
Jerking the boy away from the hive quickly by wrapping him up in one arm
to shield him with his own body, Yan sent the hive and the wasps it
contained flying into the lake with a strong Force shove before more
harm could be done though the thing had already done more than enough
harm in his eyes as he turned his eyes to Obi-Wan.

The young padawan’s eyes were tightly closed and his jaw gritted as he held his left cheek, tears clinging to his eyelashes.

He’d been stung.

course he had been stung and Qui-Gon was still with the native clan
leaders trying to negotiate for information about the terrorists who had
marched through with the explosives stolen from the warehouses of the
Empress army.

Which left Yan with Obi-Wan.

“Let me see,” He rumbled out, closing his hand around the boy’s wrist to carefully tug it away.

managed to stifle a tiny sob and obeyed but it was clear he was in
severe pain, his cheek already swelling heavily and turning a bright red
as Yan stared at it. Swallowing down the curse that wanted to escape
him, Yan touched the swelling area gently with his fingertips to check
if the stinger was still in, murmuring in apology when Obi-Wan flinched
at the touch. “Are you allergic to wasp sting Obi-Wan? To any insects at
all?” He questioned hurriedly.

Breath hitching, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to answer but ended up letting out a sob instead before shaking his head as answer.

Well that was something.

He wasn’t allergic but to be stung in the face by such large insects…

Obi-Wan up into his arms, Yan marched towards the camp they had set up
only hours earlier. “Its going alright Obi-Wan, I’ll make sure you’re
going to be alright.” Yan murmured soothingly as he knew better than to

If he panicked, Obi-Wan would panic.

Remaining calm was the only thing for it and it would make it easier to treat Obi-Wan.

boy clenched his hands into Yan’s chest, bunching the tunic as he
continued fighting against the pain with fat tears rolling down his

But he doesn’t make a noise as Yan finally sets him down
outside the tent and brings out the medkit. Yan’s not sure that’s such a
good thing, for a young teenager to decide to just bare the pain
without any noise.

‘At least he’s letting himself cry… or maybe
he just can’t stop.’ Yan wondered as the tears continued rolling down
flushed cheeks as the boy watched Yan ruffle through the medkit, his
hands fisted into the hem of his tunic to avoid touching his swelling,
red cheek.

Finding the correct tube of medical cream along with a container of analgesic patches, Yan turned back to Obi-Wan.

meet pained green eyes, softening at the sight as it reminded him so
much of Qui-Gon when the boy had sprained his wrist when he was still a
young padawan instead of the knight of today. “This is cooling bacta
cream that will prevent infection and heal up the sting site,” Yan
murmured, keeping his tone low and even before holding up the patch.
“And this will take care of most of the pain. I’m going to put the patch
on your neck but you’re going to need to let me touch your cheek to put
on the cream.” He finished up and waited until Obi-Wan gave a hiccuping
nod. “Good boy.” He praised, shifting closer on his knees.

secured on the pale neck, Yan got a dollop of cream on his fingers
before tilting Obi-Wan’s head with a grasp on the padawan’s clefted chin
with his clean hand.

At the touch, Obi-Wan once more flinched, a
direct sob escaping him as Yan rumbled out soothing nonsense while
slowly dabbing the cream to the sting site while Obi-Wan flinched in his
grasp but didn’t outright try to escape.

Finally done, Yan wiped
his hand on the grass and pulled Obi-Wan to his chest, Yan ran his
clean fingers through Obi-Wan’s hair. “That’s a boy, you did so good
Obi-Wan and its going to get better now, I promise,” He murmured.
Obi-Wan sniffled heavily, hands still clenched in his tunic hem but he
wasn’t gritting his teeth anymore as he pressed his unstung, wet from
tears cheek to Yan’s chest, his body begging to be held for comfort that
Yan was not about to deny him. “Now, I need you to tell me if it
doesn’t get better alright, if you feel nauseous or in more pain then I
need to take you to a medic. You will tell me if you become worse,
right?” Yan needed some reassurance of his own.

There was a loud swallowing noise before Obi-Wan nodded into the warm chest.

good. For now just try to relax. Try meditating if you can but its
alright if you can’t.” Yan held around the boy, stroking his hair

His poor grandpadawan, such poor luck.

Night time comfort

Grunting in surprise as he had been tethering on the edge of sleep when
his door had opened, Qui-Gon lifted a hand to his eyes to shield from
the light as he squinted at his doorway at the shape standing there
framed in light.

Though honestly there weren’t many people it
could potentially be other than his padawan if Qui-Gon really thought
about it but to be fair, his brain was on the edge of sleep!

The teen stood there, uncertain, his pillow held tightly in his arms and his eyes red rimmed.

Blinking, Qui-Gon pushed himself up on his elbow a bit. “Obi-Wan?” He rumbled, voice thick with the sleep he had almost reached.

boy shuffled. “I-I’m sorry, I just…” He stuttered, tone uncertain and
borderline frightened and Qui-Gon felt his heart break before he

This was not the first time Obi-Wan had showed up in
his doorway at night, the boy had been through civil war, terrible
visions and pain enough for anyone to have nightmares. The boy clearly
had lingering traumas if not outright PTSD after the Melida/Daan affair.

And clearly he expected to be sent away and to deal with his own trauma as he always did.

here padawan,” Qui-Gon instead invited as he lifted his arm to hold the
blanket up. Instantly his padawan quickly scuttled inside and closed
the door behind him before Obi-Wan closed the distance from the door to
the bed and crawled in under Qui-Gon’s arm with his pillow under his
head. He pushed in close as Qui-Gon placed his arm and the blanket
around him. “Nightmare?” Qui-Gon asked quietly as he stroked the baby
soft hairs of the others nape with a gentle hand.

Obi-Wan nodded into the warm and muscled chest of the older Jedi.

glad I decided to wear a sleep tunic to bed tonight.’ He thought to
himself as he continued to slowly rub at hairs and nape before rubbing
down the others back. “Its alright, you can stay here with me.” Qui-Gon
promised quietly.

There was a little sniffle and then Obi-Wan
cuddled as close as his small body allowed him while accepting the
comforts of his master, his little hands tightening into the others
sleep tunic.

When the other didn’t make any noises for close to a
half hour, Qui-Gon started to suspect the other was asleep and settled
his hand on the boys back as he settled to try and go back to sleep.
Honestly it wouldn’t take too much with the warm little teddy curled
into his body.

However just moments before he could, Obi-Wan did
speak up. “I’m sorry master, I’m suppose to take care of myself but I
keep coming here and crawling into your bed.” He hiccuped quietly and
hid his face in Qui-Gon’s chest.

To be fair, Qui-Gon couldn’t see
the other anyhow as he couldn’t see in the dark. Pulling the boy a bit
up he instead pressed a soft kiss to the redhead’s forehead. “Don’t
Obi-Wan. I am here to be your guardian and your teacher, that is the job
of a master and that includes helping you through any eventual issues
you have. As long as you trust me to help you.” Qui-Gon murmured

There was a little sniffle and then a nod. “I trust you.
You’re safe… you’re big and safe.” Obi-Wan whispered so quietly Qui-Gon
almost couldn’t hear him.

Smiling into the dark, Qui-Gon pressed
another kiss to the others forehead. “Then I’ll keep on trying to look
after you, everyday for as long as you stay my padawan.” He promised

There was a soft snuffle and then Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around the others chest, holding on. “Thank you…” He whispered.

Smiling into the dark, Qui-Gon pressed his nose to the others hair.

He may not be able to guard Obi-Wan from his nightmares or from the visions the Force sent him… but he could reassure him.