omg i love the idea of stimulation tools for lil adhd obi! can we see some more fluff like this?!💙

Pressing the straw to his padawan’s lips, Qui-Gon chuckled quietly as the boy thirstily drank, eyes wide as they peered up at Qui-Gon as he sucked greedily. “Water first, then I’ll see about getting you a soda, alright?” He murmured fondly, giving Obi-Wan a slightly sterner look when a whine escaped him.

That quieted him down and he focused on clearing the cup of water instead.

Obi-Wan had woken up only half an hour ago, the nurses and medics checking him over before declaring that they wanted the boy to stay overnight before they released him, just in case. In the meantime, Qui-Gon had been encouraged to have Obi-Wan drink and rest and for the trip back to the temple, keep resting and drinking.

Obi-Wan however had an issue drinking water at times, it had to be ice cold before Obi-Wan drank it without fuss generally but right now, Qui-Gon was uncompromising.

A cup of water and then his padawan could have flavored drinks.

Back a the temple, in their own kitchen, they generally had several types of concentrates to create their own flavored drinks, mostly fruit related ones, to ensure Obi-Wan drank something beyond tea as too much caffeine wasn’t great on a growing body.

It was the healers that had suggested the flavored concentrates and frankly, Qui-Gon didn’t mind.

He sometimes indulged in them too but generally stuck to clear water or tea.

Obi-Wan however was different and Qui-Gon had understood that, therefore stocked appropriately, be it the foods Obi-Wan favored on special days or be it the liquids required to ensure his hydration along with the fidget toys to keep him occupied.

Finally the cup was empty and Qui-Gon set it aside, gently running his hand over his padawan’s short hair with a small smile. “Well done Obi-Wan, I know that wasn’t the best but I’m proud of you.” He murmured, knowing how important positive reinforcement was for the other.

Pushing into the touch, Obi-Wan preened slightly, smiling shyly up at him. “Now can I get a soda?” He asked quietly.

Reaching into his robes, pulling out Obi-Wan’s fidget cube and pressing it into his hands, Qui-Gon nodded. “Of course, just give me a few minutes. The drinks machine is down the hall and rather busy, so it will take me a few minutes. Do you have a preference?” He questioned.

Pausing, flickering the button on his fidget cube, Obi-Wan furrowed his brows before looking up, shaking his head. “Not really but something fruity would be best.” The boy stated, curled up in the medbed, looking so much smaller for it.

Nodding, stroking his hand over the short spikes once more, Qui-Gon turned and headed out of the room, breathing deeply.

He was so relieved that despite the injuries he received, Obi-Wan didn’t seem worse for wear. Simply tired, somewhat antsy and a bit bored, as anyone would be in a medical facility.

Qui-Gon was doing his best to filter and block the normal miasma of pain and discomfort echoing in the Force in the medical center and so far, it seemed to be working as Obi-Wan rested properly.

It could also be the painkillers he guessed but many Jedi, Obi-Wan among them, never rested well in medical facilities, the general state of people in search of healing, of people dying and despair often echoing in the Force around them.

Even the Halls in the temple had remains of it, despite the Healers doing their best to purify the Force there.

With Obi-Wan’s sensitivity, coupled with his ADHD, Qui-Gon had worried…

Well, they were getting out of the facility tomorrow and back at the temple, Yan would be waiting for them.

He was actually nervous about that, he wasn’t sure what Yan would say about Obi-Wan once he meet him and it had been such a long time since he himself had seen his old master… but, well, Yan had been briefed about Obi-Wan’s condition.

For all their sakes, Qui-Gon hoped it would go well.

May we please get more Dinpaz in NeedForTouch? Like seeing how Din is healing and Paz is supporting him? Or if you’re comfortable with this, having Luke take Grogu for a visit to Tatooine to see Boba, Din, and Luke?

Setting the glass down in front of the other, biting the inside of his cheek so not to laugh at the sight of the silly straw in it while making a note to give the bartender a raise, Boba sat down with his own drink and a deep sigh. “So, you’d say he’s doing better?” He questioned quietly.

His eyes were locked on Paz as the mando reached down and picked up the glass of booze, sticking the straw under his helmet to take a sip. And to buy himself some time to think likely about his answer.

“That is… subjective I’d say.” Paz finally answered, leaning back in the booth.

Seeing as he wanted to have a private conversation with Paz, Boba had opted to find the other and settle into a talk in the usual alcove the big blue warrior had taken as ‘his’ spot in the throne room, everyone recognizing that this was pack talk and therefore staying away.

Or well, most of them.

There were a few nosy ones that had to be sent away with pointed blasters on the table and the two alphas visors locked on them.

Honestly, Boba really liked the spot Paz had claimed as his own. It was near an opening in the building, so any smoke wasn’t caught in the alcove and instead disappeared out, leaving it a tad fresher than some of the other places.

The couch of the alcove was also damn comfortable and Din had provided this particular alcove with lots and lots of pillows when he recognized it as Paz place.

“Subjective…” Boba repeated, taking a big gulp of his whiskey, savoring the burn down his throat. If nothing else, the core idiots knew how to make decent booze.

Paz sighed deeply and set his glass down, the pink straw clicking slightly as it curves bumped into it. He settled his elbows on his thighs and pressed his hands together between knees as he leaned slightly forward. “He’s healing, so physically, he is good. Eating for sure, taking care of himself, sparring. Don’t need us to prompt him to do it and he comes willingly for skinship thankfully but,” Paz paused, mulling over it, maybe how to put it into words. “…But he’s struggling still mentally and I wouldn’t strictly call him happy as much as just existing.” Paz finally settled on with a deep sigh.

