Candle in the Dark: Does Obi-wan eventually learn about the slave chips? Does he go visit the clones on his own? Does he meet Bail or Padme at some point? Love your work.

Scowling faintly as he continued wrapping the cooling bandage steadily around the others ankle, Obi-Wan shot the blond a scolding look before focusing back as he got an apologetic, sheepish grimace in return.

Feeling a bit cooped up, Anakin had dragged Obi-Wan to the salle for katas and when Obi-Wan, a tad shyly, had offered to spar, the other had jumped on the offer so quickly Obi-Wan barely had time to get the words out.

Anakin being, well, Anakin, decided to show off.

It seemed regardless what universe he was in, that part of Anakin would never change and in a way it was soothing even as Obi-Wan bandaged the others ankle.

Honestly, the other had only strained his ankle, not sprained it, but to be on the safe side, Obi-Wan wanted to ice it down and give the ankle a bit of support.

And Anakin had given into Obi-Wan’s request for some reason.

Of course, Obi-Wan had been unaware that he had been giving Anakin puppy eyes, causing the Sith to give in due to how cute the other had looked.

Which was why the two were sitting on one of the salle benches with Anakin’s left foot in Obi-Wan’s lap, his boot and sock on the floor as the Jedi worked.

“You shouldn’t be such a show off.” Obi-Wan finally mumbled, ignoring a few sniggers and snorts around the salle from others.

It was an inconceivable idea really, Anakin Skykwalker not trying to show off when he wanted to impress someone, but well, Obi-Wan was allowed to try and drill some sense into the other.

Grimacing again, Anakin reached out and patted the other on the head. “I know, I know. I’m sorry Obi-Wan, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He stated softly, his tone gentle.

Pursing his lips, Obi-Wan refused to say anything more.

If he denied that he had gotten scared when Anakin toppled over, the other would give him a knowing look.

And if he agreed, he’d be bundled up in the quarters again.

If he was honest, he didn’t despise the care the others were showing him but… well, not today.

Today was one of his better days and he didn’t want to be bundled away.

He had a lot of those bad days and wanted to enjoy one of his better days.

Qui-Gon and Anakin had informed him that the troopers in this universe had biochips in their heads, had even showed him the one Cody had gotten operated out of his head a few days ago. Seeing that chip, Obi-Wan had felt a well of despair open up under him.

Because it made him aware of just how little control his own troopers and the rest of the GAR had on that day.

Learning that each and everyone of them must have gotten locked up in their own heads by simple words, that potentially they could have been screaming in their own heads as they murdered the Jedi they had served with.

And it had gotten Obi-Wan to think more about the day it all went down.

He had been on Boga, he had no way of really avoiding a blast that day and he had no warning due to the lack of maliciousness in the Force, the troopers simply turning in the blink of an eye, unwilling pawns in the Sith’s game.

But the blaster cannon had missed Obi-Wan, racing up the rock wall, an obvious target in a calculated speed, the troopers had missed.

His Cody, capable and among the best of the troopers, had missed the obvious target with a laser cannon.

It made him wonder things, things that made his heart hurt and made him want to seek out this galaxy’s Cody, despite the anxieties the idea gave him.

He wasn’t ready for that.

At the very least he needed more time to psych himself up for it.

A gentle hand found his shoulder and Obi-Wan looked up, finding Anakin watching him with a deep, worried frown.

To his embarrassment, Obi-Wan realized he had been sitting, staring at the others foot without moving for who knew how long and quickly he tied the bandage and let Anakin take his foot back, the other sitting up properly to press their shoulders together. “…One step at a time Obi-Wan, in your own pace.” The blond whispered, not asking what the other was thinking but knowing it was hurting the Jedi.

Pressing his head to the others shoulder, Obi-Wan nodded tiredly before smiling slightly. “Want to go to the south planetarium?” The redhead offered quietly, not ready to return to the quarters and Qui-Gon just yet.

Smiling automatically at the offer, Anakin pulled on his sock and then carefully his boot afterward. “Sounds great.” Anakin murmured agreeably, pulling Obi-Wan up with him and tucking the other close as they left the salle.

‘I’ll see Cody soon enough… but not today. Not this week… but maybe this month.’ Obi-Wan settled on, pressing close to Anakin for the warmth as he wondered, not for the first time, about the ease in which he was settling in a new universe.

