In sweethoney. What happens during Anakin’s heat.

Shuddering heavily, Anakin let out a small whimper as Rex touched his hip. “Noooo.” He whined, wincing when Rex hands instantly shot off him, feeling guilty but his skin felt too much.

He had thought his heat would be nice, to share it with Rex but it seemed that his heat was not going to be one of the pleasant ones this time.

He was so sensitive that even his own shirt felt uncomfortable rubbing against his chest, his nipples actually hurting at the brush and he didn’t want to talk about his genitalia at all and how his boxers felt to his skin!

Yet at the same time he was horny and it was an awful feeling to be horny, upset and sensitive at the same time and he wanted to throw up a bit too if he was honest and all he really wanted was for Rex to hold him and yet at the same time he knew that if Rex touched him it would make him cry out again.

“Love?” Rex whispered worriedly, voice gruff as the alpha was being effected by the hormones.

And Force, having Rex call him that made him want to melt even as he felt too sensitive for anything. Shivering, Anakin shifted himself away from Rex chest to look up at him, sweating heavily inside the nest he had invited Rex into.

Worried amber meet his, Rex hands hovering as if he wanted to touch but was unsure how to.

Shaking his head, Anakin let out a small whimper. “Its not a good heat. Bad heat. My skin… it feels too much.” He shuddered.

Rex eyes narrowed with realization, his eyes streaking over the other. “Okay, okay love. Tell me what to do, tell me how to touch you that won’t hurt you?” He whispered, tone assertive and yet vaguely pleading.

It almost made Anakin start sobbing, how considerate the alpha, his alpha, was. There were many alphas, subpar as Jango would call them, that wouldn’t care and would just roll an omega onto their stomach and take their pleasure.

Rex, just like Jango, was a good alpha.

And he cared. “Don’t…” Anakin licked his lips, breath hitching a bit his inside spasmed. “Don’t touch my hips, or my bonding gland…and try not to brush my upper chest area or the nipples?” He ventured finally, shivering a bit as Rex hand finally came down to slowly rub through Anakin’s sweat soaked hair.

“Okay. I can do that.” Rex agreed softly and Anakin realized, that while the other still smelled of pheromones and lust, he didn’t smell as strongly of it.

Rex focus had shifted, his body simply reacting to the pheromones Anakin was giving out but his focus was on Anakin’s comfort.

Only Anakin’s comfort.

He felt tears well up in his eyes at that before he whimpered and pressed closer, Rex petting the back of his nape a bit and then moving his hand back up in his hair.

“Can I touch your back, or would that make things worse?” Rex whispered, never once assuming he knew better or trying to control Anakin.

“Just… try not to go too low.” Anakin swallowed, feeling miserable as he had wanted a nice heat with Rex.

Bonding with him on the table and all.

But if Rex as much as brushed his bonding gland now, Anakin knew he’d scream.

A warm, steady hand slowly rubbed along his spine, the pressure increasing when Anakin arched into it but stopping at about waists level before going up again, repeating the action slowly and steadily.

Never too low, Rex other hand in his hair, providing comfort as Anakin clung to his alpha as best he can.

He had been sure before he let Rex into the room to share his heat.

Now he knew beyond doubt or question.

Rex was the man he would mate and marry and as long as Rex too wanted it, he’d give the man as many pups in the future as they could handle. Hell, fill the creche for all Anakin cared, he was fertile, he could give as many pups as possible and love them all with Rex.

His mate.

Oooh break a barrier bravo! What comes next? Is Sidious plotting?

was too late.

that Sidious was sure after seeing the threesome at the Senate
function, the way Skywalker was just ensnared in Kenobi with his eyes
switching between giving either of his mates attention or outright
holding their omega’s hand as if to ensure he was still there.

in through the bond or outright murdering Kenobi now would not give
Sidious what he needed to turn Skywalker to his apprentice later on.


his chin, Sidious stood from his desk and made his way to his book

he could use this to his advantage. Omegas in Kenobi’s age weren’t
known for falling pregnant at their first shared heat but with a
little bit of Sith magic… and what could make an alpha more enraged
than the loss of both mate and child?

eyes sparkled and bleed toxic yellow as Sidious found the right book,
opening up and shifting through the pages, a smirk curling his lips
as he took in the information.

this would do…

he would have to do would be to spin the story the right way, pull
the right threads in the alphas head and have him blame the Jedi
order when Kenobi died.

of children and mate would make him unstable and it would be easy to
cut the last link then when Amidala was no longer useful.


