Traumabreaksall, how are the other Jedi and clone troopers taking the breakdown of obi wan wherever they are? Are they harassed by reporters and protestors as well?

wasn’t much to do about it really.

sight of General Kenobi crying was not something that could be purged
from the holonet and therefore copies of it circulated the clones
feeds from the moment it was uploaded, all of them treating the clip
with respect as they more than anyone understood the privacy General
Kenobi was fond of.

was no way to scrub it from the wider net after all, so what harm was
it for the clones to see it.

know that someone out there care for them.

they knew it was for them, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s breakdown had been a
long time in the coming but the last push had been the death of one
of theirs, the last push had been Lamb with his bright eyes and
platinum blond curly hair,
the curiosity in those eyes that had endeared him to the General was
forever dimmed.

they knew it.

all, the triggering question had been about the clones and the audio
of the camera had picked up General Kenobi’s muffled voice as he
gave in to the trauma he had been going through.

name on his lips, the audio
of the cam barely picking up on it but just loud enough to make out
the tired, sore sobs and Lamb’s name.

vode knew that many forgot they were really humans and the troopers had a
complicated relationship to the war if they answered honestly.

it, they would not exist, but with it, they went to their death often, their
brothers and sisters went into war and it took
them from each other, ripped them apart and sent them screaming into voids no one listened to.

war was the cause of the traumas they went through, the bone breaking fear, the rapid aging
that many experienced growing pains from, the war could leave them
disabled and senseless, it left them dead
in mass cremation funerals.

even some of their own natural born commanders wasted
the troopers lives on foolish attacks.

consider their lives worth taking a more cautious approach, only
wanted the attack done as fast as possible to save more time so they
could go up against the CIS in another place and try and get another
victory for the Republic.

no concern for the broken and the injured troopers, for the death,
for the empty helmets gathered.

were many who envied the 212th,
as Commander Cody had showed them the memorial room of the
Negotiator, the helmet upon helmet with names, serial codes and dates
on, gently lit candles along with incense floating in the air to give
the room a soft light the harsh lights of electronic could not match.

helmets were clearly scuffed with battle and wear or even broken in halves with their paint
and others blank outside of the names and the dates.

A room
they knew General Kenobi had been spotted in, one of the pictures in
the feed of the man himself in the room, his hand resting gently on a
helmet as he stared at it.

vode knew the General cared, they had seen the copies of the bills
the Jedi was trying to write to ensure the citizenship of the
troopers once the war finally ended and they had seen the pictures of
the memorial room, the image of a grieving man that hit his limits.

they didn’t know what this breakdown would mean for him or for
them, so when General Windu had commed to the barracks, the vode had
showed up in force to keep the public away from the temple, be they there for malice or benevolence.

General cared enough for them to be the final straw that broke him
when his breakdown finally arrived, on public holo tv in full view of
the thousands who had tuned in for the interview of an ‘successful’

they would keep his safety and privacy their highest concern in

weren’t sure what would come, what the Jedi in the temple thought,
what the public would finally settle on though for now it was
curiosity and support as the Chancellor threw a tantrum calling the
breakdown fake.

they knew this, they would keep General Kenobi safe until he was
ready to return to battle with them once more.

We need more theheelytrick for obi wan to prank more of the galaxy

there is one thing Obi-Wan is sure of at that moment, it is that
Qui-Gon Jinn would be cackling like a loon bird of his native planet
and another thing he is sure of is that the man would be proud as all
kark as Obi-Wan glides into the meeting, several of the GAR command
going silent at the sight of Obi-Wan seemingly floating.

can feel
Cody’s surprise and then amusement, the clone commander catching on
quickly that Obi-Wan was doing this on purpose and clearly approving
as he took in the faces of the natural born commanders.

in particular looks like he’s swallowed a lemon as Obi-Wan arrives
at his chair, greeting Cody cheerfully while he pretends not to take
notice of the media cultures filming and taking pictures of him.
“Cody, good man, I knew you’d be here first.” Obi-Wan greeted
cheerfully as Anakin skulked over to Rex, greeting the captain
quietly while sending Obi-Wan the slightly
angry yet curious
looks he had been doing these last days.

would have to come clean to Anakin after a while, hopefully he could
take a prank even if they were all rather stressed in these war

Anakin would know that Obi-Wan wasn’t keeping knowledge from him on
purpose or
trying to wind him up in some manner.

was honestly one of Anakin’s more worrying traits, the need to know
everything about the people he loved to the point he sometimes came
off as distrusting. Obi-Wan knew it came from a need to control, a
spike of what his mother’s death had done to Anakin’s

need for control so yet another loved one wouldn’t die if he could
prevent it.

