Fallenforyou-the tattoo looked perfect. There was never any doubt of course. Anakin’s drawing skills were superb and the clones’ ability to tattoo was far beyond any other race or people’s skill level (sorry Barissa and Luminera). Obi-Wan, for the first time in a long time felt… not quite safe… but something close to it. The tattoo was a permanent sign of people and values he was the most loyal to and it was made for him by the people who love him most.

It turned out that captain Gregor was one of the tattooist of the 212th, Cody arriving with both the captain in question and Helix, the latter coming along the moment he heard that there was going to be any tattooing done.

Obi-Wan had honestly been happy to see them all, giving Cody a warm smile before greeting the other two, inviting them in and fetching juice for them as Anakin dug up the design they had created together, showing it to Gregor.

The trooper marveled at them, praising Anakin’s drawing skill and the clear, sharp lines that would make the tattooing easier.

Finally sitting on the couch with the troopers around and Gregor beside him, they started to ready up, the trooper finding forth the ink, his tattoo gun, Force knew where Gregor had gotten that from, some medical wipes, bacta and a razor.

There was also a paper, the clone explaining that he would be transferring the image of the krayt dragon wrapped around the saber onto the paper, which he would be able to transfer to Obi-Wan’s skin, ensuring that the design would be proper.

The hardest part honestly came when Obi-Wan had to remove his compression sleeve, awkwardly fiddling with it before finally pulling it off.

Gregor had paused, not having seen the pink, raised word on the General’s arm despite hearing about it but the man shook himself and gave Obi-Wan a shaky smile. “Lets get you tattooed eh General?” He murmured, his cheerful voice becoming a low, soothing tone.

It actually helped, the fact that Gregor wasn’t making a fuss and carefully, Obi-Wan gave his arm over to the man. Gregor carefully ran the razor over the skin, removing any hairs before then wiping over it with the medical wipe to ensure it was sterile.

Finally Obi-Wan was ready as Gregor pressed the paper to his arm to transfer the image Anakin had made for him, Obi-Wan letting out a low noise at the sensation. It almost felt wet despite there being no fluid involved.

It was honestly kinda fascinating, how the tattooing transfer paper worked and in any other situation, Obi-Wan would be asking questions.

Instead he was just nervous.

One glance over at Anakin told him that the blond was paying close attention, smiling tenderly at Obi-Wan when he found the redhead looking at him. “Want to hold my hand? I hear tattooing isn’t the most pleasant.” The man offered.

Pondering that, Obi-Wan glanced at the tattoo gun then nodded, letting out a soft noise as Anakin instantly got up and moved from the armchair to sit down on the floor, resting his head in Obi-Wan’s lap while taking his free hand in his.

A soft, gentle warning and then Gregor got to work with black ink and Obi-Wan tightened his grip on Anakin’s hand, biting his lips.

The constant buzz and the small stings of pain that got more pronounced when they went over the scars made meditating hard and Obi-Wan clenched his eyes shut finally after about ten minutes.

Somehow, through sheer stubborn will or maybe through Anakin aid, Obi-Wan finally managed to go into a semi meditation state, Anakin drawing and wrapping around him, distracting him in the Force.

In the physical world, he could feel Gregor pausing at times, feel the man wiping carefully at his hand and adding bacta at times before going back to work but every time he almost floated back out of meditation, Anakin drew him back in with a murmur through their Force bond.

The other’s aura was dark, as it had been since they had escaped, but it helped and it was Anakin.

If there was any person Obi-Wan trusted, it was Anakin.

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when Gregor finally wiped the tattoo one last time and added bacta to it, Anakin allowing Obi-Wan to surface from his meditation to blink tiredly around the slightly darkened room.

The outside of their window showed the passage of time as the sky had gone from bright to the sheen of orange in the distance, the caff table had several glasses and some snacks resting on with Helix and Cody clearly having eaten them, the medic looking approving due to the use of bacta and the commander just smiling gently at Obi-Wan.

Looking down slowly, Obi-Wan held his breath as Gregor carefully wiped over the tattoo, removing excess ink, blood and scabs to show the bacta healed skin beneath.

The tattoo looked perfect. There was never any doubt of course. Anakin’s drawing skills were superb and the clones’ ability to tattoo was far beyond any other race or people’s skill level due to the pride they put in the skills.

Obi-Wan, for the first time in a long time felt… not quite safe… but something close to it. The tattoo was a permanent sign of people and values he was the most loyal to and it was made for him by the people who love him most.

The krayt wrapped around the lightsaber hid the evidence of what had happened to him and reminded him of the people that cared for him and as he observed it, Anakin’s mech hand came into view, carefully stroking a cold thumb over the heated skin.

“Well General, what do you think?” Gregor asked cheerfully and yet both Jedi could feel the nervousness the other was hiding.

“…Its perfect Gregor.” Obi-Wan whispered, lifting his head to smile at all of them.

Obi-Wan gets a tattoo of a krayt dragon, words of protection, and a heart to cover up the scars.

It had been Anakin that had drawn the design.

two sitting at the caff table together, quietly pitching ideas to
each other to begin with before Anakin had gotten to work with a
pencil and an eraser with carefully drawn lines.

Anakin had given him a long look at Obi-Wan’s suggestion, yellow
gaze knowing and all too soft, causing Obi-Wan to look away as his
cheeks flushed quite clearly without the beard.

