In Dangerous Galaxy, how are the other Jedi reacting now that they’re safe from the Senate? Have their relationships with the clones changed? Have any of them allowed themselves to open up about what they went through, about how they may not have allowed themselves relationships because of what they had to do?

Smiling quietly as she accepted the cup of tea Commander Colt made for her, Shaak nodded her thanks to him as she cradled the cup close, savoring the warmth and scent of the precious liquid. Across the table, Depa accepted her own cup from Colt, smiling softly up at the man and then blowing on the tea, a tad more impatient than Shaak for the heat.

Not that Shaak could blame her, Depa had just arrived and it had been raining as usual.

The wind had a tendency to make things cold.

Curled into his master’s side, Caleb napped quietly, the quiet buzz of troopers all around them sending the young padawan into a deep, secure sleep.

Not that Shaak was any better, if she was honest.

Ever since Vod’alor Kote, since Commander Cody, conquered Coruscant and took over the Republic, a sense of security had finally settled into Shaak’s very bones and soul.

The knowledge that the Senate could no longer use them was… reassuring.

That was the easiest word Shaak could use, reassuring. Her actual emotions couldn’t be put into words, the sensation of overwhelming joy, the painful relief, uncertainty of the future, the knowledge the troopers were there…

So many emotions and mixing and mangling in her chest and filling her with a sensation she just couldn’t explain.

And over all of it, happiness, warmth, the knowledge that they were safe.

Yes, Shaak was more than happy to sit with her fellow council member, enjoy the tea Colt had made for them as Caleb napped on his master, his mother’s, lap.

Not that he knew it.

The jedi did their best to shield their own children from the knowledge.

To know you were the product of a Senator taking advantage of a Jedi, to know you were the product of rape…

Yes, the Jedi did their best to shield the children. So many of the younglings were given fake planets to claim their own.

She knew that Caleb’s history listed him as ‘Coruscantian’ born, young Zatt was listed as coming from Dac instead of the home of Glee Anselm like Kit and she was aware that Cal Kestie was listed as coming from one of Stewjon’s moons, instead of the planet.

Just enough that his biology could be explained but try not to put him to close to Obi-Wan.

There were many other younglings like them.

But generally, only the parents themselves and the healers in question knew. The only reason Shaak was aware of Cal, Caleb and Zett was because of her own closeness to their parents on the Jedi council.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t know.

But one could only spend so much time together before one figured things out.

Cal Kestie especially was easy to see, the way he looked so much like Obi-Wan and how rare redheaded humans apparently were. That relationship was more of an open secret than anything due to the similarity.

Just like the Vod’alor and Obi-Wan’s relationship.

Or well, almost relationship.

Obi-Wan himself had not cottoned on but the rest of the council could see how much the Vod’alor pined for his Jedi, the way he watched him with a softness that… well, frankly Obi-Wan deserved.

They could also tell that there was no chance in hell Kote would do anything, that the clone was terrified of abusing his position of power.

It made Shaak hope that Obi-Wan figured out things sooner rather than later, seeing as he pined for his former Commander too.

In these trying days, Shaak couldn’t help but feel that they all deserved some happiness. Some softness. “Are you returning to Coruscant?” She looked up from her cup, meeting Depa’s eyes at the quiet question.

The other simply looked curious, so Shaak shook her head. “Not… yet at least. I believe I will stay here for as long as the clones are here.” She glanced at Colt, smiling slightly when the commander straightened in attention, his chest puffing out slightly.

After all, they had looked after her, had shielded Shaak.

She should return the favor until the last of the clones were decanted and ready to move out.

The Jedi owed them that much she felt and by the soft, none-judgmental hum she got from Depa, it was clear the other both understood and agreed.

Let the Jedi give back to the troopers, in any way they were willing to accept the aid of Jedi.

For Dangerous Galaxy, could we possibly get some POV from a few of the farther flung Jedi and Clones? Once the coup is complete? Like Depa and Grey and Caleb, and Aayla and Bly? Just like, the full realization that the senates control of both the Jedi and the Clones is DONE. (Depa will never have to see her Caleb walk to his own assault, like Made had to watch her,,, the sheer grief and relief that kind of revelation will have,,,)

Arm wrapped around her padawan and son, Depa hardly blinked as she watched Commander Cody, as the Vod’alor of the Republic, spoke to the Republic and the Separatist, reaffirming that the GAR was now in control of not only the Senate but the Republic as a whole and that they now answered to them.

Not only that, the Vod’alor was also showing the proof of the Senate’s corruption, of Palpatine’s manipulating both sides of the war, of rampart embezzling of credits, of deals made in the shadows…

But nothing about what the Jedi had been going through at the hands of the Senate and Depa couldn’t help but feel tears building at the corners of her eyes, filled with relief as she clung to Caleb.

She’d never have to send Caleb to the Senate.

The realization hit her heavily, sent her stomach flipping as the realization sunk in with surety that the troopers now had the power to protect them from the abuse Jedi had gone through for centuries. She would never have to sit up in their quarters, waiting on her padawan, her son, her boy, to come back.  Never have to watch his back as he left for a Senator’s pleasure only to come back maimed and depressed.

Depa would never have to patch Caleb up like Mace had to do for her after suffering abuse at senators hands.

The realization had her pulling Caleb tighter to him as he stared at the holo of Vod’alor Cody, listening intently, knowing that things had changed, feeling Depa’s relief.

A warm blanket dropped around the two of them and Depa flinched, finally dragging her eyes away from Cody to look up at her own Commander Grey smiling humorlessly but comfortingly down at her.

They must have known.

Staring back up at Grey, Depa blinked slowly before smiling back in return, relief in her heart as she held her padawan to her side, feeling Caleb slowly cuddle into his side. She knew the war wasn’t done, there would still be battles but…

There was hope now, hope that Depa had never considered before, hope she knew no Jedi that remained in the order had considered.

