omg you tore my heart out with Dangerous Galaxy but I cannot wait for the vod’e’s vengence. The Senate–the Republic in general–will have no idea how to handle it. No one serves ruthless violent loving protection like a Mandalorian. And the Jedi have the largest collection of Mandalorians in the galaxy. Yep. The Senate is going to bitterly regret all their choices when the Vod’alor is done with them.

In the short time frame they had, there weren’t a lot of things they could do about the biochips inside their heads.

They couldn’t bring every single vode in for surgery, it would be too obvious and time consuming and not every vode might react well to said surgery. The idea of harming their own…

Well, the troopers didn’t want that.

So, the medics ended up brainstorming, having less than three weeks to not only figure out what to do but also deactivate the chips.

Not that they were sure what was on the chips yet but their Vod’alor’s suspicion was a valid one, one that many troopers were starting to believe when presented with the circumstantial evidence they had.

It took a full week before someone finally had a viable solution and in that time frame, two more Senators had been killed and one Jedi had been left in a severe condition.

Much to the rage of said Jedi trooper’s.

They were going to calcify the tissue of the biochip and kill it, leaving the biochip inert and unable to exert any influence on the troopers.

How you might ask?

Nanobots, injected with a programmed purpose to seek out the biochip along with an additional calcium.

This would take care of the biochip.

Honestly, even without the suspicion of what was on the biochip, they might have needed to do this at some point. Biochips were made to control and the troopers refused to be leashed to whoever held the other end of the order.

The knowledge of said biochips made some troopers bitter, but they were used to being bitter about their upbringing, about the longnecks and the Republic’s double standard when it came to the GAR.

Settling onto the bed, Cody eyed Helix as the other filled in a hypospray with solution.

It looked so innocent, almost clear.

The CMO of the 212th had already tested the nanobot injection and calcifying on five other troopers, all of them needing a day of rest but coming out of it no worse for wear. Though Wooley had claimed he tasted blue for five hours, but that could have been a joke.

“Alright Vod’alor, I’m gonna ask you to lay down now,” Helix stepped over to him and Cody grunted but did as told. “The nanobots rushing up to your brain to get to work tends to leave one dizzy we’ve found.” The medic explained.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable out of his armor and the upper blacks, Cody simply nodded and watched as Helix cleaned his upper left arm.

And then the shot was set.

It was felt odd, like a constant pressure for five seconds along with a cold feeling and then it was gone. “…Huh, that wasn’t so bad.” Cody noted quietly, frowning down at his arm.

Helix smiled, setting the hypo aside and pulling off his gloves. “Its not, but like I said, the nanobots moving makes people dizzy, if you feel like you need to vomit, just do it, Boil, Longshot, Commander Fox and Sinker have all already done it.” He explained.

Cody snorted faintly but nodded, only to grunt as he wave of dizziness went through his system.

There was that sensation Helix promised.

Since a days rest was required, each legion and battalion was working slowly through their troopers so not to cause an uproar if a large amount of them were resting.

It was slow going but quicker than surgery would do and would be done before another week had passed.

Of course, there would be the troopers outside of Coruscant, though Alpha-17 had confirmed that on Kamino, they had interrupted the biochip insertion in new troopers and that every trooper on Kamino that had them were slowly being processed to calcify their biochips.

That was good, as long as the troopers kept control of the longnecks, no one would be the wiser and even if someone were to discover that something was up… it was too late by now.

Things were progressing quickly.

There was only one thing bothering Cody at this point, laying in bed in the barracks medbay C, other troopers lining the beds around him, though even the sound of snoring wasn’t what was bothering Cody at this moment.

Just one single thing was truly biting him…

He hadn’t seen Obi-Wan in over a week, not since he had escorted the Jedi back to the temple, his General still bruised and limping but better than when he had come to the barracks.

‘Is he eating? Sleeping? Did General Skywalker make sure he took care of everything? He would have needed to apply bacta for another two days…’ Cody’s dizzy mind whirled with his questions, questions he didn’t have answers to.

His compulsion to check on the other had been kept in check, Cody didn’t want the other to feel trapped or forced to answer. He knew that many Jedi were horrified that the GAR knew about the dark side of their service to the Republic and Cody didn’t want…

He didn’t want Obi-Wan to become uncomfortable with them.

With him.

The last thing Cody wanted was for Obi-Wan to start shying away from him.

It would break his heart for sure.

But when hurt, you didn’t think rationally and the Jedi had gone through decades of harm from people that made the very law they served.

Generations and some Jedi showed the visible proof of it through their behaviors. From Anakin Skywalker’s early war rages as he turned twenty, to Quinlan Vos promiscuous and even Luminara Unduli’s enforced serenity and seemingly cold demeanor.

Abuse and pain like the one the Jedi were going through left scars, even in people prepared for it, generations of hurting Jedi and Cody knew that when things were finally over, he’d have to go through the GAR with a fine toothed comb.

Already a few troopers had cautiously and fearfully come forward to their captains or commanders, admitting that the Jedi weren’t the only ones taken advantage of at times.

In all of this osik, there was only one good thing Cody had come to find.

The service corps of the Jedi were not in the same servitude as the Jedi order.

While part of the Jedi, someone on the council had managed to get it so the agricorps, the explorer corps and healers were not affected by the same orders, though it helped that most of those were not on Coruscant.

They were mostly out of reach for the Senators that might harm them.

Cody wasn’t sure which council member had the wisdom to manage to separate those from the same way the Order answered, he didn’t think it was Yoda as the old troll seemed so exhausted the one time Cody managed to speak to him about what was going on.

The old man had looked so worn out, thin in a way Cody couldn’t explain as he haltingly explained to Cody that it only happened a few fifty years after the Jedi order started serving the Senate. Cody hadn’t asked more, couldn’t stomach seeing how worn out the old Jedi looked.

