Docile doll, rex, cody and obi wan reunited?

Weeks of careful planning is a must, weeks of gathering intel, of resources poured into one missions, calling in favors, getting a ship that can bypass the Empire’s security, getting a basic trooper outfit, unpainted, getting falsified papers…

But they’re ready.

They’re going to do this for Obi-Wan’s sake.

To set Obi-Wan’s mind at peace, because Obi-Wan’s wide eyes is something the troopers are all too used to seeing when Vader marches in on a place that has rumored to have held Obi-Wan with Cody at his sake.

For him, they are getting Cody out.

Its not that they don’t want to, of course not, if they could, the would get all their brothers out of the hell that is the chips…

But they don’t have the resources for all of them, they can’t bring them all out, as much as they desperately wants to. To save every last one of their brothers from the Empire and the snake at the top, leading everything.

However, they can’t.

They don’t have the resources for it, they don’t have the space and they don’t have the manpower to do it.

They do bring some vod out of it, when they can, a squad they come over, knocking them out and taking them to the medbay of their ships, getting them dechipped and rescued. But not as many as they wished they could.

Cody however is bait and they all know it, he’s bait for Obi-Wan.

They had all known that from the moment they had seen the blank eyed Commander, their vod, marching beside Vader, as if he didn’t have morals anymore.

Cody had always had strong morals, had them from the moment he was decanted on Kamino and under General Kenobi, they had only been fortified as he learned and saw more of the world and of the Jedi behavior.

Cody was a man of honor, morals and justice.

The blank eyed man was not Cody.

Couldn’t be Cody.

But he would be Cody again.

That was why Rex was on Coruscant, dressed in the white of a shiny from salvaged armor, following the commander silently.

Around him, others from Homebase were following equally silent, all of them grim but determined.

The plan was simple.

Follow Cody until he was alone, hypo him, keep him in place until he was out, deprive him of armor in case of trackers and bring him to the ship they had bartered from a smuggler with the falsified papers.

Then they ran.

Cody was making it hard though, most of the day he had been with Vader, making it impossible to approach him and Rex honestly worried that if he got too close, Vader would feel that it was him.

It was one of those things, when Vader had been General Skywalker, had always been nice, that the man always knew who his troopers were and called them by name.

Now it was a nuisance.


So they had to use distance.

Only Lamb could approach without worry as Lamb was not part of the 212th or the 501st, he had been a shiny from 612th and therefore Vader had never meet him. So he had been set on trail duty for most of the day, keeping the other appraised through their private and protected comms.

They did have one scare, when one of Tarkin’s lackeys had tried to send them of to the other side of Coruscant but had managed to get out of it. By sending another team of troopers unfortunately, they didn’t like taking advantage of their own, mindwashed brothers but they didn’t have much choice.

They had to get Cody and they had to get him soon.

‘Hold on Obi-Wan… soon Cody will be home with us… just don’t do anything stupid.’ Rex bit his lips, eyes on the back of his black armored brother, wondering how many Jedi the other had murdered in his state.

Under Vader’s orders.

‘Force, I don’t ask for much, but please let it be zero.’ Rex swallowed.

Well, hello there again :) I’m curious where do Obi-Wan and Clones run away in #dociledoll? Was it really possible for Rebellion to give away Obi-Wan in order to get sth from Vader? How is Vader doing looking for his ‘doll’? I bet not so well… ;)

out of the viewfind, Obi-Wan took a sip of his tea with a small hum
of contentment as the streaks of the hyperlane passed them.

months out and they were doing better than ever though Obi-Wan had to
admit that for the most part he wasn’t doing anything but trying to
recover as the troopers looked out for him and continued to guide

had several times however picked up refugees from the core that they
were bringing out and were steadily picking up ships, troopers and
even a few Jedi survivors much to Obi-Wan’s amazement.

weren’t all people Obi-Wan had personally known as much as known
of, but they were Jedi and that was enough for him.

then they had found Plo and Shaak and Obi-Wan could have wept in
relief as he embraced both Jedi and clung to them for hours, his face
pressed into their spacer leathers as they clung just as tightly in
return, all three of them relieved to see someone else.

month after they had found Jedi master Zao, the old veknoid guiding
not one, not two, but fourteen frightened, traumatized younglings he
had found and kept safe from the Jedi purges. All of them had
initially been frightened of the clones until they had proven
themselves to the younglings and shown them the surgery scars from
where the biochips had been removed.

other Jedi had also helped, Obi-Wan along with the others coming to
the same ship to show the younglings that it was safe to stay here.

they were nomadic, living in the depth
of space with the Jedi and the volunteers and the refugees that the
troopers took in, getting supplies and fueling with many of them
taking minor jobs here and there when they were close to planets to
keep them all feed.

aid helped too and even the Rebellion at some points but for the most
part they limited their interaction with the Rebellion after what
they had wanted to do with Obi-Wan.

at that thought, Obi-Wan stared down into his cup.

months and lots of recovery and he still wondered if they would have
outright traded him back to Vader for something or if they would have
sent him on missions before he was even healthy because Obi-Wan was
far from healthy.

he was still training, recovering the muscle mass he lost with Vader
keeping him subdued.


still woke up in fear, still woke up wondering what the day would
bring, wondering if he would be pinned to the bed by the other.

he would feel guilty about not helping more, about not doing more for
the galaxy.

would sit with him at those times, arm wrapped around him.

if Obi-Wan didn’t know that Jango Fett was Force blind he would
have thought that the troopers were Force sensitive and connected to
him because every trooper on the Corvette, their first ship named
‘Homebase’, would
find him when he was in a fit.