course General, I’m always prompt.” Cody answered dutifully,
mirth carefully hidden in his voice but Obi-Wan could hear it and it
was making it so hard to keep his own desire to laugh hidden as he
settled down in the available seat, Cody behind him with his hand
coming to rest on the back of the chair.

smiled indulgently to everyone who was staring at him, settling as if
he had no idea why they were staring or that he had been doing
anything unusual and just like in the Jedi temple, no one questioned
him, only gave him curious and baffled side glances.

if Obi-Wan caught a few mutters under breaths about ‘mysterious
Jedi’ and ‘wizards’ then Obi-Wan wasn’t about to say

for laughing when he was alone with Cody, a fresh assignment in their
hands and on their way to the Negotiator.


is no idiot.

if it wasn’t for the fact that he knows his vod as well as he did,
he wouldn’t have clued in as fast as he did.

Kenobi was not doing some kind of supernatural freaky Jedi shit and
Rex knew it because Cody was practically loosing it in front of
everyone, his face the picture of neutrality but his eyes sparkling
with knowing amusement with his hand resting on General Kenobi’s

whatever the General was doing to mess with everyone, it was not
supernatural osik and Rex was living
for the way the General was clearly doing it on purpose and was
enjoying pulling one massive prank on the entire galaxy.

Cody could recognize the fact when General Skywalker couldn’t.

get him wrong, Rex adored his General.

vode adored their
Jedi, the ones they put claim on and knew would fight for them and
not every Jedi fit into that category.

and Kenobi did fit into that category and were respectively 501st
and 212thJedi,
belonged to them.

even Rex recognized that Skywalker could be a brat and honestly, the
fact that Kenobi was pulling a prank over the younger Jedi was good
for him.

could all do with a bit of humbling and a lot of laughter in Rex

Luke and rebels go to Jedi temple after everything but instead find force ghosts in pain. Even non force sensitive can feel it. Ghosts call for obi wan kenobi to warn him about how his padawan might be after him, they dont want him to despair.

Glancing uncertainly at both Han and Leia, Luke rubbed his arms while
glancing around the abandoned Imperial palace.

old Jedi temple… it feels so cold.’ Luke thought to himself as
he slowly stepped in past the now opened doors. It looked so…
plundered. People having run in and those that worked there before
taking whatever they wanted, things destroyed over the floor and the
Imperial flags thrown to the floor and burned.

But it
wasn’t the sight of it all that got to the group that had
volunteered to come with Luke, all of them carrying light tools just
in case the light didn’t work.

It did,
but that was almost worse, to see shadows that were cast everywhere.

were areas where Palpatine’s statues had been dragged over and
crushed and the longer Luke stared at the now open alcoves…

more he could imagine that once, there were Jedi statues there.

the clone troopers attacked, they must have destroyed so much and
afterward Sidious must have replaced it all. But… it must have
been be-

was beautiful here once.” A tired voice broke through Luke’s
thoughts and he turned his head to look at the gray faced soldier he
vaguely remembered from a few of the briefings.

Rex? Right?’ Luke tilted his head, feeling the sadness practically
ooze of the man as he looked around despondently. ‘Captain Rex,
that was it.’

rawred sadly, Leia patting the wookie on the arm with a sad
expression on her face. She could more than likely feel the same
thing Luke could, being Force sensitive too.

been here before old timer?” Han asked in confusion, glancing
about. “Thought only Jedi were allowed in here.” He mused with a
frown on his face. 

eyes continued to look around. “…I visited the Jedi temple many
times at the height of the war… both on personal and official
errands to see both my Jedi General and my commander.” He murmured
quietly, blinking slowly.

course, a clone. That makes… his armor bits. It makes sense. Of
course some of them are still alive.’ Luke turned to him. “Do
you still think you know your way around?” He asked quietly.

rubbed his chin, smiling sadly. “No. The rooms are the same but…
all the markers are gone,” He pointed towards one empty spot.
“There used to be a large statue of a twi’lek Jedi there, it had
a saber in hand and a smile on its face… I used it as a marker for
when I needed to either go towards left or right. Towards the
quarters of my Jedi or towards the meeting room and the council
chambers…” He sighed and shook his head. “It’s all gone

turned back to the broken up entrance hall of broken bits and

like to say he only jumped a bit when Leia cupped his elbow but she
did startle him quite a bit.

two shared sad smiles before the group started walking into the
broken apart former Jedi temple, a chill in their bones as Luke
wavered on his decision if this could be the Jedi temple again when
it felt so… 

didn’t even get five steps in before they were scared out of their
skin as four shapes came into view.

