awolJedi is the clone babies going to come out of the pods soon? It sounded like they were soon ready

Sitting up sharply in bed, Obi-Wan stared blankly at the wall for several seconds before throwing the covers of himself and sliding his feet into his slippers, hurrying out of his temporary bedroom by touch alone.

In the darkness, he fumbled for his robe on the hook by the doorway, throwing it on as he made his way through the halls.

On the way, an anxious Anakin appeared from his temporary room, looking just as sleep disheveled as Obi-Wan felt, the blond looking at him with wide eyes as he scratched nervously at his bare stomach.

The other had clearly not thought to throw on a robe like Obi-Wan had but had at least put on slippers and together, the two made their way to the Halls of healing, the insistent tugging of the Force pulling them along.

The Halls, due to the likelihood of injuries being high during the initial construction, had been one of the first places on the schedule to be built of the temple, along with temporary shelters, the creche, kitchens and of course the archives.

The temporary shelters, creche and halls had been the highest priority though and still bore signs of a rush job that Obi-Wan knew that would be worked on better now that things were settling.

But that was not why he and Anakin were in the Halls.

Because they could feel them, a tugging in their very souls and likely something the kaminoans had thought of when they cloned the Jedi.

The children were ready.

The clones of him and Anakin.

And Yoda, as when they arrived, the old man was already there, leaning on his cane as he stared into the Halls with an unfamiliar senior healer at his side and Master Che. When Anakin and he arrived, all three gave them looks of realization before Che started barking more orders. “All three of yours in the same night?” She finally turned back to them, cursing slightly. “This wasn’t going to be easy just with one of you.” She complained, huffing loudly before sighing and gesturing to her side for the unfamiliar healer at her side, causing the yellow zabrak to step forward.

“I’m healer Zora, they and them,” The zabrak smiled at them before lifting a pad to show them the readouts of the clones pods. “I’ve been in charge of the tubes for a while now, researching them and ensuring things proceed as they should. They’re all healthy,” They reassured at Anakin’s face turning slightly alarmed. “We just don’t… we’re not certain what to expect, with the children all being Force sensitive. Cloned Force sensitive are… difficult.” They finished with.

Now that, was an understatement if Obi-Wan knew something.

Scientists, both scrupulous and unscrupulous, had for decades tried to figure out Force sensitivity, simply cloning a Force sensitive didn’t always track and some of the experiments he knew had happened had actually leveled entire research facilities.

Maybe that’s why the Force has them there, maybe the clones know them in some way. Because as the tubes get drained, the babies in them simply squirm and wiggle, cry out with strong lungs that makes Obi-Wan’s breath hitch in return, Anakin shift forward and Yoda straighten from where he’s leaning on his cane.

Carefully, each of the bright little lights are placed into the arm of a waiting padawan healer, carefully cleaned and swaddled and when there aren’t enough, Obi-Wan steps forward and takes one of the babies that has been made of him, blinking down at eyes as green as his own.

“…Hello there, welcome to the galaxy little one.” He whispered, smiling slightly as the child squirmed in his arms.

For a moment, he couldn’t help but wonder how he’d feel if this baby had darker skin and green eyes, for a moment he wondered how Cody would have felt to be here with him.

Then he put that thought aside, grateful his beard hid the evidence of his blush as he moved to hand the child over to healer Zora for a weighing and measuring, the baby whimpering at the loss of Obi-Wan’s body warmth.

Stopping at the steps of the Jedi
temple, the hooded figure looked up at it before sighing and starting
to climb up, making a slow but determined pace. The sentinels were
most likely already aware of him but it still surprised Obi-Wan to
find himself meet at the door by Plo Koon and Depa Billaba, the
latter having her hand resting on her saber.

“Ser Kenobi.” Plo greeted calmly.

Obi-Wan hummed then pushed back his
hood with his left hand, exposing the stump of his right at the elbow
with the sun shining down on the burn scars covering his left hand
and the entire left side of his face. “I hear the Jedi order has
been looking for me.” He offered in response to Depa’s eyes
widening in surprise. “So here I am.”


Peering at Yoda and only Yoda, Obi-Wan
tried to ignore the shocked gaze of Jinn from his seat on the

‘Yeah, I’m not so pretty anymore.’
He thought humorlessly, his clothes worn and dirtied from his escape
from Ventress and Ya-Dooku not to mention his new battle marks.

“New marks you seem to carry
Obi-Wan.” Yoda finally greeted.

