Hello! I love your stories so much and I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page! If you are still doing Trauma Breaks All, I’d love to see Obi-wan healing/being comforted by his battalion (cuddle pile!) or whatever you have planned next

Grunting slightly as a wet nose brushed against his face, Cody opened his eyes to a squint to be faced with the black menace Obi-Wan had apparently named Jinn, the dog staring at him in return before laying back down in the same position he had been in last night when they had gone to sleep.

Still staring.

‘I swear, if it wasn’t the General’s, I would have drop kicked that thing ages ago.’ Cody mused to himself as he tightened his grip on Obi-Wan, pulling the man more firmly against his chest.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved animals for the most sake, especially dogs.

But Jinn was uncanny at times, staring people down from the moment Obi-Wan had introduced the dog to him at the temple, sitting silently at Obi-Wan’s side with its head leaned on the Jedi’s leg.

Obi-Wan had explained that it had something to do with his training, the way Jinn was made to adapt to a persons mood, judge them if they needed help and blah blah blah.

Still didn’t make the dog less creepy to Cody.

Even if it did wake him from a nightmare.

Settling his face in Obi-Wan’s hair, Cody pushed away the faint memories of a crying, bloody Obi-Wan in his dream and settled with the warmth of his vode all around him along with his General at his chest.

The man had come late last night, shyly requesting if he could stay over at the 212th assigned bunks.

To stay in the troopers cuddle puddle if they were willing.

It had been such a shy request Cody had almost melted out of his boots while hastily assuring Obi-Wan that he was more than welcome and that the entire 212th would be happy to have him in their cuddle puddle.

Really, he should be thankful to Jinn, he knew the creepy little bugger was the only reason Obi-Wan was comfortable finally leaving the temple. And he was honored that the first place outside of the temple Obi-Wan choose to go was to the barracks, to see the 212th, to get comfort from his battalion.

He had of course been aware that Obi-Wan was leaving the temple, General Skywalker had been quick to inform the entire GAR, the Coruscant Guard in particular, that Obi-Wan was leaving, through some of the less used and almost secret tunnels of the temple that lead into the lower levels of Coruscant to avoid the press still camping on the temple’s doorstep.

It was so that the clone troopers could be on a lookout for the Jedi in case he needed help, if leaving the temple proved to be too much for Obi-Wan and he ended up needing someone to guide him back to the temple or a ride home.

But he hadn’t been aware that it was them Obi-Wan would go to.

It was apparently on the encouragement of the healers, that Obi-Wan try on his own to leave, to go somewhere he was familiar with and felt somewhat safe.

The healers orders were also the only reason Skywalker had remained behind as this was a trial test to see how far Obi-Wan had come in his healing process.

Though when he learned where Obi-Wan had gone, Cody contacting the other Jedi while searching out extra blankets and pillows for their additional member, the blond had gone from tense even in holo form to visibly relaxed, trusting his master into the troopers hands.

So Obi-Wan had stayed the night with them, curled up in the large hall they used for cuddle puddles with mattresses all over the floors and all the blankets and pillows they needed, curled into Cody’s chest with Longshot at his back under a mass of covers, leeching the heat of the people around him with Jinn settled at their heads.

Cuddle puddles were something all troopers cherished, a way to relax and decompress with their vode, to know they were safe and to find comfort in each other. To have their General in their pile…

Well, Cody was beyond thrilled.

Even if he had a nightmare with Obi-Wan in his arms, that familiar nightmare of troopers gunning down their Generals but so much worse with Obi-Wan’s face covered in tears and blood.

Glancing at Jinn, Cody grimaced at the dog. “Thanks.” He muttered.

Tilting his head, Jinn stumpy tail wagged, giving that demented, weird grin french bulldogs seemed to have.

“…You’re still creepy.” He huffed, quieting down as several vode and Obi-Wan shuffled or grunted in response to Cody talking, both dog and human deciding mutually it was quiet time for a while longer.

Cuddling? Just… some folks like Obi-Wan (with the 212th) or Cody (with other commanders) cuddling and relaxing and getting to take a break for a bit? Or maybe Mace and his lineage, they’re all so overworked and I think they deserve a good cuddle session. Thanks for all of your awesome stories!

Opening his eyes lazily to peer up at an amused Depa, Mace simply tightened his hold on Caleb as he sunk deeper into the beanbag, just silently staring back at his old padawan.

Caleb, bless his heart, continued sleeping, nuzzling into his grandmaster’s chest as the master of the order tugged the blankets provided by Ponds more around the sleeping boy. The war had been tearing on all of them and Mace had…

Well, he worried.

Caleb was so young and he knew, from dealing with Obi-Wan, how youth and war did not mix properly.

He had seen Obi-Wan Kenobi returning from Melida/Daan.

He had been a knight at the time but he had seen how the boy had come back skittish, gaunt with a light missing in his eyes and even as he physically bounced back, something in the padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn had clearly changed and not for the best.

So yes, sue him, he worried and therefore he was going to have a grand ol’ snuggle time with his padawan’s padawan.