It was
one of the reasons Obi-Wan had grown it really, including looking too
young to be a master, he had also grown it because of how easily his
pale skin showed when he blushed.

growing a beard and make it look presentable now was impossible, the
scarring may have been healed and reduced as good as possible didn’t
recover the hair roots that had been damaged by the scars.

could get implantation but he held back from it, feeling…

wasn’t vain.

had looked so sad when he had explained why he didn’t get hair
restoration done, quietly informing Obi-Wan that it had nothing to do
with vanity and more with what made Obi-Wan feel like himself.

his own choices.

was… hard to rationalize it as that though.

felt like vanity.

in the future, Obi-Wan could do it but not right now and Cody had
backed off when Obi-Wan had said that, quietly informing him that it
was his choice.

only his choice.

A lot
of things were only Obi-Wan’s choice these days, from the few on
Coruscant missions he took, the training he did and where and with
who he had his meals.

If he
was to take a guess, victims of… of rape, were given more leeway
due to what had been forcibly done to them, to avoid triggering panic
attacks or flashbacks.

wasn’t sure honestly, he hadn’t been around for any cases of rape
in his time on the council.

knew of Jedi it had happened to before, it was an unfortunate side of
their work, especially with Force users being considered a commodity
to the slave trade but Obi-Wan had never directly been involved in a
case it happened.

the few times it had almost happened, the troopers had


troopers worked hard and fast when their Jedi were in jeopardy and
always recovered them before too much damage was done.

that was.

they knew where their Jedi were.

and Anakin both bitterly regretted going alone and getting abducted,
because both knew, had the troopers, had Cody and Rex known, they
would have been rescued far sooner.

It was
one of their biggest errors and they both knew it.

Anakin said nothing about Obi-Wan’s tattoo design and just
continued sketching, carefully shading in the parts that would be
colored and making the lines sharp. And to avoid making it too
difficult for the one that tattooed him, avoiding too many small

after about a good hour, Anakin sat up and looked at Obi-Wan, gently
pushing the flimsi towards him for a better look.

with care, the image of a krayt dragon curled almost protectively up
around a Jedi sigil stared back up at them with large, slitted eyes,
it’s tail gently swishing down.

would cover the scars quite neatly and Obi-Wan already knew the
colors he would want for it.

A blue
tinted black for the body of the dragon, one each of it’s eyes to
be golden and blue respectively with the Jedi sigil white in white.

what do you think?” Anakin finally murmured, his flesh hand gently
resting on the nape of Obi-Wan’s neck, his thumb stroking the wing
they shared in a tender motion.

else wouldn’t hear the slight tinge of nervousness in Anakin’s
voice, but Obi-Wan had over a decade with the other and he could.

his head, he leaned in and pecked Anakin on the cheek, smiling
affectionately. “It it absolutely perfect Anakin.” Obi-Wan
whispered, his throat feeling tight.

And it
was perfect.

Anakin drew this for him, he drew it by request, to help Obi-Wan
cope, to help him heal.

couldn’t tattoo him, no, but every time Obi-Wan would look at the
tattoo, he would remember that Anakin made it for him on request with
Obi-Wan’s input on how it should look.

that made it perfect.

Anakin wrapped his master up in a tight hug, pulling the other to his
chest to nuzzle affectionately. “Good, good. Then all we
need to do is talk with Cody and whoever can tattoo you.” He

Obi-Wan carefully, awkwardly shifted until he was sitting in Anakin’s
lap, feeling Anakin nervously tense before forcing himself to relax
and cuddle. “Later.” Obi-Wan murmured, breathing out as he
enjoyed the closeness of Anakin’s arms around him.

step at a time towards healing.

Anakin agreed, the two settling on the couch.

I’m sorry you have to deal with mean anons. I’m really grateful you opened up anon tho bc I don’t have a tumblr. For Fallenforyou is the ship going to be obikin? Or is it already obikin and I’m just dense lol. If that’s the case, maybe obiwan can get a tattoo over the scars that reminds him of ani (a krayt dragon maybe?). I just really like the thought of obiwan with tattoos. One of the clones could tattoo him.

Rubbing the cream into pale and scarred skin in gentle, circular
motions, Anakin stared at the letters carved into Obi-Wan’s arm
before glancing up.

was firmly looking away, his free hand fisting his tabard as he
stared out the window across the room. He looked so tense and on the
verge of tears and Anakin knew that the other was uncomfortable with
the scar situation and having anyone, even Anakin, see it.

It was
why Anakin had suggested the compress sleeve and leather gauntlet.

sometimes those had to be off for the scar reducing cream to be
applied that Helix had prescribed for him.

would take time for it to really work though.

potential years, regardless how much Anakin sat and carefully applied
the cream to the skin with the two sitting on their squashed leather
couch, the old thing comfortable despite the tenseness in the air.

continued slowly rubbing the cream in circles into the raised scar
textured skin even as he focused on the others face. “…Obi-Wan?”
He murmured quietly, waiting for the other to look at him.

A fine
trembled traveled through the others body and Anakin felt his heart
ache at the sight, Obi-Wan, who looked so much healthier than when
they were rescued, was still suffering so much.

