In feral child after Anakin destroys the hutt palace does he get a cuddle pile from the lineage or comfort in general?

palace is rubble.

a smoking pile of duracrate and steel, twisted beyond recognition and
Anakin can’t bring himself to feel anything but a burning kind of
numbness as he stares at it, sitting on a crate as the wound in the
Force continues it mournful song to anyone that can hear it.

did this.

killed an entire palace of people, brought it down around his own
ears as Gardulla confronted him with the truth.

his mother was gone.


By the
orders of Jabba.

for breaking a plate.

him, rocks vibrated on the sludgy ground, toxic waste and slime doing
nothing for his mood as he continued staring at the broken former

He had
slaughtered them all, his men he had pulled close to him and kept
them safe with the Force but the rest of the palace had been brought
down around their ears as Anakin slowly and steadily choked the life
out of Gardulla the hutt.

was dead.


hands twitched in his lap, several rocks rising from the mud only to
drop just as sharply when Rex suddenly sat down beside him, invaded
Anakin’s space without a care for himself. Before Anakin could
demand an answer, he was pulled into Rex lap and held tightly, a hand
ungloved hand buried in his hair.

rubbed at his scalp, nails gently scratching as Rex held him as
tightly as humanly possible while still in most of his armor,
Anakin’s breather mask pressed to the captain’s shoulder with how
tightly he was being held.

here commander. I’m here.” He whispered out.

didn’t promise things would be alright, he didn’t say things were

But he
was there.

coming out in a deep whine, Anakin wrapped his arms around Rex,
burying himself as best he could against the clone captain’s body
as he trembled and shuddered, great gasping breaths being taken in as
best he could with the breather mask.

wanted to be off Nal Hutta, he wanted to be back on the Morti, he
wanted to curl up in bed and scream and he wanted Jabba in chains or
even better, he wanted his head.

right now there was nothing he could do about any of that.

had to prepare to leave but even more than that, they had to get the
planet under control.

it was clear now that Nal Hutta belonged to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was also down, settled onto a stretcher with Cody guarding
him jealously, the commander oozing with worry and protective care as
he prowled around.

That left it to Qui-Gon to ensure that the planet
would be under their rule.

up troopers around, making sure the remaining hutts answered to them,
that the populace understood their new situation.

whine escaped Anakin when Rex hand left his curls only to let out a
confused noise when the captain stood, the man walking in a steady,
rocking motion as he carried Anakin bridal style. “There’s a
shuttle that will bring us up, I had Fives and Echo prepare it, we’re
leaving the planet under orders of General Kenobi.” Rex murmured

his head up from the man’s shoulder, Anakin shot a look at Obi-Wan,
finding his old master watching him mutely from the stretcher, golden
honey eyes saddened and worried as Obi-Wan reached out weakly in the
Force in a mental hug.

It was
the best he could get from the other right now, his ghostly army had
left Obi-Wan too weak to do anything and Anakin settled back into Rex

mother was gone, dead, the woman he had tried for so long to find,
the woman Obi-Wan had tried every year to find, exhausted every lead
he had on.

Jabba had taken her from them.

his grip on Rex, Anakin swore he was never going to loose another
like this, these troopers were his, Obi-Wan was his, Qui-Gon was his
and no one was going to take them away from him ever again.

would make sure of that, he was, after all, the chosen one,
wasn’t he?

They gotta reach Nal Hutta soon, right? in Feral Child

Siege of Nal Hutta went down in history as Darth Carrion came in with
his army of death and subjugated the entire planet in less than three

wasn’t so much a siege really
it was a massacre when it was later recounted by honest lips but no
one spoke too loudly about it in case they drew the ire of the clone
troopers or got the attention of Darth Carrion himself.

that he’d care, no, if Obi-Wan had heard the whispers of the blood
bath of Nal Hutta, he would have laughed while licking his fangs.

it was, he just smugly readied himself to take care of the last
stronghold, the palace of Gardulla the hutt where all of the rest of
the surviving hutts of the ruling council had taken refuge.

like the rats they were with
nikto guards, well paid and armed in every manner along with their
natural resistance and strength coming in.


had been nothing against Obi-Wan when he had finally decided that
enough was enough.

do you mean we are to hold back?” Cody stared at his General
through the visor of his helmet, not having removed it once since
they had landed on the cesspool that was Nal Hutta, all the
industrial waste the hutts had pumped out into the nature
transforming it all into a gross bog and swampland of pollution and

slightly, Obi-Wan, wearing a clear breather
instead of a helmet, tilted his head to glance at the palace. “They
have it well guarded, sending you or your vode in would be asking for
death.” He murmured.

due respect General, we are yours to command and we are yours to send
wherever you need us to go.” Cody stood ramrod stiff, both
bristling in annoyance and also fearful for his sanity at questioning
his General’s


Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Anakin exchanged looks, the latter almost
vibrating in his desire to get into the palace and find his mother.

was the last place, his mother had
to be here.

his lips faintly, Obi-Wan tilted his head to glance at Cody. “You
talk as if the troopers are going to be the first wave my dear
Commander Cody. The
guards are armed to the teeth and have everything Gardulla, the fat
could spend her and Jabba’s money on to keep Nal Hutta theirs.”
Obi-Wan chuckled softly, his smile growing as even Anakin and Qui-Gon
turned to him in confusion.

hesitated, glancing to the guards
Hutt’s had presented. “Then you intend for… you to be first?”
questioned, a tinge of disapproval hidden beneath his confusion.