Especially since his worried men, in combination with the 212th, had provided not only blankets but also beanbags for them to rest, settling them under a tree to provide some shade from the suns shining down on them, the air smelling comfortingly of fresh forest with the day being decently warm and the blanket providing the rest they needed.

Actually, speaking of the 212th…

Glancing to his side, Mace found Obi-Wan, just like Caleb, was deeply asleep, curled up in the beanbag as he rested on his commander’s chest, the clone commander rubbing his fingers slowly through the others red hair as he peered at the sky.

“…So, are there more beanbags and blankets?” Depa finally whispered to avoid waking either Obi-Wan or Caleb, glancing around and visibly pouting when she didn’t see any in sight.

Grumbling faintly, Mace glanced around too before catching the lieutenant with the shaved head from 212th eyes.

The man blinked before looking at Depa, beaming brightly in realization before he scuttled off quickly.

Mace raised his hand from Caleb briefly, giving the other the thumb up. “No but in a few moments there will be. Not sure where the troopers got these from but I’m grateful.” He rumbled quietly, dropping his hand back to pet Caleb’s fluffy hair instead of simply resting on him.

It was moments like this he delighted that Depa hadn’t made Caleb get the traditional padawan haircut or that the boy himself hadn’t insisted.

Fluffy hair that was nice to pet, fluffy little padawan.

He was really fond of his grandpadawan he would admit, Caleb was curious and driven and it hurt Mace heart to see the boy in war.

But there was nothing he could do about that instead of trudging on wards, trying to end the war with the Senate breathing down their necks and Jedi dying in the name of the Senate.

Mace had to send that bitter feeling into the air as the lieutenant from the 212th came over with the beanbags and blankets for Depa.

He felt more and more that they were fighting less for justice and the Republic and more for the karking politicians.

It was why he treasured moments like this, cuddling Caleb with his fellow Jedi resting around him, Obi-Wan’s fuzzy sleep aura warm and Depa settling down with them with her own calm easing his heart.

Priceless moments.

That High as a Kite bit was cute and funny! Poor Fives and Echo, I get the feeling they mostly offered that as a joke? They didn’t expect him to actually TAKE it! Or have THAT kind of reaction! XD I hope you’re having a lovely early morning!

Snorting faintly, Anakin scratched at the others back and neck carefully as Obi-Wan curled up into his lap like an oversized feline, the other having crawled from Cody’s lap to Anakin’s when he noticed his former padawan sitting down close by.

Pretty standard behavior if Anakin was honest.

This was pretty on par for Obi-Wan when he smoked most types of psychoactive substances, he’d first get extremely wired, his impulses lowered and then he’d crash, becoming extremely snuggly and sleepy.

First time Anakin had seen it, he had been fifteen and shocked as all Sith hells, Obi-Wan having been fighting his impulses since the weed had finally settled into him before finally giving in, racing around their lodgings for a good hour, doing several katas, incorrectly at that, standing on his hands and then he had collapsed, head supported on Anakin’s head while cooing about his adorable padawan.

It had been a very embarrassed Obi-Wan explaining in the morning, slightly hungover from that particular weed. Obi-Wan’s particular brand of humanoids had unique reactions to psychoactive substances, causing them to wig out.

Age had not mellowed it out either and Anakin smiled amusedly down at his masters as he snuggled with Anakin, being clingy.

‘Cold and detached my sweaty balls, Chancellor Palpatine really has no idea about you.’ Anakin thought to himself as he continued scratching along the others back, knowing how much Obi-Wan enjoyed it.

Anakin respected Chancellor Palpatine, he was a great mentor and Anakin appreciated his advice but honestly, the man had no clue when it came to Obi-Wan, Anakin had long ago decided that.

Honestly, if Anakin didn’t know better, he’d think the older man was trying to drive a wedge between him and Obi-Wan.

But that was ridiculous!

Anakin put it down to maybe the Chancellor being a bit jealous of the relationship he and Obi-Wan had, no one could really replace Obi-Wan in Anakin’s eyes.

“Okay, so what in Force name just happened Skyguy?” Ahsoka’s question broke him out of his musing, Anakin looking up with a puzzled look only to laugh when the other was staring at Obi-Wan. “Hey, don’t laugh at me. Master Obi-Wan just went…” She waved her hands around.

Scratching his neck own neck with his mech hand, the other resting on Obi-Wan’s back, Anakin mused on what to say. “If I’m honest sir, I’d like to know too.” Cody stated quietly, glancing at his General, at Anakin and then to Fives and Echo.

It was pretty obvious to Anakin that that Cody wanted to be prepared should this happen again.

Which, fair be, it could.

Humming thoughtfully, Anakin dropped his mech hand back down on Obi-Wan to continue scratching. “Well, Obi-Wan’s particular humanoids are pretty close to baseline human standards but they do have a few traits that puts them apart from the baseline, one of them is this,” He gestured at the other, Obi-Wan snoring into Anakin’s stomach. “His biochemistry reacts to most kinds of psychoactive by first making him wired up and then making him crash once its run most of its effect.” He patted Obi-Wan’s hair carefully.