I touch this?” He murmured, nodding his chin downwards.

winced at that before sighing a bit. “You’re already doing so.
You may touch it more if you wish.” He mumbled out, far from the
silver tongued negotiator as he slumped slightly.

aren’t allowed to break you…’ Anakin swallowed, lifting the
others arm up and pressing his lips to the word carved to Obi-Wan’s

breath hitched, the redhead freezing, his trembles spreading.
“Anakin…” He whispered, protesting quietly and shakily.

out a small hum, Anakin pressed another kiss to the damaged skin,
ignoring the cream he got on his lips. “Your scars do not define
you,” He murmured quietly against the pale skin, seeing his own
tanned contrasting against it. Not as dark as the troopers of course
but still browner than Obi-Wan for sure, his skin naturally pale as
moonlight. “You are still beautiful Obi-Wan.” He glanced up.

just stared back, his lips quivering before he pressed them together
in a taunt, white line.

out slowly, Anakin cupped Obi-Wan’s bare cheek, stroking it gently
with his thumb before leaning in slowly, telegraphic his movement
clearly so Obi-Wan wouldn’t freak out.

eyes tracked him, the man letting out a tiny noise as Anakin finally
closed the distance to press their foreheads together.

know it’s not the prettiest. I know it’s not the nicest. But it’s
a sign you survived,” Anakin whispered quietly, still rubbing
gently at the skin with his thumb. “And survival can be a cruel
thing… but I’m selfish Obi-Wan… and I’m glad you’re still
here.” He whispered, his tone soft but full of intent.

swallowed hard, his throat sounding before he let out a small hiccup
and shifted enough to steal a little kiss from Anakin’s lips. “I
hate looking at it,” He confessed quietly, trembling, Anakin’s
heart falling at the confession and the look in Obi-Wan’s eyes.
“All it does, it make me feel…” He shook.

with his thumb, Anakin cast his mind around wildly before a
realization hit him. “Well, I don’t know about you Obi-Wan but…
you could speak to the troopers?” He stated quietly.

lit up in green eyes, Obi-Wan pulling a bit back to look at Anakin’s

clones tattoo, that’s part of their culture, of self expression,
their armor is decorated, their body is theirs to do as they want
with,” Anakin explained, smiling sadly at the other, both aware how
little the clones really had. “They could tattoo you.” He finally
settled on, caressing the full length of the aurebesh word carved
into his arm.

Obi-Wan looked down at his arm, flinching a bit before pausing and
turning thoughtful, eyeing the pale pink letters thoughtfully.

seen what they do to themselves,” Anakin continued softly. “Large
and small tattoos with artistic design… and only their
choice.” He tacked on quietly.

slowly looked at Anakin, a small, cautious smile twitching onto his
lips. “…My choice.” He whispered, Anakin grinning softly in

hoped this would help, Force did he hope.

What’s happening with those wing tattoos behind their ears in fallenforyou? Do they have significant meaning or function? Has anyone else seen them?

Confused, that is what Obi-Wan Kenobi is as he slowly stirs the curry
that he’s heating up for himself and for Anakin.

is off on a survival jungle training with a few other padawans, a
necessary thing even outside of the war but doubly necessary now that
they may be stranded and have to rely maybe on only themselves and
the Force to find shelter, food and safety.

then again, it might only be him and Anakin anyhow.

had been giving them space since Anakin had rescued them and Obi-Wan
suspected that Plo and Mace was doing most of the training for
Anakin, though he wasn’t going to ask. It was better since Anakin
was Fallen and recovering from his torture and Obi-Wan was still
struggling to recover.

He was
doing slower than Anakin unfortunately, the flashbacks more intense
at times.

that Anakin was having it any easier, his Fallen status was making it
difficult for him, though Obi-Wan could feel the lightening in his
Force aura and actions.

was working though let go, putting in the effort much to the
approval of the council even if the rest of the temple was looking at
him sideways and nervously.

they also remembered who the Hero with no Fear was and the chosen

wasn’t sure anyone else would be getting as much a pass as Anakin

with what Plo had found…

the Chancellor been grooming Anakin?’ Obi-Wan stared down into the
green curry, hearing the door swish open with Anakin’s darkened
signature knocking gently against his shields in greeting. ‘Did I
miss someone grooming my padawan?

I’m back.” Anakin called out quietly, the shuffles and taps
indicating he was removing his boots and robe.

back.” Obi-Wan answered absently, listening to the steps of the
other Jedi even as he kept staring at the green curry swirls, his
thoughts going in circles, going over the years and all the times he
had let Anakin go to the Senate.

time the Chancellor had demanded Anakin be allowed and Anakin later
on wanted to go.

mind was hissing poisonous words on how he had failed, how ashamed
Qui-Gon would b-

arms wrapped around his waist, Anakin settling his chin on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder as his flesh hand cupped his still sunken in stomach.

despite being close, Anakin was keeping a distance between their hips
and his grip was loose.

had to fight against the sudden urge to cry, Anakin’s understanding
and care being too much for his fragile heart. “Ani?” He
whispered, swallowing when Anakin pressed a gentle kiss behind his
ear, to the place they shared black wings.

felt upset,” Anakin murmured, as if that explained everything. And
maybe to him it did explained everything, as Anakin had always been a
tactile person. “I felt you earlier too, you had a panic spike.”
Anakin tacked on, his grip tightening for a moment before forcefully
relaxing again.

reaching down, resting his hand over Anakin’s, Obi-Wan let out a
heavy breath. “…Plo, Depa and Mace was by today with a concern.”
He felt Anakin tense up, a slight second of rage that was quickly

roamed in his chest as Anakin was clearly breathing deeply and let go
of his irrational anger, pushing the dark side away. “Oh?” Anakin
questioned, his tone clearly wary but not angry.

lightly at the others wrist, Obi-Wan turned his head enough to look
at Anakin. “…The Chancellor has been trying to contact you,”
Anakin blinked and then relaxed, smiling bemusedly. “Anakin, he’s
called and left over a thousand messages.” Obi-Wan tacked on.