Padme slowly as
she leaned back into his chest,
Obi-Wan settled his chin on her shoulder as the alpha slowly petted
his hands on
her stomach
while sitting between his legs on the couch in a nice home yellow
in a beautiful
silky fabric.

had scuttled off to the temple, to train with Ahsoka but Padme had
quietly informed Obi-Wan that she didn’t have anything planned that
day and wondered if he would spend the day with her.

through it her
little ruse,
Obi-Wan understood that Padme had pushed a few of her meetings and
setups further into the future to spend some time with her new mate
and Obi-Wan honestly jumped on it, the chance to spend one on one
time with his female alpha making his heart beat.

both alphas caught that in his scent, judging by the pleased smiles
they sported and Obi-Wan had colored a bit but refused to be ashamed.


of them were his, that meant that spending time with Padme was on the
table just as much as Anakin and Anakin and he spent time together
often one on one and Obi-Wan had no doubt that it would be harder to
spend time with Padme once the bond was settled in after his heat and
they were back to the war again.

had spent most of the first two hours just talking, eating some
expensive sugared fruits Padme adored and now they were just
cuddling, curled up into each other while watching a holo of Squid

would be nice to one day catch it in true action but the holo was
for now.

Padme shifted in
front of him
and turned around on the couch, knees between Obi-Wan’s legs as the
man blinked a
drowsily at his sniffing alpha as Padme pressed her hands against his
shoulders to press him into the couch.

Padme tugged his tunic low and went for his neck, Obi-Wan blinking
before yelping when the others lips found his scent gland and went to
work, Obi-Wan’s sleepy mind hazily supplying him with the details
he had missed as he registered how sore his scent gland really was as
Padme shifted and Obi-Wan sunk more back into the couch back.

was entering heat and his alpha could smell him already
before Obi-Wan could really feel it,
could smell that his body was getting ready and was responding in
turn to it with her own need.

was basically mauling his scent gland, tenderizing it with her lips
and teeth without actually biting through it and Obi-Wan whimpered
both with pain and with need as he teared up, Padme pulling back to
look at him before crooning in worry and reaching up, gently wiping
eyes. “It’s alright omega, sweet omega. I’ll call Anakin, I’ll
get everything ready.” She promised before standing up and with
surprising strength
hauled Obi-Wan after her on
his feet
before literally picking him up, Obi-Wan quickly wrapping his legs
around the woman’s hips as she headed for the bedroom.

dropped on the large, soft bed they shared in the Senatorial
apartment only to whine when Padme moved away to start getting things
ready, crawling to the edge before he could think better of it.

Padme went right back to him, cupping his face and pressing several
kisses all over his face. “Going to get things ready mate, won’t
leave, won’t abandon you but I need to get a message to Anakin and
find water and juice honey, sweet mate.” She crooned assuringly,
brown eyes wide.

his instincts and need, Obi-Wan nodded shakily while sitting back on
the bed and then reaching to undo his sash.

hovered for a moment before once more moving away, Obi-Wan able to
see her through the open door, her steps more urgent as she pulled
her comm off the caff table.

is early… is it the heat withdrawal fault?’ Obi-Wan wondered as
he got himself comfortable and started building his nest, half
listening to Padme and Anakin, the latter swearing as he was clearly
rushing to get to the apartment.

