In high as a kite, can the boys get out of the pirate cave. Maybe a bit of cuddle fluff to help poor Obi and settle poor Anakin’s nerves when he finds out what almost happened.

Only barely waiting until Kix and Potion announced themselves done with Obi-Wan, seeing as Helix was settled into a bed himself, Anakin finally crawled into the medbed with his dazed and drugged master.

Thankfully, neither medics said anything, even if Helix grumbled over in his bed, as Obi-Wan let out a happy noise and snuggled himself into Anakin’s body. “Cold.” He slurred out into Anakin’s shoulder and Anakin noted Cody struggling to sit up a bit where Kix had him settled with a cast on his left leg.

Apparently the man broke it when he came rushing out of the cell to roundhouse kick the captain of the pirates. Which now left him unable to go rush to Obi-Wan’s side as he clearly wanted to, the 212th as always protective of their General.

The confession had Helix settle more too, realizing that Anakin wasn’t just being clingy and was actually there for a reason. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here, a bonafide heater.” Anakin teased shakily, tucking his robe around the two of them along with the blanket.

Cody reporting in just how lucky they were with their timing had left Anakin a tad shaken and he knew that Obi-Wan’s reaction to a Force inhibitor often left him unable to keep warm.

Something about the loss of Force making his body sluggish.

Not that Anakin could say much about it, when he was full of an inhibitor drug compared to a tool, Anakin couldn’t stop shaking. He wasn’t cold but his body seemed to want to shake apart at the loss of something so fundamental and a few masters had speculated that if Anakin’s origin was purely in his mother and the Force itself, maybe the loss of it impacted Anakin’s body more severely than others.

It was a theory at least.

But then again, every Jedi did have some kind of side effect when cut of from the Force by drugs. It was different when it was in your blood stream compared to like a Force suppressant collar or room, it just…

Your body knew something was wrong.

It reacted, maybe even tried to fight it and therefore Force sensitive reacted to it differently. Or that was Anakin’s working theory at least and he knew that Obi-Wan shared it along with several other beings in the temple.

It was a sobering thought, that the body basically thought of the inhibitor as something to fight to the point their bodies were impacted and Anakin at least couldn’t help but worry about the severity of certain Force suppressors.

Who knew what effects could remain permanently if the dosage was high enough?

“Mmmn, warm water bottle.” Obi-Wan chuckled, his voice still slurred but the tone bright and merry, indicating a good mood.

Anakin couldn’t help but chuckle a tad to, amused despite it all as Obi-Wan’s little quip brought him out of his darker thoughts. “Yeah yeah, I’m your hottie right now.” He snarked.

There was a long pause at that.

“High thoughts of yourself there General.” Jesse snarked from where Bonesplit was dealing with his dislocated shoulder.

“Oh shut it Jesse,” Anakin snarked back, his insides squirming in joy that his men felt this comfortable to be able to joke with him when not on the clock. “I happen to be extremely attract-Obi!” He squeaked like a mouse being stepped on, as a cold hand suddenly found his bare stomach.

He looked down at faux innocent expression of his master and brother in arms as the other continued pressing his icy hand to Anakin’s stomach. “Hmm?” Obi-Wan tilted his head.

“Your hands are freezing!” Anakin hissed before reaching down and jerking Obi-Wan’s hands out of his tunic, uncaring that it was now undone for the most part. Instead he focused on sticking Obi-Wan’s hands into his own armpits, ignoring the disgusted little grunt the other gave out. “Force sake Obi-Wan, go to sleep and just get warm.” He sighed deeply.

Trying to tug his hands out of Anakin’s armpits for a moment, Obi-Wan grumbled before huffing and nodding, settling his head back into the blond’s shoulder. “Fine… but I want a shower when I wake. Long one… warm one… wet…” Obi-Wan breathed deeply, nuzzling more into Anakin’s warmth.

‘That’s it, just rest Master… when you wake, you should feel better.’ Anakin smiled wryly, petting Obi-Wan’s hair slowly.

in ‘jedi are cats’, could we get some 212th and 501st specific videos or scenes, please? :pleading: i love it when jedi just. do the things and get loved by clones

“Where the hell is Waxer!?” The video started of with what was clearly Commander Cody on a warpath, the man looking incensed as he spun around the camp while looking around for said trooper.

The local fauna looked like one of the more tropical planets, lush green around the camp in all directions they could see and blue sky above with just a few scattered clouds about.