THE YOUNGLINGS TO SAFETY!” Everyone jerked to, lifting weapons and
Luke went so far as to activate his saber.

they could only stare at the sheer shapes in robes and tunic,
lightsabers in hands.



KENOBI! SKYWALK-AH!” One of them fell, a female togruta, too young
to die and yet still dead clearly.

ghost suddenly ran past them, something Luke suspected was once a
child in their arm as they set them down in a hall and told them to
run before turning back, saber in hand to face certain death.

man was clearly skewered through and fell.

One by
one all the ghosts they could see fell, whispers rose, pleading,
begging, rage, sorrow and the quiet voices begging Kenobi to stay
away from his padawan.

from dad… because dad fell.’ Luke felt tears drip down his face,
the emotions getting to him as they filled the Force from long dead
Jedi whose deaths still echoed and he heard someone retch behind him
as a teen no longer then twelve fell no more than five meters in
front of them.

was the truth, the Jedi had existed, had lived…and had been wiped

and their home turned into a fortress of the enemy.

behind him, he could see Leia had her face covered, most of the
others shifting uncomfortably as Chewie whined quietly, his hand on
her shoulder.

Han’s eyes were glazed, clearly fighting the tears as he twitched

It was
easy to say the Jedi were dead.

To say
that they had once lived and now they were dead because they weren’t
there to see it.

But to
see this, to understand there were children in here, that
this was a culture, a people… 

Luke thought as his eyes lingered on the old clone captain, Rex eyes
shut tightly as he trembled, hand pressed to his face as tears
rolled into his white beard. Begging ghosts who only existed in
echos for forgiveness.

back into the room, flickering his eyes around as echos went off
here and there in response to Skywalker blood, Luke felt both
incredible sadness and disappointment settle in. ‘This can’t be
the Jedi temple… not as it is. Maybe never… I’m so sorry Ben.
But the Jedi temple on Coruscant has been tainted by Palpatine…
and my father.’ Luke closed his eyes. “E chu ta.” He whispered

Clones loving obi wan speaking mando’a. Or obi wan shocking them by speaking it when they didnt know.

across the grass in a hurry with the constant pressure of knowing
they could be spotted as
the graying light of the sun was coming up somewhere behind them,
Cody curses all deities and every single senator that sits on their
asses in the Senate.

being very general right now but at the moment he’s not feeling
very benevolent considering he and all his men are running from their
temporary camp that’s been bombed to high heaven and is still
smoking, all their supplies except what was on them left behind with
a bleeding and concussed General being supported between two troopers
as they run.

damn man tried to hold back some of the bomb shells but couldn’t
keep it all and got slammed into the rock wall of the mountain that
was suppose to make targeting harder for the enemy.

was stupid to rely on it, both Cody and Obi-Wan had been uneasy about
relying on it but in the end they needed rest and several clones had
paid the price.

might if they couldn’t stop soon to take care of the injured and on
top of that, they had an out of commission Jedi among them.

a rock overhang, Cody gestures for his troopers to head that
direction with hand signals, narrowing his eyes as he books it only
to stop at the mouth of it to make sure every single trooper makes
their way under the overhang to hide.

then does he turn his attention on the injured, his stomach twisting
at the sight of vode bleeding, twisted limbs and exposed internals
and he forcefully swallows the bile as always before turning his
attention to Gus and Obi-Wan, finding the trooper has propped the
Jedi up against the wall and is checking over his head.

out once more before deciding its semi safe for now as
a little wind picked up and blew in under,
Cody made his way over to the two. “How is he?” He questioned
quietly, glancing at the still bleeding head wound and forcefully
reminding himself that head wounds bleed like kark and were only
dangerous if the bleeding wasn’t steamed.

his mouth to answer, Gus was cut off when Obi-Wan grumbled and
answered instead. “I’m
quite fine, just carrying a headache, nothing out of the usual
The Jedi huffed only Cody could feel his jaw drop a bit inside
his helmet.

that was not galactic basic.

was mando’a!

flowing mando’a with no hesitation and no improper word though
there was an accent that Cody couldn’t quite put his finger on but
still, many languages had dialects so it could be that really and not
an accent.

about, he meet a few surprised eyes before looking back at the
General and dropping down on his knee. “Sir,
are you sure you’re alright
He questioned cautiously while eyeing the man.

back at him, the General pursed his lips a bit before huffing and
slowly pushing the back of his head against the rock wall. Then he
hissed when Gus pressed a wadded layer of fabric against the head
wound. “Yes
commander, just this blasted headache and some minor aches, you
should focus your effort on the more severely injur-

you’re speaking in mando’a.” Cody couldn’t help but point

got a slow, confused blink before Obi-Wan closed his eyes and took a
deep breath. Cody had to resist the urge to shake him to make sure he
wasn’t slipping into a doze only for Obi-Wan to open his eyes again
with a more focused look on his face. “I may be more injured than
previously thought then…” He swallowed before smirking. “But I
guess that is one way to share I know mando’a.” Chuckling weakly,
Obi-Wan leaned into Gus hand steaming the blood.

