Is Notstrangerstothedark done or can I prompt it again? Because i would love to see Anakin and Obi-Wan’s confrontation, please?

with Padme had helped him clear his head a bit but Anakin had to
admit, he still wasn’t very happy with his master when he finally
returned to the temple and to learn that they would be shipped out
without him…

why wasn’t Obi-Wan being shipped out?

his eyes at his former master’s back as the other puttered with his
tea set for sapir tea, Anakin bit his lips before stepping forward
and turning the other around firmly. “Anakin?” Obi-Wan yelped in
surprise before outright crying out in shock
when the other Jedi firmly stuck his hands under Obi-Wan’s
and lifted him clean off his feet.

the Tatooine native’s face dropped from concentrated frustration to
understanding shock as he stared at the Stewjoni, Anakin’s mouth
dropping open as Obi-Wan squirmed in his grasp and held onto Anakin’s
wrists while loudly complaining and demanding to be set down and how
undignified they both looked. “You lost weight!” Anakin snapped
out as if personally offended by that fact, dropping Obi-Wan down on
his feet.

his hands still on Anakin’s wrists, Obi-Wan stared up at him before
hunching in a bit.

dropping and pulling up around his ears, eyes turning to his bare
feet and spine curving.

the sight made the anger in Anakin’s chest still then sputter out
as if someone had thrown cold water on it, the blond sighing deeply.
“Is this why Vos and Bant are hanging around? You’re missing
meals and replacing sleep with meditation again?”
He questioned quietly, more despairing.

hunched even more in on himself.

then again, disappointment was always worse
than anger.

wonder Vos is all up in arms,” Anakin rubbed a hand over his face,
grunting a bit before settling his fingers under Obi-Wan’s chin,
tilting his master’s head up to look at him. “Why didn’t you
tell me?” He asked quietly. The words ‘I would have helped you’
were clearly tacked on but unsaid between them.

opened his mouth then closed it, trying to gather himself before he
sighed tiredly and leaned back to press his lower back to the counter
and escape Anakin’s rather gentle fingers under his chin. “I
just… I didn’t want to worry you or upset you. You tend to…
overreact when I don-”

deadpanned look crossed Anakin’s face, cutting Obi-Wan’s stilted
words off without the blond needing to do anything else. “Right,
because you losing and gaining it like a yo-yo
is so healthy and therefor we are going to react like normal adults
about it, its not like you’re putting your body through massive
strain.” He said bitingly, sighing when Obi-Wan flinched.

two went quiet for a long few minutes, Anakin rubbing his forehead.

you having nightmares too?” The knight murmured then huffed when
Obi-Wan winched. “Of course you are and you didn’t come to me
when you had a panic attack triggered by all of it, nope, Vos had to
find you and I just… Obi-Wan I thought you trusted me?” Anakin
questioned sharply.

as if hit, Obi-Wan looked up at the other in panic. “I do!” He
quickly said. “It’s just that…” Obi-Wan swallowed heavily.

Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, quiet desperation in his voice and somehow
that was worse than the disappointment because Obi-Wan outright
slumped, his head bowing.

just don’t want to be a burden Anakin.” Obi-Wan whispered

in surprise, Anakin stared at his brother in all but blood,
hesitating before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around the
other Jedi who tensed in his arms.

Obi-Wan dropped his cheek on Anakin’s collarbone, huffing out a
shaking breath. “I just don’t want to become an inconvenience
Anakin…” He added quietly against the black tunic and tabards.
“You have so much else to do. There’s the war, your duties, your
visits to the Senate and then there’s Ahsoka. I don’t want to
steal your time for my problems.” Obi-Wan confessed quietly.

his hands in the dip of Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin bit his lower lip.
‘I could drop a few of those Senate visit… not the ones to Padme
but I’m sure the Chancellor would understand if I tell him I have
Jedi business.’ He mused to himself before holding the other
tightly. “…Please talk with me Obi-Wan, I know its unbecoming
but… I’m still your former padawan, I still care for you and… I
don’t want anyone to take my place.” Anakin admitted quietly,
knowing the other would read between the lines and find Anakin’s

was a little noise against his chest. “…I just don’t want to be
a burden Anakin…” Obi-Wan repeated.

not a burden to me Obi-Wan… why do you keep saying that?’ Anakin
settled his cheek on the others hair, staring at the forgotten kettle
for Obi-Wan’s tea. ‘Why do you think you’ll be a burden…’

Is Notstrangerstothedark done or can I prompt it again? Because i would love to see Anakin and Obi-Wan’s confrontation, please?

with Padme had helped him clear his head a bit but Anakin had to
admit, he still wasn’t very happy with his master when he finally
returned to the temple and to learn that they would be shipped out
without him…

why wasn’t Obi-Wan being shipped out?

his eyes at his former master’s back as the other puttered with his
tea set for sapir tea, Anakin bit his lips before stepping forward
and turning the other around firmly. “Anakin?” Obi-Wan yelped in
surprise before outright crying out in shock
when the other Jedi firmly stuck his hands under Obi-Wan’s
and lifted him clean off his feet.

