Hoping to see more of so many great stories. In AWOL Jedi, how did the Kamino raid go? Did they discover somethin odd like the longnecks had started a huge batch when the others disappeared? Did Bail react better than Padme to Jedi/vod wanting lives? I’d like to think some senators have realized how they took the jedi for granted as tools not a service corps. ty ty again!

Scratching at his scalp in quiet, bewildering rage, Cody stared at the little pods tucked in among all of the vode. Beside him Shaak Ti also stared, her hands tucked into her sleeve as her lekku’s twitched with hidden emotion.

Honestly, Cody had never learned to read the direct emotional tells of lekku’s but he knew she was agitated at the very least.

Maybe also ashamed?

How the longnecks had managed to hide this from the Jedi was a big question but somehow they had.

The longnecks had been trying to clone Jedi.

They had little success and Cody dreaded what the terminal they had sliced would reveal, what information would come up about the little ones before.

But for now they had rescued twenty little pods that did not contain vode.

Five little Obi-Wan Kenobi’s, five little Anakin Skywalker’s, five little Aayla Secura’s and five little Yoda’s from what Cody could tell.

How had the kaminoan’s managed to get the DNA necessary to make the little ones?!

Troopers were the DNA givers once Jango Fett died, had the damn longnecks been scrounging battlefields for blood samples or something or had they used bounty hunters to break into the Jedi temple for tissue samples?

Regardless of the how, the most burning question was the why.

And unfortunately, Cody could make a few guesses.

The kaminoans wouldn’t blink twice about selling a Force sensitive ‘weapon’ to the highest bidder. Just as they had made the clone army, their cloning stations were now for sale and while officially they could deny what was going on, black market sale of these little look alikes to the Jedi order could flourish.

Cody jumped a bit as General Ti reached out, settling one hand on the closest pod, marked with Y-11, and star dust, Cody didn’t want to think about what that meant for the little Yoda clones before this one.

Observing quietly, Cody watched as the little and almost disgustingly adorable baby stretched inside the tank, seemingly yawn and reach out in turn to General Ti. “…Sir?” He whispered.

A lekku twitched in his direction. “…They are all Force sensitive. They seem… untampered strangely enough.” She murmured.

And that was strange.

The longnecks would want to grow their products quickly so they could sell them quickly.

Frowning darkly at the pods, Cody crossed his arms over his chest, tapping his vambrace with his gloved fingertips before a thought came to him. “Maybe they tried but it didn’t work?” Cody stated quietly, continuing when Shaak opened her eyes to look at him. “Force sensitivity is harder to replicate than just a person. Several troopers are Force sensitive even if we were never trained for it,” He continued at her curious eyes. “And these little ones aren’t the first.” He stated darkly.

Both he and Ti looked back at the pods. AS-23-28, OWK-14-19, AaS-26-31, Y-11-16, indicating how many there either at one point had been or how many had failed and then been… disposed of.

“…I fear you may be right Commander,” Shaak stated softly, pulling her hand back and sliding it into her sleeves. “I am only sorry we did not discover this before. Just as I am sorry we did not find you and your vode before.” She sent him a sad look.

It wasn’t the first time Cody had heard that, when Jedi took over, all decommissioning stopped right in their tracks, even before the troopers were relegated to different tasks.

“…You found us, that’s enough General.” Cody murmured, his mind turning to the man that had found them for real, to Obi-Wan.

He hoped the man was safe, he hoped Coruscant was kind to them… he hoped Fox was looking out for Cody’s Jedi.

I love so MANY of your stories and right now I want to see where AWOL is going. If the Senate group is the distraction, how did the Kamino raid go? I can’t wait until the little cadets show up and the twins have a creche group of hundreds. Will someone attack the diplomatic group and those Masters remind the Senate how Bamf those Masters are despite pretty feathers?I can feel for Padme, but she neglected her children and husband who was giving all up to be with her… More pls

Huffing faintly with relief as the communication hub powered down, Obi-Wan peered at the others.

To be frank, they hadn’t thought this far because they weren’t sure what was going to happen once they were on Coruscant but so far they hadn’t ended up jailed just yet or attacked despite glares and an uneasy Senate.

No plans ever really survived contact with the enemy, so beyond ‘get on Coruscant and keep the galaxy eye on us and not any potential distress signals from Kamino.’ there hadn’t really been any plans on their end.