Cody got to his feet only for Helix to already be there, taking the
commander’s spot as the man probed at the head wound and checked on
the General’s eyes. “…Just so its said General, you’re
teaching us all more mando’a.” He noted sternly.

a bit, Obi-Wan squinted up at him. “Of course, I will.” He smiled



was enough for Cody in that moment.

Clones taking care of Jedi and the Jedi taking care of clones

a bowl into Fives hands, Anakin smiled worriedly at the trooper
before glancing around the tent full of coughing and hiccuping
troopers as the other obediently started to sip the thin broth to see
if he could manage to keep something down.

were normally hardy people, made to be resistant to most illnesses
and diseases but when they got sick, they got real

was the case at that moment with the 501st
and the 212th.

of them were sick with the rest of them being quarantined away.

of their medics were down, Helix, Helios, Kix and Bandaid were
actually still on the hallucination stage with Echo and Boil being
the ones who had recovered the furthest as they were able to actually
sit up and eat without being worried about everything either coming
up the mouth or out the other way in an explosive diarrhea.

three Jedi had decided to care for the troopers as the Force made
them immune to this particular illness and that meant that all the
other troopers were being kept outside the now quarantined medical
tent that had to be set up post haste.

kept guard over their sick vode and the Jedi, they made food and they
picked up supplies as they were dropped and for that Anakin was

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were resting on shifts to make sure everyone was
taken care of but Anakin had a feeling that Obi-Wan was taking more
than his fair share.

to be fair, so was he.

of them were making sure Ahsoka slept a bit more and that’s why
Anakin wasn’t outright calling out Obi-Wan for taking an hour or
two extra now and then.

was all too aware of Obi-Wan’s stern stare in his back after all and
knew that if he called out Obi-Wan on his behavior, Obi-Wan would
call out Anakin on his and thereby Ahsoka would know that they were
taking a few of her shift hours to make sure she slept.

both Anakin and Obi-Wan were replacing that rest with some
meditation, something Ahsoka didn’t quite have a grasp on yet.

were still all exhausted, racing to and fro as they were in the tent,
tending to troopers, helping them clean up, administering medication
and helping a few of them between the fresher and beds.

eyes caught Obi-Wan, the redhead sitting at Captain Rex bedside and
the two smiled tiredly at each other before focusing back on helping
each of the troopers eat at least a bowlful of broth.


course, the good thing about the clones resistance was that they also
recovered quickly once the sickness passed them.

few days of wobbling legs, a few days of upped water intake and some
food along with a decent nights rest and they could be back in
fighting form thanks to their systems fighting the sickness so well
once they were back in form and whatever had infected them was dead
in their systems.

however were not always so lucky when pushing themselves.

was obvious when Anakin slid down a pole to sit on the ground,
shaking his head and muttering about dizziness and Obi-Wan followed
an hour later, almost face planting in his commander’s chest.

being smarter than both her masters, quietly went to her bedroll when
she started to feel a tired ache roll up her calves, curling up to
rest without a complaint unlike the two Jedi master’s who
complained all the way to the bedrolls where they were pushed in and
helped out of boots, belts and tunics to rest properly under the
instructions of the medics who had a lot more rank pulling than the
Jedi when it came to the situation of health.

care of so many men had exhausted all three Jedi and now they were
paying for that exhaustion after two weeks of pushing their bodies.

in the exhausted Generals who finally stopped complaining, Cody and
Rex exchanged looks before smiling at each other and shrugging. They
may be Jedi but they were just as mortal as the clones were and with
that came exhaustion and fevers though Helix and Kix were certain
that both older Jedi would be good as long as they rested.

on the other hand needed do hydrate.

things were something the troopers would help with, keeping quiet and
making sure that all three Jedi got the rest they needed and the
nutrients they should have when they woke up.