Vaderkinsgift, does Vaderkin eventually get a taste of what he wants? That shows he’s on the right track.


knows it’s wrong and yet he can’t help but cling to the other man
as Vader continued to run his lips along his jaw and neck, leaving
hickies in his wake. He can even feel a smile against his skin when
Obi-Wan lets out a small moan in response to a nip.

hair is thick and curling in his fingers as Obi-Wan grips through it,
his fingertips pressing into the scalp as his hips hitches forward
with a low gasp only to whine a bit when Vader suddenly kicks one of
his feet away, the feel of boot against slipper rather uncomfortable.

a thigh is shoved between and that takes the edge off, because Vader
is giving him something to rut

should resist, but he can’t, desperate and wanting as he grinds
against the thigh covered in black leggings, his own sheer silk
balloon pants feeling sinfully delicious against his own skin.

it, good boy.” Vader cooed into his ear, nipping at his lobe as his
hands found Obi-Wan’s rear, cupping it to guide Obi-Wan along his

couldn’t focus on anything after that though, the combination of
words and the grip on his rear causing him to buck hard with a cry.

paused a bit, puzzled before he suddenly let out a small laugh and
hitched Obi-Wan up the wall via the grasp on his ass, prompting him
to wrap his legs around Vader’s waist. “Well that’s unexpected
but what else could I expect from my good
boy.” Vader crooned into his ear.

Obi-Wan threw his head back into the wall with a thud, grinding hard
into the others stomach with a sharp whine of pleasure and pain.

then the Sith’s hand was there suddenly, cupping the back of his
head with a croon as fingers probed his scalp, all activity pausing
for a moment. “Well, gotta be more careful about that I see,”
Vader mused, Obi-Wan panting sharply as
he colored in equal humiliation as arousal now, his cheeks ruddy.
then Vader was
chuckling and biting down on Obi-Wan’s neck where his collar didn’t
cover. “But
how can I resist praising such a wonderful Jedi hmm? Such a wonderful
little pet.” Vader crooned against the moist skin, the tip of his
tongue trailing along Obi-Wan’s erratic pulse point.

rutting hard into the man’s stomach, Obi-Wan sunk his hands to the
others shoulders, gripping the man’s shoulders while digging his
nails into fabric and flesh.

a little more, a little more and I’ll… oh please just a little
more.’ Obi-Wan thought, still not ready to beg the Sith despite how
low he had already sunk.

then he felt it, the sensation of something probing at his entrance
while simultaneously gently squeezing his cock, Vader utilizing the
Force in an utterly frivolous way Obi-Wan had certainly never
considered as a possibility.

his orgasm ripped through him, Obi-Wan faintly managed to hold onto
the thought of how weak he had become for this Sith as the blond held
the shivering former Jedi to him as he soaked in Obi-Wan’s pleasure
through the Force.

can never go back to the Order…’ Obi-Wan thought, eyes clenching
shut to fight his tears, both hating and adoring Vader at the same

head fell to Vader’s shoulder, panting sharply as he let go of the
shoulders to rest his arms down the Sith’s back, mumbling faintly
as he felt Vader hitch his hips a few more times before he reached
his own orgasm.

kiss was pressed to his sweaty temple after a moment, Vader panting
slightly. “Wonderful, my wonderful little Jedi. You did so well.
You’re such a good little pet. You deserve rewards and nice things
don’t you.” He murmured huskily, arousal and satisfaction trapped
in his voice.

body trembling in aftershock from the words, Obi-Wan only whimpered
quietly and twitched before hesitantly lapping at Vader’s neck,
salt sweat and skin coating his tongue before he kissed, Vader easing
the action by tilting his head to the side, still whispering praise
into Obi-Wan’s ear that
had the Jedi shivering faintly in confusing pleasure.

So in PapaandDad does the Jedi go investigate the disturbance? Maybe a certain Count who can be saved from turning to the dark side?

couldn’t fly under the radar forever.

was something both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon was intimately aware of, they
were aberrations in the Force and someone was eventually going to
learn about them and want answers.

still had not expected to be tracked by a young Maul of all people
and Qui-Gon wanted to turn around and try to talk the teen into
coming with them, to
turn on his master.


was Papa Qui.

as in father, one of the figures that was to protect their child and
there was no way Qui-Gon was going to risk Anakin’s safety and as
much as it saddened his heart… he left Maul behind as they lost the
tail they had gained and fled from Chadara. They
could not have Maul give information to Palpatine about them.