Obi-Wan let out a mewling noise, stretching into the others lap.

“And Obi-Wan in particular gets incredibly cuddly once he’s crashing,” Anakin continued rubbing at the other, ignoring the wide eyes and Helix and Kix clearly taking notes. “Its because his impulse controls are gone and while on drugs, he feels like he’s floating away in the Force. Or that’s what he told me at least, so touch helps.” Anakin shrugged slightly, still working his hands over his former master’s back, neck and hair.

Flopping down on her ass, legs pulled up so she could rest her arms on her knees, Ahsoka stared at Obi-Wan for several minutes before looking at Anakin again. “So its just how his subset of humans react? Just like how togrutas from shili, whose families have never left, have somewhat larger montral than those that are raised on other planets?” She questioned curiously.

Shrugging faintly, Anakin smiled at her, relieved that the other got it. “Pretty much. Obi-Wan’s reaction is pretty standard for Stewjon humans I’ve found, I did some research on it over the years to make sure if Obi-Wan had a bad reaction, I knew what to do.” Both Helix and Kix perked up at that.

The two would clearly be talking with Anakin later on, to ensure they knew what to do too.

Just in case.

Well, the more looking out for Obi-Wan when he was like this, the merrier.

It could be a bit overwhelming but… honestly, Anakin didn’t mind it, enjoying how clingy Obi-Wan was while high.

Which was why he was enjoying sitting in the sun with his master over his lap, rubbing his robe covered body slowly and steadily.

What happens next in Sweet Honey? Its my fave. Any update on Rex and Ani’s heat or Obi’s pregnancy? Thanks for the awesome fics!!

Humming faintly as warm arms wrapped around him, Obi-Wan tilted his head to allow Jango to nuzzle into his neck. “Good morning mate.” He murmured quietly, huffing happily as his stomach pudge was lightly palmed.

“Morning,” Jango rumbled back, nuzzling more into Obi-Wan’s neck with a pleased sigh. “Wondered where my shirt had gone.” He teased lightly, settling to just hold Obi-Wan.

Chuckling, stirring around the scrambled egg, Obi-Wan gave a light shrug. “Didn’t want to bother with the tunic this early, got nothing to do after all, so unless a message pings in, I’m not leaving the quarters yet.” He hummed.

Jango nosed behind his ear, a pleased chuckle huffing out when Obi-Wan shivered contently. “Good, figured since we were on Coruscant, I could take you on a date then later tonight.” He muttered.

Pausing at the thought, Obi-Wan blinked before beaming. “That does sound lovely, we haven’t had any real dates, so having one now sounds wonderful.” He chirped, ignoring Jango’s sudden silence.

He knew that the lack of courting bothered Jango at times but he wasn’t about to let that twist his mates knickers.

“Boba can manage without supervision but Bant is in the temple and wouldn’t mind helping him if he wants to move around the temple,” He continued, not wanting Jango to get lost in his own thoughts and blame himself. It wasn’t like he planned the clone army or war, so their sudden mating wasn’t something Obi-Wan blamed on him. “Its hard for even experienced Jedi to find their way around sometimes.” He instead confessed.

Huffing faintly at that, Jango nodded, resting his chin on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “Makes sense, I’ve been trying to familiarize myself but… one corridor often looks the same as the others unless it got decoration. Aren’t there maps?” He sighed heavily.

Pulling over the plate he had readied earlier, Obi-Wan pushed the done scrambled egg onto it. “I mean there are, Jedi are encouraged to use their Force senses for it though. Its a none threatening way for Jedi initiate to reach out and hone their ability to both trust the Force and also find directions with it.” He stated, chuckling faintly when Jango muttered to himself.

“Can you download the maps for me? I don’t have voodo-force abilities.” He stated dryly.

Pushing the other back a bit so he could bend and check the stove for the heated bacon, Obi-Wan hummed in agreement. “Course, I’ll download it for you and Boba. Be careful not to let anyone slice it from you though, that kind of information can be… dangerous in others hands.” He stated.

There was an understanding grunt that was broken by a cry, both of them swinging around to find Boba with his hands over his eyes. “I saw nothing!” The boy squeaked out.

Blinking as they straightened, Jango and Obi-Wan exchanged bemused looks. “Boba’ika, what in the world…” Jango stated out in puzzlement, the two watching as Boba peeked through his fingers ever so cautiously.

The boy let out a deep breath, dropping his hands. “Oh thank the code, for a second there it looked like you two were…” He trailed off, nose scrunching up in an adorable grimace that Obi-Wan had no intention of telling him was adorable.

He knew the other prided himself on trying to be terrifying.

Pausing a bit, Obi-Wan thought back to the position they had been in and promptly flushed.

Jango however raised his brows and crossed his arms over his chest, a small smirk on his chest. “Whatever were you thinking we were up to Boba?” He questioned, full well knowing what their kit thought.

Boba turned bright red, even the tips of his ears turned red Obi-Wan noticed before he muttered and hurried over to the cupboards to get plates. “Lets just eat, I wanna go see Caleb, he promised to show me something super secret.” The boy huffed, ears and the back of his neck still red.

