the rest of the camp was listening in on the conversation, the noise noticeably dimmer than before the two medics had asked their questions. “Sir?” Helix prodded when Anakin continued blinking at them.

Recognizing that Helix was going nowhere without answers, Anakin shrugged and petted Obi-Wan’s hair to keep his own hands occupied. Not that he really minded answering the two medics, it was honestly information they should have.

“Okay so, bear with me, I’ve never had to explain this before, its usually just me around when Obi-Wan has a rare bad trip.” Anakin settled on saying, giving him a bit more time as he continued absently petting.

Instantly, the two medics relaxed, both nodding intently.

Huffing, Anakin glanced down at Obi-Wan, trying to decide just how in dept he should go, he didn’t want to tread on Obi-Wan’s toes since this was rather intimate information but… well, the troopers would never use it against Obi-Wan.

Finally settling a bit, Anakin nodded to himself. “Alright then, see, a bad trip is something that can happen at any time and can have various triggers for the person experiencing them,” He explained, feeling a tiny bit unnerved by the laser focus on him by two pairs of amber eyes. “But generally, Obi-Wan starts becoming paranoid or frightened when he has one, he has a tendency to hallucinate you see when his trip turns bad, jumping at shadows.”

Helix stated typing instantly and Anakin ignored the quiet clicks of him typing at the pad and ignored Cody shuffling closer to listen, a worried frown on the commander’s face. He was grateful Rex had distracted Ahsoka.

He’d rather not explain this with his padawan around. “The environment around him can influence if the trip turns bad, like if we’re in a dark place or maybe around people that make him uneasy even before he is high,” Anakin continued when he noted Helix fingers pausing and the other looking up at him again. “He can loose sense of space and time and even himself, one time he was convinced that his hands were covered in bugs, so he kept washing them until they were bleeding.” Anakin winced at the memory.

He hadn’t been there when the trip started to go bad, having gone to fetch food.

The sight of Obi-Wan’s bloody hands still haunted him as his master desperately continued scrubbing at them with durasteel wool he had found in the kitchen.

Considering how horrified both medics looked, Anakin wouldn’t inform them of that though.

“And… and what do we do if he has a bad trip?” Kix stammered out, looking a bit ashen.

Using his fingertips to scratch at Obi-Wan’s scalp, Anakin shrugged. “One, you have to move him to a place he feels safe or at least get him away from the place that makes him feel scared. If its because its dark, you have to make lights come on,” Anakin specified the light part, knowing how important that was to Obi-Wan if the trip went bad. “Two, you have to remind him that its temporary, all his feelings are going to go away once he comes down from the trip. Because of how his brain functions while on the trip, he forgets how time and space works a lot.”

Helix nodded slowly and continued writing down the info on the pad, Anakin pausing to let him finish writing. “Anything else?” He asked quietly, glancing down at his Jedi and then back up at Anakin.

“Third and last, stay with him at all times,” Anakin stared both down. “On a bad trip, people become irrational, he could cause himself or other harm if you’re not there to keep him as calm as possible. Obi-Wan once jumped out of the fifty fifth floor of a building because he thought he could fly.” He explained, remembering how convinced the other had been that he was being chased by Maul, despite Anakin telling him again and again that Maul was dead.

Frowning, clearly disquieted, Helix went back to typing and Anakin felt himself relax slightly, a small smile on his lips that the troopers were that worried abou- “Wait!” Helix suddenly squeaked out, eyes wide and focused on Anakin. “Is that why he keeps rejecting painkillers? He’s worried about his reaction to them?” He looked just about ready to smash his pad as a few red strands escaped his manbun.

‘Ooops, busted,’ Anakin winced, glancing guiltily down at his former master. ‘Sorry Obi-Wan.’

That High as a Kite bit was cute and funny! Poor Fives and Echo, I get the feeling they mostly offered that as a joke? They didn’t expect him to actually TAKE it! Or have THAT kind of reaction! XD I hope you’re having a lovely early morning!

Snorting faintly, Anakin scratched at the others back and neck carefully as Obi-Wan curled up into his lap like an oversized feline, the other having crawled from Cody’s lap to Anakin’s when he noticed his former padawan sitting down close by.

Pretty standard behavior if Anakin was honest.