Boba paused before nodding slowly.

So, Paz had taken note of the same thing as him then. “…He laughing around you?” He questioned lowly, sighing deeply too when Paz shook his head.

“Some weak smiles but laughing, no. He’s struggling emotionally and mentally I would bet. The loss of a pup has always been particularly bad for a dam and Din…” Paz cut himself of, grunting slightly as he shifted in discomfort.

Boba narrowed his eyes at him, slowly setting his glass down.

“…Look, things are hard for entire coverts and we had to be careful,” Paz murmured. “Din was our only beroya. It meant he was often out for weeks if not months and his buir has been dead for good over ten years, he died with Din on a mission, so Din hadn’t really… it made it difficult for him to…” He struggled but Boba already got it.

“Are you telling me that the foundling, his pup was the first proper pack connection Din had?” Boba rasped, groaning deeply when Paz nodded.

Karking hell, no wonder it had impacted Din so hard. So not only given up his adopted pup but also his first deep and proper pack connection in years. Clearly, Paz had been trying to connect at some point, else Din wouldn’t have reacted to him as he did when he found him but Din’s primary pack connection had been gone at that time.

It put a lot of things into context for Boba, having done the same thing himself but he was an alpha and he hadn’t given up a damn pup at the same time. “…I’m gonna hunt down Skywalker,” He finally grunted out, watching Paz jerk to a bit. “This can’t go on. Din needs more than just we can provide. We’re his pack, we’re bonding but its clear that giving up his pup is doing a havoc on his mental and emotional state.” He growled out quietly.

Some alphas could take that as an offense, the idea of not being able to provide for their omega, the heart of their clans and packs as without one, there wasn’t a true pack.

Some alphas would take up the challenge to just knock the omega up, as if replacing one pup with another somehow soothed it all.

Thankfully, Paz was not like that as all he did was nod. “He needs his pup.” He agreed easily.

Too easily almost.

So, Paz had thought the same too then but didn’t have the resources or know how to find Skywalker then potentially. Well, seeing as Boba wasn’t the pack head, Paz not coming to him about it wasn’t too shocking…

He and Paz were still working out their relationship in the scale of this pack, one being the mate of the omega and the other being the brother so to speak.

“Do you think Din has what it takes to be the heart of the pack?” Boba decided to change the subject, picking up his drink.

“Omegas are always hearts of the pack,” Paz returned with strongly before hesitating. “…He needs to settle in, heal fully. Seeing his pup again, holding him, that might help him flourish. So he can hold onto the position as heart of a pack.” He muttered.

Boba hummed but nodded.

Din wasn’t at his best right now, still strong, but strong walls could fall without proper attending. ‘Guess I better get to work on my information guild, Skywalker is bound to be hiding somewhere with the rest of the Jedi… but Organa is on Coruscant…’ Boba paused, glass at his lips.

Now, there was a chance to get a message that way.

Excellent new bit for Dangerous Galaxy!!!Ooooh, hope the eye and ear damage is temporary. Or I guess Cody and Wolffe will match a bit more?

Tired and slightly numb with his feet feeling weirdly warm, Cody decided that being in the medics hands wasn’t so bad as he rested among the pillows under his warm, thick blanket.

At least when he was actually in a bad state and was drugged to the gills that was.

It was decent, warm, he wasn’t in a hella lot of pain and despite his face feeling weird, mix of bacta, bandages and whatever else Helix had put there, he was actually fairly content as it was even with the Iv in his hand.

Despite all the fires raging over Coruscant and who knew what else, he felt like going to sleep actually, able to trust his vode to take care of everything. ‘I wonder how many coup leaders can think that?’ Cody wondered in a bit of bemusement.

But sleeping did not occur as suddenly the doors opened to the medbay along with swift steps.

Not plastoid boots, not the vode armored boots.

Soft leather, hard soles…heel.

‘Obi-Wan.’ Cody thought, moments before a soft cry of his name reached him, Cody opening his eyes to find Obi-Wan hovering over him, Helix coming panting after the Jedi.

“Oh Cody,” Obi-Wan breathed out, reaching out to brush his fingertips beneath the bandage covered eye. “What… what happened?” He whispered.

Leaning into the hand, Cody let out a small hum. “Blew up, Palpatine’s corps.” He slurred a tad, tired and drugged as he was.

“It blew up?” Obi-Wan questioned incredulously, eyes wide. “Are you alright?” He tacked on, eyes worriedly glancing over him, taking in all he could.

Cody grimaced but nodded into the others hand, smiling slightly as Obi-Wan fully cupped his cheeks with both hands, thumbs carefully prodding.

Oh, that was nice. No, that was beyond nice and Cody wanted to have Obi-Wan’s hands remain on him forev- ‘Woooah there Kot’ika, pack that in.’ Cody’s thoughts, sounding like Alpha-17 growling, went a full three hundred and sixty in its process even as he continued leaning into the careful hands.

While Cody had long been aware just how far his feelings for his General went, with what the vode had discovered… a lot were more careful about their feelings when it came to their Jedi, a lot more careful. And Cody had to be doubly so now, now that he was in a position of power.

The last thing he wanted was for Obi-Wan to catch wind and feel… obligated.