man already knew too much by knowing they were humans and for a
moment he was thankful they had all had their hoods up and that
Anakin had a scarf wrap to hide his face from the sand.

wasn’t their last tail however and unfortunately…

tail they could not get rid of as they had landed themselves in
trouble when they had taken a wrong turn and somehow gotten their ass
stuck in the middle of a gang war.

lead them to their current situation where Qui-Gon was tucking both
Obi-Wan and Anakin into hotel beds, the former because he was injured
and drugged to the gills and the latter because it had been far too
long a day for a seven year old. He could see the graying of a
sunrise in the window and pulled down the curtains before entering
the semi living room of the unremarkablely
dull beige
suit they had rented.

right into the company of Yan Dooku and Mace Windu, both of them
staring mutely at him and if he didn’t know both as good as he did,
he would have thought they were serene.

it was, Yan was intrigued and confused and Mace was actually half
angry from what Qui-Gon could tell as he sat down on one of the
chairs at the tiny caff table. “…I’d offer tea but the stuff I
glimpsed was subpar and I have better manners than to offer subpar
tea.” He murmured quietly, settling his elbows on his knees and
clasping his hands together.

Qui-Gon,” Mace started, not beating around the bush as he stared at
the other man. “But that’s impossible. I saw you less than a week
ago in the temple with the healers and you are…” He ran his eyes
over Qui-Gon’s hair, clearly indicating the lack of gray hair.

healers…?” Qui-Gon blinked before letting out a noise. “Ah
right, the unfortunate round I had of Puggers syndrome… which I
unfortunately also giving to Obi-Wan.” He winced, sitting back as
he remembered how awful they had both felt even as they tried to make
each other laugh as they shared a room.

in the memory, Qui-Gon didn’t see the two exchange looks.

you are
Qui-Gon,” Yan sat back in his seat, frowning. “Not just a
facsimile or some kind of odd Force spirit.” The man rubbed his
chin slowly and stroked his beard with a deep frown.

a bit, Qui-Gon stared at them. “…What does the Jedi Order know
and I can explain from there.” He decided, sending a quick apology
to his sleeping love as they had decided to stay away from the Order
for as long as they could and when the time came, deal with it

possible right

two traded glances again before Yan spoke. “…Next to nothing
except for three human travelers, one a young child and the other two
adults. The adults are clearly peculiar in the Force while the young
child is strong and that’s all that was known until now except for
them all traveling through the galaxy and the adults taking whatever
jobs they could to feed themselves and travel. Outside of the feeling
in the Force they appeared as any other spacer family.” Yan
explained in short sentences as he watched Qui-Gon.

slowly, Qui-Gon rubbed his own beard before letting out a small grunt
as he pulled his hair into a leather thong. ‘I should have taken
Obi-Wan up on the whole hair cut when he had his own and Anakin’s
done.’ He thought to himself in annoyance. “Well,
not much to go to. Hopefully that’s all anyone else has to go on
either,” Qui-Gon said to the others before sighing and sitting
back. “Hopefully you’re both going to listen and listen well
because this is not going to be a pretty story… and it has no
conclusion, not anymore.” He murmured, blue eyes glinting seriously
as he meet the pale blue of his old master and the dark ones of his
former friend.

maybe future friend once more.

could hope.

as he could hope that for once the Jedi listened.

Break a Barrier: while the mates are going through Obi’s heat, Palpatine is being tracked down due whatever Sith ritual he performs. Of course he doesn’t know this cause he’s to full of himself.

(First part is pg rated and readable, the rest is on AO3 XD)

is nothing more obvious than an alpha rushing to the aid of their
omega when said omega is in heat.

at least it is obvious to any omega or fellow alpha as the Jedi
quietly watch Skywalker flailing through the halls with his
expression and Force aura a mix of panic and anticipation as he
practically Force boosts himself in his eagerness.

one calls him out on it.

after seeing Kenobi practically waste
away as the war continued marching on with no one being sure how to
help him as he became
pale and listless, only to bounce back once his mating bonds became
open to him
and started
healing a bit with the attention of said
mates as
they showered him in attention and affection.

there’s just that final barrier that needs closing, to seal the
mating bond and break the glands so
they can be fully connected.

anticipation and glee is thick in Skywalker clearly.

under all of that…

master’s of the Order pauses,
feeling the currants of the Force switch and flow,  darkness moving
on Coruscant.

who had been busy sniggering a bit at Skywalker’s windmill
impression as
he raced the hall to get to the skycar hanger,
goes ramrod straight as he stares at nothing before turning on his
heel and racing to gather those of the council that he can and
several healers.

knows what this is, he was there to break the barrier on Obi-Wan’s
mating bonds
after all and the Sith master’s magic laced over the bond like a
cork had been very distinct when they were first looking.

master gets the same feeling this time and he knows they have to
move, they have to be quick and Force he hopes that no more damage
will come to Obi-Wan for he has been through enough already
being kept from his mates.