The focus however remained on the incensed Commander as he glared at those around him. “Damn di’kut isn’t answering his comms!” He snarled out, clearly threading a very fine line with his patience at that moment.

It was rather surprising honestly, Marshal Commander Cody was always one of the most level headed commanders the public got to see but today was clearly an off day and not finding this Waxer had pushed him over the edge.

“He said can’t move sir and to tell you he won’t be available for a while.” A shiny, as the public had managed to learn that unmarked troopers were called due to how new they were to the battalions they served, not having earned their paint yet as the others, dared to answer.

Instantly the commander whirled on the man, fire in his eyes. “What?” He snarled out, the shiny backing up in fear.

Thankfully though, for the shiny’s sake, someone intervened on their behalf.

A pair of medics went by, one of them stopping and by the red hair and smily on the chestplate, everyone could tell it was CMO Helix that answered Commander Cody, with medic Potion by his side. “What Trupper here means sir, is that Waxer is currently covered by Jedi and therefore can’t move.” He stated a tad wryly, gesturing towards something in the distance with one hand.

The one filming focused on Cody’s surprised face for a moment before following the line of Helix hand point to a point outside the camp, a bald clone with his helmet beside him and his legs stretched out sitting under a tree some distance from the camp. Beside him, another trooper with a mustache was sitting with his head on the bald ones shoulder.

But the most important part was that General Kenobi was also there, his head and upper body laying out across the bald clones, Waxer’s, lap.

Waxer’s hand was slowly petting the Jedi’s hair, his head tilted to peer up at the clear sky with every line of his body indicating relaxation.

So did Kenobi’s body too.

The man was asleep, settled over one of his trooper’s lap like a giant tooka, the shiny glitter of the bell of his collar barely seen at the distance along with a peek of purple.

A loud sigh echoed and the camera returned to the commander, Cody rubbing at the scar on his temple. “Why didn’t you just say Waxer was covered in Jedi, Trupper?” He questioned in a resigned tone before shaking his head when the trooper in question stammered. “If a Jedi is sleeping on you, unless its an emergency, you don’t move. No one’s gonna blame you for it.” Cody stated wryly.

Moving with Potion, Helix let out a loud snort. “Considering how hard it is to get the General to sleep properly some days, I will shank the first one to wake him.” The CMO growled before disappearing from view.

“Tooka rules apply to Jedi,” The commander continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “If they choose you, you stay still, you let them sleep and you better hope you went to the latrines right before.” Cody grumbled before turning and muttering to himself about who the hell he was going to get to replace Waxer, wandering out of frame.

The trooper filming returned to zoom in on the General and his troopers, giving the public one last view of three content souls relaxing in the shade of a large tree.

Di’kut = Idiot

Princess: Lol, Boba gonna wreck Din. Bet he needs pillows after

There was a New Republican representative in their midst.

The pretty thing had come wandering in, as if she owned the place, as if she wasn’t scared and fair be, she had quite the terrifying guards with her. They had stayed back when she presented her case to Fett of course, the woman making sure not to stand on the trap door as they were standing to the sides.

And clearly they were trigger happy in their expensive gear.

Fett had leaned his elbow on one arm, Shand on the other, listening with a bored and slightly tired look on his face as he glanced over the preening human in front of him wrapped in expensive silk and leather, the cuts of her clothes the latest of fashion.

A honeypot for sure, they were all familiar with the tactic, a pretty thing that could sling pretty words in an attempt to get more out of a deal, even if Fett didn’t look the slightest interest.

A few were rather grateful Princess wasn’t there, after the display they had gotten to see, they weren’t sure Princess wouldn’t try to kill this pretty blond standing in front of Fett’s throne, pushing her bosom out.

Least she was smart enough not to stand on the former rancor pit door.

Of course, then there was a hiss and a snap, the sound of a door opening behind the dais and the court held their breath, half certain they were about to witness a bloodbath, about to witness Princess deal with what wasn’t even competition clearly if Fett’s bored eyes meant anything.

A few, soft steps and then Princess appeared in the doorway behind the throne, standing in a closed robe that was so dark blue it almost looked black and was slightly too short on him, inching up his thighs and yet long in the arms, carrying an armful of pillows as he peered blearily at everyone.

His hair was tangled mess and his neck, covered with the beskar collar, looked like it had been mauled.