With the decades… no, centuries really, of abuse the Jedi order had been exposed to by their government, all the vode had figured that they didn’t have what would constitute as a ‘normal’ view on such things.

Or at least what the vode understood as normal, seeing as the government had also engaged in a system wide slavery for their army but the kind of abuse the Jedi had been under, that they were looking into their own now for, that had been going on for generations.

So Cody had to be careful, even as he let those hands comfort him.

There was no way Cody was going to put his General, his Jedi, into a situation remotely like what the man had experienced for decades now. Obi-Wan had to have a warped view on personal relationship with the people in power, many Jedi would likely have a warped view honestly, after so much abuse from the powers that be.

That power was now Cody.

There was no way in hell Cody was going to have Obi-Wan think he was obligated to do anything of that nature for Cody.

So, he tampered down on his feelings and settled back in the bed, smiling a tad meekly at the worried looking Jedi as the redhead’s hands faltered a bit in the air. “Some eye and ear damage. Helix says that my left ear is likely permanently effected but my eye should be fine.” Cody answered quietly, blinking slowly and a tad sleepily.

From the way Obi-Wan was looking at him, Cody felt pretty sure he hadn’t projected his feelings out on him, despite how out of it Cody felt. “Maybe one of the healers from the temple could take a look at your ear?” He offered a tad quietly, licking his lips worriedly, hand moving down to capture one of Cody’s own, seemingly needing the reassurance of touch.

Stepping in, Helix spoke up. “We would appreciate that, as our Vod’alor, Cody should be in the best shape possible,” He stated a tad gratefully, Cody snorting softly only to turn wary when the medic turned mischievous. “And our Supreme Chancellor.”

That got a deep groan from Cody as Helix laughed, the evil bastard. “Ugh, don’t remind me. I have to deal with the karking Senate.” He huffed out, grouching a tad.

The reaction had Obi-Wan’s lips twitching, squeezing his hand gently. “But you don’t have to listen to them.” He pointed out a tad slyly, smiling abashedly at both troopers giving him a surprised look.

Shaking himself, Cody couldn’t help but smirk wryly. “True, I don’t have to. But I don’t intend for this to be a tyrannical reign, so some concessions will have to be made.” He mulled over it before grunting and rubbing at his temple with his free hand.

“But not right now,” Helix stated firmly, lips pursed before turning to Obi-Wan. “Apologies General, but Vod’alor needs rest.” He stated calmly if a tad regretfully.

However, Obi-Wan simply shook his head. “No, you warned me Helix. Just a few minutes,” He smiled slightly, turning back to Cody to squeeze his hand carefully. “Please get ample rest Cody. You certainly deserve it.” He stated softly.

‘I don’t want you to go, please stay, just until I’m asleep…’ Cody didn’t voice his thought, just smiled as rakishly as he could as he settled back, his hand almost feeling cold as Obi-Wan drew back. “Aye, aye sir.” He chuckled.

How is Ani doing in Light Through the Cracks

The last few weeks have been rather odd in Anakin’s opinion.

Not bad… just very odd.

Though he did miss Obi-Wan quite a lot, it was still interesting to learn from the council masters as they cycled through, each of them updating him to Obi-Wan’s condition before either taking him to spar or do katas or they were helping him and going through his homework, explaining concept that Anakin didn’t quite understand.

And they meditated too, depending on the master, it was either moving meditation or they would attempt to find a way for Anakin to do meditation while still.

It was a challenge but… well, Master Plo at the very least took it as a challenge, a good natured smile somehow apparent even with his mask on as he gave Anakin a head pat.

It was nice.


But Anakin still wanted Obi-Wan back, especially when he went back to their lonely quarters and none of the masters could stay overnight.

Most of the nights, one of them slept on the couch and were generally awake already by the time Anakin got up, breakfast ready on the table with the single tea Obi-Wan had managed to find that Anakin too enjoyed.

Some days however, they couldn’t and Anakin would wake up alone and have to go to one of the refectory for breakfast.

It made him miss Obi-Wan even more and made him prod at the shielded bond in his head, wishing it was open so he could feel the other at least.

Generally when he did that, either Master Depa, Mace or Yaddle would show up to sit with him, spend some time with him unless he had to go to his lessons.

They knew he was prodding at the bond for sure and while it was nice that they cared… Anakin still wanted Obi-Wan.

Which was why he jumped on the opportunity to see his master when Plo offered, almost running to the Halls.

It was the first time he got to see the semi permanent healing ward with the lounge and rec room, the treatment rooms, the lined up dorms for the patient in one hall and the attached gardens to ensure they exercised and got more than just the recycled air of the rooms.

It was nice.

Made Anakin feel a bit better about where Obi-Wan was.

He’d never admit it but Anakin had worried that Obi-Wan was locked up in some dark, dreary room, unable to leave, unable to get fresh air or exercise in a small space that would just make him feel even worse.

But he wasn’t.

Obi-Wan’s room wasn’t all that big no but it wasn’t small either, it wasn’t brightly lit but enough to clearly see the bare but soft blue walls of the room and carpeted floor, his bed looked okay too, Anakin liked them softer but it was fit for Obi-Wan and there was a fresher attached with a bath Anakin could spy through the door.

It was a decent room, one made for healing.

It had a desk, a chair, bed, nightstand, lamps and a fresher connected and Obi-Wan could leave the room and go into the garden or the recreational room.

He wasn’t locked up or forced to do anything but try to focus on his healing and Anakin…

Anakin wanted to cry with relief.