the Tatooine native’s face dropped from concentrated frustration to
understanding shock as he stared at the Stewjoni, Anakin’s mouth
dropping open as Obi-Wan squirmed in his grasp and held onto Anakin’s
wrists while loudly complaining and demanding to be set down and how
undignified they both looked. “You lost weight!” Anakin snapped
out as if personally offended by that fact, dropping Obi-Wan down on
his feet.

his hands still on Anakin’s wrists, Obi-Wan stared up at him before
hunching in a bit.

dropping and pulling up around his ears, eyes turning to his bare
feet and spine curving.

the sight made the anger in Anakin’s chest still then sputter out
as if someone had thrown cold water on it, the blond sighing deeply.
“Is this why Vos and Bant are hanging around? You’re missing
meals and replacing sleep with meditation again?”
He questioned quietly, more despairing.

hunched even more in on himself.

then again, disappointment was always worse
than anger.

wonder Vos is all up in arms,” Anakin rubbed a hand over his face,
grunting a bit before settling his fingers under Obi-Wan’s chin,
tilting his master’s head up to look at him. “Why didn’t you
tell me?” He asked quietly. The words ‘I would have helped you’
were clearly tacked on but unsaid between them.

opened his mouth then closed it, trying to gather himself before he
sighed tiredly and leaned back to press his lower back to the counter
and escape Anakin’s rather gentle fingers under his chin. “I
just… I didn’t want to worry you or upset you. You tend to…
overreact when I don-”

deadpanned look crossed Anakin’s face, cutting Obi-Wan’s stilted
words off without the blond needing to do anything else. “Right,
because you losing and gaining it like a yo-yo
is so healthy and therefor we are going to react like normal adults
about it, its not like you’re putting your body through massive
strain.” He said bitingly, sighing when Obi-Wan flinched.

two went quiet for a long few minutes, Anakin rubbing his forehead.

you having nightmares too?” The knight murmured then huffed when
Obi-Wan winched. “Of course you are and you didn’t come to me
when you had a panic attack triggered by all of it, nope, Vos had to
find you and I just… Obi-Wan I thought you trusted me?” Anakin
questioned sharply.

as if hit, Obi-Wan looked up at the other in panic. “I do!” He
quickly said. “It’s just that…” Obi-Wan swallowed heavily.

Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, quiet desperation in his voice and somehow
that was worse than the disappointment because Obi-Wan outright
slumped, his head bowing.

just don’t want to be a burden Anakin.” Obi-Wan whispered

in surprise, Anakin stared at his brother in all but blood,
hesitating before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around the
other Jedi who tensed in his arms.

Obi-Wan dropped his cheek on Anakin’s collarbone, huffing out a
shaking breath. “I just don’t want to become an inconvenience
Anakin…” He added quietly against the black tunic and tabards.
“You have so much else to do. There’s the war, your duties, your
visits to the Senate and then there’s Ahsoka. I don’t want to
steal your time for my problems.” Obi-Wan confessed quietly.

his hands in the dip of Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin bit his lower lip.
‘I could drop a few of those Senate visit… not the ones to Padme
but I’m sure the Chancellor would understand if I tell him I have
Jedi business.’ He mused to himself before holding the other
tightly. “…Please talk with me Obi-Wan, I know its unbecoming
but… I’m still your former padawan, I still care for you and… I
don’t want anyone to take my place.” Anakin admitted quietly,
knowing the other would read between the lines and find Anakin’s

was a little noise against his chest. “…I just don’t want to be
a burden Anakin…” Obi-Wan repeated.

not a burden to me Obi-Wan… why do you keep saying that?’ Anakin
settled his cheek on the others hair, staring at the forgotten kettle
for Obi-Wan’s tea. ‘Why do you think you’ll be a burden…’

Manyhusbands : now that he knows, Anakin is more observant and he sees how good , supporting the clones can be with Obi-Wan. It makes him realize he doesn’t support so much Padme s work, and he starts talking more about it with her. Suddenly he’s a lot more difficult to manipulate for Palpatine.

that they aren’t hiding it anymore or at least they aren’t trying
to be totally secretive, its easier for Anakin to see how happy the
other Jedi is with his husbands.

not that they go out of their way to do things for Obi-Wan, though
Anakin have come over whispered conversations about getting Obi-Wan
to take a break for a good sleep twice now, but it is more how they
act around him on a day to day.

brushes of contact between them, small smiles exchanged, fond eyes…

the troopers weren’t the only ones. Obi-Wan would reach out for
them in return, his fingertips lingering when accepting reports, the
corners of his lips quirking up into a soft smile, his shoulder
pressed against the one at his side as he easily accepted the touch.

he didn’t used to when I was young…’ Anakin crossed his arms
over his chest loosely, observing everything quietly while pretending
he wasn’t. Obi-Wan would always be his master and Obi-Wan was very
good at caring… but he was also very bad at physical affection.

Anakin had become his padawan he had quickly noticed how stiff
Obi-Wan was, how he seemed to struggle with touch and a few weeks of
observing other master and padawan pairs had confirmed to him that it
was Obi-Wan, not all teacher and students.