Clones taking care of Jedi and the Jedi taking care of clones

a bowl into Fives hands, Anakin smiled worriedly at the trooper
before glancing around the tent full of coughing and hiccuping
troopers as the other obediently started to sip the thin broth to see
if he could manage to keep something down.

were normally hardy people, made to be resistant to most illnesses
and diseases but when they got sick, they got real

was the case at that moment with the 501st
and the 212th.

of them were sick with the rest of them being quarantined away.

of their medics were down, Helix, Helios, Kix and Bandaid were
actually still on the hallucination stage with Echo and Boil being
the ones who had recovered the furthest as they were able to actually
sit up and eat without being worried about everything either coming
up the mouth or out the other way in an explosive diarrhea.

three Jedi had decided to care for the troopers as the Force made
them immune to this particular illness and that meant that all the
other troopers were being kept outside the now quarantined medical
tent that had to be set up post haste.

kept guard over their sick vode and the Jedi, they made food and they
picked up supplies as they were dropped and for that Anakin was

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were resting on shifts to make sure everyone was
taken care of but Anakin had a feeling that Obi-Wan was taking more
than his fair share.

to be fair, so was he.

of them were making sure Ahsoka slept a bit more and that’s why
Anakin wasn’t outright calling out Obi-Wan for taking an hour or
two extra now and then.

was all too aware of Obi-Wan’s stern stare in his back after all and
knew that if he called out Obi-Wan on his behavior, Obi-Wan would
call out Anakin on his and thereby Ahsoka would know that they were
taking a few of her shift hours to make sure she slept.

both Anakin and Obi-Wan were replacing that rest with some
meditation, something Ahsoka didn’t quite have a grasp on yet.

were still all exhausted, racing to and fro as they were in the tent,
tending to troopers, helping them clean up, administering medication
and helping a few of them between the fresher and beds.

eyes caught Obi-Wan, the redhead sitting at Captain Rex bedside and
the two smiled tiredly at each other before focusing back on helping
each of the troopers eat at least a bowlful of broth.


course, the good thing about the clones resistance was that they also
recovered quickly once the sickness passed them.

few days of wobbling legs, a few days of upped water intake and some
food along with a decent nights rest and they could be back in
fighting form thanks to their systems fighting the sickness so well
once they were back in form and whatever had infected them was dead
in their systems.

however were not always so lucky when pushing themselves.

was obvious when Anakin slid down a pole to sit on the ground,
shaking his head and muttering about dizziness and Obi-Wan followed
an hour later, almost face planting in his commander’s chest.

being smarter than both her masters, quietly went to her bedroll when
she started to feel a tired ache roll up her calves, curling up to
rest without a complaint unlike the two Jedi master’s who
complained all the way to the bedrolls where they were pushed in and
helped out of boots, belts and tunics to rest properly under the
instructions of the medics who had a lot more rank pulling than the
Jedi when it came to the situation of health.

care of so many men had exhausted all three Jedi and now they were
paying for that exhaustion after two weeks of pushing their bodies.

in the exhausted Generals who finally stopped complaining, Cody and
Rex exchanged looks before smiling at each other and shrugging. They
may be Jedi but they were just as mortal as the clones were and with
that came exhaustion and fevers though Helix and Kix were certain
that both older Jedi would be good as long as they rested.

on the other hand needed do hydrate.

things were something the troopers would help with, keeping quiet and
making sure that all three Jedi got the rest they needed and the
nutrients they should have when they woke up.

Lenses Eye, what about the rite of getting their lightsaber crystal being private but the actual putting together lightsaber able to get footage of them putting it together.

Cana stared in fascination as much as her camera crew did.

When the offer had been extended, she hadn’t really understood but
then Master Yoda had cleared it up.

“Finding a crystal, private is, sacred for all Jedi.” The master
had hurmed at her, ears twitching slightly. “Connected to us our
crystals are, Force sensitive they are and private. But creation of a
saber we can show you, an offer we normally do not extend. A group of
younglings agreed to show the galaxy how the sabers are made, welcome
you are to this and a privilege it is to see it.”

And now they got to watch these young Jedi children make their first
sabers, their master’s sitting by the wall as the young ones
focused on their crystals, Cana understood what Yoda meant.

Three of them, a male twi’lek, a female devaronian and a female

All three of them had boxes full of parts in front of them and their
breaths were soft as a crystal floated in front of them.

Metal for hilt, power cells and little bits and bobs that Cana as a
journalist didn’t recognize but she was sure she could access the
‘Lense eye’ forums later on the holonet to see what the fans of
mechanical skills would say about.

But more then that it was the crystal, how it floated in front of the
younglings and seemed to flash at them as if they were whispering
encouragements to their…

Their partners?

Somehow owners didn’t feel right in regards to these powerful
little crystals that flashed with lights until they were covered up
in the hilts that made the sabers.