Anakin stared at him with bemusement before frowning slowly. “That
seems… excessive, was he in danger or something? Or needed help?”
Alarm and guilt entered Anakin’s voice only for the blond to breath
out when Obi-Wan shook his head.

he… done this before?” Obi-Wan questioned cautiously, keeping an
eye on Anakin as the other leaned in to gently nuzzle at the strange
wings they couldn’t make head or tails of.

mean, he sends me a message now and then and invites me to the Senate
to talk, but this is… new.” Anakin stated before resting his chin
on Obi-Wan’s shoulder again, cautiously shifting closer until they
were flush against each other.

a moment of Obi-Wan not reacting, Anakin relaxed too, smiling

had been carefully working with Obi-Wan’s intimacy zones while in
private, getting him to trust and relax with someone he already knew,
working towards being comfortable in public once more.

touches still had him flinching away, particularly in public and by
unknown people, so this was something necessary.

helped that Anakin was so tactile and had always been it, not loosing
it after their torture and Obi-Wan’s rape.

must just be worried since I’m not responding.” Anakin finally
dismissed with a quiet murmur, his hand gently rubbing Obi-Wan’s
stomach, keeping his hand at navel height.

It had
occurred to Obi-Wan that their position could be deemed
inappropriate… but considering he needed to heal, he didn’t think
anyone would call them out on it. “…I don’t know Anakin, this…
worries me.” Obi-Wan murmured.

both fell mute, staring at the bubbling pot of green curry, unease
rising in both.

How does Obi-Wan feel about the word carved on his arm in Fallen for You? Is he ashamed of it? Does he cover it up, or does he leave it out for people to see?

Plucking at his sleeve as he sat down on his squashed couch, Obi-Wan
uncertainly glanced around at the other masters with a bit of

it wasn’t unusual that he got visitors these days.

his and Anakin’s torture and then return, Obi-Wan had been getting
friendly visits from people checking in on him once he was ready for
visitors and they had time. But this didn’t feel like a friendly
visit and more like a matter of concern.

with the way Mace face was carefully blank but he kept tapping at his
knee with his index finger, a nervous tick and Depa kept switching
between uncertainly smiling or staring into the cup of tea Obi-Wan
had made.

more than that, it was Plo that told Obi-Wan that something was up.

way the kel dor had sat down beside him on the couch, the careful way
his hands were resting in his lap and the way his eyes were focused
on Obi-Wan.

knew his fellow council members enough to read their body language,
or lack of it in Plo’s case and he could read many things from all
three of them.

that screamed of discomfort and unease.

was Anakin’s confidant, the person he went to speak to and was
getting help from to try and ease his own Fallen state.

If Plo
was here, carefully blank and put together, that meant that it was
something Obi-Wan needed to know and a sinking stone in Obi-Wan’s
stomach told him he wouldn’t like the information.

And it
would relate to Anakin.

would offer you something if I could Plo but I haven’t restocked
the tea you usually drink.” He tried for a lighter tone, picking up
his own cup while focusing on the man.

raised one of his hands, his mask quirking around the mouth, proving
he was smiling. “That is alright Obi-Wan, while tea would have been
nice, dorel tea is rare and hard to get if you are not a Kel Dor.”
He murmured calmly.

hard, he’s right in that.’ Obi-Wan sipped at his red tea. Dorel
tea was sold only by Kel Dor vendors since they could only be grown
on the homeworld of the Kel Dor’s, due to the dorin gas richness of
it. That also meant that if you were not a Kel Dor yourself, you got
an additional tax as it was originally only reserved for Kel Dors.

sense, it was the preferred tea for them after all.

that they couldn’t drink other teas but still.

I’m sorry to say that this is not a social visit.” Plo continued,
confirming Obi-Wan’s dread that this was not just a friendly thing.

forward, Obi-Wan placed his tea on the glass table before focusing
fully on Plo instead of the two other master’s sitting on the
squishy leather recliners. “I suspected but… what is going on
Plo?” Obi-Wan questioned quietly, lacing his hands on his lap and
ignoring the way Depa had clearly seen the compression sleeve he wore
on his right arm.

It had
been Anakin’s suggestion, having noticed how uneasy Obi-Wan was at
times and kept picking at his sleeve over the letter scars.

he had a cream to reduce the scars, that would take time and so
Anakin had bought a wrist to elbow compression sleeve in black,
stitching a blue Jedi symbol onto it on his own. It was wonky but…
the intent behind it had touched Obi-Wan, given him relief, a

helped his confidence.

let out a deep breath, bringing Obi-Wan’s mind away from the
sleeve. “You are aware that Anakin has handed me his comm and
lightsaber, you were there after all, since he was going to isolate
himself for meditation and did not want distractions.” Plo stated

nodding, Obi-Wan felt a brow raise in curiosity only for his stomach
to turn to ice at Plo’s next words.

the last five days the Chancellor has called no less than eighty
times and sent over five hundred messages since I came in possession
of Anakin’s comm,” The kel dor master leveled a long stare at the
human on the couch with him. “Obi-Wan, this is a worrying pattern
and I need to ask you if you know how long this communication has
been going on?”

