So Daredevil Recklessness, I picture Obi getting challenged to pod race. (At least he’ll have something in common with Ani!) how many times does our adrenaline junkie participate in the sport before he gets caught?

Squealing in shock as he was tackled to the thankfully dry if dirty ground, Obi-Wan flailed around under a large body before it was gone in seconds, but before he could flee, he was heaved up onto a shoulder while blinking as he shakily came to realize just who had one, tackled him and two, lifted him up on their shoulder.

“M-Master?” He got out, his harshly beating heart settling somewhat as he was being carried through the under slums of Coruscant, his braid swaying slightly and his hands gripping the back of the brown robe of the person holding him.

A very deep, displeased grunt echos and Obi-Wan feels it as much as he hears it from where he is suited on his master’s shoulder, blinking at the buildings and people they are passing and trying not to feel humiliated as they titter or snort when they see Qui-Gon carrying him like he’s a misbehaving child.

“If you were a misbehaving child,” Qui-Gon deep brogue is terse with displeasure and makes Obi-Wan tense up. “You would be under my arm, though you have gotten too big for that. Luckily for you, considering you are a misbehaving teen.” The older Jedi snapped.

Tightening his grip on the robe, Obi-Wan’s mind scrambled before he wilted slightly. He hadn’t expected to keep it from his master for long but he had hoped at least two more races. “I… um…”

“I am not going to even ask how you found out about the pod races in the lower levels,” Qui-Gon voice was bristling, swinging around a corner and Obi-Wan winced at the tone. This was not going to end well for him. “I’m not going to ask how many races you were involved in or how you got a pod even. But believe you me, there will be consequences padawan, for going to the lower levels without adult supervision, for not telling anyone you found the pod races and alerting authorities and there will be consequences for lying to me about where you were going.”

Oh yeah, his master is far from pleased with Obi-Wan.

If he thought the three week quarters grounding he got from the little stunt of climbing the tower was bad, it would be nothing against what would happen this time for sure.

Usually, Qui-Gon also spared him the embarrassment of having been caught doing things, giving him the scoldings in their quarters but this time Qui-Gon was not so merciful as he carried Obi-Wan the entire way from the lower levels of Coruscant, through transports and right into the entrance where all and sundry could see Obi-Wan.

And all the while he continued speaking in that deep, displeased tone, telling Obi-Wan exactly what he thought about his little stunt.

And Obi-Wan took it, not making a peep of defense for himself.

He knew he deserved it, he had known the moment he accepted the offer to do a pod race and not simply watch that Qui-Gon’s ‘wrath’ would be deep and his attitude disappointed with his padawan.

And so he allowed himself to be carried for everyone to see and hear as Qui-Gon quite viciously alerted him to just how many casualties pod racing had yearly, how many humans managed it, how many racers died during each race and so on, giving Obi-Wan the statistics.

Not that Obi-Wan was unaware but hearing the facts in his master deep voice with added graphic details like when Furella Dan lost his leg and a hand during one crash in a pod race and almost his life due to blood loss was different from quickly skimming a read on the net.

“You are grounded for an entire month Obi-Wan, no going out, no going to your friends, no lingering after classes,” Qui-Gon stated as they entered the elevator, several Jedi peering after them and Obi-Wan’s face colored sharply before eeping when he was turned to face the glass wall instead, Qui-Gon pushing the buttons for their level. “Just straight to our quarters unless I allow differently for sparring or salle work. You will also be helping Master Rovara in the gardens, hunting down the invasive slugs that appeared in the east water garden for as long as he needs it during that month.” Qui-Gon snapped.

Swallowing thickly, facing the glass wall of the elevator that gave a perfect view of the north garden, Obi-Wan slowly let go of Qui-Gon’s robe. “I… without the Force I would presume master?” He questioned meekly.

A large hand squeezed his left calf. “Quite, no Force use for it. I will explain to master Rovara the situation so he can expect you, if he comms you, you are allowed to be outside of our quarters without my say so but remember, if I catch you misbehaving, that punishment can and will be extended, do I make myself clear?” Qui-Gon murmured darkly.

“Yes master.” Obi-Wan resigned himself, sighing slightly before letting out a small noise when his calf was squeezed again.

‘Well, I knew there would be consequences… kark.’ Obi-Wan mutely surrendered himself to his master’s punishment as always when he was caught.