Obi-Wan who seemed to pull himself apart.

would have hurt Anakin, who was a very affectionate child, if he
hadn’t also caught onto how it wasn’t just him.

was charming in the field, he was flirtatious though as his padawan
those first two years Anakin didn’t always catch it but he also
kept himself apart, kept himself away from people and seemed to try
to keep at least a step between himself and those closest to him if
he could.

included Jedi.

couldn’t count the amount of time Obi-Wan would discreetly shuffle
a bit away in salle’s or meditation halls if he felt like someone
was getting to close in his personal bubble and war had done nothing
to improve that, no Anakin would say that Obi-Wan’s touch aversion
had become worse when he would even tense under Anakin’s light
touches if they spent too much time apart and had to readjust himself
to touch.

here… with them…

they were doing exactly what Obi-Wan needed, were doing exactly what
he needed to keep him well adjusted and wasn’t that just a sucker

to be fair, they’re with him all the time, they spend intimate time
with him… how long is it since we shared a bed now?’ Anakin mused
to himself. Force it had to be at least half a year before the war,
that disaster mission to Apripos where they had to share a bunk on
that livestock shipment where it had taken Obi-Wan over two hours to
finally relax enough to settle against his padawan and really sleep.

Anakin may not understand polymore relationships and
it was certainly not for him as he was more than happy with his
Padme… but he could see the goodness it brought Obi-Wan, could see
the love in his eyes when he watched his husbands and it reflected in
the others behavior with how easily he accepted a hug or a hand on
his shoulder.

were helping Obi-Wan, loving him as he deserved and Obi-Wan loved
them in return just as fiercely.

a wry smile on his lips as Obi-Wan gently brushed his fingertips
against Boil’s gloved hand when the other delivered a report,
Anakin decided that this was one of the best things to have happened
his former master.

happy for you Obi-Wan. I am so happy for you. Finally
you goober.’ He got to his feet and wandered over to the display to
read the report over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, his hand finding the
others relaxed shoulder.

remained relaxed under his touch.

need to buy his husbands cigars or something, celebrate them
somehow.’ Anakin smile grew as he also thought of his own wife, wishing he could speak with her. He was a tiny bit envious at this moment if he was honest.

Manyhusbands : now that he knows, Anakin is more observant and he sees how good , supporting the clones can be with Obi-Wan. It makes him realize he doesn’t support so much Padme s work, and he starts talking more about it with her. Suddenly he’s a lot more difficult to manipulate for Palpatine.

that they aren’t hiding it anymore or at least they aren’t trying
to be totally secretive, its easier for Anakin to see how happy the
other Jedi is with his husbands.

not that they go out of their way to do things for Obi-Wan, though
Anakin have come over whispered conversations about getting Obi-Wan
to take a break for a good sleep twice now, but it is more how they
act around him on a day to day.

brushes of contact between them, small smiles exchanged, fond eyes…

the troopers weren’t the only ones. Obi-Wan would reach out for
them in return, his fingertips lingering when accepting reports, the
corners of his lips quirking up into a soft smile, his shoulder
pressed against the one at his side as he easily accepted the touch.

he didn’t used to when I was young…’ Anakin crossed his arms
over his chest loosely, observing everything quietly while pretending
he wasn’t. Obi-Wan would always be his master and Obi-Wan was very
good at caring… but he was also very bad at physical affection.

Anakin had become his padawan he had quickly noticed how stiff
Obi-Wan was, how he seemed to struggle with touch and a few weeks of
observing other master and padawan pairs had confirmed to him that it
was Obi-Wan, not all teacher and students.

Obi-Wan who seemed to pull himself apart.

would have hurt Anakin, who was a very affectionate child, if he
hadn’t also caught onto how it wasn’t just him.

was charming in the field, he was flirtatious though as his padawan
those first two years Anakin didn’t always catch it but he also
kept himself apart, kept himself away from people and seemed to try
to keep at least a step between himself and those closest to him if
he could.

included Jedi.

couldn’t count the amount of time Obi-Wan would discreetly shuffle
a bit away in salle’s or meditation halls if he felt like someone
was getting to close in his personal bubble and war had done nothing
to improve that, no Anakin would say that Obi-Wan’s touch aversion
had become worse when he would even tense under Anakin’s light
touches if they spent too much time apart and had to readjust himself
to touch.

here… with them…

they were doing exactly what Obi-Wan needed, were doing exactly what
he needed to keep him well adjusted and wasn’t that just a sucker

to be fair, they’re with him all the time, they spend intimate time
with him… how long is it since we shared a bed now?’ Anakin mused
to himself. Force it had to be at least half a year before the war,
that disaster mission to Apripos where they had to share a bunk on
that livestock shipment where it had taken Obi-Wan over two hours to
finally relax enough to settle against his padawan and really sleep.

Anakin may not understand polymore relationships and
it was certainly not for him as he was more than happy with his
Padme… but he could see the goodness it brought Obi-Wan, could see
the love in his eyes when he watched his husbands and it reflected in
the others behavior with how easily he accepted a hug or a hand on
his shoulder.

were helping Obi-Wan, loving him as he deserved and Obi-Wan loved
them in return just as fiercely.

a wry smile on his lips as Obi-Wan gently brushed his fingertips
against Boil’s gloved hand when the other delivered a report,
Anakin decided that this was one of the best things to have happened
his former master.

happy for you Obi-Wan. I am so happy for you. Finally
you goober.’ He got to his feet and wandered over to the display to
read the report over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, his hand finding the
others relaxed shoulder.

remained relaxed under his touch.

need to buy his husbands cigars or something, celebrate them
somehow.’ Anakin smile grew as he also thought of his own wife, wishing he could speak with her. He was a tiny bit envious at this moment if he was honest.

