#MysticalRelics- Obi shows off some of his special powers near the element that symbolizes his father/mother. Ani enjoys learning more about his crushes background

Pausing with the glass half raised to his lips, Obi-Wan blinked at the teen sitting beside him. “Come again, could you repeat that?” He questioned, glancing to Mace to see if he had heard right.

Mace however looked as interested in the answer as Anakin did, his chin propped up on his fist as he eyed the two from the leather armchair Obi-Wan recently bought to replace the old one.

“Can you freeze water?” Anakin repeated, swaying lightly on the couch with his palms down on the furniture, his blue eyes focused on Obi-Wan.

Once, that attention would have been unnerving but… well, Obi-Wan had honestly gotten used to the attention if he was frank about it. And Anakin had for the most part learned to temper his powers and not expose too much of it on someone.

Glancing down into his cup, Obi-Wan swirled the water a bit. “I haven’t really tried it,” He mused, frowning slightly. “But ice is water, so it should be part of my powers now that I think about it,” Obi-Wan took a quick sip to wet his throat and then set the glass down on the caff table on the old coaster. “Why do you ask?”

Anakin squirmed a bit. “I was just wondering honestly, cause I was thinking about how you made me fill up those batteries by summoning a lightening charge and focusing it and that made me think about the things you could do,” Mace narrowed his eyes at Obi-Wan and the redhead covered a cough. Yeaaah, he hadn’t cleared that particular activity with Mace before doing it but oh well. “And water is your domain, so shouldn’t ice be part of it?” Anakin continued, oblivious to his master giving Obi-Wan the stink eye.

Sitting back on the couch, Obi-Wan stroked his chin, thoughtfully eyeing the glass as he smoothed his thumb over his facial hair. “There is potential in it. I must admit, I have never tried but…” He paused, lips pursed as he stared at the water in the glass.

The prospect of controlling ice was something Obi-Wan did not think he could do, that seemed more elemental control than what his godly parent had as domain and ice in itself was rigid.

However… maybe he could direct the water and then freeze it?

He could imagine several instances such a thing could be very useful for.

Pulling the water from his glass, Obi-Wan settled it between his hands, controlling it while ignoring Anakin’s excited little gasp.

Anakin had a tendency to like it too much when Obi-Wan did use the inheritance powers that they shared in their bloodline.

It was easy to hold the water trapped like that, as if it was still in a container.

And as if it was clay and not water, Obi-Wan molded it after a thoughtful little hum, shaping the nubian ship they had landed on Tatooine with so long ago. “I don’t think I can control ice, ice is part of the waters domain but its unyielding, ice does not bend but crumble. I make water bend to my control, I am its master so to speak,” He glanced at Anakin first, to see if the other got it then he glanced to Mace. “However, if I give up the control of it…”

Mace looked fascinated, staring at the water as Obi-Wan made it shift through shapes, all from lighsabers, crystals, Jedi he knew and ships that Obi-Wan was aware of before he settled and focused properly as the water settled on Qui-Gon’s shape.

And there Obi-Wan gave up his control, turning the water into ice as he gave up the water.

A light mist rose from it, Qui-Gon’s defined features for all of them to see as the frost smoke rose due to the difference in temperature.

“Wizard!” Anakin gasped, beaming at Obi-Wan as he glanced from the figure to Obi-Wan, blue eyes wide with delight.

Sending the teen a small smirk, Obi-Wan stood and made his way to the kitchen to place the figure in the freezer.

He’d get a case to keep it in, a chilled one. Qui-Gon would get a kick out of it if Obi-Wan could bring it to the halls to show him.

Sometime, to gain anything, you’d have to give up control of something.

Mythical relics. Does Anakin become more possessive of Obi as he gets older? How does he react to Palpatine saying bad things about Obi?

Reaching out slowly, Anakin brushed the knight’s hair out of his face, watching Obi-Wan sleep slackened face intently.

The dim light from the open door was the only thing filling the dark bedroom, showing Anakin that the other was once more in the thin sleep tunic he tended to favor late at night and it didn’t escape Anakin’s notice that Obi-Wan had a fuzzy blanket with his duvet, keeping the other warm.

‘He must have used too much Force today during his katas and sparrings,’ Anakin noted to himself as Obi-Wan didn’t even twitch at being touch, his cheek slightly cold to the touch. Becoming bolder at the lack of reaction, Anakin let his fingertips trace down to the other stubbled cheek, lingering on the round brown spot near the corner of his lip. ‘He has so many freckles.’

Each time Obi-Wan went out on a mission to a sunny place, he always returned with new freckles Anakin had noticed, not tanning at all like Anakin did. Even master Mace turned darker when they went to a sunny mission, though not by much but it was enough that Anakin could notice since he spent so much time with his master.

And Depa teased their master all the time about it every time she came over for tea or a meal.

But Obi-Wan was so pale, even now Anakin couldn’t help but marvel at how pale the other was compared to what Anakin was used to when growing up on the dust ball called Tatooine.

The Chancellor had said something about it being because of where Obi-Wan was originally from.

The thought of the old man made Anakin’s nose wrinkle and he pulled his hand back, settling it in his lap as he stared quietly at Obi-Wan. He had told the Chancellor that he would be sleeping at Obi-Wan’s quarters today because his own master had a long night ahead of him due to being on the council.

The Chancellor… had been less than flattering about Obi-Wan.

Anakin didn’t like it, he had always been clingy of Obi-Wan and to hear someone talk negatively of him… it wasn’t wizard at all.