Jedi council has to move quickly however before the trail of the Sith
master disappears and the person goes back into hiding though one
thing is clear to Mace in this moment. The Sith master is on
Coruscant, twisting the Force and doing something to someone with the
dark side and he hopes to Force that it won’t be something that
damages the newly mating pair.

Mace hopes that they can follow the bastard this time and find him.


Break a Barrier: while the mates are going through Obi’s heat, Palpatine is being tracked down due whatever Sith ritual he performs. Of course he doesn’t know this cause he’s to full of himself.

(First part is pg rated and readable, the rest is on AO3 XD)

is nothing more obvious than an alpha rushing to the aid of their
omega when said omega is in heat.

at least it is obvious to any omega or fellow alpha as the Jedi
quietly watch Skywalker flailing through the halls with his
expression and Force aura a mix of panic and anticipation as he
practically Force boosts himself in his eagerness.

one calls him out on it.

after seeing Kenobi practically waste
away as the war continued marching on with no one being sure how to
help him as he became
pale and listless, only to bounce back once his mating bonds became
open to him
and started
healing a bit with the attention of said
mates as
they showered him in attention and affection.

there’s just that final barrier that needs closing, to seal the
mating bond and break the glands so
they can be fully connected.

anticipation and glee is thick in Skywalker clearly.

under all of that…

master’s of the Order pauses,
feeling the currants of the Force switch and flow,  darkness moving
on Coruscant.

who had been busy sniggering a bit at Skywalker’s windmill
impression as
he raced the hall to get to the skycar hanger,
goes ramrod straight as he stares at nothing before turning on his
heel and racing to gather those of the council that he can and
several healers.

knows what this is, he was there to break the barrier on Obi-Wan’s
mating bonds
after all and the Sith master’s magic laced over the bond like a
cork had been very distinct when they were first looking.

master gets the same feeling this time and he knows they have to
move, they have to be quick and Force he hopes that no more damage
will come to Obi-Wan for he has been through enough already
being kept from his mates.

Jedi council has to move quickly however before the trail of the Sith
master disappears and the person goes back into hiding though one
thing is clear to Mace in this moment. The Sith master is on
Coruscant, twisting the Force and doing something to someone with the
dark side and he hopes to Force that it won’t be something that
damages the newly mating pair.

Mace hopes that they can follow the bastard this time and find him.


BreakaBarrier: what happens when the barrier is broken? How do mates reconnect?

Face lit up in blue from the
little holo, Anakin huffed slightly. “I know that they mean the
best but I should be in there with him, he looked so… weak when I
left.” Anakin growled quietly while clenching his mech hand by his hip tightly
until the leather of his glove creaked.

got a soft, sympathetic smile in greeting that honestly did a lot
more for his state of mind than any of the healers or council members
meaningless platitudes. “I know Anakin but you would be a hindrance
in there and you know it love.” Padme said softly, his fellow alpha
mate keeping a soft tone to sooth him.

a bit, Anakin nodded while unclenching his hand to reach up and rub at her
claiming bite, his flesh hand keeping the comm level. “I know, I
know but its Obi-Wan…” He growled faintly before breathing deeply
at her worried look.

he shook his head. “I’m alright, how about you? You seemed rather
nervous last I saw you love.”

got a small shrug and Padme sitting back in her chair heavily. “I
want t say I’m fine but
I’m not… still can’t pinpoint what’s wrong though.” The
Nabooan rubbed her face with both hands and Anakin envied her the
comm in the desk at that moment.

shook that thought away and
focused on her worn looking face instead, worry itching along his spine at the visible bags even over holo as the worry
pooled in his stomach. “I’m sorry hon, I would come over to aid
bu-” Anakin’s words broke off, his spine going stiff as a
durasteel pole.

