Lupinecopper – could we please see Anakin interacting with Obi-Wan in his wolf form?

Glancing up and down the hallway to make sure no one could see him open the door, Anakin quickly typed in the code mr Qui-Gon had set and stepped in, locking it up behind him just as quickly, beaming when he saw Obi-Wan raise his head.

The werewolf had clearly been resting, curled up on the floor with his head on his paws, but Anakin entering had him attentive and also wagging.

It was one of the reasons Anakin was extremely sure Obi-Wan liked him, that and his insistence that Anakin just call him Obi-Wan, no mr needed.

Canines, when happy, always wagged and Obi-Wan clearly couldn’t control the reaction.

“Hey Obi-Wan!” He chirped as he skipped forward, Anakin put the tray on the bed and dropped down to rub Obi-Wan’s ears, the wolf pushing up into the touch with a pleased rumble as his tail continued thumping against the durasteel floor, paws lightly scrabbling at the floor when he squirmed happily.

Giggling slightly, Anakin continued to rub his fingers through Obi-Wan’s fur, taking in the sight of the about average sized canine, wondering if the rumors about being able to shift sizes were true or not as he continued petting.

Anakin had petted furry animals before, bantha’s for one and the pelt of a sand skitter but Obi-Wan’s fur was nothing like that.

It was silkier, softer somehow with an outer coat that was thicker and an inner coat that was thinner and softer to touch.

That could be the fact that he was a human that turned into a wolf though, instead of simply an animal. After all, the others padawan braid came with him when he shifted, indicating that his hair was all mixed up in there.

It was almost like his mom’s hair, especially after a sonic shower. Anakin had spent a lot of time brushing or playing with his mom’s hair during standstorms and the few rainy days they had, when the heavens seemed to pour down on them.

And Obi-Wan’s fur was a lot like his mom hair then.

Well, the inner layer at least.

The outer layer was a bit coarser than his mom’s hair but somehow silkier at the same time.

It was a really odd sensation and Anakin was coming to enjoy just burying his hands into the fur in the two days Obi-Wan had been like that.

Mr Qui-Gon said that Obi-Wan would spend four days as a wolf, a short cycle apparently, according to the older Jedi and then he’d turn back into his human self, no worse for wear.

“I got you food, mr Qui-Gon was speaking with the Queen, so he wanted me to take it to you.” Anakin stated brightly only to giggle when Obi-Wan pushed his muzzle into Anakin’s stomach, the snout tickling slightly as Obi-Wan simply dropped his head in the boy’s lap.

Clearly Obi-Wan wasn’t all that interested in food.

Following the silent prompting, Anakin continued rubbing his hands through the others fur, pausing sometimes to reach back up to the copper colored ears and scratch behind them, Obi-Wan rumbling deeply in his chest as his tail thumped on the floor.

It was a bit weird, petting the Jedi like this but at the same time, Anakin was enjoying it and so was Obi-Wan.

From what mr Qui-Gon could tell him, Obi-Wan was still inside of the wolf, fully conscious and clear but his emotions was less… compact.

Which meant that he couldn’t bring himself to be embarrassed about wanting pettings apparently.

Anakin of course, was happy to supply, sitting on the floor with a warm wolf head in his lap and a snout pressed to his stomach. ‘I wonder how Padme would react to a werewolf?’ He mused lazily to himself as he dug his fingers through fur.

In tomeyoubelong, does Kebii’tra mean anything in Mandoa?

Resisting the urge to rub his face tiredly, Vader continued staring at the viewport of the bridge of the Fist as the troopers and Imperial officers worked around him, his arms crossed over his chest and his helmet hid his actual facial expression.

They were practically scurrying, seemingly sensing that Vader was in an uneasy mood and therefore trying to keep as quiet and unobtrusively as possible.

Not that the young Sith lord would have noticed them much at all, too busy thinking about the omega hiding away in his quarters ‘Kebii’tra… seriously master, you named yourself ‘Sky’,’ He signed internally as outwardly, he simply tapped his mech fingers on his upper arm. ‘Should I feel grateful that you didn’t just outright name yourself Skywalker at this point?’ He wondered.

He had never taken Obi-Wan for a sentimental fool.

But honestly, at this point he was wondering if Anakin Skywalker had known his master as well as he thought.