Princess was wearing Fett’s robe, carrying pillows in his arms as he made his way from the room to the throne with an odd walk that was neither limping or waddling and yet both, pausing to lean down and press a kiss to his King’s cheek.

Then he straightened and stared at Shand, everyone holding their breath as they waited for what was going to happen now as Fett sat up, no longer leaning on the throne arm.

Princess gave Shand a darker glare when nothing happened, the woman simply laughing as she shifted off the throne arm. Instantly, Princess stuffed one pillow against the widest space with the arm, the second went over the arm Shand had been sitting on with the third and smallest pillow being stuffed between Fett’s sprawled legs.

Fett simply looked amused, peering up at his bed warmer with a raised brow.

Princess grumbled slightly, fluffing the pillow on the widest space against the arm. “I’m sore.” He rasped out, barely heard at all due to how low it was. The answer had a wide smirk cracking over Fett’s face as Princess gingerly crawled into his lap and sat down, back against the large pillow and legs resting over the arm Shand had been sitting on.

Lounging over his King.

Fett, as always, accommodated him, shifting his shoulders and his torso until Princess could rest his head on the man’s pauldron.

One of Fett’s glove covered hand rested over Princess thighs and the other came up to play with his hair, stroking carefully as Princess grumbles trailed off into pleased little sighs instead. Then Princess gave the New Republic representative a bleary stare. “…Who that?” He slurred out, not even a full sentence, very little care in his voice.

Fett hummed, still playing with Princess wavy hair. “Just a member from New Republic, Organa has heard I took over it seems,” He stated a tad wryly. “I imagine lady hutt killer wanted to either confirm the rumors or form an alliance… we’ll see.” Fett settled on easily.

The representative looked vaguely offended and yet horrified, opening her mouth only for Princess to beat her to the punch. “Lady what now?” Princess blinked in tired bemusement.

“Organa strangled Jabba the hutt with a slave chain. I salvaged the footage from his barge when I got out,” Fett gave a slow, vicious looking smile. “It was the funniest shit ever, watching that dainty little lady go feral on the giant slug, well maybe outside of Kryze look during the darksaber debacle.” He chuckled quietly, smirking when Princess grumbled and actually whacked him lightly in the chest with a hissed ‘stop moving, ow.’

Rightly on the armor but still.

Anyone else be dead.

The sex last night must have been out of this galaxy for Princess to get away with it.

And if the look on the lady’s face, it seemed she realized that her mission wasn’t going to be as successful as she had hoped on looks alone. Because there was no one that had Princess beat for Fett’s attention.

(Just so its said, there will be porn. I’ll just have to come back to the punishment lol)

Obi-Wan buys his Padawan a fun animal hoodie in Light Through the Cracks. He also does some slicing to find out about Palpatine.

Humming faintly under his breath, Obi-Wan continued quietly typing away at his terminal as the small, warm shape cuddled against his side.

Anakin had fallen asleep hours ago and technically, Obi-Wan should have carried his padawan to his bed.

But he knew that if he did that, if he separated the boy from his side now, Anakin would surely wake up and that would mean that he’d be awake for hours before he managed to fall asleep once more, which meant that Anakin wouldn’t be in his best shape for tomorrows classes and chores.

Glancing at him, Obi-Wan’s lips twitched into a soft smile.

Despite his outburst about Obi-Wan’s frog hoodie, Anakin had been a bit envious about the soft comfort cloth, even stealing it once in a while to wear when Obi-Wan wasn’t.

And while he strictly didn’t mind, Obi-Wan wanted to wear his own hoodie too.

Which was why Obi-Wan had gone out, with Luminara as leaving the temple was a bit out of the healers comfort line without company.

Which was fair, Obi-Wan wasn’t fully healed, his mind still had pockmarks in it and if he had a relapse while outside the temple…

That would not be pretty, all those people without shields around their mind.

So with Luminara at his side, Obi-Wan had gone shopping, coming away with a child sized hoodie of a desert fox native to Tatooine, one Obi-Wan had seen while on the planet actually.

It had the largest of ears for its little body Obi-Wan had ever seen, white legs ending in large paws,  and a small beige body, golden in the sun as its black snout quivered as it stared at Obi-Wan with black eyes as it bushy, large tail swished in the air.