Obi-Wan was starting to backtrack, to decline, suddenly there would
be Rex, ready to just sit with him.

would be Boil with a cup of tea.

would be Waxer and Echo with bright smiles telling him that he should
come to the gym with them.

would find him and sit with him, sit with him and let him slowly

being his friends, keeping him safe.

when was the last time he actually felt safe before these days?

touch to his shoulder startled him out of his thoughts and he turned
his head to blink at Rex, giving the old captain a warm if confused
smile. “I’m sorry Rex, I was caught in my own thoughts, was there
something you needed?” Obi-Wan asked politely and curiously.

his head, keeping his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, Rex just smiled
back at him. “Not
really, just checking in with you though if you’re up to it,
Longshot could use your help down with the filters?” He raised a

a quick sip of tea, Obi-Wan nodded eagerly before giving the other a
gimlet eye. “You know that eventually you’re going to have to put
me on the work roster. I’m about as healthy as I can get right
now.” He pointed out.

faintly, echoed by a few of the others on the bridge listening in,
Rex shrugged. “Oh I know but you’re not the only one not on the
roster you know. Or would you have us put Echo on the roster too?”
He playfully raised his brows.

grumbled but smiled into his tea, warmth blooming in his stomach.

vode didn’t stop him from working, gave him the option of declining
and that was… it made Obi-Wan feel warm, feeling fuzzy with Rex
hand still securely settled on his shoulder.

was warm and his future felt more secure regardless of Vader hunting
for him.

thanks to the former troopers who had gotten the worst end of the

O.O Moddy? DocileDoll? Would the Rebellion reeeaaally let ObiWan settle in one place? The Negotiator, with all that knowledge of people and events from before the Empire, MUST be an important and VALUABLE playing piece on the board. And for the last known Jedi to stay in one place?? Vader wouldn’t have to hunt too hard, hmmmm? So. Protective custody maybe? How WOULD Obi and the clones react??

awake when the door snaps open abruptly, Obi-Wan reaches for the
saber that no longer hangs on his belt as the light floods the room
and momentarily blinds him. For a moment he thinks Vader has found
him regardless of them drifting in space, for a moment he wonders if
he’s going back to his docile state.

then he remembers he’s not wearing a belt at this moment, he’s
wearing thin shift clothes and his eyes become accustom to the light,
showing him only Rex striding quickly into the room.

former GAR captain is dressed
in his old armor and is
armed to the teeth with blasters and viroblade as he snatches
Obi-Wan’s boots and socks out of the little locker in the room.

wha-” Obi-Wan sits up, throwing his feet over the end of the bed as
he tries to question the man only for Rex to kneel down and quickly
slide his socks onto Obi-Wan’s feet.

don’t have long, we have to go.” Rex said gruffly, snapping on
Obi-Wan’s boots with a rougher grip than normal since Obi-Wan
arrived at the Rebellion thanks to Rex rescue.

Obi-Wan stood obediently, confused as he took note of the pack
hanging on Rex back as the man threw
Obi-Wan’s robe around him, fastened it and then took
a hold of his hand and pulled him out into the bright,

He’s alarmed
to see Waxer and Boil kitted out in their old armors right
outside his room and
Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to stare at a togruta that had been
him hours
laying out on the floor in a still manner with a clearly knocked over tray beside her.

gas,” Boil answered quickly, seeing the former generals face. “She’s alive.”

more confused, Obi-Wan only followed, trusting these men with his
life and sanity as he followed through the corridors and elevators to
the hanger of the ship.

entire way was paved with people knocked out where ever they had been
when the gas came and droids standing still, jerking or twitching as
they tried to boot themselves up as
Rex hurried them past with a determined look on his face.

all three former troopers were oozing of a mix of protective rage,
determination and urgency.

happened while I was asleep?’ Obi-Wan wondered in surprise as the
elevator doors opened with a soft ping, eyes widening up when he
noticed the shuttle ready to take off in the hanger, troopers milling
around it.

recognized some of them.


all of them were armed to the teeth and in armor.

they saw the group making their way towards them, they all finished
up their tasks and made their way into the shuttle where Rex pulled
Obi-Wan up the ramp along. “We’re all here! Raise the ramp and
go!” Rex called sternly before turning to Obi-Wan. “…Okay…
now you can ask.” He said quietly.