In daredevil recklessness, as Obi gets a bit older is he ever dared to do things like skinny dipping or other little explorative teenage stunts like that?

a hand to his chest, Qui-Gon struggled to get his jaw to work so he
could close his mouth, hand held to his chest as he let out a
slightly wheezy breath.

hand held his other arm tightly as Tahl’s all to amused voice spoke
up, Qui-Gon unable to turn his head from the bush he was staring at.
“So,  something tells me that Obi-Wan was up to something since he
rushed by without a greeting and you’re… like this.” The blind
woman teased.

let out another wheezed breath, blinking hard, trying to expel the
vision of his padawan’s moon pale and freckled arse from his mind.

his padawan had been streaking, soaking wet , shiny and running
through the garden from bush to bush in an attempt to avoid being

Qui-Gon and Tahl, having been on a midnight stroll together to
discuss the finer points of the Urevella principles of artistry
school’s latest publishing.

a bit, Qui-Gon finally turned his head to look at Tahl, watching the
master’s amused face. “Nude.” He finally choked out what
he had seen that she had not seen.

streaking past, nude as the day he was born, letting Qui-Gon see
everything the other was born with.

that Qui-Gon hadn’t seen that before, there were some very
difficult missions with little space before.

this was different.

out a bark of laugh, tightening her grasp on Qui-Gon arm,
Tahl shook her head with wry amusement. “Well, that does explain
it, he’s streaking or potentially skinny dipping. Let us go find
the wayward and
stark-naked padawan.”
She laughed, pulling Qui-Gon along in the direction Obi-Wan had

the time they found him, Obi-Wan had plucked two large pukka leaves
and fashioned them into a makeshift loincloth with a vine from
another plant and while that was a decent thought, Qui-Gon had
already seen his very nude padawan more than once.

a shock to see his nude padawan rushing past in the garden.

up, Obi-Wan gave a sheepish, blushy smile as he adjusted the large
leaves he had made into a cover around his groin and rear. “Hiiiii
master, master Tahl,” He chirped, voice high and clearly
humiliated. “Fancy
meeting you both here… in the garden of darkness… at night…”
He coughed, looking at his feet, toes wiggling on the ground.

couldn’t help it, his lips twitched now that he was over his
surprise. “So, which one of your friends had you doing this and
what are
you doing Obi-Wan? I imagine streaking alone isn’t enough.” He
raised his brows.

giggled, lifting a hand to muffle her noises even as her blind eyes
continued to dance with amusement.

sharply all the way from his stomach to his face and even the tips of
his ears, Obi-Wan whined a bit and squirmed before sighing heavily
and slumping, an embarrassed smile still on his lips as he peered at
Qui-Gon, tugging on his braid. “Garen, he said couldn’t skinny
dip in the crystal pools without getting caught… a-and I wasn’t
caught in
the pool.” He eeped out.

Qui-Gon gently pushed Tahl’s arm off his shoulder and stripped his
robe from his shoulders, moving over to wrap it around Obi-Wan’s
smaller frame with a smirk. “Well, that is true but in regards to
our less… experienced Jedi or those who subscribe to a chaste way
of living, let’s cover you up.” Qui-Gon teased gently, tweaking
the teen’s nose.

his hands through the sleeves, Obi-Wan smiled shyly up at Qui-Gon and
gave a grateful nod, the color of his cheeks not disappearing and
remaining a stubborn deep red color. Then he gave Qui-Gon a squinted
look and his face transformed to a vauge expression of resignation
and horror mixed into one.

amusing expression really.

going to tell everyone, aren’t you?” He whispered, Tahl finally
losing it fully behind the two other humans as she gave in to the
belly laughs she had wanted to the entire way as
Qui-Gon crossed his arms over his chest with a telling smirk.

Obi-Wan covered his face, quietly cursing Garen and his own
impulsiveness under his breath.

Qui-Gon placed a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and gently steered him
towards the first entrance. “Lets go get you in some clothes you
little heathen.” He teased, grasping Tahl’s arm on the way to
lead her along as Obi-Wan just squeaked weakly in agreement.

a dull moment with a padawan like Obi-Wan.

Maybe Yan needs to visit his grandson… er… his grand-padawan in daredevil recklessness.

