In high as a kite, can the boys get out of the pirate cave. Maybe a bit of cuddle fluff to help poor Obi and settle poor Anakin’s nerves when he finds out what almost happened.

Only barely waiting until Kix and Potion announced themselves done with Obi-Wan, seeing as Helix was settled into a bed himself, Anakin finally crawled into the medbed with his dazed and drugged master.

Thankfully, neither medics said anything, even if Helix grumbled over in his bed, as Obi-Wan let out a happy noise and snuggled himself into Anakin’s body. “Cold.” He slurred out into Anakin’s shoulder and Anakin noted Cody struggling to sit up a bit where Kix had him settled with a cast on his left leg.

Apparently the man broke it when he came rushing out of the cell to roundhouse kick the captain of the pirates. Which now left him unable to go rush to Obi-Wan’s side as he clearly wanted to, the 212th as always protective of their General.

The confession had Helix settle more too, realizing that Anakin wasn’t just being clingy and was actually there for a reason. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here, a bonafide heater.” Anakin teased shakily, tucking his robe around the two of them along with the blanket.

Cody reporting in just how lucky they were with their timing had left Anakin a tad shaken and he knew that Obi-Wan’s reaction to a Force inhibitor often left him unable to keep warm.

Something about the loss of Force making his body sluggish.

Not that Anakin could say much about it, when he was full of an inhibitor drug compared to a tool, Anakin couldn’t stop shaking. He wasn’t cold but his body seemed to want to shake apart at the loss of something so fundamental and a few masters had speculated that if Anakin’s origin was purely in his mother and the Force itself, maybe the loss of it impacted Anakin’s body more severely than others.

It was a theory at least.

But then again, every Jedi did have some kind of side effect when cut of from the Force by drugs. It was different when it was in your blood stream compared to like a Force suppressant collar or room, it just…

Your body knew something was wrong.

It reacted, maybe even tried to fight it and therefore Force sensitive reacted to it differently. Or that was Anakin’s working theory at least and he knew that Obi-Wan shared it along with several other beings in the temple.

It was a sobering thought, that the body basically thought of the inhibitor as something to fight to the point their bodies were impacted and Anakin at least couldn’t help but worry about the severity of certain Force suppressors.

Who knew what effects could remain permanently if the dosage was high enough?

“Mmmn, warm water bottle.” Obi-Wan chuckled, his voice still slurred but the tone bright and merry, indicating a good mood.

Anakin couldn’t help but chuckle a tad to, amused despite it all as Obi-Wan’s little quip brought him out of his darker thoughts. “Yeah yeah, I’m your hottie right now.” He snarked.

There was a long pause at that.

“High thoughts of yourself there General.” Jesse snarked from where Bonesplit was dealing with his dislocated shoulder.

“Oh shut it Jesse,” Anakin snarked back, his insides squirming in joy that his men felt this comfortable to be able to joke with him when not on the clock. “I happen to be extremely attract-Obi!” He squeaked like a mouse being stepped on, as a cold hand suddenly found his bare stomach.

He looked down at faux innocent expression of his master and brother in arms as the other continued pressing his icy hand to Anakin’s stomach. “Hmm?” Obi-Wan tilted his head.

“Your hands are freezing!” Anakin hissed before reaching down and jerking Obi-Wan’s hands out of his tunic, uncaring that it was now undone for the most part. Instead he focused on sticking Obi-Wan’s hands into his own armpits, ignoring the disgusted little grunt the other gave out. “Force sake Obi-Wan, go to sleep and just get warm.” He sighed deeply.

Trying to tug his hands out of Anakin’s armpits for a moment, Obi-Wan grumbled before huffing and nodding, settling his head back into the blond’s shoulder. “Fine… but I want a shower when I wake. Long one… warm one… wet…” Obi-Wan breathed deeply, nuzzling more into Anakin’s warmth.

‘That’s it, just rest Master… when you wake, you should feel better.’ Anakin smiled wryly, petting Obi-Wan’s hair slowly.

In Snow white purity, we left off with Obi crying on Anakin’s shoulder because he was accepted. Can we get Obi-wan calming down and suddenly wondering WHY Anakin would by him something so intimate? Or asking about the bralette and Anakin trying to explain without terrifying his poor master.

Swallowing thickly, his hands clenched into his padawan’s shirt, Obi-Wan finally took a long, shaking breath, feeling a bit humiliated.

His face was so hot and his eyes were sore from the tears and yet at the same time he felt a wary sense of relief as he pressed his face to Anakin’s shoulder.