The hoodie was based on that fox for sure, the ears so large it needed structure inside it to hold themselves up and Obi-Wan suspected with a few washes, the ears would start looping down, from the elbow to the wrist, the hoodie was white and so was the pouch on the belly and most amusing of all, it had a tail.

It wasn’t furry like the real creature would be, the company that made the hoodie not wanting it to shed, but it was slightly fuzzy to touch at least and at the moment, resting in Anakin’s lap as he slept against Obi-Wan’s side.

Anakin looked adorable in it.

Shifting slightly, Obi-Wan pulled the blanket that had slid down the boy’s legs further up with the Force, smiling to himself. ‘How he can sleep comfortably I have no idea.’ He mused, marveling at the youth.

He should really tuck the other down on the couch.

But shifting more than he already had would wake Anakin, something Obi-Wan had experienced twice already.

So, he just accepted the situation, waiting for Anakin’s mind to go into the deepest sleep as he continued working away at his terminal, eyes narrowing as he finally accessed the file he had been working on for the last few hours.

Sheev Palpatine’s personal voting history.

Obi-Wan was compiling everything he could.

NO one got away with hurting Obi-Wan’s padawan, not without Obi-Wan making sure it would never happen again.

I have to know if Obi picks up Ani and deposits him in his “animal den” after he completed it in Lupine Copper.

Settled inside his den, Obi-Wan felt himself calm down.

But only for a second.

There was still something missing and with a quiet groan, Obi-Wan forced himself out of it as he knew exactly what was missing.


He was missing the pup he had claimed in front of the Jedi council.

It had been a terrible risk, to put his own apprenticeship on the line for Anakin’s acceptance into the Jedi order but thankfully it had worked. Such a gamble would never work again and the only reason Obi-Wan could see that this had worked out this time was one, the guilt Yoda carried over discouraging other master’s away from Obi-Wan at a young age and two, the fact that Obi-Wan throughout the years of filling in Qui-Gon’s reports, had made himself known to the council as a knight with potential.

But no, this would never work again.

But at least he had bought his pup time, Anakin would enter the creche for sure and that would mean that Obi-Wan had three years.

Three years to get himself to become a knight, three years for him to get ready for a padawan, three years for Anakin to be prepared to become a Jedi padawan.

Three years for his wolf side to calm down.

But right now the wolf had put a claim on the boy and without a word, Obi-Wan picked Anakin up from his seat in the kitchenette, Qui-Gon watching in amusement as Anakin squeaked in surprise. “Obi-Wan?” The blond blinked wide eyes at him.

“Gonna take you to my den. My wolf doesn’t like having you out of sight.” Obi-Wan shrugged, smiling when Anakin latched onto him like a little monkey instead of Obi-Wan carrying him with his hands under the others armpits.

Seemed Anakin didn’t mind being in the den, that was good because Obi-Wan would rather not keep an unwilling pup in his den and his instincts were demanding he keep Ani close.

Which was why he crawled into his nest with Anakin clinging to him, settling with his back to the door and Anakin against the wall.

The Jedi temple and their quarters in particular wasn’t hazardous to Anakin but Obi-Wan’s instincts still told him to put himself between any openings and his pup, the wall protecting Anakin’s other side with Obi-Wan on the other side and the den all around them.

Anakin wiggled a bit, getting comfortable before blinking as his eyes landed on something colorful among all the beige and lighter colors and Obi-Wan flushed a tiny bit when he saw what the boy had noticed.

It was a pink wolf, the size of Obi-Wan’s calf.

Qui-Gon had gotten it for Obi-Wan when he was still young.

A ‘cuddle buddy’ Qui-Gon had called it, for when Obi-Wan was in his wolf form and it had actually brought him comfort he would admit when he was in his wolf form.

It smelled of Qui-Gon during his shifts since Obi-Wan had a tendency to make him hug it a few days before his transformation.

Reaching out, Obi-Wan tugged it from its position without disturbing too much of the area around and held it out to Anakin. “Do you want to hug it?” He offered, smiling when Anakin instantly latched on with a happy grin.

It was one of the times Obi-Wan thought about how young Anakin really was.

He was nine, ten in a few weeks apparently.

It made him grateful he had managed to get Anakin into the creche

Lupinecopper – could we please see Anakin interacting with Obi-Wan in his wolf form?

Glancing up and down the hallway to make sure no one could see him open the door, Anakin quickly typed in the code mr Qui-Gon had set and stepped in, locking it up behind him just as quickly, beaming when he saw Obi-Wan raise his head.