As the report finished and then looped, Depa let her chin rest on top of Caleb’s head, wondering… what came next?


Plo had known what was going to happen on Coruscant.

His boys, his sons, couldn’t keep a secret from him, as much as they tried after all and he knew that several other Jedi must have caught on too. Obi-Wan at the very least must have known, seeing who had taken over the reigns and was now technically Chancellor, even if Commander Cody sported the title Vod’alor.

But Wolffe and the others couldn’t keep a secret from Plo.

It was why he had quietly agreed when the boys had requested they remain in the airspace above Coruscant for a few days, not making a fuss.

Ever since Wolffe and the boys learned that his arm had been broken by a Senator, by no means the worst injury he had received really, he had known that something was up. The way the boys had burned with rage…

Oh, Plo knew that the former Senator in question’s days were numbered.

He should regret that.

He should have stopped the coup of the Senate.

He didn’t.

Instead he was just so tired, so weary that when Wolffe, gruffly but with concern had suggested he go rest for a while, he had taken his commander on the offer with a smile and a gentle shoulder pat as he saw a bright red orange spot bloom on the surface of Coruscant.

Ignoring it, knowing it was fire and likely the troopers on Coruscant doing, Plo bid his boys a good watch and told them to get their own rest when it was time before quietly making his way to his quarters to remove his mask and googles.

His boys and their vode would take care of things and Plo couldn’t be prouder of them.

Couldn’t be prouder of these traumatized and yet compassionate boys he had the honor of getting to know, the honor of caring for him in return. Who, when they learned about what was happening to the Jedi, had turned around and decided enough was enough.

Would they have done so for themselves?

Plo wasn’t sure, he hoped they would, but he also knew how far the Kaminoans had gone to ensure obedience and therefore he was left in the dark if they would have.

So he was thankful, even if it was for the Jedi, that the troopers had ripped themselves free.

He couldn’t be prouder of them and resolved himself to tell them tomorrow, to make sure they knew just how much Plo thought of them…and how grateful he was.

Plo knew he wouldn’t be the only Jedi grateful, though he wondered how long it would take for many to realize just how free they now were. The thought was almost alarming as Plo changed into his sleeping clothes and crawled into his narrow ship bunk, exhausted to the bone and yet relief in his mind.

His dreams were, for the first time in many months, free of nightmares.

No visit to the Senate in his dreams, no dreams of his boys getting gunned down, no sight of trembling padawans first visit to the Senate or limping knights.

Just a deep, dreamless sleep with his covers wrapped around him and the Force lulling him to sleep in its safe embrace with quiet whispers, the signatures of his sons wrapped around him all over his flag ship, the Mercy. He would never again loose his boys the Force whispered in his sleep, as he had lost them on the Triumphant before when his sons had called themselves expendable, the sensation of the war ebbing in his dreamless sleep.

He wouldn’t remember it in the morning, but a sense of utter peace filled Plo for the first time in years as he looked forward to the future.

I love so MANY of your stories and right now I want to see where AWOL is going. If the Senate group is the distraction, how did the Kamino raid go? I can’t wait until the little cadets show up and the twins have a creche group of hundreds. Will someone attack the diplomatic group and those Masters remind the Senate how Bamf those Masters are despite pretty feathers?I can feel for Padme, but she neglected her children and husband who was giving all up to be with her… More pls

Huffing faintly with relief as the communication hub powered down, Obi-Wan peered at the others.

To be frank, they hadn’t thought this far because they weren’t sure what was going to happen once they were on Coruscant but so far they hadn’t ended up jailed just yet or attacked despite glares and an uneasy Senate.

No plans ever really survived contact with the enemy, so beyond ‘get on Coruscant and keep the galaxy eye on us and not any potential distress signals from Kamino.’ there hadn’t really been any plans on their end.

Cody and the council masters going with the troopers to Kamino however had several plans that Obi-Wan had been faintly aware of.

But Cody and the other vode were now done, all the young clones, at least by the vode standard with the speedy aging, liberated from Tipoca City, the samples of DNA the kaminoans had were destroyed to avoid them creating more and the planet were in full information blackout as the younglings and older vode were being transported to Vercopa, post haste.

Which meant that the Jedi on Coruscant could also leave.

But not obviously.

Ever since they landed, their rented apartment in the Senatorial district had been under watch at all times by several factions, from bounty hunters, senate owned guards, spies and the Coruscant guard, though the latter were there to pretend they were still serving the Senate.

But Fox was doing his to keep the Jedi safe for his brothers more than anything.

‘And I imagine lately because he’s getting along with Plo and Depa.’ Obi-Wan thought in amusement to himself, having found the Commander in deep conversation with both at separate occasions.

Maybe he should warn Commander Wolffe that his vod looked like he was about to either steal his buir or that he’d have more brothers adopted by his Jedi and would have to share the man even more?

Honestly, if it could breath and talk and stayed still for longer than ten minutes, Plo was bound to adopt it at some point Obi-Wan had come to learn, much to his own amusement as he got to learn just how many creche younglings Plo had come back with.

And no one would be forgetting ‘Plo’s bros’ nose art anytime soon, considering how many depictions of the Wolfpack and Plo with those words were on different ships in various sizes.

Someone cleared their throats and Obi-Wan focused back, looking to Oppo as the thisspiasian flickered his tail. “It seems we can now make preparations to leave, not that it would take long should we request Commander Fox help I would imagine.” The man mused, looking to Plo and Depa.

Both looked to each other before both also nodded. “Fox is quite capable, as most of the officers of the vode,” Depa agreed softly, Obi-Wan absently reaching up to pet Stass head as she tiredly rested it on her shoulder. “I’ll contact him, hear if he could find us a ship and where we should go to get off Coruscant.” She stood, moving to away so Stass could rest.