troopers closest to them shifted too, quite clearly not liking that
suggestion and
even Qui-Gon and Anakin were showing some displeasure at the idea,
their faces drawn into grimaces.

smirk only grew. “Oh no, I have different plans for this. To
lighten the load so to speak, I have no doubt in your skills, no the
troopers are excellent soldiers,” Some pride bristled around even
as Obi-Wan took a single step forward. “But I thought to lessen the
strain and I do rather want to keep you all alive my dear Commander,
kept fatalities down to a minimum but this will require close quarter
combat and I would rather not take risks with any of your lives.”
Obi-Wan purred before raising his right hand with
the palm up and facing forward,
bright amber eyes flashing and cutting through the army in front of

broke out on the skin of those watching.

for those who could feel the Force, those who could sense the
maelstrom of dark Force gathering as Obi-Wan focused, they braced
themselves for what was to come.

ground in front of them broke, beasts rising from the ground,
snarling with metal armor over heads and bodies and on their back a
saddle was, a ghostly figure filling them with lances of all things
in arm and bodies covered in ancient armor of knights of foregone


they human?


could say with the shifting colors of their forms and ethereal looks,
the wolf like beast below them snarling at the frightened enemy as
four hundred of them rose slowly but steadily.

what is
that?” Anakin whispered, entranced staring at the ghostly beasts
and riders in front of them.

Obi-Wan murmured, a note of strain hidden in his voice that had
Qui-Gon looking sharply at the redhead. “Is the first wave, the
beast rider
corps of Stewjon, ancient
warriors that has long gone to dust but serves well at command.”
Obi-Wan let the platoon of ghostly riders roar at the enemy for a
second longer before snapping his fist shut.

paws raced the ground, nary kicking up dirt or rocks, allowing them
to see as the wave crashed into the army the hutt’s had gathered.

them to see the ghostly shapes break down the walls of the palace.

them to see monstrous jaws close around flesh and rip it apart.

them to see lances spear through enemy.

them all to see the enemy scatter like so much dirt and pebble for
Obi-Wan’s ghostly army.

more than that, he allowed them to see his care for his newfound army
as he sent in the first wave of invulnerable monsters, Obi-Wan
visibly staggering forward while keeping the ghostly army going,
blood oozing from his nose from under the clear mask.

He murmured, the commander instantly snapping from staring in awe and
horror to attention for his General in parasecs. “I will need you
to uphold your promise now.” Obi-Wan hummed, feeling the slight
confusion before Obi-Wan dropped his fist, the ghostly apparitions
instantly falling apart.

with that, Obi-Wan fell too, only to be caught by Anakin, his little
monster giving a little distressed cry before he relaxed when he saw
that Obi-Wan was still awake. “Obi-Wan.” He whispered, eyes wide
with Qui-Gon watching closely over his shoulder.

fine little monster,” Obi-Wan hushed, smiling up at his apprentice.
“Go find Gardulla and your mother now. Qui-Gon, make sure none of
the council escapes.” He murmured as Cody took over for Anakin,
holding the now weakened Sith up from the marshy ground.

face lit up with excitement, hesitating only a moment before heading
forward, Rex and the 501st
hot on his trail with only Qui-Gon staying longer to press his hand
to the mask over Obi-Wan’s cheek. The older Sith gave Cody a look
over Obi-Wan’s head before moving forward, his own men following

long seconds, Cody just held Obi-Wan up against his own body,
watching the departing Forces. “…She’s dead, isn’t she?” He

breathed out heavily.

wouldn’t have risked this if she was alive in there, you made sure
we kept slaves alive before, to let them run. But this time…”
Cody trailed off, he had seen the specters tear down everything in
their path.

is going to level that palace to the ground… be ready Cody.”
Obi-Wan simply whispered.

Ok in feral child what’s going on now after Obiwan and Cody have shacked up? Like Cody getting a special ritual tattoo to be tracked and protected by Obiwan? Anakin and the lineage also gives Cody the shovel talk because they see all?

be honest… Cody admits, if only to Rex, that he half expects
General Jinn or Commander Skywalker to come tearing through the Morti
the morning after he has bedded the General, Cody not having been shy
about leaving marks.

while the troopers don’t notice because Obi-Wan wears his full set
of clothes, Jinn and Skywalker gets to see what Cody sees.

in his leggings and undershirt, the hickeys and bites on his neck

two days later, having been in both Sith’s company without Obi-Wan,
neither have done anything and Cody wants to ask why but at the same
time does not because he actually doesn’t want to experience this
‘shovel’ talk thing people talk about.

though, it seems Jinn has had enough on the third day of how tense
Cody is in their company as he sighs loudly and turns around from the
terminal, giving Cody a dull look. “Commander, we are not going to
you, would you please calm down and stop feeling like a skittish
rabbit in the Force?” He drawled out, simply raising his brow when
Cody flustered.

looks up from where he’s sitting on Rex lap, curiously perusing a
pad as he watches his grandmaster and the commander.

a very tactile young man and it’s not the first time he’s done
this with the Captain or any of his battalion actually, as long as
they’re accepting of it, Anakin Skywalker can and will
close in and sit on laps or lean over shoulders or outright lay out
over laps if possible.

a bit on his feet, Cody opened his mouth then closed it, denials
would not help him.

been rather wary around the two men after all.

have seen General Kenobi in his under tunic, right sir?” He finally
cautiously ventured.