The werewolf had clearly been resting, curled up on the floor with his head on his paws, but Anakin entering had him attentive and also wagging.

It was one of the reasons Anakin was extremely sure Obi-Wan liked him, that and his insistence that Anakin just call him Obi-Wan, no mr needed.

Canines, when happy, always wagged and Obi-Wan clearly couldn’t control the reaction.

“Hey Obi-Wan!” He chirped as he skipped forward, Anakin put the tray on the bed and dropped down to rub Obi-Wan’s ears, the wolf pushing up into the touch with a pleased rumble as his tail continued thumping against the durasteel floor, paws lightly scrabbling at the floor when he squirmed happily.

Giggling slightly, Anakin continued to rub his fingers through Obi-Wan’s fur, taking in the sight of the about average sized canine, wondering if the rumors about being able to shift sizes were true or not as he continued petting.

Anakin had petted furry animals before, bantha’s for one and the pelt of a sand skitter but Obi-Wan’s fur was nothing like that.

It was silkier, softer somehow with an outer coat that was thicker and an inner coat that was thinner and softer to touch.

That could be the fact that he was a human that turned into a wolf though, instead of simply an animal. After all, the others padawan braid came with him when he shifted, indicating that his hair was all mixed up in there.

It was almost like his mom’s hair, especially after a sonic shower. Anakin had spent a lot of time brushing or playing with his mom’s hair during standstorms and the few rainy days they had, when the heavens seemed to pour down on them.

And Obi-Wan’s fur was a lot like his mom hair then.

Well, the inner layer at least.

The outer layer was a bit coarser than his mom’s hair but somehow silkier at the same time.

It was a really odd sensation and Anakin was coming to enjoy just burying his hands into the fur in the two days Obi-Wan had been like that.

Mr Qui-Gon said that Obi-Wan would spend four days as a wolf, a short cycle apparently, according to the older Jedi and then he’d turn back into his human self, no worse for wear.

“I got you food, mr Qui-Gon was speaking with the Queen, so he wanted me to take it to you.” Anakin stated brightly only to giggle when Obi-Wan pushed his muzzle into Anakin’s stomach, the snout tickling slightly as Obi-Wan simply dropped his head in the boy’s lap.

Clearly Obi-Wan wasn’t all that interested in food.

Following the silent prompting, Anakin continued rubbing his hands through the others fur, pausing sometimes to reach back up to the copper colored ears and scratch behind them, Obi-Wan rumbling deeply in his chest as his tail thumped on the floor.

It was a bit weird, petting the Jedi like this but at the same time, Anakin was enjoying it and so was Obi-Wan.

From what mr Qui-Gon could tell him, Obi-Wan was still inside of the wolf, fully conscious and clear but his emotions was less… compact.

Which meant that he couldn’t bring himself to be embarrassed about wanting pettings apparently.

Anakin of course, was happy to supply, sitting on the floor with a warm wolf head in his lap and a snout pressed to his stomach. ‘I wonder how Padme would react to a werewolf?’ He mused lazily to himself as he dug his fingers through fur.

could you maybe write some QuiObi? maybe that abo au where Obi-wan is blind?? or maybe majorstars? you dont have to

Humming faintly as he tipped his head back, enjoying the warm sunlight streaming in through the window, Obi-Wan wondered how he could get this lucky before deciding that he didn’t care, he was just happy to be in his current situation.

What was his situation?

Well, he was currently sitting lotus style on the meditation mat of Qui-Gon’s quarters with the morning sun streaming in, his son right behind him as he worked with Obi-Wan’s hair.

When the knight had arrived for breakfast as he had been invited to yesterday by Qui-Gon, Anakin had rather shyly requested to braid Obi-Wan’s hair as they waited for the master to finish up making the pancakes they would be having.

Seeing no harm in it, Obi-Wan had readily agreed, not expecting much as he settled down, the smell of pancakes already starting to fill the rooms.

It seemed however that his son must have helped others with long hair in the creche, because he had rather skillfully started brushing out Obi-Wan’s hair first, working the brush carefully to untangle his hair and then part it to make a not too tight braid that hung slightly to the left so it would go over Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

It would come to rest on his collarbone once Anakin tied it off.

The whole treatment was actually making Obi-Wan drowsy once more, not having slept as well as he normally did.