Honestly, the sooner they left, the better in Obi-Wan’s eyes.

He wanted to go home and looking at the old temple was causing a melancholic ache in his chest most days, being in the Senate caused frustration and some anger and talking to Padme…

He’d rather not honestly.

“I rather imagine we’ll be sneaking about a bit,” Plo mused, tapping his claws on his knee. When the others shot him a look, except for Depa and Stass, he shrugged. “We wouldn’t want to alert our little audience to our escape now, would we.” He stated with some amusement.

Snorting, Obi-Wan agreed, reaching out and carefully shifting Stass to lay her head in his lap as she fell properly asleep. “True. I guess we’ll be jumping out some windows or something in the middle of the night… bugger that.” He sighed.

Flickering his tail on the floor, Oppo sighed too. “At least we aren’t going through the sewers, nasty business that… especially for me.” He sent them all a look, Plo, Mace and Obi-Wan grimacing in agreement.

At least they had boots on their feet compared to Oppo slithering through the sewers.

“Window’s it is.” Mace agreed before giving Stass a glance and shrugging, laying down on the other side of Obi-Wan on the couch and using the rest of his lap, much to the bemusement of the stewjoni as Plo snapped a picture for prosperity.

Cuddling? Just… some folks like Obi-Wan (with the 212th) or Cody (with other commanders) cuddling and relaxing and getting to take a break for a bit? Or maybe Mace and his lineage, they’re all so overworked and I think they deserve a good cuddle session. Thanks for all of your awesome stories!

Opening his eyes lazily to peer up at an amused Depa, Mace simply tightened his hold on Caleb as he sunk deeper into the beanbag, just silently staring back at his old padawan.

Caleb, bless his heart, continued sleeping, nuzzling into his grandmaster’s chest as the master of the order tugged the blankets provided by Ponds more around the sleeping boy. The war had been tearing on all of them and Mace had…

Well, he worried.

Caleb was so young and he knew, from dealing with Obi-Wan, how youth and war did not mix properly.

He had seen Obi-Wan Kenobi returning from Melida/Daan.

He had been a knight at the time but he had seen how the boy had come back skittish, gaunt with a light missing in his eyes and even as he physically bounced back, something in the padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn had clearly changed and not for the best.

So yes, sue him, he worried and therefore he was going to have a grand ol’ snuggle time with his padawan’s padawan.

Especially since his worried men, in combination with the 212th, had provided not only blankets but also beanbags for them to rest, settling them under a tree to provide some shade from the suns shining down on them, the air smelling comfortingly of fresh forest with the day being decently warm and the blanket providing the rest they needed.

Actually, speaking of the 212th…

Glancing to his side, Mace found Obi-Wan, just like Caleb, was deeply asleep, curled up in the beanbag as he rested on his commander’s chest, the clone commander rubbing his fingers slowly through the others red hair as he peered at the sky.

“…So, are there more beanbags and blankets?” Depa finally whispered to avoid waking either Obi-Wan or Caleb, glancing around and visibly pouting when she didn’t see any in sight.

Grumbling faintly, Mace glanced around too before catching the lieutenant with the shaved head from 212th eyes.

The man blinked before looking at Depa, beaming brightly in realization before he scuttled off quickly.

Mace raised his hand from Caleb briefly, giving the other the thumb up. “No but in a few moments there will be. Not sure where the troopers got these from but I’m grateful.” He rumbled quietly, dropping his hand back to pet Caleb’s fluffy hair instead of simply resting on him.

It was moments like this he delighted that Depa hadn’t made Caleb get the traditional padawan haircut or that the boy himself hadn’t insisted.

Fluffy hair that was nice to pet, fluffy little padawan.

He was really fond of his grandpadawan he would admit, Caleb was curious and driven and it hurt Mace heart to see the boy in war.

But there was nothing he could do about that instead of trudging on wards, trying to end the war with the Senate breathing down their necks and Jedi dying in the name of the Senate.

Mace had to send that bitter feeling into the air as the lieutenant from the 212th came over with the beanbags and blankets for Depa.

He felt more and more that they were fighting less for justice and the Republic and more for the karking politicians.

It was why he treasured moments like this, cuddling Caleb with his fellow Jedi resting around him, Obi-Wan’s fuzzy sleep aura warm and Depa settling down with them with her own calm easing his heart.

Priceless moments.

You are an utter tease in kyber tears Moddy, please let there be progress. All my love and sitting on the edge of my seat for things to do good.

Somehow, thankfully, Depa has not gone far and the unnatural flash of darkness suddenly swarming the halls summons her back in an a boost of Force enhanced run, the councilor more than likely breaking several unvoiced Hall rules in the process.

The chalactan stormed into the room before Cody could do more than take a few staggered, shocked steps, flashing brown eyes sweeping the room before she practically pounced on the Commander, grabbing the vial from the man with the Force and somehow stabilizing everything.

Putting the black thing in stasis.

Obi-Wan instantly flopped on the bed, like a puppet cut of its strings, his heart monitor going into a monotone beep and the healer cursed as she jumped to her feet and started restarting the Jedi master’s heart.

Struggling onto shaking feet, Anakin grasped Obi-Wan’s hand and desperately feed the redhead his energy as the healer restarted Obi-Wan’s heart, getting him breathing once more.

Fourth time since his rescue.

Fourth time Obi-Wan technically died on them.

Fourth and last time Anakin begged as the healer dragged Obi-Wan back into life.

The stuttered beat of Obi-Wan’s heart filled the room once again and Anakin shakily clung to the others hand as he blearily looked around the room. “…What happened?” He whispered, glancing at the confused Cody to the shaken Depa. “What is that?” Anakin’s eyes fell on the vial hovering in Depa’s Force stasis field.