After seeing generation after generation of the young he cared for being abused in such a way, wouldn’t anyone be exhausted?

‘Not long now… not long and we’ll put a stop to it, all of it.’ Cody reminded himself sternly, fighting a wave of nausea that he wasn’t sure was the nanobots or the reminder.

Regardless, he’d rather not vomit on another medics shoes.

Poor Kix boots.

Okay, so the newest update for KyberTears messed me up. But the little Kyber baby is unexpectedly cute. Is it real? Like do Anakin And Obi-Wan put it in a pretty little setting and carry it around so that Baby Kyber isn’t stuck in a dark box?! Or is it the part of Obi-Wan that’s made of starstuff? *When* Obi-Wan gets better, will he be able to still cry Kyber tears? Or did Palpatine’s experiment hurt him to badly? I’M SORRY!!! You just gave me too many feelings!

Opening his eyes, Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful little hum as he ran his thumb over the pale crystal, pointedly ignoring where his blanket became empty spaces. “You’re right, its clearly more sentient than my average tears but to be fair, tears come from channels in my eyes, blood comes from my heart.” Obi-Wan noted quietly as he looked to Anakin.

Being awake once more was an interesting experience Obi-Wan had to admit, he hadn’t been long awake after greeting Anakin and the council, falling asleep only to wake up what felt like only seconds later but was really days after.

He knew that, because Anakin had time to grow a scraggly beard as he slept with his head on the bed and Ahsoka was doing her homework at Obi-Wan’s bedside, a small table having been brought in.

Him awake though had sent the young padawan scrambling for a healer and Anakin waking up and pretty much falling off the bed, squeaking a bit before desperately grasping Obi-Wan’s hand.

Since then Obi-Wan had carefully been examined and then, after getting a new IV bag set up and several pillows to aid him, he had gingerly sat up against the support of said pillows.

He didn’t feel strong, no, rather Obi-Wan felt humiliatingly feeble, but he was awake and not tired enough to sleep.

The healers had been quick to inform him that while the council had been informed, none of them would be bye right now.

One, due to the work they currently had.

But also two, Obi-Wan had to recover, he had been through several traumatic events in a very short period of time and he had to decompress and take in what had really happened to him.

Digest it so to speak.

One of the first things the healers had tested was if Obi-Wan’s ability to cry kyber had been harmed, forcing him to cry by dropping eye drops into both his eyes as a precaution.

It had taken longer than normally but both the tears that had come from the eye dropper had transformed into two crystal clear if weak kyber crystals that the healer collected to deliver to the saber quartermasters and the crate of crystals they kept.

But the white, almost clear crystal made from Obi-Wan’s blood that had been purified?

It stayed with Anakin.

It didn’t tolerate to be separated from Anakin, screaming as if in pain when it was separated, though it tolerated being handled by Obi-Wan, almost humming and vibrating in recognition when held by Obi-Wan.

Shifting his stumps under the blanket, valiantly ignoring how it felt, Obi-Wan held it out for Anakin to take.

Carefully, Anakin did, wrapping it in a little blue cloth that he then tucked into his belt, shrugging when Obi-Wan peered curiously at him. “It… felt cold without a wrap. Its a very peculiar crystal. What do you think Palpatine was trying to do even?” He questioned quietly.

Huffing faintly, sliding a bit down in the pillows settled behind him, Obi-Wan shook his head. “I really have no idea. My best guess is that he was trying to create a crystal that responded well to darkness. But you know how my tears respond to it, I highly doubt even Palpatine knew what he had created and we can’t exactly ask him anymore.” He smiled a tad wryly.

Dourly, Anakin glared at the wall before reaching out and grabbing Obi-Wan’s left hand, careful of the right since it had the IV line. “Yeah, I don’t think I would have wanted to hear it anyhow. Bastard can rot.” He snapped quietly before quieting when Obi-Wan squeezed his hand.

Familiar with his former padawan, Obi-Wan smiled sadly. “I’ll be okay, you know that, right?” Obi-Wan murmured, stroking his thumb over Anakin’s knuckles.

Instead of comforting though, the words seemed to make Anakin’s mood fall even lower as he grimaced, staring down at Obi-Wan and his entwined hands, holding on tightly.

And much to Obi-Wan’s dismay, he could feel the twist of guilt and self-loathing wafting of Anakin and into the Force. “Oh Anakin, you… come here you silly thing. You weren’t at fault for what happened to me.” He whispered, pulling gently on the younger man’s hand. He wanted to pull Anakin onto the bed but unfortunately he felt ridiculously weak, where even Anakin’s lackluster resistance was too much for Obi-Wan to overcome.

Oh, he despised the weakness his situation had made him and hoped the healers would start on his physical therapy sooner rather than later.

For a moment, Anakin resisted, looking like he wanted to withdraw into himself. And then his face crumbled as he let out a hiccup, folding to Obi-Wan’s silent, tugging demand.

Carefully, the man knelt onto the bed and let himself be fold into the Jedi master’s arms, hugged tightly by Obi-Wan. “I knew you were in trouble, I knew something was up but I still left you alone,” Anakin spasmed, his hands fisted in Obi-Wan’s medical tunic. “And you were abducted and harmed and… we almost lost you. I almost lost you.” He shuddered hard, pressing his face to Obi-Wan’s neck, salty tears dripping along the skin.

Pushing Anakin slightly back, Obi-Wan huffed out a shaken laugh, thumbing the thin and dark skin from sleep deprivation beneath Anakin’s wet eyes as he dried the tears. “But you didn’t. And you came for me,” He whispered, forcing his voice to remain even in the quiet, sterile room that would be his for the foreseeable future. “No,” He shook his head. “Anakin, just minutes later and it would have been too late. You arrived just in time. You found me and you got me, you brought me home to safety and help.” As he spoke, his smile grew.