Is Ourcollaronyourneck a one-shot or do you accept prompt for it? Because I would like to see Obi-Wan’s point of view. Does he really understand his men’s desire ? Is he not sure of what he wants or just waiting for them to make the first move, waiting for someone to finally choose him and claim him?

fluffy warm blanket was wrapped around him when Obi-Wan surfaced into
consciousness with his body comfortably tucked up in a bed on his
side, wrapped like a Tatooine burrito in the fluffy blanket, feeling
a warm heat behind him and resting at his throat and several seconds
ticked by before he realized the warmth was a body resting behind him
and the warmth was a hand resting at his throat.

warm thumb rested on the hollow of his throat, stroking gently before
pausing as the body behind him shifted slightly. “General?” Came
a quiet question.

up on his rest, Obi-Wan opened his eyes and shifted his head enough
to look up.

peered down at him in return, smiling slightly in relief. “Hey
there General, was wondering when you’d wake.” He murmured
quietly, stroking Obi-Wan’s overly long hair out of his eyes.

out an
inquiring noise, Obi-Wan frowned at the medic.

been out of it for two full days sir, recovering in the medbay.”
Helix informed him before
clearly reluctantly getting up and pulling over a tray of tool,
intent on giving the Jedi a checkup and doing his duties as a medic.

Obi-Wan was grateful the man pulled a cup over first with a stray in
it, offering the straw to Obi-Wan to take a few slow sips, his
stomach rather sore as he sat up from being stomped on during his
mission but not outright painful.

Helix went through the checkups and a few injections, Cody appeared
with a robe over one arm, smiling in relief when he saw Obi-Wan
sitting up in bed in the thin medical gear as Helix slowly took stock
that Obi-Wan was indeed good enough to be let up. “Good to see you
sir.” The commander murmured, stepping in closer and running his
fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair.

his head back and into the grasp, Obi-Wan let out a low noise that
had a fond smile crossing both troopers faces but didn’t distract
Helix from working.

he stepped back, nodding in satisfaction. “I recommend a shower,
some food and taking it easy for the next few days because of the
internal damages but other than that sir, you should be fine.” He
chuckled while pulling out a pair of fluffy blue slippers.

was only then Obi-Wan took notice that his boots were not there and
gave the medic a grouchy look that only gained him smirk.

leaving him bare feet on the cold durasteel floor was one way to keep
him in bed, he’d give them that.

his feet in slippers, Obi-Wan accepted the robe from Cody only to be
distracted as he took notice of something white in the commander’s
hand, anticipation thick in the air when both troopers noticed him
looking at it.

white collar, almost a choker in nature, with an orange gem that
would rest in the hollow of his throat. A notable piece of jewelry
for sure, especially for one that does not wear any piece of jewelry
but an acceptable and explainable choice.

sign for anyone who could read the truth of ownership and care.

blinked at Cody then smiled softly, reaching
up to pull his hair out of the way, the long lengths still something
he had to adjust to but not uncomfortable despite how quickly the
long hair had been grown for
the mission.

let out a low breath and Obi-Wan felt him step in close, his hands
coming up around the Jedi’s throat as Helix watched closely, biting
his lip with excitement.

made it, took him a while and he had to ask around the ship for items
to make it with,” Cody murmured into his ear as he tightened the
clasps in the back. “How does it feel?” He asked finally as he
stepped back.

his hair drop, Obi-Wan instead reached for the choker, fingertips
resting on it as he tilted his head back and forth.

material was used on the inside it was soft, velvety in nature with
the outside potentially a white or bleached leather. Frankly?

felt right, the light constriction, the steady reminder each time he
breathed that someone had a claim to him.

he had allowed these wonderful, warmhearted men to put their claim to
him for it wasn’t lost on Obi-Wan that the gem was the same orange
as the 212th
with white a white collar. Tilting his head to look at Cody, Obi-Wan
smiled tenderly, fingertips resting on the gem at the hollow of his
throat. “Its lovely Cody…I like it.” He murmured and let the
commander pull him in to his chest, chin tilted up as his lips was
claimed in a steady first kiss.

of many.’ Obi-Wan thought with excitement, feeling Helix hand on
his flank as the medic waited on his turn.

Is Ourcollaronyourneck a one-shot or do you accept prompt for it? Because I would like to see Obi-Wan’s point of view. Does he really understand his men’s desire ? Is he not sure of what he wants or just waiting for them to make the first move, waiting for someone to finally choose him and claim him?

fluffy warm blanket was wrapped around him when Obi-Wan surfaced into
consciousness with his body comfortably tucked up in a bed on his
side, wrapped like a Tatooine burrito in the fluffy blanket, feeling
a warm heat behind him and resting at his throat and several seconds
ticked by before he realized the warmth was a body resting behind him
and the warmth was a hand resting at his throat.

warm thumb rested on the hollow of his throat, stroking gently before
pausing as the body behind him shifted slightly. “General?” Came
a quiet question.

up on his rest, Obi-Wan opened his eyes and shifted his head enough
to look up.

peered down at him in return, smiling slightly in relief. “Hey
there General, was wondering when you’d wake.” He murmured
quietly, stroking Obi-Wan’s overly long hair out of his eyes.

out an
inquiring noise, Obi-Wan frowned at the medic.

been out of it for two full days sir, recovering in the medbay.”
Helix informed him before
clearly reluctantly getting up and pulling over a tray of tool,
intent on giving the Jedi a checkup and doing his duties as a medic.