Obi-Wan opened his mouth only for nothing to come out, eyes wide and
his entire being feeling nauseous.

his ear, the black wing he shared with Anakin burned with the racing
pulse of his heart.

Fallen for you is great! I like how they are all reaching out to each other. Can we see Palpatine getting shut down everytime he tries to get in contact with Anakin? Because he deserves all the bad things, while Anakin deserves good things

Frowning faintly to himself, Plo stared at the comm in his hand for
several long minutes, his mind lost in thought before he got to his
feet and made his way out of his own quarters with the comm he had
been entrusted held tightly in his grasp.

When Anakin, rubbing the
back of his neck sheepishly with Obi-Wan at his side, had arrived and
quietly asked Plo to take over his comm for a while, Plo had been
endeared by the trust given him.

Now he was annoyed.

Because in the last four
days he had the comm, the chancellor had tried to contact Anakin not
once, not twice but eight times.

Three calls and five
message functions and a this point he was not only annoyed by the
constant interruption to his own life but also alarmed by how much
the chancellor of the Republic took contact with one Jedi knight.

For what purpose the
Chancellor wouldn’t tell Plo and that was enough to send several
red flags up to the top and Plo needed…

A second opinion.

Skywalker had trusted him
to hold his comm, to keep distraction to a minimum while the boy
tried to deal with his own Fallen state and Plo would do his best as
someone trusted to do that.

Pausing in front of the
door, Plo glanced at the name plate before knocking, waiting.

“Caleb, no don-wait! Oh
for… you are cleaning that up padawan.” Came from inside the
quarters and Plo couldn’t help but grin as he heard the familiar
chuckle of Mace Windu mix in with Depa’s exasperated tone.

“Karma sure is a thing
isn’t it Depa?” He stated in a faux innocent voice and Plo could
almost imagine all the younglings faces.

And they were younglings
to him.

Most of the temple outside
of Yoda and a few wookie Jedi were far to young to be anything but. And Yaddle was an age mate.

Finally the door opened, a
frazzled Depa standing to attention before she saw who it was, a
smile crossing her face as one of her braids dropped into her face.
“Master Plo, what an unexpected pleasure, please, come in and
excuse the mess.” She stepped back and he stepped in.

And firmly paused, staring
into the room before slowly turning his head to look at Mace, the man
standing over by the bedroom doors with a wicked grin on his face as
Depa’s young padawan continued trying to remove what looked like
sticky blue gum off the floor, walls and caff table. “What in Force
name…” Plo couldn’t help but chuckled.

“Caleb science
experiment went wrong.” Mace continued to grin wickedly and Plo couldn’t help
but chuckle too, remembering a certain young lady’s own science
experiment going very wrong in Mace old quarters.

If he had heard the rumors right, the
left wall was still red tinted from that experiment. “I see.” He
turned his head to smirk at Depa and laughed outright when she stuck
her tongue out at both older Jedi.

Shaking herself, Depa face
turned from a smirk to a small smile. “Is there anything I can help
you with Master Plo? I’d offer you something but I’m afraid I
don’t have anything safe for kel dors but as it is, you can come in
with boots on since we need to do a hard clean after Caleb’s little
experiment.” The human stated, her young padawan’s clearly
blushing a deep red.

Reminded why he had made
his way to these quarters, Plo humor faded as he lifted the comm,
catching Mace attention. “I’m afraid I’m in need of a second
opinion my friends. Knight Skywalker has given me his comm for the
foreseeable future to limit distraction and I have in turn discovered
something… alarming in my eyes. Sate a potentially foolish man’s
worries.” He murmured.

The two older humans
exchanged looks, Caleb pausing in his cleaning to peek up with wide,
curious eyes.

In the end, three alarmed
council members were the result of Plo’s excursion, all of them
asking the same thing.

Why was the Chancellor
trying so desperately to speak with Knight Skywalker and was this a
common occurrence? And if so, how long had the Chancellor of the
Republic been speaking with the young knight like so.

Had this been going on
since he was a padawan, when he was no more than ten and just a child
that didn’t know better than to listen to an authority figure?

The implication of it were
not… comforting to any of them, even Caleb, squeezing out a rag of
blue water into a bucket, looked uncomfortable.

“Skywalker needs all the
space he can get right now,” Depa murmured, a hand resting on chin
with fingers sprawled against her lips. “But we can try asking
Obi-Wan while Skywalker is in his own therapy with you… this has to
be done cautiously regardless, if we were to discover something…”
She trailed off.

Three masters exchanged
long, uneasy looks.

This was building to be
something that should not been allowed to happen.

In Fallen For You, I’d love to see some notable progress for the boys. Obi-Wan regaining physical strength, even if cautious emotionally, and Anakin connecting with the Force well with Plo in calm. (perhaps Kenobi’s early anger issues just are to simiilar to work well for Ani? Or Ahsoka’s training in jarkai give Obi-Wan needed confidence? Just more?