Unable to help himself, Obi-Wan let out a slightly amused snort, exchanging grins with Jango.

The life of a parent were never dull.

‘And we’re about to add more to our life,’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, hand dropping to his stomach as he pulled the stove door open with his other hand, retrieving the bacon for their breakfast. ‘We’ll never have a dull moment with our kits.’

Hi Moody, hope you’re doing alright with lock down and everything. What’s going on in light through the cracks? How’s Obi-Wan progressing and please tell me that someone has realised/prevented palatine from interacting with anakin or something?


Head snapping up from the text he had been reading, Obi-Wan’s eyes widened in surprise as his padawan was standing in the doorway one moment and the next moment he was on his feet, Anakin crashing into his him.

The two tumbled back onto the bed, Anakin’s arm wrapped tightly around his waist and Obi-Wan’s wrapped around the small body as he hefted him up to hold on.

He barely noticed Plo entering and closing the door, simply held onto his boy.

His padawan.

Force he had missed his padawan so much, he hadn’t realized just how much he missed him.

Shuddering, Obi-Wan nuzzled into the short spikes of the others hair, ignoring how the pad was now trapped beneath his body as he focused on the feel, scent and sensation in the Force of Anakin, of his padawan in his arms.

‘I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to cry…’ Obi-Wan clenched his eyes shut, feeling how his eyes were watering as he clung to the blond in his arms.

He failed when Anakin let out a small hiccuping sob, starting to cry into the others hair as he levered Anakin up until the boy was resting his face in the crook of Obi-Wan’s neck, feeling the wet, warm tears soaking into his neck.

It opened up his own waterworks as he cried. “Its okay Anakin, its okay padawan, I’m here, I’m here Anakin.” He choked out, rocking the boy slowly as he held him, feeling the small fists holding onto Obi-Wan’s soft tunic.

He could feel Plo, monitoring the two and yet he couldn’t bring himself to care.

“I missed you so much Obi-Wan.” Anakin hiccuped into his skin.

Rubbing the others spine in uneven circles, Obi-Wan gave a wet laugh. “I missed you too kiddo. I didn’t know how much I missed you but oh, did I ever miss you.” He confessed. A burst of joy echoed in the Force, Obi-Wan unable to feel it in their bond and yet he could feel it in the Force.

That was enough and Obi-Wan pushed back from him enough to give him a watery smile, gently drying Anakin’s face with his hands.

Anakin gave his own giant smile back, despite crying. “You look better. You’re not as pale or gaunt.” He sniffled, snot beneath his nose.

Huffing faintly, drying Anakin’s face tenderly, Obi-Wan gave a small shrug. “The council has been looking after me as best they can. And… and I’m trying.” He added.

Trying for his friends, trying for Anakin.

Trying to better, trying to recover.

And having Anakin here in front of him, in his Force muted room, the literal sun Anakin was…

Looking away from Anakin for a bit, Obi-Wan nodded to Plo. “Thank you…” He stated quietly.

Nodding, Plo settled down in the armchair of the room, his mask echoing slightly as he took a deep breath. “Of course, your recovery is coming along well and you’ve been having a good period. Anakin visiting would only be good for you.” The kel dor smiled at the two humans.

It was good for Anakin too Obi-Wan would guess.

Smiling back, the redhead turned back to Anakin, stroking his flushed, tanned cheek. “How about you tell me what you’ve been up to, what you’re learning?” He encouraged quietly, settling in with the boy on his lap to hear.

He wanted to know everything.

And Anakin wanted to tell him everything.

By the time Anakin had run out of things to tell him, three hours, evening meal had come and four bottles of water had been consumed, the two eating together for the first time in weeks.

It was only once Anakin’s eyes were starting to droop that Plo softly stated it was time to leave, Anakin clinging to Obi-Wan.

“Could…” Obi-Wan hesitated, Plo pausing to listen. “Could I walk Anakin to where he is sleeping?” He finally whispered, staring up at the man with Anakin in his arms still, holding around him.

Plo stroked his chin, slowly, clearly eyeing Obi-Wan.

It would be the first time in two months that Obi-Wan had left the Halls.

So far he had only been in his room, the treatment room of the healers and the garden attached to the Halls where patients were encouraged to go for fresh air and meditation.

“…As long as you are wearing your muffling armband and are escorted back, I see no issue with that.” Plo finally decided, chuckling faintly as Obi-Wan stood with Anakin in his arms, intent on carrying the boy.

Just a few more minutes with Anakin.

Obi-Wan didn’t care if he had to walk naked back and forth, the muffling band and company to keep an eye on him were the easiest of terms to accept.