Obi-Wan was grateful the man pulled a cup over first with a stray in
it, offering the straw to Obi-Wan to take a few slow sips, his
stomach rather sore as he sat up from being stomped on during his
mission but not outright painful.

Helix went through the checkups and a few injections, Cody appeared
with a robe over one arm, smiling in relief when he saw Obi-Wan
sitting up in bed in the thin medical gear as Helix slowly took stock
that Obi-Wan was indeed good enough to be let up. “Good to see you
sir.” The commander murmured, stepping in closer and running his
fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair.

his head back and into the grasp, Obi-Wan let out a low noise that
had a fond smile crossing both troopers faces but didn’t distract
Helix from working.

he stepped back, nodding in satisfaction. “I recommend a shower,
some food and taking it easy for the next few days because of the
internal damages but other than that sir, you should be fine.” He
chuckled while pulling out a pair of fluffy blue slippers.

was only then Obi-Wan took notice that his boots were not there and
gave the medic a grouchy look that only gained him smirk.

leaving him bare feet on the cold durasteel floor was one way to keep
him in bed, he’d give them that.

his feet in slippers, Obi-Wan accepted the robe from Cody only to be
distracted as he took notice of something white in the commander’s
hand, anticipation thick in the air when both troopers noticed him
looking at it.

white collar, almost a choker in nature, with an orange gem that
would rest in the hollow of his throat. A notable piece of jewelry
for sure, especially for one that does not wear any piece of jewelry
but an acceptable and explainable choice.

sign for anyone who could read the truth of ownership and care.

blinked at Cody then smiled softly, reaching
up to pull his hair out of the way, the long lengths still something
he had to adjust to but not uncomfortable despite how quickly the
long hair had been grown for
the mission.

let out a low breath and Obi-Wan felt him step in close, his hands
coming up around the Jedi’s throat as Helix watched closely, biting
his lip with excitement.

made it, took him a while and he had to ask around the ship for items
to make it with,” Cody murmured into his ear as he tightened the
clasps in the back. “How does it feel?” He asked finally as he
stepped back.

his hair drop, Obi-Wan instead reached for the choker, fingertips
resting on it as he tilted his head back and forth.

material was used on the inside it was soft, velvety in nature with
the outside potentially a white or bleached leather. Frankly?

felt right, the light constriction, the steady reminder each time he
breathed that someone had a claim to him.

he had allowed these wonderful, warmhearted men to put their claim to
him for it wasn’t lost on Obi-Wan that the gem was the same orange
as the 212th
with white a white collar. Tilting his head to look at Cody, Obi-Wan
smiled tenderly, fingertips resting on the gem at the hollow of his
throat. “Its lovely Cody…I like it.” He murmured and let the
commander pull him in to his chest, chin tilted up as his lips was
claimed in a steady first kiss.

of many.’ Obi-Wan thought with excitement, feeling Helix hand on
his flank as the medic waited on his turn.

Please could you continue in the risk ? A few clones go to the Creche to learn and help. Of course Anakin interprets it the exact false way and now thinks his Master doesn’t know which one is the father!

of his shoes, Obi-Wan smiled warmly at Dolan. “I brought a few
volunteers with me to help with the babies and younger creche
members, I
know there’s always some shorthand when it comes to feeding time.”
He said warmly as the troopers followed suit and removed their boots.

It was a good thing they had one
civvies outfit because Obi-Wan was rather certain that they couldn’t
cuddle babies in armor.

Dolan chuckled, bowing to
Obi-Wan and the group with the troopers quickly bowing a bit
awkwardly in return as they weren’t used to it. “Indeed but
considering we just had a few arrivals, they are well welcome.” The
long haired man with kind brown eyes stated.

“New arrivals?” Obi-Wan
questioned in interest as he, Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot followed quickly behind the creche master. “Oh
and by the way this is Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot.” He quickly introduced his men-

Dolan sent each of them a warm
smile. “Indeed,
Master Plo and the Wolfpack intercepted a slavery
smuggling ring
around as ‘Jedi’, taking
Force sensitive children to sell,” The man gave a tight grimace.
“Some of them are unfortunately rather traumatized by the treatment
they were put under but we are trying our best to help them.” He
lifted the rail guard for the youngest members, ushering his
volunteers into the rooms that were reserved for only the youngest
that could not fend and wander for themselves.

There were a few muffled curses
in mando’a behind Obi-Wan and he could understand that.

There were always someone taking
advantage of in a time of vulnerability.

“So um, master Dolan,
we’ve never really been around babies…” Cody started, frowning
in worry as he glanced around. “I mean we look out for our young
vode but all of them are usually in the range of what is a human five
year old when we meet them.”

Obi-Wan’s heart throbbed at
that, wondering not for the first time just how bad everything was.
How compromised their ethics and morality had become…

It was a harsh blow to realize
and know what they were doing.