Which was what he did, crying into Obi-Wan’s chest as they hugged, Obi-Wan’s grip so tight it almost hurt but Anakin didn’t want him to ease his grip at all.

Not when he was finally seeing the other man.

And he was doing better.

No longer did Obi-Wan have dark bags under his eyes, nor were they bloodshot, his skin didn’t look too taunt on his bones nor was it too pale and his hands were warm as he held onto Anakin.

Finally, finally Anakin could assuage his own worries.

Obi-Wan was healing and he’d come back.

He’d be Anakin’s teacher once more… he just needed time to heal.

Can we see more of Obi-Wan and Anakin in Babyface? Like Ani trying to help him learn to walk again

Scowling at the air, Anakin slowly and carefully unclenched his hands.

There was a time when speaking with the Chancellor had been one of his favorite things, how the man just seemed to understand and never scolded Anakin, only sought to understand and make Anakin feel better. How the man never made Anakin feel powerless or helpless or stupid, no, the Chancellor only made him happy or tried to at least.

How those memories had soured.

Anakin hated the man.

Palpatine had been trying to lie to him from the moment they had rescued Obi-Wan, telling Anakin there was nothing he could do to get them help.

That the Council had rejected the aid, that the Senate didn’t want to spare the troopers for it.

Bantha Shit.

There was a time Anakin might have believed him but Padme had been kind enough to send him the transcripts.

Anakin knew the truth.

Palpatine, his old friend, hadn’t been willing to help Obi-Wan.

Shaking himself, as if he was a wet dog, Anakin took a deep breath through his nose and forced his calm.

He couldn’t let his darker emotions swallow him, not at the current moment.

Obi-Wan and the teens in particular due to their lack of training and mental shields were in a fragile condition as it was, Anakin being a giant arse was not going to help them even though he wanted to rage.

Turning on his heel, Anakin left the comm room, his robe flaring dramatically without anyone seeing it as he fled the room.

This was the last place he needed to be.

Mostly due to him having seen Palpatine in holo form and the memory made him want to rage.

No, what he needed to do, needed to be… was in the medbay.

And that was where he was going to go.

The bridge didn’t need him at all, they were switching hyperlanes to get to Coruscant after all and Gregor and Rex were hyper competent.

Anakin trusted them to get the Negotiator and the Resolute home, Ahsoka simply surveying things.

So to Obi-Wan he went.

Most of the teens had their privacy screens up though when Anakin walked by he could see that they were either resting, cuddling with each other or fiddling with a pad as he crossed past the opening to their beds privacy screens, but all of them looked up when he passed, initially tense before relaxing when they saw who it was.

A learned response after weeks and months of captivity.

It would take time for them to unlearn that behavior if they ever did and Anakin’s heart bleed for them, he knew slaves who never managed to get out of certain behaviors when they were free, ticks you could tell that once they had been slaves. He shook that thought once more as he instead rounded the privacy screen of Obi-Wan’s bed to find the man sitting on the edge of his medbed, Cody asleep in the bed.

Considering the commander’s nose was scrunched up and flopped out in a searching motion, it was clear Obi-Wan only just sat up.

The two Jedi gave each other startled looks.

“Before you say anything,” Obi-Wan raised his hands, his bare, bandaged feet swinging lightly above the slippers. “I need to use the fresher.” He murmured softly, keeping his voice low as he didn’t want his words to carry in the mostly quiet medbay.

The teens would surely hear him if he was any louder, the two quite able to hear the pads of the ones watching shows or playing games and the low murmur of some of the talking.

Moving closer to the medbed, Anakin raised his hand to the others hair then paused, waiting until Obi-Wan nodded.

Gently stroking the others hair out of his face, Anakin shook his head slowly. “You know you’re not suppose to walk around without help, your balance is fucked.” He stated quietly. He extremely aware of Obi-Wan’s independence streak that bordered on harmful thank you very much, it was why he often kept tabs on his former master when the man was injured and Obi-Wan, due to the condition of his feet and body, fell without support.

Kix did not have crutches at the current moment for him to use, something about the inventory not being stocked right, something Anakin would fix once they were on Coruscant if he so had to go and buy the crutches and anything else Kix needed himself.

Giving a shaky sigh, Obi-Wan leaned into the friendly touch with a defeated expression, for someone as wholly independent to Obi-Wan, the situation was abhorrent, he knew he needed help, knew he was in the medbay for a reason and yet he still wanted to do his own things.

Then it brightened a bit much to Anakin’s surprise.

Glancing up through his lashes, Obi-Wan grasped Anakin’s mech arm. “Then its a good thing you’re here, yes?” He murmured, Cody muttering behind him on the bed and pulling the blankets more around himself.

There was a pause, mostly due to surprise before Anakin’s face transformed into a small smile, the blond nodding. “Yeah… long as you can handle me seeing you hobble around.” He teased quietly.

To his delight, Obi-Wan sniggered quietly. “Oh, considering I once saw you hobble like an old man on Felucia, I don’t mind.” He teased back.

Delight at the banter, Anakin playfully flickered Obi-Wan’s nose as he pulled the redhead up with his mech arm. “Oi, I fell of the swoop and landed on my back.” He playfully pouted, Obi-Wan swaying slightly as he clung to Anakin’s arm.

With babysteps, they started making their way to the fresher, the two bantering quietly with each other, relief echoing in Anakin every time Obi-Wan took a little dig at him.