Was the growled answer Yan got when the door finally opened after
two knocks.

raising, Yan cocked his head at his former padawan and let a bemused
smirk curl his lips. “Why hello to you too Qui-Gon, I see you are
the pinnacle of manners as always.” He stated airily in a lightly
scolding tone. Honestly he knew that he had taught the other better
than this when guests came over, especially well meaning guests.

closing, Qui-Gon lifted a large hand to his crooked nose, pinching
the bridge while letting out a heavy breath. “…Hello master Yan,
I’m very happy you’re back but no, you are not seeing Obi-Wa-”
He paused suddenly, peering uncertainly at Yan before sighing.
“Though it would be a distraction…” Qui-Gon mused a bit,
his chin slowly in thought.

distraction?’ Brows climbing as high as they could on his face, Yan
stared at Qui-Gon in confusion that he hid behind a bland mask as the
man finally seemed to come to a decision with a heavy sigh.

don’t give him any ideas right
please?” The taller man practically pleaded quietly as he stepped
aside. “He doesn’t need any ideas right now.” Qui-Gon tacked on
tiredly as he moved back into the quarters, right to the couch.

a moment to remove his boots and hang his robe, Yan kept half an eye
on his former padawan, noting how he stopped at the couch to lean
over the back, reaching down with a soft murmur.

Kenobi resting? It’s the middle of the day.’ Confusion growing,
Yan finally made his way over.

around the couch corner, he finally understood the

was sick, covered in purple spots with a red center as he laid on the
couch with a plush he was clenching to his chest with his arms. His
brow was covered in sweat and yet he trembled as if cold with a
blanket tucked around him as he peered blearily at Yan with glazed
eyes. Clearly not a child up to mischief
though he smiled when he saw who their guest was.

Yan.” He rasped out, struggling to get up only for Qui-Gon to push
him down and hold him on the couch.

Obi-Wan, don’t get up on my account.” Yan murmured softly before
glancing at Qui-Gon with questioning eyes.

in all Force name had Obi-Wan managed to get Wild Rim spot fever?

was called the Wild
Rim spot fever for a reason.

friends challenged
him to a swoop race down in the slums,” Qui-Gon answered a question
before it was verbalized, still leaning on the back of the couch as
he kept half an eye on his padawan to make sure he wasn’t trying to
get up. “And it seems there is tainted
water from ice down there at the moment, ice that came fro-”

space.” Yan cut in with a deep sigh.

this did complicate his visit.

wouldn’t be in shape to do much of anything, Wild Rim spot fever
was infamous for how lackluster it would leave you and for zapping
all energy of those inflicted with it.

Qui-Gon nodded. “From there Obi-Wan ended up crashing said swoop,
which he’s lucky he walked away from unscratched honestly,
considering the speed padawan Vos reported,” A muscle in Qui-Gon’s
jaw jumped quite notably. “But
that’s only because he fell in a pool of what was suppose to be
drinkable water, which he of course had to report that he had…”
He huffed loudly.

just let out a tired noise and cuddled his plushie some more, closing
his eyes tiredly.

down in the available armchair, Yan made an understanding noise as he
observed the two.

had landed in what was suppose to be drinkable water, said water had
made Obi-Wan sick, Obi-Wan had in a round about way prevented people
on Coruscant from getting sick.

at least that is a padawan’s duty there.’ Yan felt his lips
twitch into a small smile before he leaned forward, resting his
elbows on his knees as he settled his hands together. “How about I
tell you about your master and mine first mission young Obi-Wan?”
He offered.

gained an alarmed look before he relaxed a bit as Obi-Wan gave a
tired cheer, clearly seeing the benefit of having the boy distracted.

well, having a sick and distracted padawan was better
than having
a sick and suffering padawan, even
if it meant suffering some humiliation about the past.

So Vos has to be dead meat in Dare Devil Recklessness, right?

down his nose at the padawan with the blankest
in the world, Qui-Gon slowly crossed his arms over his chest as
Quinlan squirmed in discomfort and Master Tholme watched on in

masters ignored that the talking around them had quietest quite a bit
since Qui-Gon came in and went straight for the partner in crime of
one reckless, daredevil imp by the name Kenobi.

Qui-Gon had enough of the silence and clicked his tongue. “Well?
Would you like me to inform your master of what you suggested to my
very impulsive padawan, who is not off the hook and will be facing
his own set of consequences, the padawan you left alone to deal with
his issue without informing any adult?” He questioned acidly.

Tholme and Vos flinched at that.