And as he spoke, Anakin stared at him, looking struck at the words before letting out a low sob before he dragged Obi-Wan to his arms once more, the two hugging tightly. “I couldn’t… I couldn’t just leave you. I… I can’t let go easily. I know I’m attached. I know I struggle… but master, I’m not ready to let you go. Not yet.” He confessed, trembling as he ran his hand over Obi-Wan’s warm back, feeling the skin through the thin tunic.

Chuckling shakily, Obi-Wan simply pressed a kiss to Anakin’s temple. “That’s alright,” He stated softly. “We can work on it together Anakin, because… I’m not ready to let go of you either just yet, dear one.”

Anakin tensed before laughing shakily. “Okay Obi-Wan… you, me and Ahsoka. We’ll work on it…” He agreed, his voice clearly rattled yet somehow content at the same time, his guilt and self loathing still evident in the Force.

But also love.

Soft, warm love of someone Obi-Wan knew he could trust.

Someone he would always be able to trust.

“We’ll be alright Anakin,” He murmured, ignoring the doors swishing open to admit a healer. “You and me, Skywalker and Kenobi, the team, because there is no one else I’d rather have at my side than you.” Obi-Wan stated, confident in his words as Anakin continued clinging to him, warm and comforting against Obi-Wan’s body.

“Us against the world.” Anakin agreed quietly, reluctantly letting go when the healer coughed pointedly, her cheeks red and flustered as if she was loath to interrupt the two.

Still, even as Obi-Wan’s vitals were checked over once more, the two smiled at each other, secure in the knowledge that whatever else came, they’d have each other.

You totally made me cry with that last post in AwolJedi! But it’s good that Anakin, Ahsoka, and the twins are home with their family now. Anakin’s got a lot to do to mend relationships, but he can do it! I would like to see what happens in Coruscant when Padme finally realizes her husband and kids are gone. Does her staff hide it from her? Do they try to give Anakin the time to get away? Are they compassionate? Does Padme even admit that her family is missing but she never noticed?

The children are gone.

Anakin is gone.

They have been gone for a full day before Padme cottoned on that something wasn’t right and had gone looking for them.

She just thought…

Well, Anakin had started avoiding her lately and had even stopped sleeping in their bed, sulking around the apartment and Sabe, Ariva and Natalia all reported that he wanted nothing to do with them despite Padme leaving them behind to help with the twins.

No, Anakin had apparently growled at them to stay away and taken care of the twins himself.

Padme just…

She already had a fight on her hand with the Senate, she hadn’t wanted a fight at home too.

But maybe she should have fought, maybe she wouldn’t be sitting on the couch then, all alone with a pad in her hand containing Anakin’s message for her.

He had left it behind in the babies room, brightly lit and blinking so it would be the first thing Padme saw in the otherwise dark room.

He had just needed time she told herself, time to adjust, time to settle down, time to stop sulking while she did her work as the Senator of her people. It was her duty after all!

It seemed she had however miscalculated.

Because Anakin was gone and he had taken their children with him.

What did it say about her as a mother that it took her a little over a day, almost one and a half, to see that the kids were gone, that something was completely, almost obscenely, wrong.

It makes her…

Well, Padme’s emotions could be a thing of pain but right now self loathing and anger is very prevalent as she sits in the dark with the pad where Anakin has written his last words before leaving their apartment.

Seemingly forever.

Or that was the impression at least.

If she was anymore foolish, she might wave it off, think that Anakin just needed a good long sulk and then he’d return, chipper and smiling if a bit tense until they could sooth things over.

But Padme Amidala is not that foolish.

She knows Anakin Skywalker, for all that he can make rushed decisions, he’s not made this one impulsively.

No, this action Anakin has deliberated over. This action has been thought over for days if not weeks and over that time, it has only made him more certain that leaving Padme and taking the children were the right choice.

Lifting the pad once more, Padme stared bleakly at the words despite the light of the pad hurting her already sore eyes more.

‘Dear Padme,

I’m sorry to say that by the time you see this, I’ll be gone. Maybe very far depending on how fast you come looking for us but at this point, I find myself rather sure it will take you at least half a day before you notice anything.

I hope it only takes you half a day.

That you have more care for the twins at least that you came to see them sleep and see that they are alright.

If it took longer…

I don’t know. I don’t want to know if you really took anymore time to see to them.

If its not obvious by now, I’m gone for good and so are the twins. Obi-Wan has sent a ship for me that will take me to wherever the Jedi are now and no, they haven’t told me where. I don’t need to know where I’m going to know I’m going somewhere safe. I’m going home finally, after all, Obi-Wan is there.

My comm codes are still the same, should you wish to contest my claim to the kids, but I wonder if you will. I wonder what kind of standing that would leave your family name in considering why I left and why I took the kids with me.

I won’t be taking the kids forever, we’ll come visit but primary custody… that’s mine now Padme. I can’t trust you not to hand the twins over to the handmaidens or someone else to raise.

WERE their parents Padme, not the handmaidens, as nice as they are.

We can figure out some kind of visitation right once you’re ready to talk.


Staring at the words, Padme couldn’t help but stare at the bottom.

At one point, Anakin would have written ‘with all my love’, even in the midst of the war when they couldn’t let people know.

But here… here he had left it off.

Left Padme off.

Alone in what had once been their apartment.

Alone in the dark.

She’d never felt so alone before… because this time, she knew he wasn’t coming back.

Moddy, I just finished MythicalRelics and omg the chills went down my spine. This was not where I thought that story was going. Woah. So good, but creepy. Really creepy. What does the High Council decide? Are they too dangerous to let out in the public? Or are they to be given the benefit of the doubt? Honestly, I kind of feel like the Jedi High Council doesn’t do well with giving the benefit of the doubt, lol.