Cody and the council masters going with the troopers to Kamino however had several plans that Obi-Wan had been faintly aware of.

But Cody and the other vode were now done, all the young clones, at least by the vode standard with the speedy aging, liberated from Tipoca City, the samples of DNA the kaminoans had were destroyed to avoid them creating more and the planet were in full information blackout as the younglings and older vode were being transported to Vercopa, post haste.

Which meant that the Jedi on Coruscant could also leave.

But not obviously.

Ever since they landed, their rented apartment in the Senatorial district had been under watch at all times by several factions, from bounty hunters, senate owned guards, spies and the Coruscant guard, though the latter were there to pretend they were still serving the Senate.

But Fox was doing his to keep the Jedi safe for his brothers more than anything.

‘And I imagine lately because he’s getting along with Plo and Depa.’ Obi-Wan thought in amusement to himself, having found the Commander in deep conversation with both at separate occasions.

Maybe he should warn Commander Wolffe that his vod looked like he was about to either steal his buir or that he’d have more brothers adopted by his Jedi and would have to share the man even more?

Honestly, if it could breath and talk and stayed still for longer than ten minutes, Plo was bound to adopt it at some point Obi-Wan had come to learn, much to his own amusement as he got to learn just how many creche younglings Plo had come back with.

And no one would be forgetting ‘Plo’s bros’ nose art anytime soon, considering how many depictions of the Wolfpack and Plo with those words were on different ships in various sizes.

Someone cleared their throats and Obi-Wan focused back, looking to Oppo as the thisspiasian flickered his tail. “It seems we can now make preparations to leave, not that it would take long should we request Commander Fox help I would imagine.” The man mused, looking to Plo and Depa.

Both looked to each other before both also nodded. “Fox is quite capable, as most of the officers of the vode,” Depa agreed softly, Obi-Wan absently reaching up to pet Stass head as she tiredly rested it on her shoulder. “I’ll contact him, hear if he could find us a ship and where we should go to get off Coruscant.” She stood, moving to away so Stass could rest.

Honestly, the sooner they left, the better in Obi-Wan’s eyes.

He wanted to go home and looking at the old temple was causing a melancholic ache in his chest most days, being in the Senate caused frustration and some anger and talking to Padme…

He’d rather not honestly.

“I rather imagine we’ll be sneaking about a bit,” Plo mused, tapping his claws on his knee. When the others shot him a look, except for Depa and Stass, he shrugged. “We wouldn’t want to alert our little audience to our escape now, would we.” He stated with some amusement.

Snorting, Obi-Wan agreed, reaching out and carefully shifting Stass to lay her head in his lap as she fell properly asleep. “True. I guess we’ll be jumping out some windows or something in the middle of the night… bugger that.” He sighed.

Flickering his tail on the floor, Oppo sighed too. “At least we aren’t going through the sewers, nasty business that… especially for me.” He sent them all a look, Plo, Mace and Obi-Wan grimacing in agreement.

At least they had boots on their feet compared to Oppo slithering through the sewers.

“Window’s it is.” Mace agreed before giving Stass a glance and shrugging, laying down on the other side of Obi-Wan on the couch and using the rest of his lap, much to the bemusement of the stewjoni as Plo snapped a picture for prosperity.

For Candle in the Dark, what did Obi-Wan intend to do while his lineage was checking the chips? What would he wanted to do first? See Archives to understand where timelines diverted? Go to see the memorial for the Other-self? He must be starting to realize how much he is like his sithy twin… that all these sith LIKE him. I could see him finding Mace either place, Did Mace get black-veiny? He should start recovering once he knows why, right? TY TY TY for this!

Staring up at the face so like his own, Obi-Wan blinked slowly as he tried to understand.

This universe was so different and yet the same in so many ways that he wasn’t sure what he was suppose to do.

From what Obi-Wan had managed to figure out for himself by meditating, him being in this universe was as much an accident as on purpose, a temple summoning him when the Force in his own universe screeched in pain.

Him being pulled out of his own universe had been on purpose but ending up in this one had been the accident.

So Obi-Wan was doubtful what exactly he was suppose to do.

From the reports and news he had managed to read and the few things Anakin and Qui-Gon accidentally left around the quarters, he could tell that the war was actually going quite well for the Sith.