Vaderintime: oh fuck me, what’s going on there? I mean what did Anakin DO? And didn’t the japor amulet help?

a hand on his cheek as he woke, Obi-Wan smiled sleepily.

he knew that hand, the thumb that was gently stroking his cheek and
the fingers gently curved around his jaw to the point where he could
feel them brush his healing earlobe.


was Anakin’s warm hand, gentle and affectionate on his cheek. Which
meant that the other had managed to meet up with Yan while they were
still in space and came for Obi-Wan.

his eyes, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise as he tried to focus on his
lover while pushing into the hand on
his face.
“Ani.” He greeted quietly, pushing
the thin medical blanket down his chest.

it’s so good to see you Obi-Wan.” Anakin mumbled, leaning down
and pressing a kiss to his forehead with chapped lips.

was still weak from the mental attack, so he could be forgiven for
taking a few minutes before Obi-Wan saw the abbreviation,
after all, Anakin looked the same as always in all other ways.
Dressed in black, his blond curls around his face, a faint smile on
his lips mixed with worry and fondness and he medbay of Yan’s ship
was dimmed to give Obi-Wan a restful atmosphere along with the soft
scent of vanilla incense that Yan had lit for the purpose of making
it smell less sterile.

finally he saw it.

eye was a Sith yellow.

at the other, Obi-Wan raised a weak hand to cup Anakin’s cheek.
“Your eye…” Obi-Wan whispered in shock, worry
churning in his stomach as he took in the blue and the yellow eye.

closed his eyes, leaning into the hand as he let out a deep breath.
side effect.” He murmured, his tone bland.

that had Obi-Wan frowning as he stared at his former padawan, his
beloved time traveler.
“Dear one?” He prompted, stroking his fingers gently over the sun
kissed skin of his cheek.

sat mutely on
the bedside,
pressing into his hand for several minutes, seemingly gathering words
before he sighed again and opened his eyes to stare at Obi-Wan. “When
Sidious attacked you through the Force, I attacked back. I defended
you but I also went after him in turn for daring to touch you.” He
explained carefully, frowning faintly as he watched Obi-Wan closely.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before frowning again too. “You dipped
into both sides of the Force at once, didn’t you?” Obi-Wan wasn’t
sure what to feel about that, especially as Anakin confirmed it with a nod.

in our lives was because of him, both now and before,” Anakin’s face was blank as he
stared at Obi-Wan. “He hurt us all, you, me, Padme, the troopers,
the orders and who knows how many others, just to get what he
wanted.” Anakin swallowed, the only tell of his nerves as Obi-Wan
continued to stare at him. “I don’t regret what I did.” He
finally whispered in defiance as
he lifted a hand to cover Obi-Wan’s on his cheek.

at that, Obi-Wan considered just how many people Sidious had indeed
hurt before smiling softly up at Anakin, nodding a bit with
understanding that had the other relaxing finally. “I see. So, you
went after him with the power of the Force and a mix of revenge and
justice huh?” Anakin nodded. “But what exactly did you do?” He
blinked, staring at the eye that was now part of Anakin.

Anakin caressed the back of Obi-Wan’s hand. “Basically? I
followed the link he had made from you to him and gave him a backlash
of his own power and mine, giving him a brain aneurysm while
destroying his cloned bodies that he has to transfer his soul
into when his physical body got destroyed, I think the latter is part
of why this happened.” Anakin raised his hand off Obi-Wan’s cheek
to tap under his left eye.

in confusion, Obi-Wan tilted his head.

it’s dark right? Those bodies were clones the same way the New
Mando, the clones from Kamino of Jango Fett, are clones of Sheev Palpatine. If they had come out
without Palpatine’s soul in them, they could have been… anyone.
So because I sacrificed them to make sure Sidious wouldn’t be able
to remain, the backlash, along with Sidious darkness, gave me my eye
despite me straddling the middle of the Force in balance with the way
I used both sides” Anakin sighed heavily at that.

while pulling his hand away, Obi-Wan pushed himself up on shaking
arms, wrapping the other in a tight hug. “Oh Ani, my soft, caring
time traveler.” He whispered into the others hair, feeling him duck
down and rest against Obi-Wan’s collar.

save everyone,” Anakin mumbled, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan to
hold on. “I know that but I saved what was most important. I saved
you.” He huffed before pressing a soft kiss to Obi-Wan’s throat.

a bit, Obi-Wan ran his fingers through Anakin’s hair, the two
savoring each others company.

the japor do anything
to keep Palpatine out of your mind?” Anakin suddenly asked, voice
muffled against Obi-Wan’s collarbone.

thinking back despite the phantom pain that gave his brain, Obi-Wan
considered the question before shrugging. “I think it gave me a
warning but outside of that, no. Palpatine overpowered the japor in
seconds before
crashing through my shields equally fast.” He breathed out heavily,
feeling Anakin lightly rub at the dip of his back with his thumbs.

as much, it was never meant to be powerful like the earring, I made
it when I was still hiding most of myself from everyone and was only suppose to deter someone from attacking you.” Anakin
sighed heavily, both curled against each other as they gathered
comfort from each others bodies.

that Obi-Wan had nothing to say and instead just let out a soft hum,
arms loosely wrapped around Anakin’s body in return.
They didn’t need to say anything else really, only sunk into each
others Force aura and the warmth of each others bodies for comfort
and love, assuring themselves that things would finally, finally
be looking

Please continue Undeadwalking! Come ooooooooooon, I know you want to!

at the screen, Padme clenched her hands into the fabric of her dress
as they watched the torrent of bombs unleashed on what had once been
a thriving and
rather beautiful planet of greens and lakes not unlike Naboo.
A full tactical carpet bombing, planet wide, reducing the once so
thriving world into ashes and she could spot several Senator’s
sitting with their heads in their hands instead of watching.