Breathing out heavily, Anakin’s
eyes opened slowly, flickering blue for a few seconds before turning
back to yellow as he blinked at the master in front of him, the
two kneeling in the quarters of the older master.

felt like he had been there for hours, kneeling on the cold floor,
facing master Plo but Anakin knew, by the moving shadow on the floor,
that no more than an hour and a half had passed since it was still

do you feel?” Plo murmured once
he was sure Anakin had surfaced from his meditation,
lifting one hand off his lap
to push
the tray between them towards the human.

slightly, shakily grasping the glass
of mixed fruit juices, Anakin swallowed thickly. “Somehow sore and
pained despite simply sitting here. I can’t believe how hard this
is.” He mumbled quietly, voice slightly raspy before he took a big
sip of juice to sooth his
parched throat as best he could.

slowly, Plo stroked his chin slowly. “I’m not shocked, the dark
side is not the path for those who enjoy comforts, it is built on
pain, wrath,
despair and grief as you
know. To
purge it from oneself has to be more difficult than defending oneself
from it as Jedi do through
their entire life.” He
settled on with a deep sigh.

off the cold juice, grateful that Plo had the forethought to get
some, Anakin nodded slowly. “I
still can’t thank you enough for doing this, I know I haven’t
done much progress and I know it’s been hard but do
not think I’m not grateful.”
He pointed out quietly, lips
twitching into a half smile.

paused, tilting his head before chuckling quietly, shaking his head
slowly. “The
right thing is never simple to do,” Plo smiled kindly at him, the
time Anakin had spent with the kel dor master making it easier for
the human to read the shifts in facial traits that the breathing mask
couldn’t hide. “And for a friend, it is the least I can do.” He
raised one clawed hand, resting it on Anakin’s shoulder.

Those words humbled and
delighted Anakin at the same time, defanged that constantly hissing
snake in his chest that tried to wrap around him a thousand times to
enrage him and he couldn’t do anything but smile at the kel dor.

Patting his shoulder
lightly, Plo hummed before standing up and offering his hand to
Anakin, helping him up.

Something he actually

With a deep groan and a
loud knee pop, Anakin finally stood on slightly wobbly legs with the
juice bottle held in his free hand. “Force, it feels more like I’ve
gone five rounds in the salle instead of meditating. Or a boxing
match with a besalisk.” He huffed deeply.

Chuckling louder at that,
Plo settled his hand on Anakin’s back, guiding him towards the
door. “Sometimes, when one is in turmoil, that is just how it is.
But onto other news, how has Obi-Wan been doing this week?” He questioned as they stopped
by the door, both reaching for their boots.

Slipping the bottle into
his belt hook quickly, Anakin let out a weary but pleased smile.
“Showing progress since last month, the healers are apparently really pleased with
his physical progress and his conversations with his commander is
also proving fruitful.” He grinned down at his boots, snapping the
fastenings shut.

“That is good, having
someone to confide in is good.” Plo’s voice was deep and

‘I want it to be me
though…’ Anakin’s heart ached a bit but he knew that he wasn’t
the best one for Obi-Wan to be speaking to.

They both knew that should
Obi-Wan speak with Anakin about the trauma of what he went through,
it would keep Anakin angry, it would trigger him and as someone
trying to escape from the dark side as he was, he couldn’t be
constantly angry.

So they had found a

Anakin went to see Plo and
Obi-Wan spoke with Cody, both getting the help they needed.

Of course, Obi-Wan didn’t
only speak with Cody but about this particular subject, he trusted
Cody more than anyone.

And Cody was apparently
slowly getting him to accept the idea of going to a professional
about it too, someone to speak to that could help him untangle the
complicated mess of emotions.

Anakin was honestly
wondering if he shouldn’t do the same thing.

He needed to get better,
for his own sake, for Obi-Wan’s sake and for Ahsoka’s sake.

As he was, he was too
volatile to be a good master and as much as it stung, he had agreed
to temporarily transfer Ahsoka to Plo Koon’s care as a Fallen
master was not a good master, especially one that had to fight
against lashing out when he got emotional.

He didn’t speak up about
any of those thoughts however and simply smiled sadly at Plo,
breathing out when the kel dor placed his hand on Anakin’s shoulder

“It will be well my
friend, do not despair, nothing worth doing is easy and nothing that
is right is simple but in the end it is worth it.” He spoke calmly
to the human.

A deep breath escaped
Anakin at that before he nodded, smiling slightly as he stepped out
of the quarters with Plo following him, the two falling into step
through the empty corridor.

Can we get more of fallen for you?

is irrefutable facts of life.

who gets born will one day have to die, no one lives forever after
all, not even stars.

being in the entire galaxy has to feed in some manner.

Commander Cody of the 212th
is a clone.

he is also human that can offer comfort and in this moment, that is
what he will continue to do as he sits on General Kenobi’s couch,
the man pressed against his chest as he sits with his head pressed to
Cody’s shoulder, his breathing slow.

not asleep, far from it but he’s clearly tired, having haltingly
spoken with Cody about what he had gone through.

words burned Cody and he was going to murder anyone involved in the
capture the moment he got his hands on them but for now, Cody will
sit and cuddle his General, arms around Obi-Wan with a gentle hand
resting in Obi-Wan’s hair, gently rubbing his scalp, the other
settled around the man’s waist.

a gentle reassurance that Cody was there, that this was real and that
whatever Obi-Wan got into his mind, he would be safe.

you.” Obi-Wan finally whispered, his voice rough and the first
words he had said in half an hour since he had quietly spoken about
all that had happened and how he felt.

his chin into Obi-Wan’s short cut hair, Cody cupped the back of his
General’s head. “I don’t know how things are going to proceed
or if anything is going to change,” He murmured, feeling Obi-Wan
tense against him as that had been one of the worries Obi-Wan had
aired to him. “I can’t promise anything will stay the same and
how could they be after what happened to you but,” Cody paused,
feeling Obi-Wan still against him. “I can promise you that the vode
is here for you, I can promise that regardless what else happens,
we’ll have your back and I can promise you that I will never judge
you and I will always listen and respect you General… Obi-Wan.”
He tightened his grasp.

several seconds, Obi-Wan remained still as a statue against Cody and
he wondered if he had done wrong.

then Obi-Wan turned on the couch and breaking Cody’s hug, settling
on his knees instead to face the commander as he wrapped his arms
around Cody instead, hugging him as tightly as possible with his
declined muscle mass and body, the starved and beaten body that was
still healing containing a surprising amount of strength.

