No, no, no, Palpatine CAN NOT get away with this!!! Noooooooo, please Moddy, take pity on Obiwan in KyberTears (and on your readers)! Rescue him!! Please! Please with maple syrup on it 0.0

Its very anticlimactic.

Almost disappointing Obi-Wan would say but that could be the pain or the blood loss speaking on his part he has to admit.

One moment he’s dazedly watching Palpatine gloat, watching him marvel at the wrongness in his hands that he has placed into a shielded little container.

The next he’s watching Palpatine make his way towards the door while talking about getting the droids to prep Obi-Wan for travel, to have him leave Coruscant.

He has a moment of fear, a moment of longing for Anakin, for the temple, for Cody and the safety of their presence.

The door slips open before Palpatine’s hand is pressed to the lock and even without the Force, Obi-Wan can feel the shock echoing through everyone as Anakin stares at Palpatine and Palpatine stares at Anakin.

Anakin’s face turns dark, almost savage and feral and blue lights up everything as his lightsaber pierces through the body in front of him, Palpatine letting out a choking noise of shock.

Its so… anticlimactic.

To watch Palpatine just stagger back and fall on his back with a heavy thump, to watch the vial with the black kyber fall from his grasp and skitter along the floor as Obi-Wan dazedly takes in the scene of the fallen Sith in his luxurious peacock robes.

It was such a… common death.

It was almost as if Obi-Wan had expected something more, for Palpatine to explode in a black snarling spirit and rush through Palpatine.

Or maybe just explode.

Perhaps escape out into the galaxy and try to take down an entire planet with him?

And yet all he now was, was an old man, laying on the floor with blank, wide eyes of shock, his blood already starting to cool with a hole through his chest where his heart should be.

Maybe that was poetic in a way?

This mastermind, pulling the strings and orchestrating an entire galactic war, dying like any other person, like any droid the Jedi encountered in the field.

Just common scrap.

‘Death cares not for sinner or saints, it simply takes without concern for young or old, right or wrong…’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but remember the words Qui-Gon had once murmured to him, holding Obi-Wan tightly to his chest after the two hadn’t been able to save an orphanage during a planetary disaster.

Death had certainly cared little that Palpatine had orchestrated so much death.

Lifting his eyes from the Sith to his rescuers, Obi-Wan blinked blearily at his former padawan as Anakin snarled down at the body at his feet.

“Ani…” He called out piteously.

In that moment, unaware as he was, he could not tell how caught in his emotions Anakin was until he heard Obi-Wan call out, couldn’t see the flicker of yellow leeching into the others eyes.

He did see the others head snap up, could see the blue eyes go wide with horror as Anakin choked out his name and threw himself forward into the mostly white chamber of a cell, the saber pretty much dropped in favor of Anakin cupping Obi-Wan’s face. “Oh Force what has he done to you.” Anakin gasped out, eyes rowing over Obi-Wan’s face and body.

It was a rhetorical question of course but Obi-Wan gave a small, empty laugh and wiggled his covered stump a bit. “Oh you know, little bit of torture, little bit of amputation and deprivation, standard Sith behavior.”

Lips trembling, his hand desperately brushing through Obi-Wan’s hair, Anakin gave a sob like laugh. “Commander, call for a medic, now. We need a medic down here now.” He got out shakily.

‘Commander?’ Obi-Wan blinked then raised his eyes as best he could, seeing white and orange in the doorway. “Cody?” He questioned, tongue feeling thick in his mouth.

“Yes, Cody,” Anakin drew his attention back, Obi-Wan letting out a soft noise as the blond snapped the manacles holding him in place, though he left the harness be. Probably for the best as Obi-Wan had no legs to stand on. “He came with me, he knew I’d find you. So he followed me when I found you with our bond.” Anakin was babbling.

Blinking a bit, Obi-Wan let out a low noise before smiling softly as he dropped his aching, sore arms around the others shoulders. “I knew you’d find me… you always come to find me.” Obi-Wan whispered before turning his head just enough to press his dry lips to Anakin’s warm hand.

It had Anakin tensing. “Don’t you dare.” He hissed quietly, voice tinged with desperation.

Obi-Wan just nuzzled lightly.

“Don’t you dare sound like you’re saying goodbye,” Anakin’s voice turned pleading before he leaned in and pressed their foreheads together. “Obi-Wan, don’t leave me.”

Huffing faintly, Obi-Wan nuzzled their noses together. “I’m so tired Anakin.” He confessed quietly.

He could count every eyelash of the others eyes, could see the texture change of Anakin’s eyebrow splitting scar.