Padme couldn’t look away.

husband could be on that planet.

troopers he led.

who Anakin cared so much for, was on that planet with his men.

may be losing two of the most prominent members of the war effort in
this moment and there was nothing she could do about it as the
tactical bombing continued under the orders of the Chancellor after a
narrow vote from the Senate.

is Commander Yito, the mission is… concluded.” A heavy voice rang
out on the comms, Padme taking note of the woman on the other side
not saying ‘success’, there was no success in a mission like

a conclusion of fire and ashes that they could see darken the sky,
the death below to what had once been living sentient, to flora and
fauna and Padme once again felt the urge to vomit even as she vaguely
heard the Chancellor reply to Commander Yito.

She sat down slowly, her body shaking as
she thought of all the children, about potentials survivors to the
outbreak, of her sweet knight.

then there was a crackling in the comm, as if someone else logged in
and she looked up in confusion. An additional report maybe?

is General Skywalker, we’re in orbit and contagion free I’m happy
to inform. There has been no casualties among us and we’re
returning to Coruscant to report in.” Anakin’s exhausted voice
came through and she could hear Ahsoka somewhere in the back of the
comm even as she felt tears of relief drip down her face.

my Ani, oh thank heavens.’ Padme
didn’t bother to try wiping away her tears as she wasn’t the only
one with them.

was just one among them, no one really paying her attention at that
moment except for Sabe as she gently patted her lady’s hand.


the comms, Anakin rubbed his face before turning to Ahsoka, his face
turning from weary to stern. “Okay, you’ve been here for the
initial report in. Now we’re going to the medbay.” He stated,
ignoring her pout to just pick her up and carry her.

may be exhausted but he could bolster himself with the Force even as
Ahsoka complained but he’d honestly have her off her foot for now
considering how she went through a rotten staircase.

had been a mad scramble to get off the planet, Anakin still had no
idea how they managed it in time, the bombs had actually shaken the
shuttles out, it had been that close.

at least Padme knew that they were fine since Anakin hacked himself
in on the Luroid star destroyer’s comm line to get a direct patch

was sure he was gonna hear about that from the council but he
honestly didn’t give a fuck as he arrived at the medbay, settling
his padawan on a bed first to leave to Kix tender mercy.

he turned to the bed left of her, crawling into it as Obi-Wan let out
a huffy noise but allowed him to coil himself as best he could into
Obi-Wan on the narrow bed.

arm had been treated and a fever reducer had been given before
Obi-Wan had been laid up to relax and sleep though the other was
still awake despite Kix eyeing him evilly and muttering about

that did give Anakin a chance to crawl into bed with the older man
and get his head petted with the others good hand since Obi-Wan had a
stiff bandage on just for security sake.

was totally clean, no virus in his system, just a normal fever from
the stress and his injury and there had been nothing but relief for
everyone to know that.

a few hours Anakin had genuinely believed he’d have to help the
other if he became a karking walking undead.

stars eventually died but not today.

his grasp on Obi-Wan, Anakin tucked himself under the others chin,
feeling Obi-Wan relax a bit with his fingers teasing through Anakin’s
rather gross curls since they hadn’t been able to spare water for
any showers.

he was frankly too tired to get up and take a sonic right now even if
Kix and Bandaid would help him.

take one after a nap,” Obi-Wan mumbled. “Rather sure Cody will
call after a few hours to check in on us.” He sighed deeply and
yawned a bit.

down under Ahsoka’s amused eyes, the two Jedi just settled into
each other, truly relaxing for the first time in what felt like
months instead of the week it had been as
they tried to just momentarily forget the horrors they had gone
through and the fear they had carried.

were uninfected and they were still alive.

was enough for both older Jedi at that moment as Kix bustled around
them with Bandaid and the quiet murmur of the other injured troopers
surrounded them as they all finally got to relax from their ordeal.

Papa and Dad is adorable and I need mooooooore!!!! particularly more fluff but I also want to know so many things–where/when did they time travel from? like, was it like a «die and wake up in the past» thing or did something happen before then? or what was their first meeting with baby Ani like? are they gonna train Ani together? did Palpy or Plagueis have any inklings of their presence on Naboo? I have many more but I’m almost out of characters so anything else you wanna do would be awesome!!

his fingertip around Qui-Gon’s rather small ear for a man his size,
Obi-Wan smiled faintly to himself as he listened to the even breath’s
of both Anakin between them and Qui-Gon, the boy tucked tightly up to
the taller man’s chest as he slept.

them the almost unnoticeable vibration of the ship’s motor acted as
a gentle lullabies
to Anakin, something Obi-Wan never quite understood but was grateful
for right now as they finally left Naboo.

had always
had a good hand with machines.