Clearly Obi-Wan was more sentimental and fond of the people in his life than Vader had ever thought, to the point he’d keep onto something as meaningless as a last name.

‘Ah… but didn’t your mother name you Skywalker for a reason?’ A sneering voice whispered in the back of Vader’s mind and he desperately snarled back at it.

He didn’t want to think about that. He’d spent a year not thinking about it and he wasn’t about to think about it no-

A muted gasp had him turning around, a soft growl escaping him as he saw Obi-Wan standing there in the open door of the bridge. “What are you doing here?” He stated darkly, the modulator changing his voice.

Obi-Wan raised his chin, ignoring all the troopers and Imperial’s discreetly watching him, taking in every inch of the omega from the borrowed black pj’s to the sunburn on his pale and freckled skin. “I was hungry.” He stated shortly, glaring around distrustfully.

The words almost startled Vader, not that it was obvious to anyone else. Or rather the accent startled him, because instead of the crisp Coruscantian he expected, a slight slur came from him instead.

A fake accent?

Of course, everyone else seemed to expect Vader to do… something.

He could feel the anticipation and fear in the Force and that confu-oh hell.

Obi-Wan had been short with him, Vader had choked people for less, his anger getting the better of him often, especially with all the alpha pheromones on the bridge.

It almost made him want to growl as he made his way over to Obi-Wan instead. “You could have summoned a droid to ask for lunch Ben.” He pointed out calmly, blinking under his helmet when Obi-Wan colored, the lack of beard exposing how dark the color got.

Hell, he had never seen that before, even as a knight, Obi-Wan grew his beard as quickly as he could, Vader could only faintly remember how the other looked without it and was rather certain Obi-Wan had never blushed when Anakin Skywalker was his padawan.

Seeing it now…

It was cute.

‘And…’ Glancing around without turning his head too much. ‘Our ploy seems to have worked. No one seems to be able to tell that ‘Ben’ is Obi-Wan.’ Vader noted with heavy satisfaction only to have his focus snap back on the redhead when he answered.

“I tried, it wouldn’t listen to me.” Obi-Wan mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

“…It wouldn’t listen to you?” Vader growled faintly, growling louder when Obi-Wan’s stomach gave a loud growl of its own.

Obi-Wan wasn’t just hungry, he was starved clearly if his stomach was yelling out.

Reaching out, Vader manhandled the other, turning Obi-Wan and pushing him forward. “I’ll deal with it, what do you want?” He snapped out, ignoring the silence of the bridge and the shock in the Force.

He had an omega to feed and therefore he was ignoring how tense Obi-Wan was under his grasp, they were still working on the trust and honestly, being stuck in the small quarters weren’t good for building said trust.

“You’ll… fix the droid?” Obi-Wan questioned a tad more quietly, breathing out in relief when Vader nodded sharply. “Alright, but for now… anything would do.” He muttered quietly, relaxing slightly under the grasp.

‘…Alderaani chicken and butter steamed vegetables.’ Anakin Skywalker memories supplied the image of Obi-Wan’s smiling face as he enjoyed said dish and Vader moved closer to his former master. “Twenty minutes, I’ll have it sorted.” He promised quietly, leading Obi-Wan back to his quarters on the Fist.

In tomeyoubelong, is Vader burnt like in the original trilogy, or unburnt (still lookin like Anakin)?

Everything is hot and awful and he’s so hungry.

nest is too small but there’s no more to place in it, everything,
even his robe is in the nest and there is nothing more to do
but sleep as slick coats the inside of his thighs and makes him even
more uncomfortable.

knows there is food in the house, he has some but heat had
come too sharp and sudden for him to really prepare, only a day’s
warning and it was all he could do to just bar the house and get what
little he had for a nest.

had never been an issue back in the Jedi temple, Obi-Wan had been a
beta then due to the blockers and never had to think about heat or
being influenced by alphas.