One by one they stood, looking at each other with both excitement and
nervousness, the gotal looked back to her master with wide, nervous
eyes even only to receive an encouraging nod and a small smile.

And then they ignited them, the flash of two green and orange blade
filling the room and soft gasps of glee.

The twi’lek gave a breathy laugh even as the devaronian squirmed
with a wide grin before they extinguished them.

Yoda tapped his cane lightly on the floor for the excited looking
padawans attention, looking between them as they one by one focused
on him. “A powerful and elegant weapon you all now possess, able to
do much damage it can in the hands of someone with dishonorable
intentions.” His face turned serious. “But violence not a Jedi’s
way, remember young ones, let the blade be the last option when you
have exhausted all other so peace and justice may prosper. May the
Force be with all.”

The padawans turned serious too and bowed to the master. “May the
Force be with you Master Yoda.” They repeated back before moving to
their masters with big smiles on their face as they handed their new
sabers over willingly to their master’s overview.

Fluttering over to Yoda, Cana stared at them before looking back at
him. “That was… amazing.” She offered.

The old being hummed, tapping his cane lightly against the floor.
“…Strange the times are. At war the Jedi have never been like
this. Future uncertain as it is but still attempt to keep our ways we
are.” he sighed then glanced up at her. “Grateful we are though
to you.”

“To me?” The journalist blinked.

Yoda smiled a bit. “Told I am that… less afraid of us people are
now, you to thank we have. Old I am.” Yoda returned his gaze to the
younglings and their masters. “Set in my ways, reminded I have been
that to this galaxy more there is. And following the Force all Jedi
should.” He hummed.

Cana blinked, unsure what that all meant but nodding and Yoda
chuckled quietly and reached out, patting his claws against her arm.
“Ignore an old man you should, speak about things that go over your
head in context I should not. An episode this will be?” He tilted
his head.

“Yes, mixed in with an interview from the pilots and some of the
hanger.” Cana smiled, grateful for the subject change.

Humming, Yoda settled back on his cane, smiling. “Good. Showing the
life of Jedi… good is.”

Lenses Eye, what about the rite of getting their lightsaber crystal being private but the actual putting together lightsaber able to get footage of them putting it together.

Cana stared in fascination as much as her camera crew did.

When the offer had been extended, she hadn’t really understood but
then Master Yoda had cleared it up.

“Finding a crystal, private is, sacred for all Jedi.” The master
had hurmed at her, ears twitching slightly. “Connected to us our
crystals are, Force sensitive they are and private. But creation of a
saber we can show you, an offer we normally do not extend. A group of
younglings agreed to show the galaxy how the sabers are made, welcome
you are to this and a privilege it is to see it.”

And now they got to watch these young Jedi children make their first
sabers, their master’s sitting by the wall as the young ones
focused on their crystals, Cana understood what Yoda meant.

Three of them, a male twi’lek, a female devaronian and a female

All three of them had boxes full of parts in front of them and their
breaths were soft as a crystal floated in front of them.

Metal for hilt, power cells and little bits and bobs that Cana as a
journalist didn’t recognize but she was sure she could access the
‘Lense eye’ forums later on the holonet to see what the fans of
mechanical skills would say about.

But more then that it was the crystal, how it floated in front of the
younglings and seemed to flash at them as if they were whispering
encouragements to their…

Their partners?

Somehow owners didn’t feel right in regards to these powerful
little crystals that flashed with lights until they were covered up
in the hilts that made the sabers.

One by one they stood, looking at each other with both excitement and
nervousness, the gotal looked back to her master with wide, nervous
eyes even only to receive an encouraging nod and a small smile.

And then they ignited them, the flash of two green and orange blade
filling the room and soft gasps of glee.

The twi’lek gave a breathy laugh even as the devaronian squirmed
with a wide grin before they extinguished them.

Yoda tapped his cane lightly on the floor for the excited looking
padawans attention, looking between them as they one by one focused
on him. “A powerful and elegant weapon you all now possess, able to
do much damage it can in the hands of someone with dishonorable
intentions.” His face turned serious. “But violence not a Jedi’s
way, remember young ones, let the blade be the last option when you
have exhausted all other so peace and justice may prosper. May the
Force be with all.”

The padawans turned serious too and bowed to the master. “May the
Force be with you Master Yoda.” They repeated back before moving to
their masters with big smiles on their face as they handed their new
sabers over willingly to their master’s overview.

Fluttering over to Yoda, Cana stared at them before looking back at
him. “That was… amazing.” She offered.