hand snapped tightly around the comm and he could see Padme clenching
her hands on the table, both of them staring at each other in shock before the
Senator snapped to her feet and ran out of view while calling for
Sabe or Dorme to get the ‘karking’ skycar ready.

knew where she was going anyhow as he turned towards the locked door,
the comm dropping from his numb hand and clattered to the floor.

that unstable, emptying feeling inside of him that he always felt so
guilty about  while with Padme was gone suddenly and had become that seeking feeling of
a mate close by.

same karking feeling like when he had meet up with Padme right before
the war when someone was targeting her.

feeling that had suddenly just appeared as if out of thin air.

concealed mating bonds…’ Anakin mind turned back to the moments
with mindhealer Bubbles. Of course the mates of Obi-Wan would be
feeling the effect of the separation too but it hadn’t occurred to
Anakin that…

slowly moved out of the alcove he had tucked into for privacy and
made his way to the door instead, pressing his hand to it.

promptly almost fell inside
when it opened, Adi
barely catching him in time to prevent a floor plant. Warm hands held
him up but Anakin couldn’t take his eyes off Obi-Wan, watching his
former master where the omega was kneeling with his calves tucked under his
thighs as he sat on the floor with his face pressed down in his thighs,
quivering like a tree in storm.

omega. That’s our omega in distress…’ Anakin jerked out of
Adi’s arm, barely registering anything but that sour scent of
distress that Obi-Wan was putting out as he collapsed in front of
Obi-Wan and dragged the other to his chest, arms wrapping
possessively and protectively around the other.

arms wrapped around him in return, fingertips digging into his back
with enough strength to bruise for sure as Obi-Wan continued shaking
in his grasp. “A-Anakin.” The Jedi master rasped out.

on her way. She’ll be here soon,” Anakin whispered thickly,
nuzzling into greasy hair while dragging Obi-Wan as close as
physically possible. “Gonna take care of you, swear to take care of
you as long as you stay with us.” He promised as red hairs tickled
his nose.

BreakaBarrier: what happens when the barrier is broken? How do mates reconnect?

Face lit up in blue from the
little holo, Anakin huffed slightly. “I know that they mean the
best but I should be in there with him, he looked so… weak when I
left.” Anakin growled quietly while clenching his mech hand by his hip tightly
until the leather of his glove creaked.

got a soft, sympathetic smile in greeting that honestly did a lot
more for his state of mind than any of the healers or council members
meaningless platitudes. “I know Anakin but you would be a hindrance
in there and you know it love.” Padme said softly, his fellow alpha
mate keeping a soft tone to sooth him.

a bit, Anakin nodded while unclenching his hand to reach up and rub at her
claiming bite, his flesh hand keeping the comm level. “I know, I
know but its Obi-Wan…” He growled faintly before breathing deeply
at her worried look.

he shook his head. “I’m alright, how about you? You seemed rather
nervous last I saw you love.”

got a small shrug and Padme sitting back in her chair heavily. “I
want t say I’m fine but
I’m not… still can’t pinpoint what’s wrong though.” The
Nabooan rubbed her face with both hands and Anakin envied her the
comm in the desk at that moment.

shook that thought away and
focused on her worn looking face instead, worry itching along his spine at the visible bags even over holo as the worry
pooled in his stomach. “I’m sorry hon, I would come over to aid
bu-” Anakin’s words broke off, his spine going stiff as a
durasteel pole.

hand snapped tightly around the comm and he could see Padme clenching
her hands on the table, both of them staring at each other in shock before the
Senator snapped to her feet and ran out of view while calling for
Sabe or Dorme to get the ‘karking’ skycar ready.

knew where she was going anyhow as he turned towards the locked door,
the comm dropping from his numb hand and clattered to the floor.

that unstable, emptying feeling inside of him that he always felt so
guilty about  while with Padme was gone suddenly and had become that seeking feeling of
a mate close by.

same karking feeling like when he had meet up with Padme right before
the war when someone was targeting her.

feeling that had suddenly just appeared as if out of thin air.

concealed mating bonds…’ Anakin mind turned back to the moments
with mindhealer Bubbles. Of course the mates of Obi-Wan would be
feeling the effect of the separation too but it hadn’t occurred to
Anakin that…

slowly moved out of the alcove he had tucked into for privacy and
made his way to the door instead, pressing his hand to it.