It was amazing to hear his master sass him again. ‘Who’d have thought I’d end up missing it…’ Anakin mused as he escorted Obi-Wan by being his cane.

In Fallen For You, I’d love to see some notable progress for the boys. Obi-Wan regaining physical strength, even if cautious emotionally, and Anakin connecting with the Force well with Plo in calm. (perhaps Kenobi’s early anger issues just are to simiilar to work well for Ani? Or Ahsoka’s training in jarkai give Obi-Wan needed confidence? Just more?

Breathing out heavily, Anakin’s
eyes opened slowly, flickering blue for a few seconds before turning
back to yellow as he blinked at the master in front of him, the
two kneeling in the quarters of the older master.

felt like he had been there for hours, kneeling on the cold floor,
facing master Plo but Anakin knew, by the moving shadow on the floor,
that no more than an hour and a half had passed since it was still

do you feel?” Plo murmured once
he was sure Anakin had surfaced from his meditation,
lifting one hand off his lap
to push
the tray between them towards the human.

slightly, shakily grasping the glass
of mixed fruit juices, Anakin swallowed thickly. “Somehow sore and
pained despite simply sitting here. I can’t believe how hard this
is.” He mumbled quietly, voice slightly raspy before he took a big
sip of juice to sooth his
parched throat as best he could.

slowly, Plo stroked his chin slowly. “I’m not shocked, the dark
side is not the path for those who enjoy comforts, it is built on
pain, wrath,
despair and grief as you
know. To
purge it from oneself has to be more difficult than defending oneself
from it as Jedi do through
their entire life.” He
settled on with a deep sigh.

off the cold juice, grateful that Plo had the forethought to get
some, Anakin nodded slowly. “I
still can’t thank you enough for doing this, I know I haven’t
done much progress and I know it’s been hard but do
not think I’m not grateful.”
He pointed out quietly, lips
twitching into a half smile.

paused, tilting his head before chuckling quietly, shaking his head
slowly. “The
right thing is never simple to do,” Plo smiled kindly at him, the
time Anakin had spent with the kel dor master making it easier for
the human to read the shifts in facial traits that the breathing mask
couldn’t hide. “And for a friend, it is the least I can do.” He
raised one clawed hand, resting it on Anakin’s shoulder.

Those words humbled and
delighted Anakin at the same time, defanged that constantly hissing
snake in his chest that tried to wrap around him a thousand times to
enrage him and he couldn’t do anything but smile at the kel dor.

Patting his shoulder
lightly, Plo hummed before standing up and offering his hand to
Anakin, helping him up.

Something he actually

With a deep groan and a
loud knee pop, Anakin finally stood on slightly wobbly legs with the
juice bottle held in his free hand. “Force, it feels more like I’ve
gone five rounds in the salle instead of meditating. Or a boxing
match with a besalisk.” He huffed deeply.

Chuckling louder at that,
Plo settled his hand on Anakin’s back, guiding him towards the
door. “Sometimes, when one is in turmoil, that is just how it is.
But onto other news, how has Obi-Wan been doing this week?” He questioned as they stopped
by the door, both reaching for their boots.

Slipping the bottle into
his belt hook quickly, Anakin let out a weary but pleased smile.
“Showing progress since last month, the healers are apparently really pleased with
his physical progress and his conversations with his commander is
also proving fruitful.” He grinned down at his boots, snapping the
fastenings shut.

“That is good, having
someone to confide in is good.” Plo’s voice was deep and

‘I want it to be me
though…’ Anakin’s heart ached a bit but he knew that he wasn’t
the best one for Obi-Wan to be speaking to.

They both knew that should
Obi-Wan speak with Anakin about the trauma of what he went through,
it would keep Anakin angry, it would trigger him and as someone
trying to escape from the dark side as he was, he couldn’t be
constantly angry.

So they had found a

Anakin went to see Plo and
Obi-Wan spoke with Cody, both getting the help they needed.

Of course, Obi-Wan didn’t
only speak with Cody but about this particular subject, he trusted
Cody more than anyone.

And Cody was apparently
slowly getting him to accept the idea of going to a professional
about it too, someone to speak to that could help him untangle the
complicated mess of emotions.

Anakin was honestly
wondering if he shouldn’t do the same thing.

He needed to get better,
for his own sake, for Obi-Wan’s sake and for Ahsoka’s sake.

As he was, he was too
volatile to be a good master and as much as it stung, he had agreed
to temporarily transfer Ahsoka to Plo Koon’s care as a Fallen
master was not a good master, especially one that had to fight
against lashing out when he got emotional.

He didn’t speak up about
any of those thoughts however and simply smiled sadly at Plo,
breathing out when the kel dor placed his hand on Anakin’s shoulder

“It will be well my
friend, do not despair, nothing worth doing is easy and nothing that
is right is simple but in the end it is worth it.” He spoke calmly
to the human.

A deep breath escaped
Anakin at that before he nodded, smiling slightly as he stepped out
of the quarters with Plo following him, the two falling into step
through the empty corridor.

Eep! I love vaderkinsgift! Does Vader hurt Maul? Does anyone else hear about the incident? Does Obi lose any of the respect or standing that he gained by humiliating Maul now that he was unable to fend him off? Also, does Vader cuddle him after the assault?

back at Obi-Wan, dismissing Maul temporarily, Anakin pressed his lips
together as he saw the state of the other, tear and snot soaked face
and shirtless, the purple sheer tunic he had gifted Obi-Wan with
earlier that very week laying ripped on the ground.

his black robe off, Anakin slid it around Obi-Wan’s shoulders as
his pet Jedi continued to hold his throat, trembling faintly.

he didn’t flinch from Darth Vader as the man covered him up and
paused long enough to stroke his hand over the others red hair as
Obi-Wan pulled the robe more tightly around himself.