the kark is going on Rex?” Obi-Wan whispered, eyes wide, his free
hand shaking.

had not made sense since Anakin became Vader and right now he

Alliance leadership are desperate,” Rex started slowly. “They…
were going to force you to help, to guilt you into it… as your duty
to the fallen Republic as a Jedi. We couldn’t allow that,” Rex
explained quietly before glancing around the cargo hold of the
shuttle they were taking out. “Vader will be after you, they know
it, they were going to use you as bait and…” The captain

spoke up. “We
got our hands on an old refurbished CR-12 Corvette,” He smiled
happily only for the smile to fade. “They’re not using us and
they’re not using you. We’ve bleed enough for people who never
cared. And if we find vode and Jedi along the way, we’ll take them
with us as we take potshots at the Empire but we’re not being used by others, not anymore.” He added softly.

Obi-Wan looked at the serious faces around him before letting out a
quiet nose and stepping into Rex space, wrapping his arms around the
mans neck to hide his face in a pauldron. “…Thank
you.” He breathed out, feeling arms slowly come up around him in

par solus, bal solus par an Obi-Wan.” Rex murmured.

for one, one for all… fitting.’ Obi-Wan tightened his hold.

O.O Moddy? DocileDoll? Would the Rebellion reeeaaally let ObiWan settle in one place? The Negotiator, with all that knowledge of people and events from before the Empire, MUST be an important and VALUABLE playing piece on the board. And for the last known Jedi to stay in one place?? Vader wouldn’t have to hunt too hard, hmmmm? So. Protective custody maybe? How WOULD Obi and the clones react??

awake when the door snaps open abruptly, Obi-Wan reaches for the
saber that no longer hangs on his belt as the light floods the room
and momentarily blinds him. For a moment he thinks Vader has found
him regardless of them drifting in space, for a moment he wonders if
he’s going back to his docile state.

then he remembers he’s not wearing a belt at this moment, he’s
wearing thin shift clothes and his eyes become accustom to the light,
showing him only Rex striding quickly into the room.

former GAR captain is dressed
in his old armor and is
armed to the teeth with blasters and viroblade as he snatches
Obi-Wan’s boots and socks out of the little locker in the room.

wha-” Obi-Wan sits up, throwing his feet over the end of the bed as
he tries to question the man only for Rex to kneel down and quickly
slide his socks onto Obi-Wan’s feet.

don’t have long, we have to go.” Rex said gruffly, snapping on
Obi-Wan’s boots with a rougher grip than normal since Obi-Wan
arrived at the Rebellion thanks to Rex rescue.

Obi-Wan stood obediently, confused as he took note of the pack
hanging on Rex back as the man threw
Obi-Wan’s robe around him, fastened it and then took
a hold of his hand and pulled him out into the bright,

He’s alarmed
to see Waxer and Boil kitted out in their old armors right
outside his room and
Obi-Wan opened his mouth only to stare at a togruta that had been
him hours
laying out on the floor in a still manner with a clearly knocked over tray beside her.

gas,” Boil answered quickly, seeing the former generals face. “She’s alive.”

more confused, Obi-Wan only followed, trusting these men with his
life and sanity as he followed through the corridors and elevators to
the hanger of the ship.

entire way was paved with people knocked out where ever they had been
when the gas came and droids standing still, jerking or twitching as
they tried to boot themselves up as
Rex hurried them past with a determined look on his face.

all three former troopers were oozing of a mix of protective rage,
determination and urgency.

happened while I was asleep?’ Obi-Wan wondered in surprise as the
elevator doors opened with a soft ping, eyes widening up when he
noticed the shuttle ready to take off in the hanger, troopers milling
around it.

recognized some of them.


all of them were armed to the teeth and in armor.

they saw the group making their way towards them, they all finished
up their tasks and made their way into the shuttle where Rex pulled
Obi-Wan up the ramp along. “We’re all here! Raise the ramp and
go!” Rex called sternly before turning to Obi-Wan. “…Okay…
now you can ask.” He said quietly.

the kark is going on Rex?” Obi-Wan whispered, eyes wide, his free
hand shaking.

had not made sense since Anakin became Vader and right now he

Alliance leadership are desperate,” Rex started slowly. “They…
were going to force you to help, to guilt you into it… as your duty
to the fallen Republic as a Jedi. We couldn’t allow that,” Rex
explained quietly before glancing around the cargo hold of the
shuttle they were taking out. “Vader will be after you, they know
it, they were going to use you as bait and…” The captain

spoke up. “We
got our hands on an old refurbished CR-12 Corvette,” He smiled
happily only for the smile to fade. “They’re not using us and
they’re not using you. We’ve bleed enough for people who never
cared. And if we find vode and Jedi along the way, we’ll take them
with us as we take potshots at the Empire but we’re not being used by others, not anymore.” He added softly.

