Body in the pool

Watching his padawan curiously, Obi-Wan
raised a brow before politely excusing himself from the conversation
with the Andruiel Senator to give Anakin his attention as the somewhat
disturbed looking padawan came padding over towards him, having gone
outside for some fresh air since the party arranger was allowing smoke

It hadn’t done so well for Anakin’s lungs and Obi-Wan
didn’t blame him, would flee it too if he wasn’t suppose to be the
responsible one and keep the Senators in view and keep them protected.

as the responsible one, he waited for the other to approach him.
“Padawan?” He murmured, his voice a steady volume so not to be accused
of trying to have secrets at the Senatorial function which had needed
Jedi just in case with the guards.

“…Master, there’s a dead prostitute in the pool.” Anakin blinked down at him.

that’s one way to shut up a party.’ Obi-Wan thought wryly to himself as
he peered up at Anakin, the entire party suddenly falling to a
stuttering silence.

Of course this lead to the judicial showing
up ten minutes later with Anakin and Obi-Wan standing at the edge of the
pool, Anakin equipped with one of the pool noodles that he was using
the lightly poke at the corpse.

“…I should tell you to stop doing
that but the way our friend here keeps bobbing is kind of telling to
how he was murdered.” Obi-Wan noted with a little eyebrow raise as
Anakin tilted his head back and forth.

“He’s not gonna be in
there until he bloats is he? And what does his bobbing tell you he died
of?” Anakin asked, curiously glancing up.

It wasn’t the first
time he’d seen a dead person after all, seven years as a Jedi had taught
him how to deal with the sight of someone dead and his prior years as a
slave had its own brand of horror even if he tried to leave it behind.

out a hum, Obi-Wan took Anakin’s shoulder and pointed. “Not the bobbing
precisely Anakin. See how the water runs off the pale skin? How it
glistens?” He gestured.

Looking closer, Anakin frowned as he saw
what Obi-Wan was taking note of. “Near human?” He took a guess clearly,
lips pursing curiously.

Shaking his head, Obi-Wan smiled.
“Possible but in this instance not. Poison. This is a particular brand
of poison from Kashyyyk that causes the skin of the victim to grow
sleek, almost like smooth plastic. Its slow acting but flavorless so its
easy to mix into a drink…”

Anakin’s lips became a tight line and
he glanced back towards the party and then at Obi-Wan. “Someone is
trying to cover up the evidence of an affair. Or another secret they
learned while having an affair.” He summarized.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
squeezed Anakin’s shoulder. “Yes, that is the most likely cause however
don’t lose sight of it Anakin. Remember, narrowing our gaze too much can
cause us to loose sight of the real cause because we’re too focused on
one.” He warned, a warning he had repeated often as Anakin had a
tendency to do just that.

And by the way the blonds cheeks colored, he knew it.

his shoulders, Obi-Wan turned to the ballroom where the Senators were
being contained, causing Anakin to let out a groan. “Interrogation?” He
questioned with some despair, groaning louder when Obi-Wan nodded.

“Lets go hassle some Senators and sooth their feathers afterward.” Obi-Wan chuckled.

of them except Organa is having an affair anyhow.” Anakin muttered,
dragging his feet as he followed his master back inside.

When the
other man let out a deeper chuckle Anakin glanced at his master with
raising eyebrow in question. “Look at it this way Anakin,” Obi-Wan said
in a teasing tone. “You get to eat more fancy food.” He winked.

Wrinkling his nose, Anakin just grumbled and muttered about wanting to go check on the droids to see if they saw anything.

fondly, Obi-Wan shooed his padawan away. ‘Well… back to work it is.’ He
squared up his shoulders and focused on the wary Senators, internally
wondering how many affairs, murder intrigues and money scams he was
going to find by the end of the night.

You can’t just do that to me! I need to know what happens in SweetPrincess!

For the last week, no one had seen hide nor hair of Princess.

Several people speculated what was going on of course, behind closed doors, though not too loudly. Not with the silver armored Mandalorian back, standing behind Boba’s throne with his hand on the back.

Whatever hunt the other had been on must have been long but he was back now and as menacing and silent as ever, only ever talking to Fett or Shand.

Setting fear into everyone as they expected the man to kill someone any day after what happened to Princess.

But yes, there were speculations despite him.

Some thought that Fett had gotten rid of Princess.

Damaged wares and all. Though it seemed odd but hey, wouldn’t be the first time a ruler of Tatooine had gotten rid of their favorite for a reason.