“I believe I made it clear that this Jedi was only mine.” Anakin
stated quietly, hand lingering on Obi-Wan’s hair before
straightening and turning around, a sneer on his lips

having managed to push himself around on his metal legs so he was at
least kneeling, sneered back at Vader. “If the little slut can’t
defend himse-” He didn’t get to finish his words, Anakin slamming
him back into the wall and pulling him up, the zabrak snarling and
kicking his legs uselessly before he finally grasped the Force and
returned the favor.

was pulled off his feet at a wave of Maul’s left hand, growling as
he hit the wall rather hard, though he managed to get his hands
between himself and the wall to take off some of the pressure.

however, erred on the side of caution this time and when Anakin
turned around, he caught the glimpse of the others boot slipping
around the corner as Maul made his escape.

in disgust, Anakin shook his head even as he inwardly snarled and
raged and promised revenge on the damn zabrak for touching what was

matter, Anakin had time for revenge later.

he turned and knelt down in front of Obi-Wan, cupping his chin and
raising the others head to get a good look at his neck.

was bright red and was sure to bruise.

got you good, huh.” Anakin noted quietly before reaching in,
pausing when Obi-Wan flinched, staring at him with wide, terrified
green eyes.

didn’t like it.

was a surprise but Anakin didn’t like the fear in those eyes, he
liked Obi-Wan’s fire and resistance, the way he hid smirks in
Anakin’s leggings when he took pot shots at the Sith with his words
and did his little dance of defiance.

amused him and… and Anakin was fond of it.

he reached in, keeping his eyes on Obi-Wan’s as he placed his
fingertips to the bruised skin.

spark went off, surprise in Obi-Wan’s eyes and then the green eyes
closed with relief as Anakin slowly healed the abused throat and

get you some nice tea once in my quarters,” Anakin murmured
quietly, keeping his fingertips to the skin as the healing
continued. Obi-Wan opened his eyes in response to the words, blinking
tiredly at Anakin. “How does your throat feel?” He prodded the
Jedi carefully with as he removed his fingers, though keeping his
grasp on the clefted chin.

his lips, Obi-Wan cleared his throat then winced a bit. “Sore…
but better than a moment ago.” He whispered out, his voice rough.

Anakin frowned as he raised his free hand and slowly wiped at the
others wet face with his sleeve, taking care to be gentle with his
now skittish Jedi. He hadn’t seen Obi-Wan like this since Sidious
had gifted the Jedi to him and even then Obi-Wan eyes had been as
full of defiance as it had been with fear.

he was just scared, even if some of it had faded in response to
Anakin’s actions and it was all Maul’s fault that Anakin’s pet
was now as skittish as a beaten dog.

going to kill him.’ Anakin thought sourly as he thought of Maul.

Anakin let go of and stood, holding his hand down to the other and
pulling Obi-Wan up, tucking the other under his arm as Obi-Wan held
the robe tight around himself, the hem of the dark folds dragging on
the marble floor as Obi-Wan was nowhere as tall as Vader. “Well, a
cup of tea and a long soak in the tub does sound like a perfect
evening.” He drawled, trying to pull some of the former arrogance
into his voice even as he awkwardly felt a bit like a protective bear
over a cub.

awkwardness felt weirdly acceptable when Obi-Wan tucked himself
closer into Anakin, following with one hand reaching out from under
the robe to hold onto Anakin’s silken tunic. “Yes Lord Vader…”
The Jedi whispered, voice hoarse and subdued.

just tightened his grasp on his

Can we see what happens in the Council Chamber after Obi and Ani tune out? Everyone’s unabashed reactions to Anakin falling? To the *detailed* and unabridged description Obi gave of his capture? The Council as an entity may agree on a course of action, but I’m sure a lot of the individuals in that room will have Something To Say once they have the opportunity.

moment the holo’s cut out, Plo dropped his face into his hands
while Adi let out a loud sigh and collapsed back in her chair.

rest showed various signs of discomfort or unease before they too
tried to settle down in their chairs.

was the one who looked the least effected somehow and even he had
sunk down into his chair, a hand covering his face as he took deep

they will need.” Yoda croaked out, frankly an unnecessary comment
but clearly something needed to break the silence the council had
fallen in.

were some scattered murmurs of agreement before Kit had to cut his
own holo feed, an ambush happening.

rest looked at his empty chair for a few seconds before they went
back to contemplating. “They can’t go into the field for quite
some weeks if not month, the healers will not allow it even if we
pushed and I for one am not interested in pushing them after a month
of… of that.” Mace swallowed thickly.

carved him.” Depa whispered into her hands, shuddering.

wasn’t the only one.

idea of someone permanently marking them after hurting someone wasn’t
a foreign thing, not even for Jedi.

it was upsetting.

their friend would carry those marking scars for life unless he
covered them up somehow, maybe with a tattoo of some kind, which he
could or used a scar removal medical tool but those took time, a long

time Obi-Wan caught the sight of the fading scars, he would remember
what had happened, what had been done to him, and to Skywalker since
they were both in captivity. Remember
the pain, remember the insults, the torture… the rape
and they could do nothing with it really.