Qui-Gon was
playing around this time, not even trying to keep a lid on how pissed
off he was and was not in the mood to give privacy for this
particular event.

Qui-Gon was one for scolding in private, for
masters to deal with their
own padawans and
giving them
a warning on not to suggest bullshit to Obi-Wan since he was so
reckless while
Qui-Gon himself dealt with Obi-Wan
but this time…

Quinlan trailed off, glancing nervously at his master and then back
up at Qui-Gon, who arched his eyebrows at the boy as he continued
staring down his hooked nose at him.

the teen continued to shuffle his feet, Qui-Gon let out an impatient
noise, which once more had Quinlan wincing as the older master
clearly had enough
of the young kiffar influencing Obi-Wan to the most random of things.

all, it was Quinlan who was the sole
reason Obi-Wan had once taken an old fashion trolley
on wheels to ride down one of the longest pairs of stairs in the
temple, leading to Obi-Wan breaking his leg.

padawan,” Qui-Gon turned his head to Tholme, eyes narrowed. “Had
the gall to suggest to Obi-Wan that he couldn’t fit a light bulb in
his mouth.” He bit out.

and total silence through the whole sparring salle, everyone
now staring at them.

mouth dropped open slowly, his eyes wide as he stared at Qui-Gon.
“…He put a light bulb in his mouth? Your padawan…”

Qui-Gon answered archly before looking back down at Quinlan, the teen
now staring at his feet. “As young Vos here very well knows, since
he was still there when Obi-Wan was struggling to get it out, unable
to speak. And he left Obi-Wan, without informing an adult, that
Obi-Wan had a karking light bulb stuck in his mouth when you called
for him Master Tholme.” He growled, not unlike a large nexus
protecting its cubs.

there was the lynch pin.

fact that Quinlan had abandoned Obi-Wan to the light bulb stuck in
his mouth.

it took me two hours to come back from my little get together outside
the temple, which means Obi-Wan sat with the bulb in his mouth,
trying to get it out, still unable to talk… and you didn’t tell
about it, padawan Vos.” Qui-Gon took a deep breath through his nose
and looked to Tholme as the man ran his hand over his face.

he caught the Coruscantian Jedi’s eyes, he raised his eyebrows
expectantly and Tholme raised his hands, sighing as he nodded.
“Right, I’ll give him the usual talk and we’ll be having a long
meditation on when informing an adult is important,” He turned to
Quinlan, his face hardening as he focused both his blind and his
seeing eye on the boy. “And Quinlan, you’re going to be set on
kitchen duty for a week. You should have told me something was
wrong.” He stated seriously.

meekly, a mix of embarrassed and ashamed clearly, Quinlan twisted his
hands together. “Is… is Obi-Wan alright? I didn’t know what to
do and…” He swallowed thickly.

finally easing up on his unhappiness at the genuine regret in the
others voice, Qui-Gon nodded. “Yes, Obi-Wan is alright now. He
wasn’t for a bit but I got the light bulb out… I had to break it
though, it could have gone very wrong if Obi-Wan had swallowed the
glass or bitten down on it, breaking it in his mouth and could have
cut him.” He stated seriously.

like he had warned Obi-Wan of earlier, impressing on both the
seriousness of what they had done.

was a stupid dare, that could have gone really wrong and there was
nothing else to really be said for it.

miserably, Quinlan finally glanced up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t
mean for Obi-Wan to… it got stuck and then… I’m really sorry.”
Quinlan’s shoulders slumped as he returned to looking at his feet.

a bit, Qui-Gon reached out and settled his hand on Quinlan’s
shoulder, feeling the padawan jump a bit as he glanced up quickly
again. “Just please think about what you suggest to Obi-Wan, you
know better than anyone how suggestible he is. Or at the very least,
find an adult if something like this happens, no matter now small.”
He murmured, squeezing the boys shoulder.

quickly nodded in reply, smiling weakly when it was clear Qui-Gon
wasn’t angry anymore.

at Tholme, Qui-Gon got another nod from the man before he separated,
intent on returning to Obi-Wan.

hadn’t been lying when he said Obi-Wan was alright, but he
had managed to lock his jaw and couldn’t open his mouth far.

had gotten some muscle relaxant for the jaw muscles but that was all
they could do for now and Obi-Wan would have to eat softer, mashed
or fluid
until the muscles eased up.

next time they did something this stupid, they’d get an adult at

so Qui-Gon hoped.