His body going through another hormone cycle unfortunately and he would have to speak with the healers about that once more as the current pills he was on was not helping well to control the flush.

A small click made him open his eyes, letting out a questioning noise as something hit his collarbone, glancing down only to laugh softly at the butterfly clip now resting at the end of the neat braid. “Well then, what’s this Anakin?” He teased, turning his head to look at his son.

Anakin grinned impishly back. “A hairclip,” He chirped before turning a bit shy. “I made it arts and crafts, do you like it?” He questioned with wide eyes, painfully hopeful.

Glancing back down, Obi-Wan reached up to touch the clip, examining it.

It was a metal back, obviously Anakin had made that with Force twisting but the butterfly itself was made out of a soft fabric in a pastel yellow color with black dots painted on. Obi-Wan assumed it had to be a metal skeleton inside so to speak, so it would keep its form.

It was rather well made actually, especially for Anakin’s youth, considering he was only just starting to work with metals in arts.

The butterfly was lovely and Obi-Wan smiled warmly at Anakin, happy that he wouldn’t have to offer his son meaningless platitudes to reassurance but actual, genuine praise. “Its lovely Anakin, you put a lot of thought and work into this, I can tell.” He murmured softly, his smile growing when Anakin’s cheeks grew rosy at the praise.

“Uhu, I noticed you just tied your hair normally, so I wanted to make something for you that looked nice.” He shyly admitted and not for the first time did Obi-Wan wonder if Anakin actually knew, that he had figured him and Qui-Gon out.

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask only for Qui-Gon to call out for them, the pancakes done. “Seems its breakfast time.” He chuckled, trying not to feel disappointed as he got up and helped Anakin up after.

“Pancakes!” Anakin chirped, holding onto Obi-Wan’s hand to lead him to the kitchen, eyes sparkling with delight at the stack waiting for them along with bacon and fruit salad, Qui-Gon having gone all out in the little breakfast foods he knew how to make, the little family that pretended they weren’t one sitting down to eat.

Can we see more Trauma breaks all? More hugs for Obi, please, because boy needs one

When Ahsoka had been assigned to Skyguy, she hadn’t known what to expect.

She had known that Yoda was honestly tricking the two Jedi, that Master Obi-Wan had been the one that expected to gain a padawan and Anakin hadn’t been prepared at all. She knew that things weren’t going to be easy.

But they had figured it out, found a rhythm and she had come to adore both of her masters.

Even if it was unofficial, everyone knew that Obi-Wan was her master almost as much as Anakin was.

And while in the start she had wondered if she’d ever get as close to her masters as Skyguy and master Obi-Wan was…

Well, she had never wished it as much as now as she watched master Obi-Wan slowly make himself a cup of tea, his entire demeanor seeming fatigued and overburdened, as if he had finally hit some invisible wall and could no longer pick himself up. ‘Or maybe… maybe its that he’s not hiding it anymore.’ Ahsoka’s mind piped up.

Both thoughts were depressing and Ahsoka wished she could do something, anything.

Anything but watching her grandmaster standing in the kitchen in his pj’s alone, his hair clearly bed ruffled and his hands shaking despite it being two pm, looking like he had just woken up and was only now getting out of bed.

She knew why of course. Anakin had spoken with her on the list of symptoms Obi-Wan had and she could recognize some of it from her classes.

He had depression at the very least and PTSD and it wouldn’t shock her if he also had anxiety and maybe even a touch of agoraphobia, seeing as Obi-Wan looked nervous anytime anyone spoke about leaving the quarters and even the temple at all.

The latter had actually been Barris who suggested, Ahsoka choosing to vent a bit to her friend on her own worries about master Obi-Wan.

And if Ahsoka was to speak bluntly, it wouldn’t shock her if he was worried about going outside of the temple, considering the war was outside of the temple. He would have to leave it to come face to face with it.

If he stayed in his quarters, then he could… well not ignore it but he wouldn’t have to be face to face with it.

Ahsoka understood that, even as it made her worried about him.

What could she do to help him though?

She wanted to help, but she was just… wait…

Blinking, a thought struck Ahsoka and before she could think too deeply about it, she crossed the floor quickly until she was beside the other, watching him pull his tea infuser out of the cup to place in the sink.