Eyeing the vial carefully, Depa let out a deep breathe before shaking her head slowly. “I’m not sure, but it almost looks…” She trailed off, turning her head as the door opened up again to admit Adi, the tholothian looking spooked as she trailed the room before focusing on the stasis Depa was holding. “Adi?”

The fellow councilor crossed the room to peer at the vial. “I have no idea what happened in here but the entire temple felt it. I sent off a message to the rest of the council that I would investigate what had occurred and Master Che is on her way too.” She stated serenely, a slight tremble in her voice being the only tell to her true emotions.

“What is it?!” Anakin snapped, frustrated and shaking, grasping Obi-Wan’s hand in his as he continued to feed his former master energy as the healer worked on Obi-Wan.

A slight color was entering Obi-Wan’s cheeks but his blue tinged lips were terrifying Anakin despite it all.

He knew that the slight flush wouldn’t last, once the healer was done, Obi-Wan would go back to his slow heart beats and death like complexion.

He also wanted answers for Cody’s sake, the Commander standing there with a look of horror and guilt on his face, clearly feeling bad for what he had brought to them.

Adi and Depa exchanged looks before the tholothian master let out a deep sigh, levering a severe look at the tatooine native. “I am uncertain but I do believe that this,” She gestured to the vial. “Is master Kenobi’s blood.” Adi stated quietly, voice cracking on the last word.

Anakin stared at her, uncomprehending before slowly looking to the black crystal with red droplets tinting the inside of the vial.

His eyes were slowly widening up as realization set in.

Palpatine had drawn Obi-Wan’s blood, the machine steadily pumping it and Anakin hadn’t understood why the man would draw the blood from the stumps. It had seemed so random, it wasn’t really a torture technique even if it was unpleasant.

Now it made sense.

The karking monster had drawn Obi-Wan’s blood, had done something to it, twisting it.

Because Obi-Wan’s tears weren’t corruptible, Obi-Wan had only cried kyber once in his entire life and Anakin was the only one that knew of it.

So the Sith had found another way, tried another way to create red kyber from Obi-Wan only for that thing to happen.

“…Its why he won’t wake, isn’t it?” Anakin whispered, staring at the black kyber.

The Force rang with certainty at Anakin conclusion, all four Jedi stiffening even as Master Che entered, the twi’lek hurrying past the councilor’s to her fellow healer’s side to aid in Obi-Wan’s healing.

They now knew why Obi-Wan wouldn’t wake, why his body was decaying in front of them, the unnatural black kyber draining him of power, of will.

It was not meant to be and yet it existed by the power of Obi-Wan’s life.

Now the question was… could they save him?

Did knowing the how and the why help them heal Obi-Wan.

Clenching Obi-Wan’s hand between his, glancing at where the soft blue blanket fell in due to Obi-Wan’s missing legs, Anakin swallowed thickly.

He didn’t know what he would do if he lost Obi-Wan, he had promised so long ago to save him from anyone that would abuse him for his powers.

Yet he had failed.

‘Please Obi-Wan, cling just a little bit more. I’ll find a way, I’ll drag you back to life if I have to, I’ll fight the Force itself but you have to hold on a little bit more for me. Please.’ He begged the other mentally, gently caressing their silent bond in the Force as Depa and Adi contacted the rest of the council.

Quietly, Commander Cody approached Anakin however, his eyes full of despair.

It was enough to draw Anakin from his own, enough for him to loosen his mech hand from Obi-Wan’s.

He settled it on Cody’s shoulder, squeezing slightly as the man flinched, uncertainly staring at Anakin. “Thank you, Commander.” He stated seriously if a bit weakly.

“Sir?” Cody whispered quietly, tense.

Nodding towards the vial held in stasis, feeling sick simply by glancing in the direction, Anakin squeezed again. “That crystal, its draining Obi-Wan’s life energy. If we hadn’t seen it, if you hadn’t brought it here…” He trailed off.

Cody was a smart man, he could figure it out and by the way his eyes widened and then narrowed, the man clearly got it in seconds.

His jaw gritted before he nodded even as a blanket of relief crossed out the guilt, smothering it in the Force. “I understand sir…and sir?” Anakin tilted his head in question. “Thank you sir.” Cody whispered quietly.

Anakin’s lips turned into a terse smile and Anakin nodded, understanding what the other wouldn’t say.

Thank you for explaining.

Thank you for not blaming me.

Thank you.

Just thank you.

‘You got a Commander to come back to Obi-Wan…’ Anakin let his hand drop from Cody’s shoulder. ‘We all need our friend… so hold, if for nothing else than for us.’ Anakin raised the others hand and pressed it to his lips, feeling the ice cold skin against the warmth of his lips.

Does Obi wan live please I need to know? (kybertears)

Watching the healer sitting at Obi-Wan’s bedside on a comfy chair, the chair having been brought in when it became clear a healer had to be at his side at all times, Anakin swallowed thickly against the bile gathering in his throat.

Obi-Wan was dying, would be dead if it wasn’t for the healer currently at his side as she continued to pretty much feed Obi-Wan energy, Anakin looked to his side as council member Depa came to a halt at his side.

They had rescued Obi-Wan days ago, Cody had managed to get the 212th to rush with Helix to the area Obi-Wan was being kept, all the while speaking with the medic over the comm lines to shut down the machine pumping Obi-Wan’s blood.

And while Anakin had desperately tried to hold onto Obi-Wan’s life signature with the Force and the limited amount of healing he knew, the stopping of the bloodletting machine had helped tremendously.

Helix arriving with a hoverstretcher had also been a blessing, the man being prepared and therefore having a bag full of hyposprays and tools. The medic had only briefly paused when he had seen his General before springing into motion, fire in his eyes and curses on his lips.

And that wasn’t a shock.

Every time Anakin closed his eyes, he could see Obi-Wan behind his eyelids.