Okay but consider. In Daredevil Recklessness, it’s not just dangerous dares the Obi feels obligated to complete, but dumb ones too. So sometimes Qui-Gon comes back to their quarters and Obi is sick because he drank an entire gallon of milk in one go, or he’s sitting on the couch trying to get a lightbulb out of his mouth or something equally dumb

in his throat, Qui-Gon slowly and carefully set down his bag while
staring at his equally
wide eyed and distressed padawan as the teen let out a muffled,
distressed noise.

calm down. He’s not hurt, not yet…just… calm down.’ Qui-Gon
swallowed and hung up his robe and removed his boots. “Obi-Wan,
what the blazes?” He finally rasped out, despite knowing the boy
couldn’t answer him.

said, reckless, stupid
boy had a karking light bulb in his mouth.

Force, what had Qui-Gon done to deserve this?

knew he had a difficult time in the beginning with accepting Obi-Wan
and he might have been needlessly cruel but sweet merciful Force.

let out a few muffled noise before tugging at their bond, trying to
transport images.

felt his left eye twitch.

Of course it’s Vos suggestion that lead to this… I’m going to
kill that boy.’ He noted to himself as he sat down on the couch,
gently grasping Obi-Wan’s chin to look around the reddened lips
wrapped around the metal
tip of the light bulb that was suppose to screw in.

was coating around Obi-Wan’s cheeks and chin and his lips were pale
white. His jaw also looked to be spasming and he could feel the
muscles flex under his touch, so that indicated that this had been
going on for a while and Obi-Wan had been struggling to get the light
bulb out.

is Vos?” Qui-Gon kept his voice even, scolding Obi-Wan right now
wouldn’t work out for anyone, the boy was already distressed and
his eyes were tearing up, a mixture of pain and embarrassment maybe?

two images along the bond came in answer, Tholme and a comm.

had called for his padawan then and Vos had to go, leaving Obi-Wan to
deal with the light bulb stuck in his mouth still.

down Obi-Wan’s bottom lip, Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes before lifting
his upper lip too, closing his eyes in defeat.

bulb was caught behind the teeth.

it was just caught in another way then Qui-Gon could have potentially
gotten it out with a bit of wiggling, but with it caught behind the

only way he could imagine Obi-Wan getting it out without breaking it
would be if he could dislodge his jaw like certain reptiles could.

meant that Qui-Gon would have to break the bulb in Obi-Wan’s mouth
potentially but maybe…

rubbed his chin thoughtfully while observing the other. “Obi-Wan,
can you open your mouth as far as you’re able to? Lips, teeth and
jaw, all of it?” Qui-Gon encouraged quietly, watching Obi-Wan’s
throat work on swallowing saliva most likely before the boy nodded
and he opened his mouth as far as he could.

the others chin again, Qui-Gon grasped the metal tip, carefully
wiggling a bit while tipping  Obi-Wan’s chin back a bit to tilt his

bulb wiggled and Obi-Wan let out a quiet whine of discomfort but he
fisted his hands into his tunic to avoid doing anything, his eyes
leaking tears.

if nothing else, this is going to be a lesson in being more careful.’
Qui-Gon thought in sympathy, knowing he wouldn’t be scolding his
padawan after this as he continued to work the bulb.

wasn’t budging.

back, Qui-Gon stared at Obi-Wan with furrowed brows as his padawan
stared at him with wide watering eyes and tear stained cheeks. “…I
have to break it Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon whispered, wincing when the
other whimpered. “Shhh, I know, I know but it will be alright,”
He reached out and cupped one wet cheek, stroking his thumb over it.
“I’ll use the Force, none of it will remain, I’ll crack it
carefully.” Qui-Gon explained to Obi-Wan.

again, struggling around bulb as more drool leaked down his chin, his
face covered in tears, saliva and snot as Obi-Wan
gave a nod.

out, Qui-Gon cupped the others chin again and grasped the bulb,
feeling Obi-Wan open his mouth as wide as he could once more.

giving Obi-Wan more time to worry and think, Qui-Gon cracked the bulb
as fast as he could, pulling out the end and glass with the Force
before Obi-Wan could bite down automatically in response to the
lessening pressure.