Obi-Wan looked at the serious faces around him before letting out a
quiet nose and stepping into Rex space, wrapping his arms around the
mans neck to hide his face in a pauldron. “…Thank
you.” He breathed out, feeling arms slowly come up around him in

par solus, bal solus par an Obi-Wan.” Rex murmured.

for one, one for all… fitting.’ Obi-Wan tightened his hold.

So glad Obi-Wan is out of Vader’s control in DocileDoll. And very glad to see he has support in Rex. Who else is around? Any troopers from the 212th? Other Jedi? I figure Obi-wan has lots to work through, maybe feels embarrassed he didn’t fight hard enough, maybe like he has to make it up to the alliance & thank them for rescuing him. So I’d love to see him get all the support he needs. Thank you!

Rubbing his hand
over his face, Obi-Wan let out a low noise as the door to his room
opened and peered out of the fresher to see who it was, relaxing when
he saw the former captain. “Rex, hello.” He murmured with relief.

The trooper smiled
back at him, hands in his pockets. “I knocked but no one answered,
you okay?” He questioned carefully as he closed the distance
between them.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
pulled back into the fresher. “I was cleaning up and getting ready
for the day. I wanted to get out of my room honestly for the day and
do something else.” He sighed deeply before sending the other an
apologetic smile. “I must not have heard you.”

That gained him a
smile that Obi-Wan could see via the mirror as he fixed up his hair,
the smile converting Rex stern face into something softer before the
captain let out a considering grunt. “So, what do you want to do
today?” The blond questioned curiously.

Shrugging a bit,
Obi-Wan breathed out heavily. “I don’t really know, its been so
long since I could really choose what I did and I don’t really know
what’s going on with the ship.” Obi-Wan mused tiredly, sending
Rex a small smile when the captain placed his hand on the Jedi’s
shoulder in support, squeezing gently before withdrawing.

When Obi-Wan
finished grooming himself, Rex spoke up. “Well there’s a training
room on board if you’re interested in being active? I don’t think
the Rebellion will really let you in on any missions just yet and
honestly the medics wouldn’t recommend it either I bet.” He
bluntly said.

Nodding in
acknowledgment, Obi-Wan rubbed his chin before smiling. “Regaining
my muscle mass would be nice.” He stepped out of the fresher, Rex
backing away to give him space.

A sympathetic look
crossed Rex face. “He didn’t let you exercise?” He questioned

Picking up and
pulling on the rather worn in brown coat he had been provided,
Obi-Wan sighed. “Not really, a little bit but not in the vigorous
way I used to in the temple daily or even the exercise I got during
the war,” He paused, staring down at the fastenings of his coat.
“…Vader is all of Anakin’s worst traits amplified and a few of
his good ones twisted, overly protective and possessive to a
dangerous degree.” Obi-Wan lifted his head to stare at Rex, eyes
begging for understanding.

Which Rex clearly
had as he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. “He’s never
going to stop looking for you.” Rex stated before letting out a
quiet curse.

“I can’t stay
on this ship forever, I’m going to need to find somewhere to hide.”
Obi-Wan nodded, walking towards the door before stopping and looking
sheepishly at Rex.

Raising a brow at
first, Rex let out a chuckle. “You don’t know where the gym is.”
He teased before laughing a bit harder when Obi-Wan nodded, still
looking sheepish.

Following the
blond, Obi-Wan pretended not to notice people stopping to stare at
him or whispering  behind his back.

Tried to delegate
it to the unimportant part of his brain.

People always

Arriving at the gym
was a relief but for more than one reason.

Because Boil and
Waxer was there.

“But… Umbara,
I…” Obi-Wan clung to the others hands, eyes wide.

Waxer gave a wry
smile at that, a bit less sunny than under the war. “Well I don’t
have flesh legs anymore and I got a plate in my head and tech in my
spine but I survived. Its good to see you escaped General.” Waxer
smiled a bit more at that.

Squeezing the
others hands, Obi-Wan shook his head while smiling brightly. “You
amaze me Waxer, you and all the troopers and your ability to endure
and I am so happy to see you, both of you,” He aimed the latter
part at Boil who gave him a small smirk and a nod. “Did… how
Waxer? Did we abandon you there?”

Waxer hummed a bit.
“Well I got taken care of by some locals, they had pity on me but
it took ages and I was… well I survived,” He looked to Boil and
smiled softer. “And I found my way home.”

Smiling softly at
that, Obi-Wan nodded, recognizing that for Waxer, home was with Boil,
with the person he loved. So he was always home as long as he was
with Boil.

So glad Obi-Wan is out of Vader’s control in DocileDoll. And very glad to see he has support in Rex. Who else is around? Any troopers from the 212th? Other Jedi? I figure Obi-wan has lots to work through, maybe feels embarrassed he didn’t fight hard enough, maybe like he has to make it up to the alliance & thank them for rescuing him. So I’d love to see him get all the support he needs. Thank you!

Rubbing his hand
over his face, Obi-Wan let out a low noise as the door to his room
opened and peered out of the fresher to see who it was, relaxing when
he saw the former captain. “Rex, hello.” He murmured with relief.