They were gaining ground a lot faster thanks to the trooper and their own powers, seeing as they didn’t hold back where the Jedi would have.

Jedi had always been peace keepers after all…but at the same time they didn’t decimate people or rule as hard as the Sith of Obi-Wan’s universe.

It was perplexing and he had needed space, which was why he had asked if he could go explore the temple on his own.

Much to his surprise, both of his Sithly caretakers had agreed, if reluctantly and he hadn’t felt anyone following him around so it seemed they took his request seriously. Not that he wasn’t under observation that was, the other Sith made no qualms about watching him but…

Their gaze weren’t hostile.

Uncertain, curious and maybe a hopeful but not… not with murderous intentions.

So Obi-Wan had skulked about, trying to understand, trying to see.

And what he saw…

Well, he was more confused than ever because outside of the kind of Force these Sith used, they weren’t the same.

They were dark, negative emotions flourished but, they didn’t consume, so far, only very few looked like the Dark side of the Force was eating them in a round about way. The children in the creche were happy, they played and meditated and were… just children.

The students in the halls studied art, saber forms, history and even negotiation.

He had caught two knights arguing Fellisian philosophy, which was a mixture of dark and light Force intertwined and the Archives…

It was all the same, just… slightly different.

Like the shades of a new drape if had to replace only one pair in a great hall, the older, weathered ones looking darker from time with the newer one showing only the slight difference.

It was just perplexing, to the point Obi-Wan had to put the thoughts aside and had gone to one of the lesser used salles to do some katas.

And even that was the same, the katas were the same.

As much as he was being observed, Obi-Wan observed the Sith back and it was just confusing to him if he was honest.

So here he was, looking up at himself, the Sith version of himself but so painfully younger.

It had been an accident honestly, stumbling upon the hall of memorial, coming to the memory moth cylinder, hearing them whisper names and he was sure he heard his own several times. But a Force prodding had lead him down the hall of Sith master’s bronze statues, curiously eyeing several that he recognized from his own world but just… slightly different.

And then he found his own, matching the other masters with a slightly larger statue than the person it was made to.

So painfully young to look at with that cocky smile and eyes that seemed to glimmer but the features… they were Obi-Wan spot on, this statue had been made by someone that was familiar with him, whoever had been the artist had done more than a decent jo-

“Qui-Gon made it,” A deep, rumbling voice echoed behind him, a voice Obi-Wan recognized even without turning around to look who it was. Mace stepped towards him, silent as death but stopping before he was too close. “He wouldn’t let anyone else do it, threatened and bribed until we gave in… warped several crates of bronze before he was happy with the result.” The master of the order stated before looking up at the statue face.

Staring at the man, Obi-Wan glanced back at the statue. “…I’m not him.” He whispered quietly, slowly turning his head to Mace again.

The Sith took another two step towards him, once more stopping, the lights from the memory moth shining over his face. “And we know that. We can tell the difference. Our Obi-Wan made bonds as easily as he breathed, had no fear and liked to tease the entire temple,” He stated softly, molten lava eyes turning brown as he kept Obi-Wan’s gaze. “But… you aren’t that different either. And we are willing to give you a home here.” He settled on, raising a hand, holding it up with his palm open.

Letting out startled little meep, Obi-Wan stared at the offered hand.

Slowly, hesitantly, he took a step to the Sith, glancing up at Mace brown eyes before reaching out nervously, settling his hand in the much larger one.

Just like Qui-Gon’s, it was warm and it gently wrapped around his as Mace smiled at him, the corners of his lips rising slightly, carefully pulling him away towards the door of the hall. “You do not have to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Sith knight… you can be Obi-Wan the Jedi master, we will not changes that about you. We want you as you are, not as who you could imitate.” He stated softly.

With a lump in his throat, Obi-Wan slowly followed the man out of hall of memorial. ‘As who I am…’

In Fallen For You, I’d love to see some notable progress for the boys. Obi-Wan regaining physical strength, even if cautious emotionally, and Anakin connecting with the Force well with Plo in calm. (perhaps Kenobi’s early anger issues just are to simiilar to work well for Ani? Or Ahsoka’s training in jarkai give Obi-Wan needed confidence? Just more?