And he could see how Anakin’s pleading eyes turned desperate. “Don’t leave me Obi-Wan, please, just hold on a little bit longer.” He whispered, reaching in to Obi-Wan’s throat to try and get the collar cutting him from the Force off.

“You were always so much stronger than me,” Obi-Wan murmured, weakly clutching at the other before letting out a soft noise as Cody was suddenly there beside them, the commander fanatically talking into his comm, speaking with Helix about the machine that was pumping Obi-Wan’s blood still. “So brave and…” Obi-Wan let out a low noise, eyes fluttering shut.

“No, no you made me strong Obi-Wan, you can’t… Obi-Wan?” Anakin’s hands paused on the seamless collar.

The Jedi didn’t answer.


Could we please see more lordofgrief? How’s Obi-Wan adjusting to his new fallen state?

Meditating was a bit like trying to hold onto a fish at this point.

slippery one.

It was
honestly frustrating and Obi-Wan had to take pauses often to try and
re-center himself. He had managed to meditate while emotional before
but he had always… compartmentalized his grief, to feel it all at
once, all the time was a draining thing and to meditate while trying
not to turn the grief to anger was hard.

He may
be Fallen but Obi-Wan was not going to become like Xanatos, lost and
broken as he had become.

every time he thought about Xanatos came also the words he had
shouted so many years ago, the promise that he would not be like the

wasn’t he?

In a
manner he had broken his promise to Qui-Gon and that was what made
the meditation so hard.

didn’t regret it, not really, Anakin meant more to him than any
promise he had ever made but… the concept of losing what little he
had left of Qui-Gon made him tremble and not just physically but
mentally too.

master had been Obi-Wan’s world until Anakin entered it, had been
there in Obi-Wan’s formative years and they had so many experiences
together that not only shaped them but also their apprenticeship.

in making rocky but also one of the most compatible and strongest
apprenticeships and bonds until Anakin and Obi-Wan took that dubious

And to
a Jedi, it was a dubious honor regardless of what Anakin thought.

it showed great compatibility and ability to work together, it also
showed a level of… attachment.

that Qui-Gon had cared all that much, playfully tugging on Obi-Wan’s
braid after one of the councils semi scoldings about the dept of
their bond.

missed that old gundark.

that was what had left him meditating on the floor of his quarters on
the Negotiator, settled on his knees as he tried, really tried
to meditate and find his center.


used to be so easy, meditation had come as easy as breathing for
Obi-Wan before but now it was so hard and he knew why.

fallen status was causing him more emotional turmoil than he was
willing to show to everyone, even Anakin.

won’t Fall! I won’t be him!’ Echoed in his mind every time he
almost managed to settle into the flow of the Force to listen, firmly
throwing him out of his own calm.

him kneeling on the floor with his hands on his thighs, staring at
the wall.

Obi-Wan decided to give up, his almost numb legs telling him he had
been at this for far too long as he cautiously untucked them from
under him and instead stretched them out in front of him, leaning
back until his back was resting against the edge of his bunk.

he brought up his knees too and settled his elbows against them so he
could press his face into his hands comfortably, sighing deeply to

can’t help but think you’d be so disappointed in me master,”
Obi-Wan whispered, a deep rooted fear announcing itself that he
usually avoided looking too much at. “I promised you. I swore I’d
be better than Xanatos and yet… here I am.” He laughed, tone
broken and slow.

was no answer of course.

had long since passed into the Force and there was no one here to
tell him how Qui-Gon would really respond to him.

people could theorize, those who had properly known Qui-Gon,

how the man would actually react was a very different thing.

I don’t know Obi-Wan,” A soft baritone sounded, Obi-Wan’s eyes
widening before he slowly pulled his face from his hands. “I think
you’re doing rather good, all things considered.” A transparent
figure stood in front of him and slowly, holding his breath, Obi-Wan
let his eyes trail up.

same boots, same belt, same tunic with the loose V at the top as that
fateful day and Obi-Wan’s breath came out in a choked little
whimper as he meet the ever blue eyes of Qui-Gon Jinn, the man
smiling softly down at him.

craggy featured, still broken nosed with that long mane of a hair
pulled back with a leather cord.

Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon chuckled softly, standing with his hands in his
sleeves. “It is good to see you.”