Some thought Fett was simply keeping him to the bedroom for now, not wanting him out as another target once more and simply fucking him in there.

The last and least believed theory was that Fett was letting Princess rest, that the head injury was severe enough that Fett wanted the other healed.

Everyone however agreed that Fett had been in a foul mood ever since though.

A lack of relief some thought, which gave credence to the other no longer having Princess.

After all, the other was a throne whore, what ruler cared about the comfort of their slave bed warmer?

But then Princess was back and several courtiers almost had a heart attack when they saw him again.

Because the other was sitting on Fett’s throne.

No, not simply sitting, lounging on the throne, wiry legs settled over one stone arm with his arms settled on the other, head pillowed on his arms as he gazed at everyone with lidded eyes. The others collar was back on, the thin, shiny beskar leash hooked to the throne the man was sitting on as if he owned it.

And Fett was standing by the throne, watching the stairs.

His helmet was in Princess possession, resting on the throne by the man’s stomach. Occasionally one of Princess hands would stray from the arm and pet the helmet almost affectionately, as if it was Fett’s scarred head.

Occasionally, Princess would also flicker his eyes to look around the room, giving everyone a lazy, almost smug smile.

As if he knew something they did not.

Having a slave lord over them wasn’t a pleasant sensation. The ones who had scoffed at the idea of Fett letting Princess heal was suddenly doubting their own thoughts.

Because if anyone but Princess, even Shand, had sat in the throne as if it was theirs, Fett would have gutted them.

Quietly, people were settling around, Fett never looking away from the stairs.

Loath as they were to get his attention, everyone remained quiet, the musicians settling on their stages but only nervously fiddling with their instruments.

Fett ignored them all, his lip curling into an impatient but silent snarl as bartenders served the people lining quietly up around the room.

Several tensed as slowly, a growing, growling noise came from the man, his impatience skyrocketing steadily and when his hand dropped towards his blaster, several contemplated hiding behind tables.

“Buir’ika.” A low, rasped voice murmured, Princess sitting up with the helmet hugged to his stomach.

Instantly, Fett turned on his heel, his anger evaporating as he instead stepped closer to the throne, to his Princess.  He murmured something in Mando’a that Princess returned in the same tone though a clear difference in dialect.

The little they could see of Fett’s face transformed, from his blank look to fondness, the man leaning down to cup the others chin. Softly, he kissed Princess, thumbing lightly at his chin as the darker man sighed happily into the others lip, hand coming up to cup the back of Fett’s head.

Anyone else would have hand their hand removed.

But Princess merely got a low hum of pleasure from Fett, running his fingertips over the man’s scalp scars before literally scratching gently behind one ear.

As if Fett was a fucking feline.

To the shock of many, Fett actually rumbled in pleasure though he pulled away quickly when there was a commotion at the top of the stairs.

It was enough to distract everyone from the impossible scene they had seen.

There was shouting at the stairs, a fleshy THUMP and then a body came rolling down the stairs, Shand prowling down after with a wicked smirk on her face.

And a black eye.

Fett narrowed his eyes at that before looking at the body laying at the bottom of the stairs, the man struggling to get to his feet, wrapped in expensive layers of fabric.

His face was currently rather mauled but recognizable to those around still.

Feruko Snalla, humanoid, born on Naboo supposedly, once an Imperial captain of some sort and later on a lieutenant of a gang.

His boss had sent him, a New Republic gang, the Vipers nest, the one that had scraped and bowed and promised Fett a foothold on Coruscant via the gang. As long as there was an alliance, the King of Tatooine and the gang could benefit each other.

Fett’s face turned to stone and yet his eyes were fire as the now frightened man was struggling to get to his feet. “This one?” He questioned, a snarl curling his lip as Shand snorted and nodded.

“Idiot kept a scrap of the babydoll.” Shand snarked, smirking at the back of Snalla as she kept a blaster trained on him, her rifle on her back.

Opening his mouth, most likely to defend himself, his mouth snapped shut when Princess let out a soft hum behind Fett, the scarred man turning instantly to his throne warmer. “Princess.” He stated quietly.

Tilting his head, Princess stared at Snalla before nodding. “I remember him. He kept following me around, tried talking with me,” Princess words were clearly enough for Fett but he kept talking. “I believe I scratched him, his neck should have nail marks.” Princess noted absently, rubbing at his head.

“Now, wait a minute,” Snalla started only to cry out when Shand dragged the folds of scarves at his neck down, exposing the pale neck.