Breathing out heavily, Anakin’s
eyes opened slowly, flickering blue for a few seconds before turning
back to yellow as he blinked at the master in front of him, the
two kneeling in the quarters of the older master.

felt like he had been there for hours, kneeling on the cold floor,
facing master Plo but Anakin knew, by the moving shadow on the floor,
that no more than an hour and a half had passed since it was still

do you feel?” Plo murmured once
he was sure Anakin had surfaced from his meditation,
lifting one hand off his lap
to push
the tray between them towards the human.

slightly, shakily grasping the glass
of mixed fruit juices, Anakin swallowed thickly. “Somehow sore and
pained despite simply sitting here. I can’t believe how hard this
is.” He mumbled quietly, voice slightly raspy before he took a big
sip of juice to sooth his
parched throat as best he could.

slowly, Plo stroked his chin slowly. “I’m not shocked, the dark
side is not the path for those who enjoy comforts, it is built on
pain, wrath,
despair and grief as you
know. To
purge it from oneself has to be more difficult than defending oneself
from it as Jedi do through
their entire life.” He
settled on with a deep sigh.

off the cold juice, grateful that Plo had the forethought to get
some, Anakin nodded slowly. “I
still can’t thank you enough for doing this, I know I haven’t
done much progress and I know it’s been hard but do
not think I’m not grateful.”
He pointed out quietly, lips
twitching into a half smile.

paused, tilting his head before chuckling quietly, shaking his head
slowly. “The
right thing is never simple to do,” Plo smiled kindly at him, the
time Anakin had spent with the kel dor master making it easier for
the human to read the shifts in facial traits that the breathing mask
couldn’t hide. “And for a friend, it is the least I can do.” He
raised one clawed hand, resting it on Anakin’s shoulder.

Those words humbled and
delighted Anakin at the same time, defanged that constantly hissing
snake in his chest that tried to wrap around him a thousand times to
enrage him and he couldn’t do anything but smile at the kel dor.

Patting his shoulder
lightly, Plo hummed before standing up and offering his hand to
Anakin, helping him up.

Something he actually

With a deep groan and a
loud knee pop, Anakin finally stood on slightly wobbly legs with the
juice bottle held in his free hand. “Force, it feels more like I’ve
gone five rounds in the salle instead of meditating. Or a boxing
match with a besalisk.” He huffed deeply.

Chuckling louder at that,
Plo settled his hand on Anakin’s back, guiding him towards the
door. “Sometimes, when one is in turmoil, that is just how it is.
But onto other news, how has Obi-Wan been doing this week?” He questioned as they stopped
by the door, both reaching for their boots.

Slipping the bottle into
his belt hook quickly, Anakin let out a weary but pleased smile.
“Showing progress since last month, the healers are apparently really pleased with
his physical progress and his conversations with his commander is
also proving fruitful.” He grinned down at his boots, snapping the
fastenings shut.

“That is good, having
someone to confide in is good.” Plo’s voice was deep and

‘I want it to be me
though…’ Anakin’s heart ached a bit but he knew that he wasn’t
the best one for Obi-Wan to be speaking to.

They both knew that should
Obi-Wan speak with Anakin about the trauma of what he went through,
it would keep Anakin angry, it would trigger him and as someone
trying to escape from the dark side as he was, he couldn’t be
constantly angry.

So they had found a

Anakin went to see Plo and
Obi-Wan spoke with Cody, both getting the help they needed.

Of course, Obi-Wan didn’t
only speak with Cody but about this particular subject, he trusted
Cody more than anyone.

And Cody was apparently
slowly getting him to accept the idea of going to a professional
about it too, someone to speak to that could help him untangle the
complicated mess of emotions.

Anakin was honestly
wondering if he shouldn’t do the same thing.

He needed to get better,
for his own sake, for Obi-Wan’s sake and for Ahsoka’s sake.

As he was, he was too
volatile to be a good master and as much as it stung, he had agreed
to temporarily transfer Ahsoka to Plo Koon’s care as a Fallen
master was not a good master, especially one that had to fight
against lashing out when he got emotional.

He didn’t speak up about
any of those thoughts however and simply smiled sadly at Plo,
breathing out when the kel dor placed his hand on Anakin’s shoulder

“It will be well my
friend, do not despair, nothing worth doing is easy and nothing that
is right is simple but in the end it is worth it.” He spoke calmly
to the human.

A deep breath escaped
Anakin at that before he nodded, smiling slightly as he stepped out
of the quarters with Plo following him, the two falling into step
through the empty corridor.