The legless, pale as death man with blue lips and blackened eyes hanging limply in the harness, arms hanging up purely by the manacles, as if Obi-Wan didn’t have the power to hold them himself.

His hair and beard had lost their luster, the tresses hanging limp and messily, as if they had lost life and yet also matted with dried blood. His tunic splattered with blood from his split open lip and brow that had long ago scabbed over with the sight of still wet blood in his beard along with snot and tear residue.

And on the floor, the sight of a hundred scattered kyber crystals, laying on the floor in the colors of the rainbow, echoing with cold despair.

“Has there been any progress?” Depa finally asked tentatively, eyes focused on Obi-Wan’s limp body.

Shaking his head, Anakin swallowed thickly. “None, they keep switching out healers to keep him alive that can use healing crystals. And my presence helps.” The tattooine native murmured quietly, stepping closer with Obi-Wan’s body started twitching, reaching out into the Force to sooth at Obi-Wan as best he could.

In the three days since his rescue, Obi-Wan had been hovering between life and death. His stumps had been treated as had the rest of his injuries.

But for some reason, despite looking better since his wounds were healed, he remained unconscious and weak, his breathing shallow and his dull skin clammy and chilled.

He just wouldn’t heal it seemed.

He still seemed anemic.

But no one could say WHY, despite Obi-Wan getting blood transfusions and bacta to heal what had been done to him.

They were loosing hope, Anakin was loosing hope.

They couldn’t keep doing this, just ‘feeding’ Obi-Wan energy to ensure he would continue living.

“He’s breathing on his own, his heart pumps blood on its own but its… its like he’s loosing the will to live?” Anakin whispered out shakily, running his hand through his hair.

Numbly, he felt the chalacta councilor rest her hand on his shoulder. “There is… nothing the healers can do?” Depa questioned, audibly confused and Anakin could see her from the corner of his eyes, staring at Obi-Wan.

“There is no reason for him to die. He’s not in shock, he’s not being drained, he doesn’t have blood loss and yet his body is shutting down. His organs would have shut down long ago if…” The blond shook his head again, his curls bouncing around his head.

There was a pause.

A long one.

Finally, Anakin just swallowed thickly. “What’s going on outside the temple?” He inquired. Having been stuck in the Halls, he had no idea what was going on.

Depa breathed out heavily. “Chaos, the rest of the council on Coruscant is dealing with it and the troopers are guarding the temple but…” She shook her head and then gave him a tight smile. “But you don’t have to concern yourself with it, Mace and us will deal with it. What you must concern yourself with is Obi-Wan…”

Hand dropping from his shoulder as Anakin stepped forward, moving to the bed to grasp Obi-Wan’s cold hand in his, Depa stepped away, leaving the way she had come with the door quietly snapping shut behind her.

Electronics had been banned from Obi-Wan’s room to not disturb the flow of the Force, so regularly, one of the council members or a master sent by them came to check on the situation.

In case Obi-Wan passed away.

The prospect terrified Anakin and made him wish he had drawn out Palpatine’s death.

And made him realize that if Obi-Wan passed, if he died, he would never forgive Padme for separating them, even though she couldn’t have known what would happen.

And he would never forgive himself for breaking his promise to keep Obi-Wan safe.

Settling down on the bed, glancing to the healer to check if he had disturbed her, Anakin breathed out when she just continued breathing steadily with her hand settled on Obi-Wan’s chest, crystal in her other hand.

The door opened again and like clockwork, the next visitor arrived, Cody arriving in his uniform.

The trooper looked like he hadn’t slept, just like last time he visited and he saluted quietly before staring at Obi-Wan, neither Jedi or commander saying a word.

After what felt like five minutes of the two just staring at Obi-Wan, Cody broke the silence of the room. “…General Skywalker… I haven’t had the time to speak to the council about… the cell.” Cody murmured.

Looking away from Obi-Wan, holding onto his hand even as he was terrified the other would pass when he wasn’t watching, Anakin raised his brow at the other. “Mmmn?”

Reaching into his belt pouch, Cody withdrew something from his pocket, a vial that echoed oddly in the Force to him as Anakin blinked curiously at it.

“I have no idea what this is bu-” Cody held the vial between forefinger and thumb, disturbing the lid of it ever so slightly as he spoke but wasn’t allowed to finish speaking, because the moment Anakin laid eye on the unnatural thing in the vial with the lid ever so slightly opened now, he gave a full body spasm and retched violently, dropping Obi-Wan’s hand as he fell off the bed and covered his mouth.

His entire screamed wrong, wrong, wrong! And he could barely hear Cody give a startled little shout as Anakin tried to deal with the sight of that.

On the bed, something far worse happened as Obi-Wan eyes snapped open, visible only for a moment before they rolled into the back of his head until only the white was showing, Obi-Wan wheezing as he went into seizures.


I don’t know if you’re still going with light through the cracks as you’ve only done a single post but I’ve rediscovered it when going back through all your awesome stories and I would love to know what happens next as my subpar imagination isn’t doing it justice. It’s the one when young anakin goes to Depa about obi-was having cracks in his mind and using their bond to keep doing, it ended with Depa dragging anakin off to explain this to others. Please how does everyone react? Does obi get help

Resisting the urge to shuffle his feet nervously in the artificially
lit room, Obi-Wan blearily peered at the council, hoping his eyes
weren’t bloodshot.

suspected that they were but if asked, he’d claim a few bad nights
with visions… hopefully that would be enough for the council.

And it
wouldn’t strictly be a lie, he did have trouble sleeping, despite
gaining some succor from his training bond with Anakin.

of Anakin…

boy was nowhere to be found and Obi-Wan could feel his worry and
anxiety spiking even as he tried not to react to much to the
evaluating stares of the council at all sides. He could still feel
his padawan of course, but it was slightly muted, as if Anakin was in
range of a blocker.

wanted to go find his padawan but first he had to deal with whatever
the council wanted.