Cody’s neck, a whisper of ‘thankyouthankyouthankyou’ echoed
like a mantra and Cody couldn’t help but wonder just how broken up
Obi-Wan had been about everything.

were suppose to be strong and powerful.

weren’t suppose to break down.

that was the understanding of the rest of the galaxy at least.

yet here Cody was, knowing better, holding his General in a
comforting embrace as he let the man cry and break down against him.


the cup gingerly, Anakin blearily looked up at Plo, his eyes
feeling heavy and sore.

kel dor simply smiled at him before settling down on his couch, hands
settled in his lap. “Drink, humans need to replenish their fluids
after they cry.” He encouraged quietly.

thickly, Anakin nodded and took a small sip, pleasantly surprised by
the fruity flavor and his surprise must have been visible on his face
because the master chuckled quietly and gave a small hand wave with
his left hand.

have gusts often enough that I keep refreshments and even some snacks
on hands for them, there is a reason why I have an oxygen setting for
my quarters after all.” Plo easily pointed out and Anakin gave a
shaky smile at that. “That does make sense…” He mumbled,
glancing around around
the quarters.

hadn’t really noticed that when he arrived, he had been a bit
surprised to see the master in his goggles and breathing mask at the
door after Anakin had knocked
on his door but he hadn’t really given it much thought.

occupied with his own mind.

consumed with what he needed to do, what he had
to do if he ever wanted to recover and help Obi-Wan recover too.

really, now that it was pointed out, it made a lot more sense as Plo
Koon as sa kel dor needed dorin gas to breath along with other gasses
and wasn’t compatible with oxygen. But if the man often had guests,
things made a lot more sense.

slightly, Plo gestured lightly again. “As for what we talked
about…” He trailed off and Anakin tensed a bit, quickly taking
another sip of the fruity drink. “The only thing I can tell you is
that you need to keep trying, keep finding the light and calming
down. I would advice meditation, however,” He chuckled when Anakin
grimaced. “I know that’s not your strongest forte on your own.”

his metal fingers on the glass, Anakin breathed out while suppressing
the irrational surge of anger in his chest as he looked down at his
knees. “…No, no it’s not.” He admitted, Obi-Wan’s voice so
long ago piping up in his brain, telling him that admitting to
shortcomings weren’t a weakness.

maybe I can help.” Anakin looked up, blinking at Plo as the man sat
up on the couch, still smiling warmly at the Fallen Jedi.

So what happens next in Fallen for you?

someone you trust.

was what the healers had told him.

soft smile, wide brown eyes and twitching whiskers as she gently held
his hand between
her own pawed ones, the healer had given him a careful advice.
“It doesn’t have to be a Jedi master Kenobi, it doesn’t have to
be someone associated with us at all. The
most important part about these kinds of traumatic incidents is that
you talk to someone that you trust, let
it be someone that you know will never hurt you.” She
had cautioned gently before giving him the bruise cream for his

he trusted would never hurt him, even on accident and never on

had waved goodbye to a reluctant Anakin, the other going in for a
spirit healer meditation appointment, or
so he said,
assuring Anakin that he wouldn’t
be alone and then he had gone to make himself some tea, settling down
to wait for
the company he had called for.

didn’t have long to wait, maybe at tops ten minutes of staring at
the window with his cup in held tightly in his hands, the silence of
the room stifling and heavy before a knock interrupted it, Obi-Wan
breathing out in relief as he raised himself on shaking feet,
hurrying towards the door and opening it, smiling in relief.

there he was, Cody, dressed in his uniform fatigues that he hated to
wear and yet was wearing, standing in front of Obi-Wan with a warm,
smile that demanded nothing as he saluted. “General.” He
murmured, his voice still the same, still full of respect and warmth.

changed with pity and yet still understanding that Obi-Wan needed a
more cautious hand, still
Cody even as he made sure to keep in front of Obi-Wan and avoid
sudden movement.

out a stifled low noise, Obi-Wan reached out and dragged the man in
a tight grip on his shoulders,
wrapping his arms around Cody in a tight hug when
he got close enough,
the door closing automatically
behind him.

a moment the commander flailed a bit before he figured out what to
do, his arms wrapping Obi-Wan in a lose, gentle hug. “…Got your
back General, we got your back.” He murmured quietly, tightening
his hug when Obi-Wan let out a stifled little sob into his neck.

if there was one place Obi-Wan didn’t fear, it was when Cody and
the rest of the 212th
was around.

they had his back, they always had his back.


clone did not have much, by virtue
being a clone, they were created by someone else and only given what
they deemed them ‘worthy’ of or
needed for their station.

the kaminoans had made it clear that they were products,
only worth what the kaminoans could get of profit out of them, given
armor, weapons and training to befit what they had been paid to make.


had been given more than his vode, by his title he had more but that
didn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things..