The surprise baby face update was enough to have me jumping up and down in anticipation, andI hear you already wrote chapter three. If you still need a prompt to attach that chapter to, consider this it. If not, consider it a prompt for chapter four, because I desperately need to know what makes this worthy of you calling it your darkest story yet.

in all fairness, Obi-Wan would like to say that he was being cautious
as he had promised
and that he had only low level alcoholic drink
mixes that he watched closely being made
and considering he had once chugged an entire bottle of rogut and
still managed to walk in a straight line even without filtering it
out as he had been doing with the drinks from the nightclub, he
didn’t think he was in any danger.

well, a two part drug activation was hard to notice, if
the was to take a guess, the first drink had the first activation
part and the last drink he had with the second one, the Force
therefore not warning him since independently, they weren’t

had just finished his third drink and was on his way to the dance
floor again when he felt the effects, his steps stuttering as someone
slid in beside him just
as suddenly as the effects hit him,
crooned softly in worry at
the Jedi pretending to be a teen,
leading Obi-Wan away from the dance floor.

mouth felt so thick too and his vision was flickering, the
drugs in his system potent and making it hard for Obi-Wan to think.

flashing colored lights and other people really weren’t helping him
either honestly as he was half pulled and half carried away until
they were in the back alley, cold fresh air causing Obi-Wan to shiver
as he let out a confused noise.

it’s alright babycakes, you’re going to be fine.” A low, husky
voice chuckled into his ear and Obi-Wan raised his head enough to
blink dazedly at a man with the bluest eyes Obi-Wan had ever seen,
his grip on the Force slippery as he tried to reach for it to push
the man away, recognizing
that this
was their abductor.

pinch at his neck made him groan before he slumped against the other
humans chest, feeling himself being shifted and then picked up.
“Don’t normally go up to your age, to close to an adult really
for what I need, but when you shine so brightly in the Force, how can
I resist babycakes.” The man chuckled darkly,
Obi-Wan swaying in his arms with each of the man’s steps.

Obi-Wan wanted to curse out the man as his bare cheek rubbed against
the man’s shoulder, but whatever he had been given and then
injected with was working fast, Obi-Wan’s consciousness fading fast
he had the horrifying gut feeling that the troopers couldn’t see
him, that this man was familiar enough to avoid detection in the

he did dislike so proving Anakin and Commander Cody right. ‘Least I
got the tracker.’ Obi-Wan’s last fading thought was as he felt
himself being settled in the back of a waiting skycar.


in the teens sitting with their heads in their hands on the paved
curb, Anakin pressed his lips together and then looked to Rex.

captain sighed. “Two point activation drugs, the only similarity of
these kids are the drinks they’ve had and Helix has already done a
tox scan, two different drugs that when combined together wrecks
havoc in a Force sensitive system.” He explained darkly.

his face, Anakin let out a quiet growl but nodded, looking around,
the need to go find Obi-Wan itching in his veins.

with so many teens dropping around the dance floor, they had been
required to stay.

they were suppose to be lowkey but there was no way of hiding the
investigation now, whoever had taken Obi-Wan would get a warning
anyhow. ‘But it’s not like they’re getting away anyhow,’ He
assured himself, forcing himself to relax as Kix continued quietly
speaking with a purple skinned twi’lek, giving her water and
encouraging her to drink it. ‘Obi-Wan has the tracker, Ahsoka and
Commander Cody are following and will soon be back with both the perp
and Obi-Wan.’ He assured himself as he squinted around.

the hubbub happening at the Deep Liger, the other clubs were still
going strong and outside of the teens sitting on the curbs, not much
had changed despite the appearance of Jedi and GAR troopers.

A quiet voice went off behind him, Anakin turning quickly with a
brightening expression and a quip on his lips for Obi-Wan as he heard
Ahsoka behind him, the group finally having returned.

then his words died on his lips, Ahsoka standing there wide eyed and
trembling, no Obi-Wan or 212th
accompanying her.

all she had in her gloved hand that she raised to the light for him
to see, was a bloody tracker. “…We found it two alleys over,
Commander Cody and the ghost company
are investigating and Gray Hat started slicing into the security cams
around…” Ahsoka whispered, her shoulders shaking more and more.

Anakin only reached out and dragged his padawan to him, staring wide
eyed into the night.

was gone,
whoever was abducting teens, had Obi-Wan.

Someone rutined in abducting Force sensitive people had managed to get the
drop on them despite all the safeguards they had put in place, Ahsoka
was trembling like a leaf and they had no idea what could potentially
be happening to Obi-Wan at this moment.

dark and fiery lit of in Anakin’s chest as he tightened his grasp
on Ahsoka, something deep and dark that belonged to a Tatooine night.
“…E CHU TA!” He roared, scaring all the drugged up teens and
informing the entirety of 501st
and 212th
that General Kenobi was MIA.