Its not unusual to see Padawan Kenobi hurrying through the halls.

Not outright running but still more than the brisk walk many Jedi employ if they have a purpose to their walk that will lead them to a meeting of some sort.

And for all that he is a senior padawan, padawan Kenobi has a tendency to hurry hither and tither when he has a goal in mind.

And he clearly has it right now, his face focused and a bag over his shoulder that more than likely contains pads for some lessons.

He might be going to some study session, maybe he has some additional or advanced classes he decided to take on or maybe he’s the teacher for some younglings today as senior padawans that are close to their knighthood often get.

And considering the debacle on Naboo, becoming the first Sith slayer in a century, Obi-Wan Kenobi is expected to become a knight any day now, even without completing all his trials.

What has also become less unusual, is Anakin Skywalker.

And the effect that boy has on Kenobi.

“Obi-Wan!” The blond calls out, excited and joyful, his eyes too knowing with too many teeth in his smile, his voice echoing in the halls even without the boy shouting.

The effect is instant, Kenobi skids to a stop, as if frozen, seemingly unable to reject the call as he instead takes a deep breath and then slowly turns, staying in place with a haggered look as the young padawan bounces towards him.

Only to be stopped by a dark hand coming to rest, taming the excited energy that is padawan Skywalker.

Walking at a more sedate pace with Master Windu’s hand on his shoulder, Skywalker still smiles too widely up at Kenobi, the redhead smiling a tad back before bowing slightly.

But to whom, now that is a good question.

“Padawan Kenobi, apologies,” Master Windu murmured, his hand still settled on Skywalker’s shoulder, a chagrined look crossing the boy’s face. “Do you have time for a small chat?” The master of the order questioned, a brow raised with his question.

Seemingly relaxing, his smile spreading a bit more, Kenobi nods. “Of course master Windu, does this require privacy or…” He trailed off, brows raised expectantly.

Shaking his head, his free hand raising in a dismissive motion, Windu spared a thin lipped smile at Kenobi. “No, here is fine. I was wondering if you had time for some private tutoring for Anakin?” He glanced down, his smile growing slightly as the boy grinned up at him while leaning back into the touch on his shoulder. “His powers seem to be growing and I am… woefully uncertain how to handle them I have to admit. You have a handle on your own, could you lend your guidance and council?” Windu went back to peering at Kenobi.

Ah, and here was the other thing that had become common.

The fact that Kenobi and Skywalker were more.

Half-breeds as they called themselves, parents that were… gods.

Though how much people believed in it, that varied.

Some thought that perhaps the parents were avatars of the Force in some way, but gods and goddesses?


Yet it seemed the council, in their infinite wisdom, had accepted some form of that as truth.

What everyone could be certain of, was that Kenobi and Skywalker were peculiar, different.

Many a master remembered a redheaded boy with too many teeth in his smile after all, not too different from Skywalker even if Skywalker was even more unsettling somehow.

Pausing a bit, clearly thoughtful, Kenobi nodded. “I have a period on mondays in the early evening that I don’t use for anything, if that is acceptable, we can set up something then?” He stated, his hands fiddling with the strap of his bag.

Pausing, clearly thinking, Windu slowly nodded. “That would be acceptable. Unless I’m in a meeting I should be available then and Anakin at least should be. I don’t need to be present at every lesson.” He stated thoughtfully, keeping his hand on Anakin’s shoulder as the boy bounced a bit with excess energy.

Nodding, Kenobi looked a lot more relaxed now, either because he knew why or because Skywalker was keeping his powers to himself.

“Is that acceptable to you Anakin?” Windu glanced down at his padawan, stubby braid swinging slightly as it stuck straight out as he looked up at his master. “You would loose out on one of your free periods.” He warned quietly.

“But I get to see Obi-Wan?” The blond questioned, grinning widely when Windu nodded. “Wizard!” He bounced forward, out of his master’s grip, not that Windu was holding on all that tightly, hugging Kenobi around the waist.

Snorting faintly, Kenobi patted the boy on the head, both amused and resigned looking as he shot Windu a look.

The master of the order just smirked.

There were a lot of things the Jedi order had gotten used to lately and would continue to have to get used to.

AWWWWW! CopperLupine is adorbs! How does the complaints go? Did Obi-Wan try to complain before but get ignored? How did Obi-Wan become a were? *Gasp* Moddy! Is that how Obi-Wan ended up at the Temple? Because he was a were? I hope Qui-Gon takes good care of his adorable ball of fluff!

Another rose moon, another new month and its increasingly more common to spot the market droid come by the Jinn and Kenobi quarters with a fresh supply of meat in its possession as Qui-Gon Jinn is not one for letting his padawan’s needs suffer.

Even the primitive ones.

The rumors of the padawan’s rather furry adventure had spread throughout the temple like wildfire, especially with the way Jinn had gone about not only getting several creche masters on probation for prejudice and child neglect but also several other masters that had at one point overseen Obi-Wan’s training.

The knowledge that the young padawan had been kept in a cleaning closet during his transformation had not sat well with many Jedi and many were ashamed over their own discomfort with the boy.

He had after all never harmed anyone and to see the tiny closet with the claw marks on the inside of the door…

It was an open secret, the sight of the door, the metal gauged up by tiny claws that over time had increased in width, the photo had traveled through the gossip levels once someone had snuck to take a picture when the council was done inspecting the frankly horrific sight.

Just a bare, cold room with scratches on the inside of the door from tiny paws that slowly grew.

So its tacit acceptance that starts spreading, with a bit of uncertainty, after all, only some of the creche masters locked Kenobi up and Jinn spends the shifting with the boy apparently.