promptly almost fell inside
when it opened, Adi
barely catching him in time to prevent a floor plant. Warm hands held
him up but Anakin couldn’t take his eyes off Obi-Wan, watching his
former master where the omega was kneeling with his calves tucked under his
thighs as he sat on the floor with his face pressed down in his thighs,
quivering like a tree in storm.

omega. That’s our omega in distress…’ Anakin jerked out of
Adi’s arm, barely registering anything but that sour scent of
distress that Obi-Wan was putting out as he collapsed in front of
Obi-Wan and dragged the other to his chest, arms wrapping
possessively and protectively around the other.

arms wrapped around him in return, fingertips digging into his back
with enough strength to bruise for sure as Obi-Wan continued shaking
in his grasp. “A-Anakin.” The Jedi master rasped out.

on her way. She’ll be here soon,” Anakin whispered thickly,
nuzzling into greasy hair while dragging Obi-Wan as close as
physically possible. “Gonna take care of you, swear to take care of
you as long as you stay with us.” He promised as red hairs tickled
his nose.

Littlebrokenben: I had sent in an ask but I don’t know if it when through so I’ll try again. What’s Ben gonna do about Anakin? Is he gonna go free him and Shmi from Tatooine?

Pushing a
refurbished scroll into its former place of glory, Ben felt his mind
flicker with thoughts of the future as he mechanically worked with
the finished scrolls and setting them back into their place in the

Since Obi-Wan had
confronted him two nights ago he had let his mind wander more and
more, wondering where in the galaxy Shmi Skywalker was in that moment
as he was not certain she was on Tatooine yet.

She would be
around…somewhere around ten to fifteen if Ben was to guess from the
little information Anakin had given him when they were still together
but he wasn’t sure if she was brought directly to Tatooine or
carted around a few of the hutt owned planets first.

He wasn’t sure
what to do about Anakin honestly but he was certain the boy was going
to exist sometime in the future but that wouldn’t be for years to

Who knew if Shmi
would even be the one to carry him this time.

And Ben had no ship
to travel from Tython to start looking regardless.

Who even knew if
she was alive though Ben hoped she was as she and every
sentient that fell into slavery regardless of the way deserved more
than that. But Ben’s trip into the past had change things clearly.

Honestly at this
point he wasn’t sure if he was even in his own timeline anymore
considering he himself had no memory of going to Tython as a teenager
and never meeting a hermit at the library with Jocasta Nu and his own

It could be
potentially a parallel universe at this point.

A new timeline
separated from the one Ben had come from.

But he wasn’t one
for temporal anomalies, it wasn’t a subject he had devoted much
time to even thought the esoteric aspect of it had been fascinating
but there had always been so much to do during the war that there
wasn’t so much time for personal studies.  

Letting out a
slight sneeze when he disturbed dust in a shelf, Ben chuckled a bit
as one of the mouse droids ran over his foot with a squeaking noise.

They weren’t
heavy so they didn’t hurt and the moments distraction one of the
Sisters of Moona pilgrims took the moment to ask him out about some
of the scrolls on the second floor that was missing which Ben was
more then happy to fill her in was to repair since they had become

She looked highly
disappointed, her lekkus quivering before requesting to be informed
once they were repaired.

Ben nodding,
reaching for a new scroll off the trolley beside him as they spoke
until she was satisfied, slipping the scrolls carefully into the
shelf while looking at the togruta as they spoke. He turned back to
the shelf and continued stacking once the conversation ended, mind
returning to his conundrum.

Or he was until
Qui-Gon was suddenly there by his side, a frown on his face and a
large, warm hand resting on Ben’s shoulder, his other holding a
rolled up scroll he might have been reading moments before or maybe
had a question about which was why he had originally sought out Ben.
“Are you alright Ben?” The man questioned quietly, his voice a
deep rumble.

Squinting up at the
man, Ben blinked. “Yes, I’m fine.” He puzzled when Qui-Gon’s
frown grew.

“Are you sure?
You look flushed and feel muzzy in the Force.” The man explained
and before Ben could step away Qui-Gon reached up and pressed the
back of his hand to Ben’s forehead.

It was cool.

Qui-Gon’s hand
was never cool and yet pressed to Ben’s forehead it now felt cool.

Oh dear, maybe
Qui-Gon was right to question if he was okay.

Smiling meekly up
from under the hand, Ben shrugged. “Well, maybe I have a small
fever considering your hand feels chilly but everyone gets ill now
and then.” He chortled quietly.