It prevented him from sleeping, which was why he was sitting on Obi-Wan’s bedside.

If Anakin was honest, he might have done this anyhow, even if the Chancellor hadn’t unsettled him.

He liked watching Obi-Wan sleep, as creepy as that might sound to some, to see him soft and content.

And he was content, his sleep was good and deep and if he was having dreams as Anakin suspected from the rapid eye movement under his eyelids, they were good dreams and that soothed some of Anakin’s disquiet.

When Anakin first joined the temple, he hadn’t thought much about the Chancellor speaking with him, outside of being flattered that such a powerful man was interested in him. It was of course due to helping Naboo but still!

It had been so wizard and Anakin was only ten and had missed a lot of context in the Chancellor’s words.

He wasn’t ten anymore, he was fourteen and he understood more, his mind had become more mature along with learning to control his powers and maturing to understand more complex things.

Oh, the Chancellor wasn’t overt about it, but Anakin had come to realize that the way the Chancellor worded certain things put Obi-Wan either in a slightly negative or outright negative way, as if he was a detriment to Anakin’s future and powers.

Not that the Chancellor knew about the powers Obi-Wan was helping him understand and control.

Low be that they were both different and knew what they were, that didn’t mean instant control, Anakin very well knew that and so did that poor salle that he had unfortunately almost burned to cinders when Obi-Wan was teaching him to control his powers.

Not that either of them had expected lightening to abruptly appear when Anakin was focusing but… well, they learned.

Obi-Wan was very careful when selecting a private sparring salle these days, often opting to the sky ones.

Staring down at Obi-Wan, Anakin reached out again to gently run the back of his knuckles over Obi-Wan’s cheek again. He felt his breath hitch a bit with surprise and something else when the other leaned into his fingertips, Obi-Wan letting out a soft puff of air over chapped lips. ‘Has… has he always been this pretty to look at?’ Flushing darkly, Anakin snatched his hand away, biting his lips as he stared wide eyed at the knight. ‘Did I always think he was pretty?’

MythicalRelics – Y’know, I almost pity the Council. Obi-wan and Anakin have just taken their nice, comfortable worldview and shaken it like a toddler shakes a snowglobe. At least a couple of them are probably having a BSOD moment right about now. XD If it’s not too much trouble (and the muses cooperate), could we get a bit of Mace’s perspective on this mess?

Its not that he doesn’t believe.

Actually, in all honesty, Mace quite easily believes young Kenobi and his words, doesn’t really need Plo to confirm the man’s mental states all that much.

There has always been something different and strange about him, even for a Jedi.

Something that had been tucked away as he grew older, as if he learned to control it but Mace remembers a young redhead that smiled a bit too widely, remembered glowing eyes in the dark and something a bit too knowing in a too young face.

But its still a hard pill to swallow, especially seeing how much power the boy has over Kenobi.

There is much danger in the boy, untrained he’s still powerful, trained he will know how to conduct that power.

So many shatterpoints.

There is power with becoming a Jedi.

Power that goes to some people’s head, its why one of the reasons they take only young people due to teaching them the dangers of abusing such powers.

He knows they are not the only one to take their members on young, several other Force organizations do so too, though many view the Jedi as baby snatchers.

There is after all a reason they do not go to Bardotta.

That is neither here nor there in the current situation.

What matters right now is a young boy with eyes that are far too powerful and a smile too full of teeth, the smell of ozone in the air around him as power practically crackles and the sight of Kenobi on his knees, his own teeth hidden and his eyes glowing faintly.

He’s not sure what the rest of the council is thinking, but he knows what he is as he stands and moves in front of the boy, staring down into blue eyes.

The whispers of how dangerous a path this is, is clear to Mace, how much this boy could damage not only Kenobi but the order.

And yet…

Slowly, Mace knelt down, ignoring Kenobi for now as he trusted Qui-Gon to at least take care of his padawan for now. Instead he offered his own hand to the boy. “Anakin Skywalker, I offer you a place as my padawan,” He stated, ignoring the murmurs behind him and the sound of Depa standing. He was fully focused on the power of those two blue, glowing eyes. “It will not be an easy path if you accept, there will be sacrifices for the future that you do not understand now. But if you accept, I will train you and if you choose to leave, I will guide you to a new path if so desired. But this is your only chance to accept me as your teacher or leave the temple for another path.” He stated sternly.

He left the decision in the boys hands.

Whatever happened here, whatever else, the boy would know that he choose the Jedi order.

Mace had offered him chances.

The chance to say no and go another way, the chance to say yes and decide later on that he wanted to leave with the blessing of the Jedi council or stay, become one of them.

But regardless, Mace offered this former slave child with too much power and too much strength the power to choose.

And maybe, for all that he had the power that practically lived beneath his skin, maybe no one had ever given Anakin Skywalker a choice before.

Because the boy was staring at him with suddenly wide and vulnerable eyes.

Slowly, ever so achingly slow, Anakin Skywalker put his hand into Mace Windu’s, staring at him searchingly.

Whatever he saw, whatever he was looking for, the Tatooine native found it in the Korun’s eyes because he tightened his grip Mace large hand and stepped closer, moving away from Kenobi, who let out a shuddering breath of relief at the distance. “Please, train me.” Anakin stated, almost a tad shyly.

Tightening his grip on the boy’s hand, Mace smiled slightly. “Then welcome to my lineage, padawan Skywalker.” He stated quietly, feeling several shatterpoints suddenly close and die while others opened up, far into the future.