But on
Tatooine, there was no access to what he needed.

him to deal with the awful heats now that his body had to endure

than ever, he missed Anakin.

would have understood, looked out for him, known what to do.

knew to survive this world.

however was alone.

was no more, only Vader, who had knelt for the emperor, the Sith.

would kill him for sure.

then Vader is in his doorway with his helmet on the floor, staring at
him with golden eyes as light floods his little bedroom and it’s
all Obi-Wan can do to not succumb fully to his instincts. He had not
savaged Vader on Mustafar, had left him fine and alive if bruised and
aching as Obi-Wan fled with Padme.

and anger still rolled beneath his skin along with his misery but the
fear won over all of that, Vader standing in his doorway, a saber
hilt in his hand.


It is
dropped, Vader stumbles forward without weapons, though one can argue
the enforcer of the Emperor is a weapon in simply existing.

Vader is not doing any of that as Obi-Wan presses back into the wall.

reaches for him, soothingly, desperate, rumbling at him with shock
still present in his scent.

instincts that drives Obi-Wan from the wall and cautiously towards
the Sith, recognizing survival in the other as he lets Vader pull him
close and into him.

drives his action as he lets Vader tuck him into his meager nest and
hold him, instincts allows Vader to wrap him up and the parts of
Obi-Wan that is lonely beyond belief hopes that there is some
part of Anakin still left in the alpha that holds him.

And he
is lonely, so lonely and here is an alpha, who despite never holding
him in his nest, is still familiar and isn’t threatening him in
this moment.

all that Obi-Wan wants to be strong, he feels the weakness in this
moment and submits to ancient instincts.

And so
he curls into the warmth of someone else, listening to the beat of a
heart through layers of clothes and just feels.

warmth, the presence of another person.


for all that Anakin must be gone, the scent hasn’t changed.

Anakin is gone… right?


to himself, Vader barred the door with the Force after himself as he
walked over to the table, setting down the box full of items with a
smirk of satisfaction.

quick comm up to the Fist while Obi-Wan had been sleeping had given
him a lot more food for the other.

interest in the omega however had been unwelcome, the beta clearly
smelling the heat on Vader’s armor and to avoid any intrusion,
Vader was going to keep the barrier Obi-Wan had set up going.

now at least he had food for Obi-Wan, easy to eat things and make and
some mechanical components so Vader could fix the fresher.

hadn’t escaped him that Obi-Wan’s fresher was broken, recently
from the looks of it and Obi-Wan must be so uncomfortable with the
slick clearly soaking his leggings. It was a good thing he wasn’t
fertile for a pup because with that much slick, Vader wasn’t sure
he’d manage to keep back his instincts.

see, proper soap and not the Tatooine crap, bread packets, dried
fruit, some juice, cheese… good, good.’ Vader nodded, pulling out
the blankets from the bottom of the box. Add those food items to the
leftover pea stew with meat and Obi-Wan would be able to eat properly
throughout his heat.

how to convince Obi-Wan to leave his nest and shower…

paused before sighing deeply. “Time to cram myself into a tiny
shower with my former master, I guess…” Vader raised his eyes to
the ceiling, wondering if Mace Windu was laughing as hard in the
Force as Vader thought he was.

Will we ever get to see obi-wan fighting off an unwanted alpha on his own in heatedteen (which is absolutely adorable btw)?

Honestly, this was the last thing Qui-Gon really wanted to do,
especially towards Obi-Wan and the amount of frustration his padawan
had been going through thanks to the Naboo.

However, he had to admit,
they were the ones most in the know about the situation on Naboo and
while he didn’t like the fact that they had to bring Anakin with
him, separating him planets away from Obi-Wan in their current state
was not a good idea as the boy was now Obi-Wan’s kit.

Not that he wasn’t
pettily annoyed at the princess for calling for the vote of no
confidence in Valorum, considering the Jedi’s involvement from the
very start was a personal request from said man to Qui-Gon, as his friend.

Something he was sure to
mention to ‘handmaiden’ Padme as they waited on security to
finish scanning the Nubian ship. “I just find it odd considering
the Senate did not want to be involved in Naboo at all and our former
Chancellor to be Valorum is the only reason Jedi involvement happened
at all.” Qui-Gon drawled, eyes on the ship and his hands in his

“I’m sure the Queen
had very valid reasons for her actions.” Padme shot back, a flush
of red in her cheeks that could be from the cold wind of the platform
or as Qui-Gon more likely thought it, the fact that she was biting
back answers as he could feel her smoldering offense at his words.