Welcoming, warm arms were still wrapped tightly around him, Obi-Wan feeling Anakin occasionally shift his hands to rub lightly at Obi-Wan’s back, rubbing the romper silky fabric against Obi-Wan’s back.

Finally, Obi-Wan let out a sharp, shuddering breath and pulled back, rubbing at his eyes with the heels of his palms.

Force, his eyes felt hot and sore but he still shakily forced himself to look Anakin in the eyes, smiling shakily as the blond peered worriedly back at him.

The demure, shaking but genuine smile however got him to smile again. “Better master? Calmer?” He questioned quietly, worry clearly oozing of the man.

Nodding, Obi-Wan ran a shaking hand through his hair, shifting uncertainly as he glanced at the still Force hovering clothes.

Staring at them, Obi-Wan swallowed a bit before looking back to Anakin. “How did you…” Pausing, Obi-Wan swallowed again as his voice was gruff from crying, huffing thickly when Anakin raised confused brows. “How did you know I was wearing… this?” He plucked at the chest of his cream colored romper.

Anakin blinked then went a bit wide eyed, pink flushing up his tanned skin, his cheeks turning a delightful shade of light pink.

Narrowing his eyes, Obi-Wan pursed his lips, despite still shaking slightly. “Anaaaaakin…” He drew out the others name.

Raising his hands, Anakin smiled sheepishly and a bit nervously. “Okay, so before you get upset with me master, I was worried. I thought maybe you were experiencing a backlash from the ritual.” He stated quickly, almost tripping over his own words.

Deliberating briefly, automatically going to tuck his hands into his ‘sleeves’ and wrapping a hand around each elbow, Obi-Wan nodded. “Continue.” He stated quietly.

Anakin paused, glancing down at Obi-Wan’s hands at his elbows with an odd look on his still pink face, only snapping out of it when Obi-Wan raised his brow. “I may have snuck into your room while you were out and poked around.” He admitted, shamefaced as he raised a hand and rubbed at the back of his neck, braid rocking along his tunic at the move.

Hands dropping along with his jaw, Obi-Wan stared at the other before spluttering, any and all decorum left behind.

Flinching, Anakin nodded. “I know, it was bad of me. A terrible invasion of privacy and I was really guilty about it afterward,” He bit his lower lip hard before taking a deep breath. “I wanted to apologize after I realized what was going on but I was also…” He paused.

Licking his lips, shaking his head slowly while staring at his padawan, Obi-Wan huffed. “We… We will be speaking about the breech of privacy and trust that was padawan,” He stated sternly, pressing his lips together when Anakin winced.

But his padawan nodded meekly, clasping his hands in front of him as he mutely dropped his eyes to the floor.

He reminded Obi-Wan of a scolded puppy caught doing something bad, like ripping up a pair of shoes.

Reluctantly, the image of Anakin with floppy ears and a tail tucked between his legs, made Obi-Wan’s lips twitch.

Reaching out, he caught Anakin’s lightly decorated braid, giving it a playful tug.

It prompted Anakin to look up from the floor, giving Obi-Wan a wide eyed look, full of hope and concern.

“…But thank you Anakin… for…” Obi-Wan glanced at the clothes, taking in the lingerie with a growing smile. “For accepting all of me.” He finished, voice soft.

Slowly, stepping closer, Anakin held up his arms with a hopeful smile.

Huffing softly, Obi-Wan stepped into the circle of the others arms, the braid still held in his hand, the lightly decorated braid a silky thing in his grasp.

Anakin had never really been one for braid decorations despite earning his skills but the colored threads but in that moment, Obi-Wan wanted to get the other a bead for the end of the braid.

Something pretty.

Something from Obi-Wan.

“Of course Obi-Wan… I’ll always accept all of you.” Anakin whispered quietly, his lips brushing Obi-Wan’s temple before he rested his cheek against the temple.

‘When did you get so tall?’ Obi-Wan mused quietly, letting himself draw comfort from the other for once as he rested his cheek on his padawan’s shoulder, eyeing the blue babydoll button up hovering in the air as Anakin held him tightly.

An idea occurred to him and feeling bold, Obi-Wan licked his lips before speaking. “…Do you want to see me in the outfit you bought?” Obi-Wan murmured, his heart rate picking up as Anakin was suddenly crushing him to his chest.

‘What is he thinking? What will he say?’ Beyond the nervous pulse in his ears, Obi-Wan could feel the thrum of excitement as he waited for Anakin’s answer, trying not to think about how indecent the entire situation was.