had both of the man’s bushy brows raising, pure surprise flashing
over the craggy face before amusement flashed in amber eyes. “Is
what this is about? Where Obi-Wan finds his pleasures and desires?”
The man laughed, not mocking though, it was warm, amused and a bit
exasperated. “Commander Cody, I haven’t been able to stop Obi-Wan
from his desires since he was a preteen, so why would I care if you
are what he wants.” He grinned warmly, arms crossing loosely over
the barrel chest, expensive
fabric pulling taunt and shining a blood red under the command room

if we were cautious,” Skywalker spoke up this time, leaning into
Rex chest like a big feline wanting pets. “It’s not like we can
issue any threats. Your his,
we can’t touch what’s his without him knowing and he won’t be
happy about that. He’s possessive over people.” The man informed
matter of fact.

a bit, Cody looked between them uncertainly. “So neither of you
would give me a… shovel talk?” He ventured slowly, an
odd emotion in his chest that he thought might be overwhelming

blinked at him before Anakin shook his head. “Why should we? If you
hurt Obi-Wan, he’d take his own revenge. And honestly, I don’t
see you as the kind of person that would hurt Obi-Wan on purpose.”
The blond honestly looked a bit confused, peering at Cody as if he
was the oddity.

a bit overwhelmed with
more than just relie,
Cody just set his helmet on the table behind him and leaned back for
support, blinking a
bit stupidly at the two.

faintly, the
noise amplified by the broken nose,
back to his terminal, typing something in
as he
started to drawl. “We trust Obi-Wan too much to
do that, he has a good head and he wouldn’t be possessive over you
for no reason. Now, if you were a one night stand…
that would be different. Then you’d have to watch your back. But
you’re not. And Obi-Wan can decide for himself if he needs revenge
or to discipline you,” The man paused, staring at the screen before
looking over his shoulder at Cody. “That said, if you feel
uncomfortable with the current arrangement, you will have to tell
him. He doesn’t enjoy forcing himself on someone unwilling and
would take it badly to learn down the road that you did not want the
current engagement you now have.” With that Jinn was done, turning
properly back to the screen.

just shrugged, watching the two Sith bemusedly as Anakin returned to
his pad, the blond Sith no longer caring to for anything else while
rubbing his head to Rex shoulder until the man started petting his
blond curls.

Cody tried to absorb the information he was just given.

the implications.

if the two Sith were right… that meant that Obi-Wan didn’t just
trust him in the professional context… but also the personal, the
softer parts of him.

that trust extended not only to Obi-Wan but to parts of his lineage.

might be watched, but neither Anakin or Qui-Gon would do anything
towards him and might actually listen to him more because of the
trust Obi-Wan had in him.

that… was an overwhelming realization, that he had the ear of some
of the most powerful people in the galaxy.

from being nothing, just clones, just products
to… to this.

took a deep breath through his nose and then snapped to attention as
Obi-Wan entered the room, feeling those golden eyes on him.

could panic and think about this later.

now he would be the commander Obi-Wan had come to know and trust.

could do that quite easily, after all, this was what he had been
breed to be.

So I feel like something saucy is coming up in Feral child. Am I right?

into the room, Cody glanced about then focused on his General.
“…Captain Rex has returned to General Skywalker’s side sir.”
He murmured, making his way over to his Sith, watching how the
holomap light played over the others face.

sent shadows playing over the man’s face, made lines that weren’t
there but the darkness also made those golden eyes seemingly glow in
the dark.

hummed slightly.

the time Cody had been gone, leading his brother away, Obi-Wan had
removed his outer tunic, leaving him in the rich black cotton tank
top beneath his layers and the dark leggings, his
hair hanging loose down his back, brushing slightly below his
shoulder blades in soft waves from his braid.

even the boots were removed, set by the chair.

made the Sith look… soft.

it was a privilege to see this, of that Cody was certain and he and
the other Sith members were the only one who got to see this feral
man like this, undressed and almost soft.

made Cody want to muss up the hair of this powerful and dangerous

thought with Obi-Wan dressed like this never failed to make Cody’s
breath quicken and his pulse race.

at the map quickly, Cody raised his brows at the sight of both Nal
Hutta and Kamino, the two planets capitals zoomed in on. “Sir?”
He murmured quietly, stepping closer.

a philosophy of Sith is to take
what we want,” Obi-Wan hummed then chuckled quietly. “And
I will claim both Nal Hutt and Kamino as mine.”
He grinned slyly.

pulse beating in his ears, Cody moved before he could think twice,
the curl of those impish lips, the words and the flashing eyes
causing him to drop his helmet to the floor, sacrilege for a vode
really as he reached out and grabbed Obi-Wan by his shoulder, turning
the surprised man around as he pinned Obi-Wan to the holo display,
caught between the cold metal and Cody’s hard armor as the clone
bore down on him, Obi-Wan’s hands caught on the pauldrons of Cody’s

together, Cody’s knee pressed between Obi-Wan’s legs as arousal
thrummed between them, Obi-Wan looking startled but not angry or
upset as Cody slid his hand into that loose, long hair, catching it
to hold the other in place.

they both stared at each other, both wondering what the next move
was, waiting for the other to break this second.

heavily, Obi-Wan stared up at Cody. “…Are you going to hurt me?”
He murmured finally, tone low and intimate, caught
in Cody’s grasp and yet not fighting.

wouldn’t shock Cody if the other hadn’t been feeling his emotions
since the day he landed on Kamino, close to a month ago now.