Sure enough, scratches lined the pale neck.

Combined with the babydoll fabric and what little Princess seemed to recollect, it was more than enough as Fett stepped off the dais with his silent snarl, Princess watching with quiet interest from the throne as he hugged the helmet.

Snalla dropped to his knees, bringing his hands up as he pleaded for mercy, telling him that the Vipers wouldn’t work with Fett if he was injured, the spineless man sniveling for mercy.

Fett simply loomed over the other man for a minute before turning his head, looking to Princess, a question in his eyes, his lips still curled with a snarl.

For a second, it looked like Princess didn’t know what to do.

Then he lifted one fist and drew his thumb across his neck, smiling sweetly at his King.

Fett turned back around and drew his knife from his belt, the same knife the court had seen the man peel fruit for Princess with.

With one smooth, easy slash, he drew it across Snalla’s throat, deep enough for the man to die and yet…


Snalla choked, his hands coming up as he gasped for air, eyes bulging as he tried to keep his throat shut. Blood poured between his fingers and under his palms, the man shaking before falling face forward onto the sand.

He rasped, spasmed, the man dying in front of the terrified court.

Fett simply spat on the dying man and wiped his blade on the others many layers of dark fabric before returning to the throne, Shand getting a bottle from the bartender with a happy grunt.

Not many paid attention to her though, their terrified focus on Princess and Fett.

Gloved hands cupped Princess cheek, gently rubbing before Fett leaned down and pressed their foreheads together, the two murmuring quietly to each other before Princess stood, the soft jingle of beskar chain sounding.

Fett settled down on the throne with Princess sitting down the moment the man was comfortable, helmet still in Princess hands. “Someone get rid of that trash, feed it to the scavengers.” Fett gestured to the death twitching body, a heavyset devaronian coming forward quickly to hoist the still bleeding human onto his shoulder.

Princess just watched everyone with lidded eyes, smiling smugly from his position against Fett, seeming so much more than just a throne whore in that moment.

Do they have a mole in candleinthedark? Or is he just that sneaky that he knows things he shouldn’t? And how is Obi responding to the clones? Do they still have the chips in this AU?

It was so hard to breath.

hurt and he just couldn’t seem to draw air down into his lungs, why
couldn’t he draw air into his lungs?

tried to move only for the pain to somehow become even stronger,
overwhelming and making a screeching, overpowering noise go off in
his head, as if he was too close to a bomb.

shocked that you’re still conscious enough to try and get away, but
I guess that’s the constitution you need to kill my padawan.” A
voice sneered, fetid breath washing past Obi-Wan’s cheek as he
forced his eyes open, his face buried in a blue carpet with dark
specks on it.

Obi-Wan dazedly processed that thought. ‘I’m a padawan though…’

cough passed through his lips, tasting metal and seeing more specks
join the rest of the blue and faintly a thought occurred to him that
the specks were blood.


stepped into his view and yet Obi-Wan still couldn’t move, couldn’t
turn his head.

world blurred and Sidious sneering face came into view,
looking at him with pale eyes and red strands left in his hair.

He was
actually wearing clothes more demure compared to what Obi-Wan was
used to, a tunic of beige shade, a cape over and in his other hand a
knife glittered.

leave you here for your companions to find. You will be in pain,
slowed down in stasis so they find you alive. Barely but still
there,” Crazed pale eyes glittered malevolently. “I hope it’s
your master they send to find you. Poetic justice.” He cackled
before dropping Obi-Wan’s head, his chin hitting with a dull thud
on the carpet as pain echoed through his body.

could still see Sidious, if only barely, watched as he reached out to
something above Obi-Wan.

exploded through him and Obi-Wan sat up in his bed in the Sith temple
of the world he had been transported to, a stifled scream in his
throat as he held his hurting chest, eyes wide.

In his
head he could feel several Sith, checking on him through the Force
and Anakin and Qui-Gon through the bond before they all disappeared
as quickly as they appeared.

faint part of Obi-Wan realized they were giving him privacy but the
other part of him was desperately trying to calm down.

half expected his door to suddenly open and for the Sith to stand

nothing happened, only Obi-Wan sitting on his bed, panting, holding
his chest as he stared into the room with wide eyes.

was keeping his word on not entering Obi-Wan’s room without
permission even as he felt the Sith Anakin pace outside the door,
clearly waiting.

down, calm down… that was… just calm down…’ Shaking, Obi-Wan
forced himself out of bed, sliding his feet into the warm slippers
provided and grabbing the silky blue robe with the large star bird in
gold on the back.