So how dangerous could he really be if the master is there?

Or maybe Jinn can control the boy?

They get a round about answer the second month really as the door of the Jinn and Kenobi snaps open suddenly, the tall human stepping out with a rumble and heading down the hall towards the elevator.

He pauses suddenly and then turns, several Jedi watching in wary confusion as the door has not closed behind him.

Its the full moon after all, rose moon, why is the door open, Jinn isn’t about to do what they think he is?!

The man is frowning at the open door however, maybe a malfunction?

There is no way he’s taking his pad-

“Obi-Wan, come along, don’t dally now.” The master finally called out, tapping his boot impatiently on the floor.

Several Jedi, who later deny it, step back in shock and some fear, expecting the wolf to come barreling into the hall, snarling and growling.

But that’s not what happens as Obi-Wan finally comes out in an awkward gait, legs pretty much going everywhere compared to the graceful looping walk of most long legged canines and due to the shiny and longish fur, it takes several seconds before they zero in on why as the door snaps shut behind him.

Realization sets in as the werewolf awkwardly makes his way on gangly paws towards his master.

He’s wearing dog booties, little black booties that have been tied on clearly and from the sight of it, like most canines wearing boots for the first time, its messing with his walk.

Finally however, the padawan has made his way through the hall to stop in front of his master, thumping down on his rear to look up at Jinn, tongue rolling out of his mouth as he pants and then huffs up at his master.

Snorting deeply, Jinn reached down and ruffled at his padawan’s ears, smiling a bit. “Oh no, you’re keeping those on. I told you, you have to learn to wear dog shoes for terrain that may be damaging to your soft paws.” He stated, his tone semi scolding with a playful tone to it.

Pitching a low whine, Obi-Wan headbutted the man’s thigh before awkwardly moving towards the elevator once more.

Jinn covered up a laugh with cough as the wolf hind legs made a jumping move instead of walking properly before following, keeping a slow pace beside the extremely tame wolf, a padawan braid swinging merrily at the right ear.

“…It seems a lot of those werewolf rumors weren’t so true.” Master Luminara quietly whispered to Knight Ludov, the two watching the boy in wolf shape just be awkwardly adorable as he almost crashed into the wall instead of slipping inside the doors of the elevator with his master.

Not a snarling, vicious beast with the sentient being beneath suppressed by the feral animal as the rumors and legends portrayed, ready to tear out throats and eat hearts as it gorged itself on flesh every full moon.

It made you wonder what else about those rumors were false.

Hi Lovely Moddy, what’s going on in #Obiinpain? What does Palpatine think about Anakin’s affection for his lineage brother? Does he try to plant some sort of doubt about attachment in him? Alternatively, Anakin has got this pain-release thing down to an art form. Has anyone talked to him about further training with healing? Thanks for sharing your lovely stories!

Pulling back slowly, Anakin eyed the skin critically before nodding
and looking to Healer Che. “I think that’s it master Che, I
healed the internal bleeding to the best of my ability.” He settled

Settling her hand over Knight Tatchi’s stomach, Che let out a
soft hum before nodding. “Well done padawan Skywalker, you’re
becoming quite proficient in healing, your master was right that you
would have a deft hand with healing.” She stated with satisfaction.

Grinning, Anakin opened
his mouth only to be beaten to the punch by Siri. “Not to piss on
anyone’s joy but you’re not going to induce another internal
bleeding on me for him to work on are you?” She stated warily.

The best thing for
learning to heal someone was experience, once one knew the technique
to heal them that was.

However, waiting around
for someone to get injured could take a long time, time healers
didn’t really have when they were teaching.

Cue some padawans, knights
or master volunteering to play the role of the patient at times,
getting infected with curable diseases or having injuries induced to
work on for those students to learn with a fully learned healer on
site to take over should the learner fail.

Anakin also knew that
sometimes healers took learners with them to the clinics around
Coruscant to get hands on learning from real patients but only once
those learning actually knew what to do so they wouldn’t
accidentally kill someone with Force exposure but only when the
temple didn’t have their own injured or ill to work on.

That served both as
working experience for those learning to heal but also garnered a bit
of good will to the Jedi from the local population of Coruscant since
Jedi didn’t take paid to heal.

That didn’t mean it was
pleasant for the one getting said disease or injury even if it was
fixed moments later and Siri Tatchi was not
enjoying having internal bleeding induced in her abdomen
and clearly would rather not experience it again.

Che paused, sending Siri a gimlet look. “Hmm, no, I am not but in
return you owe me a drink Siri. Padawan Skywalker here has shown
himself adequate in healing internal bleeding and therefore you can
go if you feel rested.”
She stated tartly, her
twitching lekku’s betraying her amusement to both Anakin and Siri.

thank the Force,” Siri slid off the bed, stretching before nodding
to Anakin. “Give Obi my regards and come for that drink later on
Vokara.” She stated before quite clearly beating a hasty
retreat out
of the learning hall of the Halls of Healing, clearly
regretting signing up as a guinea pig today,
clearly intending to rest in
her own bed.

about, Anakin took notice that the four padawans that were learning
with him were still at their own beds, the privacy screens pulled up
and therefore obscuring healer, student and the ‘patient’ in

know, you would make a wonderful healer.” Anakin’s attention
jerked away from the rest of the sterile room, blinking at a smiling,
actually smiling
Vokara Che as she pushed a
lekku over her shoulder.

Anakin rubbed the back of his neck as his senior padawan bead at the
end of his braid swung about. “Thank you master Che, I’m not sure
it’s for me though, I only really… that is…” He hesitated,
relaxing when she raised her hands.

simply wanted to hand you a compliment young Skywalker, I know that
you are aiming to be a knight. And I know you originally learned
healing to be of aid to Knight Kenobi to
aid his issue,” Her face
softened a bit. “How is he? He doesn’t come around the halls as
much anymore since you took over to provide relief.” Che gestured
for Anakin to follow, signaling an
end to the lessons as they headed for the same doors Siri had exited.