“Ah don’t worry about that,
we can show you what to do,” Dolan chuckled warmly, moving over to
one of the cribs. “Pay attention.” He reached down to show them
how to pick up a baby, the young togruta in a soft green onesie
gurgling at them all while grabbing at her caretakers tunic, a
guileless smile crossing her face as tiny lekkus twitched.

Each of them watched in
fascination and awe before Waxer eagerly moved to another crib and
carefully picked up a small bothan.

“Ah! A natural,” Dolan’s
words got a giant beam out of Waxer. “Now, everyone pick up a child
and check if their diapers need changing.
We shall feed them

Spreading out, each trooper
picked up a young baby, some sporting more obviously nervous
expression than others.

Obi-Wan, used to the creche as
Qui-Gon often took him to it for the little ones, easily picked up a
soft little human that he cuddled to his body, smiling at the dark
curls that covered the yawning babies head. ‘I’m going to have
one of these in a few months, a he or a she with maybe Cody’s dark
hair and golden eyes… they’d be so pretty with his eyes and
skin.’ He snuggled the baby then chuckled while wrinkling his nose.

This one certainly needed a new
diaper, he could smell that.


Tapping his comm, Anakin frowned
at the window of the bridge.

Around him his troopers milled
about, Rex barking out commands to ensure they were on the right path
since the Jedi was distracted.

But Anakin was thinking.

Ahsoka had called him.

Obi-Wan had apparently gone to
the creche, something that wasn’t all that uncommon before the war
broke out though Anakin knew he did not go as often after. He always
suspected that Obi-Wan found peace among the babies because he knew
exactly what the babies wanted from him, food, love, something clean
and warmth.

But his former master had also
brought with him his own troopers.

Several of them.

‘One of them is the dad… but
maybe Obi-Wan doesn’t know which one? Has he been spreading his
legs for his men?’ He bit his lower lip.

That was a cruel thought really,
Obi-Wan wasn’t…

But maybe he had?

Or had someone taken advantage?

Maybe Obi-Wan had during a
drunken revelry?

Or the troopers?

But Obi-Wan promised that
nothing bad was connected to the baby’s conception.

‘Maybe he and they just had
some fun together… and now he doesn’t know?’

Frowning deeply, Anakin decided
he would need to speak to Obi-Wan next time he saw him and this time
he would get answers without Obi-Wan sidestepping and distracting.

Please could you continue in the risk ? A few clones go to the Creche to learn and help. Of course Anakin interprets it the exact false way and now thinks his Master doesn’t know which one is the father!

of his shoes, Obi-Wan smiled warmly at Dolan. “I brought a few
volunteers with me to help with the babies and younger creche
members, I
know there’s always some shorthand when it comes to feeding time.”
He said warmly as the troopers followed suit and removed their boots.

It was a good thing they had one
civvies outfit because Obi-Wan was rather certain that they couldn’t
cuddle babies in armor.

Dolan chuckled, bowing to
Obi-Wan and the group with the troopers quickly bowing a bit
awkwardly in return as they weren’t used to it. “Indeed but
considering we just had a few arrivals, they are well welcome.” The
long haired man with kind brown eyes stated.

“New arrivals?” Obi-Wan
questioned in interest as he, Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot followed quickly behind the creche master. “Oh
and by the way this is Cody, Boil, Waxer, Wooley, Chopper and
Longshot.” He quickly introduced his men-

Dolan sent each of them a warm
smile. “Indeed,
Master Plo and the Wolfpack intercepted a slavery
smuggling ring
around as ‘Jedi’, taking
Force sensitive children to sell,” The man gave a tight grimace.
“Some of them are unfortunately rather traumatized by the treatment
they were put under but we are trying our best to help them.” He
lifted the rail guard for the youngest members, ushering his
volunteers into the rooms that were reserved for only the youngest
that could not fend and wander for themselves.

There were a few muffled curses
in mando’a behind Obi-Wan and he could understand that.

There were always someone taking
advantage of in a time of vulnerability.

“So um, master Dolan,
we’ve never really been around babies…” Cody started, frowning
in worry as he glanced around. “I mean we look out for our young
vode but all of them are usually in the range of what is a human five
year old when we meet them.”

Obi-Wan’s heart throbbed at
that, wondering not for the first time just how bad everything was.
How compromised their ethics and morality had become…

It was a harsh blow to realize
and know what they were doing.

“Ah don’t worry about that,
we can show you what to do,” Dolan chuckled warmly, moving over to
one of the cribs. “Pay attention.” He reached down to show them
how to pick up a baby, the young togruta in a soft green onesie
gurgling at them all while grabbing at her caretakers tunic, a
guileless smile crossing her face as tiny lekkus twitched.

Each of them watched in
fascination and awe before Waxer eagerly moved to another crib and
carefully picked up a small bothan.

“Ah! A natural,” Dolan’s
words got a giant beam out of Waxer. “Now, everyone pick up a child
and check if their diapers need changing.
We shall feed them

Spreading out, each trooper
picked up a young baby, some sporting more obviously nervous
expression than others.