A gift
from this Mace apparently.

was… very nice and the way it was made also made it warm against
Obi-Wan’s skin while keeping it silky.

after letting out a harsh breath to make his way outside, peering
nervously at Anakin and Qui-Gon.

latter was standing at the kitchen bench, clearly making something
and Anakin was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at Obi-Wan.
“Good morning O-why are you holding your chest?” The blond
snapped to his feet, staring at Obi-Wan even as the Jedi took a
surprised step back into his room

felt the weight of both Sith staring at him. “I… it’s nothing…
just… some soreness.” He murmured, shifting nervously as Qui-Gon
and Anakin exchanged looks.

several seconds, none said anything before Qui-Gon sighed deeply.
“…When Obi-Wan died… he died slowly and in pain,” Qui-Gon
finally murmured, his eyes focused on the window, his hand tightening
on the kitchen knife he was holding, a bowl of fruit salad beside the
cutting board. “His lungs…” He trailed off.

was gritting his teeth, his hands clenched on the table top.

his dry lips, Obi-Wan tightened his hold over his throbbing chest,
the dream fresh and dark in his mind. “…Did… Did Sidious kill
him?” The two looked at him with confusion, some anger still
lingering. “Palpatine?” Obi-Wan clarified and tightened his hold
when both eyes flared with rage at the name.

Master Sheev Palpatine was found out by Obi-Wan during one of his
missions to Naboo to oversee a treaty the Naboo had signed with the
Sith temple,” Anakin got out through gritted  teeth and Obi-Wan
could only watch speechlessly as blood oozed out between Anakin’s
fist as his nails punctured skin. “He lured him to his mansion and
once there, Obi-Wan was ambushed, held down… and executed via the
bloody eagle.”

rose sharp and sudden in Obi-Wan’s throat, the feeling of being
unable to draw air and metal taste in his mouth sharp. “He…”

pulled Obi-Wan’s lungs out through his back,” Qui-Gon whispered
heavily, eyes far away. “And propped them up… and that wasn’t
enough as he kept Obi-Wan alive through the entire process before
putting him in stasis, giving himself time to escape… and us time
to find Obi-Wan, still alive… still grasping for air just long
enough for us to hear his death rattles… and then die in front of
us, leaving us with his tortured, broken, dead body and the sound of
his death rattles in our ears as our bonds to him shattered.” He
finished, his hand tight on the knife.

things happened at once, Anakin roared and threw the kitchen table at
the wall, splintering it as he panted with rage as Qui-Gon, silent in
his own wrath, slammed the knife down into the cutting board, driving
it through the wood and into the marble kitchen bench, cleaving the
stone as the knife stood up from it, darkness roaring to life around
the two Sith.

yet Obi-Wan withstood it, his chest throbbing with pain as his light
flickered from the darkness yet remained strong.

Traumabreaksall, how are the other Jedi and clone troopers taking the breakdown of obi wan wherever they are? Are they harassed by reporters and protestors as well?

wasn’t much to do about it really.

sight of General Kenobi crying was not something that could be purged
from the holonet and therefore copies of it circulated the clones
feeds from the moment it was uploaded, all of them treating the clip
with respect as they more than anyone understood the privacy General
Kenobi was fond of.

was no way to scrub it from the wider net after all, so what harm was
it for the clones to see it.

know that someone out there care for them.

they knew it was for them, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s breakdown had been a
long time in the coming but the last push had been the death of one
of theirs, the last push had been Lamb with his bright eyes and
platinum blond curly hair,
the curiosity in those eyes that had endeared him to the General was
forever dimmed.

they knew it.

all, the triggering question had been about the clones and the audio
of the camera had picked up General Kenobi’s muffled voice as he
gave in to the trauma he had been going through.

name on his lips, the audio
of the cam barely picking up on it but just loud enough to make out
the tired, sore sobs and Lamb’s name.

vode knew that many forgot they were really humans and the troopers had a
complicated relationship to the war if they answered honestly.

it, they would not exist, but with it, they went to their death often, their
brothers and sisters went into war and it took
them from each other, ripped them apart and sent them screaming into voids no one listened to.

war was the cause of the traumas they went through, the bone breaking fear, the rapid aging
that many experienced growing pains from, the war could leave them
disabled and senseless, it left them dead
in mass cremation funerals.

even some of their own natural born commanders wasted
the troopers lives on foolish attacks.

consider their lives worth taking a more cautious approach, only
wanted the attack done as fast as possible to save more time so they
could go up against the CIS in another place and try and get another
victory for the Republic.

no concern for the broken and the injured troopers, for the death,
for the empty helmets gathered.

were many who envied the 212th,
as Commander Cody had showed them the memorial room of the
Negotiator, the helmet upon helmet with names, serial codes and dates
on, gently lit candles along with incense floating in the air to give
the room a soft light the harsh lights of electronic could not match.

helmets were clearly scuffed with battle and wear or even broken in halves with their paint
and others blank outside of the names and the dates.