Obi-Wan folded over and started coughing as Qui-Gon placed the metal
tip, the internals and the glass on the caff table, quickly turning
back to his padawan in worry to gather the boy to his chest, stroking
his back as Obi-Wan continued to cough and splutter, hands rubbing at
his reddened jaw. ‘Well, that is one way for a lesson to sink in.’
He thought grimly to himself even as he comforted his rather moisture
coated padawan.

could always be washed after all and a bit of saliva never harmed

silly padawan.” Qui-Gon sighed, the tiny bit of rebuke in his voice
having Obi-Wan flinch even as he buried himself in the older Jedi’s
chest for comfort. “Never do that again.” Qui-Gon rumbled.

Obi-Wan rasped in agreement, shivering faintly as he hid in the warm

Reckless Obi – during one of the treaty missions, one of the adult leaders dismisses obi with «why don’t you go play outside, the adults are busy» and Quigon feels time stop as he watches rebel light appears in obis eyes.

moment those accursed words crossed the Watchman’s lips, Qui-Gon
had felt his heart thundering in his chest as his head snapped to
look at Obi-Wan beside him, watching the unholy light that appeared
in them as he narrowed his eyes at the dismissive Watchman who
clearly had no
idea what a Jedi padawan was or what they were to become.

to his shame, Qui-Gon reacted to slowly as Obi-Wan suddenly gave a
graceless shrug. “Fine, if that’s your view of the situation
Master Watchman, I’m sure master can handle the situation without
me.” Obi-Wan said primly, his tone even as if he was talking to a
dimwitted child and then he jumped to the side just in time to avoid
Qui-Gon’s large arms wrapping around him, the boy instantly
bouncing out the overly large window of the fourth floor they were

accursed gloves Yan had gifted him with were in play too as Obi-Wan
effectively and happily started climbing up the building as Qui-Gon
let out a noise as if a mouse was being stepped on.

over to the window himself, Qui-Gon stuck his head out and watched as Obi-Wan
had already started scaling past the tenth floor, his faint giggling
reaching the Jedi master watching him in horror.

stunned silence filled the negotiation room, none of the locals used
to Obi-Wan actions.

was however, and as he slowly pulled his head in, he gave Watchman a
stare some would call killer if it wasn’t for the fact it was a
Jedi using it.

silence had them all fidget as the Jedi continued staring. “…If I
wasn’t here on official business, I’d have you reported,”
Qui-Gon whispered, his scraggy face too pale as his hands continued
gripping the window sill. “You dismissed my
padawan. Not yours, mine.
He is mine to teach and mentor and guide and you sent him away.”
The man stuck his head out again to look after where the boy now was.

politicians exchanged worried looks.

had Watchman done now to them, the man tended to be a bit overly
pompous but if the Jedi master left now…
oh dear.

Jedi, I’m sure Master Watchman didn’t mean any har-” The
president started only for Qui-Gon to cut in.

diplomacy and politeness, his padawan was scaling the building as
fast as his little body could take him and it was fifty floors high!

padawan is a reckless, daredevil, adrenaline driven junkie and this
bugger here,” Qui-Gon glared heatedly at Watchman, watching him
sweat. “Has just dismissed him. Has dismissed him from my side, so
I can no longer keep an eye on him and keep him from doing foolish
things, ensure
that he does not do something stupid, to act as his counterbalance to
his own impulsiveness to do reckless things…
LIKE CLIMBING THIS BUILDING.” Qui-Gon roared the last part,
startling all of them as he now sounded like the leonine he resembled
at times with his heavy chestnut colored mane.

stuck his head out again before anyone could answer, twisting his
head to look upwards again. “OBI-WAN! YOU BETTER NOT RUN AROUND AND
He yelled up the building side.

got a faint cheer in reply before he pulled in, rubbing his face with
a low groan.

glances again, the president and the secretary gestured at each other
before the president took charge again. “Master Jedi, I do
apologize for this, it wasn’t Watchman’s intention t-”

my padawan falls off the side of the building,” Qui-Gon started in
a calm, muffled voice as he spoke into his own hands. “If my
impulsive, reckless, too susceptible padawan gets hurt in any way
while being separated
from me, I
will string you up by your balls Master Watchman. And no one is going
to be able to stop me and I won’t get punished for it because the
council is quite aware how close to a heart attack I am and will be
understanding of my situation as I will leave after I string you up.” He peeked out of his hands, glaring
at the sweating Watchman.

looks, the rest of them rather hoped for Watchman’s poor nutsack
that the padawan didn’t get hurt… or maybe he did and Watchman
finally learned a lesson because the young whippersnapper could never
hold his damn tongue.

all flinched as they heard a slightly familiar voice screaming before
it turned to laughter and to their utter shock, Master Jinn let out a
quiet, pained whimper as he hid his face again and took a deep

unruffled appearance of a Jedi was firmly shattered in these moments
for a hall of politicians.