Glancing around the
sterile room, Anakin let out a tired little huff. “Coping, that’s
the best I can explain what he’s doing. He wants to change out his
painkillers but the healer looking over him hasn’t fount a suitable
replacement that doesn’t make Obi-Wan woozy or worsens his side
effects.” He explained quietly, not wanting to add to the temple

Obi-Wan deserved better.

“I see,” She sighed
deeply, a small frown crossing her face. “Have they looked into
cannabis?” Che questioned only to chuckle when Anakin gained a
scandalized look. “The medical variety young Skywalker, I won’t
say it’s a cure all but he may have benefits from potentially the
lotion, oils, pills, consumable or injections even if he does not
want to smoke it.” She explained.

Falling thoughtful, Anakin
rubbed his chin as he wondered if Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan had thought of
it at all and it was the first time he had heard it from a healer at

From what he understood
from Obi-Wan, his healer was thinking about opiates only that had
pretty severe side effects or not enough effect on Obi-Wan.

Patting Anakin on the
shoulder, drawing him out of his thoughts, Che gave him a small
smile. “Try mentioning it to Kenobi. Some aid would be good for him
as long as he doesn’t experience severe side effects.” She
settled on before heading towards the offices.

Mulling on his thoughts,
watching her go, Anakin nodded abruptly to himself.

He was going to find

My heart for more of KyberTears! I would love to see some stuff where the clones and Jedi work together to protect Obi-Wan. Maybe a reporter gets a little too aggressive?

It’s unfortunately not the first time a reporter has gotten handsy.

Jedi has had to deal with a lot of them throughout the last few years
in the war and they have gotten braver and braver through the years
as they’ve seen the lack of consequences. While before they
respected the Jedi and at least allowed some distance, knew that the
laws wouldn’t be on their side in defamatory cases and so on, now
they have come to learn that in the war, their leashes seems to have
become longer for some reason and while some reporters and news
outlets wonder, others take advantage.

all, everyone wants to know about these Jedi, everyone wants to learn
the truth about the supposed baby thieves, these alleged wizards and

after the reveal of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s status as a star child, that
has not mindset of the vultures has not changed, even as Brekka
Augustine goes down for attempted kyber theft and breaking the laws
on ethical publication.

should have been a warning shot.

knowledge, the change.

yet they are still as pushy, having shown up at the Rotunda in mass
when someone let it slip that Skywalker and Kenobi was at the
Rotunda, the journalist trying and get an answer out of either
Obi-Wan or Anakin.

tenacity would be impressive if it wasn’t so annoying Obi-Wan can’t
help but think as he tries to excuse himself, stepping past a woman
only to let out a low noise of surprise as a surprisingly strong hand
wrapped around his wrist on the outside of the Rotunda, the Jedi
turning around in surprise to blink at the white haired woman staring
at him almost hungrily, her red painted lips glistening in the slight
sun as Obi-Wan’s freckles and eyes brighten in response to his own

hunger in her eyes seem to grow more rampart at the sight, staring at
a constellation of his forehead.

everything in as fragile a balance as it is, Obi-Wan can’t help but
hesitate in shaking the woman off, even as he takes notice of Anakin
in front of him turning around sharply, blue eyes going wide then
narrowing in anger as the blond tries to make his way back to

there are others who are much closer, Commander Cody abruptly shoving
himself between his General and the journalist, his face set in a
what almost look like a perpetual scowl as he stares her down.

can’t help but wonder where in the world his helmet was even as he
took notice of Anakin pausing from the corner of his eyes, Obi-Wan
focused on Cody’s back, goosebumps rising on his skin as he feels a
humid wind rustling past, indicating rain is on the way despite the
cloudless sky above them.

commander let out a tisking noise, staring the journalist down. “I
am certain you did not just grab my General Miss Lamar, as that would
constitute as assault and you are already harassing a Jedi, who is
under no obligation to answer personal questions. I’d be more than
happy to bring the recording,” Cody gestured to the side, both Miss
Lamar and Obi-Wan turning their head in surprise to find Longshot
standing there with a camera held quite openly in his hand, aimed at
them with a soft blue light blinking to indicate it was on. “To a
judge, just like we did with Augustine attempted kyber theft and let
the law decide if you should keep your journalistic license or not.”
He stated sternly, a tightly controlled ball of indignation and rage.

He has
to admit, until that moment, Obi-Wan had no idea arkanian’s could
get even paler than their fair skin did but she lost any semblance of
color before she reached out and jerked her camera crewman away, both
of them beating a hasty retreat.

weren’t the only ones, thank the Force.

journalist within a ten meter radius were suddenly gone as if they
had sunk into the ground, no longer shouting questions at Obi-Wan or
trying to get in his way and amazingly, Obi-Wan felt himself relax,
letting out a shuddering breath as Anakin hand came on his shoulder
in a comforting move and Cody turned around, both of them sporting
equally worried expression as they looked Obi-Wan over.

Obi-Wan’s lips twitched into a small smile at their expressions
before glancing around and then up again at the two worried men. “I
think we should depart sooner rather than later, it seems to be
brewing up for a rainstorm.” He murmured he noted as another gust
of humid, chilled wind came sweeping in.

Cody gestured. “The skycar is over there sir, we can depart the
moment we rea-”

Obi-Wan interrupted quietly, smiling nervously when the other paused
to blink at him. “Thank you.” Obi-Wan simply stated before
turning and moving to the car, Anakin following at his side, his hand
still settled on Obi-Wan’s shoulder as Cody followed a beat later,
the commander’s Force aura full of abashed pleasure.

doing my duty sir.” Cody murmured, their shoulders gently bumping
together in a companionable move, the rest of the troopers escorting
the two Jedi along with the commander.