Obi-Wan, used to the creche as
Qui-Gon often took him to it for the little ones, easily picked up a
soft little human that he cuddled to his body, smiling at the dark
curls that covered the yawning babies head. ‘I’m going to have
one of these in a few months, a he or a she with maybe Cody’s dark
hair and golden eyes… they’d be so pretty with his eyes and
skin.’ He snuggled the baby then chuckled while wrinkling his nose.

This one certainly needed a new
diaper, he could smell that.


Tapping his comm, Anakin frowned
at the window of the bridge.

Around him his troopers milled
about, Rex barking out commands to ensure they were on the right path
since the Jedi was distracted.

But Anakin was thinking.

Ahsoka had called him.

Obi-Wan had apparently gone to
the creche, something that wasn’t all that uncommon before the war
broke out though Anakin knew he did not go as often after. He always
suspected that Obi-Wan found peace among the babies because he knew
exactly what the babies wanted from him, food, love, something clean
and warmth.

But his former master had also
brought with him his own troopers.

Several of them.

‘One of them is the dad… but
maybe Obi-Wan doesn’t know which one? Has he been spreading his
legs for his men?’ He bit his lower lip.

That was a cruel thought really,
Obi-Wan wasn’t…

But maybe he had?

Or had someone taken advantage?

Maybe Obi-Wan had during a
drunken revelry?

Or the troopers?

But Obi-Wan promised that
nothing bad was connected to the baby’s conception.

‘Maybe he and they just had
some fun together… and now he doesn’t know?’

Frowning deeply, Anakin decided
he would need to speak to Obi-Wan next time he saw him and this time
he would get answers without Obi-Wan sidestepping and distracting.

Manyhusbands tatoo idea is pretty cool. Could we see more, like which design the troopers make for Obi-Wan please ? Does he ask one of them to tatoo him ? And also can the troopers resist him after he’s tatooed in their colours or do they jump him at the first occasion ?

Meditating through
the slight pain, Obi-Wan laid as still as a statue as he felt warm
hands rub lightly at his calf’s in a soothing motion while the
needle continue to prick at his skin.

He didn’t really
need the comforting touch but it felt wonderful and there was no way
he’d turn down the comfort from any of his husbands as the tattoo
took form on his back though he still did not know what they had
chosen for him.

Obi-Wan hadn’t
even seen it, just smiled at Waxer and Longshot who had been the ones
to design it with some inputs from the rest of the vode from the
212th and said that he’d love whatever they gave him
though he had curiously asked about the size.

Apparently quite
large since it covered his back with it starting a little bit below
his nape so the tunic would hide it, stretched out along his
shoulders and stopped a bit over the small of his back. This of
course meant that it was taking days to complete with Longshot, Crys
and Waxer trading between who tattooed him each day they had time and
with a gentle bacta cream applied they healed quickly.

The shape reminded
Obi-Wan of a bird but the question was which bird.


It would be a
warrior thing to do to pick a predatory, fighting bird but maybe not?

After all, not all
of the vode life were about fighting even though they were
disciplined in all they did except when they were drunk.

That thought had a
fond smile spread on Obi-Wan’s lips, remembering days of assured
safety where they had celebrated together with moonshine the troopers
had made and shared with him.

And the many kisses
they had while drunk, none of them shy with their affection as long
as their privacy was assured and the touches accepted by all.

There was a little
tap to his hip, a signal to resurface and Obi-Wan let out a low noise
as he did, hearing the tattoo gun be set aside before a cold moist
cloth was applied to his back to wipe away any blood and excess ink
and a careful hand spread the bacta cream over his back. “Is it
done?” He questioned drowsily, licking his dry lips.

There was a large
amount of pleasure and smug satisfaction in the Force and a hand
patted his hip again. “Yup, utterly, fully done cyare. Cody got you
a glass of water here if you can sit up.” Waxer said with delight.

That gained them a
warm little laugh before Obi-Wan placed his elbow to the bunk to roll
onto his side before he slid his legs over the end of the bed and sit
up slowly to let his stiff muscles loosen up as Waxer and Cody
watched him closely.

Though Obi-Wan
suspected that Helix was watching equally closely from his office
since they had done the tattoo work in the medbay for the sterile
environment and the quiet privacy it gave since there was no rush of
vode walking in and out of the medbay unless they actually required
aid and this meant that peaceful work could be conducted.

Accepting the glass
from Cody and a kiss to his cheek, Obi-Wan felt like he was glowing
in happiness as he drank slowly as Waxer practically buzzed with
excitement which provoked a snigger before Obi-Wan set the glass
down. “Alright Waxer, show me.” He encouraged, watching fondly as
Cody rolled his eyes at the cheer Waxer let out.

Using a holocamera
to show Obi-Wan an image of his back on a pad, Waxer bit his lips as
he waited for Obi-Wan’s reaction.

It was a bird just
as Obi-Wan had suspected from the shape he had felt be tattooed to
his skin, a plump, bright bird in orange and red with its wings
spread out over Obi-Wan’s shoulders, its feathers defined and
delicate looking with its tail feathers coming to rest over the small
of Obi-Wan’s back and inside the birds defined feathers each of his
husbands names were written in the 212th orange hue.

One feather for
each man, one spot just for them just as they all had a spot in
Obi-Wan’s heart.

Staring at the pad
for long moments utterly speechless, Obi-Wan finally lifted his head
to meet Waxer’s nervous eyes.