Can we have more of the daredevil recklessness au with Dooku learning about the crazy shit obiwan has done due to temple gossip? With Dooku making sure Obiwan has proper climbing equipment because Obiwan will probably never stop so might as well making it safer for him? Becaus3 Dooku did the same stupid daredevil shit Obiwan did ergo quigon is getting more gray hair and heart attacks from dooku’s encouragement.

his delight behind a serene smile, Yan took a new sip of his tea as
Qui-Gon stared at him with the promise of death in his eyes.


not really, more like despair as he gripped his hands in his

meanwhile Obi-Wan was excitedly squeaking and wiggling as he tested
out the gloves Yan had given him.

gloves to be precise.

had heard from Jocasta how his young grand padawan was quite the
reckless daredevil, something she had cheerfully reminded him that he
had used to do. So Yan had been rather amused by that news and had
picked up a gift for Obi-Wan before showing up to meet his former
padawan at the tea salon in the temple.

one of them, but he preferred the twi’lek inspired one, it smelled
of deep, aromatic herbs and was colored in deep blues and greens with
black furniture.

now it had an excitable young boy with a new gift.

are awesome! These are miniature sticky hooks that can aid someone in
climbing up a slippery surface, almost like a spider would without
damaging the wall or surface, which would leave no visible mark if
you were infiltrating.” He squeaked with awe and fascination as he
examined the gloves he was wearing.

they are very good to climb with, you should try them.” Yan hummed
quietly, gesturing at the wall.

Obi-Wan’s eyes lit up and before his master could stop him, was
racing towards the wall, already scaling it like the utter loon the
boy was.

as Yan was as a teen and oh it was so amusing to see the look of
despair and utter conflict on Qui-Gon’s face.

utter asshole.” Qui-Gon whispered with horror, looking white as a
sheet as the two, along with all the other Jedi in the tea salon,
watched Obi-Wan scale the wall with excited little chirps.

I know,” Yan stated in satisfaction, switching between watching
Qui-Gon smugly as his disheveled old padawan rubbed at his face and
looking at his grand padawan fondly as the boy rather quickly and
efficiently made his way up the wall, quickly learning his way around
the gloves.

if he had been twenty or even just ten years younger, he would have
taken this boy on as his padawan, Kenobi was an utter delight and a
pride to any lineage and he was rather happy Qui-Gon had taken him

take care not to slip out of the gloves my boy when you reach the
ceiling!” He called after Obi-Wan, smirking when Qui-Gon let out an
aghast squeak.

master Yan!” Obi-Wan called back and after a few moments called
again. “These gloves should have matching knee pads! It would make
this easier!”

Yan considered that before chuckling and nodding.

Qui-Gon hissed, eyes fastened on his padawan as the boy was now
moving onto the ceiling, ‘climbing’ it in a manner with excited
wide eyes as he hung miles up over them. “You will not get him
climbing pads too! He is already reckless enough as is, he tried to
climb the tower of knowledge without support!” Qui-Gon growled,
twisting his hands worriedly together.

Yan tapped his fingers on the table between them. “…So what
you’re telling me is that I need to add a helmet to the gifts.”
He clarified before smirking at Qui-Gon’s disbelieving and
terrified groan.

boy, spider boy, does whatever a spider does…’ Yan hummed
internally, going back to watching Obi-Wan as the boy crawled along
the ceiling with a combination of the gloves and the Force, sparking
with delight as he peered down at everyone with wide green eyes.

a little devil.

his grand padawan very much.