The trooper smiled
back at him, hands in his pockets. “I knocked but no one answered,
you okay?” He questioned carefully as he closed the distance
between them.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
pulled back into the fresher. “I was cleaning up and getting ready
for the day. I wanted to get out of my room honestly for the day and
do something else.” He sighed deeply before sending the other an
apologetic smile. “I must not have heard you.”

That gained him a
smile that Obi-Wan could see via the mirror as he fixed up his hair,
the smile converting Rex stern face into something softer before the
captain let out a considering grunt. “So, what do you want to do
today?” The blond questioned curiously.

Shrugging a bit,
Obi-Wan breathed out heavily. “I don’t really know, its been so
long since I could really choose what I did and I don’t really know
what’s going on with the ship.” Obi-Wan mused tiredly, sending
Rex a small smile when the captain placed his hand on the Jedi’s
shoulder in support, squeezing gently before withdrawing.

When Obi-Wan
finished grooming himself, Rex spoke up. “Well there’s a training
room on board if you’re interested in being active? I don’t think
the Rebellion will really let you in on any missions just yet and
honestly the medics wouldn’t recommend it either I bet.” He
bluntly said.

Nodding in
acknowledgment, Obi-Wan rubbed his chin before smiling. “Regaining
my muscle mass would be nice.” He stepped out of the fresher, Rex
backing away to give him space.

A sympathetic look
crossed Rex face. “He didn’t let you exercise?” He questioned

Picking up and
pulling on the rather worn in brown coat he had been provided,
Obi-Wan sighed. “Not really, a little bit but not in the vigorous
way I used to in the temple daily or even the exercise I got during
the war,” He paused, staring down at the fastenings of his coat.
“…Vader is all of Anakin’s worst traits amplified and a few of
his good ones twisted, overly protective and possessive to a
dangerous degree.” Obi-Wan lifted his head to stare at Rex, eyes
begging for understanding.

Which Rex clearly
had as he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. “He’s never
going to stop looking for you.” Rex stated before letting out a
quiet curse.

“I can’t stay
on this ship forever, I’m going to need to find somewhere to hide.”
Obi-Wan nodded, walking towards the door before stopping and looking
sheepishly at Rex.

Raising a brow at
first, Rex let out a chuckle. “You don’t know where the gym is.”
He teased before laughing a bit harder when Obi-Wan nodded, still
looking sheepish.

Following the
blond, Obi-Wan pretended not to notice people stopping to stare at
him or whispering  behind his back.

Tried to delegate
it to the unimportant part of his brain.

People always

Arriving at the gym
was a relief but for more than one reason.

Because Boil and
Waxer was there.

“But… Umbara,
I…” Obi-Wan clung to the others hands, eyes wide.

Waxer gave a wry
smile at that, a bit less sunny than under the war. “Well I don’t
have flesh legs anymore and I got a plate in my head and tech in my
spine but I survived. Its good to see you escaped General.” Waxer
smiled a bit more at that.

Squeezing the
others hands, Obi-Wan shook his head while smiling brightly. “You
amaze me Waxer, you and all the troopers and your ability to endure
and I am so happy to see you, both of you,” He aimed the latter
part at Boil who gave him a small smirk and a nod. “Did… how
Waxer? Did we abandon you there?”

Waxer hummed a bit.
“Well I got taken care of by some locals, they had pity on me but
it took ages and I was… well I survived,” He looked to Boil and
smiled softer. “And I found my way home.”

Smiling softly at
that, Obi-Wan nodded, recognizing that for Waxer, home was with Boil,
with the person he loved. So he was always home as long as he was
with Boil.

Hi Moddy! I am asking this question with lots of sharp teeth showing. How is Lord Vader reacting to the loss of his toy, his DocileDoll?

Panting harshly
through gritted teeth, Vader surveys the dojo with burning eyes.
Every inch of the floor was covered in the twisted scraps of the
sparring droids that he had destroyed in his rage, ripped apart by
the Force or sheared through with his lightsaber.

Sweat poured down
his temple and his spine but he didn’t care as his rage pulsed
hotly beneath his skin like a raging river of lava that nothing could

Obi-Wan was gone.

Someone had stolen
his Obi-Wan from him and the Emperor had only offered meaningless
platitudes before sending Vader away after the younger Sith had
snapped yet another of his cronies neck with the Force.

They had lost him
his Obi-Wan.


Sidious did not get him back, Vader would murder him next.

his entire group of ‘Inquisitors’.’ Vader sneered to himself.
Oh he’d love to take the head off the ‘Grand’ Inquisitor and
watch it roll along the floor as
a caution to everyone else to make them understand their position.

as he deactivated his saber, Vader shook himself as there was nothing
more he could do in the dojo with all the droids mashed up to pieces
as they were now. The
Inquisitors had all so ‘conveniently’ disappeared from the dojos
so no one could spar with him.

of losing more limbs to me I imagine.’ He smirked viciously to
himself before snarling and
pulling a statue over, watching in satisfaction as Sidious figure was
smashed into a million pieces that nothing could repair.

that satisfaction was temporary and disappeared to leave only behind

want Obi-Wan!” He
snarled while pulling down
the drapes with a wave of his hands.


out deeply, Obi-Wan settled his head on Rex shoulder as he held onto
the cup of tea.