wasn’t certain they had escaped notice from Palpatine and whoever
his master was, as both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had felt the darkness
searchingly ‘looking’ around practically. It could be unrelated
to them but Obi-Wan was not going to count on that.

would be stupid and
in this Obi-Wan could not afford to be reckless, not with Qui-Gon’s
life and not with Anakin’s.

he was certain that they had come away without the Sith actually
seeing them, only feeling their Force and more in particular,
Anakin’s Force
it was them who had triggered the darkness search over the planet.

a strong power…

course the Sith would be interested in that.

them, both
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were abnormalities, time travelers.

with a lick of Force sense could tell something was up with them even
if they never were called out on yet, only given curious looks.

why Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had kept to smaller areas with population to
be able to hide among them, hide Anakin’s signature as best they
could. That
had taken quite a bit of work, working with Anakin’s young mind to
teach him meditation and how to hide while aiding him to hide as best

now they were away, away from Palpatine and the other Sith’s
grasping claws.

was doing marvels for Obi-Wan’s anxieties.

there was just everything else.

rest of our lives really.’ Obi-Wan mused as he went back to
watching Qui-Gon, taking in the features of the man and comparing
them to the ones he had when the man died. He did this too often
really but sometimes he still…

just sometimes still had hard to believe really.

was in the past, a man of thirty something years with the slightest
sign of gray at his temples and a wrinkle here and there around his


couldn’t be more than thirty either, younger than Obi-Wan had ever
had the pleasure of seeing him before with hair a deep chestnut brown
with a few strands of gray mixed in that did nothing but bring out
his features and make him look defined where they made Obi-Wan just
feel old.

else had really changed except for the youthful skin
and hair, still
hook nosed, still blue eyed and still just as stubborn
and yet it never failed to entice Obi-Wan into just look.

wondered if his younger version would come to the
point as he once had. He had had an infatuation with his master when
he was a teen but as a man of twenty he had fallen into a trap of his
own making and fallen in love instead and
boy he had gotten drunk the night he realized that to the point where
Reeft had hefted him back to the temple and Qui-Gon had looked so
utterly bemused and concerned, especially when Obi-Wan had thrown up
on his own boots.

he had the chance, the option to hold Qui-Gon’s hand as a Force
ghost couldn’t when they were still on Tatooine, waiting for the
years to pass and Luke to be ready or for Owen to give Obi-Wan a

he could be Obi-Wan again. His Anakin was gone yes but there was an
Anakin and he was young and he shone in the Force so brightly despite
his sadness at his mother’s passing and it was everything Obi-Wan
needed for his broken heart as he turned his attention on the blond
head resting against Qui-Gon’s chest, a small, soft smile crossing
his lips as he shifted his hand down to slowly run it over the soft,
slightly darkening hair of Anakin’s blond curls. ‘We need hair
cuts, the whole gang.’ He noted with amusement.

Qui-Gon spoke however, Obi-Wan almost jumped out of his skin. “You’re
suppose to sleep my dear.” Qui-Gon rumbled, eyes still closed but a
smile on his lips when Obi-Wan looked up.

sleep.” Obi-Wan whispered, moving his arm over Anakin to tuck
around Qui-Gon, settling to hold them both as he closed his eyes,
feeling Qui-Gon return the gesture as the two held around Anakin and
each other.

small family drifting in space.

Butterflies and roses. Obi-Wan spending a night just relaxing between his soulmates and mapping out their bodies innocently and just finally relaxing when he feels comfort and trust and Qui-Gon is watching over them all. Anakin and Obi falling asleep together on Qui’s bed and Maybe Qui just finally having his mind relax at having this mess finally fixed as close as it can be.

Investing in a
larger bed was turning out to be a good decision Qui-Gon concluded as
he turned the page, his two younger soulmates using his thighs as
pillows as Obi-Wan played with Anakin’s hair and the blond
practically purred in pleasure.

Qui-Gon meanwhile
just peacefully read his novel, his reading glasses perched on the
end of his nose, enjoying the warmth of the two bodies.

While Anakin was
not a romantic soulmate to him, Qui-Gon was enjoying the warmth of
the younger man in the bed and therefor investing in the larger bed
had been a boon for both of them as they often cuddled up for
affection time in Qui-Gon’s bed.

They’d trade out
who was in the middle but often Obi-Wan was utilized as the pillow by
his two romantic soulmates as they cuddled up, Obi-Wan generally
slowly mapping out the body of whoever was plastered to his front as
he drowsed.

But today it was Qui-Gon’s turn for
the middle as he let the other two take advantage of his large bulk
to pretty much use his legs as body pillows.

“Cuuuuuddles.” Obi-Wan suddenly
whined, turning wide eyes up to him which prompted Qui-Gon to slip a
finger between the pages and setting his left hand to the bed while
his right one went to Obi-Wan’s hair, slowly sliding from forehead
to nape with his nails lightly scratching the scalp, feeling the
slightly greasy copper locks part way for his fingers as he continued
slowly tracing.

In only a tank top it was easy to spot
both soulmarks and for a moment Qui-Gon’s heart bleed for all the
times he had showed Obi-Wan away without meaning to.