Force, he hoped that didn’t mean a mission already.

Master Depa cleared her throat and sat forward. “Knight Kenobi, are
you aware of why you’ve been summoned?” She questioned, her voice
steady… and gentle.

As if
Obi-Wan was a spooked animal, the kind of voice Qui-Gon had used with
injured animals he wanted to care for.

voice sent an unexpected stab through Obi-Wan, his mind aching and
his insides twisting with pain.

But he
didn’t voice that, instead inclining his head. “I’m not certain
masters, as far as I’m aware, I’m not to be sent on any missions
just yet.” Obi-Wan stated, the unvoiced, ‘I have a padawan, I
can’t leave yet.’ lingering obviously in his voice.

members of the council exchanged looks and Obi-Wan had to swallow
another spike of nerves.

this about Anakin maybe?

the council decided to change their mind?

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he could handle if they took Anakin away from

knew it was bad to lean on the bond so much for the support he needed
but the abrupt death of Qui-Gon had not given him any chance to sever
their bond properly.

what had happened was that their bond had been ripped apart,
not just breaking Obi-Wan’s shields but tearing at his soul and it
was a miracle in itself that Obi-Wan was sane, especially after
touching the dark side only moments after the bond between master and
padawan had started to shred.

mind was literally inflamed, infected in a manner, and the only balm
so far was Anakin, the boy like cool ice to his mind and Anakin
seemed to understand.

gave Obi-Wan bit of relief to try and work on the shredded bond and
to try and cauterize the edges of it so to speak.

Kenobi, please lower your shields.” Master Windu suddenly stated.

to stop himself, Obi-Wan jerked back half a step before gathering
himself, staring at the master of the order in shock before quickly
shaking his head. “Masters, I’m not sure what this is about but
that is an inva-”

Yoda’s old voice broke in, green eyes focusing on the old troll as
he stared sadly at him, ears twitching slowly as the cane rested over
his lap. “Know we do, healthy you are not. Your bond, ruined it is.
Strength from your padawan you should not get.” The old troll

panic climbing up his throat, Obi-Wan opened and closed his mouth
before shaking his head more weakly. “Masters, I’m dealing, I
promise it’s not so bad tha-” Master Plo stood smoothly from his
seat and approached Obi-Wan.

for every step the kel dor took, the human backed away until his back
hit the door of the council chamber, his shoulders shaking heavily.

realized his actions were unreasonable, that the council didn’t
want to hurt him.

his mind was buzzing with how disappointed they would be that he
couldn’t manage to deal with his broken bond. He was a Knight for
Force sake, the Sith Slayer! He should be able to handle such a thin-
a gentle hand cupped his cheek, claw tipped fingers gently stroking
at his temple.

Obi-Wan stared wide eyed at Plo, the other man smiling sadly. “It
is alright young Obi-Wan. You can lower your shields, we won’t let
your pain drown you, nor will we judge you for carrying pain.” He

his hands grasping at the smooth, cool door behind him, Obi-Wan
licked at his dry lips. “I- I can’t…” He wheezed.

can,” Plo assured, still stroking at his temple with his thumb. “I
know you can Obi-Wan. A Jedi is not to be attached, but we are not
emotionless and Qui-Gon was your master. You are allowed to grieve
Obi-Wan.” The council master murmured in that soft, even tone, ever
so slightly coaxing.

To his
mortification, Obi-Wan could feel tears building in his already
bloodshot eyes and before he knew it, a harsh hiccup escaped his
throat, his shields crashing down around him as he reached out for

found himself welcomed, the arms moving to hold Obi-Wan up against
Plo’s chest again. “That’s my boy, there you go Obi-Wan, you’re
doing good my boy. Just let it go.” Plo murmured, Obi-Wan
helplessly crying into the others chest, the scent of dorin gas and
tea mixing on the other man’s robe.

up in his release, Obi-Wan didn’t even put up a fight as Plo
gently, but firmly inserted a block between him and Anakin, making a
door where there before was a light switch.

you will heal Obi-Wan Kenobi and the first step of your healing is to
grieve.” Plo stated quietly, holding Obi-Wan up as his knees
buckled under him.

AWOL!Jedi, what happens if some of the troopers get hurt? Like some of the scaffolding falls down, or they get lost in the forest? I bet the jedi would give 110% getting to them, and making sure that they were okay

The only warning any of them had gotten was the sound of creaking and
Obi-Wan had paused, blinking in surprise only to cry out while
throwing himself to the side as the scaffolding beneath his feet gave
way, only his quick reaction leading to him escaping with minor
bruises as his only evidence of injury.

He and his troopers by
extension had been part of the days building crew, the 212th
and the 501st building on the dome of one of the temple’s
spires and if he was to take a guess, this would be the spire for the
Reassignment council as the high council would more than likely be
stationed in the middle tower.

It appeared that the
scaffolding on this tower however was lacking or had taken damage at
some point as it had collapsed under the multitude of workers moving

More would have gotten injured if it wasn’t for several Jedi seeing the collaps happening and abandoning their own tasks to minimize the harm as best they could, running in to keep things afloat or pulling troopers into their own arms as Jedi themselves got out of the danger zones on their own.

Like Obi-Wan, who had managed to jump out of the way and was only bruised.

Which left Obi-Wan sitting now, sitting the medical station that had been one of the earliest set ups they
had built due to the hazard of a new habitat, holding Cody’s hand as the man continued slowly
breathing into the oxygen mask, still not awake from his fall.

Longshot, Rex and Appo
were all in bacta tubes, having suffered the worst of damage with
Boil, Echo and Fives being part of the now long term patients with

All three had suffered
broken ribs, arms and Echo had suffered a shattered pelvis apparently
that was going to be hard on him to recover from.