the question,
Cody tightened his grip on the others hair ever
so slightly,
just enough to give the threat but
not harm.
“Only if you want me to.” He whispered in return.

flash of heat went off in those yellow eyes, Obi-Wan staring at him
breathlessly and Cody couldn’t help but wonder if he miscalculated
when Obi-Wan spoke, low and intent, attention grabbing as always.
of privates rooms… nothing can change, nothing will change. I’m
still Darth Carrion, I am the feral child and High General…” He
tightened his grasp on on the holomap display. “But… maybe with
you…” He hesitated.

felt his grip on the others hair ease as he leaned in, brushing their
noses together slightly. “I’m not here to tame you…Obi-Wan,”
The name brought another one of those flashes of heat in golden eyes,
Obi-Wan’s eyes unwaveringly
stuck on Cody. “I’m here because you told me Sith take what they
want and I am as close to a Sith without training… so that means I
can take what I
right?” His lips brushed against Obi-Wan’s, the contact nerve
wracking and electrifying all at once.

could feel the others beard on his own skin, smell the oil the other
must use on it and he wanted to close that last distance.


waited, feeling Obi-Wan’s hands ease from their grip, slowly
stroking down the chest plate before fumbling around to the right
side, Obi-Wan reaching out his left to wave at the door, simply
shutting it down so no one could slice it open.

soft click echoed in the room among the beeps of terminals, the sound
of the chest plate disengaging from the magnetic. “Yes, yes you are
Cody.” Obi-Wan whispered softly, the breath and heat of it washing
over Cody’s face before the Sith closed that last distance, kissing
his commander as the chest plate got pushed out of the way by nimble
hands eager to explore.

happened in the command room was between him, Obi-Wan and the
unseeing terminals around them, armor and cloth discarded by curious

For feral child could we see them go to war with the hutts and get anakins mom back. Also maybe with some Cody/Rex/obi wan starting to get close??? I love the idea of Obi Wan getting smitten and possessive of the clones

in through the open door with his helmet under his arm in a copy of
his vod, Rex sent Cody a questioning look, the older vod simply
shaking his head while tightening his grip on his helmet.

had no idea what this was about anymore than Rex did clearly.

had simply been summoned to General Carrion’s side and Rex wasn’t
sure what to make of it.

they all belonged to Kenobi, it was clear that the man had intended
for Rex and his men to belong mostly to Anakin Skywalker, be his men…
his friends as Anakin put his claim on them, like an over-sized cat
laying over their laps.

wouldn’t shock Rex if the other blond tried to rub his scent on
them in a manner of speaking.

what did the High General want?

with the explicate order to not let Anakin know that Rex was going to
see Obi-Wan, to come while the other Sith was asleep.

was odd, but Rex wasn’t scared.

wasn’t like the longnecks.

he was worried, standing there in the darkened command room, no one
but him, Cody and Kenobi in the room, the man standing over a holo
display with the blue lights of it casting shadows over the redhead’s
face as the only real light of the room as he leaned his hands on the
metal to bend over it, clearly observing Nal Hutta.

had looked it up the moment he could once he knew they were going

were after all going to war there and a good captain knew the

approached the man without fear, coming to a still at Kenobi’s side
and Rex followed his vod, quietly settling too.

said anything, after all, Kenobi knew they were there and was staring
at the planet, clearly thinking.

he finally sighed and lifted his eyes, peering at them, eyes
glittering faintly in the dark not unlike a nocturnal predator. “You
are both aware why we’re going to Nal Hutta?” He murmured.

and Rex exchanged quick looks before both nodded. “Yes sir, was
kind of hard to ignore you and General Skywalker’s conversation on
the bridge.” Cody stated, his tone low and steady.

quirked his lips at that, looking back at the display, his expression
somehow darkening even further. “I hate hutt’s. So does Anakin.
Even before I found my little monster, I hated them. But that is
neither here nor there, I’m only going to war for his sake.” He

couldn’t help but wonder about family that would do that for you,
would go bracing into war, fire in their eyes and violence in their

would have to be a unique and deep kind of bond and affection, that
he knew for sure and he couldn’t help but feel… envious.

he didn’t doubt his brothers would do quite a bit for him.

they were also trained by the kaminoan’s, there were things they
were… raised not to do.

have someone like Kenobi on their side now was a blessing he would
never forget, after losing so many vode before.

what did all of this have to do wit-

issue is that I’m not certain Shmi Skywalker is alive.” The words
came out measured from the Sith and Rex started, his nostrils flaring
before his eyes narrowed in sudden understanding.

had seen Anakin’s face when Obi-Wan had announced where they were
going, he had seen the undisguised and desperate hope on the other’s
face and he knew,
he knew what it was like to loose someone and curse the ones who had
taken them from you.

he knew what it was like to hurt.

while Rex had not been able to lash out, Anakin Skywalker would
certainly be allowed to lash out.

he would, if his mother was dead, if hope was ripped so cruelly
and abruptly out of Anakin’s hands…

would lash out with all the rage of the two suns he had once come

eyes were suddenly squarely focused on Rex. “I need you to watch
his back Captain, when Anakin lets go, he also becomes reckless. He
will end up in danger of being shot in the back as he exhausts
himself in pure rage and grief and I won’t be able to watch his
back as I have before and neither will Qui-Gon. So I need you to
watch his back, you and your brothers because right now, with a war
on my hands, I will not be able to. Can I trust you to watch his back
Captain Rex?” He murmured in that even, steady tone.

his eyes seemed to be trying to look through Rex, to scan every part
of his being.

didn’t cower though, only clicked his heels together and saluted,
nodding firmly.

eyes lingered on him before slowly, steadily, General Kenobi’s lips
quirked into a small smile. Then he turned to Cody. “I will need
you to watch my back on the other hand,” He raised a hand when Cody
opened his mouth. “Please, let me finish Commander Cody. There will
come a time that I may be… indisposed during battle, when that time
comes, I expect you to watch my back and to lead. If I become
indisposed, it will all be in your hands Cody.” He murmured, his
voice softer.


ears sharpened a bit, throwing a quick glance Cody’s way.

in the darkness of the room with only the holo display as their
source of light, Rex could see the faint flush of Cody’s ears and
the back of his neck and he knew his vod.

heard the tone too, that fondness in the General’s voice.