Headcanon, obiwan was the adrenaline junkie that would take his friends/master’s extremely loose suggestions and does them. Like on a field trip looking at caves, Quinlan «haha wouldn’t it be funny if there was a dragon in on of these? Good thing we’re not- Obiwan what are you doing?? Get back here!! I wasn’t serious!!» … Quigon standing in the Council Chambers being scolded, glances at window sees Obiwan, «What?!?!» , Cue panic as he sees his Padawan climbing the tower

the desire to roll his eyes, Qui-Gon only shifted on his heels and
scratched at his left wrist with his right hands fingers, the
action hidden by his sleeve just as Yarael was using his own robe to
hide the fact that his spare hands were making a cat’s cradle even
as he occasionally joined in on the action.

honestly the council was now going in circles in their scolding of
him considering Qui-Gon was very much a deft hand at gambling and the
only reason they learned was because Knight Tig was a stuck up

gambled all the time!

the council just didn’t assign enough funds and if Qui-Gon managed
to play some smugglers and spice dealers out of their credits…

that was less they could use for illegalities
and Qui-Gon could put towards good things.

the shuttle he had given to the
single father wanting to set up a transport between Coruscant and his
own small home island.

scolding of Jinn was honestly becoming boring.

one had any new material!

frankly for the most part they were simply scolding him as a matter
of appearance as Qui-Gon could tell that Plo, Yaddle, Oppo and Shaak
approved while Yoda and Mace were mostly amused.

none of them really
disapproved outright so he knew that while they were scolding him,
there would be no other consequences.

do hope Obi-Wan has taken the time to get his stuff settled and his
worn out clothes in laundry.’ Qui-Gon mused to himself while
humming faintly in agreement, wondering if Obi-Wan had been so kind
as to take Qui-Gon’s dirty laundry too perhaps then.

towards the window to his left, one of the many really as the council
were starting to go in circle, Qui-Gon peered at a brown spot on the
tower of knowledge.

something smack against the tower?

then the spot moved.

it jumped upwards
Qui-Gon felt his eyes widen with realization and a sinking sense of
dread because that brown spot was a Jedi
and the jump had revealed to him that it was brown and red and there
weren’t that many redhead’s in the order.

was climbing the tower of knowledge.

that wasn’t that big and was sporting a red head that took to the
weak sun on Coruscant like a moth to flames.

Mace tone had turned into puzzlement as Qui-Gon let out a choked
noise, the Jedi master jerking his comm off his belt to call his
karking apprentice this moment, trying not to flood their bond with
his panic because if he was right,
the last thing he needed was to startle Obi-Wan.

took a minute but finally his padawan picked up his comm. “Padawan,
may I ask where in kark you are?” He snapped into his own comm, not
moving his eyes of the dark spot that had now paused.

was a rich pause filled only with wind
and then Obi-Wan laughed nervously. “Okay so don’t freak out on
me master but I’m currently outside… but I sent both our shifts
to laundry!” The boy chirped, as if that would improve the
situation and wasn’t a distraction.

Depa at his shoulder, the council member squeaking a bit as she saw
what Qui-Gon was looking at, the master took a deep breath. “Where
are you Obi-Wan?” He growled out, gritting his teeth as his heart
continued to beat a rapid tattoo against his chest.

long, telling pause came before Obi-Wan sighed. “Halfway up the
tower of knowledge master… you can see me can’t you?” He stated
in resignation.
Qui-Gon snarled into his comm, far from his composed self as he could
possibly be.

considering his padawan was currently miles and miles above the
ground, climbing what was really a smooth tower, he was sure he had
dispensation to act a bit out of character as he imagined the bloody
pancakes made of smashed organs and bones his padawan would be if he slipped and fell all the way down!

master! Bant said I couldn’t do it!” Obi-Wan squeaked and Qui-Gon
had to fight not to drop his comm, because Bant!? Sweet, innocent,
wonderful Bant?!

who knew better than to suggest random shit to the impulsive,
reckless, daredevil Obi-Wan, who had once jumped from the Force tree,
screaming as he aimed at a few mattresses Quinlan had bet him he
couldn’t hit?

He roared into the comm, hearing the boy groan before the spot
started to move downwards along the tower. Feeling a hand at his
elbow, Qui-Gon let Mace lead him to his chair and sat down heavily,
wheezing slightly as he placed his forehead on his knees. “Force
blast it, that boy is gonna be my death, he’s
going to give me a heart attack.”
rasped into his own leggings, shaking a bit.

statement got him a scattering of laughs as Qui-Gon tried to calm his
racing heart, Mace patting him on the back in
faux sympathy and some concern considering he let his hand linger to
feel Qui-Gon’s heart beat as
Yoda the bastard cackled in delight.