He jumped a bit when he noticed her beside him. “Ahsoka?” He murmured, a tad confused as he glanced to the couch. Obi-Wan hadn’t noticed her come over, clearly focused on his task. “Is there somethi-” Obi-Wan’s words cut off as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her head to his shoulder.

He was stiff in her arms, and she wondered if she had made a mistake, panic growing only to breath out when he suddenly went lax, turning slightly in her grasp to hug her in return. “Just… thought you needed a hug master Obi-Wan.” Ahsoka whispered, deciding to be honest. “You just looked like you could do with a hug.” She peered up at him, noting that she didn’t have to look up as far as she had when she first became a padawan.

To her relief, Obi-Wan’s eyes turned from confused and worn to something softer and even better, a genuine if tiny smile crossed his face. “That so… well then, thank you Ahsoka. A hug is very nice, especially from you, dearest ‘Soka.” He murmured.

Ducking her head and hiding her face against his shoulder, Ahsoka made a low, relieved noise, clinging to the human.

She didn’t think hugs could save him or heal him, but maybe they could help him?

She hoped so.

She really did want to help her grandmaster so if this was all she could do, then she’d hug him every day as long as he wanted it.

Ahsoka would help him get better if it was the last thing she did in this galaxy.

Is it possible to get a cuddle pile with Obi-Wan and the 212th???

Blinking tiredly into his own arms, Obi-Wan tried to remember just how he ended up in his current position, laying on his stomach in one of the rec rooms of the negotiator, a mattress under him cushioning any hardness or coldness from the durasteel floor.

Actually, there were several mattresses around him too, the rec room had been cleared for everything on the floor to make space for the mattresses and Obi-Wan didn’t want to know where they came from.

And on those mattresses?

Troopers, every time he lifted his head from his arms and glanced about, he saw troopers peering sleepily back at him when they felt gazes on them. Then they’d smile at him and go back to their own rest, tucked in close with others.

If Obi-Wan thought hard enough about it, he was pretty certain it was Helix that had dragged him along to the rec room and gone ‘humans thrive on touch, so get in, come on, get in General. Medic’s order.’ if he was remember right.

And he wasn’t quite sure.

But these were the facts he knew, that one, he was in a cleared out rec room with mattresses covering the floor.

Two, there were troopers all around him, cuddling up against him and on him.

And three, this was a regular occurrence for the vode, especially after hard battles.

They’d give each other a pat down, ensure they were healthy or at least healed and then curl in together for comfort and Obi-Wan apparently needed this too in the eyes of his troopers.

Which was why he was covered in troopers.

They had been hesitant when he appeared, wary about touching anything sore or bruised since Obi-Wan had a tendency to avoid the medbay for minor things since he could use the Force for it.

Not that anyone approved but it wasn’t like they could stop him and he did go to Helix for major thing, he couldn’t will away a broken rib or a lacerated back. But for bruises and soreness, Obi-Wan just needed to meditate and flush himself with the Force.

Or well, that was what he told Helix at least. There was a very good reason Obi-Wan had bacta bandages and bruise cream stationed under his bed in his quarters.

Helix didn’t believe him of course but couldn’t call him out on his bullshit either heh, the medic watching him with narrowed eyes every time Obi-Wan said he’d go into a healing trance for the bruises.

However, once everyone had become assured that they wouldn’t cause additional pain or discomfort by touching Obi-Wan, the Jedi had become fair game.

Quickly trooper settled in around him, curling up towards his sides like warm furnaces, Longshot going as far as using the back of Obi-Wan’s left thigh as a pillow, grumbling to himself when Boil and Waxer took over his stomach in turn as their own pillow.

Obi-Wan had just blinked owlishly for a bit until the sense of ease and comfort in the Force made him smile, the way the troopers comfortably settled around him as if he had always belonged right there among the vode.

And when Cody had come to join them, finally handing over command to someone else of the bridge… well Obi-Wan couldn’t help but feel like he actually did belong. ‘…It reminds me of the creche piles,’ Obi-Wan closed his eyes, letting out a soft noise as Cody’s shoulder bumped against his as the other settled down next to him. ‘No blankets, just the warmth of everyone else… comfort, closeness, together…’ His thoughts turning slow from sleep, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smile sleepily as Cody cautiously wrapped an arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulders.

Comfort and warmth, soft breaths all around the room with the occasional snores in a dimmed room.