“Yes, I’m sure. Rather
get rid of the man who actually got some help and have your own
representative elected based on minimal evidence, I’m sure our
coming Chancellor Palpatine will be able to corral the Senate faster
than Valorum could, being new in his seat compared to Valorum’s
many years of experience and connections.” Qui-Gon scoffed, making
it clear what he thought.

Padme opened her mouth,
shoulders squared and ready to argue her point, and most likely give
herself away once more to the Jedi of her true identity, when a yell
echoed the landing platform and Qui-Gon turned hard, eyes widening
when he found his padawan holding one of the dock workers by the
wrist, twisting his hand in a particular direction that Qui-Gon
personally knew how painful
could be.

all, he was the one that taught his padawan it.

was standing beside Obi-Wan, latched onto his other arm and half
hidden beneath the robe as he glared at the dark haired man on his
knees in front of Obi-Wan.

across the platform with long legs, followed by Padme and a security
officer, and of course Panaka.

latter tried to be ‘discreet’ but honestly, anyone with good eyes
could tell that Padme was the Queen by their actions, since the head
of security was following her.

go you bitch!” The human hissed, eyes wet from the pain and his
face contorted in anger, trying futilely to pull away from Obi-Wan’s
strong grasp and Qui-Gon couldn’t help a low growl of anger even as
he ignored Padme’s outraged gasp behind him.

padawan, what is happening?” Qui-Gon insinuated himself beside his
padawan, settling his hand on the others shoulder in support.

digging his thumb into the tender side of the man’s wrist when
he tried to pull away again,
opened his mouth only for Anakin to beat him to the punch. “He
grabbed Obi-Wan’s butt!” The blond accused loudly, clinging more
to Obi-Wan arm.

Qui-Gon shot the now cowering man a glare before focusing back on
Obi-Wan. “Padawan?” He rumbled out
encouragingly, squeezing his shoulder.

eyes narrowed down at the man and Obi-Wan hummed lightly. “It seems
as always, there’s an idiot who thinks an omega minding their own
business is there for their pleasure. I don’t have the time to
bring this cretin in for harassment and sexual assault,” Qui-Gon
had to admit he was somewhat impressed by Obi-Wan’s calm, even tone
that contradicted the fire in
his eyes. “But I am more than willing to send a report in to the
hanger master’s office and file a complaint, coupled with holo cam
evidence.” He added icily, using his chin to nod towards a rather
obvious holo cam since both his hands were occupied.

alpha, who had been red with outrage and humiliation, now turned

small sneer graced Obi-Wan’s face and he shifted the arm Anakin was
holding to cover the boy’s ear while pulling him into his side,
blocking out sounds for a bit. “Oh, you didn’t consider that? Did
your knot take over for your intelligence?” He snapped before
taking a deep breath and looking to the security officer. “I would
like to file a complaint against Rozzer Dock company, for
sexual harassment and assault.” He stated clearly.

saw Padme open her mouth and almost snarled but the head officer
bowed her head and spoke first. “Of course Serah Jedi, Jerry!” She waved over one
of her juniors, gesturing to the still kneeling man held by Obi-Wan as Qui-Gon removed his hand off Obi-Wan’s shoudler.
“Please take this man into custody while I speak with Serah
Kenobi.” She gestured for Obi-Wan to follow her, moving to a more
shielded area for the wind with Anakin hidden against his side still, Jerry roughly manhandling the alpha with

his head, Qui-Gon slowly looked at Panaka and Padme, a slow smirk on
his lips. “I do hope you won’t make the same mistake on the way
to Naboo as you did to Coruscant,” He finally drawled, bringing
both of their attention on him. “Obi-Wan is more than happy to
defend himself should an alpha or a beta, decide his designation
makes him anything less than the competen sentient he is.” He stared both of them
down, tucking his hands into his sleeves as he marveled over how far
his young padawan had come.

he had started hating his designation and how comfortable in his own
skin he had become as he matured and gained his confidence.

Would you ever write nsfw codywan for the jediarecats universe? I absolutely adore that series

Finally, after what felt like an eternity and a half, Obi-Wan cleared
his throat and managed to look at Cody, his hands falling behind his
back, most likely folded like he normally did. “Commander, might I
have a private word with you?” He finally settled on.

the rest of the troopers noticed something was up as several troopers
looked up in confusion before quickly returning to work.

could still feel a few second him curious looks and he could only end
up being grateful that his bucket kept even his own vode from
noticing he was turning red and slightly panicked.