The old being hummed, tapping his cane lightly against the floor.
“…Strange the times are. At war the Jedi have never been like
this. Future uncertain as it is but still attempt to keep our ways we
are.” he sighed then glanced up at her. “Grateful we are though
to you.”

“To me?” The journalist blinked.

Yoda smiled a bit. “Told I am that… less afraid of us people are
now, you to thank we have. Old I am.” Yoda returned his gaze to the
younglings and their masters. “Set in my ways, reminded I have been
that to this galaxy more there is. And following the Force all Jedi
should.” He hummed.

Cana blinked, unsure what that all meant but nodding and Yoda
chuckled quietly and reached out, patting his claws against her arm.
“Ignore an old man you should, speak about things that go over your
head in context I should not. An episode this will be?” He tilted
his head.

“Yes, mixed in with an interview from the pilots and some of the
hanger.” Cana smiled, grateful for the subject change.

Humming, Yoda settled back on his cane, smiling. “Good. Showing the
life of Jedi… good is.”

Obi wan being sithnip with 212th being protective of him from Sith.

There were three things the 212th
had quickly learned when it came to their General.

One, he flirted with danger as
naturally as he could breath and was his own sass center.

Two, he was a magnet for trouble.

And three, he was a First Light karking
sithnip magnet.

Everywhere they went they usually
encountered some form for Sith, ready to pounce and take away their
General in some manner. Either because they wanted to keep him (see
Dooku), kill him (see Grievous and Maul) or a bizarre mix of the two
(see Ventress).

Or just hate fuck him. Which seemed to
aligned with Ventress and might also include Maul if he had a damn
lower body.

One thing was for sure though, all of
them wanted to capture the Jedi and it had become a bizarre hunt of
some egg hunt almost.

“Alright, quiet down! We got any
shiny’s today?” Trapper asked cheerfully while Cody held up two
fingers. “Oh two? Good good, then we get to go through the

“Initiation?” One of them

“Yup!” Trapper pulled up four holo
images. “These are the Sith we usually fight, I’m sure everyone
knows this.”

A chorus of yes, a few boos and one
thrown glove at the image of Dooku.

“Yes yes yes, but this is for the
shiny’s benefits. Now, this is Yan Dooku, the Count of Serenno and
a general bastard though we normally don’t see him. Now everything
you’ve been taught about him keep that in mind but this walk
through is because our General is Sithnip.”


Trapper clapped his hands together.
“Yes! Sithnip. As in Sith are drawn to him like fucking cats to
nip. And Yan Dooku is the safest one when it comes to General Kenobi
as he doesn’t want him dead normally and just abducted to
take…somewhere. But like I said, he’s generally not around since
he tries to lead the army from afar if he can or through his
henchmen.” Trapper turned to the next one.

“Now this sons of metal bitch is
General Grievous. He just wants to murder. Shoot on sight if the
General is near to distract said son of a metal bitch, if the General
is out, grab the General and run. Or do what Waxer did and explode a
can of paint on him and THEN grab the General.”

There was some scattering of laughter.

“Oi, its a viable plan, he was
distracted!” Waxer grinned.

“Yeah yeah you bitch.” Trapper
sniggered before turning to the third one. “This is Maul. If he had
a lower body he would most likely want to hate fuck our General and
then kill him. Or kill him and then hate fuck him.”

“Ugh, the images.” Cody grumbled
and rubbed his face. “He’s dangerous and if he’s on planet,
stick to the General as glue, he tends to try and confront him alone
and each time has lead to our General coming back wounded.” He
added for Trapper’s benefit.

General hisses and booing happened and
this time a boot got thrown at the holograms.

“…Someone is going to be missing
armor by the end of this.” Trapper peered down at the boot before
switching to the last one. “This is Asajj Ventress, apprentice to
Dooku and general all over bitch who both has the parts and will to
hate fuck our General. And then deliver him to her master or kill him
all depending on the general mood that day.” Trapper rolled his
shoulders. “She’s fond of choking people with the Force. Shot her
down if you can and don’t spare the ammo, you got her in your
sight? You fire and you don’t stop until your blaster is empty.
Because unlike the others she can be hit if she’s distracted by the
General. She’s very goal oriented and if the goal is to drag Kenobi
away she will but it can be at the expense at her own safety.”

“Well at least that’s useful.”

“What about if General Skywalker is
on field too?” The second shiny questioned. Everyone knew the
saying, where there was a Kenobi there was a Skywalker.

“If the 501st is with us
and General Skywalker is on field, you stay the kark out of his way
and let him deal with the Sith since he’s better equipped to it and
focus on getting our General out of the way if he’s passed out. Or
you provide backup fire. The thing is however as the war has
progressed, the General has steadily been dropping the armor he used
to wear as he used to wear a full set before so pay close attention
to his position at all times.” Trapper hummed before freezing,
staring at the back of the tent.