A room
they knew General Kenobi had been spotted in, one of the pictures in
the feed of the man himself in the room, his hand resting gently on a
helmet as he stared at it.

vode knew the General cared, they had seen the copies of the bills
the Jedi was trying to write to ensure the citizenship of the
troopers once the war finally ended and they had seen the pictures of
the memorial room, the image of a grieving man that hit his limits.

they didn’t know what this breakdown would mean for him or for
them, so when General Windu had commed to the barracks, the vode had
showed up in force to keep the public away from the temple, be they there for malice or benevolence.

General cared enough for them to be the final straw that broke him
when his breakdown finally arrived, on public holo tv in full view of
the thousands who had tuned in for the interview of an ‘successful’

they would keep his safety and privacy their highest concern in

weren’t sure what would come, what the Jedi in the temple thought,
what the public would finally settle on though for now it was
curiosity and support as the Chancellor threw a tantrum calling the
breakdown fake.

they knew this, they would keep General Kenobi safe until he was
ready to return to battle with them once more.

Ok in feral child does Obiwan over time grow sharper teeth due to the dark side slowly affecting a person’s appearance during puberty? With obiwan being spoiled by his grandpa Dooku with nice steaks.

down at the blond child with big blue eyes, Obi-Wan slowly tilted his
head before turning it to look at the toydarian, who
was still talking sales as if he couldn’t see Obi-Wan’s attention
had moved away,
and then back at the boy.

very clever boy.

very strong

was full of Force, full of power and he was smart, especially
considering the lack of proper schooling Tatooine had. When his
master had decided that they were going to land on the hutt infested
planet, Obi-Wan had no idea why the Force seemed to quiver in

while Qui-Gon was busy cooing over a baby sarlac in a sand bucket,
Obi-Wan had been lead away by the quivering Force that seemed to
pulse the further into Mos Espa he went.

he knew why.

was because of this child.

child he was suppose to find.

child with a bruise on his cheek and a missing mother. The child who
had looked up from the scrap pile he was sorting through and stared
at Obi-Wan with eyes that knew
him as a bond seamlessly slid into place between them.


looking away from young Anakin, Obi-Wan raised his hand and snapped
the toydarian’s neck with a flick of the Force, the thud of his
body hitting the sanded ground doing nothing to draw anyone’s
attention from the outside, Obi-Wan slowly kneeling down as he did to look
Anakin in the eye on even ground.

a word, he offered the blond a hand.

stared at the hand, then he looked towards where his former owner
laid in a dead heap, observing the pile of blue toydarian before he
returned to looking at Obi-Wan with those wide blue eyes of his, slowly sliding his small hand into
Obi-Wan’s. “I got explosives in me.” He whispered shyly.

worry, we’ll take care of that,” Obi-Wan promised while drawing
the boy closer, lifting him up to have the six year old on his hip,
his yellow eyes sparkling. “No one is going to chain you ever again
my little space roamer.” Obi-Wan promised tenderly, feeling the shy
pleasure in the bond sparkling through him.

Anakin carefully, wary of any injuries he had suffered, Obi-Wan strode
over to the corpse and glared down at it before reaching out with the
Force, summoning the slaver remote.

thing really, it made the mark on Obi-Wan’s shoulder blade itch and his lips twist.

for now it was necessary to deactivate the explosives the boy indeed
carried inside of him.

will have to have them removed the moment we land in the temple.’
Obi-Wan thought, lips pursed as he tucked the remote away after use.

pointedly put it in Anakin’s little pocket, blue eyes growing wide
at the action.

his hand over Anakin’s cheek, Obi-Wan quirked his lip as best he
could for a smile, knowing it came out more as a grimace that exposed
his sharp canines. “Your freedom will always be yours my little
monster, therefore the remote is yours until we can have the
explosives removed… no one will ever
chain you again on my watch.” The Sith apprentice promised, his
lips raising in a quiet, feral snarl.