A soft
hum escaped Obi-Wan. “Perhaps so, that doesn’t change my
gratefulness to any of you.” The Jedi murmured, feeling Anakin’s
fond amusement as the blond squeezed his shoulder and the pleased
happiness echoing from the other troopers.

No, it
wasn’t the first time the media had gotten handsy and Obi-Wan would
wager that it wasn’t going to be the last time as they were getting
bolder and bolder but that certainly did nothing to diminish
Obi-Wan’s gratefulness to the troopers.

Uh oh. That last line in traumabreaksall is more than a bit ominous. Sounds like Palpatine isn’t being nice. I’d love to find out what happens when they reach Coruscant. Do the troopers just follow their General to the Temple and never leave? I’m Plo would get a kick out of that. Thanks for sharing you’re wonderful fics, Moddy!

Thankfully, they get a shuttle line directly to the temple when they
reach Coruscant, not having to take a landing pad further from the
temple where anyone could potentially see them.

means that they can get Obi-Wan directly home and avoid any media or
crowds as General Skywalker had murmured about in worry.

He was

was a large crowd outside of the Jedi temple, with signs though this
time it luckily isn’t a protest against clones and makes Cody relax
as he watches the gathered crowd.

his own vode.

a bit provides him which battalion it is as he catches sight of the
maroon red color of the 91st Recon corps, lead by
Commander Ponds under General Windu.

91st are ground forces and therefore they are also good at
crowd control, so Cody is actually rather happy to see them guarding
the temple in an obvious show of force.

prowling quite clearly all around, keeping the crowd at a distance
from the doors and when they get closer, Cody can see much to his own
surprise, visible Jedi guards, their blank masks and white robe quite
clearly standing in the door openings in case anyone gets any ideas.

let other Jedi and vode pass, sometimes in escort with potentially a
senator or so but no one else gets up the stairs towards the guards.

No one
gets past the 91st.

the Jedi don’t need civilian traipsing around and making a ruckus
in their own home.’ Cody pursed his lips before glancing towards
seats where General Skywalker and Obi-Wan are currently sitting,
Obi-Wan with his head on his former padawan’s shoulder as the blond
runs his fingers slowly through red copper hair.

and gentle, a soothing motion to keep the man distracted.

Cody approves very much of.

needs the rest and the calmness.

the council has some good news.


slowly at the council members, Anakin opened his mouth before closing
it again and shaking his head. “I’m sorry, what?” He finally
got out, staring at Master Windu.

man shrugged, hands stapled in front of him as he sat reclined in the
chair. “Having a major breakdown, blaming everything on the Jedi
order and in particular Master Kenobi since of course, having a
breakdown like that on tv is a manipulation tactic and he’s not
really having a breakdown according to the chancellor.” Windu

his mouth then closing it again, Anakin let out a sharp breath.
“Alright, what are we doing then?” He finally settled on,
grateful that the 212th had made themselves at home in the
temple and had gently guided Obi-Wan away to the healers, Ahsoka popping up to walk alongside, distracting Obi-Wan with temple gossip.

didn’t need to hear this, Obi-Wan needed to focus on healing and
recovering, he needed to focus on himself for once.

not on the fact that the Chancellor was trying to throw a tantrum and
throw the media off his own tail in an attempt to keep a hold on his

is just it, we aren’t sure.” Plo offered calmly, only raising his
hands when Anakin shot him a disbelieving glare.

we intervene, it will be seen as a manipulation tactic, the best we
can do, is leave it be for now and let the Chancellor dig his
own hole.” Windu sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead.

faintly, Anakin pursed his lips only to look up when Yoda spoke.
“Speak Obi-Wan would have to the media if involved we wanted to be,
let him we can not, focus on healing Obi-Wan must. Fragile his mind
is now.” Yoda croaked out.

that… made more sense and reluctantly, Anakin nodded.

wasn’t stupid, he expected that eventually the council would speak
with the media but right now, Obi-Wan needed space and healing and if
they waited, then the media would be willing to take a statement from
any council member, not just Obi-Wan.

#PapaAndDad is adorable, with cute tiny Anakin they must be a lovely little spacer family. Moddy, how does the temple handle the truth? Do both sets of Qui and Obi meet? All my love to you, Moddy!

through the temple with Anakin on his right hip and his lover’s
hand in his left one, Qui-Gon ignored those stopping to stare at them
in the halls as he and Obi-Wan followed behind Yan and Mace to the
elevator that would bring them up to the council chamber.

a brief argument, both Yan and Mace had agreed that they would wait
for Obi-Wan to recover enough to travel and that the rest of the
story could be told in company of the council so they wouldn’t have
to repeat themselves.

that was what Qui-Gon had decided.

had not
been happy, had quietly told Anakin to put his headphones on and
listen to his audio book before rounding on Qui-Gon in a quiet upset
that hurt worse than any anger Obi-Wan could have summoned up.

were suppose to be hiding and Qui-Gon had gone and spilled
information without
Obi-Wan, taken decisions without his partner.

Obi-Wan hated that, he despised it when Qui-Gon just took decisions
without talking with him or at least waiting slightly for the other
to wake so they could. It reminded him too much of when he was a
padawan and Qui-Gon would bull rush any decisions the young man had

confession had Qui-Gon throwing himself on Obi-Wan’s mercy, holding
the redhead’s hands while whispering softly, apologizing and
rubbing them gently as he swore up and down that there would be no
repeat of this, the only reason he did it was because Yan and Mace
was right there and they would be akk dogs on a scent.