Rarely speechless
Obi-Wan let out a teary laugh of joy and reached out, pulling Waxer
into a tight hug while pressing his face into the mans neck as the
pad clattered to the ground. Waxer flailed a bit before wrapping his
arms tightly around Obi-Wan.

“A rdava bird,”
Cody said quietly while stroking the Jedi’s hair slowly. “A
songbird just for you riduur, bright and beautiful.” And Obi-Wan
could imagine the smile on the mans lips as Helix joined the hug from
behind, his arms as tight as Waxer around Obi-Wan.

These men who
picked Obi-Wan, kept him and wanted him enough to leave their marks
on him.

How could Obi-Wan do anything but adore them in return with his soft and fragile heart in its cage of bones.

Manyhusbands tatoo idea is pretty cool. Could we see more, like which design the troopers make for Obi-Wan please ? Does he ask one of them to tatoo him ? And also can the troopers resist him after he’s tatooed in their colours or do they jump him at the first occasion ?

Meditating through
the slight pain, Obi-Wan laid as still as a statue as he felt warm
hands rub lightly at his calf’s in a soothing motion while the
needle continue to prick at his skin.

He didn’t really
need the comforting touch but it felt wonderful and there was no way
he’d turn down the comfort from any of his husbands as the tattoo
took form on his back though he still did not know what they had
chosen for him.

Obi-Wan hadn’t
even seen it, just smiled at Waxer and Longshot who had been the ones
to design it with some inputs from the rest of the vode from the
212th and said that he’d love whatever they gave him
though he had curiously asked about the size.

Apparently quite
large since it covered his back with it starting a little bit below
his nape so the tunic would hide it, stretched out along his
shoulders and stopped a bit over the small of his back. This of
course meant that it was taking days to complete with Longshot, Crys
and Waxer trading between who tattooed him each day they had time and
with a gentle bacta cream applied they healed quickly.

The shape reminded
Obi-Wan of a bird but the question was which bird.


It would be a
warrior thing to do to pick a predatory, fighting bird but maybe not?

After all, not all
of the vode life were about fighting even though they were
disciplined in all they did except when they were drunk.

That thought had a
fond smile spread on Obi-Wan’s lips, remembering days of assured
safety where they had celebrated together with moonshine the troopers
had made and shared with him.

And the many kisses
they had while drunk, none of them shy with their affection as long
as their privacy was assured and the touches accepted by all.

There was a little
tap to his hip, a signal to resurface and Obi-Wan let out a low noise
as he did, hearing the tattoo gun be set aside before a cold moist
cloth was applied to his back to wipe away any blood and excess ink
and a careful hand spread the bacta cream over his back. “Is it
done?” He questioned drowsily, licking his dry lips.

There was a large
amount of pleasure and smug satisfaction in the Force and a hand
patted his hip again. “Yup, utterly, fully done cyare. Cody got you
a glass of water here if you can sit up.” Waxer said with delight.

That gained them a
warm little laugh before Obi-Wan placed his elbow to the bunk to roll
onto his side before he slid his legs over the end of the bed and sit
up slowly to let his stiff muscles loosen up as Waxer and Cody
watched him closely.

Though Obi-Wan
suspected that Helix was watching equally closely from his office
since they had done the tattoo work in the medbay for the sterile
environment and the quiet privacy it gave since there was no rush of
vode walking in and out of the medbay unless they actually required
aid and this meant that peaceful work could be conducted.

Accepting the glass
from Cody and a kiss to his cheek, Obi-Wan felt like he was glowing
in happiness as he drank slowly as Waxer practically buzzed with
excitement which provoked a snigger before Obi-Wan set the glass
down. “Alright Waxer, show me.” He encouraged, watching fondly as
Cody rolled his eyes at the cheer Waxer let out.

Using a holocamera
to show Obi-Wan an image of his back on a pad, Waxer bit his lips as
he waited for Obi-Wan’s reaction.

It was a bird just
as Obi-Wan had suspected from the shape he had felt be tattooed to
his skin, a plump, bright bird in orange and red with its wings
spread out over Obi-Wan’s shoulders, its feathers defined and
delicate looking with its tail feathers coming to rest over the small
of Obi-Wan’s back and inside the birds defined feathers each of his
husbands names were written in the 212th orange hue.

One feather for
each man, one spot just for them just as they all had a spot in
Obi-Wan’s heart.

Staring at the pad
for long moments utterly speechless, Obi-Wan finally lifted his head
to meet Waxer’s nervous eyes.

Rarely speechless
Obi-Wan let out a teary laugh of joy and reached out, pulling Waxer
into a tight hug while pressing his face into the mans neck as the
pad clattered to the ground. Waxer flailed a bit before wrapping his
arms tightly around Obi-Wan.

“A rdava bird,”
Cody said quietly while stroking the Jedi’s hair slowly. “A
songbird just for you riduur, bright and beautiful.” And Obi-Wan
could imagine the smile on the mans lips as Helix joined the hug from
behind, his arms as tight as Waxer around Obi-Wan.

These men who
picked Obi-Wan, kept him and wanted him enough to leave their marks
on him.

How could Obi-Wan do anything but adore them in return with his soft and fragile heart in its cage of bones.