You know, I just can’t resist the thought any longer and I don’t know if you’ve written about it already, but… The Force sometimes helps with keeping Jedi awake when needed, at least as long as they’re on missions. But once they’re home and safe, they crash and crash *hard.* This has become a common problem especially with Yoda, who at times have accidentally frightened younglings and Padawans. Much to the annoyance of the other Masters.

It is not uncommon for Jedi to keep themselves going with the Force.

The stronger the Jedi, the longer they can keep themselves awake and going on pure willpower of the Force.

But that doesn’t mean that the bodies natural needs doesn’t eventually catch up with one in the end.

The Force can let you push past natures boundaries…but not forgo them entirely and eventually it will demand sleep and food with a vengeance. It can therefore be wholly natural for a Jedi to sleep for full day if they have indeed challenged nature by remaining awake beyond their natural limits.

The food is an easy thing to beat.

There are special food pellets for such occasion, the necessary calories in those that beats the impulse and keeps one from eating all day.

But sleep is not so easy to control or fight.

Which is why you can find Jedi asleep in the halls, garden or library.

Its honestly quite normal, finding a Jedi knight or master leaning against a wall in the hall, laying in the gardens or with their heads on the table in the halls.

Never padawans though.

Their masters will always collect them and take them to bed and thankfully, initiates are not taught such skills, only padawan’s and up.

Of course, sometimes, you could mistake certain, older members for being… not asleep but something wholly different.

And therefore the tradition of grandmaster of the order scare has been in effect for the last two hundred years.

It practically an initiation by this point.

Master Yoda will fall asleep in his hover platform, silent as the grave and not visibly breathing from what most can tell.

It never fails to freak the padawans that find him, much to the annoyance of other masters.

But hey, how are you suppose to complain when everyone else is also sleeping around the temple!

“MASTER WINDU!!!” Jerking to a bit at the loud cry, Mace turned in surprise as young padawan Kenobi came barreling down the hall, Depa pausing beside him as they watched the young boy race their way, eyes wide in horror.

“Padawan Kenobi, what in the world are yo-” Mace started, frowning as the boy practically tripped over his own feet, face flushed from running.

Kenobi’s cry however cut him off. “MASTER YODA IS DEAD!” He gasped out, coming to a skidding stop in front of him, the boy latching onto Mace sleeve to tug, pointing back the way he had come, eyes wide and glistening.

Depa paused, her eyes wide too only for both padawan’s to gasp when when Mace let out a mumbling curse and pinch the bridge of his nose. “That old bastard, again?” He hissed before sighing, looking at his senior padawan and then down at young padawan Kenobi. “Alright younglings, lets go tend to him and I’ll explain. Lead the way Padawan.” He sighed, settling his hand reassuringly on the trembling boy’s shoulder.

Clearly confused, still horrified looking, Obi-Wan glanced at the uncertain Depa then squared his shoulders and started walking, leading Mace and Depa to the hallway.

As expected, they found the grandmaster of the Order in a darkened hallway, hovering in the middle of it with his head resting on his chest and from this angle, Mace could understand why young Kenobi had assumed Yoda to be dead.

Mace had done the same once.

Depa let out a squeak when she saw the old man, covering her mouth with wide eyes only to squeak again when Mace let out another curse. Obi-Wan just trembled, as traumatized as every other youngling when they found him.

Stepping forward, Mace grumbled loudly as he grabbed the hoverpad and pulled it, huffing in relief when it came easily.

Sometimes the karking old man locked the platform so he would stay in place.

Turning his head, he sighed deeply. “He’s asleep. He’s been keeping awake with the Force and now its demanded its pound.” Mace explained tiredly to both padawan’s.

Both teens paused, Depa’s hands lowering to reveal her O shaped mouth and Obi-Wan stopping his trembling from the sheer surprise as he looked between Mace and Yoda. “…A-Are you sure?” He whispered.

Mace sighed then reached up and tugged on Yoda’s ear under the horrified looking padawans, both near human’s eyes going wide when when Yoda grumbled and waved a hand only to go still moments later.

“…Pretty sure, yes.” Mace grumbled, pulling the platform with him to drag him to Mace room, mentally cursing Yoda out while making a note to himself to inform Qui-Gon that his padawan came over Yoda.

‘Every fucking time. Every motherfucking time.’ Mace grumbled to himself, dragging the platform with two padawans following him like ducklings.