This was pretty on par for Obi-Wan when he smoked most types of psychoactive substances, he’d first get extremely wired, his impulses lowered and then he’d crash, becoming extremely snuggly and sleepy.

First time Anakin had seen it, he had been fifteen and shocked as all Sith hells, Obi-Wan having been fighting his impulses since the weed had finally settled into him before finally giving in, racing around their lodgings for a good hour, doing several katas, incorrectly at that, standing on his hands and then he had collapsed, head supported on Anakin’s head while cooing about his adorable padawan.

It had been a very embarrassed Obi-Wan explaining in the morning, slightly hungover from that particular weed. Obi-Wan’s particular brand of humanoids had unique reactions to psychoactive substances, causing them to wig out.

Age had not mellowed it out either and Anakin smiled amusedly down at his masters as he snuggled with Anakin, being clingy.

‘Cold and detached my sweaty balls, Chancellor Palpatine really has no idea about you.’ Anakin thought to himself as he continued scratching along the others back, knowing how much Obi-Wan enjoyed it.

Anakin respected Chancellor Palpatine, he was a great mentor and Anakin appreciated his advice but honestly, the man had no clue when it came to Obi-Wan, Anakin had long ago decided that.

Honestly, if Anakin didn’t know better, he’d think the older man was trying to drive a wedge between him and Obi-Wan.

But that was ridiculous!

Anakin put it down to maybe the Chancellor being a bit jealous of the relationship he and Obi-Wan had, no one could really replace Obi-Wan in Anakin’s eyes.

“Okay, so what in Force name just happened Skyguy?” Ahsoka’s question broke him out of his musing, Anakin looking up with a puzzled look only to laugh when the other was staring at Obi-Wan. “Hey, don’t laugh at me. Master Obi-Wan just went…” She waved her hands around.

Scratching his neck own neck with his mech hand, the other resting on Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin mused on what to say. “If I’m honest sir, I’d like to know too.” Cody stated quietly, glancing at his General, at Anakin and then to Fives and Echo.

It was pretty obvious to Anakin that that Cody wanted to be prepared should this happen again.

Which, fair be, it could.

Humming thoughtfully, Anakin dropped his mech hand back down on Obi-Wan to continue scratching. “Well, Obi-Wan’s particular humanoids are pretty close to baseline human standards but they do have a few traits that puts them apart from the baseline, one of them is this,” He gestured at the other, Obi-Wan snoring into Anakin’s stomach. “His biochemistry reacts to most kinds of psychoactive by first making him wired up and then making him crash once its run most of its effect.” He patted Obi-Wan’s hair carefully.

Obi-Wan let out a mewling noise, stretching into the others lap.

“And Obi-Wan in particular gets incredibly cuddly once he’s crashing,” Anakin continued rubbing at the other, ignoring the wide eyes and Helix and Kix clearly taking notes. “Its because his impulse controls are gone and while on drugs, he feels like he’s floating away in the Force. Or that’s what he told me at least, so touch helps.” Anakin shrugged slightly, still working his hands over his former master’s back, neck and hair.

Flopping down on her ass, legs pulled up so she could rest her arms on her knees, Ahsoka stared at Obi-Wan for several minutes before looking at Anakin again. “So its just how his subset of humans react? Just like how togrutas from shili, whose families have never left, have somewhat larger montral than those that are raised on other planets?” She questioned curiously.

Shrugging faintly, Anakin smiled at her, relieved that the other got it. “Pretty much. Obi-Wan’s reaction is pretty standard for Stewjon humans I’ve found, I did some research on it over the years to make sure if Obi-Wan had a bad reaction, I knew what to do.” Both Helix and Kix perked up at that.

The two would clearly be talking with Anakin later on, to ensure they knew what to do too.

Just in case.

Well, the more looking out for Obi-Wan when he was like this, the merrier.

It could be a bit overwhelming but… honestly, Anakin didn’t mind it, enjoying how clingy Obi-Wan was while high.

Which was why he was enjoying sitting in the sun with his master over his lap, rubbing his robe covered body slowly and steadily.

That time Fives and Echo got Obi-Wan high

Staring at his master, Anakin opened his mouth then closed it again,
slowly turning his head to stare at Echo and Fives, the two cowering
behind Hardcase. Then he slowly turned his head to look at his
Captain, Rex busily hitting his head on against the closets shuttle

Then he slowly
returned to staring at his master.