should have scared the boy, his snarl scared even his fellow Sith
sometimes Obi-Wan knew.

not Anakin.

boy instead tucked his hands into Obi-Wan’s tunic as they made
their way out into the sun and away from his place of imprisonment.
“C-Can we also find my mother? Watto sold her but maybe…” He
trailed off, eyes wide and hopeful before squinting as they stepped
into the sun.

will endeavor
to do my best Anakin.” Obi-Wan promised, smiling slightly at the
trust and hope in their bond.

didn’t know if he could find Anakin’s mother, slavery was always
a terrible business and offended many Sith because of their mantra of
freedom, but it wasn’t something they bothered to deal with.

he would try to find his mother.

was his,
just like Qui-Gon’s was his,
and he would give them the galaxy in a neat package if they wanted

if that meant he was going to destroy some slimy slugs in the
process. ‘Not a bad idea, this dust planet might not be much right
now… but with enough resources…’ Obi-Wan let his eyes trail
around as Anakin guided them, babbling about his home and the things
he wanted to bring with him.

meanwhile Obi-Wan plotted for the future, feeling Qui-Gon’s
curiosity in their bond turn to him as Obi-Wan’s feral amusement
grew the more he imagined making some slug kabobs.

the quiobi as ani’s dads and who gets which name thing. it is adorable and I love it. make it happen.

his face with a
cold hand as the wind swept his growing hair around and tussled it,
Obi-Wan sighed deeply in frustration. “Qui-Gon, I’m not sure
about this. Messing with the past…” He murmured quietly and
honestly this was an old and mostly useless arguments considering
they had spent years in the past now.

Obi-Wan would not be himself if he did not worry.

Qui-Gon would always answer him anyhow.

faintly as he observed the holo
map he had activated on the hood of their rented skycar,
Qui-Gon shrugged. “I know, but we both know that what is at stake,
what he needs… All
will be as the Force wills it my Obi-Wan.”
He murmured equally quiet.

the two had woken up in the past, laying in the green grass on a
planet together as if the years had not passed, neither had been sure
what to make of it as they took in the fact that Qui-Gon was alive
and the two seemed to be around the same age.

first they had thought to contact the Jedi order only for the Force
to pull them back, as if going, ‘wait, listen’ at them.

they had done that even as they managed to get a trip to Coruscant to
at least scope out the situation and see from the capitol what was
going on only to discover why they could not contact the Jedi Order.

there was already a Qui-Gon Jinn and there was already an Obi-Wan

younger Obi-Wan Kenobi.

two long months the two had tried to figure out what to do while
taking different small jobs in the slums of Coruscant, dock works and
the likes as they saved up credit and lived in a small room that
barely had a fresher or a kitchenette with working power.

had contemplated the idea of just slaughtering Palpatine he had to
admit only for Qui-Gon to shoot down that idea.

knew about Palpatine but they had no idea about the man’s master,
only that at some point after the Naboo invasion that the person was
at least dead.

they had done the next best thing.

had gone to look for Anakin and his mother on Tatooine.

they had found them only to find that their appearance in the past
had done something to the time stream as Shmi and Watto died at the
hands of of a sandstorm that ripped up most of Mos Espa, leaving one
orphaned slave boy of the tender age of five.

Anakin once had said during a failed mission, e chu ta.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had taken the boy in and let him cry in their
spacer leathers, taking him with them out into the stars and
promising him to show him every one they could.

being on Naboo when Palpatine is here makes me uneasy.” Obi-Wan
glanced about, checking on Anakin as the boy splashed his hands in
the water still and tried to touch the fishes by being too excited,
black leggings rolled up to his knees and his boots and socks
abandoned on the shore around the lake.
He was worried the man would notice Anakin, the boy shone so

from the map, Qui-Gon cupped Obi-Wan’s scruffy cheek with a soft
smile. “Love, you’ll make yourself sick with worry. Please, we
are leaving in a day and we’re staying out here for now with Anakin
to explore the forest and country side.” He murmured, leaning in a
bit to gently press a chaste kiss to Obi-Wan’s lips before rubbing
there noses together in an affectionate manner.

smiling at the endearment and kiss, Obi-Wan opened his mouth to
answer only to be cut off by a squeal.