Obex hurt and comfort?

had been a tease, a gentle one.

oh, how bitterly didn’t Anakin regret making it now, four weeks

seeing the way Obi-Wan had enjoyed speaking with Rex, the flush on
the tip of the others ears and the back of his neck, the smile on his
lips and he unconscious
way he seemed to always brush up against the Captain.

had just wanted to tease a bit!

had made a comparison about Duchess Satine and Captain Rex, both
blond and both mandorian.

mandorian blood at least when it came to Rex and he had some of the
mannerism of the mando’a Anakin had meet, the clones trying to make
their own cultures.

had given him a wide eyed, stricken look, just for a second and if
Anakin hadn’t been looking at him, he might not have caught the
seconds of mixed emotions in the others eyes and an apology had been
on the tip of his tongue before Obi-Wan had suddenly started to laugh
and wave him off.

that Rex was just a very capable man that Obi-Wan enjoyed speaking

tone had been… off, a bit high pitched.

yet, Anakin hadn’t gotten to speak with him because the subject in
question had just arrived with Ahsoka and Commander Cody.

then it had started, the hellish month of Obi-Wan avoiding Rex.

wasn’t apparent at
first but then it started to become more and more obvious, Obi-Wan
avoiding being too close to the man, avoiding sitting at the same
table as him in the mess, keeping all conversations professional and
seemingly even running away when the possibility that they might end
up close presented itself.

it was Anakin’s

pointing it out, for making Obi-Wan aware.

was all the way over on Mandalore,

was here, in close quarters and kind of impossible to really avoid.

yet Obi-Wan was managing it and by the frustrated and slightly hurt
look on Rex face at time, the Captain had noticed.


then they figured out

Obi-Wan had panicked and practically fled from Rex at every

Rex had finally had enough had slammed his tray down on the table,
marching over to a visibly panicking Obi-Wan, who had tried to excuse
himself only for Anakin to be right behind him and cutting of the

that’s how it came out that not only was Obi-Wan not sleeping but
apparently he had a skin rash covering his back, pulsing and painful
that Rex could feel,
the captain grabbing the Jedi by the shoulders and guiding him first
to the medic as Obi-Wan stopped fleeing and stopped fighting.

lead them to this moment.

swear I didn’t mean for this to happen!” Obi-Wan looked on the
verge of an emotional breakdown, something Anakin had never seen and
didn’t think Obi-Wan could do as he stood in front of the council
holo, something desperate in his eyes. “I didn’t even notice the
beginning and only when Anakin made a comment did I no-”

you we do not,” Yoda croaked, cutting into the words just as Anakin
started to feel a bit desperate himself. “Natural this is to you,
to Stewjoni natives, calm down you must Obi-Wan.” He finished, ears
twitching and pulling down, betraying his own calmness to the

maybe his displeasure, Anakin could never tell.

swallowed heavily but fell silent.

do you feel, Captain Rex?” Adi suddenly questioned, voice soft and
shifting the focus on the third occupant of the communication room.

shot the captain a look, taking in how hard he was holding around his
helmet despite how calm his face was. “I feel the urge to move to
Obi-Wan’s side and help him calm down, his stress levels is way
above acceptable sirs.” He spoke steadily, Obi-Wan flinching as
Anakin shot him an incredous look.

sorry,” Anakin cut in, raising his hands to pull everyone’s
attention to him. “But what in kark’s name is going on here?”
He looked about, lost and a bit angry if
he was honest.

him you have not?” Yoda peered sternly at Obi-Wan, the redhead
flinching once more.

his lips, Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to close it again, the
Negotiator clearly at loss for words before his shoulder slumped, the
man staring down at his feet. “It wasn’t important, with our
bond, Anakin didn’t have the need to know and I didn’t want to
worry him,” He finally whispered quietly. “This is my burden to
bear, not anyone else.” Obi-Wan finished, a bit firmer.

growing, Anakin stared at his former master before snapping his head
around to look at Master Windu when the man cleared his throat.
“Stewjon native’s have a peculiar defense mechanism with
all it’s ancient natives by blood being Force sensitive,”
explained in a lecturing voice, exchanging by looking between Rex and
Anakin, clearly explaining to both. Anakin stared at him, feeling a
shiver along his spine as Obi-Wan continued staring at his feet.
“They form bonds as easily as they breath, making ties to the
people around them, making them part of their ‘clans’ and
families as it makes it harder to harm someone you have a bond to.”
Mace murmured, sitting back as Anakin and Rex took in the information and the implication.

a days,” Obi-Wan whispered. “They’re more a menace than a boon,
we try to… not to create these bonds, but when emotions run deep
enough…” He fell mute.

at his former master, Anakin felt an odd sensation in his chest.
Obi-Wan had tried to flee when he realized his emotions were
deepening to prevent a bond already grown.

little, too late and now Anakin’s captain was bonded to Anakin’s
former master. “…Does that mean you have bonds to others?” He
slowly asked.

deeply, Obi-Wan nodded his head. “Most of the temple of varying
kinds and dept. I’ve managed to limit the ones to the 212th
but there are a few there too… most of them are unaware but there
is a reason why Cody can tell when I need tea. And the ones in the temple are easy to control and moderate, like our bond as my former padawan.” He whispered out,
his face the picture of shame, like a dog that had shit the carpets with an angry owner.

us Obi-Wan, what kind of bond do you have to Captain Rex? Is it
necessary to transfer him to the 212th?”
Depa suddenly asked, Anakin jumping in surprise as Obi-Wan went
ramrod stiff, silence permeating the room.

“What?” Anakin blinked, confused.