Yet he
was a dutiful commander and if he was about to be reprimanded for
what he was thinking about then he was going to take it like the
clone he was. “Of course sir.” He nodded, falling into step with
the Jedi as they gave the bridge over to Gregor as the captain.

with that, Cody was going to his doom.

the cheerful jingle of Obi-Wan’s collar filling his ears as he
followed the man.

For a
moment he thought he was going to a closely located office only for
Obi-Wan to lead him further away to an elevator, not saying a thing
and Cody too worried to ask questions.

He was
however confused when he finally noticed where they were heading.


As the
General, he had his own quarters on the Negotiator.

to be fair, so did Cody and Gregor too, they used the space to hold
their paperwork, as much as he hated it, they needed space to fill
things like supply requisitions.

for a moment to let Obi-Wan open the door, Cody swallowed his nerves.
“Sir?” He finally got out, injecting as much of a questioning
tone as he could.

remove your helmet Cody.” Obi-Wan hummed, stepping in with a soft
jingle, the purple collar.

that merry sound, Cody stepped into his fate as he pulled his helmet
off, the door snapping shut behind him as the automatic lights
responded to the movement of people, turning on to show the small
room of Obi-Wan’s quarters with a bed in one corner and the desk in
another and barely any space between them.

barely had time to take in the little tea set and water boiler on the
desk before he was pushed against the door, his helmet dropping to
the ground with a dull thud in his surprise as lips pressed to his.

sweetly musky scent entered his nose as he numbly took in the fact
that Obi-Wan was pressed against his body, Obi-Wan’s lips were on
his, Obi-Wan was cupping Cody’s face with his hands and Obi-Wan had
kissed him after
hearing Cody’s desires.

one frozen moment, Cody just stood there against the door, the soft
sensation of the Jedi’s lips on his along with the pleasantly
tickling sensation of the man’s well groomed beard on Cody’s

the situation hit, just as Obi-Wan uncertainly pulled back, a look of
horror starting to grow in his eyes as he thought he had
miscalculated what Cody wanted.

Cody couldn’t have that, couldn’t have Obi-Wan withdrawing from
him when the other had kissed

a deep, reverberating growl, Cody reached out and lifted the other by
his arse, cupping the plush bottom as he turned them around, pressing
the Jedi to the door forcefully as he kissed Obi-Wan feverishly,
wondering if he had passed out and was dreaming.

muffled mewling noise escaped Obi-Wan, his hands coming up to cup
Cody’s head as he tilted his head for a deeper kiss.

tasted of sweet tea and herbs and Cody wanted more of that addicting
flavor as he pressed harshly against the other, nipping at Obi-Wan’s
lips as the bell jingled merrily at every move.

only pulled back when he realized his armor was an issue, Obi-Wan
letting out a small, pained whine. “Shit, kark, hold on General. I
need to…” He shifted his right hand off that delightful handful
of ass to try and unclip his armor.

let me.” Obi-Wan slipped his hands down, easing the pauldrons off
first, his lips shiny and cherry red from the kissing and Cody let
out a small groan at the sight, pulling the other back down into a
kiss as Obi-Wan continued to blindly unclip Cody’s armor.

meet cloth as Cody’s chest pressed against Obi-Wan’s, the heat
from under the armor clinging to the bodyglove the troopers wore
underneath and it was only then Cody pulled back enough to give the
Jedi a serious if lustful look. “I… I don’t do this easy
General, if this affects our working relationshi-” He was cut off
by Obi-Wan stealing a kiss.

changes outside of these four walls,” Obi-Wan promised. “Only
inside, only when we are alone Cody. But when we are alone… I want
you, please Cody. I love you.” He whispered, heat and yet something
fragile trapped in his voice as he stared at his commander.

something thick trapped in his throat, Cody nodded as he shifted,
moving back from the door to the bed. “I want you too… Obi-Wan.”
He whispered, dropping onto the bed on his knees to lower Obi-Wan
onto it, the room filling with stifled noises of pleasure and quiet
slick sounds.