Anakin yelped in excitement, racing towards them on
bare feet in the mud and grass.

both turned to Anakin only to glance at each other in surprise that
turned to bemusement as Anakin stopped and looked between them before
giggling and showing them the fish he had cupped in his hands. “I
mean Dad Qui but you can see too Dad Obi.” He beamed brightly up at
them, air whistling through the little tooth gap he had.

down slowly, Qui-Gon chuckled warmly as he observed the little fish
in Anakin’s hands desperately
flapping his tail as the water dripped out drop by drop. “Well done
catching the fish
Anakin but you should put that little guy back in
the water,” Qui-Gon explained gently, chuckling a bit louder when
Anakin pouted in confusion.
“He needs water to breath just as we need air, you
don’t want him to be hurt or die after all.”
The man explained
softly, stroking Anakin’s hair as the boy turned from excited to

Anakin raced back to the lake edge, leaving
the adults behind as he made sure the fish was alright.

was…” Obi-Wan huffed out air. Anakin had once called Obi-Wan the
closets to a father but back than it hadn’t felt right.


could still feel his heart fluttering.

slowly, his knees snapping, Qui-Gon smiled warmly at him and slid his
arm around Obi-Wan’s waist. “Dad and dad will become a bit
confusing I imagine,” He said thoughtfully. “Guess we’ll have
to teach him new words for us… papa perhaps? You would fit as dad
with me as papa?” He teased tenderly, his smile growing when
Obi-Wan cheeks flushed a deeper red.

Qui and Daddy Obi huh?” Obi-Wan whispered in turn, biting his
bottom lip. “That could work…” He mused, pretending not to
notice Qui-Gon’s grasp tightening on him or the adoration filling
the Force as he slid his arm around Qui-Gon’s waist in turn while
resting his head on the taller man’s shoulder, green eyes focused
on Anakin. “Yes, that would work quite nicely I bet.”

QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

QuiObi with dead Obi-Wan?

only just stepped off the ship when an unsettling feeling shivers
down Qui-Gon’s spine, his aching hand clenching on his bag strap as
he glances at his equally tired teenage padawan, Anakin dragging his
feet as he follows beside Qui-Gon.

tries to shake it.

mission stress, it was a hard one, especially on Anakin as they
encountered a child smuggling slavery ring and its strained them

are both in requirement of sleep, of
showers or outright baths. They
both need food and Force Qui-Gon needs to cuddle with Obi-Wan because
honestly this mission has been crap.

thought makes him pause, headache throbbing at his temple that seems
to be growing.

shiver comes back even stronger and Anakin looks up at him, blinking
in confusion and opening his mouth only to be cut off as a female
voice calls for Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon blinked as he saw Knight Bant, one of Obi-Wan’s knight

shiver was full blast back, fear curdling in his stomach as she raced
over to him with glossy eyes, the sign of tears on a mon calamari.
“Master Qui-Gon!” She paused in front of her, slightly out of
breath as she tried to gather it. Then she hesitated, staring up at
him with large eyes for several long minutes, seemingly floundering
for words.

sour curdling was making it hard for him to breath, this situation
was too…

He whispered shakily.

face fell, her double eyelids blinking as she looked between the two
before she let out a shuddering breath and pulled the world out from
under Qui-Gon and Anakin. “I’m so sorry Master Qui-Gon, but
Obi-Wan’s mission… it went wrong… Obi-Wan is dead.” She
whispered out, big
fat tears appearing in her large eyes.

stared at her, hearing Anakin snap out denials at her but… that
headache, that headache that had been plaguing him for days that he
couldn’t quite figure out but brushed aside as exhaustion and lack
of fluids.

Qui-Gon shifted his shields to reach for the pairbond between himself
and Obi-Wan.


didn’t notice himself fall, didn’t feel himself hit his already
tender knees on the temple hanger floor, didn’t hear either Bant or
Anakin cry out in alarm.

he could focus on… was the emptiness where Obi-Wan was suppose to
be, where he had been for the last four years since they initiated
the heart pairbond when Obi-Wan was thirty one and a fully fledged
knight well away from any influence Qui-Gon could have had on him so
no one could accuse them of indecency or Qui-Gon abusing the powers
he once had over Obi-Wan as his master.



is no body.

other knights on the same mission couldn’t retrieve the body.

two warring factions had unleashed an avalanche and while trying to
evacuate civilians Obi-Wan had been swept away.

they burn no body but hold a memorial yet as Qui-Gon leans heavily on
Anakin’s shoulder.

sixteen year old has been mute since they were told but has tuck to
Qui-Gon’s side like a bur, offering his silent and continued
support and Qui-Gon can not really say anything as he has not said
anything either.

be pulled from active missions for months, Qui-Gon knows this but it
is a numb feeling of knowing.

is standard practice however with bonded pair.