Obi-Wan had calmed down and recognized that Qui-Gon was just doing
what he could to keep them safe, that in this particular situation, he had to take a desicion without Obi-Wan.

that now included going to the Jedi temple and exposing themselves as
they moved through the temple halls in their spacer leathers with
Anakin brimming curiosity reaching around, his warm Force being
glowing without being overwhelming as the training they had done
accomplished with the blond had done their job.

counterparts are going to be informed of our presence, I don’t know
how your other self will react to… this.

Obi-Wan noted through their bond, clenching his hand on Qui-Gon’s
as they moved around a corner.

faintly, nuzzling Anakin’s soft fluff hair, Qui-Gon frowned
faintly. ‘That
is a fair worry but I don’t think he will do anything bad. After
all, you look very little like the padawan you once were, he should
be able to separate the two.

He sent his husband a warm smile, eyes lingering on the beard and the
long hair tied back.

was grateful the other hadn’t done much more than trim it because
Obi-Wan looked fetching with his beautifully long hair.

thought transmitted along their bond and Qui-Gon was treated to
Obi-Wan’s ears and the top of his cheek turning a delightful pink
color as the man smiled bashfully down at his feet even as they
entered the elevator.

all these years and Obi-Wan was still shy to praise and compliments
that made Qui-Gon regret their padawanship, wondering if this was all
his fault.

council is waiting for us up in the chamber, since the others still
have puggers, they won’t be able to appear though there will be a
video feed I’ve been told.” Yan stated primly, disrupting the two
lovers and causing Anakin to focus on the white haired Jedi.

Obi-Wan let out a deep breath before reaching out and running his
free hand over Anakin’s back. “It’s going to be alright Ani,
we’re just going to meet up with some Jedi and maybe get some work.
Okay?” He smiled at their son.

chuckled faintly when Anakin nodded excitedly. “Maybe we can even
show you the gardens here, I used to love meditating in the garden
and if the council allows it, I can show you my favorite spot in the
water garden.” He instantly had Anakin’s attention.

wide eyes focused on his face as Anakin wiggled against him. “Water
garden?” He gasped in interest, still that young desert boy who had
marveled at all the green and water he had seen out in the galaxy
with his papa and dad.

ponds and waterfalls.” Obi-Wan whispered ‘conspiratorially’,
grinning when Anakin squeaked in excitement.

now I really hope Yoda and the rest of the council allows us to
visit, he’s practically bouncing in my arms
Qui-Gon noted with warm amusement as Obi-Wan continued sharing
information about the garden.

got the impression of a stuck out tongue and no remorse from
Obi-Wan’s side, the redhead’s smile growing
beautifully wide as Anakin listened with awe.

let them be sensible.’ The man with the chestnut colored hair sent
of a prayer to the Force, holding his excited son tightly.

BlackenedSouls. I would greatly like to see Obi-Wan survive. And what’s going on with Palpatine/Sidious?

above the lump of a human, Vader, prince of hell, sneered down at the
interloper as rage made his demonic features visible to anyone
peeking in and smoke pour from his mouth with his nails cutting
crescent marks into his palms as they turned to claws.

it was Palpatine and it was Sidious, the snake, who had done this to

his bright and lovely Obi-Wan, ambushed and held down in a ritual
circle and turned human, sent into the human world without memory or
survival skills of the world he was not part of in a bitter attempt
to wound Anakin’s ruling line.

using his little half-breed son to get around it all, enough demon
blood to use the books of demons but human enough to get around
protections and wards.


the human continued to beg for his life and soul, the stench of urine
reached them through the heavy smell of herbs that Jocasta had sorted
out for the fireplace and they had kept throwing on to aid Obi-Wan
survive, to shed his human self, to shed Ben and become his old self.

there would be no mercy.

when Vader might lose his beloved Obi-Wan, not when he had spent so
long in loneliness because his weapon brother and mate to be had been
taken from him. And Obi-Wan was his mate, if he survived Vader would
give him the throne, would make him his queen, his bride and rule
over the hellscape with him.

knew that Dooku would approve of that and maybe that had always been
in the plans of Qui-Gon but right now Obi-Wan was fighting for his
life and Vader…

was going to extract his revenge and get Sidious location from the
man’s son.

then he’d take the man’s soul, send him as an empty vagrant out
into the world with his consciousness knowing what his body did but
being unable to help.

his claw out of his flesh, Vader reached out with a sadistic snarl, Ahsoka and
everyone around stepping back as the prince of hell reached out to
give the half demon the worst punishment anyone could endure. “Death
would be too good, too brief,” Vader growled, watching watery, pale
eyes go wide in fear with an awful stench joining the smell of urine.
“So your soul shall be bound, you will suffer as long as your body
survives. So be the word of the Prince of Hell.”


his eyes slowly, the redhead stared at the ceiling with
lidded eyes as a soft, unnoticed breath escaped him.

occupants of the room was preoccupied with horror show as the redhead
took in the sweltering heat as he laid on a couch in only his boxers
and with a slow stretch, Obi-Wan felt his tail and horns pop into
existence as he smiled at the world.

memories of ‘Ben’ was in him of course, he remembered what had
happened but it was faded as ‘Ben’ had never been real.

he shifted onto his feet, his tail flickering slowly as he watched
his little family and the wretched, sobbing thing being taken his
soul from by Vader on the floor.

was Ahsoka who noticed first, glancing at him shortly before turning
around with a gasp, bringing everyone’s attention on the pale

warmly at them with a fanged mouth, Obi-Wan flickered his tail
playfully at them. “Hello there.” He purred, opening his arms as
instantly Vader threw himself over the couch with a cry of the other
demons name, the blond wrapping himself around him.

“OBI-WAN!” The scream of relief, of joy echoed in the house.

lived bitches.’ Obi-Wan thought with a purr as he nuzzled at his prince’s warm skin.