Oooh break a barrier bravo! What comes next? Is Sidious plotting?

was too late.

that Sidious was sure after seeing the threesome at the Senate
function, the way Skywalker was just ensnared in Kenobi with his eyes
switching between giving either of his mates attention or outright
holding their omega’s hand as if to ensure he was still there.

in through the bond or outright murdering Kenobi now would not give
Sidious what he needed to turn Skywalker to his apprentice later on.


his chin, Sidious stood from his desk and made his way to his book

he could use this to his advantage. Omegas in Kenobi’s age weren’t
known for falling pregnant at their first shared heat but with a
little bit of Sith magic… and what could make an alpha more enraged
than the loss of both mate and child?

eyes sparkled and bleed toxic yellow as Sidious found the right book,
opening up and shifting through the pages, a smirk curling his lips
as he took in the information.

this would do…

he would have to do would be to spin the story the right way, pull
the right threads in the alphas head and have him blame the Jedi
order when Kenobi died.

of children and mate would make him unstable and it would be easy to
cut the last link then when Amidala was no longer useful.


Padme slowly as
she leaned back into his chest,
Obi-Wan settled his chin on her shoulder as the alpha slowly petted
his hands on
her stomach
while sitting between his legs on the couch in a nice home yellow
in a beautiful
silky fabric.

had scuttled off to the temple, to train with Ahsoka but Padme had
quietly informed Obi-Wan that she didn’t have anything planned that
day and wondered if he would spend the day with her.

through it her
little ruse,
Obi-Wan understood that Padme had pushed a few of her meetings and
setups further into the future to spend some time with her new mate
and Obi-Wan honestly jumped on it, the chance to spend one on one
time with his female alpha making his heart beat.

both alphas caught that in his scent, judging by the pleased smiles
they sported and Obi-Wan had colored a bit but refused to be ashamed.


of them were his, that meant that spending time with Padme was on the
table just as much as Anakin and Anakin and he spent time together
often one on one and Obi-Wan had no doubt that it would be harder to
spend time with Padme once the bond was settled in after his heat and
they were back to the war again.

had spent most of the first two hours just talking, eating some
expensive sugared fruits Padme adored and now they were just
cuddling, curled up into each other while watching a holo of Squid

would be nice to one day catch it in true action but the holo was
for now.

Padme shifted in
front of him
and turned around on the couch, knees between Obi-Wan’s legs as the
man blinked a
drowsily at his sniffing alpha as Padme pressed her hands against his
shoulders to press him into the couch.

Padme tugged his tunic low and went for his neck, Obi-Wan blinking
before yelping when the others lips found his scent gland and went to
work, Obi-Wan’s sleepy mind hazily supplying him with the details
he had missed as he registered how sore his scent gland really was as
Padme shifted and Obi-Wan sunk more back into the couch back.

was entering heat and his alpha could smell him already
before Obi-Wan could really feel it,
could smell that his body was getting ready and was responding in
turn to it with her own need.

was basically mauling his scent gland, tenderizing it with her lips
and teeth without actually biting through it and Obi-Wan whimpered
both with pain and with need as he teared up, Padme pulling back to
look at him before crooning in worry and reaching up, gently wiping
eyes. “It’s alright omega, sweet omega. I’ll call Anakin, I’ll
get everything ready.” She promised before standing up and with
surprising strength
hauled Obi-Wan after her on
his feet
before literally picking him up, Obi-Wan quickly wrapping his legs
around the woman’s hips as she headed for the bedroom.

dropped on the large, soft bed they shared in the Senatorial
apartment only to whine when Padme moved away to start getting things
ready, crawling to the edge before he could think better of it.

Padme went right back to him, cupping his face and pressing several
kisses all over his face. “Going to get things ready mate, won’t
leave, won’t abandon you but I need to get a message to Anakin and
find water and juice honey, sweet mate.” She crooned assuringly,
brown eyes wide.

his instincts and need, Obi-Wan nodded shakily while sitting back on
the bed and then reaching to undo his sash.

hovered for a moment before once more moving away, Obi-Wan able to
see her through the open door, her steps more urgent as she pulled
her comm off the caff table.

is early… is it the heat withdrawal fault?’ Obi-Wan wondered as
he got himself comfortable and started building his nest, half
listening to Padme and Anakin, the latter swearing as he was clearly
rushing to get to the apartment.