Cody clearly liked
that fondness.

well, well, Rex mentally rubbed his hands together as Cody responded
positively to the request. It seemed that Rex would have to create a
little betting pool with the rest of the captain’s and commanders

with Cody?

were only a matter of time before they happened.

For feralchild, Obi-wan hasn’t lived up to his name in a while. Can we see him being an absolute feral terror?

in a lose parade rest, Obi-Wan lazily observed the bridge and the
view-finder, peering
at the glittering stars and the sight of Kamino blue and dangerous
blow them
before he
slowly turned
and peered
in amusement at his apprentice, watching Anakin stretch his long body
as far as he can across four trooper’s body.

the end was Rex, looking wholly amused as he petted his General’s
hair, the three other looked a bit bemused but content with the one
at the end of Anakin’s legs playing with the flap of Anakin’s
boot’s, visibly fascinated with the fastening.

fun little monster?” Obi-Wan drawled, getting the blond’s

Was all that came out of the others mouth and Obi-Wan chuckled,
nodding as
Anakin spread himself even more out over the troopers lap, clearly
marking the 501st
as his and he was more than happy to be open about that claim as he
laid out over their laps like a giant feline ready for petting,
something Rex was obliging the little possessive monster with, not
that Obi-Wan would call him out on that.

all, Obi-Wan wasn’t the only possessive one and he really had no
ground to stand on when it came to displays of possessiveness by
other Sith, after all, Obi-Wan was no hypocrite.

was many things, possessive, angry, feral, wild and a very good
actor, but he was no hypocrite and freely admitted to his traits that
often helped him rise in the ranks of the Sith. His arrogance on the
other hand could at times be a problem but Obi-Wan felt he was owed
some for the way he could make others cower for him with just a look
and a flash of his fangs.


a bit, shaken from his thoughts, Obi-Wan turned smoothly to face Cody
as the other settled at his side on the bridge, a curious look on his
face as Qui-Gon followed the marshal commander to the redhead’s
side. “Commander Cody, Master.” Obi-Wan nodded to them, crossing
his arms over his chest.

soft chuckle escaped Qui-Gon’s mouth. “So, a brand new ship,
brand new army and everyone accounted and settled out throughout the
rather massive ship you apparently got made by Kuat of Kuat in
secret. That mean’s you have a goal, especially as you left Plo in
charge of terrifying the Kamino’s and keeping your boys safe.”
The old man stated, the question lingering in his voice as golden
eyes sparkled with hidden battle lust with amber eyes settling on
Obi-Wan in curiosity, the question burning in Cody’s eyes.

everyone’s curiosity and interest was skirting Obi-Wan’s senses,
loud and insistent and wondering.

a bit, Obi-Wan cocked his head before chuckling softly at them. “I
imagine it’s about time I tell everyone where we’re going.”
Curiosity turned to excitement, some dread but most of all, desire
for battle.

army had been raised and breed to fight
and that desire was deep in their bones even if some were more wary.

was time to use those skills and make sure they came back safe and

they were three Sith and therefore Obi-Wan was quite certain they
would survive.

all, their targets were nothing more than disgusting slugs.

his fangs in the bright light of Morti’s bridge, Obi-Wan felt his
own excitement rise. “Set course for Nal Hutta, I
have an Archon and a Hutt Cartel to deal with.” He wiggled
slightly, unable to help himself.

a flash, before anyone else could respond, Anakin was there in front
of him, eyes wide. “Did you find her? Did you find mom?” He
questioned breathlessly. “Is that why we’re going?”

Obi-Wan reached out to cup the back of Anakin’s head with one hand,
carding his fingers through the long hair before pulling him in and
pressing their foreheads together. “Yes little monster, I found
her. We’re going to get her.” He whispered softly, the words
gentle and warm.

twisted into his tunic, tugging Obi-Wan closer as Anakin pressed
against him.

let the other manhandle him, still rubbing the back of his scalp. “To
Nal Hutta Commander Cody, now.” He murmured, feeling the bridge
come to life as Anakin shuddered against him, the boy leaning heavily
into him to seek comfort.

Obi-Wan would give it.

all, this was his
little monster.

was nothing he’d deny the blond.

for Anakin, Obi-Wan was going to go to war against the hutt empire.