“Yan…” Obi-Wan’s lips twitched
on the name, something vile coming up the back of his throat. “Count
Dooku that is does not carry betrayal lightly.” He smirked emptily.
“And Asajj Ventress has never liked me, she took quite a bit of
pleasure out of taking my arm…I destroyed her sabers in return

Yoda gave a low hum at that and glanced
to his side, most likely meeting the eyes of another council member
before he looked back at Obi-Wan.

And then he raised his hand to him.

Obi-Wan stared.

He remembered that gesture, he had been
three the first time he’d seen it. The raised hand that lightly
beacon him to come closer.

Haltingly he took first one step then
two and before he knew it, he was in front of the old beings chair,
falling down on his knees in front of him.

And just like when he was three, Yoda
gently pressed his thumb to the middle of his forehead while the
claws of the other two rested on Obi-Wan’s temple.

It felt like home and Obi-Wan clenched
his eyes shut as he allowed his shields to fall down one by one for
Yoda’s searching probe.

“For the darkness you’ve been in,
light you are.” Yoda hummed.

“…For all he is lost now…Yan
trained me as a Jedi.” The redhead whispered. “I don’t know why
he didn’t bring me back to the temple when he found me…but he
kept me and trained me and by the time I knew he was faltering from
the Order… I needed him to survive.” He swallowed heavily.

Yoda gave another hum, stroking lightly
at Obi-Wan’s temple.

Breathing out shakily, Obi-Wan came to
a decision. “I surrender myself to the mercy of the Jedi Order.
Whatever information I may have that could help, I willingly give up.
I only ask for leniency from the Republic in whatever sentence they
deem appropriate.” He murmured, looking at Yoda and only Yoda.

The old goblin meet his eyes for a long

“Then stay here you shall, in the
Order’s care you are now.” The clawed hand moved from his
forehead to brush against the burns covering the left of his face.
“And cared for you shall be.”

Stopping at the steps of the Jedi
temple, the hooded figure looked up at it before sighing and starting
to climb up, making a slow but determined pace. The sentinels were
most likely already aware of him but it still surprised Obi-Wan to
find himself meet at the door by Plo Koon and Depa Billaba, the
latter having her hand resting on her saber.

“Ser Kenobi.” Plo greeted calmly.

Obi-Wan hummed then pushed back his
hood with his left hand, exposing the stump of his right at the elbow
with the sun shining down on the burn scars covering his left hand
and the entire left side of his face. “I hear the Jedi order has
been looking for me.” He offered in response to Depa’s eyes
widening in surprise. “So here I am.”


Peering at Yoda and only Yoda, Obi-Wan
tried to ignore the shocked gaze of Jinn from his seat on the

‘Yeah, I’m not so pretty anymore.’
He thought humorlessly, his clothes worn and dirtied from his escape
from Ventress and Ya-Dooku not to mention his new battle marks.

“New marks you seem to carry
Obi-Wan.” Yoda finally greeted.

“Yan…” Obi-Wan’s lips twitched
on the name, something vile coming up the back of his throat. “Count
Dooku that is does not carry betrayal lightly.” He smirked emptily.
“And Asajj Ventress has never liked me, she took quite a bit of
pleasure out of taking my arm…I destroyed her sabers in return

Yoda gave a low hum at that and glanced
to his side, most likely meeting the eyes of another council member
before he looked back at Obi-Wan.

And then he raised his hand to him.

Obi-Wan stared.

He remembered that gesture, he had been
three the first time he’d seen it. The raised hand that lightly
beacon him to come closer.

Haltingly he took first one step then
two and before he knew it, he was in front of the old beings chair,
falling down on his knees in front of him.

And just like when he was three, Yoda
gently pressed his thumb to the middle of his forehead while the
claws of the other two rested on Obi-Wan’s temple.

It felt like home and Obi-Wan clenched
his eyes shut as he allowed his shields to fall down one by one for
Yoda’s searching probe.

“For the darkness you’ve been in,
light you are.” Yoda hummed.

“…For all he is lost now…Yan
trained me as a Jedi.” The redhead whispered. “I don’t know why
he didn’t bring me back to the temple when he found me…but he
kept me and trained me and by the time I knew he was faltering from
the Order… I needed him to survive.” He swallowed heavily.

Yoda gave another hum, stroking lightly
at Obi-Wan’s temple.

Breathing out shakily, Obi-Wan came to
a decision. “I surrender myself to the mercy of the Jedi Order.
Whatever information I may have that could help, I willingly give up.
I only ask for leniency from the Republic in whatever sentence they
deem appropriate.” He murmured, looking at Yoda and only Yoda.

The old goblin meet his eyes for a long

“Then stay here you shall, in the
Order’s care you are now.” The clawed hand moved from his
forehead to brush against the burns covering the left of his face.
“And cared for you shall be.”