Gently the Jedi
master settled his hand back on Ben’s shoulders and started pushing
him away from the shelf. “True but then one should rest,” Qui-Gon
smiled down at him. “If nothing else than a small nap and maybe
some food?” He encouraged quietly when he sensed resistance on
Ben’s part.

His stomach
twisting at the idea of food, Ben sighed. “Well, maybe a small
nap.” He conceded, knowing that Qui-Gon would badger him if he
didn’t agree to something and fell into step with the other man.

A reluctant smile
twitched onto his lips, knowing that this was Qui-Gon’s way of
showing concern.


It had been a long
time since Ben had truly experienced that.

Littlebrokenben: I had sent in an ask but I don’t know if it when through so I’ll try again. What’s Ben gonna do about Anakin? Is he gonna go free him and Shmi from Tatooine?

Pushing a
refurbished scroll into its former place of glory, Ben felt his mind
flicker with thoughts of the future as he mechanically worked with
the finished scrolls and setting them back into their place in the

Since Obi-Wan had
confronted him two nights ago he had let his mind wander more and
more, wondering where in the galaxy Shmi Skywalker was in that moment
as he was not certain she was on Tatooine yet.

She would be
around…somewhere around ten to fifteen if Ben was to guess from the
little information Anakin had given him when they were still together
but he wasn’t sure if she was brought directly to Tatooine or
carted around a few of the hutt owned planets first.

He wasn’t sure
what to do about Anakin honestly but he was certain the boy was going
to exist sometime in the future but that wouldn’t be for years to

Who knew if Shmi
would even be the one to carry him this time.

And Ben had no ship
to travel from Tython to start looking regardless.

Who even knew if
she was alive though Ben hoped she was as she and every
sentient that fell into slavery regardless of the way deserved more
than that. But Ben’s trip into the past had change things clearly.

Honestly at this
point he wasn’t sure if he was even in his own timeline anymore
considering he himself had no memory of going to Tython as a teenager
and never meeting a hermit at the library with Jocasta Nu and his own

It could be
potentially a parallel universe at this point.

A new timeline
separated from the one Ben had come from.

But he wasn’t one
for temporal anomalies, it wasn’t a subject he had devoted much
time to even thought the esoteric aspect of it had been fascinating
but there had always been so much to do during the war that there
wasn’t so much time for personal studies.  

Letting out a
slight sneeze when he disturbed dust in a shelf, Ben chuckled a bit
as one of the mouse droids ran over his foot with a squeaking noise.

They weren’t
heavy so they didn’t hurt and the moments distraction one of the
Sisters of Moona pilgrims took the moment to ask him out about some
of the scrolls on the second floor that was missing which Ben was
more then happy to fill her in was to repair since they had become

She looked highly
disappointed, her lekkus quivering before requesting to be informed
once they were repaired.

Ben nodding,
reaching for a new scroll off the trolley beside him as they spoke
until she was satisfied, slipping the scrolls carefully into the
shelf while looking at the togruta as they spoke. He turned back to
the shelf and continued stacking once the conversation ended, mind
returning to his conundrum.

Or he was until
Qui-Gon was suddenly there by his side, a frown on his face and a
large, warm hand resting on Ben’s shoulder, his other holding a
rolled up scroll he might have been reading moments before or maybe
had a question about which was why he had originally sought out Ben.
“Are you alright Ben?” The man questioned quietly, his voice a
deep rumble.

Squinting up at the
man, Ben blinked. “Yes, I’m fine.” He puzzled when Qui-Gon’s
frown grew.

“Are you sure?
You look flushed and feel muzzy in the Force.” The man explained
and before Ben could step away Qui-Gon reached up and pressed the
back of his hand to Ben’s forehead.

It was cool.

Qui-Gon’s hand
was never cool and yet pressed to Ben’s forehead it now felt cool.

Oh dear, maybe
Qui-Gon was right to question if he was okay.

Smiling meekly up
from under the hand, Ben shrugged. “Well, maybe I have a small
fever considering your hand feels chilly but everyone gets ill now
and then.” He chortled quietly.

Gently the Jedi
master settled his hand back on Ben’s shoulders and started pushing
him away from the shelf. “True but then one should rest,” Qui-Gon
smiled down at him. “If nothing else than a small nap and maybe
some food?” He encouraged quietly when he sensed resistance on
Ben’s part.