“This is utterly fascinating, I had
no idea you actually went through a briefing of this.” General
Kenobi drawled, a cup of tea in hand.

Cody stared at the man in horror.

“Sithnip? Really? I need to tell
Anakin about that…” The Jedi hummed and took a slow sip of tea.

Obi wan being sithnip with 212th being protective of him from Sith.

There were three things the 212th
had quickly learned when it came to their General.

One, he flirted with danger as
naturally as he could breath and was his own sass center.

Two, he was a magnet for trouble.

And three, he was a First Light karking
sithnip magnet.

Everywhere they went they usually
encountered some form for Sith, ready to pounce and take away their
General in some manner. Either because they wanted to keep him (see
Dooku), kill him (see Grievous and Maul) or a bizarre mix of the two
(see Ventress).

Or just hate fuck him. Which seemed to
aligned with Ventress and might also include Maul if he had a damn
lower body.

One thing was for sure though, all of
them wanted to capture the Jedi and it had become a bizarre hunt of
some egg hunt almost.

“Alright, quiet down! We got any
shiny’s today?” Trapper asked cheerfully while Cody held up two
fingers. “Oh two? Good good, then we get to go through the

“Initiation?” One of them

“Yup!” Trapper pulled up four holo
images. “These are the Sith we usually fight, I’m sure everyone
knows this.”

A chorus of yes, a few boos and one
thrown glove at the image of Dooku.

“Yes yes yes, but this is for the
shiny’s benefits. Now, this is Yan Dooku, the Count of Serenno and
a general bastard though we normally don’t see him. Now everything
you’ve been taught about him keep that in mind but this walk
through is because our General is Sithnip.”


Trapper clapped his hands together.
“Yes! Sithnip. As in Sith are drawn to him like fucking cats to
nip. And Yan Dooku is the safest one when it comes to General Kenobi
as he doesn’t want him dead normally and just abducted to
take…somewhere. But like I said, he’s generally not around since
he tries to lead the army from afar if he can or through his
henchmen.” Trapper turned to the next one.

“Now this sons of metal bitch is
General Grievous. He just wants to murder. Shoot on sight if the
General is near to distract said son of a metal bitch, if the General
is out, grab the General and run. Or do what Waxer did and explode a
can of paint on him and THEN grab the General.”

There was some scattering of laughter.

“Oi, its a viable plan, he was
distracted!” Waxer grinned.

“Yeah yeah you bitch.” Trapper
sniggered before turning to the third one. “This is Maul. If he had
a lower body he would most likely want to hate fuck our General and
then kill him. Or kill him and then hate fuck him.”

“Ugh, the images.” Cody grumbled
and rubbed his face. “He’s dangerous and if he’s on planet,
stick to the General as glue, he tends to try and confront him alone
and each time has lead to our General coming back wounded.” He
added for Trapper’s benefit.

General hisses and booing happened and
this time a boot got thrown at the holograms.

“…Someone is going to be missing
armor by the end of this.” Trapper peered down at the boot before
switching to the last one. “This is Asajj Ventress, apprentice to
Dooku and general all over bitch who both has the parts and will to
hate fuck our General. And then deliver him to her master or kill him
all depending on the general mood that day.” Trapper rolled his
shoulders. “She’s fond of choking people with the Force. Shot her
down if you can and don’t spare the ammo, you got her in your
sight? You fire and you don’t stop until your blaster is empty.
Because unlike the others she can be hit if she’s distracted by the
General. She’s very goal oriented and if the goal is to drag Kenobi
away she will but it can be at the expense at her own safety.”

“Well at least that’s useful.”

“What about if General Skywalker is
on field too?” The second shiny questioned. Everyone knew the
saying, where there was a Kenobi there was a Skywalker.

“If the 501st is with us
and General Skywalker is on field, you stay the kark out of his way
and let him deal with the Sith since he’s better equipped to it and
focus on getting our General out of the way if he’s passed out. Or
you provide backup fire. The thing is however as the war has
progressed, the General has steadily been dropping the armor he used
to wear as he used to wear a full set before so pay close attention
to his position at all times.” Trapper hummed before freezing,
staring at the back of the tent.

“This is utterly fascinating, I had
no idea you actually went through a briefing of this.” General
Kenobi drawled, a cup of tea in hand.

Cody stared at the man in horror.

“Sithnip? Really? I need to tell
Anakin about that…” The Jedi hummed and took a slow sip of tea.