‘I could get used to this…’

I know you probably have a couple of asks like this but, I need another episode of MerSong!! Whether a tearful reunion, or Obi hating Jango because he left, I want it all!!!!! Also I’ve been reading your stuff for a while now, and I love it!!!!

“He’s late,” Jango paused at the tart words, peering up from his blade sharpening to give his boy attention. Cody flickered his tail, arms crossed over his chest as he stared down his father. “Anakin. He’s late, he should have been here an hour ago already.” He clarified, as if Jango didn’t know who he was talking about.

Cody and Rex, his twin, was the oldest of Jango’s pups that had stayed in the pod.

They were also his second in command basically, the two were capable, smart and would most likely become clan head when Jango one day either became too old to lead or died.

Which lead to the two being very aware of everything happening in their pod.

Shifting a bit, stretching his tail, Jango nodded. “I am aware Cod’ika,” He murmured, inwardly chuckling at Cody’s little grimace at the nickname. “However, I’m not surprised.” Jango continued sharpening his blade slowly.

Cody hesitated but slowly settled down on the sand outside their cave too, watching him. “Father?”

The hesitant, questioning tone had Jango chuckling faintly. “Look, Anakin has a pod, he’s safe with us and the omega is clearly interested in Ani pup if he’s lingering. However, he’s also alone,” Jango glanced at him, seeing dawning comprehension in Cody’s eyes. “Anakin has to convince the omega he’s going to be safe with us. For all this other mer knows, Anakin could be leading him on only to bring him to a cannibalistic den.”

Cody grimaced heavily but slowly nodded, glancing back over the kelp fields. “So you think its taking time cause the omega is frightened?” He asked, rubbing his gills thoughtfully.

Pride echoed in Jango’s chest.

He liked it when his children asked questions, tried to expand their understanding and to have Cody or Rex, two of his oldest willing to still ask questions… well, it warmed his heart. He didn’t say that however, simply nodded. “Frightened or potentially just cautious. Its not a bad thing, even if we’re concerned about our pod mate, but a smart mer knows not to simply swim into a black maw after all.” He hummed.

Cody only hummed in agreement at that, letting Jango go back to sharpening his tool.

If Jango was honest… he had hoped Anakin would shack up with one of his pups. He was quite aware that inbreeding was a dangerous thing and that some of his boys had paired up but hopefully, that wouldn’t be too damaging for future pups of such a pairing. Hopefully, the rest of his pups would find other mates from elsewhere.

‘Not that Echo will be having any pups ever…’ Jango thought bitterly, glancing to where Fives and Echo were shell hunting, the former’s tail moving awkwardly as always.

The humans had damaged Echo far too much for that, the fact that Echo survived at all…

Well, Jango wasn’t about to get in the way of any remaining happiness Echo would have, everyone was worried about his survival chances as it was and Jango’s heart bleed to consider Echo having the same life span as Boba, his youngest.

Echo was their most at risk member, his swimming ability hampered even as he found ways around everything else with his damaged tail.

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed when Cody finally shifted, Jango glancing up to find his son focused on the kelp forest.

Glancing, Jango snorted as he heard Ani pup’s gleeful barks, the other announcing his progress. “There he is, he sounds fine, you can relax Cody.” Jango murmured, flickering his tail and rising too.

He had to admit, he was curious about this new omega, from what Anakin said, the other wasn’t from around here at all.

Too pale, too plush for a warm water native mer.

Anakin came out of the kelp first, beaming up at them before turning around and pulling another out of the kelp.

Copper red hair shone in the sun with glimmering silver scales, the flare of purple biolumiscent.

The mer swimming towards them with Anakin, a weaved seaweed bag over his shoulder was too damn familiar and Jango hadn’t actually forgotten where he had come from.

Or who he had left behind. “…Obi-Wan?” Jango muttered to himself, ignoring the sharp look from Cody at his side. There was no mistaking those colors, especially when the two came closer, shock and recognition crossing the other mer’s face.

The beard the other had gained in the years apart could never actually hide away Obi-Wan’s pretty features and Jango rushed forward before he could think, chirping and calling out to an old pod mate.

Obi-Wan chirped back, rushing past Anakin with delight as the two crashed together in a tight hug. “Jango!”

Jango had so many questions but right now, he ignored them as he instead wrapped the other in a tight hug, rocking slightly in the water as the cold water mer in his arms kept making chirpy, happy noises, feeling like he was barely twenty five and looking into glowing green eyes.