So, Feral child, Kamino is all good and all but how is our favorite feral child going to get his army around?

was a thick sense of anticipation in the air that had the kaminoan’s
tense and the vod excited and everyone could tell it had to do with
Obi-Wan Kenobi, the one
and only
Darth Carrion as the man skulked around the facilities, his eyes

one could get out of him what was going on.

his former master, not the Sith council members, not Cody, not even
his little monster as he was so affectionately named, Rex always at
Anakin’s side.

no one could get out of Obi-Wan what was up though when it happened,
everyone could literally see what was going on.

started with Cody tracking his General down as he had slipped away
during training, Cody finding the man outside of all things as the
weather cleared up for the first time in several days, the man
standing out on the platform with his eyes on the cloudless sky.

his way to the others side, Cody pulled his helmet off to give the
man a curious look. Oh he knew Obi-Wan could fully feel his emotions
and all that but Cody had noticed that the other looked more pleased
when he could see faces of people around him and it was safe, so Cody
removed his helmet. “General, is something wrong?” He murmured.

lips quirked into a smirk at that, glancing at Cody, approval in his
gaze when he saw the others face. “No, nothing wrong. I’m just
waiting for a delivery.” He murmured, turning his head while he was
talking so he was facing Cody.

faintly, Cody opened his mouth only to shut it firmly when they both
heard a noise, both of their heads snapping around to look up at the
sky once more. And high above them on the blue sky, a black ship
appeared, Cody’s eyes widening.

it to be this big from the planet surface and to be able to hear it
like they were…

meant the ship was bigger than anything he had ever seen on screen
before, bigger than the Venetori death star blueprints he had seen.

the kark was that!?

at the giant space ship in the sky above them, Cody couldn’t help
but shiver as he heard Obi-Wan chuckle. “What is that?”
He whispered finally,
hearing the door behind him open but unable to turn and look at who
had arrived.

Obi-Wan murmured, his voice the sound of satisfaction, of the lothcat
who got both the pigeon and the cream. “Is the Eclipse-class super
destroyer Morti,
specially designed for me by someone who owes me a favor, put
together in record speed and paid for out of my own funds,” He
murmured before turning. “And your new stationing dear Commander

snapping his eyes to his General, Cody took in the satisfied face of
the man in front of him, his chest throbbing with how hard his heart
was going, his
mind analyzing the ships name, half remembering it literally meant
This was his stationing?

was the ship he was suppose to lead?

he have a big enough battalion for this?

no way, he hadn’t picked that many.

he would clearly need to bring more vode than his own battalion and
Cody felt his nerves spasm.

yet at the same time…

eyes slid back to the giant, almost black ship hovering lazily over
Kamino, giant even from the ground.

would be massive up close.

it was his
to command, his and his General.

General who trusted him and had already started delegating tasks to
him, showing him confidential information, the man ready to trust him
with the result of what must be massive amounts of funds, the
man who called him Marshal
commander, giving Cody the highest highest rank of any of his vode.

bubbled in Cody’s chest as much as fear and uncertainty.

his heels together and saluting his General, Cody felt the stirrings
of anticipation rising
with blood
lust fulling him as his General
him, fangs
flashing in the rare sun of Kamino.
“The 212th
are ready to serve General!” He snapped out before turning, moving
sharply through the few
Sith and gathered vode that had come to see the large ship hanging
over them.

find those that would serve with the 212th
he would get everything ready.

be the best karking commander ever and that was a promise to any
goddesses listening to him.

In FeralChild, you’ve mentioned Jango Fett several times, but we have yet to see him. Is he dead or alive? If alive, does he still reside on Kamino or is he on the run? Does Boba exist and if so, is he with Jango?

down in front of the uniquely
dressed child
on one knee, Obi-Wan let his eyes trail over the now extremely
familiar features, ignoring how tense Cody was behind him as he took
in Boba Fett, the only unaltered
Jango Fett had asked for as his own as part of his payment apparently
for doing this entire thing.

was young, looking at him with wide amber eyes of his family line and
chubby cheeks, his hair feathering out around his head in a soft

he clearly knew who Obi-Wan and a little listen to the young ones
thoughts made Obi-Wan aware that Jango had tried to keep himself and
the child separated from the Sith, in particular Obi-Wan.

were worried Obi-Wan would take him away.

slightly, Obi-Wan slowly bowed without taking his eyes off the boy.
“Hello there young one, where is your father?” He murmured,
feeling more than seeing Cody practically collapse behind him.

had made no disguise of his claim to the clones, he called them his
and despite sharing custody as he said, that still meant they were
his in part.

with Boba…

was not Obi-Wan’s, regardless how much he put his claim on the
other clones.

wasn’t the same as them.

belonged to his father, was loved by his father, cared for and taught
by his father.

Force did not give Obi-Wan the young Boba Fett.

Cody understood that from the simple words.

to overcome his fear, Boba quickly bowed to Obi-Wan in return,
keeping his eyes on the Sith too and therefore almost falling on his
face but he was smart.

take your eyes off someone you suspect as an enemy.

the shooting range Lord Carrion, I
can…can lead you there?” The boy twisted his hands into his blue
shirt, eyes wide. It was so hard for the young to hide their

didn’t blame him for his fear.

would have been fearful too if someone threatened to take him away
from Qui-Gon and he had been a teen at least.