It was
horrible quality honestly with a slight iron taste that came from
badly filtered water and a
slight taste of gasoline that indicated that someone had crossed the

had told him while handing
over the cup they were trying
to fix it but so far no one had quite managed to isolate the issue so
the tea would unfortunately not taste up to snuff.

was the best cup of tea Obi-Wan had in weeks.

do you feel?” Rex questioned quietly, having
come to keep Obi-Wan company in his medbay room though Obi-Wan
strongly suspected it was really quarters that had been converted for
Obi-Wan’s sake in case he had a negative reaction when he woke up so no other injured in the medbay were in danger.

head aches and I feel a constant sense of fatigue from the drug
withdrawal but other than that, I am actually starting to recover.”
Obi-Wan laughed quietly before lifting his head enough to take a sip
and settle his head back down on the blond’s shoulder.

He was
grateful Rex was out of armor as the pauldron would not be

the former GAR looked lovely in a beige shirt with a black leather
coat over that seemed to have quite a few pockets if Obi-Wan’s
observation was right.

the medic was honestly worried about what kind of side-effects you
would suffer from the unknown drug that Darth Vader had you under,”
Rex rubbed at the scruff on
his face before sighing. “Still can’t believe… we trusted him.”
He mumbled.

trusted him.” Obi-Wan quietly agreed as he set his now empty cup
aside with the taste of
tainted tea lingering in his mouth.

out heavily, Rex patted him
on the knee. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry it all turned out like
this.” He murmured.

his face to Rex shoulder, Obi-Wan swallowed heavily. “No, it is I
who am sorry,” He whispered out. “For all the things we Jedi
missed, for all the signs that we should have seen, for the brothers
we abused… I am so sorry.” He got out thickly.

was a heartbeat and then Rex turned towards him, pulling Obi-Wan into
a tight hug. “The Jedi weren’t omnipotent. You aren’t either
General, I forgive you.” He murmured into the soft red hair.

out a breath, Obi-Wan clung to the other man as tightly as he could.

wished he could forgive himself so easily.

Hi Moddy! I am asking this question with lots of sharp teeth showing. How is Lord Vader reacting to the loss of his toy, his DocileDoll?

Panting harshly
through gritted teeth, Vader surveys the dojo with burning eyes.
Every inch of the floor was covered in the twisted scraps of the
sparring droids that he had destroyed in his rage, ripped apart by
the Force or sheared through with his lightsaber.

Sweat poured down
his temple and his spine but he didn’t care as his rage pulsed
hotly beneath his skin like a raging river of lava that nothing could

Obi-Wan was gone.

Someone had stolen
his Obi-Wan from him and the Emperor had only offered meaningless
platitudes before sending Vader away after the younger Sith had
snapped yet another of his cronies neck with the Force.

They had lost him
his Obi-Wan.


Sidious did not get him back, Vader would murder him next.

his entire group of ‘Inquisitors’.’ Vader sneered to himself.
Oh he’d love to take the head off the ‘Grand’ Inquisitor and
watch it roll along the floor as
a caution to everyone else to make them understand their position.

as he deactivated his saber, Vader shook himself as there was nothing
more he could do in the dojo with all the droids mashed up to pieces
as they were now. The
Inquisitors had all so ‘conveniently’ disappeared from the dojos
so no one could spar with him.

of losing more limbs to me I imagine.’ He smirked viciously to
himself before snarling and
pulling a statue over, watching in satisfaction as Sidious figure was
smashed into a million pieces that nothing could repair.

that satisfaction was temporary and disappeared to leave only behind

want Obi-Wan!” He
snarled while pulling down
the drapes with a wave of his hands.


out deeply, Obi-Wan settled his head on Rex shoulder as he held onto
the cup of tea.

It was
horrible quality honestly with a slight iron taste that came from
badly filtered water and a
slight taste of gasoline that indicated that someone had crossed the

had told him while handing
over the cup they were trying
to fix it but so far no one had quite managed to isolate the issue so
the tea would unfortunately not taste up to snuff.

was the best cup of tea Obi-Wan had in weeks.

do you feel?” Rex questioned quietly, having
come to keep Obi-Wan company in his medbay room though Obi-Wan
strongly suspected it was really quarters that had been converted for
Obi-Wan’s sake in case he had a negative reaction when he woke up so no other injured in the medbay were in danger.

head aches and I feel a constant sense of fatigue from the drug
withdrawal but other than that, I am actually starting to recover.”
Obi-Wan laughed quietly before lifting his head enough to take a sip
and settle his head back down on the blond’s shoulder.