Force didn’t remove scars.

wasn’t there for that even if you could heal with it.

will deal with that situation when they arrive.” Plo finally
whispered, sitting up.

was nothing else they could really do.

about Skywalker?” Oppo finally murmured, glancing around. “How
much time do we give him…”

grew and everyone shifted a bit before Mace sighed deeply, leaning
forward with his elbows on his knees to take charge. “We gave Vos
time and we are still keeping him under watch. As long as Kenobi
vouches for him and he does not do anything… out of line, he will
be allowed to remain. However if he’s still Fallen by the end of
the year…” He trailed off and looked around.

one by one, each council member nodded.

months he will have, agree we shall.” Yoda croaked out with his
eyes lidded, his lips twisting sadly at what had befallen to his

came next was now up to Skywalker, if he returned to the light, they
would treat him as they had always done and keep an eye on him as
they had done with Vos for future Falling.

he did not return to the light…

they would deal with that too.


week of travel and finally they came home to Coruscant and Anakin
couldn’t be happier.

getting his own clothes back from the Resolute couldn’t cover the
sharp tinge of guilt and despair that had come off his men when they
had finally seen him and it had hurt.

it wasn’t their fault, even if they blamed themselves.

however he got, Rex felt like pure rage and the desire for vengeance
leaking off him until he managed to cover it up.

it still hurt to feel the guilt, the men behaving like beaten dogs
around him and Anakin wished the 501st
behaved like the 212th,
at least Obi-Wan’s men had only had a little guilt and more rage
and protectiveness going.

maybe that had to do with them being the ones to find them.

it was good to come home.

shakily as
he stood up from the hoverchair,
Anakin only raised his arms in greeting and let Ahsoka run right into
his too skinny frame, feeling how the impact shook and hurt but doing
nothing but accepting the pain as he held onto his trembling

him, Obi-Wan rested a hand on Anakin’s lower
back and Anakin swore he could feel the fond look in the others eyes
before he moved the chair forward to give Ahsoka a little greeting.

her monterals, Anakin watched as Ahsoka gave Obi-Wan a teary eyed
smile. “H-Hi master Obi-Wan. It’s good to see you too.” She got
out, obviously trying to control her voice but it shook a bit as she
burrowed more into Anakin’s frame with a look of concern, obviously
taking in the scars on his exposed skin and the lack of a beard.

blue eyes lingered on the bite scar of his jaw before turning and
burrowing into Anakin’s chest with a small hiccuping sob.

glanced at his master, meeting sorrowful eyes as Obi-Wan meekly
rested one arm in his lap and his other hand pressed against Anakin’s

them, at each respective hoverchair, Rex and Cody waited, watching
the reunion but with the helmets on, Anakin wasn’t sure what they
were thinking even if he could feel their melancholy.

his chin on Ahsoka’s head, Anakin just let out a shaken breath as
he noted she had grown with an inch since he last saw her, his chin
resting more comfortably on her head than before.

all of this, I’m going to ground all of the ones involved in our
capture into bone meal, not revenge, justice. Justice for what we
went through and what they put those we cared about through.’ He
could feel his black, hanging off his frame tunic become wet where
Ahsoka’s face was resting and his heart hurt even more.

care101obi Again an old one (feel free to delete any prompts you don’t want to do of course) but I was reading about how the clones had added to the file and made me wonder how much it would mean to Obi if he found it. He really struggled with Qui-Gon not choosing him and that whole rejection stupid bit in the movie. How much would it mean to find out that Qui cared so much that he, the rule breaking just do what the force wants jedi, actually took NOTES on it. Just fluff and healing angst.

down slowly, Obi-Wan stared at the pad he had picked up from the
desk, having
picked the wrong one by accident.

had started reading before he noticed what he had and then… then he
just froze and lead to him sitting on the chair of the command tent.

he read the title as
he took in the silence of the command tent, feeling Cody’s eyes on

101, aka care of Obi-Wan.’

down from the title, he took in the information, words Qui-Gon once,
long ago typed down and stored, memorized and made part of his life
to help and care for Obi-Wan. Words that meant that Qui-Gon had taken
notice when things worked and aided Obi-Wan, things that made him
feel better when things were wrong.

when things were wrong and he needed to give Obi-Wan attention.

thickly, Obi-Wan felt his eyes water as he stared at the blurred

were Qui-Gon’s words and he felt a breathless laugh escape him,
Qui-Gon had taken effort and time to write down how to take care of
him and he let out a soft sob, unable to keep it in as he hugged the
pad to his chest, eyes closing tightly.

was a time he hadn’t thought Qui-Gon cared, in the beginning of
their padawanship things had been so strained and awkward, it had
taken time and work for them to fit and work together and
Obi-Wan had thought that finally his master had cared.

had gone so much better, seamless, the best and tightest bond in the
temple after all that fuss that happened.