Obi-Wan shook his head while brushing off his tunic. “No need,”
He murmured, Boba tense as he looked up at the man. “Tell your
father young Boba that if he wishes, he can come by my quarters later
for a chat. That is only
if he wants, I require no visit from him if he does not desire to go.
You have a nice day child.” Obi-Wan hummed, resisting the urge to
reach out and ruffle that soft hair.

unlike the young clones, was scared of him.

would not react well to the playful touch and Obi-Wan wasn’t about
to make him even more uncomfortable and so he instead made his way
around the child and continued on with Cody following him.

said anything for several minutes as they walked through the halls
until finally Cody murmured. “Thank you.” He whispered.

behind him, Obi-Wan pondered what kind of relationship the clones had
with Boba, the only one given to Jango. Then he decided it did not
matter, if they wanted to foster a relationship with the child, that
was fine by him

out a low hum, Obi-Wan finally gave a small shrug and gestured for
the other to walk beside him instead of behind. “I’ve told you
before, you’re not a slave and you don’t have to walk behind me
when we’re in safe territory, there is no need to guard my back
here. As for Boba,” Obi-Wan trailed off, Cody sliding in beside him
instead of behind. “Boba is not like you or anyone else. He does
not belong to me. He belongs to his father and the Force does not
tell me to claim him as my own.” He shrugged, licking his fangs a

shot him a curious side look at that before nodding slowly. “So if
the Force hadn’t told you that we were yours…” He hesitated.

Obi-Wan shook his head. “Oh, you’d still be all mine. I was here
first, no one else had any claim on you. I would have claimed you all
out of sheer fascination and later kept you all because you liked
me.” He grinned at the other, flashing his fangs like a predator.

just chuckled, not quelled by the look or the words. “I’m glad
you did then sir, it’s nice to have someone who doesn’t care for
the decommissioning around…” He eased off and Obi-Wan felt an
inward stab.

many troopers had been decommissioned?

many vode had Cody lost?

strict were the rules and how many had lived under the fear?

did not like that thought one bit.

are safe now, they’re all mine now.’ He reminded himself even as
he took a step closer to Cody so their shoulders occasionally bumped
in the wide hallway, Cody noticing and sending him a small smile as
his gratefulness oozed in the Force.

wasn’t sure he deserved that… but he would accept it still.

all, they were his.

For feralchild, so can we assume that Obi-wan lets some of the clones go? Because clearly Plo and Wolffe belong together!

his eyes faintly in thought, Obi-Wan held his hand out to the
terminal and gathered the Force, the whisper of power sounding in his
ears as the screen began to roll through pages, ever going faster and
faster as Obi-Wan’s eyes flickered up into his skull as the Force
guided him.


one.’ Obi-Wan opened his eyes, staring at the page for a few
seconds before breathing out and leaning forward to read, stroking
his beard slowly even as the door to the office opened. He spoke
before looking up. “I’m willing to share this one with you, but
only because I sense a connection. They’re still all mine, but
Wolffe can also be yours even if I have main custody,” He glanced
up at Plo, eyeing the Kel Door for a moment before glancing back
down. “I will consider it your sworn duty to keep them alive
though, Wolffe and whoever of his batchmates follow him.” He eased
as he glanced over another line of galactic basic.

stood there for a few moments before humming approvingly. “Wolffe,
a name for a hunter. I very much like it.” He murmured as he moved
in through the door, glancing around the sparse office of whoever the
tech or worker who
used it originally. He raised a brow in surprise.

is showing my little monster and Qui-Gon around, introducing them to
my personal battalion.” Obi-Wan stated calmly, tapping his fingers
on the desk as he paused.

man slowly focused back on Obi-Wan at that. “…You sent your
little monster and master away… unusual.” He cocked both brows.

too, Obi-Wan stared at the screen then leaned his elbows on the desk,
peering at Plo. “I know my reputation, I have a reputation for
being possessive and dangerous. I’m not shamed by my reputation…”
He drawled slowly before pausing again then sighing. “But I also
know that eventually my little monster has to go and spread his wings
and sink his claws into the galaxy. So I’ll do my best by him now,”
Obi-Wan straightened, tapping the terminal screen. “And so I’ve
found him a companion for the road.” He smirked in satisfaction.

should bring a chill to Plo’s spine.

dangerous curl of Obi-Wan’s lips, the flash of fangs, the spark in
his eyes…but all it made him do was chuckle softly in amusement as
he nodded and then left to find Wolffe and get to know him some more,
him and his batchmates that he now shared custody with Obi-Wan over.

Obi-Wan stretched and breathed out, following after Plo as he tracked
his apprentice down with his former master, sensing Cody with him
and…well this was a surprise, a welcomed one.

slightly, Obi-Wan looped through the halls in an easy glide, inwardly
noting with glee how several kaminoans made very abrupt changes to
their paths when they noticed he was coming, pretending they weren’t
avoiding him.

the power to make sycophants turn tail heh, it did always amuse

though, Obi-Wan tracked the four down, finding them in a shooting
range as Cody explained the blaster lessons all clones were taught,
though the moment he noticed Obi-Wan, he gave his full attention to
the Sith, shifting his entire body in his direction while saluting.
“General Kenobi, you’ve done with your research?” Cody
questioned, having already been aware of what Obi-Wan was up to.

Obi-Wan crossed the floor to rest a hand on Anakin’s shoulder,
nodding to Cody as he noted to himself how tall Anakin was becoming,
well that was slightly annoying but oh well, Qui-Gon was tall too.
“Indeed, thank
you for guiding them around Commander Cody,” Obi-Wan smiled
inwardly at the bristle of pride in Cody’s aura before turning his
eyes on the other trooper standing there. “Rex, correct?”

trooper started, blinking in shock at Obi-Wan before nodding quickly,
saluting. “Yes sir, I’m… surprised you know.” He stated a bit

weren’t used to people knowing their names, were used to the
kaminoan’s culling them for independence, used to hiding even those
shreds that made them people.

Obi-Wan knew they were people.

people, and he was going to make sure the kaminoans never touched
them again.