Obi-Wan knew he shouldn’t
be lingering in the medical station but he just couldn’t bring
himself to leave Cody’s side.

Everyone else had already
woken up once, been at least halfway aware before being drugged again
and either set to bed or entered into the bacta tubes… except for

And it was making
Obi-Wan’s heart thunder in his chest.

He wanted the other to
wake up, he wanted to have Cody laugh at him and make a stupid joke
about how it wouldn’t be the war that killed him but peaceful
building. And then Obi-Wan would scold him about making light about
his own potential death.

But the man wasn’t
waking and it was making Obi-Wan’s heart thunder with worry.

Pressing Cody’s hand to
his cheek, Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath as he leaned his
weight more on the bed, resting his elbows on it as he stared at the
other man. ‘Don’t you dare go where I can’t follow Cody… not
when there’s finally this uneasy peace, not when we finally have a
chance to make a life happen without politicians fucking us all
over…’ Closing his eyes, Obi-Wan tried not to let his thoughts go
too dark, to let himself keep hoping.

A hand on his shoulder
made him jump and he lifted his head to blink up at Depa, the woman
standing there with a sympathetic smile on her face before she
gestured to her side, Commander Grey standing with a tray in hands.
“Caleb noted that you wouldn’t have gone to the mess tent,” She
stated softly. “Grey came with me to check on his vode and took
your food with him since I can’t carry that heavy.” She lifted
her right arm that was in sling.

Blinking, licking his dry
lips while suddenly feeling hunger, Obi-Wan carefully tucked the hand
down and accepted the tray from Grey. “What… what happened Depa?”
He blinked, balancing the tray on his lap as he took note of the
cabbage soup along with some kind of bacon. Must be the leftovers
they had from when they wrapped up as he didn’t think they had pigs
just yet and there was also some fluffy bread and some fruit cut up
in a bowl for ‘dessert’.

Sitting on Cody’s
bedside so she could look at him, Depa sighed deeply as she cupped
the sling with her hand. “Got caught under the scaffolding, I’m
lucky this is all I need, considering all the others…” She rested
her eyes on Cody, frowning faintly before shaking her head. “He’ll
be alright Obi-Wan and when he wakes, he’ll want to hear that
you’ve eaten well.” Depa stated sternly, both of them noticing
that Grey had wandered over to Fives, the only other awake person.

Glancing down at the soup,
Obi-Wan gave a small nod, bringing the bowl up to sip directly from
the bowl.

He was actually ravenous
and the taste of food made his stomach gurgle happily as he started
eating slightly faster.

He ignored Depa watching
him with a small, exasperated smile over the rim of it, focusing
instead on eating.

She was right, Cody would
be disappointed if Obi-Wan didn’t take care of himself.

‘Gotta make them trust
me to take care of myself.’ Feeling a bit invigorated, Obi-Wan sat
down the bowl, dipped the bread in the broth and took a big bite.

Fallen for you is great! I like how they are all reaching out to each other. Can we see Palpatine getting shut down everytime he tries to get in contact with Anakin? Because he deserves all the bad things, while Anakin deserves good things

Frowning faintly to himself, Plo stared at the comm in his hand for
several long minutes, his mind lost in thought before he got to his
feet and made his way out of his own quarters with the comm he had
been entrusted held tightly in his grasp.

When Anakin, rubbing the
back of his neck sheepishly with Obi-Wan at his side, had arrived and
quietly asked Plo to take over his comm for a while, Plo had been
endeared by the trust given him.

Now he was annoyed.

Because in the last four
days he had the comm, the chancellor had tried to contact Anakin not
once, not twice but eight times.

Three calls and five
message functions and a this point he was not only annoyed by the
constant interruption to his own life but also alarmed by how much
the chancellor of the Republic took contact with one Jedi knight.

For what purpose the
Chancellor wouldn’t tell Plo and that was enough to send several
red flags up to the top and Plo needed…

A second opinion.

Skywalker had trusted him
to hold his comm, to keep distraction to a minimum while the boy
tried to deal with his own Fallen state and Plo would do his best as
someone trusted to do that.

Pausing in front of the
door, Plo glanced at the name plate before knocking, waiting.

“Caleb, no don-wait! Oh
for… you are cleaning that up padawan.” Came from inside the
quarters and Plo couldn’t help but grin as he heard the familiar
chuckle of Mace Windu mix in with Depa’s exasperated tone.

“Karma sure is a thing
isn’t it Depa?” He stated in a faux innocent voice and Plo could
almost imagine all the younglings faces.

And they were younglings
to him.

Most of the temple outside
of Yoda and a few wookie Jedi were far to young to be anything but. And Yaddle was an age mate.

Finally the door opened, a
frazzled Depa standing to attention before she saw who it was, a
smile crossing her face as one of her braids dropped into her face.
“Master Plo, what an unexpected pleasure, please, come in and
excuse the mess.” She stepped back and he stepped in.

And firmly paused, staring
into the room before slowly turning his head to look at Mace, the man
standing over by the bedroom doors with a wicked grin on his face as
Depa’s young padawan continued trying to remove what looked like
sticky blue gum off the floor, walls and caff table. “What in Force
name…” Plo couldn’t help but chuckled.

“Caleb science
experiment went wrong.” Mace continued to grin wickedly and Plo couldn’t help
but chuckle too, remembering a certain young lady’s own science
experiment going very wrong in Mace old quarters.

If he had heard the rumors right, the
left wall was still red tinted from that experiment. “I see.” He
turned his head to smirk at Depa and laughed outright when she stuck
her tongue out at both older Jedi.

Shaking herself, Depa face
turned from a smirk to a small smile. “Is there anything I can help
you with Master Plo? I’d offer you something but I’m afraid I
don’t have anything safe for kel dors but as it is, you can come in
with boots on since we need to do a hard clean after Caleb’s little
experiment.” The human stated, her young padawan’s clearly
blushing a deep red.