His master that was
currently laid out over Cody’s lap on his stomach, wearing only his
boxers…and Anakin’s Jedi robe.

And that was all.

Obi-Wan, Jedi
master, high council master, General of the broken circle armada,
Anakin’s former master, was snoring, his head pillowed on Cody’s
helmet, that the Jedi had snagged between his arms and were somehow
using as a comfortable ‘pillow’.

The camp meanwhile,
was covered in a mix of blue and orange paint, the armor paint to be
precise that the 212th and the 501st used and a
few shiny’s were desperately trying to scrape it away from a few of
surfaces, though they too had become a bit splattered.

If they were going
to remove it however, that was a bigger question.

There was also what
looked suspiciously like the legs of a trooper suit hanging from one
of the higher branches of the trees surrounding the camp and what
Anakin refused to believe was his master’s underwear, because the
boxers high up in the tree was brightly pink and very hard to ignore.

The reason for

Echo and Fives had
offered Obi-Wan a reefer, a fat, highly effective reefer of the clone
troopers own make.

Well, mostly it had
been Fives idea apparently, Echo was dragged along as usual by his
dear vod they watched Obi-Wan smoke said reefer.

And apparently this
particular blend went right to Obi-Wan’s head.

Had Anakin been
there when it had all happened, he would have advised against it,
knowing how Obi-Wan reacted to most of these psychoactive smoking

Anakin however had
not been there.

He had been busy
scouting with Ahsoka and a small, mixed team of 212th and
501st, one of them including the dear Commander.

And when they had
returned, Rex had literally been putting out fires, Fives and Echo
had been chasing Obi-Wan, Wooley had been lightly kicking sand over
another fire, four shiny’s were stuck together via paint that had
tried and they couldn’t quite drag each other loose and Helix was
laying on the ground sans armor, petting a tooka, clearly also high.

Apparently, Obi-Wan
had shared with his dear medic, deciding that Helix was too highly
strung from having to deal with everyone’s bantha shit.

Which left the
medic feeling very mellow, Kix sitting beside him, keeping a good eye
on his fellow medic, though Helix seemed to be having a good, relaxed
run compared to Obi-Wan’s energized one.

Obi-Wan meanwhile
had been running around, highly wired, in his boxers, his clothes
somewhere and things floating all around him, which explained the
fires, the paints and all the supplies scattered about.

He had come to a
standstill however when Anakin called for him, practically vibrating
before appearing in front of his former padawan, beaming, sweaty and
disheveled with a spot of blue on his bicep where someone tried grab
him and smudge of orange on his leg.

Anakin had simply
thrown his robe around the man, covering up miles and miles of pale
skin and taunt muscles and pulled him in for a cuddle, causing the
redhead to let out a loud keen and then melt into him, seemingly to
the surprise of quite a few. Anakin was of course very aware of how
touch dependent his master really was but to those who didn’t know

Well, Obi-Wan could
seem aloof, despite his warm smiles and his flirting.

Which was why
Anakin spent a few minutes rubbing Obi-Wan’s back and stroking his
hair, murmuring quietly to him as an exhausted Rex informed him of
what had happened.

And well, then
Obi-Wan had spotted Cody and… that was it.

His master had
zoomed at Cody, brought him down and gone ‘nap’.

Like a cat.

Insistent until he
had Cody on the ground beside Helix.

Looked like the
trademark Kenobi hustle to Anakin honestly, he had done that to Vos
and Eerin more than once, when they were overworking in his opinion
and to Anakin too of course.

And that lead to
this moment, Anakin staring down his two shuffling men, Rex still
hitting his not helmeted head much to his concern and Obi-Wan happily
napping in Cody’s lap as the commander had no choice but to relax.

Opening his mouth,
Anakin raised a finger then just sighed and shrugged. “Eh, no one
got hurt. You two get latrine duty out the month.” He decided,
waving his hand and then moving over to the still staring Ahsoka, the
padawan frozen by the speeders still.

Seeing a venerated
master high as a kite could be quite the shock he mused, as they
observed Obi-Wan happily drooling onto Cody’s helmet and his still
paint coated bicep.