He shook it, not wanting to sadden the
moment as he continued rubbing his fingers through the red hair,
smiling as Obi-Wan snuggled more in and closed his eyes, his arms now
wrapped around Qui-Gon’s thigh.

Which of course had Anakin pouting
before the padawan turned hopeful eyes up at his master.

Rolling his eyes fondly as he shifted
the book to pull the tassel connected to it between the pages instead
of his finger before letting go if the book fully, Qui-Gon settled
his fingers in the short buzz of Anakin’s hair with a small smile.

It was nice, just a
fuzzy sensation in the Force comforting all three of them after all
the strife and discomfort they had been through since Obi-Wan had
returned with the revelation that not only did he have a secondary
soulmate but that Anakin was the one.

Now Qui-Gon sported
his own secondary mark, a none-romantic mark to tie all their souls
neatly together like a package.

It was almost too
easy in Qui-Gon’s eyes but he was taking this chance he was given
and not looking back as he continued petting both of the males
resting their heads on his thighs.

There weren’t
many who got second chances with their soulmate when said soulmate
gained a secondary mark since usually it indicated something so very
wrong with the relationship which would make it impossible to carry

Which left Qui-Gon
feeling trice Force blessed that Obi-Wan had eventually forgiven him
with time and space.

Not to mention
Anakin getting around his jealousy with effort.

‘I don’t know
what I did to earn this miracle but whoever set it into motion, the
Force, goddesses or gods of the galaxy… thank you.’ He
thought fondly as he leaned down to press a tender kiss to Obi-Wan’s
cheek while rubbing Anakin’s neck affectionately.

Butterflies and roses. Obi-Wan spending a night just relaxing between his soulmates and mapping out their bodies innocently and just finally relaxing when he feels comfort and trust and Qui-Gon is watching over them all. Anakin and Obi falling asleep together on Qui’s bed and Maybe Qui just finally having his mind relax at having this mess finally fixed as close as it can be.

Investing in a
larger bed was turning out to be a good decision Qui-Gon concluded as
he turned the page, his two younger soulmates using his thighs as
pillows as Obi-Wan played with Anakin’s hair and the blond
practically purred in pleasure.

Qui-Gon meanwhile
just peacefully read his novel, his reading glasses perched on the
end of his nose, enjoying the warmth of the two bodies.

While Anakin was
not a romantic soulmate to him, Qui-Gon was enjoying the warmth of
the younger man in the bed and therefor investing in the larger bed
had been a boon for both of them as they often cuddled up for
affection time in Qui-Gon’s bed.

They’d trade out
who was in the middle but often Obi-Wan was utilized as the pillow by
his two romantic soulmates as they cuddled up, Obi-Wan generally
slowly mapping out the body of whoever was plastered to his front as
he drowsed.

But today it was Qui-Gon’s turn for
the middle as he let the other two take advantage of his large bulk
to pretty much use his legs as body pillows.

“Cuuuuuddles.” Obi-Wan suddenly
whined, turning wide eyes up to him which prompted Qui-Gon to slip a
finger between the pages and setting his left hand to the bed while
his right one went to Obi-Wan’s hair, slowly sliding from forehead
to nape with his nails lightly scratching the scalp, feeling the
slightly greasy copper locks part way for his fingers as he continued
slowly tracing.

In only a tank top it was easy to spot
both soulmarks and for a moment Qui-Gon’s heart bleed for all the
times he had showed Obi-Wan away without meaning to.

He shook it, not wanting to sadden the
moment as he continued rubbing his fingers through the red hair,
smiling as Obi-Wan snuggled more in and closed his eyes, his arms now
wrapped around Qui-Gon’s thigh.

Which of course had Anakin pouting
before the padawan turned hopeful eyes up at his master.

Rolling his eyes fondly as he shifted
the book to pull the tassel connected to it between the pages instead
of his finger before letting go if the book fully, Qui-Gon settled
his fingers in the short buzz of Anakin’s hair with a small smile.

It was nice, just a
fuzzy sensation in the Force comforting all three of them after all
the strife and discomfort they had been through since Obi-Wan had
returned with the revelation that not only did he have a secondary
soulmate but that Anakin was the one.

Now Qui-Gon sported
his own secondary mark, a none-romantic mark to tie all their souls
neatly together like a package.

It was almost too
easy in Qui-Gon’s eyes but he was taking this chance he was given
and not looking back as he continued petting both of the males
resting their heads on his thighs.

There weren’t
many who got second chances with their soulmate when said soulmate
gained a secondary mark since usually it indicated something so very
wrong with the relationship which would make it impossible to carry

Which left Qui-Gon
feeling trice Force blessed that Obi-Wan had eventually forgiven him
with time and space.

Not to mention
Anakin getting around his jealousy with effort.

‘I don’t know
what I did to earn this miracle but whoever set it into motion, the
Force, goddesses or gods of the galaxy… thank you.’ He
thought fondly as he leaned down to press a tender kiss to Obi-Wan’s
cheek while rubbing Anakin’s neck affectionately.