spit, they hadn’t even wanted to give the clones names,
a basic right in the world that even slaves were given. But they were
reduced to numbers.

then the Jedi came.

the galaxy opened up for the troopers for
the first time beyond Kamino,
they got to see something new, experience kinder hands, hands that
offered warmth, offered questions about names, asked for

had heard the horror stories of natural born officers that weren’t
Jedi, so he knew what a blessing it was to have a Jedi be their

he had never taken it for granted.

over a month wonder if his General was dead…

would never forget that month, the way the days felt like hammer
blows to his chest and
going to bed each day felt heavier than the last one and
to have his General back, to feel him in his arms, the way he buried
his face into Cody’s neck after he had been tortured and assaulted…
some things just couldn’t be
described and
this moment, this moment would be between him and the General.

his General had invited him to the temple, Cody had jumped on the
offer, wearing even the karking dress uniform to look official and he
was so grateful he went in
uniform and not armor now that he had his arms around his General.

going to be alright General…” He whispered quiet assurances, as
if Obi-Wan was one of the fresh tubies and not his General, pressing
his back up against the door to support the other, ignoring
when that knocked his cap off and it fell to the floor.

the cap, he had a General to look out for, a hurt
who trusted Cody to look out for him in
his moment of need.

Cody would do that.

because of duty, not because he was a clone made for the GAR or
because he was made for the Jedi… but because he cared about this

alright General, I’m here.”

So with Fallen for You, does Anakin’s dark side connection realize that Obi is something to protect or does it want Obi to fall too?

is static in his mind and Anakin knows it.

darkness is like static and he doesn’t want it but can’t quite
figure out how to calm down and purge it at the same time when
Obi-Wan is also distressed.

a part of him that’s screaming that he has to remain in the dark
because he has to keep Obi-Wan safe.

yet another part, more quietly than the screaming voice, that calls
out that it is safe, that they are both safe and that he can let go,
he can rest.

has PTSD.

healers clearly diagnosed him with it the moment he and Obi-Wan
stepped into the Halls, his entire Force aura is apparently crying
out with it. Just like Obi-Wan’s Force aura.


they have to heal.

healing a mind is so difficult and with Obi-Wan, Anakin’s anchor,
also in need of support and healing, it has become even more

have to heal for both me and him.’ Anakin’s mind whispered as he
continued to stare at the sunbeam of the roof, blinking slowly at the
ceiling before slowly turning his head to look down at the mattress
below the couch.

was tucked up on it, laying curled up in fetal position under two
fluffy blankets, one blue with sheep on and one black with stars on
and despite how comfortable he should be… he looked anything but
content with his face scrunched up in a grimace even in sleep.

face had evidence of dried tears on it, salt most likely itchy on his
face despite being asleep, and he was so pale to Anakin, a shallow
kind of waxy pale that made it clear that he wasn’t healthy.

didn’t go back to sleep after waking me.’ Anakin noted, staring
at the dark rings around the others eyes.

thickly, Anakin pushed his own speeder covered gray blanket off
himself and carefully got up, heading to the fresher to use the
toilet and then wash his hands, his mind numb and static as he went
through the motions, not bothering to change out of his sleepwear
just yet as he let his mind mull over his actions last night.

had assaulted Obi-Wan last night, most likely hurt him even if
Obi-Wan didn’t say anything.

he had a nightmare, he could blame it on that but that still didn’t
make it better.

carefully around Obi-Wan and into the kitchen, Anakin got working on
breakfast for the two.

needed to heal, that much was clear, needed to find the path back so
he could stop hurting Obi-Wan and himself honestly. The darkness drew
nightmares his way and Anakin was already traumatized enough thank
you very much.

how am I going to… Obi-Wan can’t help me, not with this, not
right now. He needs to heal too. And I’m not going to ask Ahsoka to
help me,’ Anakin paused in whisking pancake batter, staring at the
beige batter. ‘She’s my padawan, a child really still. I can’t
make her responsible for helping me.’ He swallowed thickly.

and teens shouldn’t be responsible for healing their adult
guardians and companions.

Anakin needed to find someone else.

the halls?

No, talking to a healer seemed…

maybe they could help but Anakin felt uncomfortable with the
ide-Anakin froze, staring at the window of the kitchenette, catching
sight of the pink and yellow sunrise as he let out a small, huffing
breath of realization. “Master Plo. I could… I could ask Master
Plo for guidance.” He whispered out.

of the council… Anakin, while he respected them, also either
disliked or worried about their acceptance as they had made their
opinions about him clear very early and he apparently carried a
grudge about that still.

he had respect and understanding for Master Plo.

Master Plo was someone Ahsoka trusted greatly.

hissed in his chest that Plo wasn’t to be trusted, that he would
ruin him but Anakin shook that away as he looked over the island of
the kitchenette and into the living room, barely catching sight of
the top of Obi-Wan’s red mop of hair in the bundle of blankets.

need help, and not only for myself but for the people I care about.
Obi-Wan has to focus on himself right now, he can’t help me
recover. So I need to… I need to trust the rest of the temple to
help me.’ Letting out a shuddering breath, Anakin nodded before
fetching some blueberries from the fridge to make the pancakes into
blueberry pancakes.

have a stack ready by the time Obi-Wan woke.

by the time Obi-Wan woke… Anakin would figure out how to apologize
for last night. ‘My poor Obi-Wan, he puts up with so much shit for
me.’ Anakin swallowed thickly, the monster in his chest silent for