His stomach
twisting at the idea of food, Ben sighed. “Well, maybe a small
nap.” He conceded, knowing that Qui-Gon would badger him if he
didn’t agree to something and fell into step with the other man.

A reluctant smile
twitched onto his lips, knowing that this was Qui-Gon’s way of
showing concern.


It had been a long
time since Ben had truly experienced that.

WolfyRubs: can we see what happened when Obi-Wan and Anakin first arrived on the planet that changed them? Was it obvious something was wrong there? Did it take a while? Do they ever go back to investigate why the spore did so? (At least I think it was spores)

bacta onto the burn on Anakin’s cheek, Obi-Wan glared at his mate.
“You are terrible and I hate you.” He hissed before picking up a
bandaid and putting it over the burn to ensure it remained clean and
the bacta made the burn heal up nicely.

would also have left the other alone if Anakin hadn’t wrapped his
damn long arms around him and dragged him into his lap. “No you
don’t, you love me
and want to kiss me and hug me and maaate with me.” Anakin teased,
nosing him with utter delight even as Obi-Wan struggled.

It was
a halfhearted struggle because Anakin had honestly scared him by
blowing up a damn CSI ship on with only a small scouting team at his back.  

down when the other pressed a kiss to his neck, Obi-Wan let out a
quiet but clearly grumpy huff. “…Next time call up backup, don’t
go in there saber blazing.” He muttered.

his uninjured cheek to Obi-Wan’s shoulder, Anakin gave him a softer
smile. “I’ll try but we had the drop on them this time. I’m
sorry Obi-Wan.” He crooned before going the next mile and giving
him the puppy eyes.

a grunt and then keening a bit, Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his
chest. “Oh that’s so unfair, you can’t do that against me.”
He growled before hugging the other, finally relaxing as he held his
mate tightly with the beat of his heart in his ears.

It was
a steady sound, Anakin’s heart and he wrapped his arms around the
wolf, nosing him slowly even as he absently took notice of Plo and
Wolffe speaking about battle lines and supply chains, the one eyed
trooper looking pleased and stern at the same time.

decided to be selfish for a few moments and just press his face to
the blond’s
neck, breathing deeply through his nose as he focused on his mate.

smelling the other, listening to his heart and feeling the others
arms around him.

himself that regardless how reckless Anakin was, he was there, alive
and holding him.

Anakin pressed his nose into the others temple. “I’m sorry, I
didn’t mean to frighten you.” He whispered quietly.

just snuffled a bit before sighing, sitting up a bit and staring at
him. “…When I changed after our visit to Litna III, I knew you
had changed too even if you bore no outside sign like I did from the moment
our feet touched the planet. I could hear every beat of your heart
pumping though, noticed the change in your behavior
and I remember even now wondering if the planet might destroy you, ruin you  and thinking, ‘if I lose him, I don’t know
how the future will continue.’” Obi-Wan said quietly but
seriously. “Please don’t go in without backup again Anakin.”

eyes stared at him, the expression of vulnerability coupled with that
blue bandaid on his cheek before Anakin gave a quick nod and
dragging his mate back to him while huffing out a choked little
whine. “I’m so sorry mate, I won’t. I’m not gonna scare you
again.” He nosed at the other, whispering quiet assurances.

out a heavy breath, Obi-Wan wound his arms around the others upper
back since he was on the others lap. “I just… think back to the
mutagenic spores. How wrong it could have gone, we could have turned
into anything Anakin,
we were lucky,” Obi-Wan murmured seriously while resting his head
on the others shoulder. “There’s a reason all Force sensitive are
banned from touching down there now.” He pressed a gentle kiss to the
others throat, allowing his fangs to gently scratch the skin.

out a little rumbling chest noise, Anakin nodded. “Yeah… yeah I
get it Obi-Wan. I don’t like it when you scare me and you don’t
like it when I scare you. Next time… I’ll think more before I go
in with only a small team.” He swore, pressing a kiss to the others

finding it in him to relax, Obi-Wan let out a breath he hadn’t
known he was holding as his entire body relaxed into the other, hands
sliding down to pet the small of Anakin’s back. “That’s all I
ask for mate, that you look out for yourself as you have asked me to
look out for myself.” He whispered before getting up, knowing he
had to be a General.

followed close, providing a tactile comfort by holding his mates hand
and to their utter relief, no one said anything.

wouldn’t have cared if they did anyhow, he
just needed his mate.