He was
grateful Rex was out of armor as the pauldron would not be

the former GAR looked lovely in a beige shirt with a black leather
coat over that seemed to have quite a few pockets if Obi-Wan’s
observation was right.

the medic was honestly worried about what kind of side-effects you
would suffer from the unknown drug that Darth Vader had you under,”
Rex rubbed at the scruff on
his face before sighing. “Still can’t believe… we trusted him.”
He mumbled.

trusted him.” Obi-Wan quietly agreed as he set his now empty cup
aside with the taste of
tainted tea lingering in his mouth.

out heavily, Rex patted him
on the knee. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry it all turned out like
this.” He murmured.

his face to Rex shoulder, Obi-Wan swallowed heavily. “No, it is I
who am sorry,” He whispered out. “For all the things we Jedi
missed, for all the signs that we should have seen, for the brothers
we abused… I am so sorry.” He got out thickly.

was a heartbeat and then Rex turned towards him, pulling Obi-Wan into
a tight hug. “The Jedi weren’t omnipotent. You aren’t either
General, I forgive you.” He murmured into the soft red hair.

out a breath, Obi-Wan clung to the other man as tightly as he could.

wished he could forgive himself so easily.

In Docile Doll, can we see Obi-Wan slowly healing in the Alliance? With extra troopers who would kill for him and follow him around, fearing someone will steal him again. Bonus if Kix is there. I love Kix. Thank you for all your hard work, you make my lunch break so much better every day! (Also, you make me want to ship Organa and Rex in that one. Perhaps RexBrehaBail, because why not )

Hearing the door
open but being unable to turn from the sight of stars, Obi-Wan only
clenched his hands on the window as he watched the reflection of a
bothan in the window. The bothan went from looking at a clipboard to
squeaking to turning around and yelling down the hall that Obi-Wan
was awake.

There was the sound
of something falling over but Obi-Wan still didn’t move, just

“General.” That
familiar voice murmured and Obi-Wan closed his eyes in relief as he
waited, steps closing in and a warm familiar hand touching his elbow,
the sensation of skin touching skin a farking relief to Obi-Wan as he
was in only a blue medical gown and shorts.

Opening his eyes,
Obi-Wan turned his head to look at Rex, a wane smile on his face.
“Thank you.” He whispered.

Rex gave a wry
smirk in return and squeezed the others elbow. “I don’t have a
chip in my head to delude or brainwash me,” He tapped at a scar on
his scalp for point and then his face turned more serious. “And I
knew the moment I saw you on holonet something was wrong with you.
How do you feel?” He questioned.

Looking back out at
the stars, grateful that whoever was in charge had placed him in a
single room and just moved medical equipment into it, Obi-Wan gave a
small shrug. “Disappointed, lost and pained… but healing now. And
I find no trace of drugs in my systems except for a low level
painkiller I assume is a boon from the medics on this ship.”
Obi-Wan glanced towards the door, finding the bothan still waiting.

She smiled at him,
inclining her head while her pierced ears twitched, fur pulled back
in a tail on her head sporting a traditional medic white getup.
“Doctor Coola Sina and you are correct master Kenobi, I gave you a
low painkiller as you were showing signals of withdrawal pains from
both the low level suppressor you have been given over several months
and the unknown mind control drug.” She informed him.

Nodding in
understanding, Obi-Wan turned his face back to the glass window of
his room, letting out a deep breath. “…My mental state is more
questionable I admit, after so long under a mind control drug.” He
sighed deeply, grateful for Rex supporting hand on his elbow.

“I wanted to ask
if you would be okay with a medical checkup master Kenobi,” Doctor
Sina questioned, taking a small step into the room.

treating me carefully, checking if I’m unstable.’ Obi-Wan noted,
watching the stars outside. He could understand that, Force knew what
side-effects he could be under or the mental state.

For all they knew
he could be a spice addict.

Luckily it seemed
he was doing physically fine and he felt no inclination to returning
to Darth Vader, something he had felt while under the drugs.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
finally turned fully from the glass and moved to the bed he had
vacated an hour ago, settling down with his hands on his lap. “I
consent though I request Rex remains. It… he’s emotionally and
mentally supportive, something I’ve been lacking these few months.”
He smiled wryly.

Rex instantly moved
closer to the bed and once more cupped his elbow, giving Obi-Wan a
serious nod in understanding and Dr Sina looked approving.

It puzzled Obi-Wan
for a moment before he caught on.

Obi-Wan was
specifically asking for connection, for comfort and that was a good
sign to the medic apparently as she called out the door for a droid
with equipment before she started with a standard set of questions
regarding Obi-Wan’s health.

At one point
Obi-Wan noticed familiar faces peeking in through the open door.


And the ones with
short hair he could all see sporting the same scars as Rex on their

Unchipped troopers.


Obi-Wan felt a
bubble of relief.