Qui-Gon had rested his hand on his head so often and smiled at him,
encouraging and proud.

had made Obi-Wan feel…

then Naboo happened, Anakin happened and the fateful meeting up in
the council chamber.

his place at his master’s side was so much more uncertain, every
day hurt just a little more and the chasm kept growing and there was
no bridging it as Qui-Gon had renounced him in front of the revered
high council.

blatant disrespect towards Obi-Wan and the pain
at being rejected had made him question everything he thought he

had thought Qui-Gon cared for him and that he was proud of him.

if he had been that easy to cast aside…

didn’t blame Anakin for it of course, he had been jealous and angry
but not at Anakin… well the jealous part may have been aimed at

the anger and hurt was all at Qui-Gon.

last day… he had tried to patch the chasm, to start a bridge over
it because regardless of what, he
cared for Qui-Gon at least.

then Qui-Gon had died, in his arms of all things, the
tearing bond ripping his mind up and his heart bleeding all over as
he clung to a cooling body. Only the council’s arrival only hours
later had given any respite as he struggled to care for the young boy
that he had been asked to teach by a dying man he loved with all his

and Adi had managed to gently patch his mind, cauterizing the torn
bond in his mind and frankly giving his mind a painkiller so to say.

damage had been deep from the trauma, grief and the tiny bit of
darkness Obi-Wan had touched in his attempt to get at Maul,

psych damage had been deep and quite a lot of the Naboo feast and
Qui-Gon’s funeral was… very blurry to Obi-Wan, his mind trying to
heal itself from the trauma at the time. But he did remember snipping
his own braid and placing it into Qui-Gon’s cold, large hand.

remembered gently cutting Anakin’s hair and braiding a tiny stub
beneath his ear.

he remembered crying so hard he vomited all over Master Plo’s
tunic, apologizing shakily only for the kel dor to shush him and hold
him, the vomit stains ignored by the man in favor of comfort as
Obi-Wan unsure, grieving and scared mind tried to cope.

you did care… you were watching and paying attention… master I
miss you.’ Obi-Wan opened his eyes to peer down at the pad again,
tears splashing against the screen before he raised it to rest his
forehead to the screen with a soft, freeing laugh.

was cathartic, releasing long held doubts and ugly pain that had
wrapped around his chest.

The uncertain voice of Cody made him look up, meeting the amber eyes
of his frazzled looking man.

he smiled shakily, tears rolling into his beard. “…Everything is
fine Cody… I’m fine.” Obi-Wan whispered, voice warm if shaken
all the emotions his chest.

hesitated but then he walked over, kneeling down in front of Obi-Wan.

he took the pad from him and grasped Obi-Wan’s hands, squeezing
carefully as he gave his Jedi and commanding officer a comforting
smile. “Yeah, you’re fine General.” He agreed quietly.

OMG I JUST SAW #Unsafegalaxy ahhh thr poor baby! Can we please have Obi wan finally feeling comfortable with people he trust and him touching them(hug/longer heador shoulder pats). Then the person(s) reaction abut it because they finally realized how precious those touches are from knowing Obi’s trauma!

settling his hand on his General’s back in a casual and what would
mostly be considered a normal touch for anyone else while leaning
down and in to show him the supply line and report that Rex had
handed to his commander vod, Cody didn’t think too closely about
his actions nor Obi-Wan’s response until he saw Commander Tano’s
wide, excited eyes watching them when he accidentally glanced up.

Obi-Wan hadn’t flinched at all despite Cody being unexpected,
having come in from the back where the General’s back was facing as
he worked on the little scouting map Boil and Waxer had gathered,
tacking in their information thoughtfully with how to set them up to
bottle neck the droids in a little gorge the two had discovered.

had been fully consumed in his work as the command tent flurried in
activity around him, all of them knowing better than to surprise the
Jedi after what they had learned, all those little flinches and
shifts being so much more understandable now.


hadn’t turned from the touch of
his Commander,
hadn’t flinched nor had he even looked uncomfortable despite
the hand prolonged resting on his body.

had only shifted towards Cody, given the man his attention with a
soft smile while leaning into Cody’s touch.

the Commander so
much that even surprising touches wouldn’t scare him.

his breath a bit, Cody took in all of that as he noticed Tano rushing
off most likely to get Skywalker as Cody tried not to make a big
number out of Obi-Wan’s willingness to lean into him and accept the

yet he couldn’t help but slowly rub the others back in a gentle,
soothing motion, finding Obi-Wan giving him a small, accepting smile
of companionship.

sign of being uncomfortable, no worry hidden in green eyes or
tenseness of the body.


fragile trust that Cody hadn’t seen outside of the temple where his
General showed he was safe and even then he didn’t allow too much
prolonged touches and yet here Obi-Wan was clearly happy to sit with
Cody’s hand on his back.

it was the place he had his hand?

bit up on the left shoulder blade?

maybe it was just that it was Cody, the Commander just like Skywalker
in the others mind.


the emotions curling up in his chest that threatened to overwhelm the
clone trooper, Cody carefully squeezed and rubbed the others shoulder
and back lightly as he was unable not to acknowledge what he had been
gifted with in some manner without making a big production of it,
knowing the precious olive branch that had been held out to him.

how precious the trust Obi-Wan had for him was.

had seen Obi-Wan flinch in utter surprise as even Plo Koon had
touched him, the kel dor one of the least harmful Jedi in the order
towards a fellow member, had seen Obi-Wan’s face turned shameful at
his own reaction.

yet here he was.

content under Cody’s touch, his smile turning a bit shyer at the
light squeeze and rub before gently nodding with his chin at the pad
in Cody’s hand.

ignored Tano and Skywalker watching them with wide eyes as Cody kept
his hand in place, carefully stepping closer to the man so his thigh
pressed to Obi-Wan’s side, providing human warmth and contact to
his so long ago traumatized General.

General who trusted Cody as much as he trusted the man he called
brother in all but blood.

wanting to push his luck, Cody wondered if next time he could try
with one of the head petting’s he gave his vod’ika’s as he
treasured the trust he was given.