Anakin’s shoulder, Obi-Wan turned his eyes to the other to find
expecting and curious yellow meeting his. “Little monster, this is
Captain Rex,” He looked back to the find the Captain’s eyes widen
slightly only to narrow in sudden understanding. “Captain Rex, this
is my apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. Treat him well.” Obi-Wan
chuckled softly as the two cautiously meet each other for real as the
team they were going to be.

as Cody belonged to Obi-Wan, Rex would be at Anakin’s side.

to trust.

to understand.

who did not have loyalty to Obi-Wan first.

maybe, someone who could become a friend.

So what is happening with Ani in Feral Child? How old are the boys now?

his eyes at the adults, Anakin jammed his thumb into his belt and
hung more tightly onto the strap of the shuttle with
his other hand.
“I feel like you’re going behind Obi-Wan’s back somehow.” He
finally stated, calculating eyes jumping from Plo, to Qui-Gon, to

three exchanged amused looks before Qui-Gon chuckled quietly, leaning
forward to peer at him. “Anakin, we’re surprising him. That’s
why we haven’t told him you’re here.” He teased.

his nose, Anakin considered that before the sixteen year old snorted
and nodded, giving a slightly wry grin that exposed the fangs the
Force gave him a few years ago.

his tongue, Qui-Gon glanced at the other two. “Though he is right,
Obi-Wan doesn’t like to be surprised always. So it’s a good thing
that two here are at least for official reasoning.” He chuckled a

had after a few days been required to report what he had found, a
giant, supposedly Sith made cloned army of Jango Fett and so two
council members were now here to investigate.

everyone knew that finders were keepers and Obi-Wan’s possessive
streak for people was a planet long and the troopers were his, which
was why Qui-Gon was there to try and reign Obi-Wan a bit in with
Anakin accompanying as Obi-Wan was more likely to behave with his
little ‘monster’ around as he affectionately called his

course, that didn’t mean that they weren’t expecting the fires as
the kaminoan’s desperately tried to put them out and several
squeaked when they saw the rest of the Sith. A male, recognizable by
his headcrest, hurried over with his long hands raised in
supplication. “Ah, revered Sith lords, Lord Carrion has already
made it abundantly clear that removal of any… younglings, will not
be allowed anymore.” He spoke quickly, nervously.

Obi-Wan had been making some head ways already.

of younglings however… that sounded ominous, they would have to
speak to Obi-Wan about that and the clearly wrecked lab Obi-Wan had
torn into.

three Sith lord’s exchanged glances. “Right
then, where is Lord Carrion at this moment?” Qui-Gon drawled,
narrowing his eyes faintly as Anakin just marveled at his master’s
sheer destruction with a wide grin on his face.

young man in a white armor was called over, all four Sith watching
him curiously, though only Anakin was obvious about it as the male
gestured at the armored man. “CC-3636 will lead you to him.” He
murmured before bowing and quickly returning to helping with the
burning lab.

trooper saluted, all of them realizing that this was likely one of
the clones. “General sirs, please follow me.” He murmured,
clicking his heels together, his voice a lower pitch of a growl and
Qui-Gon almost groaned when he saw Plo raise his head a bit, his
breather making a low clicking noise.

really didn’t want to watch Plo and Obi-Wan fight over the clones.
‘Maybe Obi-Wan can just hand over a few?’ Qui-Gon thought
hopefully even as they all followed the trooper through the halls.

they did, they got a good view of the facility.

the many, many clones.

many clones, eating, training, learning.

of them found by Obi-Wan and claimed by a man who had a possessive
streak. An army for a man that would rule something.

it’s Kamino he’s going to claim?’ Qui-Gon wondered to himself
before chuckling when he saw Obi-Wan standing in front of a clone
with a head scar, obviously oozing smugness into the Force as the
clone was leaking what could only be interest and awe.

must have been quite the sight ripping up the lab and facility,
Qui-Gon could spot the torn up durasteel and blown out light bulbs
that proved the path Obi-Wan had taken to the lab.

he could speak up however, Anakin gave a delighted cry. “Master!”
He yelled, rushing past everyone and jumping easily around the ripped
up durasteel of the floor.

his smugness turning to shock and then pleasure, Obi-Wan’s face
went from surprise to glee as he opened up his arms, catching his
tall padawan in a tight hug. “Little monster! What are you doing
here!?” Obi-Wan beamed, holding onto the teen as he nuzzled himself
affectionately under Obi-Wan’s chin, giving the trooper a probing
then approving look as he did.

missed out on it, focusing on Qui-Gon and the two council members as
his face turned from his delight to an exasperated sort of
understanding, rolling his eyes. “Oh, of course. Hello there Master
He smiled warmly at Qui-Gon, nodding to Plo and Jocasta.

the remaining distance, Qui-Gon lifted his hand, cupping Obi-Wan’s
cheek and a bit of his back head, marveling at how small Obi-Wan
still was compared to him even as he leaned down and pressed their
foreheads together. “Greetings Obi-Wan, we’ve missed you.” He
murmured calmly, feeling Obi-Wan coiling into him in the Force,
latching onto him as he always did, Obi-Wan raising his own hand to
cover Qui-Gon’s as he breathed out heavily while relaxing into him.

and wanting, possessive and loving.

possessive little son would never let them go and as he eyed the
clone with the temple scar, Qui-Gon had a feeling there were about to
be more addition to their family.

lot of additions really he figured, glancing to the clear hallway
panels, the multitude of men milling around below.