The sensation of
knowing troopers that were safe were with the Alliance was so good
because it didn’t matter if he did not personally know them, the
troopers had always been among the best of people Obi-Wan had ever
encountered and in a little lull where the droid was taking blood
sample, Obi-Wan looked to Rex. “I do hope you’ll introduce me to
the rest of your vode, its nice to know some of them has escaped.”
He smiled.

Rex squeezed his
elbow, not having let go of it for anything. “And they’ll be glad
to know you have escaped General. I’ll introduce you to the ones
you don’t know already.” He smiled smiled at Obi-Wan.

‘…I’m safe.
I’m finally safe.’ That knowledge almost deflated Obi-Wan.

He was safe.

In Docile Doll, can we see Obi-Wan slowly healing in the Alliance? With extra troopers who would kill for him and follow him around, fearing someone will steal him again. Bonus if Kix is there. I love Kix. Thank you for all your hard work, you make my lunch break so much better every day! (Also, you make me want to ship Organa and Rex in that one. Perhaps RexBrehaBail, because why not )

Hearing the door
open but being unable to turn from the sight of stars, Obi-Wan only
clenched his hands on the window as he watched the reflection of a
bothan in the window. The bothan went from looking at a clipboard to
squeaking to turning around and yelling down the hall that Obi-Wan
was awake.

There was the sound
of something falling over but Obi-Wan still didn’t move, just

“General.” That
familiar voice murmured and Obi-Wan closed his eyes in relief as he
waited, steps closing in and a warm familiar hand touching his elbow,
the sensation of skin touching skin a farking relief to Obi-Wan as he
was in only a blue medical gown and shorts.

Opening his eyes,
Obi-Wan turned his head to look at Rex, a wane smile on his face.
“Thank you.” He whispered.

Rex gave a wry
smirk in return and squeezed the others elbow. “I don’t have a
chip in my head to delude or brainwash me,” He tapped at a scar on
his scalp for point and then his face turned more serious. “And I
knew the moment I saw you on holonet something was wrong with you.
How do you feel?” He questioned.

Looking back out at
the stars, grateful that whoever was in charge had placed him in a
single room and just moved medical equipment into it, Obi-Wan gave a
small shrug. “Disappointed, lost and pained… but healing now. And
I find no trace of drugs in my systems except for a low level
painkiller I assume is a boon from the medics on this ship.”
Obi-Wan glanced towards the door, finding the bothan still waiting.

She smiled at him,
inclining her head while her pierced ears twitched, fur pulled back
in a tail on her head sporting a traditional medic white getup.
“Doctor Coola Sina and you are correct master Kenobi, I gave you a
low painkiller as you were showing signals of withdrawal pains from
both the low level suppressor you have been given over several months
and the unknown mind control drug.” She informed him.

Nodding in
understanding, Obi-Wan turned his face back to the glass window of
his room, letting out a deep breath. “…My mental state is more
questionable I admit, after so long under a mind control drug.” He
sighed deeply, grateful for Rex supporting hand on his elbow.

“I wanted to ask
if you would be okay with a medical checkup master Kenobi,” Doctor
Sina questioned, taking a small step into the room.

treating me carefully, checking if I’m unstable.’ Obi-Wan noted,
watching the stars outside. He could understand that, Force knew what
side-effects he could be under or the mental state.

For all they knew
he could be a spice addict.

Luckily it seemed
he was doing physically fine and he felt no inclination to returning
to Darth Vader, something he had felt while under the drugs.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
finally turned fully from the glass and moved to the bed he had
vacated an hour ago, settling down with his hands on his lap. “I
consent though I request Rex remains. It… he’s emotionally and
mentally supportive, something I’ve been lacking these few months.”
He smiled wryly.

Rex instantly moved
closer to the bed and once more cupped his elbow, giving Obi-Wan a
serious nod in understanding and Dr Sina looked approving.

It puzzled Obi-Wan
for a moment before he caught on.

Obi-Wan was
specifically asking for connection, for comfort and that was a good
sign to the medic apparently as she called out the door for a droid
with equipment before she started with a standard set of questions
regarding Obi-Wan’s health.

At one point
Obi-Wan noticed familiar faces peeking in through the open door.


And the ones with
short hair he could all see sporting the same scars as Rex on their

Unchipped troopers.


Obi-Wan felt a
bubble of relief.

The sensation of
knowing troopers that were safe were with the Alliance was so good
because it didn’t matter if he did not personally know them, the
troopers had always been among the best of people Obi-Wan had ever
encountered and in a little lull where the droid was taking blood
sample, Obi-Wan looked to Rex. “I do hope you’ll introduce me to
the rest of your vode, its nice to know some of them has escaped.”
He smiled.

Rex squeezed his
elbow, not having let go of it for anything. “And they’ll be glad
to know you have escaped General. I’ll introduce you to the ones
you don’t know already.” He smiled smiled at Obi-Wan.

‘…I’m safe.
I’m finally safe.’ That knowledge almost deflated Obi-Wan.

He was safe.