Obi-Wan’s former master and his heart bonded, his husband,
Qui-Gon should give his own speech but he can’t. It is too much for
his heart in this moment to stand and speak about Obi-Wan when the
pain spreads from his heart to every part of him and Qui-Gon knows
that the council is watching him, the mind healers are watching him,
is watching him but he can not bring himself to care.

Obi-Wan is not watching him.

raising the hand not on Anakin’s shoulder, Qui-Gon fisted it in his
tunic above his heart.


does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets found after the avalanche.

does not occur to anyone that Obi-Wan gets settled in a wooden box as
is the traditions of the planet.

for four years… Obi-Wan lays dead in his wooden coffin.

Hay; you’ve done a lot of stories and in most of them Order 66 either doesn’t happen; or is defeated before it really gets started. And of course the Clones stay loyal to their Jedi; but if Caleb is still Caleb how does he meet Ezra? He can’t NOT meet him; so could you do a story about that? Jedi Caleb Dume meeting Ezra; in the creche or finding him or something? the potential cuteness factor would be amazing. Thank’s for listening. :)

back of the child’s neck is so warm and Caleb can feel his stomach
drop to his feet as he takes a deep breath to clear his mind, needing
to remain calm and collected despite his urge to panic.

been sent to retrieve one of the late entries to the temple, one of
his first missions as a Jedi Knight and at the time he had been
glowing with pride even if the mission was a very low risk one. It
was just that he knew that not many were prompted to knighthood this
early even with the experience many padawan’s gained during the war
and becoming a knight at the tender age of nineteen was impressive
and he knew how proud Depa was of him, how proud even Mace
was of him.

knew he deserved it.

right now he was questioning if he really had been ready as he slowly
gathered the shaking child into his arms and looked around the dark

had been under the terror cells left by the old CIS regime that
didn’t want to put down arms, they had only recently managed to
break through the blockade that had been around the planet and many
were still suffering for it.

troopers Caleb had arrived with were still in full work, helping
rebuilding, aiding the hurt and doing what they did best.

with supplies as they had been doing ever since the war ended.
well the ones who opted to stay in GAR as Caleb knew that several had
joined other ventures, were farmers, were builders, were making their
own destiny and life though Caleb was happy that some of them also

on the other hand had gone to collect Ezra Bridger as
the troopers set up to aid,
the parents had agreed that Ezra was to come to the temple when the
boy was two, his strong Force presence warm and strong the seekers
had confirmed… only… that was two years ago.

the blockade had started and
they had been unable to break it for two full years to aid the planet
or retrieve the Force sensitive they may have painted a target on if
the Bridger’s didn’t hide their connection to the temple.

now Caleb was carrying a feverish, malnourished child with no parents
in sight. If Caleb was to take a guess based on the things he had
seen during the clone wars and the burned down house that had
belonged to the Bridger’s that was not too old yet not recent, than
Mira and Ephraim Bridger were dead and Ezra was the only thing to
survive the fires.

looks like he’s even younger than four…’ Caleb noted, tucking
his robe around the boy he was cradling to his chest as Ezra shook
and trembled with fever.

had been pure luck that had Caleb finding Ezra in that alley, a tug
of the Force and a recognition of that distinct hair despite it being
filthy and the face no longer having the babyfat it should have.
‘We’ll have to feed him well, clean him up… Tabs hopefully has
the immunization
he’ll need because
I think its a long time since Ezra got a medical check.’
Caleb didn’t even consider the idea that Ezra would not survive as
he held him to his chest
to keep the other comfy.


the concept of Ezra not being in the world felt gray to the Jedi
knight who was hurrying towards the camp the others had set up.

he continued walking as fast as his long legs could carry him.



what Ezra notes as he surfaces in a murky world of shadows and dull

warm and safe for the first time in so long and it feels nice.

a soothing beat close to his ear and its all he can do to press his
ear to the sound to keep hearing the steady noise. A hand brushes his
brow and Ezra has no strength to flinch away from it as he normally

this hand is gentle.

large just like daddy’s hand always was and strokes Ezra’s brow
soothingly and for a moment he wonders if daddy did come back… only
that’s not right.

Ezra saw what happened to both mommy and daddy and people don’t
come back from that.

he’s safe, right now he is safe in the arms of someone who is
cradling him, allowing Ezra to sleep
without fear as the
fever raged
his small body.