Reminded why he had made
his way to these quarters, Plo humor faded as he lifted the comm,
catching Mace attention. “I’m afraid I’m in need of a second
opinion my friends. Knight Skywalker has given me his comm for the
foreseeable future to limit distraction and I have in turn discovered
something… alarming in my eyes. Sate a potentially foolish man’s
worries.” He murmured.

The two older humans
exchanged looks, Caleb pausing in his cleaning to peek up with wide,
curious eyes.

In the end, three alarmed
council members were the result of Plo’s excursion, all of them
asking the same thing.

Why was the Chancellor
trying so desperately to speak with Knight Skywalker and was this a
common occurrence? And if so, how long had the Chancellor of the
Republic been speaking with the young knight like so.

Had this been going on
since he was a padawan, when he was no more than ten and just a child
that didn’t know better than to listen to an authority figure?

The implication of it were
not… comforting to any of them, even Caleb, squeezing out a rag of
blue water into a bucket, looked uncomfortable.

“Skywalker needs all the
space he can get right now,” Depa murmured, a hand resting on chin
with fingers sprawled against her lips. “But we can try asking
Obi-Wan while Skywalker is in his own therapy with you… this has to
be done cautiously regardless, if we were to discover something…”
She trailed off.

Three masters exchanged
long, uneasy looks.

This was building to be
something that should not been allowed to happen.

in Shut Me Down, where Qui-Gon’s death shattered a Really Depressed Obi-Wan’s mind, what if he *had* gotten a bond with Anakin right away, and Anakin /noticed/ Obi-Wan leaning on him? and asked someone about it, because it was kinda worrying? he’s not worried about himself, he can hold Obi-Wan up just fine, but Obi-Wan doesn’t feel so good. those cracks shouldn’t be there, should they?

on his bottom lip while twisting his hands into the hem of his beige
tunic as he looked around the
classes hallway,
Anakin frowned worriedly to himself as he checked in
on Obi-Wan again, finding the other easily. From what he could tell,
Obi-Wan seemed to be working out and was slightly frustrated but also
mellow compared to last night.

last night had been bad, to the point Obi-Wan hadn’t noticed he was
slipping through the cracks and letting Anakin see how much pain he
was in.

been doing that a few times.

Anakin saw the Jedi he had been looking for, Master Depa.

she was on the council, she had been very kind afterward when Anakin
had her in Force sculpting, had patiently sat beside him for a few
minutes to show him what he needed to do to get a more detailed
sculpture and quietly murmuring instructions before praising Anakin
for picking up on what he needed to do so well.

was kind and Anakin needed to talk with someone that was
understanding and wouldn’t laugh at him for not knowing things.

he quickly passed through the crowd of fellow padawans, initiates and
a few knights and masters, catching up to the lady in question and
catching her sleeve to make sure he got her attention.

Depa turned in surprise before her face transformed into a small,
understanding smile when she saw who it was that had grabbed her

no, Anakin had some something he shouldn’t have again.

Skywalker, it is a surprise to see you.” She murmured, turning
around and stepping to the side so they wouldn’t hold up the hall
and the throngs of people.

her, letting go of her robe sleeve, Anakin nodded nervously, glancing
around to find one or two knights watching him with raised brows.

he totally did something he shouldn’t have when he grabbed her
sleeve, e chu ta!

the tips of his new
boots together, Anakin nervously bowed his head and nodded. “I’m
sorry for bothering you master Billaba, but um, I wasn’t sure who
else to talk to and you’re kind.” He mumbled out.

got a small frown, the gem on her forehead shifting. “Oh? Wouldn’t
it be better to speak with your master?” She inquired carefully,
tilting her head to the side, her long braided hair shining under the
sunlight from the window.

Anakin bit his lip again before shaking his head. “That’s just it
Master Billaba, it’s about Master Obi-Wan.” He explained,
uncertain as her frown grew even more.

Is there an issue?” She questioned, her voice lower but Anakin
could hear the urgency, worry and if he wasn’t wrong, some kind of

had always been good at reading people, so he thought that was it and
he knew that master Depa liked younglings since she taught so much.
“Well, you see, Obi-Wan has these weird cracks in his mind? And he
lean on the bond thing we have a lot to help himself and I don’t
mind!” He tacked on quickly when he saw her face transforming to a
vague expression of horror, her brown eyes growing wide. “I can
handle it, but it can’t be good for master Obi-Wan to have cracks
in his mind and be all in pain everyday can it?” Anakin spoke
quickly, squirming as Depa continued to stare at him. “And
sometimes his emotions and thoughts slips through the cracks, and I
know that master Obi-Wan likes to be private, so he wouldn’t be
happy to know he’s slipping things out.” Anakin stated.

then the chalactan woman reached out and snatched his right hand,
gently pulling him along a now emptier hallway. “I apologize for
the abrupt behavior padawan Skywalker, but we need to speak with a
healer and the rest of the council.” Depa explained quickly as she
kept a hold of Anakin’s smaller hand with her warm one.

up at the woman, Anakin let out an inquiring noise. “Master Obi-Wan
isn’t alright, is he?” He choked out, feeling Obi-Wan lean on the
bond again, the phantom sensation of blankness entering it before
being followed by tears and
a muted scream that Anakin was sure if Obi-Wan knew was coming
through the cracks, the other would be ashamed of himself.

child, he’s not.” Depa answered mournfully and that was the last
thing either said for a good half hour as the council gathered and a
healer was summoned.

couldn’t know it at the time of course but he had just saved his
master from years of torment even if Obi-Wan wouldn’t appreciate it
to start with.

made their relationship even deeper and filled with more

that was years into the future.

now, Anakin was just a young boy of ten being led by the hand by a
very worried Jedi master, anxious
and a bit oblivious himself.